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Energy, Mineral &
Land Resources
May 25, 2017
CERTIFIED MAIL #7013 2630 0002 0760 7288
Gary Mercer, President
Mercer Building and Design, Inc.
106-C Professional Park Drive
Beaufort, NC 28516
Subject: Notice of File Review Inspection — Request for Additional Information
Old Beaufort Village Phase V
State Stormwater Management Permit Nos. SW8 050108
Low Density Curb Outlet Swale Project
Carteret County
Dear Mr. Mercer:
On August 11, 2016, the Wilmington Regional Office of the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land
Resources (DEMLR) inspected Old Beaufort Village Phase V located off Professional Park Drive at
Tradd Street, in Beaufort, Carteret County, to determine the status of compliance with the State
Stormwater Management Permits SW8 050108 issued to you on January 25, 2005. DEMLR file review
and site inspection revealed that the project is not in compliance with the permit requirements. The
Division notified you via letter dated September 1, 2016, of the deficiencies. No response to that letter
has been received, therefore, the Division is resending the letter and the inspection report via certified
As indicated in the attached inspection report dated August 11, 2016, the following information must be
1. Schedule of Compliance II.7 - The permittee must certify that the project's stormwater controls
(the curb outlet swales) and built -upon areas (lots, streets, and sidewalks) have been constructed
within substantial intent of the approved plans and specs.
2. Schedule of Compliance II.10, I1.12 and H.14 — The permittee shall record deed restrictions prior
to the sale of any lot. The permittee shall record the statements found in Schedule of Compliance
Condition II.12(a)-(1) of the permit. The permittee shall submit a copy of the recorded deed
restrictions to the Division within 30 days of recording. To date, the permittee has not submitted
a copy of the recorded deed restrictions.
3. General Condition IH.8 - The permittee shall notify the Division of any name, ownership or
mailing address changes within 30 days. The permittee changed their mailing address in 2006,
and merged the original permittee development company, Mercer Building Company with
Mercer Building and Design, Inc„ in 2011, but did not notify the Division of these changes.
Please submit a Permit Update form to update the merged company name and mailing address.
4. General Condition EE1.5 - The permit is not transferrable to any person or entity except after
notice to and approval by the Director. If you want to transfer this permit to the HOA, you must
submit a formal rcquest to the Division along with any required fee, supporting documentation as
per SL 2011-256 and the appropriately completed and signed Name/Ownership Change Form.
State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality 1 Energy, Mineral and Land Resources
Wilmington Regional Office 1 127 Cardinal Drive Extension I Wilmington, NC 28405
410 7967215
State Stormwater Permit No. SW8 050108
Page 2 of 2 `
Please be reminded that it is your responsibility as the penilittee of record to notify the Division in the
event of an ownership change by submitting a completed and signed Permit Transfer Request form to the
Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources 30-60 calendar days prior to making any of the below
listed changes. These forms are available on our website at: htt s://deg.nc.gov/about/divisions/energy-
m ineral-land-resources/energy-m inera l-land-rules/stonmwater-pro gram/post-constructioil
a. An ownership change including the sale or conveyance of the permitted project area in whole or
in part, except for individual lot conveyances which are made subject to the recorded deed
restrictions as listed in the permit;
b. The sale or conveyance of the common areas to a Homeowner's or Property Owner's
Association, subject to the requirements of Session Law 2011-256;
c. Foreclosure proceedings or filing for bankruptcy;
d. Dissolution of the partnership or corporate entity. Per NCGS 57D-6-07, a dissolved LLC shall
wind up, which may include continuing the business of the LLC for a period of time. The LLC's
assets [which include the stormwater management permit] shall be distributed and the liabilities
shall be discharged, as provided in NCGS 57D-6-08(2).
e. A name change of the owner / permittee;
f. A name change of the project;
g. A mailing address change of the permittee;
Please be advised that until you submit the required form to the Division and receive approval from the
Division to transfer the permit, you are required to comply with the terms, conditions and limitations of
the Stormwater Management Permit issued under Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code
02H .1000 and North Carolina General Statute 143-214.7, including the operation and maintenance of the
permitted stormwater system.
The required actions and documents which are needed to transfer a permit from the original permittee to
the HOA or POA where the subdivision was created under and made subject to the requirements of the
Planned Community Act, are listed in NCGS 143-214.7 (c2).
Failure to provide the requested information, or to respond to this letter with a plan of action, including a
timeline to resolve the identified deficiencies, by June 25, 2017, are considered violations of the permit.
If the requested information is not submitted to this office by the due date, then DEMLR staff will re-
inspect the site and may issue a Notice of Violation. Please also note that any individual or entity found
to be in noncompliance with the provisions of a stormwater management permit or the stormwater rules is
subject to enforcement action as set forth in NCGS 143 Article 21.
If you have any questions, please contact me at the Wilmington Regional Office, telephone number (910)-
796-7215 or via email at linda.lewis(a-),ncdenr.2ov.
Linda Lewis, E.I.
Environmental Engineer III
Eric: Compliance Inspection Report
Z'GDS\arl: G:\\\Stormwater\Permits & Projects\2005\050108 LD\2017 05 CEI addinfo 050108
cc: Ron Cullipher, P.E., Stroud Engineering (Morehead City Office)
William H. Martin, 307 Franklin Street, Beaufort, 28516
Georgette Scott, Wilmington Regional Office Stormwater Supervisor
WiRO Stormwater Permit File
State of North Carolina I L•nvironmental Qualfty 1 Eneiggy, Mineral and Land Resources
Wilmington Rc{,;`onal Ui l ice 1 127 Ordinal Drive Extension I VVilmington, NC 28405
9'10 796 7215
Compliance Inspection Report
Permit SW8050108 Effective:01/25/05 Expiration:
Project: Old Beaufort Village -Phase V
Owner: Mercer Building Company Inc
County: Carteret Adress: Professional Park Dr
Region: Wilmington
City/State/Zip: Beaufort NC 28516
Contact Person: Gary A Mercer Title: President Phone: 252-728-6636
Directions to Project:
From the intersection of Hwy 70 & Hwy 101, take 70 East approx 1 mile, turn left on Professional Park Drive, project is at the end
on the north side of the street
Type of Project: State Stormwater - LD - Curb and Gutter
Drain Areas: 1 - (Gable Creek) (03-05-03) ( SA;HQW)
On -Site Representative(s):
Related Permits:
SW8000112 Mercer Building Company Inc- Old Beaufort Village Phases I -IV
Inspection Date: 08/11/2016 Entry Time: 03:OOPM Exit Time: 03:45PM
Primary Inspector: Brian P Lambe Phone:
Secondary Inspector(s):
Reason for Inspection: Complaint Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation
Permit Inspection Type: State Stormwater
Facility Status: ❑ Compliant Not Compliant
Question Areas:
State Stormwater
(See attachment summary)
page: 1
Permit: SW8050108 Owner - Project: Mercer Building Company Inc
Inspection Date: 08/11/2016 Inspection Type Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Complaint
Inspection Summary:
The project was inspected due to a flooding complaint regarding the adjacent subdivision, which is Phases I -IV of Olde
Beaufort Village under SW8 000112. Phase V of Old Beaufort Billage could not be found in compliance due to the
1. A lack of recorded deed restrictions for the lots;
2 A lack of a certification from the permittee that the project's stormwater controls (i.e , the curb outlet swales) and
built -upon areas are in compliance with the approved plans and specs;
3. The lack of notification regarding the owner name change due to the corporate merger and the mailing address
4. The permit remains in the name of Mercer Building Corporation and has not been transferred to the HOA
page: 2
Permit: SW8050108 Owner - Project: Mercer Building Company Inc
Inspection Date: 08/11/2016 Inspection Type Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Complaint
File Review Yes No NA NE
Is the permit active? ❑ . ❑ ❑ ❑
Signed copy of the Engineer's certification is in the file?
Signed copy of the Operation & Maintenance Agreement is in the file?
Copy of the recorded deed restrictions is in the file? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
Comment: 1. The permittee has not submitted a copy of the recorded deed restrictions It is unknown if the deed
restrictions were recorded or if they contain all of the required statements from the permit
Built Upon Area
Is the site BUA constructed as per the permit and approval plans?
Is the drainage area as per the permit and approved plans?
Yes No NA NE
❑ ❑ ❑ 1
Is the BUA (as permitted) graded such that the runoff drains to the system? 9 ❑ ❑ ❑
Comment: 2. The permittee will need to verify that no lot has exceeded its maximum QUA limit as specified in the
SW Measures
Are the SW measures constructed as per the approved plans?
Are the inlets located per the approved plans?
Are the outlet structures located per the approved plans?
Operation and Maintenance
Are the SW measures being maintained and operated as per the permit requirements?
Are the SW BMP inspection and maintenance records complete and available for review or provided to
DWQ upon request?
Yes No NA NE
0 ❑ ❑ ❑
L. J ❑ ❑ ❑
Yes No NA NE
10 ❑ ❑ ❑
Other Permit Conditions Yes No NA NE
Is the site compliant with other conditions of the permit? ❑ ID ❑ ❑
Comment: 3. The permittee has not certified that the proiect's stormwater controls and impervious areas have been
constructed within substantial compliance of the approved plans and specifications
4. The permittee changed thier mailing address in 2006 and merged their corporation with Mercer
Building & Design Inc Borh of these changes required that the permittee ndfify the Division
5. If the subdivision meets the requirements of SL 2011-256 the permittee should initiate a request to
transfer the permit to the HOA, once all of the compliance issues have been addressed
page: 3
Depa tMa;t of Bnvnro� and Natural Resom=
127 Cardai Drm Rommm
Wigton, North Carallua 28405
(910) 796 7215
NA YM 13 1 nl
Gmrielx = farAwess: The staff of WM64 on Re&W Me is dedicated to making public retards in
ovr custodyre 4 avaZ61al to tho pub& forreview and oo"fn& We also lava tbAresp%dik to 1ho
pablic to safeguard these records and to cagy oat: our day -today program. 6Wow- Phase read
Gay-MlytheWowingguide&M sipfngthe fator.:
Do to to lTegepublie d nd for fife accm, n rK=tih4you wl at Iowa clay an
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Cost per cagy is $.05 cents. PnYMM—t may Tie �e b-V check money -Order, or cask at the
re lion desk flnfes totaling 00 or mare 2a be iuokecl for mum eonyaieuee.
4- MM MM BE EMTIN 2RM YOU MM 'ilk£ `FIIes mayziotbe %kw from
&e of, - To r vo� alters de&ae, mnffle, or destroy material in one of these Ma is a.
man aF for vah%ch you can he fined up to $500.00. No l76fr sea for a;� toles, at. are -
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