HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100123 Ver 3_Pre-Filing Information_20211005From: Wiesner, Paul
To: Haywood. Casey M CIV (USAI; Kim Browning; Davis. Erin B; Tuawell. Todd J CIV USARMY CESAW (US)
Cc: Reid, Matthew; Allen, Melonie; Phillips, Kelly D
Subject: IRT Site Visit Request: Neighbors Br./Walton Crawley Br. (DMS#92872) - (SAW-2009-917) (DWR#20100123) - Catawba 03050101 (McDowell County)
Date: Monday, February 22, 2021 11:02:22 AM
Attachments: imaae001.im
Neiahbors 92872 MY5 (2020) CCPV.PDF
WaltonCrawlev 92872 MY5 (2020) CCPV.PDF
Casey, Kim, Erin and Todd;
DIMS would like to request a site visit for the Neighbors Br./Walton Crawley Br. stream and wetland Site in McDowell County. This is a non -instrument DBB
project that was instituted in August 2008. The site is a S year stream/wetland monitoring site that was scheduled for closeout in 2021. DIMS has removed the
project from the closeout list and will not propose the site for closeout this year. DIMS conducted a pre -closeout site visit on February 9, 2021 and discovered
several areas needing repair following storm events occurring this fall/winter.
DIMS requests IRT input regarding several repair areas; some of which are in ephemeral non credited reaches, a review of existing stream/wetland assets on the
site, and property challenges DIMS has been working through with the land owners. The project is a pre -instrument site instituted in 2008. As a result, the IRT
has not seen this project. As DIMS moves forward with assigning a Designer for repair work, we would appreciate IRT comments so concerns can be addressed
and the site can have a clear path towards project close out.
Project information is as follows:
Neighbors Br./ Walton Crawley Br.
DIMS Project # 92872
Institution Date: 8/1S/2008
Pre — Instrument: DIMS Design -Bid -Build (DBB)
Catawba River Basin
Cataloging Unit 030SO101
McDowell County, North Carolina
USACE Action ID: SAW- 2009-917
D W R#: 20100123
Proposed Mitigation Project Credits:
3,963.667 SMUs (Warm)
1.588 WMUs (Riparian)
Site travel time from Raleigh, NC: 3.5 hours (3S.6S8944,-81.907088)
Site visit time required: 3.0 hours
NCDEQ- DIMS Project Manager: Matthew Reid, matthew.reidCa)ncdenr.gov, (828) 231-7912
Attached are georeferenced maps of the site. A link to the MYS (2020) monitoring report is below:
Neighbors_ 92872_MYS_2020. pdf
https://ncconnect. sharepoi nt.com/sites/IRT-DMS/M isc% 20 Docu ments/Forms/AI I I tems.asp_x?
id=%2 Fsites%2 FI RT%2 D DMS%2 FM isc%20 Documents%2 FNeighbors%5 F92872%5 F MY5%5 F2020%2 E pdf&pa rent=%2 Fsites%2 F I RT9/82 D D MS%2 F M isc%20 Documents
The site visit can be completed as a long one day trip or an overnight based on the IRT's preference.
Please let us know available dates for an IRT site visit and if you prefer a single day trip or overnight. I will set up a schedule accordingly.
Paul Wiesner
Western Regional Supervisor
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Division of Mitigation Services
828-273-1673 Mobile
pa ul.wiesner(@ncden r.gov
Western DMS Field Office
5 Ravenscroft Drive
Suite 102
Asheville, N.C. 28801
Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the
North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.