HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-09-17_A-0010A_Merger Process Screening Meeting - Final SummaryMEETING SUMMARY NNW To: Meeting Attendees Jennifer Harris ( NCDOT— Project Development) Kevin Moore ( NCDOT— Roadway Design) Kristina Solberg ( NCDOT— Division 13) From: Mark Pierce (URS Corporation) Date: September 17, 2013 RE: Merger Process Screening Meeting (8/22/2013) US 19/23 (Future 1 -26) Improvements Project, Asheville and Buncombe County, NC North Carolina Department of Transportation Project No. A -0010A A meeting was held on August 22, 2013 at 10:15 a.m. at the NCDOT Century Center in Raleigh. The following individuals attended the meeting: Zahid Baloch Mitch Batuzich Lori Beckwith Charlie Benton Erin Cheely John Conforti Carla Dagnino Amy Euliss Paul Himberger Mark Hussey Mark Pierce Rick Tipton NCDOT Project Development Federal Highway Administration U.S. Army Corps of Engineers URS Corporation NCDOT— Natural Environment NCDOT Project Development NCDOT— Natural Environment N.C. Division of Water Resources URS Corporation NCDOT — Roadway Design URS Corporation NCDOT — Division 13 Topics Discussed Everyone reviewed and was familiar with the meeting packet that was e- mailed to all invitees on August 8, 2013. The Merger Process Co- Chairs had open discussions regarding the following topics related to the Screening Process: • Purpose of Meeting • Cultural Resources • Minority and Low - Income Populations • Primary Needs for and Purposes of the Project • Level of Service D • Stream Impacts • Existing Roadway and Traffic Conditions • Regional Traffic Study A- 0010A: US 19123 (Future 1 -26) Improvements Project Summary of Merger Process Screening Meeting on August 22, 2013 September 17, 2013 Page 2 of 5 • Logical Termini & Independent Utility • Merger Screening Decision • Action Items Purpose of Meeting The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the potential impacts related to the draft study area for the US 19/23 Improvements Project, and whether those impacts necessitate following the Section 404 / NEPA Interagency Merger Process. Cultural Resources There are two historic resources located within the Study Area, the Zebulon H. Baird House (a resource that is listed on the National Register of Historic Places), and the Log Cabin Motor Court (a resource that is study - listed for the National Register of Historic Places). It was agreed that potential impacts to these resources should be evaluated with respect to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and Section 4(f) of the Department of Transportation Act of 1966 through coordination with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the State Historic Preservation Office during the project development and design phases. At this point, we are not aware of any archaeological resources in the project study area. Minority and Low - Income Populations Minority populations exist throughout the project corridor. Additionally, a Ukrainian Population has been identified in the North Point Commons Apartment Complex just outside of the project study area that may require additional outreach. FHWA asked whether there is an issue of limited English proficiency with the Ukrainian Population and whether it is a "protected population" under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This is an issue that will need to be studied as the project continues to develop and will be incorporated into the Public Involvement Plan and the environmental justice section in the environmental document, if applicable. Low - income populations are generally concentrated in the towns of Woodfin and Weaverville, and in mobile home parks in the southern portion of this project, closer to existing US 19/23. According to the demographic analysis and field visit observations, the population tends to become more affluent further away from the project study area. Primary Needs for and Purooses of the Proiect The primary needs for the proposed action include capacity deficiencies, functionally - obsolete and /or structurally- deficient bridges, and deterioration or failure of existing pavement. The primary purposes of the proposed action include addressing potential capacity deficiencies, evaluation of the bridges to determine which need rehabilitation or replacement, and evaluation of the limits of pavement to be reconstructed. All proposed improvements including pavement reconstruction, bridge improvements or replacements, and lane additions will be designed in accordance with current interstate standards since this section of US 19/23 is considered part of the 1 -26 Corridor. Based upon the proposed replacement of bridges and pavement, the purpose may include A- 0010A: US 19123 (Future 1 -26) Improvements Project Summary of Merger Process Screening Meeting on August 22, 2013 September 17, 2013 Page 3 of 5 a safety component. It was agreed that the purpose and need would be further refined as the project continues to develop. Level of Service D FHWA indicated that a Level of Service D would be required for this new interstate project and that the design options and traffic operations analysis should reflect this requirement. Stream Impacts Concern was expressed about the estimated 19,000 linear feet of stream impacts. It should be noted that the estimated impacts were based upon study area limits extending 200 feet from the center of each travel lane along US 19/23, and 500 feet along each intersecting road from the center of the interchanges. It should also be noted that several of the estimated stream impacts were based upon parallel crossings. After the preliminary highway design plans are prepared, the estimated impacts will be updated and presented for review and discussion. Existing Roadway and Traffic Conditions NCDOT Division 13 noted that this highway was constructed in the 1960's. Division 13 also noted that this project will include a full -depth pavement reconstruction, bridges that will be identified for replacement or rehabilitation, and adding lanes. The Merger Co- Chairs continued their discussion and focused next on existing traffic conditions in the project study area. USACE offered first -hand observations about accidents at the New Stock Road Interchange (Exit 21), due in part to the way that traffic merges and seems to bottleneck at that location. Division 13 added that a high volume of traffic collects at the New Stock Road exit because it is so close to the US 19/23 business route going into Weaverville. USACE added that traffic from 1 -240 onto US 19/23 backs up from the Smokey Park Bridge over the French Broad River, thus causing congestion along US 19/23. Division 13 acknowledged those observations and added that they have observed heavy peak -hour volumes at various locations along US 19/23. NCDOT has completed and approved the Traffic Forecast. URS has completed a draft version of the Traffic Technical Memorandum. After completion of URS' internal review, the memorandum will be submitted to NCDOT Congestion Management for review and comment, and used to develop the design options for detailed study. USACE inquired as to whether all interchanges would be evaluated as part of this project. It was explained that the interchanges would be evaluated from both traffic operations and design perspectives. A- 0010A: US 19123 (Future 1 -26) Improvements Project Summary of Merger Process Screening Meeting on August 22, 2013 September 17, 2013 Page 4 of 5 Regional Traffic Study A regional traffic study will be conducted to coordinate the traffic operations analysis for all of the Asheville projects. It was agreed that this is a complicated area that will require a regional approach that will be used in sequencing decisions. FWHA inquired about the status of the Regional Traffic Study. Logical Termini & Independent Utility The Co- Chairs began a discussion regarding the influences of the 1 -26 Connector Project (1 -2513) and this A -0010A Project on each other, with respect to permitting. 1 -2513 is a widening project with one of its three sections on new location. A -0010A is a widening and improvements project. Each project has a different purpose and need, and logical termini and independent utility. USACE requested that the environmental document provide a good discussion on independent utility. Merger Screening Decision USACE recommended that the project follow the Merger Process because it includes impacts to jurisdictional streams, historic properties that will need to be addressed through Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and Section 4(f) of the Department of Transportation Act of 1966, and potential environmental justice issues since low- income and minority populations exist within the project area. After discussion of those and other project issues, the Merger Process Co- Chairs concurred that the project should follow the Merger Process, with the option to remove the project from the Merger Process if the impacts can be reduced enough to warrant such consideration. The Co- Chairs also discussed combining merger points since this is a widening project. NCDOT is anticipating conducting a combined meeting for External Scoping, CP1, and CP2 in December 2013. Comments on & Corrections to Merger Screening Packet The Merger Screening Packet was e- mailed to all meeting invitees on August 8, 2013. NCDOT Natural Environment provided the following comments on and corrections to the packet via an e -mail from Ms. Erin Cheely to URS on August 21, 2013. Ms. Cheely mentioned that her comments were not critical for the screening meeting, and, therefore, were not presented during the meeting. It was mentioned on Page 4 that Reems Creek and Flat Creek are on the Clean Water Act Section 303(d) List of Impaired Waters. These streams are not on the 303(d) List, but rather are included in the integrated report for good and good -fair biological integrity. However, it should be mentioned that the French Broad River, which is located within 1 mile west of the project, is listed on the 303(d) List as impaired for turbidity. Flat Creek should be listed as Class C Waters rather than Class C;Tr. Reems Creek is Class C Waters west of the US 23 bridge and Class C;Tr east of the bridge to its source. Ivy Creek (River) is not within the project study area, but it is within 1 mile of the study area. It is classified as WS -11; HQW rather than an ORW or a NCDWQ trout stream. The WS -11 Water Supply Watershed, of which Ivy Creek is a part, does extend into the northern section of the project limits. A- 001OA: US 19123 (Future 1 -26) Improvements Project Summary of Merger Process Screening Meeting on August 22, 2013 September 17, 2013 Page 5 of 5 Action Items 1. FHWA asked whether there is an issue of limited English proficiency with the Ukrainian Population and whether it is a "protected population" under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. URS will research this issue for presentation in the Public Involvement Plan and other environmental documents. 2. Since this meeting was conducted, Citizens Informational Workshop #1 has been scheduled from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. on September 24, 2013 at the Woodfin Elementary School. The school is located at 108 Elk Mountain Road, Asheville, 28803. 3. FWHA inquired about the status of the Regional Traffic Study. URS will provide an update to the Merger Team when details become available. 4. USACE requested that the environmental document provide a good discussion on independent utility. Im