HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040243 Ver 1_Monitoring Report Year 5_20101115oq-N43 WHITELACE CREEK STREAM ENHANCEMENT AND WETLAND RESTORATION SITE MONITORING REPORT (YEAR 5 OF 5) Lenoir County, North Carolina EEP Project No. 420 Prepared for: North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 -1652 r- �.- I Ecosystem PROGRAM Status of Plan: Final Submission Date: November 2010 RECEIVED NO _ 2010 lc�y ivc /1'V GEAQr �,4 4 Monitoring Firm: l i Stantec Stantec Consulting Services Inc 801 Jones Franklin Road, Suite 300 Raleigh, NC 27608 Table of Contents 10 Executive Summary 20 Methodology 2 1 Vegetation Assessment 22 Stream Assessment 23 Wetland Assessment 3 0 References Project Condition and Monitoring Data Appendices Appendix A General Figures and Plan Views Figure 1 — Location Map Figure 2 — Consolidated Current Condition Plan View Appendix B General Project Tables Table I — Project Restoration Components Table 2 — Project History and Reporting Activity Table 3 — Project Contacts Table Table 4 — Project Background Table 4 7 9 11 11 12 13 Appendix C Vegetation Assessment Data Table 5 — Vegetation Plot Mitigation Success Summary Table 15 Photos — Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos 16 Table 6 — Vegetation Metadata Table 21 Table 7 — Stem Count Total and Planted by Plot and Species 23 Vegetation Problem Area Photos (electronic submission only) Vegetation Problem Area Inventory Table (electronic submission only) Appendix D Stream Assessment Data Photos — Stream Station Photos 25 Appendix E Wetland Assessment Data Figures — Water Level and Precipitation Plots 27 Table 10 — Wetland Hydrology Criteria Attainment 38 Whitelace Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Project Page i Stantec — Monitoring Year 5 of 5 — Final November 2010 1.0 Executive Summary The North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) enhanced 5,901 linear feet of the Whitelace Creek stream channel located west of Kinston, in Lenoir County, North Carolina Additionally, 7 7 and 13 0 acres of wetland area were restored and enhanced, respectively The site construction was completed in August of 2005, and planting occurred in March of 2006 This report provides the monitoring information for year five (5) of the stream enhancement and wetland restoration project Previous dredging and straightening of Whitelace Creek had lowered the streambed elevation, thereby causing a reduction in the acreage of riverine wetlands due to a lowered water table Restoration and enhancement objectives for this project included the restoration of historic stream and wetland functions that existed on -site prior to dredging and vegetation removal Site alterations at Whitelace Creek included the excavation or reestablishment of the floodplain and in -situ stream channel modification to the existing stream The goals of these activities are as follows • to introduce surface water flood hydrodynamics from a 10 1 square mile watershed along the restored length of stream and floodplain • to restore wetland hydrology • to reforest the site with streamside and riparian forest communities Vegetative monitoring was performed using the Carolina Vegetation Survey Level 2 methodology on 9 of the original 15 plots, as requested by NCEEP Monitoring revealed that only 3 of the 9 plots (33 %) met the 5 -year vegetative success criteria of 260 planted stems or greater per acre There are a number of issues causing the failure of the remaining 6 plots Excessive beaver activity has affected many of the planted trees in vegetation plots, in fact, as was the case last year vegetation plot 11 has zero planted stems remaining as a result of beavers Additionally, planted trees have been damaged by deer browsing, flooding, and vine strangulation in some of the vegetation plots It should be noted that vigorous woody volunteer recruitment (especially Betula nigra) was observed in the upper section of the reach near Vegetation Plots 1 and 2 This will contribute to meeting success criteria for riverine wetlands but will not count toward riparian buffer success Supplemental planting should be undertaken onsite to ensure vegetative success Overall, the mayor issues on the site include localized flooding and foraging caused by beaver activity The three downstream dams were removed on May 7, 2010 As of the monitoring visit on September 22, 2010 beavers had not rebuilt any dams in the lower half of the project However, the partial dam (labeled as Dam 4 in MY4) is now much larger and is causing significant flooding on the upstream end of the site The beaver lodge is still located approximately 20 feet from Vegetation Plot 11, although this area is no longer flooded The beavers should be removed to allow the hydrology of the site to return to conditions outlined in the restoration plan Beaver activity is likely to continue, therefore, areas of the site currently exhibiting weak planted species survival should be replanted with trees of appropriate species and size to withstand periodic inundation Whitelace Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Project Page 1 Stantec — Monitoring Year 5 of 5 —Final November 2010 Other problems continue to include the presence of invasive or exotic species such as Typha lat folia and Murdannia keisak, and Lespedeza cuneata Existing areas of Typha are located in small pockets along the middle to lower end of the project with the densest areas at the downstream end of the site Further downstream (offsite) large communities of Typha are present in the swamp which will make long term eradication of this species within the project site difficult Currently Typha does not appear to be negatively impacting the planted woody vegetation Lespedeza is present along the drier slopes near Vegetation Plots 1 and 2 and does not appear to be spreading into the floodplain Since flooding has been reduced in the downstream end of the site due to removal of the beaver dams, Murdannia has expanded to include a fairly large area in and around Veg Plot 11 A few small areas were noted around the former beaver dam near the gate The Typha, Murdannia, and Lespedeza will continue to be observed throughout the monitoring period to ensure they do not negatively affect the growth and survival of planted species On September 22, 2010 the Year 5 monitoring survey was completed for the vegetation at the Whitelace Creek project site As in previous years, a general assessment of stream stability was conducted Results were the same as in the past in that the stream is stable and is well connected to the floodplain Stream channels bars are still present which could lead to lateral migration and bank instability, however, migration and instability were not observed during current monitoring As discussed above, beavers continue to be active on site Photos of current beaver activity in the stream channel and adjacent floodplain are included in the Vegetation Problem Area Photos All of the checks of the crest gauge indicated that the stream was either above bankfull at the time of the visit or had recently been at that level Groundwater data collected through November of 2010 was used to assess the compliance of the site with wetland hydrology criteria Seven groundwater monitoring gauges are currently active on the project site A site is considered to meet the requirements for wetland hydrology if the groundwater level is within 12 inches of the ground surface for 12 5% of the growing season consecutively All 7 of the gauges met the criteria during the growing season of 2010 Three reference gauges are also currently active All three of the reference gauges met the success criteria in 2010 The groundwater level data continues to show that the restoration site exhibits longer hydroperiods than the reference site While the reference wetlands should serve as an accurate hydrologic model for the restored site, the riverme reference wetlands seem to have a different hydrologic regime than the riverme wetlands onsrte Factors such as floodplain elevation, beaver activity, floodplam width, evapotranspiration and others may contribute to the differences Summary information/data related to the occurrence of items such as beaver or encroachment, and statistics related to performance of various project and monitoring elements can be found in the tables and figures in the report appendices Narrative background and supporting information formerly found in these reports can be found in the mitigation and restoration plan documents available on ESP's website All raw data supporting the tables and figures in the appendices is available from EEP upon request Whitelace Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Project Page 2 Stantec — Monitoring Year 5 of 5 —Final November 2010 2.0 Methodology 2.1 VEGETATION ASSESSMENT Fifteen vegetative sample plots were quantitatively monitored during the first growing season Species composition, density, and survival were monitored during Year 0 and Year 1 The number of plots was reduced to nine for monitoring in the second year, as requested by NCEEP These plots include the original plots named VP1, VP2, VP4, VP6, VP8, VP9, VP11, VP14, and VP15 The Carolina Vegetation Survey (CVS) methodology Version2 2 7 was utilized for vegetative monitoring in Years 2, 3, 4, & 5 Level 2 (planted and natural stems) methodology was completed on all monitored plots As per the mitigation plan, the vegetative success criteria are based on the US Army Corps of Engineers Stream Mitigation Guidelines (USAGE, 2003) The final vegetative success criteria is the survival of 260 5 -year old planted woody stems per acre at the end of the Year 5 monitoring period An interim measure of vegetation planting success was the survival of at least 320 3 -year old planted woody stems per acre at the end of year 3 of the monitoring period A ten percent mortality rate was accepted in year four (288 stems /acre) and another ten percent in year five resulting in a required survival rate of 260 trees /acre through year five The Year 5 stem counts within each of the nine vegetative monitoring plots are included in Exhibit Table 7 in Appendix C Photos of the vegetative monitoring plots are also included in Appendix C 2.2 STREAM ASSESSMENT Changes in stream profile and pattern were not included in the stream enhancement project for Whitelace Creek As such, cross - section and longitudinal profile surveys and pebble counts were not performed for the Year 5 monitoring, as directed by NCEEP However, a general assessment of stream stability and problem areas was performed during field reconnaissance 2.3 WETLAND ASSESSMENT A site is considered to meet the requirements for wetland hydrology if the groundwater saturation is within 12 inches of the ground surface consecutively for 12 5% of the growing season (30 Days) The growing season in this area is from March 18''' to November 8"' for a total of 234 days (MRCS 2002) Seven groundwater monitoring gauges are currently active on the project site Data from these gauges were collected and analyzed to assess their success Three reference gauges are located northwest of the project site Reference gauges 1 & 2 are located near the intersection of Sutton Road with Moseley Creek Reference gauge 3 is located between Hillcrest Road and Moseley Creek, approximately 5500 feet north of Route 70 Please refer to the project Vicinity Map (Figure 1) in Appendix A for locations of the reference groundwater monitoring gauges Graphs of precipitation and water level plots are included in Appendix E Whrtelace Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Project Page 3 Stantec — Monitoring Year 5 of 5 —Final November 2010 3.0 References Lee, Michael T, R K Peet, S D Roberts, and T R Wentworth 2008 CVS -EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation, Version 4 2 (http / /cvs bio unc edu/methods htm) NC CRONOS 2010 NC CRONOS Database — Cunningham Research Station (KINS) North Carolina State University State, Climate Office of North Carolina http / /www nc- climate ncsu edu /cronos NCEEP 2009 Revised Table of Contents for 2009 Monitoring Report Submissions North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Ecosystem Enhancement Program Raleigh, NC Version 12 1 June 1, 2009 NRCS 2002 WETS Table for Lenoir County, NC Natural Resource Conservation Service, National Water and Climate Center USACE, EPA, NCWRC, NCDWQ 2003 Stream Mitigation Guidelines Weakley, Alan S 2007 Flora of the Carolinas, Virginia, Georgia, and surrounding areas University of North Carolina Herbarium Chapel Hill, NC Working draft as of January 11, 2007 Whitelace Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Project Page 4 Stantec — Monitoring Year 5 of 5 —Final November 2010 I- i Project Condition and Monitoring Data Appendices APPENDIX A. GENERAL FIGURES AND PLAN VIEWS Whrtelace Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Project Stantec — Monitoring Year 5 of 5 —Final Page 5 November 2010 Whitelace Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Project Page 6 Stantec — Monitoring Year 5 of 5 —Final November 2010 A.. F �. �.d i/ 'v _..:_ ,.. /. .\ _ '.•.!."�.•• - 't::. `.' • �. _ Aefere ce Gauge 2 Hei�ere e Gain . =- \. F' 5.313 N 2 ]N 35.31331 -7 .731836 •W%(' f - .. • � i' ,rt ... • .�.. ,~ .. 3 736 $33 - - - I r I s� - - tt ' •ra' I .. L i � I .ice.. _• A,al. �i • , I 1 ---G -- - 1'' • V Grea ,�' < - j ' - r - fir;, ..e `F • - ' - .;.; ` � \'� + - `, ,:�. ` • �� "' - '' •.1' ,irk+ .k - - grange j , %, A I /• `\ I _ �/ . `, _'. / fly °A / -�` _� l_ \_ - �'' ,k ) - •-._J: ` f 1 . i � : `_ l'� - \ ` I " I\ °r -i. •\ t r• `'1'w...,.d �oQQ ,_ -1 ..'J . ;� '.'.. "�` r , `�' ;::.. �b -,. ..Xi.__ .v.; /' � ^� -._�/ /�.. 1 `„ "�-' _ r ^•J _'--- -�-'.,, �'v.., i ��;.� ~ \� � , yut,,,,�''•, L •r 1\ -- - 6 1 c' - .._ —_� A�ferencef;4luge,3" 1 .. _• - - -\ ( -.- - \ .1- _ _ I 35. 75996 - 77.63403 � �. _ •�_+.... �, ,.'. 1 .. _ • ��,, � Kinston I 99 64 rl -Jon `Paunn \ -. _. - - - 1 �`O% 1 �:j: `/ •q`+.Y _ q' , j i �. �. ;�,..W. 1 , • L_ _ ' - <.\ / 1 jnedy Dalr f Rd _ - - -- Baptist Orphanage Rd ? r'; a yr +, urniwoR - , -.. , -_ - ., - -_ - • — �/ I' - 4• i- / s 1 ! I _ `6.�. r - _ Yom; / - - y 7. - 1 I"'._ -.1 , i d 1 RIVER T - - I _ • Site directions: From Raleigh follow US 70 East toward Kinston. 4, ��' �:� �...... , Approximately 8 miles east of La Grange, take a right on - ; - h: Kennedy Home Rd. Continue approximately 0.3 miles and take i /' t _ Whitelace Project Site ° the first left onto Kennedy Dairy Road. Follow Kennedy Dairy �� ` j Y 5.244 N, - 77.689 W f 3 Road through the Kennedy Home complex. Continue through rte `, ! �� I _ _ _ _.__I - 1 •I se • . the traffic circle, stay right, and merge onto Baptist Orphanage `� ! - 4 ' : - - • •� / Data Source: Road. Travel approximately 0.5 miles until reaching a small •�' ��C I 1 , .. USGS 7.5 Min. Topoquads: concrete bridge spanning Whitelace Creek. This point is near Deep Run, Falling Creek, Kiriston . the middle of the site. Olivia, La Grange, Seven Springs - is I I ..; • .. . Reference Gauges Conservation Easement 0 0.45 0.9 1.8 Miles Figure 1 - Vicinity Map Whitelace Creek Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration, EEP #420 Lenoir County, North Carolina November, 2010 r� EC0system (•R(. f.R.M Mdn'Lm APPENDIX B. GENERAL PROJECT TABLES Table 1. Project Restoration Components Whitelace Creek Wetland Restoration Site/EEP Pro ect No. 420 Scheduled Completion iv Actual Completion or Delivery r Lo NA Feb 2004 Final Design - 90% NA NA o � � Aug 2005 NA Reach ID F j pro NA a G:°, " Stationin Comment NA Aug 2006 Bare Root Seedling Installation Mar 2006 NA Mar 2005 Total accounts for 301 f gap in Reach 1 3693 1 E1 P2 3693 1 0+35-37+58 easement at road crossing Reach 2 2208 E2 P2 2208 37 +58 - 59 +66 Nov 2007 Riverme Wetland Year 3 Monitoring Nov 2008 Nov 2008 Nov 2008 Year 4 Monitoring Stations 0 +00 to 37 +58 mark the Restoration Nov 2009 R NA 7 7 ac NA extent of the flood lam grading Riverme Wetland Enhancement E NA 13 0 ac I NA Neuse River Buffer Restoration R NA 27 1 ac NA Neuse River Buffer Enhancement E NA 7 2 ac NA R = Restoration El = Stream Enhancement 1 E2 = Stream Enhancement 2 S = Stabilization P= Preservation Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History Whitelace Creek Wetland Restoration Site /EEP Project No. 420 Active or Report Scheduled Completion Data Collection Complete P Actual Completion or Delivery Restoration Plan NA NA Feb 2004 Final Design - 90% NA NA Nov 2004 Construction Aug 2005 NA Aug 2005 Temporary S &E mix applied to entire project area NA NA Jul 2005 Permanent seed mix applied to entire project area NA NA Aug 2006 Bare Root Seedling Installation Mar 2006 NA Mar 2005 Mitigation Plan / As -built ear 0 Monitoring - baseline NA NA Apr 2005 Final Report NA NA Apr 2005 Year 1 Monitoring Nov 2006 Nov 2006 Nov 2006 Year 2 Monitoring Nov 2007 Nov 2007 Dec 2007 Year 3 Monitoring Nov 2008 Nov 2008 Nov 2008 Year 4 Monitoring Nov 2009 Nov 2009 Nov 2009 Year 5 Monitoring Nov 2010 Nov 2010 Nov 2010 NA = Not Applicable Whitelace Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Project Page 11 Stantec — Monitoring Year 5 of 5 —Final November 2010 Table 3 Project Contacts Wbitelace Creek Wetland Restoration Site/EEP Project No 420 Designer EcoScience Corporation 1101 Haynes Street Suite 101 Ralei h NC 27604 Construction Contractor Shamrock Environmental Corporation PO Box 14987 Greensboro, NC 27415 Planting Contractor Emerald Forest Incorporated 4651 Backwoods Road Chesapeake, VA 23322 -2456 Seeding Contractor Wheat Swamp Landscaping 4675 Ben Dail Road LaGran e, NC 28551 -8038 Seed Mix Sources IKEX, Inc PO Box 250 Middlesex, NC 27557 Nursery Stock Suppliers Warren County Nursery 6492 Beersheba Highway McMinnville, TN 37110 Pinelands Nursery and Supply 323 Island Road Columbus, NJ 08022 Coastal Plain Conservation Nursery 3067 Connors Drive Edenton, NC 27932 Monitoring Performers (Year 0 -1) EcoScience Corporation 1101 Haynes Street, Suite 101 Raleigh NC 27604 919 828 -3433 Monitoring Performers (Year 2 -4) Stantec Consulting Services, Inc 801 Jones Franklin Road, Ste 300 Ralei h, NC 27606 Stream Monitoring POC David Bidelspach (919)851 -6866 Vegetation Monitoring POC Amber Coleman (919)851 -6866 Wetland Monitoring POC Amber Coleman (919)851-6866 Whitelace Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Project Page 12 Stantec — Monitoring Year 5 of 5 —Final November 2010 Table 4 - Project Attribute Table Whitelace Creek Wetland Restoration Site/EEP Project No. 420 Project County Lenoir Drainage Area 10 1 sq mi Drainage impervious cover estimate % < 1 percent Stream Order 2nd order Ph sio ra hic Region Coastal Plain Ecore ion Southeastern Flood plains and Low Terraces Ros en Classification of As -built CIE Cowardin Classification R2UB23Cb ( Riverme, Lower Perennial, Uncosolidated Bottom, Sand/Mud, Seasonally Flooded, Beaver Dominant soil types Riverine Wetland Restoration Riverme Wetland Enhancement Johnston, stream channels, 80% of Site Johnston, stream channels, 80% of Site Reference site ID 01- 05471 -OIA USGS HUC for Project USGS HUC for Reference 03020202040020 03020202040020 NCDWQ Subbasin for Project 03 -04 -05 NCDWQ Subbasin for Reference 03 -04 -05 NCDWQ Classification for Project C SW NSW NCDWQ Classification for Reference C SW NSW Any portion of any project segment 303d listed9 No Any portion of any project segment upstream of a 303d listed segment'? No Reasons for 303d listing or stressor No Percent of project easement fenced No Whitelace Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Project Page 13 Stantec — Monitoring Year 5 of 5 —Final November 2010 Whitelace Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Project Page 14 Stantec — Monitoring Year 5 of 5 —Final November 2010 Appendix C. Vegetation Assessment Data Table 5 - Vegetation Plot Mitigation Succes Summary Whitelace Creek Wetland Restoration Site / EEP Project No. 420 Vegetation Vegetation Density Met Tract Mean Plot ID (260 stems /acre) VP1 N (202) 33%(216 stems /acre) VP2 N (81) VP4 Y (405) VP6 N (162) VP8 Y (364) V139 Y (324) VP11 N (0) VP14 N (243) VP15 N (162) Whitelace Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Project Page 15 Stantec — Monitoring Year 5 of 5 —Final November 2010 Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Photo Station 1: Vegetation Plot 1 (9/22/10). Photo Station 2: Vegetation Plot 2 (9/22/10). Whitelace Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Project Page 16 Stantec — Monitoring Year 5 of 5 —Final November 2010 Photo Station 3: Vegetation Plot 4 (9/22/10) Photo Station 4: Vegetation Plot 6 (9/22/10) Whitelace Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Project Page 17 Stantec— Monitoring Year 5 of 5 —Final ' o' ember 20 10 Photo Station 5: Vegetation Plot 8 (9/22/10) Photo Station 6: Vegetation Plot 9 (9/22/10) Whitelace Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Project Page 18 Stantec — Monitoring Year 5 of 5 —Final November 2010 Photo Station 7: Vegetation Plot 11 (9/22/10) Photo Station 8: Vegetation Plot 14 (9/22/10) Whitelace Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Project Page 19 Stantec — Monitoring Year 5 of 5 —Final November 2010 Photo Station 9: Vegetation Plot 15 (9/22/10) Whitelace Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Project Page 20 Stantec — Monitoring Year 5 of 5 —Final November 2010 Table 6. Vegetation Metadata Report Prepared By Alex Baldwin Date Prepared 11/2/2010 13 00 database name Stantec Whitelace2010 A mdb database location U \171300316\ ro ect\2- Whitelace \site data \cvs computer name BALDWINA file size 37093376 DESCRIPTION OF WORKSHEETS IN THIS-DOCUMENT------------ Metadata Description of database file, the report worksheets, and a summary of project(s) and project data Pro', planted Each project is listed with its PLANTED stems per acre, for each year This excludes live stakes Pro', total stems Each project is listed with its TOTAL stems per acre, for each year This includes live stakes, all planted stems, and all natural /volunteer stems Plots List of plots surveyed with location and summary data (live stems, dead stems, missing, etc Vigor Frequency distribution of vigor classes for stems for all plots Vigor b Spp Frequency distribution of vigor classes listed by specie Damage List of most frequent damage classes with number of occurrences and percent of total stems impacted by each Damage by Spp Damage values tallied by e for each species Damage by Plot Damage values tallied by e for each plot Planted Stems by Plot and Spp A matrix of the count of PLANTED living stems of each species for each plot, dead and missing stems are excluded ALL Stems by Plot and spp A matrix of the count of total living stems of each species (planted and natural volunteers combined) for each plot, dead and missing stems are excluded PROJECXSUNIAARY---------= ------ -- =- _ _ '__ Project Code 420 project Name Whitelace Creek Description Wetland restoration and enhancement River Basin Neuse len th ft 5900 stream-to-edge width ft 100 areas m 80,937 ,Required Plots calculated NA Whitelace Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Project Page 21 Stantec — Monitoring Year 5 of 5 —Final November 2010 Whitelace Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Project Page 22 Stantec — Monitoring Year 5 of 5 —Final November 2010 Table 7 - Stem Count Total by Plot and Species Whitelace Creek Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Site EEP Project #420 Current Plot Data (MYS 2010) Annual Means 420 - Amber -0001 420 - Amber -0002 1 420- Amber -0004 420- Amber -0006 420- Amber -0008 420- Amber -0009 420 - Amber -0011 420 - Amber -0014 1 420 - Amber -0015 MYS (2010) MY4 (2009) MY3 (2008) MY2 (2007) Scientific Name Common Name Species Type P -LS P -all T P -LS P -all T JP-LS P -all IT P -L P -all IT P -LS P -all T P -LS P -all T P -LS P -all T P -LS P -all T JP-LS IP -all T P -LS Pall IT P-LS IP -all IT P -LS P -all T PAS P -all T Acer rubrum red maple Tree 4 1 48 25 5 11 1 - 84 87 19 Acer saccharinum silver maple Tree 24 23 Baccharis baccharis Shrub Tree 22 6 Baccharis halimifolia eastern baccharis Shrub Tree 4 5 1 17 27 81 1 Betula nigra river birch Tree 1 1 80 1 1 1 1 84 2 6 2 61 1 26 Carpinus caroliniana var. cai Coastal American Horn Shrub Tree 1 1 1 1 21 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Carya hickory Tree 1 11 1 1 Carya aquatica water hickory Tree 1 1 1 1 21 21 2 2 2 2 2 3 Chamaecyparis thyoides Atlantic white cedar Tree 1 1 11 11 2 2 2 2 3 3 Diospyros diospyros Tree 1 3 Diospyros virginiana common persimmon Tree 3 1 41 4 Fraxinus ash Shrub Tree 1 11 1 1 1 2 1 1 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash Tree 1 1 1 11 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 Ilex opaca American holly Shrub Tree 1 1 1 Ligustrum sinense Chinese privet Shrub Tree 1 1 1 Liquidambar styraciflua sweetgum Tree 4 2 1 7 38 18 15 Liriodendron tulipifera var. I Tulip -tree, Yellow Popli Tree 2 2 Nyssa biflora swamp tupelo Tree 3 3 1 1 2 2 6 6 6 6 51 5 6 9 Pinustaeda loblolly pine Tree 8 8 Platanus occidentalis var. oc Sycamore, Plane -tree Tree 1 1 11 1 Prunus serotina black cherry Shrub Tree 1 1 Quercus oak Shrub Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 Quercus laurifolia laurel oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 4 Quercus lyrata overcup oak Tree 2 2 1 1 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak Tree 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 Quercus nigra water oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 Quercus pagoda cherrybark oak Tree 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 Quercus phellos willow oak Tree 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 Salix nigra black willow Tree 12 11 2 3 28 38 18 Taxodium distichum bald cypress Tree 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 3 3 6 6 16 16 18 18 16 16 15 15 Toxicodendron radicans eastern poison ivy Shrub Vine 4 4 Ulmus americana var. amen American Elm, White E Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ulmus rubra slippery elm Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unknown unknown 1 1 Vitis grape 1 1 Stem count size (ares) 01 51 16 01 2 82 0 10 28 0 41 20 0 9 61 0 8 62 01 01 9 01 61 7 01 41 6 01 481 291 0 57 345 0 50 221 0 53 108 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 9 9 9 size (ACRES) 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 Species count 01 41 7 01 2 3 01 71 111 01 71 11 01 5 1SI 01 0 3 01 11 2 01 41 6 01 171 29 01 18 28 0 15 23 01 161 20 Stems per ACRE 0 202.3 647.5 0 80.94 3318 0 404.7 1133 0 161.9 809.4 0 364.2 2469 0 323.7 2509 0 0 364.2 0 242.8 283.3 0 161.9 242.8 0 215.8 1308 0 256.3 1551 0 224.8 993.7 0 238.3 485.6 Appendix D. Stream Assessment Data Photo Station 1 (Sl) — Overview of Project (looking downstream from Sta.10 +00 (09/22/10) Photo Station 2 (S2) - Overview of upstream portion of reach (looking upstream from Sta.10 +00 (09/22/10) Whitelace Wetland Restoration Projects (EEP Project No. 420) Page 25 Stantec — Monitoring Year 5 of 5 — Final November 2010 Photo Station 3 (S3) — Looking downstream from bridge (09/22/10) Photo Station 4 (S4) — Crest gauge (09/22/10) Whitelace Wetland Restoration Projects (EEP Project No. 420) Page 26 Stantec — Monitoring Year 5 of 5 — Final November 2010 o � o " -c �o �w U =. 0 U ^�I � O 5 � d M m -o Cl. C m z 0 A N O z 0 a �b N � O N O J 20 15 10 5 0 -5 c r� -10 CL c' -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 2010 Groundwater Data Well 1 (SN: 000009BE9090) NO, ONO ONO O ^O O ^O ONO ONO ONO ONO O ^O OHO OHO Date N. 5 4 C c 0 3 'a 'U a K I A i "C A� D n y I � Vj o� rto S o � a 7 0 0 -o 0 z 0 a N � O N O 00 15 10 5 0 -5 S-10 CL -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 2010 Groundwater Data Well 2 (SN: OOOOOEBD106E) N'3 N �o N3 ,Zo NZ NZ NZ �o �o N3 o;h 1�0 ��o ono NZ\ N N' � Date Lei 5 4 c 0 32 2 1 0 CL m a S o� 5' m ao �CD CD U o � -n cn -n n. a z 0 m o' ro 0 z 0 N � O N O �D 20 15 10 5 0 -5 C r� -10 CL d -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 40 2010 Groundwater Data Well 3 (SN: 0000OA287A2A) I I I I I I 1 Well replaced+i aiting fordatato be extracted Ground Surface I I 1 I Required Dept I 1 1 153 Day!1 I 1 Beginning of End of 1 Growing Season Grow i g Season--,,,, 1 03/18/10 11/08/10 1 I I I I I I I 1 I 1 ° °^° ° ^° ^° ° ^° °^° °^° ° ^° °^° °^° Date In I&7 4 C C o_ 3" 2 1 we CL v d CL 7 S CD CD uo m S E� ry �n o n �a a 0 0 0 b 0 z 0 3 N � O � O O 20 15 10 5 0 -5 c -10 a -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 2010 Groundwater Data Well 4 (SN: OOOOOEBDA66C) No ono ono ono ono ono ono ono ono ono ono ti \� o\a \ti a\b \ti 4�\� \ti o\y \ti �\o \ti �\o \ti o\o \ti .o�A \T Date 0 5 4 c c 0 3g K 1 L a a n F o: o' E Ej i v. o S -n E w z 0 a N � O .r W O — 20 15 10 5 0 -5 CL r -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 2010 Groundwater Data Well 5 (SN: OOOOOEBCFF87) I I I I L I I I round Surface I I I Required Depth 1 70 Days 2 Days- I Beginning of AGrowing Season 1 03/18/10 I End of %0I 1 G ing Season I r I 11/08/10 o ^° o^° o ^° o ^° o ^° o ^° o ^° o ^° o ^° o^° Date 6 5 4 2 c 0 3 2 1 0 CL m a` � o I � o = O = 7 C vo = et �e E�cc O � w 0 z 0 CD 3 Cr -o w N Go O O N 20 15 10 5 0 -5 C 10 CL is -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 2010 Groundwater Data Well 6 (SN: OOOOOA28C526) oNo ono ono ono ono ono ono ono ono ono oN Date 5 4 c C O 3 2 1 9 CL V a n F I < o: a' E ao : � E in o � E z 0 b w N � O W O w 20 15 10 5 0 -5 c r� -10 a -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 2010 Groundwater Data Well 7 (SN: OOOOOEBD182C) �yo �,yo N,yo �yo �yo �yo Grp Date 0 5 4 c C 0 32 2 1 9 CL CL n y I � o- =ry tro E�CD o� �a d 7� 0 d 0 -o 0 z 0 a ro w N eD O O A 10 5 0 -5 -10 C -15 a -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 2010 Groundwater Data Well Ref -1 (SN: OOOOOEBD3CE6) I I I I Ground Surface I 1 Well replaced, waiting to have 1 data extracted Required Depth 44 Days I 1 I I Beginning of I 1 A----Growing Season End of 03/18/10 I I I I Grow on 911/08/10 \�I I I I I ti Date ^O ^O O ^�\�O ^O ^ ^ ^ ^ 5 4 c C 3 49 6 1 9 CL CL 5 F I � C� C, -� �h E� o� �E4 CD �a a C 0 0 z O CD 3 C b N � O O � 10 5 0 -5 -10 c -15 CL d D -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 2010 Groundwater Data Well Ref -2 (SN: 000011310FE0) 1 I � Ground Surface I I I I� 83 Days Required Depth 3 Days Beginning of I Growing Season 03/18/10 End of/* wing Season 11/08/1 NIZI ti 144f A� Date N R 5 4 c c 0 3= 3 PA 1 N1 CL CL S o �- ^: w o � m ao 0 �eD o eD eD �a _e a 0 d o' 0 z 0 rD B N� 0 0 0� 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 c L -20 a a� -25 -30 -35 -40 -45 -50 2010 Groundwater Data Well Ref -3 (SN:000009DE7694) I I I I I I Required Depth 82 Days 0 I I I I 1 Beginning of Growing Season 03/18/10 1 I I Ground Surface G I I I I I I I x--42 Days --*I I I I I I I I End of �I Season 11/08/10 1 I, I o ^° o^° o ^° o ^° o ^° o^° o^° o^° o^° o ^° o^° o^° o\ °Kti x\41 °\6�ti °\14 ^o��ti ^ ^ -\ti ^�4 Date tI 5 4 c C 0 3= K 1 m a v a S � o^ ' m 18 � S 16 �a w � 14 a. z 12 0 -o c =10 ^ o 49 CL 8 a 70th Percentile 6 4 30th Pe 2 0 z 0 m N � O � O J Whitelace Creek 2010 30 -70 Percentile Graph Lenoir County, North Carolina Jan Feb Mar April May June July Aug Sept Month � 2010 Rainfall 30th Percentile 70th Percentile Oct Nov Table 10 - Summary of Groundwater Results for Years 1 - 5 Whitelace Creek Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Project / EEP Project No. 420 Success Criteria Achieved/Max Consecutive Da s During Gr ing Season Year 1 2006 Year 2 2007 Year 3 2008 Year 4 2009 Year 5 2010 Gua a GW 1 Yes /234 days Yes /73 days Yes /216 days Yes /234 days Yes /234 days (100 %) (31 %) (92%) (100 %) (100 %) GW2 Yes/ 140 days Yes /128 days Yes/ 182 days Yes /100 days (60 %) No (55%) (78 %) (43 %) GW3 Yes /234 days Yes/ 137 days Yes/ 168 days Yes /234 days Yes /153 days (100 %) (59%) (72%) (100 %) (65 %) GW4 Yes /119 days Yes /70 days (30 Yes /230 days Yes/ 223 days (51 %) No %) (98 %) (95 %) GW5 Yes /234 days Yes/ 109 days Yes /149 days Yes/ 190 days Yes /112 days (100 %) (47%) (64%) (81 %) (48 %) GW6 Yes /234 days Yes /233 days Yes/ 180 days Yes /234 days Yes /153 days (100 %) (99%) (77%) (100 %) (65 %) GW7 Yes /234 days Yes /234 days Yes/ 173 days Yes /234 days Yes /90 days (100 %) (100%) (74%) (100 %) (38%) Reference Yes /70 days (30 Yes /80 days Yes /39 days Yes /44 days Well 1 %) (34 %) Unknown (17 %) (19 %) Reference Yes /70 days (30 Yes /132 days Yes /45 days Yes /126 days Well 2 %) (56%) Unknown (19 %) (54 %) Reference Yes /70 days Yes /159 days Yes /112 days Yes /125 days Yes/ 124 days Well 3 (30 %) (68%) (48%) (53 %) (53 %) Whitelace Stream Enhancement and Wetland Restoration Project Page 38 Stantec — Monitoring Year 5 of 5 - Final November 2010 f .r 35.2450787-77.6 90397 F' s 1 rcj 2 012 Gpogle , Image U 5 Geological Survey ;' 35.245078, - 77.690397 - Google Maps Got.' SIC Address North Carolina Page 1 of 1 Whitelace Creek 20040243 -2 rr (,tz -41 4- Kinston Regicnal .jetport at .Staliinp 9d 70 kvc 1: z Kinston o Cold" Ciro W Vern-'A" m tiZ g Kinston �o �a ti) 2 TM cn Rn 2% Wo ndington r http: // maps.google.com/ maps ?f--q &source= s_q &hl= en &geocode = &q =3 5.245078, + - 77.690... 5/5/2012 g ray h/M �O oy 70 kvc 1: z Kinston o Cold" Ciro W Vern-'A" m tiZ g Kinston �o �a ti) 2 TM cn Rn 2% Wo ndington r http: // maps.google.com/ maps ?f--q &source= s_q &hl= en &geocode = &q =3 5.245078, + - 77.690... 5/5/2012 351245078, - 77.690397 - Google Maps 60k-, Address North Carolina Page 1 of 1 Whitelace Creek 20040243 -2 P4, 12 ` 3� http://maps.google.com/maps?f--q&source=s� 5/5/2012