HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180785 Ver 1_Year 0 Monitoring Report (S&W)_2021_20211011ID#* 20180785 Version* 1 Select Reviewer:* Erin Davis Initial Review Completed Date 10/11/2021 Mitigation Project Submittal - 10/11/2021 Is this a Prospectus, Technical Proposal or a New Site?* r Yes r No Type of Mitigation Project:* V Stream Pr Wetlands r- Buffer r- Nutrient Offset (Select all that apply) Project Contact Information Contact Name:* Jeremiah Dow Project Information .................................................................................................................................................................. ID#:* 20180785 Existing IDY Project Type: r DMS r Mitigation Bank Project Name: Hip Bone Creek County: Chatham Document Information Email Address:* jeremiah.dow@ncdenr.gov Version: *1 Existing Version Mitigation Document Type:* Mitigation As -Built Plans File Upload: HipBoneCreek 100059_MYO_2021.pdf 6.32MB Rease upload only one RDFcf the conplete file that needs to be subnitted... Signature Print Name:* Lindsay Crocker Signature:* Hip Bone Creek Baseline Monitoring Report Hip Bone Creek Restoration Site Cape Fear River Basin - 03030003 Monitoring Year 00 DMS Contract 7528 DMS Project Number 100059 DWR #: 2018-0785 USACE AID #: SAW-2018-01160 Chatham County, North Carolina Prepared for: NC Department of Environmental Quality Division of Mitigation Services 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 Baseline Data Collected: May 2021 Date Submitted: August 2021 Monitoring and Design Firm Prepared by: KCI ASSOCIATES OF NC KCI Associates of North Carolina, PC 4505 Falls of Neuse Road Suite 400 Raleigh, NC 27609 (919) 783-9214 Project Contact: Tim Morris Email: tim.morris(iMci.com Hip Bone Creek Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DAIS Project #100059 Baseline Monitoring Report KCI ASSOCIATES OF NORTH CAROUNA, Ph ENGINEERS • SCIENTISTS • SURVEYORS • CONSTRUCTION MANAGERS MEMORANDUM 4505 Falls ofNeuse Road Suite 400 Raleigh, NC 27609 (919) 783-9214 (919) 783-9266 Fax Date: August 27, 2021 To: Jeremiah Dow, DMS Project Manager From: Tim Morris, Project Manager KCI Associates of North Carolina, PA Subject: Hip Bone Creek Mitigation Site MY-00 Baseline Monitoring Report Comments Cape Fear River Basin CU 03030003 NCDMS Project # 100059 Contract # 7528 Please find below our responses in italics to the MY-00 Baseline Monitoring Report comments from NCDMS received on August 13, 2021, for the Hip Bone Creek Mitigation Site. • Title Page — Please correct the river basin and HUC. KCI Response: This error has been corrected. • We highly recommend following the most recent DMS monitoring template released in October 2020. The new template is designed to shorten reports and simplify many of the tables. KCI Response: The morphology tables have been updated to conform to the October 2020 template. Future monitoring reports will use the October 2020 template. • Table 1— Please add the surveyed as -built stream lengths to this table. The existing footage/acreage column can be replaced with the as -built lengths. Also, adjust wetland areas, if necessary, based on the response to comment 9.f KCI Response: The Existing Footage/Acreage column has been replaced with the As -Built Lengths. • Table 4 — Please update the Regulatory Considerations on this Table since the Section 401 and 404 permits were issued. KCI Response: Table 4 has been updated to reflect that these permits have been issued. • CCPV — The photo points should be labeled so they can be matched with the photo log. KCI Response: The missing labels have been added to the CCPV. KCI ASSOCIATES OF NORTH CAROLINA, P.A. www.kei.com Employee -Owned Since 1988 Table 7a — We highly recommend using new template tables. T1 geomorphology data needs a separate table foreach reach so that as -built condition and design parameters can be compared. KCI Response: Both Table 7 and Table 8 have been updated to match the October 2020 template. The Visual Stream Stability Assessment and Visual Vegetation Assessment tables were not included. Please ensure these are included in the MY report. KCI Response: These tables were not included since there are not usually concerns about stream stability and vegetative cover in the baseline report. These tables will be included in all future monitoring reports. Record Drawing / As -built Sheets o The Title Sheet should include the DMS Project Number (100059), DWR # (20180785), and USACE #(SAW-2017-0016160). The asset table should be updated based on the response to Comment 3 above. KCI Response: These changes have been made. o All plan sheets should show Limits of Disturbance, and typically we would see monitoring devices such as cross sections, monitoring wells, crest/flow gauges, and veg plots. KCI Response: Monitoring devices and the LOD have been added to the plan sheets. o Recommend removing callouts for in -channel structures that are not a deviation from design. For example, on Sheet 3 the "Installed `Step Pool' (TYP.)" can be removed along with the other stream structure callouts. KCI Response: This change has been made. o Sheet 8 — River Birch, Southern Red Oak, and Persimmon species did not change from the amount proposed in the mitigation plan and should be colored black. KCI Response: This change has been made. o Sheet 10 & I I — Please update the Boundary Marking Plan sheets to show that fencing was not constructed at numerous crossings. These changes should be called out in red as deviations from design. KCI Response: The interiors of the crossings were not fenced during DMS's site visit on August 13 because KCI s fencing subcontractor is waiting for the necessary material to arrive. Once this material arrives, the fencing will be installed as soon as possible. In the meantime the landowner has agreed not to move cattle through these crossings. • Digital Files o The submitted stream and wetland features appear to be from the mitigation plan. Please include as -built features that accurately represent the Restoration Footage and Acreage column in the asset table. KCI Response: Because there was no change in alignment between design and construction of the site, the figures from the mitigation plan accurately represent the Restoration Footage and Acreage column in the asset table. A shapefile of the center line surveyed during the as -built survey has been included in the digital deliverables, but because of limitations in the precision of this survey, particularly around bends in the stream, the lengths of the reaches as represented in this shapefile do not perfectly align with those in the Restoration Footage and Acreage column in the asset table. o Please include unique ID's for the stream gauges that will relate to the ID's used for any supporting data. KCI Response: This change has been made. o Please submit the existing stream features (displayed in Fig. 7 of mitigation plan). KCI Response: This shapefile has been included in the digital deliverables. o Note that in order to meet the 2 year in the ground requirement to apply volunteers towards performance standards, height and x, y coordinates would need to be reported for ICI ASSOCIATES OF NORTH CAROLINA, P.A. www.kci.com Employee -Owned Since 1988 volunteers rather than stem counts binned by height. KCI Response: This has been noted. o Veg Plot 3's stems per acre value reported in Table 6 does not match the value included in the Plot 3 tab in the Hipbone Veg MY00 excel file. Please review these data and correct any outstanding mismatches. KCI Response: Plot 3's tab has been updated to display the correct totals. o Two wetland polygons overlap with stream features that represent no -credit segments on T2 and T3 (e.g. the TOB was not excised from the polygon). Please clarify and remove the stream footprint from the wetland areas if necessary based on USACE JD. KCI Response: The area within the TOB of T2 and T3 has been removed from the wetland area. This resulted in a loss of 0.017 acres of wetland rehabilitation, 0.022 acres of wetland enhancement and 0. 020 WW s. Please contact me if you have any questions or would like clarification concerning these responses. Sincerely, Tim Morris Project Manager KCI ASSOCIATES OF NORTH CAROLINA, P.A. www.kei.com Employee -Owned Since 1988 TABLE OF CONTENTS PROJECTSUMMARY................................................................................................................................ I BASELINECONDITONS........................................................................................................................... 2 REFERENCES............................................................................................................................................. 3 Figure1. Project Site Vicinity Map..............................................................................................................4 ADDendix A — BackLyround Tables Table 1. Project Components and Mitigation Credits................................................................................... 6 Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History.......................................................................................... 7 Table3. Project Contacts.............................................................................................................................. 8 Table4. Project Information......................................................................................................................... 9 Appendix B — Visual Assessment Data CCPV.......................................................................................................................................................... I I PhotoReference Points...............................................................................................................................14 VegetationPlot Photos................................................................................................................................16 Appendix C — Vegetation Plot Data Table 5. Species and Quantity of Planted Stems........................................................................................ 20 Table 6. Stem Count Total and Planted by Plot and Species...................................................................... 21 ADDendix D — Stream Measurement and Geomornholoiv Data Table 7. Baseline Stream Data Summary................................................................................................... 25 Table 8. Cross-section Morphology Data Table......................................................................................... 27 LongitudinalProfile Plot............................................................................................................................. 29 Cross-section Plots...................................................................................................................................... 33 PebbleCounts............................................................................................................................................. 49 Appendix E — As -Built Plan Sheets As -Built Plan Sheets................................................................................................................................... 58 Hip Bone Creek Restoration Site KC[ Associates of NC, PA DAIS Project #100059 Baseline Monitoring Report PROJECT SUMMARY The Hip Bone Creek Restoration Site (HBCRS) is a full delivery project for the North Carolina Division of Mitigation Services (DMS). The site was completed in 2021 and restored and enhanced a total of 4,026 linear feet of stream and 6.023 acres of riparian wetland. The HBCRS is a riparian system in the Cape Fear River Basin (03030003 8-digit cataloging unit) in Chatham County, North Carolina. The site's natural hydrologic regime had been substantially modified by relocation and straightening, impacts from cattle, installation of field ditches, and other anthropogenic impacts. This site offers the chance to restore impacted agricultural lands to a stable stream and wetland ecosystem with a functional riparian buffer, floodplain access, and riparian wetlands. The HBCRS is protected by an 18.68 acre permanent conservation easement, held by the State of North Carolina. The site is located approximately 3.3 miles southeast of Siler City, North Carolina. Specifically, the site is on Carter Brooks Road just east of US-421. The center of the site is at approximately 35.6804N and-79.4018 W in the Siler City USGS Quadrangle. The North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) published the Cape Fear River Basin Restoration Priorities (RBRP) in 2009. The project's 14 digit CU (03030003070020, Tick Creek/Rocky River) was identified as a Targeted Local Watershed (TLW) in the RBRP and is one of three 14 digit hydrologic units in the DMS Upper and Middle Rocky River Local Watershed Plan (LWP). The goals and priorities for the HBCRS are based on the information presented in the RBRP and LWP: maintaining and enhancing water quality, restoring hydrology, and improving fish and wildlife habitat (NCEEP, 2009). The project will support the following TLW goals: - Reduce and control sediment inputs. - Reduce and manage nutrient inputs. The project will also address the following stressors and sources listed in the LWP: - Stream bank erosion - Lack of adequate forested buffer - Livestock access to streams Fecal coliform bacteria Nutrient inputs Floodplain alteration The project goals will be addressed through the following objectives: - Relocate channelized streams to historic landscape positions - Install a bankfull-sized channel cross-section - Install bedform diversity with pools, riffles, and habitat structures - Demarcate the project easement boundaries and fence out livestock - Plant the site with native trees and shrubs and a herbaceous seed mix - Reconnect streams to a floodplain - Redevelop wetland microtopography to slow the flow of surface and subsurface drainage Project planting and construction were completed in April 2021. The site was constructed as designed with only a few minor modifications from the design plan. Invasive species on site were treated and removed during construction. A step pool was added at STA 10+00 on T1. There were multiple small headcuts on T3 that were stabilized throughout the reach with stone RIFFLE enhancements. Riffle enhancements were added to the beginning EII section of T3. See Appendix E — As -Built Plan Sheets for details concerning these changes. Hip Bone Creek Restoration Site KC[ Associates of NC, PA DMS Project #100059 1 Baseline Monitoring Report The monitoring components were installed in May 2021. Two automatically recording pressure transducer stream gauges that take a reading every 10 minutes were installed: one each in the upper third of T1-1 and T3-1 to monitor the number of consecutive days of flow in these streams. An additional automatically recording pressure transducer stream gauge was installed along T1-5 to record the occurrence of bankfull events. Cameras were installed in the vicinity of each of the flow gauges and set to record a short video once a day to provide additional verification of flow. Eight automatically recording pressure transducer groundwater monitoring gauges were installed within the wetlands on site. Seven of these gauges were installed within the re-establishment riparian wetlands on site and one of these gauges was installed within the rehabilitation wetland on site. To determine the success of the planted mitigation areas, ten 10 in x 10 in permanent vegetation monitoring plots were established. An additional eight 10 in x 10 in random vegetation monitoring plots were sampled throughout the site as well. The locations of the planted stems relative to the origin were recorded within the permanent plots and the species and height of each planted stem were recorded for all plots. Any volunteers found within the plots were also grouped into size categories by species, but separate from the planted stems. Eight permanent photo reference points were established and will be taken annually. Sixteen permanent cross -sections (8 riffle cross -sections and 8 pool cross -sections) were also established and a detailed longitudinal profile of the stream was taken. Wolman pebble counts were performed at all of the riffle cross -sections. The cross-section measurements will be repeated in future monitoring years, but the longitudinal profile will only be repeated if there are concerns about bed elevation adjustments. Reports will be submitted to DMS each year and the first year of monitoring will take place in 2021. First year monitoring data is scheduled to be collected in November 2021, six months after baseline data collection. Vegetative success criteria for the stream mitigation is 260 woody stems/acre after five years, and 210 woody stems/acre after seven years. Trees in each plot must average seven feet in height at Year 5 and ten feet in height at Year 7. Volunteer species must be present for a minimum of two growing seasons and must be a species from the approved planting list to count toward vegetative success. A single species may not account for more than 50% of the required number of stems within any plot. A minimum of four bankfull events must also be recorded during the monitoring period. All project streams must show a minimum of 30 continuous days of flow within a calendar year (assuming normal precipitation). A "normal' year is based on NRCS climatological data for Chatham County with the 30t1i and 70'1i percentile thresholds as the range of normal, as documented in the USACE Technical Report "Accessing and Using Meteorological Data to Evaluate Wetland Hydrology, April 2000." Wetlands on the site must present continuous saturation or inundation within 12" of the soil surface for 12% of the growing season. Bank height ratios (BHR) should not exceed 1.2 and the entrenchment ratios (ER) should be 2.2 or greater. BHR and ER at any measured riffle cross-section should not change more than 10% from the baseline condition during any given monitoring interval (e.g. no more than 10% between years 1 and 2, 2 and 3, 3 and 5, or 5 and 7). Visual assessments will also be used to identify problem areas. BASELINE CONDITIONS The site was planted in April 2021. The baseline vegetation monitoring was conducted May 13 and May 14, 2021. The average plot stem density from the eighteen surveyed plots is 1,005 planted stems/acre. Baseline monitoring was conducted during dormancy, so many of the stems were not identified to species. During MY01, these trees will be identified to species. The baseline longitudinal profile was surveyed in May 2021. The baseline cross -sections were surveyed between May 18 and May 19, 2021. The baseline survey found that the stream was constructed as designed and all structures were installed as planned with small variations, as called out in the as -built plans. The profile and cross-section surveys found that the dimension and profile of the stream were built as designed, with some small variation as is typical for stream restoration projects. A post construction drone video of the site can be found at the following link: https://youtu.be/4xzm5mH9Ig_Y Hip Bone Creek Restoration Site KC[ Associates of NC, PA DAIS Project #100059 2 Baseline Monitoring Report REFERENCES NCDENR, Ecosystem Enhancement Program. 2009. Cape Fear River Basin Restoration Priorities 2009. Raleigh, NC. https://files.nc.gov/ncdeg/Mitigation%2OServices/Watershed Planning/Cape Fear Riv er Basin/RBRP%20CapeFear%202009%20Revised %20032013.pdf NCDEQ, Division of Mitigation Services. June 2017. "As -built Baseline Monitoring Report Format, Data and Content Requirement." https ://file s.nc. gov/ncdeq/Miti gation%20 Service s/Document%2OManagement%20Libra D /Guidance%20and%20Template%20Documents/6 AB_ Baseline_Rep _Templ_June %202017.pdf NCIRT. October 24, 2016. "Wilmington District Stream and Wetland Compensatory Mitigation Update." https:Hsaw-reg.usace.artny.mil/PN/2016/Wilmingion-District-Mitigation- Update.pdf USACE, Sprecher, S. W.; Warne, A. G. 2000. "Accessing and Using Meteorological Data to Evaluate Wetland Hydrology." hl ps://ntrl.ntis.gov/NTRL/dashboard/searchResults/titleDetail/ADA378910.xhtml Hip Bone Creek Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DAIS Project #100059 3 Baseline Monitoring Report Q�sr eR b Project Location: x Chatham County, NC Q b a` T n s v n Billy Fitfs d 21 �� c "s C� Sam fields Rd �o 9ry�ho�se rur�h L� 4^ O G ro a care r cf s ry �a y� F op O Gilmore Lodge Rd Cry Buck Gunter Rey 4`' s - �a a�� s oy 0 Q� e .'r Bop Dix on Rd G�auiyn M Project Easement FIGURE 1. PROJECT SITE VICINITY MAP N 0 0.25 0.5 HIP BONE CREEK RESTORATION SITE ,n\ Image Source: ESRI Miles �\ World Street Map CHATHAM COUNTY, NC ii, VVV APPENDIX A Background Tables Hip Bone Creek Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMSProject #100059 5 Baseline Monitoring Report Y + � CACA 't 00 O N N N N d N +.+ .+'.9 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 00 O N O o, � o, 06 r' r� O� N O '3 o z x � u u y as z a z z z z z 9 y IV Q V) oc 6� La V ICI ,.y, W /~ .. it i M:tg O y CC O \O O\ V1 N ^--i M Ol 00 0o N ON i 000 0 � C" a � o 00 C Ctj N N U u Q o i AIAI o � O oo oN kn -4 O O ° -4 o � 0000 cw cw o M O O oo O + O SO oO + �o 'A oO + � � 'n + O, O + 00 + + Q Q Q O ++ R�, oo O cC N + l— + �O + � + N + r- + O + r O N 00 00 O O O --� l— N "O N N O\ M N N M M r` N M M M u 'x --� N M N M N O •L ~ � V y � •O � C� C� C� C� C� C� C� C� 3-i � U Sy � O Sy � .--i O L � I� ►I :L O N N N N N N N N cd cd .�. cd �-- a� ��3� w m Table 2. Project Activity & Reporting History Hipbone Creek Restoration Site, DMS Project #100059 Activity or Report Data Collection Complete Actual Completion or Delivery Mitigation Plan March 17, 2020 Final Design - Construction Plans March 17, 2020 Construction Grading Completed April 16, 2021 Planting Completed April 30, 2021 Baseline Monitoring/Report May 2021 July 2021 Vegetation Monitoring May 14, 2021 EMW Stream Survey May 21,2021 Hip Bone Creek Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DAIS Project #100059 7 Baseline Monitoring Report Table 3. Project Contacts Stony Fork Restoration Site, DMS Project #97085 Design Firm KCI Associates of North Carolina, PC 4505 Falls of Neuse Road Suite 400 Raleigh, NC 27609 Contact: Mr. Tim Morris Phone: (919) 278-2512 Fax: (919) 783-9266 Construction Contractor Chatham Civil Contracting 811 Archie Johnson Road Siler City, NC 27344 Contact: Mr. Stephen James Phone: (919)704-4442 Planting Contractor Shenandoah Habitats 1983 Jefferson Highway Waynesboro, VA 22980 Contact: Mr. David Coleman Phone: (540) 941-0067 Monitoring Performers KCI Associates of North Carolina, PC 4505 Falls of Neuse Road Suite 400 Raleigh, NC 27609 Contact: Mr. Adam Spiller Phone: (919) 278-2514 Fax: (919) 783-9266 Hip Bone Creek Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DAIS Project #100059 8 Baseline Monitoring Report Table 4. Project Information Hip Bone Creek Restoration Site, DMS Project #100059 Project Name Hip Bone Creek Restoration Site County Chatham County Project Area 18.68 ac Project Coordinates Oat. and long.) 35.6804 N,-79.4018 Planted Acreage (acres of woody stems planted) 17.40 Project Watershed Summary Information Physiographic Province Piedmont River Basin Cape Fear USGS Hydrologic Unit 8-digit 03030003 USGS Hydrologic Unit 14-digit 03030003070020 DWQ Sub -basin 03-06-12 Project Drainage Area (acres) 158 acres Project Drainage Area Percentage of Impervious Area 1% CGIA Land Use Classification Pasture/Farmland (85%), Forest (9%), Open Water (5%), and Rural Development (1%) Existing Reach Summary Information Parameters T1 T3 Length of reach linear feet 2,439 2,202 Valley confinement Unconfined Unconfined Drainage area (acres) 158 acres 43 acres Perennial, Intermittent, Ephemeral Intermittent Intermittent NCDWQ Water Quality Classification C C Rosgen Stream Classification (Existing / Proposed) G4/C4 and CO G4/C4 Evolutionary trend (Simon) Channelized, Stage III Channelized, Stage IIII FEMA classification None None Existing Wetland Summary Information Parameters T1 T3 Size of Wetland (acres) 2.52 ac (WA and WE) 0.99 ac (WB, WC, WD, WF, and WG) Wetland Type Headwater Forest Headwater Forest Mapped Soil Series Georgeville Chewacla/Wehadkee Drainage class Well Drained Poorly Drained Soil Hydric Status Non-Hydric Hydric Source of Hydrology Stream Floodplain Stream Floodplain Restoration or Enhancement Method Enhancement Re-establishment, Rehabilitation, and Enhancement Regulatory Considerations Regulation Applicable? Resolved? Supporting Documentation Waters of the United States — Section 404 Yes NWP 27 issued SAW-2018-01160 Waters of the United States — Section 401 Yes NWP 27 issued DWR # 18-0785 Endangered Species Act Yes Yes USFWS Historic Preservation Act No Yes NCSHIPO Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA)/ Coastal Area Management Act CAMA No N/A N/A FEMA Floodplain Compliance No Yes N/A Essential Fisheries Habitat No N/A N/A Hip Bone Creek Restoration Site KC[ Associates of NC, PA DAIS Project #100059 9 Baseline Monitoring Report APPENDIX B Visual Assessment Data Hip Bone Creek Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMSProject #100059 10 Baseline Monitoring Report i U is N O O k O • O O r, Cl) (", l S x O O p + M O+ • M pp � , p0 ply . oo"?L£,' 00X y k O r W E � z • l W Q W a � ZU > Z r `fir ' Joz o_ 1. P w a W 2 Q o v U W Q �f Zou W m -C / ; ' U fit • Yi _ f A — g 0 0 E O C C E C- m +: + N O O N o n ao CJ U C N C O N a)C L O (6 O O O O O O O a E y w z .� �� w a C� m to z to z CU I I IID Photo Reference Photos PP 1 - MY-00 - 5/24/21 PP3 - MY-00 - 5/24/21 PP5 - MY-00 - 5/24/21 J PP2 - MY-00 - 5/24/21 PP4 - MY-00 - 5/24/21 PP6 - MY-00 - 5/24/21 Hip Bone Creek Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DAIS Project #100059 14 Baseline Monitoring Report PP7 - MY-00 - 5/24/21 PP9 - MY-00 - 5/24/21 PP8 - MY-00 - 5/24/21 PP 10 - MY-00 - 5/24/21 Hip Bone Creek Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DAIS Project #100059 15 Baseline Monitoring Report Vegetation Plot 1— MY-00 — 5/14/21 Vegetation Plot 3 — MY-00 — 5/13/21 Vegetation Plot 5 — MY-00 — 5/13/21 Vegetation Plot 2 — MY-00 — 5/14/21 Vegetation Plot 4 — MY-00 — 5/13/21 Vegetation Plot 6 — MY-00 - 5/14/21 Hip Bone Creek Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DAIS Project #100059 16 Baseline Monitoring Report Vegetation Plot 7 — MY-00 — 5/13/21 Vegetation Plot 9 — MY-00 — 5/13/21 Vegetation Plot RI — MY-00 — 5/14/21 Vegetation Plot 8 — MY-00 — 5/13/21 Vegetation Plot 10 — MY-00 — 5/13/21 Vegetation Plot R2 —MY-00 — 5/14/21 Hip Bone Creek Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DAIS Project #100059 17 Baseline Monitoring Report Vegetation Plot R3 — MY00 — 5/14/21 Vegetation Plot R5 — MY00 — 5/13/21 Vegetation Plot R7 — MY-00 — 5/13/21 Vegetation Plot R4 — MY00 — 5/14/21 Vegetation Plot R6 — MY00 — 5/13/21 Vegetation Plot R8 — MY-00 — 5/13/21 Hip Bone Creek Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DAIS Project #100059 18 Baseline Monitoring Report APPENDIX C Vegetation Plot Data Hip Bone Creek Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DAIS Project #100059 19 Baseline Monitoring Report O O O O O O � � o C ° o o ° a� U o O L � � O 3 'fJ p O U O o O �1 i�a Q o oO O m Fx u���3 r� G1 v� v� r � O � N a � � M a M +�•` Vl M �y O N Vl M � a 00 M M N O O N O ^O W M N ya O N O �C N N O a 0 N N SC In �o O N N vi N oo In � a aI L L M �o l N N In i�i r0+ W N � U O O N M 0 N N a C"• In oc W O �p a N V W M i O\ O N N Vl 0O Mow ++ O a O\ N a h N N N M � W O O N O ^O N a ° �' c N o0 u a a u mow m O U ow ow .N. �' m O ow .p w is U N y O q 5 U OU U O 5 �, O � '• � � O �0 5 � � � � � r. U x a a o s s s c a s a U O W m O N a � � � O M a O N � N N a 00 O ~ CAM i 1 O O N O O ^O O N � N O a N h N CA O O N O O ti a � N h N N p A N a a O N N N h M � O N N h M N O � O a O � � O O N � oo a y O � O a N M N O N ^O N M N kc + O O Q N � O r u a In m q 5 U OU U O 5 �, O � '• � � O �0 5 � � � � � r. Ul V] a y p J4 O pp m r O h N M Vl N M 00 O N O 00 ,n N H n /y In �0 h �0 O N O a O N O� N N O O a h M h r•r N � O N O� 000 O N O i N C, W O O r.+ a O A N W V1 M O m O oc N M N U O a N N W M W M kc N O O a w 0 O O a U m zi ow U •m 'O O ii '� y 0 � U1 y y � 5 U OU O U U O � 5 fi i0i +•' O U `� � m N � N d APPENDIX D Stream Measurement and Geomorphology Data Hip Bone Creek Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMSProject #100059 24 Baseline Monitoring Report kn � O O O " W) O O N 00 --i C 01 N -0 U O 00 N NO •� �y O �n M O l� O N N ,M_, v� O O N N N N N N N N M 00 Vl M Vl 00 01 N r- O N N N C .O .p ,M-� O "" N N "" U o0 C M oc O y �-Ui � \O ,M_, O �--� N -0 N --� � a L V U x P S. 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