HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG030436_DMR_20210927for North Carolina Division .of Imi nergy, Mineral and Land Resources General Permit No. NCG030000 Oatesubtted t G/_-7 /101%f CERTIFICATE OF -COVERAGE NO. NCG03 A L� FACILITY. NAME Q c.(.0 - COUNTY CA) I LIE PERSON.COLLECT SAMPLES _ 0 jA LABORATORY_ ea c-,-7 Lab Cert. It. Comments on,sample collection or analysis: Part A: Stormwater Benchmarks and SAMPLE. COLLECTION YEAR AO A 8 SAMPLE PERIOD ❑ Jan -June: [] July -Dec roc �or ❑iivsk Unthly' usll' (month), I�ICCEIVLZLJ{ ARGINGTOCLASS ❑❑ORW QW ❑Trout ❑PNA 22ero-flow ❑Water Supply []SA OCT 04 2021 ❑other CENTRAL FILES PLEASE REMEMBER TO.51GN ON PAGES 2.AND/OR 3' 4 DWR SECTION r-.YAln r1;crhnrnn+hie nnrinri7? 0utfall No. Date.Sample Collected (mo/dd/yr) 24-hour. rainfall amount, Inches' Tot i Suspended Solids P H Standard units Total Copper Total Lead Total2ine Ndri-PolarO&G/ l Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Total Toxic Organics5 Benchmarks _ - 30 mg/L or 50 mg/L° 9.0 0,010 trig/L 0.075 mg/L 0.126 ing/L 15 mg/L 1 mg/L Parameter code 45529 C0530 .0040.0 01119 01051 01004 00552 78141 ^.Monthly sampling (instead of semi-annual) must begi 2For sampling periods with no.discharge.at, any single c The total precipitation must be recorded using data fr '.See General Permit, :Section B, Table 1 to identify the s Total Toxic Organicssampiingls applicable only for th electronic crystals,.or manufacture cathode ray tubes. Effluent:Guidelines fot the facility. subject to the requir manufacture use the definition as found in 40 CFR 469. tube manufacture usethe definition found in 40 CFR 4i with the second consecutive benchmark exceedance..for,the same parameter at same outfall. tfall, you.must still submitthis discharge monitoring'eeport with a checkmaek.here. Ti an on. siterain gauge. Unattended sites.. may be eligible for a Waiver:ofthe :rain'gauge tequ'i'rement, specially sensitive receiving water da'ssificatl'ons where the more protective, benchmark.appiies. ;e. Neilities,which perform metal finishing operations, manufacture semiconductors, manufacture ar purposes of this permit the definitton'.of Total Toxic Organics:is that definition contained in.the EPA nenttasample (for metal finishing use the definition as found in 40 GFR 433.11; forsemiconductor 2; for el'ectronic,e ystal manufacture use the definition as fount) in 40 CFR 469.22;_and for cathode ray .31), Permit Date:11/1/2019-05/31/2021 SW.U•245, last revised 11/1/2018 Page 1 of 3 Facilities that incorporate a solvent management plan into'the Storrriwater'Pollution Prevention Plan* may so certify; and the. requirement.ior TTO monitoring may be waive.d. The-solvent.rnanagement plan -shall in lud'e a list of the total toxic organic -compounds used and the-other`elerrments listed in the General Permit. For those facilities electing .to employ.-the.TTQ monitoring waiver, the dischatger`shall sign We following Certification statement: ' 8ased.-upon my inquiry of the person or persons directly responsible formanaging compliance with the:permit'monitoring requirement for total .tgxic organics. certify that -to the best of my knowledge ari belief, no dumping -of concentrated toxic orgarks•1'nto the stormwater or areas which are-expo�ed to rainfall or stvrmwaterrunoff has, ccurred.since filing.the-last discharge monitoring report. I further certify. that rhis•faeility is the- all the.provisions.of the -solvent management plan iricluded-.in the'StorrriWa er. Pbllution Prevention Plan." Nam4(pfint r`mt name) IE S_ Mo 92 Title title)' Signal re. - liA 71/ !2 a�� Date Note--: Results must be -reported in numerical format, o not ie on Below Detection-L'imit, BDL, <PQL,.Non-detect, ND, Qr-other.s1Milar non numerical f6rrnat: When results are below the applicable limits,. bey must -be reported in'the format "<XX m 12 :where XX is the numerical value of the Bete ti.on limit, reporting limit, 4 c.-iri rrig/L. Note_ If -you report, a.-sarrmpie value M excess of -the bef lchmair."k, you must -implement Tier 3, Tier. 2,.-or-Tler. 3 responses. See General Permit text. Part B: Nehicle Maintenance Area Monitoring Re ults:.only for facilities averaging > :55.gai of new oil -per- hionth. No- discharge this period az Outfall*No. pate Sample Collectedi (mo/dd/yr) 24-hour rainfall arncuni; Inches$ New Motor. Oil or Hydraulic Oil Usage Non -Polar P&G/ Tot4l Petroleum Hydrocarbons Total -Suspended Solids Benchmark's - 1S mg/L 100 mg/L or SO mg/O Parameter Code 46529 -NCOIL QOSS2 CO530 Foothotes from Part A also:apply to Part B Mote: If you report a.sample value in.excess of the be ehmark; you:musl''implem'ericTser', 7`ler'2, or Tier 3 responses: .Permit Date:' 11/1%20I3.05/31/2021 See Gerreral'Permittekt, 5WU-245, last rev1sed:11/1/2M .Page 2.of-3 FOR PART A AND PART 8 MONITORING RESULTS: o A BENCH MARK* EXCEEOANCE TRIGGERS T.IER'l FtECI JIREIVIENTS. 'SEE PERMIT PART II SECTION B. 2 EXCEEDANCES IWA ROW FOR TH E..SAME..PARAMt TER AT THE SAM E.OUTFALL TRIGGER-TIER2 REQUIREMENTS. SEE PERMIT PART it SECTION B. o TIER'3: HAS YOUR FACILITY HAD 4.OR MORE BENCHMARK MARK EXCEEDENCES FOR -TtiE'SAME PARAMETER.ATANY ONE'OUTFALL7 YES []'NO ❑ IF YES, HAVE YOU. CONTACTED THE DW.Q REGIONA 'OFFICE? Yl:S Q�0 ❑ REGIONAL OFFICE. CONTACT NAME: Matl an on fna! cqL7y q f this D98lncludirr all "No 6 srhar e" re orM . within 30 days of recef R t.o 'thllab results case. of "No Discharge" reports) -to Division -of Water Quality. Atari: 1jWQ Central Files:. 1617 Wil Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 2769.9-1617 Y INFO "I certify, un* er penalty -of 'law., --that this document and all a. •echments were prepared under -my direction or supervision in accoedance-with a system designed io assut`e that qualified personnel properlygather and evaluat the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person oe persons who manage the system,.or those persons directly responsible for.gathering,the: informs ion, the information submitted is, to -the best of my knowledge a.tid bellef,.true, aceurate,.and complete:. I am aware'that-there are significant penalties 'for submitting alse information; including the possibilitj -offines and imprisonment forbowing vfol�ations. Signature of'Perrd q/a7/ t off. Dad Permit Date: 11'/1/2018-05/31/2021 5WVU-245, lash revlsed,11/1/2018: Pale 3 of-3