HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW7080803_HISTORICAL FILE_20080805r POST-CONSTRUCTION PERMIT ��aex,nrti—� E � psa�cuPil ES ooCosiE m oSt[evnwnnaxi Vanceboro B®jangles' & Trade[Wilco Stormwater Management Intersection of NC 43 & SR 1654 Owner/Developer: REDCO Properties, LLC 335 N. Queen St. Kinston, NC 28502 Phone: 252-522-0191 FQSS/ri' :9 a{ AL 026970 3 STOCKS ENGINEERING, P.A. Donald L. Curry, Jr., PE Phone: 919,821.2440 3344 Hillsborough St., Suite 250 Fax: 919.821.2210 Raleigh, NC 27607 Email: dcurry@stocksengineering.com July 30, 2008 Mr. Don L. Curry, Jr., P.E. Stocks Engineering, P.A. 3344 Hillsborough Street (�� ,, ��� Suite 250 11 kl� 0 Raleigh, NC 27607 i it u '5 Z008 RE: Contract between Redco Properties, LLC and ®�� �QU� Joseph E. Thomas V FY RO Dear Mr. Curry: The purpose of this letter is to grant permission to Redco Properties, LLC to apply for and secure all necessary regulatory and construction permits for the purpose of constructing a proposed Bojangles restaurant and Trade/Wilco convenience store as shown on drawings signed and sealed by Don L. Curry, Jr., P.E. at Stocks Engineering, P.A. The construction shall be in conformity with all applicable zoning regulations and restrictive covenants referenced in the contract and to be included in the deed for the property upon closing. This is not an approval of the plans and specifications for the construction. This letter further grants permission for Redco Properties, LLC to encroach upon adjacent property belonging to the undersigned and lying outside the boundary of the property to be sold, to install items related to the construction of the drainage, utilities, driveways and stormwater management ponds and ditches and related grading and drainage activities. This letter does not permit any storage of equipment or staging on property belonging to the undersigned but only permits encroachment onto the property owned by the undersigned necessary to construct within the easements referenced in the contract over the property belonging to the undersigned of the drainage, utility, stormwater and driveway facilities referenced in the contract. Redco Properties, LLC and its successors and assigns shall replace and repair any damage to the property of the undersigned caused by such activities. No construction shall be permitted pursuant to the terms of this letter on the property to be sold or the remaining property belonging to the undersigned unless and until closing occurs. The intent of this letter is to allow Redco Properties, LLC and its successors and assigns to have its construction permits in place in order to begin construction immediately upon closing. If closing does not occur, the permission granted in this letter may be revoked by the undersigned. CRAVEN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA I certify that the following person(s) personally appeared before me this day, each acknowledging to me that he or she signed the foregoing document: Joseph E. Thomas. Date '}./31/.00R , �eax�2�cQcfl. Signature of Notary Public (Official Seal) n1'av\rj My commission expires: j�,9oo 9 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Paul D. Smith, PE 3344 Hillsborough St., Suite 250 Raleigh, NC 27607 919.821.2440 (0) 919.821.2210 (C) To: Lyn Hardison Environmental Engineer NCDENR 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 Phone: 1 252-948-3842 1 Overnight N.O. x y We are sending you the following: e EC Plans R Prints/Plans *5 Contracts k Permit Applications These are transmitted as checked below. X For Approval K As Discussed �c For Review and Comment J. Michael Stocks, PE P.O. Box 1108 Nashville, NC 27856 252.459.8196 (0) 252.903.6891(C) Job No. 2008-024 Job Name: Bojangles' & Trade/Wilco Vanceboro Vanceboro, NC Date: 7/31/08 Sent By. Don Curry, PE es Construction Plat a Site Plan Drawings Site Work Calculations n X For Your File es As Requested .e For Your Signature, then return to: e Computer Disk .e; For Your Use Copies Date Description 2 Express Review - Stormwater 2 Express Review — Erosion Control Remarks Enclosed are conies of Stormwater and Erosion Control packages for the Express Review for Bojangles' & Trade/Wilco in Vanceboro. NC. Please contact me with any questions. Thanks. Don Copies To: file 0 Michael F. Easley, Governor i William G. Ross Jr., Secretary rNorth Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources i � Coleen N. Sullins, Director Division of Water Quality August 13, 2008 REDCO Pr perties, LLC Attn.: C,0 McRae N. en Street ston, NC 28502 Subject:: Dear Mr. McRae Stormwater Review SW7080803 Vanceboro Bojangles & TradeANilco Craven County This office received a Coastal Stormwater permit application and plans for the subject project on August 5, 2008. A preliminary review of your project indicates that before a State Stormwater permit can be issued the following additional information is needed: 1. Add the weir elevation between the main pond and the forebay on the pond profile view (sheet C-04). 2. Add the dimensions for the wet pond at the permanent pool elevation. 3. It appears that the Provided Volume (Volume between the Permanent Pool and the Temporary Pool -in Pond Report sheet of the calculations) at the elevation of 21.28' is in the range of 4,000 cf, while the Required Volume is 10,062 cf. Please revise the Temporary Pool elevation to provide at least the Required Volume. 4. Revise all the necessary plan sheets and the calculations to reflect above changes. 5. Provide 2 sets of signed and sealed plan sheets and calculations. The above requested information must be received in this office prior to August 20, 2008 or your application will be returned as incomplete. The return of this project will necessitate resubmittal of all required items including the application fee. If you need additional time to submit the required information, please mail or fax your request for time extension to me at the Letterhead address and include the application number on the request. The request must include justification for the amount of additional time needed. The request will only be granted for justifiable delays that are unforeseen and beyond the owner or consultant's control. You should also be aware that the Stormwater Rules require that the permit be issued prior to any development activity. Construction without a permit is a violation of 15A NCAC 2H.1000 and North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 and may result in civil penalties of up to $25,000 per day. Please reference the Stormwater Project Number above on all correspondence. If you have questions, please feel free to contact me at (252) 948-3959. Sincerely, r , Samir Dumpor, PE Environmental Engineer Washington Regional Office North Carolina Division of Water Quality Internet: www.ncwateraualitv.ore 943 Washington Square Mall Phone (252) 946-6481 Washington, NC 27889 Fax (252) 946-9215 One NorthCarolina Naturally An Equal OpportunitylAffiunadve Action Employer— 50% Recycled110% Post Consumer Paper cc: vWashington Regional Office Donald Curry, PE, Stocks Engineering, PA (3344 Hillsborough St., Suite 250, Raleigh, NC 27607) LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Paul D. Smith, PE e 3344 Hillsborough St., Suite 250 Raleigh, NC 27607 919.821.2440 (0) 919.821.2210 (C) L`I 11 To: Samir Dumpor Environmental Engineer NCDENR 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 Phone: 252-948-3842 Overnight No x vos We are sending you the following: es EC Plans X Prints/Plans es Contracts X Permit Applications These are transmitted as checked below., X For Approval es As Discussed es For Review and Comment J. Michael Stocks, PE P.O. Box 1108 Nashville, NC 27856 252.459.8196 (0) 252.903.6891 (C) Job No. 2008-024 Job Name: Bojangles' & Trade/Wilco Vanceboro Vanceboro, NC Date: 08/14/08 Sent By: Don Curry, PE a Construction Plat a Site Plan Drawings es Site Work Calculations $ X For Your File a As Requested For Your Signature, then return to: es Computer Disk e For Your Use Copies Date Description 2 pp�1S(( 'b��yt��� �(� RECEU 1� U Revised Sheet C-04 2 Revised Calculations DW% _ /ADPI 1 Letter addressing comments Remarks Enclosed is revised plan sheet C-04 and revised calculations per your letter dated August 13, 2008. Please contact me with any questions. Thanks. Don Copies To: file Stocks Engineering., P.A.A. Destgwun,g the Future, Today. August 14, 2008 Mr. Samir Dumpor Environmental Engineer Washington Regional Office NCDENR 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 Re: Proposed Vanceboro 13ojangles' and Trade/Wilco Hess Site Plan Express Submittal for Erosion Control and Stormwater Response to Comments Dated Thursday, August 13, 2008 Dear Mr. Dumper: This letter summarizes comments form your letter dated Thursday, August 13, 2008, and their corresponding responses: oI. Add the weir elevation between the main pond and the forebay on the pond profile view (sheet C- 04). The weir elevation has been added as requested. 2. Add the dimensions ter the wet pond at the permanent pool elevation. Permanent pool dimensions have been added. 3. It appears that the Provided Volume (Volume between the Permanent Pool and the Temporary Pool -in Pond Report sheet of the calculations) at the elevation of 21.28' is in the range of 4,000 cf, while the Required Volume is 10,062 cf. Please revise the Temporary Pool elevation to provide at least the Required Volume. The temporary pool elevation has been raised to elevation 21.68, which provides the required 10,062 cf. 4. Revise all the necessary plan sheets and the calculations to reflect above changes Plan sheets and calculations have been revised to reflect the changes noted above. J. Michael Stoles, PE ® 802-8 East Washington Street PO Box 1108 Nashville, NC 27856 252.459.8196 (voice) 252.459.8197 (fax) 252.903.6891 (mobile) mstocks@stocksengineering.com Paul D. Smith, PE 3344 Hillsborough Street Suite 250 Raleigh, NC 27607 919.821.2440 (voice) 919.821.2210 (fax) 919.880.5886 (mobile) psm4h@stocksengineering.com . 5. Provide 2 sets of signed and sealed plan sheets and calculations. Two sets of revised plans and calculations are included herein. Feel free to contact me with any additional questions or comments. Sincerely, Donald L. Curry, Jr., P.B. Att: Plans (2 copies) Calculations and revised applications (2 copies) I: 1 For DENR Use ONLY ©�/� North Carolina Department of Environment and R"ew 1"A Natural Resources Lme NCDENR Request for Express Permit Review l dN all the Information below and CHECK the PemniqA you anerequesting for express review. FAX or Em rdinator along with a completed DETAILED negative, site plan (PDF file) and vicinity map (same items exneeted fn I of the project location. Include this form In the application package. . • Asheville Region -Alison Davidson 828-2964698;allson.devidson®nemall.net • Fayetteville or Raleigh Region -David Lee 919-7914203, devid.lee®ncmail.net • Mooresville& -Patrick Grogan 704-663J772 or patrickgroaanOrcmail.net • Washington Region -Lyn Hardison 252-946.9215 orlvn.hardison®nemafLnet • Wilmington Region -Janet Russell 910350-2004 or lanetrussell®ncmall.net NOTE: Project application received after 12 noon will be stamped in the following work day. Project Name: VANCEBORO BOJANGLESIHESS County: CRAVEN Applicant: BRAD MERCER Company: REDCO PROPERTIES Address: 335 N. QUEEN ST. City: KINSTON, State: NC Zip: 28502 Phone: 252-208-2233 Fax: 252-522-3602 Email: brad@becaiun.com Project is Drains into NON -SA waters Project Located in NEUSE River Basin Engineer/Consultant: Donald L. Cum, Jr. Company: Stocks EngineerinD Address: 3344 HILLSBOROUGH ST., SUITE 250 City: RALEIGH, State: NC Zip: 27607 Phone: 9IH21-2440 Fax: 919-821-2210 Email: dcurrvMstocksengineedn0.com ❑ Scoping Meeting ONLY ❑ DWO, ❑ DCM, ❑ DLR, ❑ OTHER Deleted: I — Deleted: 9 EXPRESS AUG 052008 NC DENR ® State Stormwater ❑ General ❑ SFR, ❑Bkhd & Bt Rmp, ❑ Clear & Grub, ❑ Utility ❑ Low Density ❑ Low Density -Curb & Gutter _N Curb Outlet Swales ❑ Off -site [SW _(Provide permit #)] ® High Density -Detention Pond 1# Treatment Systems ❑ High Density -Infiltration _#-Treatment Systems ❑ High Density -Bio-Retention _# Treatment Systems ❑ High Density -Constructive Wetlands _# Treatment Systems ❑ High Density -Other # Treatment Systems ❑ MODIFICATION SW (Provide permit #) Management ❑ Excavation & RII ❑ Bridges & Culverts ❑ Structures Information ❑ Upland Development ❑ Marina Development ❑ Urban Waterfront Z Land Quality ® Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan vdtK I acres to be disturbed.(CK # IIC(ddt-or DENR use)) WETLANDS QUESTIONS MUST BE ADOgESSEO BELOW ,D3g1 0 ❑ Wetlands (401) Check all that aooly Isolated wetland on Property ❑ Yes ® No Wetlands on Site ❑ Yes ® No Buffer Impacts: ® No ❑ YES: acre(s) Wetlands Delineation has been completed: ❑ Yes ® No Minor Variance: ® No ❑ YES US ACOE Approval of Delineation completed: ❑ Yes ® No Major General Variance ® No ❑ YES 404 Application in Process w/ US ACOE: ❑ Yes ® No 401 Application required: ❑Yes ® No If YES, ❑ Regular Permit Received from US ACOE ❑ Yes ® No Perennial, Blue line stream, etc on site ❑ yes ® No For DENR use only Fee Split for multiple cermits: (Check # 7�6 11 Total Fee Amount 4 G-O0o SUBMITTAL DATES Fee SUBMITTAL DATES Fee CAMA $ Variance Ma Min $ SW ❑ HD ❑ LD ❑ Gen $ ygdf.v9 401: $ LGS S ltXlo.`� 1I Stream Deter,— $ 0 Vanceboro Bojangles' & Trade/Wilco Stormwater Management Intersection of NC 43 & SR 1654 052008 STOCKS ENGINEERING, P.A. I-u.aw ® Donald L. Curry, Jr., PE Phone: 919.821.2440 3344 Hillsborough St., Suite 250 Fax: 919.821.2210 Raleigh, NC 27607 Email: dcurry@stocksengineering.com 0 A C Vanceboro Boiangles' Permit Application Table of Contents . Trade[Wilco - Tab I Permit Applications & Required Forms Tab II Wet Detention Basin Supplement & Calculations Tab III Soils Report Tab IV Drainage & Erosion Control Calculations Tab V Soils & Topographic Maps Date Invoice Number Comment REDCO PROPERTIES, LLC Amount Discount Amount Net Amount 07/18/08 071808EXP Vanceboro 4,000.00 0.00 4,000.00 Check: 003861 07/18/08 NC DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENT & NCDENR Check Total: 4,000.00 - Bank of America k: ••• . REDCO PROPERTIES, LLC KINST01N NC 28501 '''' 003861' !+ -"POST OFFICE60X9704- - ` 'r KINSTON NC28502,., - •«i. (252)5220191 'FOUR THOUSAND AND. XX / 100` • " . - CHECK DATE< y; CHECK'AMOUNT �-. 07/18/08' 4000 00 PAY To NC DEPT? OF ENVIRONMENT & THE NATURALRESOURCES" ORDER 1632:.MAIL SERVICE ROAD: OF RALEIGHONG"!27699 1632 u'00386"1'II' 1 053000,19.EI -+000E57,s 7640�s" GNATURE SIGNATURE E e Vanceboro Bojangles' and Trade/Wilco Vanceboro, NC Site Location Narrative and Express Permitting Questionnaire Response Pro*ect Narrative This project lies at the intersection of NC 43 and SR 1654, Bailey Lane, in the town of Vanceboro, Craven County, NC. The 3.53 acre site is located north of downtown Vanceboro adjacent to an existing Food Lion grocery store which is accessed by NC 43. The site is currently undeveloped with grass vegetation that is regularly mowed and well maintained. The site drains to the south into an existing drainage ditch that carries runoff to the east and south, around the existing Food Lion store and associated stormwater pond. The proposed development consists of a Bojangles' restaurant and TradeAVilco Hess gas station. Eighty percent of the site is proposed impervious with the remaining grassed and or landscaped areas. The proposed runoff will be collected in an enclosed drainage system consisting of several catch basins that convey drainage to the east of the property, into a proposed stormwater pond adjacent to the existing Food Lion pond. An existing ® ditch which carries off -site drainage will be re-routed around both the Food Lion and proposed new ponds. The site does not drain to SA waters, requiring the capture and treatment of the first 1" of runoff in the pond. 1. General Information a. Name of Project Vanceboro Bojangles & Trade/Wilco Stocks Engineering Project #2008-018 b. Street Address, City, County This site is located in Vanceboro, Craven County, at the intersection of NC 43 and SR 1654 Bailey Lane. c. Acres in Tract 3.53 ac d. Acres Being Disturbed 0 5.1 ac e. Acres in Wetlands 1. Wetlands Must Be Delineated & Sign -Off Obtained From The Corps 2. Proposed Wetland Impacts Require Permits From Corps & DWQ There are no wetlands on the site. f. Ownership Information From NC Secretary of State Web Site Current Owner: Joseph and Linda Thomas PO Box 14165 New Bern, NC 28561 Deed Book 2370, Page 1036 Parcel ID #1-045-031 Future Owners: Bojangles: Redco Properties, LLC 335 N. Queen St. Kinston, NC 28502 252-522-0191 Mr. Cam McRae g. Description of Development Proposal ® 1. Previous or Existing Permits None. 2. Tax parcel ID Number ParcellD #1-045-031 h. Pre-1988 Built Upon Area, If Applicable The site has no history of development. It has always been a vacant site. i. Discuss Phasing of the Project & Stormwater Facilities When Applicable The proposed Stormwater facilities will be constructed in a single phase. j. Discuss Proposed Waste Water Treatment & Water Supply Proposed sanitary and water connections will be made via the Town of Vanceboro's existing infrastructure. ❑I k. Identify Historic Sites & Projects Being Funded With Public Monies There are no historic sites on this property. Public money is not being used for this development. 1. Disclose Any/All Non -Compliance Issues with DENR Agencies Not applicable for this site. 2. Stormwater Information a. Provide River Basin, Stream Classification & Index Number for All water Bodies On or Adjacent To The Project or Closest to The Project Area The site drains to a tributary to Mauls Swamp and into Swift Creek which then drains into the Neuse River. Mauls Swamp has a surface water classification of C: Sw; NSW. 'Z-7- 017- 5-7 b. Identify Whether the Stormwater Design is High Density or Low Density, Commercial or Residential, State Stormwater or NPDES Phase II, Address Vested Rights When Applicable; Identify Pockets of High Density The site is designated High Density Commercial. NPDES Phase II and Vested Rights are not applicable for this location. 4 c. Proposed Total % Impervious Surface 2.85 acres or 80% Impervious d. Number of Proposed Treatment Measures, Type(s) of Collection System There is a single proposed wet pond treatment measure for the entire property. The site drainage will be collected in an enclosed drainage system and drained into the pond. e. Will All Built Upon Area Be Collected Yes. I. Identify Whether or Not the Project Has Buffer Requirements & Whether or Not Development Is Proposed Within A Buffer There are no buffer requirements and the proposed development is not within a buffer. C e g. Discuss Coastal Management Areas of Environmental Concern When Applicable There are no AEC's on this project. . h. Disclose Whether or Not Off -Site Runoff Is Coming Onto The Site or Into The Proposed BMP There is no off -site runoff entering the site or the BMP. Discuss Whether Road Construction Across Other property Is Necessary To Access This Project Road construction across other property is not required to access this project. j. If An On -Site Evaluation Of The Soils Has Been Done, Discuss Infiltration Rates, Seasonal High Water Table, etc., and Include Date Of Site Evaluation (This Is Required For Infiltration Projects). An on -site soils evaluation has been completed by Applied Resource Management, P.C., of Hampstead, NC and was sealed by Walter Giese, LSS. This evaluation is included in the permit documentation. El J STORMWATER SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS WET DETENTION POND Objective A. ✓ Collect all runoff from all BUA (proposed and/or existing and/or offsite) as the case may be, by any means including piping or swales, and direct it to the pond. B. V Check the proposed pond design to make sure it meets or exceeds the minimum design ' criteria for surface area, volume and drawdown. H. What makes up a complete wet detention pond application package? A. Two sets of sealed, signed & dated layout & grading plans with appropriate details. Additional sets of plans may be requested for projects in certain counties) B. Completed application with supplement(s), SWU-101, SW401-Wet Pond, and inspection and maintenance agreements. C.N beed restriction document, if applicable (for subdivisions & projects with out parcels) D. /Sealed, signed & dated calculations. 1, E. V Estimated seasonal high water table elevation at all pond locations. F.A// fiChlorides test results must be provided if the project is within''/2 mile of SR waters (Phase 11). // This is only required to test out of SR water treatment requirements) III. BIMS entry (for DWQ use only) Enter & track application acknowledged date, review date, add info requested/received dates, permit issue dates, and drainage area info. Best done after the add info letter is written and before sending permit up for signature. IV. Shell documents (for DWQ use only) ; Permit shells: s:\wqs\stormwater\shells\highcompond s:\wqs\stormwater\shel Is\hig hsub pond s:\wqs\stormwater\shel Is\H Dhyb rid Spreadsheet: s:\wqs\stormwater\excel spreadsheets\pond VI. Review Procedure A. APPL ATION 1. An original signature is required. Photocopied signatures cannot be accepted. ; 2.completed wet detention pond supplement and a signed, dated and notarized wet d detention pond Inspection and Maintenance Agreement with an original signature. !� 3.V The numbers on the supplement match up to the numbers used in the calculations and .� hown on the plan details. V 4. Built -upon areas are reported in square feet in Section 111.6. 5.✓Receiving stream name and classification. This is important because in the non -Phase II counties, a wet pond cannot be used on a project that is within '/z mile of and draining /to SA waters. For Phase 11, a wet pond is allowed within '/2 mile of SA waters. 6.Y Section 111.6 is filled in -cannot be left blank. One column must be filled in for each /proposed wet pond. ' 7.V If the applicant is a corporation, partnership or LLC, look it up on the Secretary of State Corporations Database. Make sure corporation is spelled correctly (capitalization and punctuation matter) and that the person signing the application is at least a vice- president in the corporation, a General Partner in the -partnership, a member in a member -managed LLC, or the manager of a manager -managed LLC. Need documentation to support if the Articles of Incorporation do not list the members or managers of the LLC. If an agent signs, then a letter of authorization is needed from the 4wresident, vice president, general partner, member or manager. or subdivided projects, a signed and notarized deed restriction statement must be Wet Detention Pond, cont. B. CALCULATIONS ? 1./ The orifice is sized based on drawing down the calculated minimum volume in 2-5 Q/ days. The average head to use in the orifice equation is approximately one-third of the distance between the permanent pool elevation (PPE) and the elevation of the next available outlet above the permanent pool. The elevation of the next available outlet must be either the elevation where the minimum volume is provided, or it can be higher. The temporary pool elevation (TPE) to report on the supplement will be the elevation of the next available outlet above the PPE. The temporary pool volume (TPV) to report on the supplement is the volume between the specified PPE and the of /�TPE. t� 2. For Phase II projects that are within ''/z mile of and draining to SR waters, the difference in runoff from the predevelopment and post -development conditions for 3.d// the 1 year 24 hour storm must be controlled and treated. For Phase II projects, the discharge rate leaving the pond can be no,more than the d 40 pre -development discharge rate for the 1 year 24 hour storm, For Phase II projects draining to SA water, no discharge to surface waters may occur ,from wet ponds. The discharge leaving the orifice must be effectively infiltrated prior to /reachingsurfacewaters. V 5. The average pond depth is the permanent pool volume divided by the permanent pool surface area. The result must be between 3 ft. and 7.5 ft. Parts of the pond can be p /deeper than 7.5 ft., but in no case can any part of the pond be less than 3 ft deep. 6. �/ the 85 /o T art is used a 30' vegetated filter must be provided at the outlet of the �0 pond. If t 90% S chart is used, no filter is required. 7. ' Use the co A/DA TSS chart from the BMP Manual noting that there are different / charts for different areas of the State. V f 8. equired surface area at permanent pool. C 9. V Provided surface area at permanent pool (Based on pond dimensions) mod[ 2 10. Required volume calculation based on 1.5" storm for Phase II projects` nd 1" storm fo all others projects. 'unless the project is Phase II and within Yz mile of a ing to i` R waters then the volume calculation must be based on difference between the pre J� q� and post development conditions for the 1-yr 24-hr storm. 11. able of elevations, areas, incremental volumes and accumulated volumes for overall �J pond and for forebay, to verify volumes provided. u 1 Forebay designed to hold 20% of the permanent pool volume. (Range of 18%-22% ,I KJ -yS � 13P/ Thee flow for 10 yr. storm in the vegetated filter, if using 85%TSS. 14 e seasonal high water table must be at or below the proposed permanent pool ,elevation to assure that the necessary volume will be available above the permanent 15. pounding numbers off during the calculation process can result in deficiencies. Do not �1 Mound the numbers until you get to the final result. 16Y An additional one foot must be excavated below the bottom elevation of the pond. The 1 n -I U foot sediment accumulation depth is not included in the average depth calculation. ��// �I V �i ck" orbs r Wet Detention Pond, cont. C. PLANS- Due to storage space constraints, plan sheets should be kept to a minimum. For small commercial single wet pond projects, the plan set could consist of only 2 or 3 sheets, layout, grading and details. For larger projects, show as much information as possible on as few sJaeets as possible, without cluttering them up. 1. ��evelopment/Project Name 2.V ngineer name and firm. 3.Y egend 4. orth Arrow 5.V Location Map with nearest intersection of two major roads shown. Major road is any 1, �2, or 3 digit NC, US or interstate highway. 6. ✓ Scale- standard engineering scale, no off-the-wall stuff. 7. ate 8. evision number and date, if applicable. 9. V Original contours, proposed contours, spot elevations, finished floor elevations, pipe ✓rnverts, swale inverts, etc. 10. xisting drainage (piping, swales, ditches, ponds, etc.), including off -site. Include a map elineating the offsite drainage areas. 11 roperty/Project boundary lines, bearing & distances. 12. can High Water Line or Normal High Water Line, if applicable. 13. The permanent pool elevation must be above the SHWT and above the lowest e}evation of adjacent wetlands. Evaluate the need for a liner and/or berm/slurry wall to ✓�6revent dewatering the wetland. 14. )Drainage easement widths, pipe sizes and swale inverts are provided. 15V Wetlands delineated, or a note on the plans that none exist. Get a copy of the wetlands delineation map signed by the Corps of Engineers, or have the applicant include a copy the unsigned delineation map submitted to the Corps. Wet ponds may not be located m wetlands unless a permit to fill those wetlands has been obtained. 16. Details forthe roads, parking, cul-de-sacs, including sidewalk width, radii, dimensions & �I�No�. 17? Apartment / Condo development- Provide a typical building footprint with dimensions and note all concrete and wood deck areas. '2 1 The drainage area for each wet pond is clearly delineated and numbered to match up to the calculations and supplement. Drainage area delineation is best done as a separate 2 plan sheet. 19. A pond section detail to include the f9+ May, a 10ff6o� wide vegetate shelf, per�iiient elevations for the bottom, perma nt pool, temptrrrary pool, andWT, 3: Its>opes above the permanent pool, and the weir elevation between the main pond and the f reba 20 a 10 vegetated shelf extends 6" below and 6" above the permanent pool elevation. 21. An outlet structure detail showing a trash rack with 156" square openings, the necessary 1--� orifice invert elevation (i.e., the permanent pool), orifice size and temporary pool GVPIIVII ? 2 imensions for each line and arc formed by the permanent pool contour. 2311aWhere the 85% TSS chart was used, a 30 ft. vegetated filter strip is required to be r �hown on the plans & detailed (elevations, inverts, slopes, and flow spreader echanism). Please note that the filter strip is not a ditch. 24. /A forebay is provided for each inlet and located so as to prevent short-circuiting. 25.V The pond must have a minimum 1.5:1 length to width ratio and a minimum 3:1 flow path length. Artificial "baffles" of timber, vinyl, or earth can be used to create a longer flow /path. The top elevation of the baffle should be set at the temporary pool elevation or A Vegetation plan is specified for the pond, including slopes. Wetlands species are Oted for planting on the 10:1 shelf. Weeping Love Grass is not suitable as a permanent vegetated cover for pond slopes. All roof drainage must be directed to the pond. Show the roof drain collection lines on the plan. This is necessary for projects where the buildings back up the property lines where roof drainage may leave the site prior to going through the pond. Tab II — Wet Detention Basin Supplement & Calculations �• Cu I� R`i '7. ?jp. O'j 0 Trl /VJILCp - V4nKtt� Z, he z"4 �e,9a7SF S1paw4.ya., _ 17) Sc AlI r Po —JD DES�E„1� =/ Z 4, Z L O s G ✓ Pt- 4tDoS a,2� 4 C-n.ks�l�a^�95�aPi�lG = 3z a to �F Yoram _ /2� iG c9 5-F IuP. l SG oo�i SF �� �MP�zkJio�g = /z�fZVD sF 156, y ac 5P 5AI D4 2 t r o �&R cto'/- 1S5 Via 7-4Fx.c I e -q , AVG 3 ' ( rK 99 5a`va- M r o = S y v� D uaFA e' A 12s::4 _ l Ay J / /`•gib�p0SF = /y,700sF I V/ jLwN orf \16W Jcr 12y = O.o5 + 0.9(rd) 0.05 � IZv - 0.77 1/ = %3o % go . R % A "w� = 3 630 �3• (-) (0,77(1,) / a] P-p ! i u A p12414A-CE Ape lSG Scbsf = 3.4, A -- /I( Plc-V, C4-LCvL4:mc) ,JS F4�---772— 9 , r3 .05 60—k—(Z. FT5 -Pc.Ol-N ol-Te ul.00>�L =JtD ✓DL (cf) \) /O/ob2CA M, ?ca SG e of �V, DnnvJtXxJ�1 L4Lcv�o..9s G2 = Cp A=O.OZISS (7- oC-10 = 3z-z �jsi f4 v 3 Q ' 9, 5 <`s yoL_ /0 0&I CPS FLo�nJ o, 05 cog Zo��Z�C,S M Watershed Model Schematic Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve v9.22 r Hydrograph Return Period Recap Hydraflow Hydrographs by lnlelisolve v9.22 Hyd. No. Hydrograph type (origin) Inflow Hyd(s) Peak Outflow (cfs) Hydrograph description 1-Yr 3-Yr 5-Yr 10-Yr 25-Yr 50-Yr 100-Yr 1 SCS Runoff ------ 4.220 0.002 ----- ---- ----- ---- _— Pre Development 2 SCS Runoff ---- 13.36 2.594 ------- ----- ---- ---- —__ Post Development 3 Reservoir 2 0.319 0.047 --- --- _____ __—_ —____ __— Outfow Proj. file: Pond Behind FL-WDP Calcs.gpw Wednesday, Jul 30, 2008 3 IE Hydrograph Summary Report Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve v9.22 Hyd. No. Hydrograph type (origin) TPeakTIme)al Time to peak (min) Hyd. volume (cult) Inflow hyd(s) Maximum elevation (ft) Total strge used (cuft) Hydrograph description i SCS Runoff 4.220 1 720 10,159 -- Pre Development 2 SCS Runoff 13.36 1 719 31,873 --- --- -- Post Development 3 Reservoir 0.319 1 916 17,038 2 22.41 24,138 Outflow Pond Behind FL-WDP Calcs.gpw Return Period: 1 Year Wednesday, Jul 30, 2008 Hydrograph Report Cl Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve v9.22 ® Hyd. No. 1 Pre Development Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 1 yrs Time interval = 1 min Drainage area = 3.590 ac Basin Slope = 0.3 % Tc method = KIRPICH Total precip. = 3.20 in Storm duration = 24 hrs Q (cfs) 5.00 ® 4.00 i 11 2.00 1.00 Pre Development Hyd. No. 1 — 1 Year Wednesday, Jul 30, 2008 Peak discharge = 4.220 cfs Time to peak = 720 min Hyd. volume = 10,159 cuft Curve number = 69 Hydraulic length = 570 ft Time of conc. (Tc) = 9.67 min Distribution = Type II Shape factor = 484 Q (cfs) 5.00 4.00 19111111 2.00 FAIIIII 0.00 ' I ' I I I I I 1 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 — Hyd No. 1 Time (min) Hydrograph Report 5 Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve v9.22 Hyd. No. 2 Post Development Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 1 yrs Time interval = 1 min Drainage area = 3.590 ac Basin Slope = 0.3 % Tc method = KIRPICH Total precip. = 3.20 in Storm duration = 24 hrs Composite (Area/CN) = ](3.140 x 98) + (0.450 x 61)] / 3.590 Q (cfs) 14.00 ® 12.00 10.00 M . �1 4.00 2.00 Wednesday, Jul 30, 2008 Peak discharge = 13.36 cfs Time to peak = 719 min Hyd. volume = 31,873 cuft Curve number = 93* Hydraulic length = 570 ft Time of conc. (Tc) = 9.67 min Distribution = Type II Shape factor = 484 Post Development Hyd. No: 2 — 1 Year Q (cfs) 14.00 12.00 10.00 M 4.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 — Hyd No. 2 Time (min) Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve v9.22 ® Hyd. No. 3 Outflow Hydrograph type = Reservoir Storm frequency = 1 yrs Time interval = 1 min Inflow hyd. No. = 2 -Post Development Reservoir name = Wet Detention Pond Storage Indication method used. Q (cfs) 14.00 ® 12.00 21 10.00 W M 4.00 PAIIPI it Outflow Hyd. Noi 3 -- 1 Year 6 Wednesday, Jul 30, 2008 Peak discharge = 0.319 cfs Time to peak = 916 min Hyd. volume = 17,038 cuft Max. Elevation = 22.41 ft Max. Storage = 24,138 cuft Q (cfs) 14.00 12.00 10.00 M M 4.00 2.00 0.00 1 I I I 0.00 0 300 600 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 2400 2700 3000 — Hyd No. 3 — Hyd No. 2 IliIiIIlliiilililIlll Total storage used = 24,138 cuft Time (min) Pond Report Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve v9.22 Wednesday, Jul 30, 2008 Pond No. 1 - Wet Detention Pond Pond Data Contours - User -defined contour areas. Average end area method used for volume calculation. Begining Elevation = 21.00 It Stage / Storage Table Stage (ft) Elevation (ft) Contour area (sgft) I Incr. Storage (tuft) Total storage (tuft) 0.00 21.00 11,650 0 0 0 50 �'� 21.50 17,700 1 7,338 7,33Ob�Z 8 1.00 22.00 18,500 9,050 16,388 1.50 22.50 19,400 9,475 25,863 Culvert / Orifice Structures Weir Structures [A] [B] [C] [PrfRsr] [A] [B] [C] [D] Rise (In) = 8.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 Crest Len (ft) = 10.00 20.00 0.00 0.00 Span (In) = 8.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 Crest El. (ft) = 22.40 22.40 0.00 0.00 No. Barrels = 2 1 1 0 1 Weir Coeff. = 3.33 3.33 3.33 3.33 Invert El. (ft) = 21.00 21.00 0.00 0.00 !Weir Type = Riser Broad -- - Lenglh(ft) = 52.00 0.10 0.00 0.00 ,Multistage = Yes No No No Slope (%) = 0.44 0.10 0.00 n/a N•Value = .013 .013 .013 n/a Orifice Coeff. = 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60;Exfll.(Inlhr) = 0.000 (by Contour) MultlStage = n1a Yes Yes No TW Elev. (ft) = 0.00 NoW CuNerVOMbe ou b are ensWed under Wet 0c) and wflet (W) control. Wah been dna hmd for obflce condldwe (Ic) and vubmer wm (a). ® Stage (ft) 2.00 1.80 1.60 1.40 1.20 1.00 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 ® 0.00 c - Total O Stage / Discharge Elev (ft) 23.00 22.80 22.60 22.40 22.20 22.00 21.80 21.60 21.40 21.20 21.00 Discharge (cfs) 0 a IF Hydrograph Summary Report Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve v9.22 Hyd. No. Hydrograph type (origin) Peak How (cfs) Time interval (min) Time to peak (min) Hyd. volume (cuft) In Flow hyd(s) Maximum elevation (ft) Total strge used (cuft) Hydrograph description 1 SCS Runoff 0,002 1 1440 29 — -- -- Pre Development 2 SCS Runoff 2.594 1 720 5,869 =-- i ------ ----- Post Development 3 Reservoir 0.047 1 1112 4,439 2 I i i i i I i I I i I 21.28 4,111 Outflow Pond Behind FL-WDP Calcs.gpw Return Period: 1� Wednesday, Jul 30, 2008 Hydrograph Report P Hydraflow Hydrographs by Intelisolve v9.22 ® Hyd. No. 1 Pre Development Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 1" Time interval = min Drainage area = 3.590 ac Basin Slope = 0.3 % Tc method = KIRPICH Total precip. = 1.00 in Storm duration = 24 hrs Q (cfs) 0.09 is 0.08 0.07 0.06 U 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 Pre Development Hyd. No. 1 — Wednesday, Jul 30, 2008 Peak discharge = 0.002 cfs Time to peak = 1440 min Hyd. volume = 29 cuft Curve number = 69 Hydraulic length = 570 ft Time of conc. (Tc) = 9.67 min Distribution = Type II Shape factor = 484 Q (cfs) 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.05 0.04 0.03 [I"7 0.01 0.00 1 1 I i i I 1 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 — Hyd No. 1 Time (min) Hydrograph Report 10 HydraOow Hydrographs by Intelisolve v9.22 0 Hyd. No. 2 Post Development Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 0 Time interval = 1 min Drainage area = 3.590 ac Basin Slope = 0.3 % Tc method = KIRPICH Total precip. = 1.00 in Storm duration = 24 hrs I6 Composite (Area/CN) = [(3.140 x 98) + (0.450 x 61)] / 3.590 Q (Cfs) 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 Wednesday, Jul 30, 2008 Peak discharge = 2.594 cfs Time to peak = 720 min Hyd. volume = 5,869 cult Curve number = 93* Hydraulic length = 570 ft Time of conc. (Tc) = 9.67 min Distribution = Type II Shape factor = 484 Post Development Hyd. No. 2 -- Q (Cfs) 3.00 2.00 191I11 6LTi1• 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 — Hyd No. 2 Time (min) 11 Hydrograph Report ® Hyd. No. 3 I Outflow Hydrograph type = Reservoir Storm frequency = 1" Time interval = min Inflow hyd. No. = 2 - Post Development Reservoir name = Wet Detention Pond E Storage Indication method used. Q (cfs) 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 ' 0 300 Hyd No. 3 II Outflow Hyd. No. 3 --F7 Wednesday, Jul 30, 2008 Peak discharge = 0.047 cfs Time to peak = 1112 min Hyd. volume = 4,439 cuft Max. Elevation = 21.28 ft Max. Storage = 4,111 cuft Q (cfs) 3.00 2.00 MKIY� 0.00 600 900 1200 11500 1800 2100 2400 2700 3000 — Hyd No. 2 HIM 111111 Total storage used = 4,111 cult Time (min) I I w m e' EL 22.50 ' 1 at 3:1 uAx EL 21.50 Yiot TEMP. POOL EL wx 2a .-21.28 M LLA2 M14 IX W p 0rtCN BONOY !iMIU. 40E Euv. APPeo2. zo.75 5' -21. MIN. DEPTH Auv.-21.]0 2' flm 2, 2BOfiOY 3:1 0:1 WGUA= SH[ E1EV. YA% w91E1f ELI 18.007-00 A>'Pxo2. 21.00 EL 15.00IYE1FV..20.]0ff 1 PROPOSED POND SECTION LOOKING NORTH SCALE: N.T.S. B' P s 2:t ® I AWN IN 1 ]:1 YA2 YA% YA% I EL 17.00 ® �z� PROPOSED POND PROFILE LOOKING EAST C-04 SCALE: N.T.S. 4 OUTLET STRUCTURE DETAIL C_04 SCALE: N.T.S. EMUW. fl. . ---- r-r e•CEwAMDE j� D Try 4- PVC N sa' ,onf ar SPUNAY WM POND IN 56`5€ AN AREA. IIVLT i iNsm � P pplied KeOource Management, f'.G. 5 May 2008 Stocks Engineering c/o Don L..Curry Jr.; P:E 3344 Hillsborough'Street, Suite 250 Raleigh, NC 27607 Re: Storm Water Evaluation Vanceboro, NC Mr. Curry, Please find below a report referencing a soil and site evaluation for the above referenced. site, located at the corner of Highway 43 and Bailey Road in Vanceboro, North Carolina. 1.0 Introduction/Purpose The purpose of the soil and site evaluation was to determine the feasibility of disposing and/or storing storm waterwithin appropriate storm waterdevices located on the site. 2.0 Methods (Refer to Appendix A and Figure 1) The site was evaluated using hand auger borings. Auger borings were made at varying locations throughout the site to a depth of at least 60 inches and profile descriptions recorded. The ;seasonal high water table was. determined: by the .indication of redoximorphic features and/or colors of chmma 2 or less (Munsell Color Book) at >2% of the soil volume in:mottles or matrix of a horizon or horizon subdivision. The saturated hydraulic conductivity (Kt) of the unsaturated portion.of the soil profile was measured using a Compact Constant Head Permeameter. These in situ measurements of saturated hydraulic conductivity were obtained in accordIancewith the Compact Constant Head Permeameter User's Manual by Kst, Inc. Field work was conducted at the site on April 24, 2008. eP.O. Box 5,52 Hampstead, NC 28443 910. p70.2919 FAX 270.2988 0 5 May 2008 3.0 Results/Findings. (Refer to Appendix A and Figure 1 ) The site was determined to contain soils with a seasonal high water table less than 12 inches from the natural soil surface. In -situ saturated hydraulic conductivity measurements within the proposed.area range from 0.010 -0.027 inches per hour at a depth of 24-25 inches in the unsaturated portion of the.soil profile. (Refer to Table .1) Table 4 Soil Boring/ ' CCHP -Seasonal High.Water Table . Ksat (in/hr) 1 <12 inches .0.010 2 <.0 inches. 0.015 3. <12 inches 0.027. .:. . Arithmetic Mean 0.017 .. Geometric Mean 0.016 4.0Limitations The areas analyzed as part of this investigation only provide isolated data sets and.. points and do not represent subsurface conditions at every location in the, project . area..Analyses and conclusions of this report, interpretation between data: points, ` and subjectivesubsurfaceinterpretation, may not be completely representative of all subsurface conditions: . This investigation, furthermore. does not provide conclusive data on limits of impact. or other interpolations where indicated by question marks or: where otherwise qualified. Conclusions and recommendations of this investigation and report are based on the best available data" in'an effort to assist in the understanding, control and/or site planning and preparation. No guarantee is expressed or implied that new or additional data and/or scientific, measures will not be required for ultimate solution of the existing project. 2 0 • PpproNmpte SB and CCHP Loodbm I, Bang CCHP= Compact ConsfaM Heatl Petrrteameter Map adapted Iran Design plan proAded by Stocks Engine dng TITLE: Stocks Engineering-Vanceboro, NC FIGURE: Alppi911'OB)'M27108682 esource Mnagement PC CCHP and Soil Boring Locations om�t2, H eod. HC 2l. H ead, 98 28 JOB: SCALE: DATE: 919 F!J( 270-2908 008072 1 "=100' 04/28/08 GY • Stocks Engineering Soil Profile Description and Kgat Data Vanceboro, North Carolina April 24', 2008 Logged By: Gene Young, IRS Page 1 of 2 Soil Boring 1 Soil Description 0 - 9 inches Dark grayish brown (2.5Y 4/2) sandy loam, granular, very friable, non- expansive. 9- 24 inches Light yellowish.brown (2.5Y 6/4) sandy clay loam/ clay loam, sub - angular blocky, firm, slightly expansive with light brownish gray (2.5Y 6/2) and brownish yellow (10YR 6/8) mottles. 24 -60 inches Brownish yellow (10YR 6/6) sandy clay loam/ sandy clay, sub - angular blocky, firm, slightly expansive with light gray (10YR 7/1) and redish yellow (7.5YR 6/6) mottles. Seasonal High Water Table < 12" Stocks Engineering Vanceboro, NC Test Site: CCHP 1 Page 2 of 2 Soil notes: Location (cm) Hole Depth 64 water H 15 Reference 10 d 59 D 74 H1 59 DTW (cm) Time. Valve A Conver. Test 9:15 Start: On (cm^-2) Factor Initial: 59 1 0.001056 20 Final: 59 Test 10:30 ow Time dt Res dR DTW H Conver. Q K K K Loading (min) (min) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) Factor (cm^3/hr) (cm/hr) (in/hr) (in/wk) (gpd/ftz) 0:00:00 0 46.8 0 59 15 20 " IM s�-01- Ott" - - A 0:05:00 5 46.1 0.7 59 15 20 168 0.1774 6.070 11.734 , 0:10:00 1 5 45.8 0.3 59 15 20 72 0.0760 0.030 5.029 u 0:15:00 5 45.8 0 59 15 20 0 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0:25:00 10 45.4 0.4 59 15 20 48 0.0507 1 0.020 3.353 0:35:00 10 45.1 0.3 59 15 20 36 0.0380 0.015 2.514 0:45:00 10 44.8 0.3 59 15 20 36 0.0380 0.015 2.514 &M 0:55:00 10 1 44.6 0.2 1 59 15 20 24 0.0253 0.010 1.676 1:05:00 10 44.4 0.2 59 15 20 24 0.0253 0.010 1.676 1:15:00 10 44.2 0.2 59 15 20 24 0.0253 0.010 1.676 Ksa, 0.0253 0.010 1.676 0.149 • `J Stocks Engineering Soil Profile Description and KSat Data Vanceboro, North Carolina April 24 th, 2008 Logged By: Gene Young, IRS Soil Boring 2 Soil Description Page 1 of 2 0-8 inches Dark grayish brown(2.5Y 4/2) sandy loam, granular, very friable, expansive. 8 - 15 inches Very dark grayish brown (10YR 3/2) sandy clay loam, sub -angular blocky, firm, slightly expansive. 15 - 60 inches Light yellowish brown (2.5Y 6/4) clay, weak sub -angular blocky, very firm, expansive with gray (2.5Y 6/1) and brownish yellow (10YR 6/8) mottles. Seasonal High Water Table <12" Stocks Engineering Vanceboro, NC Test Site: CCHP 2 Page 2 of 2 Soil notes: Location (cm) Hole Depth 61 water H 15 Reference 10 d 56 D 71 H1 56 DTW (cm) Time Valve A Conver. Test 10:38 Start: On cm^-2 Factor Initial: 56 1 0.001056 20 Final: 56 Test 11:38 Time dt Res dR DTW H Conver. Q K K K Loading (min) (min) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) Factor (cm^3/hr) (cm/hr) (in/hr) (in/wk) (gpd/$2) 0:00:00 0 43.8 0 56 15 20 M- MW MMW��� E 0.035 5.867K r 1 0:10:00 10 43.1 0.7 56 15 20 84 0.0887 0:20:00 1 10 42.8 1 0.3 56 15 20 36 0.0380 0.015 2.514 a 0:30:00 10 42.5 0.3 56 15 20 36 0.0380 0.015 2.514 0:40:00 10 42.2 0.3 56 15 20 36 0.0380 1 0.015 2.514 . , . 0:50:00 10 41.9 0.3 56 15 20 36 0.0380 0.015 2.514 1:00:00 10 41.6 0.3 56 15 20 36 0.0380 0.015 2.514> K581 —W0380T 0.015 2.514 0.224 0 9 Stocks Engineering Soil Profile Description and KSat Data Vanceboro, North Carolina April 24 ', 2008 Logged By: Gene Young, IRS Soil Boring 3 Soil Description Page 1 of 2 0 - 8 inches Olive brown (2.5Y 4/3) sandy loam, sub -angular blocky, friable, non expansive. 8 - 15 inches Yellowish brown (10YR 5/6) sandy clay loam, sub -angular blocky, firm, slightly expansive with light brownish gray (10YR 6/2), grayish brown (10YR 5/2) and brownish yellow (10YR 6/8) mottles. 15 - 28 inches Yellowish brown (10YR 5/6) clay loam/ clay, sub -angular blocky, firm, slightly expansive with gray(10YR 6/1) and reddish yellow (7.5YR 6/6) mottles. 28 - 60 inches Grayish brown (2.5Y 5/2) clay loam/ clay, weak sub -angular blocky, very firm, expansive. Seasonal High Water Table < 12" Stocks Engineering Pest Site: CCHP 3 Soil notes: Location (cm) Hole Depth 61 water H 15 Reference 10 d 56 D 71 H1 56 Vanceboro, NC Page 2 of 2 DTW (cm) Time Valve A Conver. Test 11:47 Start: On cm^-2 Factor Initial: 56 1 0.000808 20 Final: 56 Test 13:07 Sto Time dt Res dR DTW H Conver. Q K K K Loading (min) (min) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) Factor (cm^3/hr) (cm/hr) (in/lir) (in/wk) (gpd/ft2) 0:00:00 0 46.4 0 56 15 20 : 'M Boom W=10111141= a t 0:10:00 10 45 1.4 56 15 20 168 0.1357 0.053 8.978 s' ' 0:20:00 10 44.3 0.7 56 15 1 20 84 0.0679 1 0.027 4.489 0:30:00 10 43.7 0.6 56 15 20 72 0.0582 0.023 3.848 0:40:00 10 43 0.7 56 15 20 84 0.0679 0.027 4.489 0:50:00 10 42.3 0.7 56 15 20 84 0.0679 0.027 4.489 1:00:00 10 41.6 0.7 56 15 20 84 0.0679 0.027 4.489 1:10:00 10 40.9 0.7 56 15 20 84 0.0679. 0.027 4.489: 1:20:00 10 40.2 0.7 1 56 15 20 84 0.0679 0.027 4.489 KSat 0.0679 1 0.027 4.489 0.400 07/30/2008 14:39 9102702988 ARM AND WATERWORKS •C i 30 July 2008 ppfied Re50Urce Management, 11.C. Stocks Engineering c/o bon L. Curry Jr.; RE 3344 Hillsborough Street, Suite 250 Raleigh, NC 27607 Re: Storm Water Evaluation Vanceboro, NC Mr. Curry, Please find below a report teferencing a soil and site evaluation for the above referenced site, located at the corner of Highway 43 and Bailey Road behind the Food Lion in Vanceboro, North Carolina. 1.0 Intraduction/Purpose The purpose of the soil and site evaluation was to determine the feasibility of disposing and/or storing storm water within appropriate storm water devices located on the site. 2.0 Methods (Refer to Figures 1 and 2) The site was evaluated using hand auger borings. Auger borings were made at varying locations throughout'the site to a depth of at least 60 inches and profile descriptions recorded. The seasonal high water table was determined by the indication of redoximorphic features and/or colors of chrome 2 or less (Munsell Color Book) at ?2% of the., soil volume in mottles or matrix of a horizon or horizon subdivision. Field work was conducted at the site on July 25, 2008, 3.0 Results/Findings (Refer to Appendix A and Figures 1 and 2) The site was.characterized by soils with a seasonal high water table less than 12 inches from the natural soil surface as indicated by the presence of redoximorphic features and/or colors of chroma 2 or less (Munsell Color. Book) at?2% of the soil PO.30x 662 a HzMippatcad. HC 28A45 910,270.2919 FAX 270.29&& 07/30/2008 14:39 9102702988 ARM AND WATERWORKS PAGE 03 30 July 2008 volume In mottles or matrix of a horizon or horizon subdivrision. Soil borings also indicated the presence of massive soil s1ructut6.as well as expansive clay mineralogy. A detailed profile description for each i6hng Location is in Appendix A. 4.0 Lirhitattons The areas analyzed as part. of this investigation only provide isolated data sets and points and do not represent subsurface conditions at evety location in.the project area. Analyses and conclusions of this report, interpretMion between data points, and subjective subsurface interpretation, may not be a &hPletely representative of all subsurface conditions. This investigation, furthermore does not provide conclusive data on IiMits of impact or other interpolations where indicated by question marks or where otherwise qualified. Conclusions and recommendations of this investigation and report are based on the best available data in an effort to assist in the understanding, control and/or site planning and preparation_ No guarantee is expressed or implied that new or additional data and/or scientific measures will not be required for ultimate solution of the existing project. �J Should you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contactme at (910)270-2919. Sincerely, 'g a t_S s Waiter D. Giese, LSS Project Manager 0 8//38/2888 14:99 9182782988 ARM AND WATERWCPoC5 PAGE 84 is , a° , F4,I F r 1 ' SB 2' . SB 7 �•� ?APro11mOM Soil Bolo IGCplbry A, MOP OdWled from Design P1Pn Pvdded by S1P Engheortg TITLE: Stocks Engineering Vanceboro, NC FIGURE: Sol] Boring Locations yPlied Rceour�e Managem� �rr�c� PC g eo. e89Mpmp� iHTai— JOB: SCALE .,, D ,910,xm9919 F7J( x7a7See 008072 Unknown 1 07/30/08 DNH ut1jul2uuu 14:39 910270298E ARM AND WATERWRKS PAGE 05 u I t11 i, i � � t i 1 N v � • � '1 11 • '4I + 1 58 } � �1 � 1 1 1 1 � 1 1 1 '1 1 1 , 1 , , , • ApprUlnule Soo Mft I. -a ~ Map 000PW ham Dedw Mn MlqN W Stocks y:pI,,Vp TBLE: Stocks Engineering-Vwceboro, NC FIGURE: I¢�ed.Reso rocM n ement PC $OII Boring Locations I910I 2742919 FAX p1ppS9 J B:. SCALE: ATE: BY: 008072 Unknown 07/30/08 DNH 07/30/2008 14:39 9102702988 ARM AND WATERWORKS PAGE 06 Appendix A • • 07/30/2008 14:39 9102702988 ARM AND WATERWORKS E� Soil Description 0 - 7 inches 7 - 18 inches 18 - 30 inches 30-60inches Seasonal 0 Stocks Engineering Soil Profile Description and K,,, Data Vanceboro, North Carolina July 25', 2008 Logged By: Walter D. Giese, LSS Page 1 of 1 Soil Boring 1 Grayish brown (10YR 5/2) silty loam, crumb, friable, slightly expansive. Light brownish gray (10YR 6/2) sandy clay, angular blocky, very firm, expansive with yellowish brown (10YR 5/6) mottles. Light brownish gray (10YR 6/2) sandy clay, angular blocky to massive, very firm, expansive with yellowish brown (10YR 5/6) mottles. Gray (2.5Y 6/1) sandy clay, massive, extremely firm, expansive with yellowish brown (10YR 5/6) mottles. Water Table < 12" 07/30/2008 14:39 9102702988 ARM AND WATERWORKS Soil Description Stocks Engineering Soil Profile Description and KBat Data Vanceboro, North Carolina July 251, 2008 Logged By: Walter D. Giese, LSS SoiLBoring 2 Page 1 of 1 0 - 9 inches Grayish brown (10YR 5/2) silty loam, crumb, friable, slightly expansive. 9 - 24 inches Gray (2.5Y 511) silty clay , angular blocky to massive, very firm, expansive with light olive brown (2.5Y 5/6) mottles. 24 - 54 inches Gray (10YR 5/1) silty clay, massive, extremely firm, expansive with yellowish brown (10YR 5/6) mottles. 54 - 60 inches Gray (10YR 6/1) sandy clay, sun -angular blocky, firm to very firm, slightly expansive to expansive with yellowish brown (10YR 618) mottles. Seasonal High Water Table < 12" 0 lU Tab IV — Drainage & Erosion Control Calculations 0 1, PIPE m:4 .q -1wMaqohnfin6%f,Concent atJon- #OFINCOMING STORM (S. AREA AREA indiv. TOTAL INLET TIME IND. PIPE TOTAL PIPE DESIGN DESIGN TIME 10-YR 0IndMdual 0 total D thao. SIZE In V full LENGTH ELEV. ELEV. ELEV. ELEV. BOX DEPTH DISCHARGES FROM YR,10•YR) In iv '_1 (ac) AREA ac I N 'CA IndN: u ml TIME(min.) TM min (OBvN PIPE (min) INTENSITY (cfs) (cft) SLOPE (in) 15'min, II MIS") (� INLETTOP INLET OUTLET OUTLET (R) (omv)(min) (INho INVERT L INVERT 2 1 2 10 13300 0.31 0.31 0.80 0.24 0.24 5 0.808 5.00 5.00 5.00 7.20 1.76 1.76 0.22% 11.9 - 15 0.012 2.68 130 27.10 24.60 27.33 24.31 2.50 2 2 4 10 9100 0.21 0.51 0.80 0.17 0.41 5 1.212 5.81 5.81 5.81 7.20 1.20 2.96 0.22% 14.4 15 0.012 2.68 195 27.33 - 24.31 26.40 23.89 3.02 2 3 4 10 26100 0.60 0.60 0.80 0.48 ' 0.48 5 0.099 5.00 5.00 5.00 7.20 3.45 3.45 0.22% 15.3 15 0.012 2.68 16 26.05 23.80 26.40 23.76 2.25 2 4 6 10 18400 0.42 1.54 0.80 0.34 1.23 5 1.133 5.10 5.10 5.10 7.20 2.43 8.85 0.15% 23.4 18 0.012 2.50 170 26.40 23.76 26.38 23.51 2.64 3 5 6 10 33900 0.78 0.78 0.80 0.62 0.62 5 0.323 0.00 0.00 5.00 7.20 4.48 4.48 0.22% 16.8 15 0.012 2.68 52 26.38 23.51 26.38 23.40 2.87 2 6 7 10 4500 0.00 2.31 0.80 0.00 1.85 5 0.379 0.32 5.32 5.32 7.20 0.00 13.33 0.75% 20.1 18 0.012 5.59 127 26.38 23.40 26.25 22.44 2.98 2 7 10 1D - 13000 0.30 2.61 . 0.80 0.24 2.09 5 0.135 6.09 6.09 6.09 7.20 1.72 15.05 1.50% - 18.5 18 0.012 7.91 64 26.25 22.44 26.50 21.48 3.81 2 8 9 10 moo 0.33 0.33 0.80 0.27 0.27 5 0.634 5.00 5.00 5.00 7.20 1.92 1.92 0.22% 12.2 15 0.012 2.68 102 26.31 23.06 26.64 22.84 3.25 2 9 10 10 3500 0.08 0.41 0.80 0.06 0.33 5 0.460 5.63 5.63 5.63 7.20 0.46 2.38 0.22% 13.3 15 0.012 2.68 74 26.64 22.84 26.50 22.67 3.80 1 10 11 10 0 0.00 3.03 0.00 0.00 2.42 5 2.417 0.70 5.70 5.70 7.20 0.00 17.43 0.12% 31.4 24 0.012 2.71 393 26.50 21.48 23.01 21.01 5.02 7I30f2008 • i HGL Bojangles & TradeMilco - Vanceboro, NC INLET OR JUNCT. f OUTLET ELEVATON OUTLET 'OUP 10.80 W.S Elm D (in) O (cfa) L (R) K Sf V1ull OUTLET (NB) vtuff MURT i HI (Foclbn Loss) He ( Contraction Loss) HEAD LOSSES He (byansion OIm(a .) Kfor HD Lou) flow lana.l (Bwd fuss)) HI (Tou I W S ELEV RIM ELEV DIFF 11 20.91 22.51 22.51 L 17.43 70 4 A 0.002 3.03 2.71 0.11 0.04 0.04 85 Ulm 0.28 2276 25.50 274 10 31.01 22.61 2276 24 17.43 393 4 A 0.002 2.71 5.59 0.60 0.03 0.17 90 Ol0 0.34 1.14 23.91 26.50 2.59 9 22.67 23.67 23.91 15 2.38 74 113.8 0.000 2.0 2.68 0.03 0.03 0.04 30 0.28 0.03 0.13 24.04 26.61 2.60 8 22.84 23.84 24.04 15 1.92 102 113.8 0." 2.68 0.00 0.03 0.03 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 am 24.10 26.31 221 7 21.48 22.68 23.91 18 1505 64 245.1 0.004 7.91 5.59 0.24 0.24 0.17 45 0.38 0.18 0.84 24.75 2625 1.50 6 22.44 23.64 24.75 18 13.33 127 245.1 0.003 5.59 2.68 0.38 0.12 ON 90 0.70 0.08 0.61 25.36 26.38 1.02 5 23.40 24.40 25.36 15 4.48 52 113.8 0.002 2.68 0.00 0.08 0.03 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.11 25.47 26.38 0.91 4 23.51 24.71 25.36 Is 8.85 170 245.1 0.001 2.50 2.68 0.22 0.02 0." 45 0.38 0.04 0.33 25.69 26.40 0.71 3 23.76 24.75 25.69 15 3.45 18 113.8 0.001 2.68 0.00 0.01 0.03 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.04 25.73 26.05 0.32 2 23.89 24.89 25.69 15 296 195 - '113.8 0.001 268 2.68 0.13 0.03 ILIA 90 0.70 0.08 0.28 25.96 27.33 1.37 1 24.31 25.31 25.96 15 1.76 130 113.8 0." 2.68 0.00 0.03 0.03 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.06 26.02 27.10 1.08 7/30/2008 E.C. H Celo BojanglPs 8 TradeM/ilco - Vanceboro, NC • • UPSTRE AYM JUNCT. / ELE TIAV ON L�0..880 W IET Olin) a(Crl Lift) K in vmu OUTLET (W vmn INLET UP-) NFAO Los9Es IWST ELEV RIM ELEV DOT Hf (Fdwlat Local ( (Expert n Lau) cs- 41nMlen 1 fl KMHO tlb(Rhd Le..) Hlflr W Lwe) w 30 36 `tv`±34N0 33 32 29 28 2] 370.11 18G81 387J5 ^. 11az^E3 390.b 390.81 39201 ]928/ 39105 371.71 388.2t WPM V 9071a 39280 38241 38101 393.5] 3WG5 371.71 388.21 390A2 c:381J1 6 383.38 39180 ]84.10 31b42 %W0 24 24 24 sa�aU 2l 24 15 15 15 0485 28.25 23.38 '^'20.ata 12T8 9.J8 ill 0]t 0.72 1" 52 112 =n .1d6» M tb ]fi % 112 245.1 245.1 215t %24 .t:P 245.1 2d5.1 ]0 )0 70 i am 1 0013 0. �:. 0003 0.001 0.001 0000 0000 1 021 7.84 :'8 45T 3.95 4.12 3.M 3.3/ oO ].W a66 3.95 0.t2 3.31 3.34 0.00 J.fiO 0.88 1.02 013 0.2t 0W 001 001 1.]t 040 013 000 000 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.5] 0.32 031 0.p8 0.09 008 0.08 000 80 80 55 15 15 20 60 0 0.55 0.55 O.Q 0.10 0.10 0.18 0.55 000 0.89 0.50 0.32 002 003 0.03 0.10 0.00 0.81 I1.91 1.81 0.42 038 024 0.21 0.00 378.59 390.12 391.93 393.80 391.18 J94A2 3 .42 3B188 390.32 09A43 397.33 398.6) 397.50 ri7.50 399.50 J96.50 1180 431 540 1.87 3.32 308 40] 1.02 EXPLANATION OF COLUMN HEADINGS SAMPLE CALCULATIONS gunctlon 34) Intel or Junction#. The Wet a junction examined. 34 Outlet Elevation: The elevation of the outlet and of the pipe Ian the inlet orjunc6an. = 389.11 Outlet +0.8D: Assume the Pipe is 80%full. =389.11+0.W24/12=390.71 Outlet +0.80 = Outlet Elevation +0.80' Diameter of pipe (D)/12 Outlet W.S. Elevation: Outlet Water Surface Elevation = 391.93 Outlet W.S. Elev. = Maximum of (Outlet + 0.8' D) or the (Wet W.S. Sev) fnsn the upstream pipe D (in): Pipe Diameter of downstream Pipe. = 24 N. O (cfs): DLschage of Water amenrg Wet ajunNm fort, pipes and catch basin. = 20.03 cis L (ft): two of pipe exiting the Wet m Mwtion. =140 ft. K Constant value for friction slope based on pipe cilameter. = 245.1 for 24 in. pipe K = 1.4Wn - Amer' (hyd. rsdius)+M Sf: Fnctlon Slope = (20.03/245.ty2 = 0.007 Sf = (O/K)'2 Vfutll Outlet(fps): Valoctty of water leaving the inlet or Junction =6.66 fus Vfutl Intel (fps): Velocity of water entering the inlet ojunction = 4.57 fda - Hf: Friction Loss- Lass due 0 flow in the pipe. =140'.007=0.93 Hf = L' Sf He Contraction Loss - Loss due to naranicdon of now at Wen of wlthN pipe. = 0.256.W212'g = 0.17 Hc= 0.25'(Vfull ouUW212-g) - He: Expansion Loss - Loss due to expansion of flow into the junction or inlet (primary Willow line) = 0.35' 4.57^='g = 0.11 He = 0.35' (VfuO WeM2fYg) Change in direction of flow Charge in angle of primary flow fine. =SS dogmas K fo Hb: Constant based on charge In pipe flow for calculating bend loss. = 0.70 Constant vane depending on change In angle of pmr,ery Ilm Brie. Hb: Bend Loss - Loss due to charge In direction of flow. = 0.70'(4.57^2J(292.2)) = 0.23 Hb = K - (VN212.32.2) HL Tonal Loss - The sum of Friction, commcdon, expanaion, and bad losses. - = 0.93+ 0.17+0.1 1 .0.23 = 1.45 Inlet W.S. Elev.: Inlet water surface elevaton = 391.93 + 1.45 = 393.38 Wet W.S. Elev. = Outlet W.S. Elev. + Hl Rim Elev.: Top devadon of th Niel or junction. = 402.98 Di6. Distance from Water elevation to top Of Wet =402.98-393.38=9.60 Di f = Rim Elev. -Wet W.S. elw. ,va: eoL w�.• .mr.4 / w 9com xrs.d uax E.C. HGL Semple Q "angilfEeJWlleo- Vancehoro, NC E�Gb fAOY TO bop. c 1 ) TOTAL AREA c 1 CYW. GMv. CA wn T%� (R�) Tp1E (�) TOT/L TIcI N+M CCNCDF Wed DT0lM Ime.l (,,Z v1InBr1 Ql W (vhl 1. 1�1 SLOPE Dpwa Ihl SGE(N) iS =r. m•, O VM1II -(Mrq IERriiN M) SET TOP M£T a'AHTf gfILET TOP Ol1ilE) efill R03 20 02] s11MO , D2a "I', OW n. 8p as 025 _=, 025 10 1 0.15 . e 1 W.W �1111. ax+ O r� 10,00 as.. p• loop 1m. 0. t0A0 load 720 1-720em ],10 ].10 t,m � is 021 ]0 1,B0 .gym. �a 2.13 4W I 0]5% � n. 23)% ON% ea ea: e� S/ lee 15 Ks`3:. SR:e: 13 15 RCP &✓ ra RCP RCP OMl N8011:: onl poll ♦" 1-4 0 s B.1] �W /0 �116 Bfl /0 - x % /W.Sp 3BB,50 ABpr 7 a ]Pl.]2 lY5]2 /n30 ]BBSD /@_50 IW.Bi ]pi/2 21 22 22 33 OW O/2 0.33 015 O.W OOfI am Ob am OBe 10 tD 0.1B 0.10 W. ION tole 1C,54 2l M 0.10 D65 O.W Oal 0]! 10 023 10 )2 10)2 10.72 1.10 06" 5/7 0. 0% 15.1 15 RCP On3 4A2 W 440. IDAW /W,/2 ]n3B 25 21 022 022 ON 020 020 10 0 IOW tool low ]20 1,M 1M 0/1% f0.1 15 ftCP 0ola J34 b 40650 /0a. 4A2 n 1 40132 24 ]4 OW ow DW am D05 10 0.1] 10.W loop 106W 720 058 o5B 0• ell 15 RCP O011 3.73 ID 402.90 3,0 /R1.q ]00.]B 2e l4 on 1.1/ OW 0006 1W 10 040 CODS toBS 1D05 ]W o42 ]21 DSni 1).B 10 RCP 0013 421 1W 40]4 AA]1 /02.e8 101.]t II : 0.11 0.11 O.W 0910 0.10 1 058 10.W told loop )20 0.72 0.72 0.4OK ]0 f5 RCP poll 3.34 112 5 50 30].50 ]%SO 301a5 2B 30 OW 0.11 OW O.W O10 1p 04] lest tON 103B ].10 oW 0.]1 ObY ]B IS RCP 0.013 J. W 3WS0 ]02.H A),e 141,5) EXPLANATION OF COLUMN HEADINGS From: Inlet from v ich the pipe's exiting. To: Inlet to which the pipe is entering. Area indw. (ac): Incremental area for the'Rom' Inlet. Total Area (ac): Total area h We system up t0 this Pont- C indiv. hdWitlual mno8 coefficient, C va4e, for'Fmrn Inlet CA hdiv. Cx A for'FrOon Inlet CA sum CA Indio. +CA sum from previous aoelrh filet Torre (min): Time fn % W , h watershed W reach inlet _ 10 min. filet time assumed forth¢ area Ind. Rre Time (min): 'Segment Tine' for Pattiallar section of pipe. F T=Len9thwelooty5g Total T(c) (min): Time for %star In Previous pipe to Men stet in Dues im (Me Tmm' inlet) Rpe Time = Intel time+ Segment time Time Of Cone. (min): The maximum amount of time bet een (Inlet time + Roe Tune) and Pipe Time Intensity (4ift): The wthinShy for the design year Strom (In this case, a 10 min, duration, 10 W. Storm was used) 0 lndi,(.is): The amount of flow into We Inlet O = CA Indio' I = (CA indW' Intensity) O WWI (Cfs): The amount of total flow in the pipe section. Slope (full): LongiWtlinal Ste" of pipe section D theo. (h): The WeoreBW I pipe sae required! W handle We Discharge D (meo) = 16' (O'r✓sgrl(s1,tw))".375 S¢e(in.): Nnxl available standard size(15'mal .it Pipe Material n 'n'vaWe for pipe roughness V fug (Ns): Velocity Of pipe flow (assuming full flow) V had =(1.49hh)'(D/d8)"I213)'(sprt(sbpe)) Length (8): Length of pipe Elev. Intel Top Top Elevation of Inlet Se, filet Invert: The Invert elevation of the Pipe at he ndWV inlet (Inv. out) Rev. Octet Top TOO Elevation of Octet Ekv. Outlet Invert The Owed elevation of the pipe at the entering filet (nv. h) Lower Invert = UPOer Invert- Skpe' Lengh SAMPLE CALCULATIONS (pipe segment 20 W 21) 20 21 = 0.02 ac =.30 =.80 =0.90' 0.02 =.018 =.02 �.25+.02 = 0.27 =10 min =116'14.89 Nsec /flit = 0.40 hdn. = 10.15 min =10.15 ran = 7.20 iuhr = 0.27' 7.20 hh, - 0.14 cle =1.80 +0.14 • L94 cfs = 0.66% =16' (1.94'.01 W(sprt(.0086))'.375 = 9+8 in. =15 h. =RCP =D.013 = (1.94013) - (15/48p(2/3)' (sDt(.0088)) = 4.89 flls =116 d =401SO = 398.42 = 400.50 = 398.42 - 0.0086 -116 •397.42 E.C. Sunrb CW Sediment Basin Calculation Worksheet Project Name: Vanceboro Boianeles & Trade/Wilco Sediment Basin # Area Disturbed = 1°`'-150000 isf 3.44 acres Peak Area = Qio=CXIXA 3.44 acres li0-1 7:2 in/hr A = 3.44 a acres Q10 = 7.44 cfs Minimum Surface Area Calculation: Surface Area (SF) = Q10 x 0.01 x 43560 sf/ac = 7.44 cfs x 0.01 x 43560 sf/ac Surface Area Req = 3240 sf Basin Volume Calculation: Volume of Sediment = (Disturbed Ac.) x (3600 of sed./year) x (1 year) = 3.44 ac x 3600 x 1 yr Min Vol = 12397 cf Assumed basin depth —[�, ,,',3.5 .. , n, I ft min D = 3.5' for "Temp Sediment Trap" Resultant Basin Area Req = 3542 sf Check Surface Area Criteria Surface Area Requirement = 3240 sf Basin Volume Cale Area = 3542 sf Therefore: Basin Volume Area Requirement Governs Min Volume Req = 12397 cf Min Area Req = 3542 sf Assume L = 2xW, calculate basin dimensions Actual W —[: ] ft Min W = 42 ft L = 85 ft D = 3.5 ft Actual Vol = 12643.75 cf Vol Check: OK Actual Area = 3612.5 sf Area Check: OK Actual Basin Dimensions = 42.5 ft W x 85 ft L x 3.5 ft D Weir Design and Velocity Check: Calculate Flow Depth H = [Q/CLj" Q10 = 7.44 cfs C = 2.68 constant L —. __..._.dv.10..,._..._.....ei? ft min L = 4' • H = 0.43 ft max H = 0.5' Calculate Velocity Over Weir V = Q/A V = 7.44 cfs / 10 ft x 0.43 ft V = 1.75 ft/sec OK • • Ditch "Q" and "V" Calculation Worksheet Project Name: V�ancetiorolBotangles;,'&4rade/WilcoHess Ditch # : aPertmtwDitch Station Range: vRzS&1Plim5t Drainage Area = QIo=CxIxA 10.45 acres Iio A = 10.45 acres Q10 = 36.98 cfs Determine Ditch Flow Depth (d) and Velocity (v) Check for Permanent Condition: Apply Manning's Equation: V=1.49/n * R2f5*S 1rz , Q=A/V Ditch Characteristics: n °0'03 M grass Base Width (B) re ft Q M P?11110 45MOV M:1 Ditch Slope (S) — a : ;0A0o $ `ra Permissible Max Velocity (Vp)i,,00075:00fps Apply the Following Analysis to Determine Actual "d" and "V" d = flow depth a1i5a. ft Area (A)= B*d+M*d2- 12.95 Perimeter (P) = b + 2d*(M2+1),5 14.92 R= kT= 0.87 VpR = V Permiss * R = 4.34 V = Flow Velocity = 2.86 fps Q= designflow= a33649,8 cfs Check Ditch Velocity for Lining: VP = 5.00 fps Vactual= 2.86 fps Vac°foal Vall&iWMo.=P66fi ,iniokNee'dedMW check Q: OK Determine Ditch Flow Depth (d) and Velocity (v) Check for Temoorag Condition: Q2=CxIxA C ,W050 12 �476 .,tee., in/hr A = 10.45 acres Q2 = 24.86 cfs Perimeter Ditch i Ditch Characteristics: n =bare earth Base Width (B) = 2 ft M= 4 Ditch Slope (S) = 0.40% Permissible Max Velocity (Vp)F*200 fps (bare earth) Apply the Following Analysis to Determine Actual "d" and "V" d = flow depth = DWI*lal n Area(A)= B*d+M*d2" 7.12 Perimeter (P) = b + 2d*(M2+1) 5 " 11.13 R = A/P = 0.64 VpR = V Permiss * R = 1.28 V = Flow Velocity = 3.49 fps Q = design flow = e; `-1.24186 cfs check Q: OK Check Ditch Velocity for Lining: VP = 2.00 fps Vactual= 3.49 fps Vactual>yill ow'°:FindiTairIinm eP "—PT- q Recalculate with Temp Liner: Liner Material = Straw"m`witWNe'E n —,l' ',gEr,07,033's .s, ERI Straw with Net Base Width (B) = 2 ft 4 Ditch Slope (S)S) = 0.40% T allow (Tp) ¢ 1.45N.$j Straw with Net Apply the Following Analysis to Determine Actual "d" and "V" d = flow depth = L3 Area(A)= B*d+M*d2- 10.34 Perimeter (P) = b + 2d*(M2+1).l 13.35 R = A/P = 0.77 V = Flow Velocity= 2.41 fps Q = design flow =24¢86 cfs Tshear stress = 'Y*d*s y= 62.4 lb/ft3 d= 1.38 ft S = 0.40% Tshearstress= 0.34 Compare Tsh.51Css to Td: T allow (Td) 1.45 Tshear stress= 0.34 TsheaistreiWC<ai dr ?,",O Perimeter Ditch aW_ I Pei OW9 Xs 11L / � �t a si ae� p/ ,9Y - - t %3'� . , ^i��, /!� All ap�-= � 1 '' l� -v �a ♦ � t'� +Q�'/�� 7 vi l�\ \�,. i >r may. $ r`' �.?/ \pl`"�° 1 l iz- 1311 � � p '�vµ,','a£a. �;a. smiru' a: Ai.�a_``}g ({�'' •' Ali 1 _ e' ) 1,. .+ ' f I 3� E4 �g -NL ,-FS'S x Cj� �Sa ^a w-a \ ,Y'".- (' : i q I .r ,� t, i'.""'� j.` ♦ `Na "-£ q.F'wct .A'r" : t c,:S �; x a 1. �1""•"` , �¢ 7, � - . v i '" ,. � J ��`.. �Is� �ti$ i ', / a `�.Eyf `..�.1 / �, ,..�! t i r r� �.ae .:: eS' a %.� i`� �,_• 5 }�i�' r-a .Tas'�.aw �"' " r*" -,rj !#f_if' 71 f`„a #'._F �.+t�a��l� _. r.A.�.�,$ -c, w��''�� 0(s _. s°P� ✓ 3i � W� � �iTi*�3' '"' .� � � G` 3'.Y�'i J ,'1'i -rdt � r ` 1 y.8�, - � 'ir �..•'' i � '� ��' f£r ,,�*"`p�a4 .-�y�,y.'?'-� �`'^' � �k,_, e e e • • o 1 0.. _. ...._ KILOMETERS i __. ___ _ 2 0 MEIERS 1000 _ - --TppO 5 0 MILES 'CONTOUR INTERVAL 2 METERS SUPPLEMENTARY CONTOUR OPIERVAL 1 METER NATIONAL GEODETIC. VERTICAL DATUM OF 1929 CONTROL ELEVATIONS SHOWN TO THE NEAREST .O.I METER OTHER ELEVATIONS :SHOWN TO THE NEAREST OS PIEtFR IS MAP COMPLIES WITH NATIONAL MAP ACCURACY STANDARDS ALE BY;U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, RESTON, VIRGINIA 22092 SCRIBING TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS AND SYMBOLS IS AVAILABLE ON REQUEST N.C. •rJ �f QUADRANGLE LOCATION CONTOURS AND:'ELEVATIONS IN METERS ROAD CLASSIFICATION primary-h19hva9, Light -duty road, hard or hard surface....... _ improvedsurface.... Secondary highway, hard. sutface.........f Unimproved road..:...--. InterstateRouteU.'S. Route O State Ra . VANCEBORO,N SWN VANCELMO 15' QUADF 35077-C2-7M-024 1983 DMA 55M 1 SW -SERIES' • Soil Map-Cravemknty, North Carolina • (USGS Map -Craven County, North Carolina) 302600 3028w 3030w w32W w39W wxw w:ww w w w .w•ww weow w=aw if I 4� tr .� �_ Z `4• `l' 7I • � ti; P Cam . 11 r 1 r • Tabenibick � 43 r 70 ~$ C Y I am 1` ' gam, t_�' --s� � . ��•�•• � • �! - 1t. i /�i ;;,._ �`'^ � • • � .fit• ,r � .. �i Vv � • N Meters A 0 200 400 800 1,200 Feet 0 500 1,000 2,000 3'000 USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 2.0 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey 7/22/2008 Page 1 of 3 Soil Map-Cravelenty, North Carolina • (Goldsboro Bolangles) y it q,�lk� °.1�t'� s/ � •. \\a f� . iLx a{.Y`4u-..Ax,. E�.fTA Qti�.=ma n�.�.�'���r� •4_ vrtem v»em Y1: fIM :lLiall� 3dAE0[1 3NGL0 303900 3040 N Meters A 0 200 400 800 1.200 Feet 0 500 1,000 2.000 3.000 US Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 2.0 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey l W. 7/2212008 Page f of 3 • • • Soil Map —Craven County, North Carolina (Goldsboro Bojangles) MAP LEGEND Sou$ Q Soil Map Units Special Point Features V Blowout ® Borrow Pit X clay spot ♦ Closed Depression X. Gravel Pit .. Gravelly Spot ® Landfill A Lava Flow ,6 Marsh R Mine or Quarry (D Miscellaneous Water O. Perennial Water Rock Outcrop } Saline Spot .. Sandy Spot Severely Eroded Spot 0 Sinkhole j) Slide or Slip p Sock: Spot E Spoil Area 0 Stony Spot Very Stony Spot t Wet Spot MAP INFORMATION Other Original soll survey map sheets were prepared at publication scale. Viewing scale and printing scale, however, may very from the Special Line Features original. Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for proper �+ Gully map measurements. Short Steep Slope Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service other Web Soil Survey URL: http:ltwebsoilsuNey.nres.usda.gov Coordinate System: UTM Zone 18N Water Features Q Oceans This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as of the version dates) listed below. �... Streams and Canals Soil Survey Area: Craven County, North Carolina Transportation Survey Area Data: Version 10, Jul 18, 2007 a Rails Date(s) aerial images were photographed: 1993 Roads The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were ti Interstate Highways compiled and digitized probably differs from the background N US Routes imagery displayed on these maps. As a result, some minor shifting of map unit boundaries may be evident. State Highways ti Local Roads C Other Roads USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 2.0 - 7f2212001B Conservation Service -. - National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 2 of 3 Soil Map raven County, North Carolina Goldsboro Bojangles i Map Unit Legend Craven County, North Carolina (NC049) Map Unit Symbol Map Unit Name Acres in AOI Percent of AOI CrB Craven silt loam, 1 to 4 percent slopes 102.9 15.7% GoA Goldsboro loamy fine sand, 0 to 2 percent slopes 6.5 1.0% La Leaf silt loam 163.9 25.0% Le Lenoir sill loam 312.5 47.7% Ly Lynchburg fine sandy loam 67.4 10.3% MM Masontown mucky fine sandy loam and Muckalee sandy loam, frequently flooded 1.7 0.3% Totals for Area of Interest (AOI) 654.91 100.0% USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 2.0 7122/2006 WIN Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 3 of 3