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SW7071213_HISTORICAL FILE_20160128
STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS HISTORICAL FILE COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATES YYYYMMDD Energy, Mineral and Land Resources ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 7015 0640 0005 9080 5118 January 28, 2016 Mr. Francis Elbers Artisan Marble and Tile, Inc. 206 Villa Dunes Drive Nags Head, NC 27959 lc4 6 PAT MCCRORY Lr0\Y IIInI DONALD R. VAN DER VAART Subject: Failure to Provide Certification Stormwater Management Permit SW7071213 _ Artisan Marble and Tile Dare County Dear Mr. Elbers: Secremry TRACY DAVIS Direcror On May 20, 2015 1 sent you the attached letter advising you that Stormwater permit SW7071213 required the submittal of a designer's certification that the permitted stormwater system was constructed in accordance with the approved plans. As of today we have not received a response. Failure to submit the certification is a violation of the terms and conditions of the permit and may result in an appropriate enforcement action including assessment of civil penalties. Please provide a copy of the required certification to this Office at the letterhead address within 30 days of receipt of this letter. If you have any questions you can reach me at (252) 948-3923. Enclosure Sincerely, Roger K. Thorpe Environmental Engineer Washington Regional Office State of Noah Carolina I Environmental Quality I Energy, Mineral and Land Resources 943 Washington Square Mall. I Washington, NC 27889 252-946-6481 T Search/View/Find - Inquiry by Parcel Number Results Page 1 of 1 Search by Parcel Number Results • PARCPJ. DATA SHEET • BUILDING PHOTOS • TAX BII.I. • TAX CERTIFICATION Parcel: 005618004 PIN:989317017210 Location: 2234 W SATTERFIELD LANDING RD District: [14] NAGS HEAD Subdiv: [C263] CHARLES L SINEATH DIVISION Lot -Block -Sect: LOT: 5A BLK: SEC: Multiple Lots: - Living Units: o Plat -Cab -Slide: PL: E SL: 779 Status: ACTIVE Owner: MJG PROPERTIES, LLC Owner: Address: 2224 S LARK AVE NAGS HEAD NC 27959 Ownership: PRIMARY - r00% Nature of Ownership: Deed Date: 08/06/2015 Bk/Pg: 2038/0395 PUSE: [7200] MANUFACTURING Billing Values Next Year Values* Land: 385,500 Land: 385,500 Building: 449,400 Building: 449,400 Misc• S5,600 Misc• ,iskoo Total: 870,500 Total: 870,500 ********** END OF RECORD ***`•*"*** (data file last updated on 1/22/2016) *Next year values on file as of 1/22/2016 Dare County Government 954 Marshall C Collins Dr PO Box l000 Manteo NC 27954 Phone: 252.475.5000 http://www.darenc.com/public/TaxingParceIRslts.asp?ParcelNumber=005618004 1 /28/2016 Parcel Card Page I of 1 Parcel Number: 005618004 Print Date: 1/28/2016 County of Dare, North Carolina *Owner and Parcel information is based on current data on file and was last updated on 1/22/2016 Owner Information: MJG PROPERTIES, LLC "" r 2224 S LARK AVE NAGS HEAD NC 27959 Parcel Information: } Parcel:005618004 PIN:989317017210 r 1) District: 14 - NAGS HEAD S Subdivision: CHARLES L SINEATH DIVISION LotBlkSecl: LOT: 5A BLK: SEC: riNN ate@ Multiple Lots: - PlatCabSlide: PL: E SL: 779 Units: 0 Deed Date: 08/06/2015 BkPg: 2038/0395 f' a+ P7 f4 Property Use: MANUFACTURING 2234 W SATTERFIELD LANDING RD BUILDING USE and FEATURES Building Value: $449,400 Building Use: PREFAB WAREHOUSE Exterior Walls: Actual Year Built: 2008 Full Baths: Half Baths: Bedrooms: Heal -Fuel: Heal -Type: Finished sgft for building 1: 3230 Air Conditioning: Total Finished SgFt for all bldgs: 21430 MISCELLANEOUS USE Misc Value: $35,600 Misc Bldg a: (PA1) PAVING ASPHALT PARKING Year Built: 2009 sgft: 12000 Misc Bldg b: (TF1) TURFSTONE PAVING Year Built: 2009 sgft: 9000 LAND USE Land Value: $385,500 Land Description : 14-Commercial Village Primary TOTAL LAND AREA: 2.003 acres Total Value: $870,500 'Values shown are Next Year Values on file as of 1/22/2016 http://www.darenc.com/public/parcelcard.asp?Parcel=005618004 1 /28/2016 SearchNiew/Find - Real Estate Parcel Tax Bill Page 1 of 1 Tax. Bill 314h4 �5s,11 .d » »IMPORTAN'!S» > ELBERS HOLDINGS, LLC Fr `�cll Pi.i,nsr.ci.LCKUFRFFORrMPORTANTINFORM.AION 2o6 W VILLA DUNES DR NAGS HEAD NC 27959 Please Mail or Bring this stub when making payment to insure payment is credited to the correct account. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII (IIII IIIIIIIII I IIII II IIII II III MAIL TO: The Tax Office Designated below. 00002082015600006869200003743150 PENALTIES ARE DETERMINED BY U.S. POSTAL POSTMARK. Customer Number District Bill Number 023027338 NAGS HEAD 6869 Parcel Number Billing Date Tax Year Due Date Delinquent After OOS618-oo4 7/20/2015 2015 9/1/2015 1/5/2016 Description of Property % Rate Tax Levied PIN#: 989317-01-7210 Description: LOT: 5A BLK: SEC: CHARLES L SINEATH DIVISION •430000 I DARE CO 3743 15 Street Address: 2234 W SATTERFIELD LANDIN RD 000000 I NH TOWN o Real Property Value: $870,500 .000000 o Personal Property Value: o .000000 01 Exempt Value: o .000000 of Total Taxable Value: $870,500 .000000 O .000000 I oI I LATE LISP: o I AMOUNTDUE: $3,743.15 Make Check Payable & Remit To: (include Parcel Number oos618004 on hour check. ) DARE COUNTY TAX COLLECTION PO BOX 538310 ATLANTA, GA 30353-8310 Questions: Direct all inquiries to (252)475-5952 Office Hours: 8:3o AM - 5:00 PM, Monday - Friday When calling please have your 9 DIGIT PARCEL NUMBER available. Dare County Government 954 Marshall C Collins Dr PO Box l000 Manteo NC 27954 Phone: 252.475.5000 http://www.darenc.com/public/taxbilIRslts.asp?Parcel=005618004 1/28/2016 Tax Certification - Real Property Page I of 2 Real Property Tax Certification Y *• • 0 °, County of Dare n m Real Property Tax Certification d�S Certification Report as of 1/26/2o16 0* ; • *Includes interestfor current month PARCEL: 005618004 PIN: 989317-01-7210 LOCATION: 2234 W SATTERFIELD LANDIN RD DEED: 11/15/2007 DISTRICT: NAGS HEAD BK\PG:1749/0215 DESCRIPTION:CHARLES L SINEATH DIVISION LOT: 5A BLK: SEC: MAIL ADDR: 2o6 W VILLA DUNES DR NAGS HEAD NC 27959 Special Conditions/Assessments: NONE ***Ancestor/Descendent Records: VIEW 2015 Property Values: REAL 870,500 ESTATE: PERSONAL: o EXEMPT: o ASSESSMENT: 870,500 PRINTED: 1/28/2ot6 Listed Owner Year Rillef Orig I'd Activity Ief Pd UBPd Int Prior l r Total Refund Ref Amt Amt Amt m Date Bal Amt Amt Bal LBERS HOLDINGS, 0t5 686 $3,743•t $o.00 $3.743 r 8/to/zot5 0.00 $0.0 $o.o $0.00 $0.00 LC $0.00 LBERS HOLDINGS, ot4 686 $3,743-t $0.00 $3,743 t t2/23/2ot4 0.00 $O o $o.o $o.o $o.00 LC $o.00 HOLDINGS, ot3 686 $3,615.8 $0.00 $3,615.8 2/25/tot $o.o $o.o $o.00 So.0 $o.00 LBELBERS HOLDINGS, 012 683 $3,172.6 $0.00 $3,172.6 t/18/2ot3 $o.o $o.o $0.00 $0.00 0.00 LCELB LBERS HOLDINGS, ou 683 $3,o26.8 $0.00 3,026.8 12/30/2ou 0.00 $0.00 $o.o $0.00 S0.00 LC $0.00 LBERS HOLDINGS, oto 6828 $3,026.8 $0.00 3,026.8 t/4/zou 0.00 $o.o $o.o $o.00 $o.00 LC $0.00 LBERS HOLDINGS 009 27t8 $2,688.t $0.00 $2,687.7 2/t9/20t0 t $0.0c $0.0c $0.00 $0.00 LC o.00 LBERS HOLDINGS o08 2697 $t,2 54-76 $0.00 $1,254.7 2/25/2009 $0.0c $0.0c, $0.00 $0.00 LC $o.00 INEATH ROPERTIES, LLC 007 3291 $1,254.7 $0.00 $1,254.7 a/t9/zoo $o.0a $o.o $o.o $o.00 $o.00 INEATH RO-ATH S LLC 006 z 2 9 7 $t,2 54.7 $0.00 $t,254.7 tz/29/2oo6 $O.oa $0.0 $o.o $0.00 So.00 RO ERTIES LLC 005 3206 $1,2o6.5 $0.00 $1,2o6.5 t2/3o/2005 $0.00 $0.0 $o.o $0.0 $0 00 INEATH OERTIES LLC 004 2865 $752.7 $0.00 $752.7 tz/t4/too $0.0 $o.o $0.o $000 0.00 THIS PROPERTY HAS A DEFERRED VALUE OF $o.00 I certify that in accordance with General Statute 105-361 the above is a true statement of the tax and assessment status of the property and individual (s) listed above that are in my hands for collection. Disclaimer: This certification is for the above printed parcel, only. Personal property should be checked by the owners name or business name and printed separately. Water Assessments and/or Foreclosures will be linked under Special Conditions and should be -printed separately. The Tax Collector shall not be liable on the Tax Collector's Bond for any loss arising from an understatement of the tax and special assessment obligations contained in the information available on the internet web site if said loss is due to failure on the part of the person obtaining the certification to follow the special instructions, procedures, and notifications provided for in the disclaimer posted on the internet web site as authorized pursuant to this Section. Taxes, special assessments, penalties, interest, and costs due on any real or personal property http://www.darenc.conVtaxecrt/TCR.asp?ParcelNo=005618004 1 /28/2016 Tax Certification - Real Property Page 2 ol'2 but not paid as a result of failure on the part of the person obtaining the certification to follow the special instructions procedures, and notifications provided for in the disclaimer are still due and the Tax Collector may adopt additional procedures for collection of said unpaid taxes, special assessments, penalties, interest, and costs. Tax Bill Statement Date: 07/20/2015 Dare County Government 954 Marshall C Collins Dr PO Box l000 Manteo NC 27954 Phone: 252.475.5000 Becky Huff, Tax Collector http://www.darenc.conVtaxcert/TCR.asp?ParcelNo=005618004 I /28/2016 NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory Governor Mr. Francis Elbers Artisan Marble and Tile, Inc. 206 Villa Dunes Drive Nags Head, NC 27959 Dear Mr. Elbers: Don Van der Vaart Secretary May 20, 2015 Subject: Failure to Provide Certification Stormwater Management Permit SW7071213 Artisan Marble and Tile High Density Infiltration Project Dare County This letter is to inform you of certain conditions of your stormwater permit that have not been met. Permit SW7071213 was issued on December 28, 2007 for an infiltration basin and trench system to serve the Artisan Marble and Tile development located southwest of the intersection of W. Satterfield Landing Road and Lark Avenue in Nags Head, NC. A Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources file review confirms that a certification of completion has not been submitted. Permit condition number Il. 6 states "Upon completion of construction and prior to operation of this permitted facility, a certification must be received from an appropriate designer for the system installed certifying that the permitted facility has been installed in accordance with this permit, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting documentation..." Please provide a copy of the certification to this Office at the letterhead address within 30 days of receipt of this letter. If you have questions, please feel free to contact me at (252) 948-3923. Sincerely, /-_ Roger K. Thorpe Environmental Engineer Washington Regional Office Cc Quible & Associates, P.C. Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources. Land Quality Section Washington Regional Office 943 Washington Square Mall, Washington, Noah Carolina 27889 • Phone: 252-946-6481/ FAX: 252-975-3716 Internet: htta://ooaal.ncdenr.oratwebArAand-quality An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer— 50% Recycled 110% Post Consumer Paper ., • • �. • ,_ • � � _ •�� r . _.. - .. �- - . ..r i- � r, `� .. ,t 't .'i*� � . a. — Quible Quible & Associates, P.C. ENGINEERING • ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES • PLANNING • SURVEYING SINCE 1959 December 20, 2007 Mr. Samir Dumpor NCDENR Division of Water Quality 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, North Carolina 27889 Rc: Stormwater Management Plan (1-ligh Density Application) Requested Additional Information Proposed Artisan Marble & Tile Harbinger, Currituck County Dear Mr. Dumpor: P.O. Drawer 870 Kitty Hawk, NC 27949 Phone: 252-261-3300 Fax: 252-261-1260 PRINCIPALS Sean C. Boyle, PE. Joseph S. Lassiter. C.E.P. Eduardo J. Voldivieso, PE. ASSOCIATES Joseph J, Anlaut P.E. Katherine C. Madheho, PLS. DEC 21 2007 As per our meeting yesterday, we have revised plan sheet 2 (Grading Plan) to add a cross -sectional detail of the infiltration trench (with corrugated pipe) and to note that the roof drains shall be connected directly to the storm sewer. Enclosed, please find two copies of the new Sheet 2 for your use. I have also revised the Narrative to include the infiltration trench in the narrative discussion and to include the calculations for the infiltration trench. Please discard the earlier version of the narrative and replace it with the enclosed version. If you have any questions, or require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at (252) 261-3300. Sincerely, uible & A psociates, P.C. avid A e�.E. enc: as stated cc: Mr. Francis Elbers Quible Quible & Associates, P.C. ENGINEERING • ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES • PLANNING • SUWEVING SINCE 1959 December 19, 2007 Mr. Samir Dumpor NCDINR Division of Water Quality 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, North Carolina 27889 Re: Stormwater Management Plan (High Density Application) Proposed Artisan Marble & Tile Harbinger, Currituck County Dear Mr. Dumpor: P O. erawer 870 KIBy Hawk, NC 27949 Phone', 252-261-330D Fax: 252-261-1260 PRINCIPALS Sean C. Boyle, PE. Joseph S. Lasseter. C.E.P. Eduardo J. ValdMeso. P.E. ASSOCIATES Joseph J. Anil P E. Kathenne C. Marchello. P LS. DEC 19 2007 On Behalf of Artisan Marble and, Quible & Associates, P.C. hereby submits for review and approval a High Density, Stormwater Management Permit Application package for the above referenced proposed warehouse / office building in Nags Head, Dare County. The project falls within the high density classification. The enclosed narrative will explain in detail the stormwater management of this site. The following items are included and shall be considered part of this submittal package: 1. Review Fee Check for $4000.00 2. Two (2) copies of the Stormwater Management Permit Application FornT 3. One copy of the Infiltration Basin Supplement 4. One copy of the Infiltration Basin Maintenance Agreement 5. One copy of the Permeable Pavement Maintenance Agreement 3. Stornwater Management Plan Narrative 4. Two (2) copies of the Site Plans If you have any questions, or require any additional inforniation, please do not hesitate to contact me at (252) 261-3300. Sincerely, ible & soVsPDavid A. e , enc: as stated cc: Mr. Francis Elbers NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT & NATURAL RESOURCES Division of Water Quality - Stormwater Permitting Unit COASTAL STORMWATER APPLICATION CHECKLIST The following items are considered when reviewing an application in accordance with T15A:02H.1000, Stormwater management. This checklist is intended to (1) assist the reviewers in maintaining consistency during the review process and (2) facilitate communication between the reviewer and applicant. It is not intended to replace information (including other lists) which may be part of the application form, supplements, BMP manual or the regulations. Nor is it intended to bypass best professional judgement With respebj to the sufficiency of the information submitted. This dduble sided page lists those items impacting "Application Completeness". 'Project Types and Supplements" follows the checklist and provides an overview of low density, general, and high density projects and the associated supplement forms. The latest versions of all referenced forms and documents may be obtained on-line at http://h2o.enr.state,nc.us/su/Forms Documents.htm. APPLICATION COMPLETENESS 1) Stormwater Permit Application Form SWU-101 a. _Original and one copy are provided. The copy will be returned to the applicant with the ?-Named itb. llitems of the application are completed C. applicant is an owner or corporation d. or corporations, registration with the Secretary of State is verifiable on the online d tabase. e. Signing official is the owner, a corporate President or Vice President, or an LLC member/manager. Documentation is required verifying LLC member status. If the permittee wishes to delegate signature authority, a sighed letter from the applicant must be provided and it must include the name, title, mailing address and phone number of the authorized signer f. ✓ Receiving stream classification is correct. g. 5ppur.bmittal requirements are initialed by hand. h.ginal signature is provided under applicant certification. 2) Plans / i a. Two copies are provided. The copy will be returned to the applicant with the permit. b. ✓ Plan is based on a topographical surrey. C. evelopment / project name is consistent with the application form. d. Pngineer name, firm and seal are located on each page of the plans. For low density prpjects not requiring engineered stormwater controls, the plans need not be sealed. e. ✓ Legend is provided including north arrow, scale, and plan details. f. Location map is shown with named streets or NCSR numbers and distance to nearest toyvn or city. g. V ate is listed. h. Fevision number & date are listed, if applicable. ? i. Property and project boundaries are included. j. V zwetlands are delineated, or a note on the plans states that none exist. k. Other geologic features are included: rock outcrops, streams, lakes, ponds, etc. I. At Mean high water line is identified, if applicable. M. Drainage areas are delineated, including all off -site contributions. n. Existing contours, proposed contours, spot elevations, and finished floor elevations are clearly shown. o. V(Built-upon areas, existing and planned and including buildings, roads, etc. are shown. p. �_ Lots and or building numbers are labeled. q. /Stormwater conveyance and management systems are shown. These include level s aders, side swales, wet detention ponds, infiltration trenches and basins, etc. r. or wet ponds, average depth is consistent with maximum depth. s. t. Monitoring wells or benchmarks are located. 1/Drainage easements and sizes are identified. u. pipe Vegetated buffers (where required) are labeled. V. Vegetated filters (where required) are identified. W. Level spreaders (where required) are identified. X. , imensioned typical unit footprint for multi -unit developments are given. Y. V Details of roads, parking, cul-de-sacs, sidewalks, and collection systems are shown. Z. etails of stormwater control measures are included. aa. Vegetative stabilization plan is included. 3) Supplement Forms) — these are general supplement requirements; see the following page for further i ormation on specific project types. a. _ 4ne original and one copy are provided. The copy will be returned to the applicant with the p�(mit. b. Correct supplements are provided for each drainage area. C. VAll items on the supplement(s) are completed. d. Project information is consistent with the application and plans. e. -Operation and Maintenance agreement for engineered stormwater systems including curb outlet sVems is signed and notarized. 'p0 4) Fee - $420 made payable to NCDENR is enclosed. 5) ,,� Narrative - the existing and proposed site characteristics, use, drainage, and stormwater management plans are clearly described. 6) Calcula ions a. Supporting calculations are provided for the numerical data submitted in the application ed supplements. b. _ For engineered stormwater controls, supporting calculations are signed and sealed. 7) Soils Report a. v For projects with engineered stormwater controls, a soils report is provided. b. On -site soil borings at the location of the proposed treatment system are included. C. A soil profile and characteristics including the depth to the seasonal high water table ( HWT) is given. d. _ Findings are related to the NRCS County Soils map, an 8'/2 x 11 inch copy of the county soils map with the project location shown is provided. 8) Vegetation Plan a. Temporary and permanent grass seeding specifications are provided. b. _ For projects with engineered stormwater controls, the plan includes additional species, locations, spacing, soil preparation, fertilizer requirements, procedures and a schedule for installation. The plan was prepared by a qualified individual. 9)A Ieed Restrictions - Deed restrictions are provided for subdivisions and projects with outparcels. 1� These are necessary to ensure ongoing compliance. Examples of appropriate forms for each type of project are available upon request (reference document names and locations). J:\WPDATA\WQS\State SW-TMA\SW Application Review Checklist revised (Updated 6/18/07) PROJECT TYPES AND SUPPLEMENTS A. Low Density Supplement SWU-104 or SWU-105 Applibability: • Low density projects may not result in built -upon surfaces in excess of 25% or 30%, depending on the classification of the receiving stream. For calculating density with wetlands, see guidance memo (reference document and location). • In low density projects, stormwater is conveyed primarily via sheet flow and swales with limited piping for under road conveyance. Curb outlet systems may also be used in a low density project. • No area of the project may be configured such that it constitutes a pocket of high density. In other words, if development is concentrated such that the undeveloped land does not significantly impact treatment of the stormwater runoff from the developed or impervious surfaces, the low density option may not be applied to the overall project. • Low density projects must maintain a 30 foot wide vegetative buffer. That is, any impervious surfaces must be at least 30 feet from surface waters, measured horizontally from the structure to the mean high water line of the surface water. • All swales and related vegetated slopes must be 3:1 (horizontal to vertical),or flatter. • Regulatory References: NCAC Title 15A, 02H.1005, 02H.1008(g). SW -104 is required for low density projects for which lot subdivision and selling is intended. All sections of the supplement should be completed including the built -upon area per lot calculation. heed restrictions are required. SWU-105 is required for low density projects in which curb and gutters are incorporated. All sections should be completed including swale design, Table 1. Supporting calculations should also be supplied. The maintenance agreement contained within the supplement must be signed and notarized. B. General Permit: SWG01, SWG02, SWG03, SWG04 Applicability: • General permits may be issued for certain groups of similar activities, including (1) construction of single family residences (SWG01), (2) bulkheads and boat ramps (SWG02), (3) clearing and grading (SWG03), and (4) linear utility projects (SWG04). • For these types of projects, a Notice of Intent should be submitted. Upon review and approval, a Certificate of Coverage will be issued covering the applicant under a general permit. • Regulatory Reference: NCAC Title 15A, 02H.1013. C. High Density SWU-102 SWU-103 SWU-106 SWU-107, SWU-108, SWU-109 General Considerations: All runoff from the built -upon area shall be collected by swales, piping, or other means and directed to an engineered stormwater control device or system. Runoff shall also be collected from contributing off -site areas. Wet ponds and infiltration basins and trenches are commonly utilized engineered stormwater control devices. Other options include bioretention areas, extended dry detention basins, stormwater wetlands, off -site systems, and innovative and alternative systems. • All systems shall be designed to meet minimum criteria, as listed in the regulations, the supplement and in accordance with the current version of the Water Quality Section Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMP). The current BMP manual may be viewed through a link at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/su/Forms Documents Main.htm • All swales and related vegetated slopes shall be 3:1 (horizontal to vertical) or less steep. • Operation and Maintenance plans are required for each engineered stormwater management system. Plans are included in the respective supplements and they must be signed and notarized. • For the purposes of operation and maintenance access, all stormwater management structures shall be located within recorded drainage easements. • Plans for engineered stormwater control systems shall be prepared and sealed by a professional engineer. • Supporting calculations must also be signed, dated and sealed. • One supplement shall be submitted for each drainage area. • Regulatory Reference: NCAC Title 15A, 02H.1008. ' M 1 ■ JOB_Q7C2R - S ioJmwaI Qr i b l e SINCE 1959 SHEET NO. I OF Quible & Associates, P.C. CALCULATED BY_-DA1J DATE ENGINEERING • ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES • PLANNING • SURVEYING 8 Juniper Trail • P.O. Drawer 870 • Kitty Hawk INC 27949 CHECKED BYE DATE _„_ -... .�,,., � �. ,�..�..�.,�.,.,� �,..� ��� SCALE DEC 1 9 '2007 Drcli�ccje Area; .6.1S37 5f (1,40 .� r. 1 � c�Vii l i ;, QuibIY SINCE/959 Quible & Associates, P.C. ENGINEERING • ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES • `W NING • SURVEYING 8 Juniper Troll • P.O. Drawer 870 • Kitty Hawk, NC 27949 Phone 252-261-3300 • FAX 252-261-1260 • E-Mail: quible@earthlink.net JOB-06p 3 - ll orm WOIN% SHEETNO.— .2 OF CALCULATED BY DAD DATE CHECKED BYDATE SCALE rnt; �l(IXl/Uti . tjGS; n °i(Ort2RF �CpNI D� i Slarn f 1, 5LA6 urEaceblwn bastnboffor,;aHc( Shlwr e fo.ree+ �l.e..Towncf IV FIPvd'i'slaragP iP9uicr„c,t Neei3p4;"; �c�JO Quible SINCE 1959 9uible & Associates, P.C. ENGINEERING • ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES • PLANNING • SURVEYING 8 Juniper Trail • PO. Drawer 870 • Kitty Hawk, NC 27949 Phone 252-261-3300 • FAX 252-261-1260 • E-Mall: quible@earthlink.net �oB 27�t�i3- S�orw,n,a��r SHEET NO. OF / CALCULATED BY '� DATE / CHECKED BY h DATE 1/l VO-7 SCALE "' ���� Quible JOB70Ji S1NCF 1959 SHEET NO. 4- _ OF Quible & Associates, P.C. ENGINEERING • ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES • PLANNING • SURVEYING 8 Juniper Trail • P.O. Drawer 870 • Kitty Hawk, NC 27949 Phone 252-261-3300 • FAX 252-261-1260 • E-Mail: qulble@earthlink.net CALCULATED BY DATE CHECKED BY ` DATE SCALE QMIble SINCE 1959 Quible & Associates, P.C. ENGINEERING • ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES • PLANNING • SURVEYING 8 Juniper Trail • P.O. Drawer 870 • Kitty Hawk, INC 27949 Phone 252-261-3300 • FAX 252-261-1260 • E-Mail: quible@eorthlink.net JoB 6 7003 S}DY wCi�A/ SHEET NO. OF CALCULATED BY DATE CHECKED BY DATE SCALE Stormwater Management Plan Narrative Artisan Marble and Tile December 17, 2007 Revised December 20, 2007 DEC 21 2007 General The following narrative will detail the stonnwater management plan for the proposed Artisan Marble and 'file warehouse and showroom in Nags Head, Dare County, NC. The Artisan marble and Tile site consists of a proposed 18,000 sf warehouse / stone fabrication building, 5,200 sf office and showroom building, and associated parking and infrastructure. The project site consists of 2.0 acres on the west side of Lark Avenue immediately southwest of the intersection of Satterfield Landing Road and Lark Avenue. The proposed stormwater management method to serve the facility will consist of an interconnected dry infiltration basin system and infiltration trench system with enough temporary storage capacity to store the runoff generated by a 2.84 inch rainfall event at ultimate project build -out (proposed and future development). The following narrative, application and calculations will demonstrate the parameters of this design which will illustrate an effective stormwater management system in full compliance with all state regulations. Summary of Existing Conditions The project site is currently vacant with no BMP's to address stormwater from the vacant site. Summary of Proposed Conditions Stormwater management improvements will be needed to control the runoff from proposed impervious construction. Runoff from all new impervious area is proposed to be collected via roof drains, stonn sewer, and overland flow and conveyed to two interconnected dry infiltration basins located along the east and southeast edges of the site. The drainage area containing all of the proposed improvements will consist of 62,539 sf of area (64.0% impervious) which will generate 4,366 of of runoff from a 1" rainfall event. The interconnected dry infiltration basins are analyzed as one BMP (the interconnection allows them to fill -up simultaneously and allows for flows to equalize between the basins) and will have temporary storage capacity of 8,043 of (equivalent to the runoff produced from a 1.84" rainfall event). The infiltration trench is also interconnected to the infiltration basins such that it also fills up simultaneously. The temporary storage capacity available within the infiltration trench is 4,349 cf (equivalent to runoff produced by a 1 " rainfall event). Combined, the infiltration systems provide a total storage of 12,392 cf, which is equivalent to 2.84 inches of runoff. Stormwater Collection, Treatment, Storage and Disposal Collection The stormwater runoff will be collected and directed via roof drains, drop inlets and storm sewer, and overland flow to two interconnected infiltration basins located along the east and southeastern edges of the site. Treatment The basins and trench will offer several methods of stormwater runoff treatment prior to release. Runoff from paved areas will sheet flow to drop inlets which convey runoff to the infiltration basin. Prior to reaching the drop inlets, most of this sheet flow will flow across penneable pavement (turfstone), where significant infiltration and additional storage and disposal will occur and where runoff will be conveyed directly to the underlying gravel storage layer via turfstone openings. Large particulates and debris will accumulate at pavement edges and at drop inlet grates. Additional debris and sediment will be captured within sumps at the drop inlets. The infiltration basin bottoms will be grassed according to the general seeding specifications and maintained according to the operation and maintenance plan. The runoff will undergo filtration of fine particulates and pollutants by the vegetation within not only the basin and swale bottoms but also the basin and swale side walls which will also be seeded according to the general seeding specifications. Within the basin and the infiltration trench, treatment is available when the stormwater runoff infiltrates into the subsurface. When the water passes through the void spaces between the particles of soil material particulates and pollutants that have a particle or grain size larger than the void size will be filtered out. In addition some pollutants will adsorb to the surface of the soil particles. The benefit of this adsorption will prevent the pollutants from reaching the water table and in some nutrient and microbe rich areas existing within the subsurface the pollutants will be consumed as food and undergo a natural biodegradation. If the weather yields precipitation that exceeds the storage capacity of the infiltration system then the accumulated runoff will flow overland along the southern curbline and exit the site via the site's entrance where it will be conveyed to the Town's roadside drainage system. Storage This infiltration basin system will offer storage above the ground surface within the basins. The runoff generated by a 1 inch storm will require 4,366 ft' of storage. The storage available within the infiltration basin above the ground surface is 8,043 ft' (equivalent to runoff generated by 1.84 inch storm). The infiltration trench is also interconnected to the infiltration basins such that it fills up simultaneously. The temporary storage capacity available within the infiltration trench is 4,349 of (equivalent to runoff produced by a V rainfall event). Combined, the infiltration systems provide a total storage of 12,392 cf, which is equivalent to 2.84 inches of runoff. Significant additional storage (unquantified) is available within the void spaces in basin subsurface between the basin bottom and the seasonal high water table and the additional separation between the submerged basin side -slopes and the seasonal high water table. A more detailed discussion of subsurface storage volume can be found within the soils section of this narrative. Disposal As discussed in previous sections the majority of stormwater runoff entering this management system will be infiltrated, therefore infiltration will be the primary source of disposal. The system has been designed with storage so that this site will have the capability to handle in excess of a 1.84 inch storm event. At such time that the capacity were to be exceeded then the accumulated runoff will flow overland along the southern curbline and exit the site via the site's entrance where it will be conveyed to the Town's roadside drainage system. Soils Quible & Associates performed on -site soil borings to verify soil type and determine elevation of mean high groundwater. Information collected on site generally agrees with the United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation, Service Soil Survey of Dare County, which map the soils for this site a follows: OuB - Ousley fine sand, 0 to 5 percent slopes, with moderately rapid permeability. NeC - Newhan fine sand. 0 to 10 percent slopes, with rapid permeability As mentioned in the storage section of this narrative a more detailed description of the method of determining the subsurface storage volume available as a function of the soils would be discussed in this section. The following determination of the volume available in the subsurface is based on the definition of Porosity: The ratio of volume of void spaces in a rock or sediment to the total volume of the rock or sediment'. Volume of pare space Porosity = q = x 100 Volume of bulk solid Table 10.3. Typical Total Porosities? Material d s rot Porocrt st. ,�.T�Ai� Unaltered granite and gneiss 0-2 Quartzites 0-1 ' David M. Nielson, Editor, Practical Handbook of Ground -Water Monitoring, (Michigan: Lewis Publishers, Inc., 1991), pg. 675 ' David M. Nielson, Editor, Practical Handbook of Ground -Water Monitoring, (Michigan: Lewis Publishers, Inc., 1991), pg. 406 3 Fletcher G. Driscoll, Ph.D., Principle Author and Editor, Groundwater and Wells, 2' edition, (Minnesota: Johnson Filtration Systems Inc., 1986), pgs. 66-67 Shales, slates, mica-schists 0-10 Chalk 5-40 Sandstones 5-40 Volcanic tuff 30-40 Gravels 25-40 Sands 15-48 Silt 35-50 Clays 40-70 Fractured basalt 5-50 Karst limestone 5-50 Limestone, dolomite 0-20 Table 5.1 Porosities for Common Consolidated and Unconsolidated Materials' U�icomohduedt�ws4 m(,"/o)� �'y Consoled e6& ocksF' ('%"):' Clay 45-55 Sandstone 5-30 Silt 35-50 Limestone/dolomite 1-20 Sand 25-40 Shale 0-10 Gravel 25-40 Fractured crystalline rock 0-10 Sand & gravel mixes 10-35 Vesicular basalt 10-50 Glacial till 10-35 Dense, solid rock <1 Based on the information in the proceeding tables a value of 20% void space has been assigned to the sandy soils located on the subject parcel. This value should be considered conservative. A distance of two vertical feet is to be maintained between the infiltration basin bottom and the seasonal high water table elevation. Soil borings indicate a seasonal high water table of approximately 7.0 feet MSL. The proposed infiltration basin bottom elevation was designed at an elevation of 9.0 MSL, providing for a vertical separation of 2.0 feet. Within this separation distance exists a volume of soil containing a minimum of approximately 20% void space. This void space will become filled with water and provides for an additional volume for stormwater runoff storage. ' David M. Nielson, Editor, Practical Handbook of Ground -Water Monitoring, (Michigan: Lewis Publishers, Inc., 1991), pg. 675 ' David M. Nielson, Editor, Practical Handbook of Ground -Water Monitoring, (Michigan: Lewis Publishers, Inc., 1991),pg. 406 ' Fletcher G. Driscoll, Ph.D., Principle Author and Editor, Groundwater and Wells. 2"d edition, (Minnesota: Johnson Filtration Systems Inc., 1986), pgs. 66-67 Calculations A set of stormwater calculations can be found within appendix portion of this narrative. Conclusions The proposed stomiwater management plan for this site will handle in excess of the 1.0 inches of stormwater runoff generated by all surfaces, pervious and impervious located within the drainage area by incorporating an infiltration basin in conjunction with infiltration swales. The proposed system will offer preliminary, primary and secondary methods of treatment as well as an alternate method of disposal should the capacity be exceeded. The soils on site have infiltration rates approximately 2.0 inches per hour, conditions ideal for an infiltration basin system. This proposed design will more than adequately serve the stormwater management requirements of this site. SHEET NO. 6 SOIL SURVEY OF DARE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 75° 77 l.Q' 6°00'00` MEMORANDUM October 16, 2007 Subject: Sineath Properties, LLC/ Artisan Marble and Tile Stormwater Infiltration Basin Borings To: Andy Deel, P.E. From: Warren Eadus, L.G. On October 12, 2007, a total of three soil borings were advanced at the above referenced site in Nags Head. All of the borings were sited within the proposed stormwater basins on the property based on a site sketch you provided. The purpose of the soil borings was to determine the depth to the seasonal high water table. According to the USDA Soil Conservation Service Soil Survey of Dare County, the soils in the vicinity of the site appear to be mapped as Newhall Fine Sands. Included within this mapping unit are Ousley Fine Sands. Both deposits are related to wind deposition and are found on hammocks. In general, the soils at the site (to depths of four feet) are moderately well sorted fine quartz sands with little to no organic material or mineral soils present. In each of the borings the saturated water table was not encountered. The seasonal high water table (based on oxidation and soil staining -blue line) appears to be 3.0 feet below ground surface. Boring logs are enclosed with this memorandum. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or require any additional information. 3" I z 0 115E V x. Ila- Iding J N j ship ARTISAH %,W - z MARBLE & TILE A Al, 0 -9 L6 Mann Point .65 ...... fj hitting Magnetic Declination Sand Dunes zi I Name:MANTEO Date: 10/16/2007 Scale: 1 inch equals 2000 feet 5 A'TL AN P\1 C 10 C EAN z 21 SCALE 1:24000 I MILES 0 1000 YARDS 0 1 KILOMETER Location: 035.9846583' N 075.64928380 W NAD 83 Caption: ARTISAN MARBLE TILE NAGS HEAD DARE COUNTY 22 z 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. khau A &&&WWWI e SINCE 1959 Associates, & P.C. WELL LOG/BORING LOG V>IQItI=Y H'd,: :i Nt�iu!: Ji�'�ni 1'l!i of $ir , nF; 4 PURPOSEOFWELLBORING AsTf;lmeVA-R&N of se?vsomofG irylidf W+rrnz WELL/BORING NUMBER/LOCATION OWNER/ADDRESS 51o(4nL IFAi MAfdMS Ite Pa So,Y /4fx "(24 ! tic ?025-1 DATEINSTALLED Oco (Z Z0®* TOTALDEPTH 4 F x=r- $6S t STATIC WATER LEVEL --W& — — TOPOGRAPHIC LAND SETTING _f/ /mI124 SL(rlFT eN oyNDln�G LATITUDE/LONGITUDE 35.98 7 0� t39S At 6-. 1. -;L .1 A 9. CASING 10. SCREEN 11. SAND PACK 12. GROUT 13. COMMENTS DEPTFI(Ff.) FROM T'O FROM T FRO TO FRO TO LOCATION SKETCH NiF TN Nh65 YIBAD iQ� 3'iA�FYot. y �G a ult: "jou,�N of NAGIS I{SRp DEPTFI FORMATION DESCRIPTION Q f hAA1- -A4000M to 4't= 5'(3 — s D to w v- b 3 �ill6 -Ad.JG'UIUM s/hya IO 5 9- �lZ U F H 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 11 Ei. - • �r 4 WELL LOG/BORING LOG PURPOSE OF WELL/BORING Aerr:r-AttvAnoN of SE745oNi(t /jjlij{ �r/AiETZ WELL/BORING NUMBER/LOCATION OWNER/ADDRESS !utj4mP9bA:tA7Ysr uz Po Sok /biz ,vwq< /;anb, .JG 411" DATEINSTALLED OcYDo 1z, Zook TOTAL DEPTH 4 Fir 'I365 r STATIC WATER LEVEL Atl& TOPOGRAPHIC LAND SETTING _Harr /m //7 otea�phc 5.,w ouNp!n/ LATITUDE/LONGITUDE 39E S?S fd Ti.loso`3-;L59i 9. CASING I0. SCREEN 11. SAND PACK 12. GROUT 13. COMMENTS DEPT] I (FT.) FROM To LOCATION SKETCH TO TO �N N(F N445 Ia:.AC sA.� 57Egq'aE uIF To W d of N WA *00 DEPTH FORMATION DESCRIPTION fi��$2duN L-gase �jNE - u[�oion� s�ivD 1o�rt, S/3 PALE mkyl aw/ /m r Finl�- wL�-Dir.� st+uo 36j1 t _LLCelFT 81ZoWN- GIZQV L.bnS6 F .yam St-Y►SONNL l�il� WNTL�Q & rzfi4&mp A-r 3 Cp " 73 s K st-D ON 4 D DN Quible Associates, o P.C. WELL LOG/BORING LOG I. PURPOSE OF WELL/BORING >znj 2. WELL/BORING NUMBER/LOCATION 3. OWNER/ADDRESS 51NEAj,9 FA 4. DATE INSTALLED OGYDftZ It, 5. TOTAL DEPTH 4 err 1565+ 6. STATIC WATER LEVEL IV14- 7. TOPOGRAPHIC LAND SETTING rfA 8. LATITUDE/LONGITUDE __35'. 9 8 7 1 9. CASING 10. SCREEN 11. SAND PACK 12. GROUT 13. COMMENTS OF sJSoNi(t /fj&Lf G+1 -, ` DEP171 DEPTH (FT.) 0 FROM I'O� FROM T FROM To FROM TO u t" LOCATION SKETCH PIF TN NArds 1 tft 04T 01D$F1(yE LO -14 5S� IL A u�F •joµ� N of N PC�'i S.6S0-f-1 i8 FORMATION DESCRIPTION �a � - Br9aeuN Loos IDv+t S�3 _PAVE R3rcowN iooSE _F•+Nt lytb� �m 3Ar/p i 0 o 1,63 FiN� • iuclaun� sn-rrp F.brllukv,o A•r s(e" m5 AA46-b a S4tuDN SO S p v e SINCE 1959 SHEET NO. �- I OF S Quible & Associates, P.C. ENGINEERING • ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES • PLANNING • SURVEYING 8 Juniper Trall • P.O. Drawer 870 • Kitty Hawk NC 27949 Phone 252-261-3300 • FAX 252-261-1260 • E-Mall: quible@earthlink.net CALCULATED BY DE,' DATE CHECKEDBY DATE 11 1 1V Q7 Anal F 'Vraioaje Area..; E..11-53 y of i1..4�4 l-lc.) C"Ar, � f -,PAL ` Q2nIF. A _.. Ele,✓, Il- cccr Avg; Area Vol , �..�e,�� 9if -�2,�34 Jo0 2,6.4.5s .. Kzcfcf. 4,Q53IF 4,4-5.3 ... GI 11,' flci!Gn �C5ln 5ioiale ftovx'e t ,043cf a SINCE 1959 SHrET NO. OF Quible & Associates, P.C. ENGINEERING • ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES • PLANNING • SURVEYING 8 Juniper Trail • P.O. Drawer 870 • Kitty Hawk, NC 27949 Phone 252-261-3300 • FAX 252-261-1260 • E-Mail: quibie@earthiink.net CALCULATEDBY iDAj) DATE CHECKED BY DATE L% SCALE Ton ro,1^. 10:.63io !ll 6.3` 7 FvG.3/�+�l��.rly, .vSe.IO,C 3� a,a foPo�. Siorar��.ul/ice. rose, bed.. SfDi JP Lv/ice CcavE�: ��674iF.X 110,G3 .9.a)1X0.4 ' 4 fI,-. Sfora�P. w/i sanrl,vAcler ref i�. fve,•ck: ;6,670fA ,,r� ;Z 101al LLI, Trenc( S'iorage 70/7cf �;re�j�yr ;tno SINCE /959wuRi . SHEET NO. � _ OF Quible & Associates, P.C. ENGINEERING • ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES • PLANNING • SURVEYING 8 Juniper Trail • P.O. Drawer 870 • Kitty Hawk, NC 27949 Phone 252-261-3300 • FAX 252-261-1260 • E-Mail: quibie@earthiink.net CALCULATED BY� DATE CHECKEDBY DATE N(WO7 SCALE - Uabie SINCE 1959 SHE SHEET NO. OF Quible & Associates, P.C. ENGINEERING • ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES • PLANNING • SURVEYING 8 Juniper Trail • P.O. Drawer 870 • Kitty Hawk NC 27949 Phone 252-261-3300 • FAX 252-261-1260 • E-Mall: quible@earthlink.net •1./L4YLUQ.GWr1 _Gabs.:.. . . h 6 Lied Y61 uq« l0 l2; c F CALCULATED BY DATE CHECKED BY eks DATE If / / i/f 7 SCALE u i (m ® SINCE 1959 Quible & Associates, P.C. ENGINEERING • ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES • PLANNING • SURVEYING 8 Juniper Troll • P.O. Drawer 870 • Kitty Hawk NC 27949 Phone 252-261-3300 • FAX 252-261-1260 • E-Mall: quible@eorthlink.net SHEET NO. OF CALCULATED BY DATE CHECKED BY DATE SCALE 5r}r CouPc.�e: (Loic�,1'riledlus;"`�:� h'CDtN� me�lodo%:w, +or iflf'asictr,E) lolctl 5dir! Arlen; 67, Z94 3F (2.o A,<) Permit ®gin NC®EN R (to be provided by DWD) 020� wArF�, 0 DEC 19 20ARMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM �€ r r 111AIv �n 401 CERTIFICATION APPLICATION FORM (d .e-iA oINFILTRATION TRENCH SUPPLEMENT This form must be filled out, printed and submitted. The Required Items Checklist (Part Ill) must be printed, filled out and submitted along with all of the required information. rrolect name Contact person Phone number Date Drainage area number Artisan Marble and Tile David A. Deal, P.E. 252-261-3300 12/1712007 I I1.1DESI G NI I N UR MATII ON Site Characteristics Drainage area 62,539.00 ft2 Impervious area 40,139.00 ft2 Percent impervious 64.2% Design rainfall depth 1.0 in Peak Flow Calculations Is pre/post control of the 1-yr 24-hr peak Flow required? 1-yr, 24-hr runoff depth 1-yr, 24-hr intensity Pre -development 1-yr, 24-hr peak flow Post -development 1-yr, 24-hr peak flow Pre/Post 1-yr, 24-hr peak flow control Storage Volume: Non -SR Waters Minimum volume required Volume provided Storage Volume: SR Waters 1-yr, 24-hr rainfall depth Pre -development 1-yr, 24-hr runoff Post -development 1-yr, 24-hr runoff Minimum volume required Volume provided Soils Report Summary Soil type Infiltration rate SHWT elevation Trench Design Parameters Drawdown time Perforated pipe diameter Perforated pipe length Stone type (if used) Stone void ratio Stone is free of fines? Trench Elevations Bottom elevation Storage/overflow elevation Top elevation N (Y or N) In in/hr ft3/sec ft3/sec ft3/sec 4,366 ft3 12,392 ft3 in ft3 ft3 ft3 ft3 OuB/NeC 2.00 in/hr 7.00 fmsl 0.83 days 6 in 500 ft Angular Stone 0.4 OK for non -SR waters OK Y (Y or N) OK 9.00 fmsl OK 10.63 fmsl Vanes fmsl Form SW401-Infiltration Trench-Rev.1 Parts I. & It. Design Summary, Page 1 of 2 Permit No. (to be provided by DWQ) Trench Dimensions Length (long dimension) 230 ft Width (short dimension) 29 ft Height (depth) It Additional Information Total runoff volume captured by trench 0.10 ac-in OK Length of vegetative filter for overflow n/a it OK Number of observation wells n/a OK Distance to structure 19 ft OK Distance from surface waters >500' it OK Distance from water supply well(s) n/a ft OK Separation from impervious soil layer n/a ft OK Naturally occuring soil above SHWT 2 It OK Bottom covered with 4-in of clean sand? Y (Y or N) OK Recorded drainage easement provided? n/a (Y or N) OK Capures all runoff at ultimate build -out? Y (Y or N) OK Bypass provided for larger storms? Y (Y or N) OK Trench wrapped with geotextile fabric? Y (Y or N) OK Pretreatment device provided Y Form SW401-Infiltration Trench-Rev.1 Parts I. & It. Design Summary, Page 2 of 2 Permit No (to be provided by DWQ) III., REQOIRED,ITEMS, CHECKLISTS. n.�' ?k - .." '�. %r b Id Please indicate the page or plan sheet numbers where the supporting documentation can be found. An incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information. This will delay final review and approval of the project. Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met. If the applicant has designated an agent, the agent may initial below. If a requirement has not been met, attach justification. Pagel Plan Sheet No. (,Initials �[A�_ Sheet 2 1. Plans (1" - 50' or larger) of the entire site showing: Design at ultimate build -out, Off -site drainage (if applicable), Delineated drainage basins (include Rational C coefficient per basin), Trench dimensions, Pretreatment system, High flow bypass system, Maintenance access, Recorded drainage easement and public right of way (ROW), - Overflow device, and - Boundaries of drainage easement. Sheet 2 2. Partial plan (1" = 30' or larger) and details for the infiltration trench showing: - Bypass structure, - Maintenance access, - Basin bottom dimensions, - Basin cross-section with benchmark for sediment cleanout, - Flow distribution detail for inflow, - Vegetated filter, and Sheets 7, 8 -Pretreatment device. 3. Section view of the infiltration basin (1" = 20' or larger) showing: - Pretreatment and treatment areas, and Narrative - Inlet and outlet structures. 4. A table of elevations, areas, incremental & volumes accumulated volumes to verify the volume provided. Narrative 5. A soils report that is based upon an actual field investigation, soil borings, and infiltration tests. The results of the soils report must be verified in the field by DWQ, by completing & submitting the soils investigation request form. County soil maps are not an acceptable source of soils information. Sheet 2 6. An assurance that the installed system will meet design specifications upon initial operation once the project is complete and the entire drainage area is stabilized. Sheet 5 7. A construction sequence that shows how the infitlration basin will be protected from sediment until the entire drainage area is stabilized. Narrative 8. The supporting calculations. Attached 9. A copy of the signed and notarized inspection and maintenance (AM) agreement. NIA 10. A copy of the deed restriction. Form SW401-Infiltration Trench-Rev.1 Part III. Required Items Checklist, Page 1 of 1 ARA NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Request for Express Permit Review FILL-IN all the information below and CHECK the Permit(s) you are requesting for express review. Include this form with the application package because it helps us to distinguish, which projects are going throtigh'�the:-ezpiess�7review and not the routine review: • Fayetteville or Raleigh Region -David Lee 919-791.4203; david.lee(ancmail.net DEC 19 2007 • Mooresville & Asheville Region -Patrick Grogan 704-663-3772 orpatrick.aropan e(v).ncmail.net 1�y' g�� • Washington Region -Lyn Hardison 252.946-9215 or lyn.hardison(ancmail.net DSWAR© • Wilmington Region -Cameron Weaver or Janet Russell 910.350.2004 or cameron.weaver(o)ncmail.net orianet.russelt@ncmail.net Project application received after 12 noon will be stamped in the following work day. APPLICANT Name Francis Elbers. President Company Artisan Marble &Tile, Inc Address 206 Villa Dunes Drive City/State Nags Head, NC Zip 27959 Phone 252-207-2511 Fax 252-441-1989 Email francis(a)artianmarbleandtile.com PROJECT SYSTEM(S) TRIBUTARY TO Atlantic Ocean SURFACE WATER CLASSIFICATION SB PROJECT Name Artisan Marble and Tile County Dare PROJECT LOCATION (ADDRESS) 2230 W. LARK AVE. NAGS HEAD, NC Phone 252-261-3300 Fax 252-261-1260 Email dadeelnaguible.com State or National Environmental Policy Act (SEPA, NEPA) — EA or EIS Required ❑Yes ❑ No ❑ STREAM ORIGIN Determination: of Stream calls; Stream Name ® STORMWATER ❑Low Density ❑ High Density -Detention Pond ❑ High Density -Other ❑ Low Density -Curb & Gutter ® High Density -Infiltration ❑ Off Site ® COASTAL MANAGEMENT Excavation & Fill ❑ Bridges & Culverts ❑ Structures Information Upland Development ❑ Marina Development ❑ Urban Waterfront ❑ LAND QUALITY ❑ Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan with _acres to be disturbed.(CK # (for DENR use)) WETLANDS QUESTIONS MUST BE ADDRESSED BELOW WETLANDS (401): Check all that apply Wetlands on Site ❑ Yes ❑ No Wetlands Delineation has been completed: ❑ Yes ❑ No US ACOE Approval of Delineation completed: ❑ Yes ❑ No I 404 Application in Process w/ US ACOE: ❑ Yes ❑ No I Perennial, Blue line stream, etc on site ❑ yes ❑ No Isolated wetland on Property ❑ Yes ❑ No Buffer Impacts: ❑ No ❑ YES: acre(s) Minor Variance: ❑ No ❑ YES Major General Variance ❑ No ❑ YES 401 Application required: ❑Yes ❑ No If YES, ❑ Regular Permit Received from US ACOE ❑ Yes ❑ No The legislation allows additional fees, not to exceed 50% of the original Express Review permit application fee, to be charged for subsequent reviews due to the insufficiency of the permit applications. For DENR use Fee Split for multiple permits: (Check # 1012) Total Fee Amount $ 4000 SUBMITTAL DATES Fee SUBMITTAL DATES Fee CAMA 12/19/07 $2000 Variance ❑ Mai; ❑ Min SW (® HD; ❑ LD) 12/19/07 $2000 401: LQS Stream Deter,_ FRANCIS M ELBERS 2W W VILLA DUNES DR - 1012 NAGS HEAD NC 27950-9234 Vanguard'Treasury Money Market Fund DATE 52-22/311 PAY TO THE ORDER OF - I l G Iy 4K $ ✓f OO � . (,� F-a�/J� O O I q OG Gd' PAYABLE THROUGH - J NOT VALID FOR LESS THAN MO-00 First Union Bank of DE �/,, Wilmington, DE 198M 1n1 �J-� FoR—c- M46Vra n• 100 SOD 10 1 2 21194:0 3 L LOO 2 2 5t:8 SO9966 160 3 159u' DEC 19 2007 r North Carolina Secretary of State http://www. secretary. state. nc.us/corporations/Corp.aspx?Pitcmld=4721777 CORPORATIONS Elaine F. Marshall DEPARTMENT OF THE Secretary SECRETARY OF STATE Corporations Home Search By Corporate Name Search For New Corporation Search By Registered Agent Important Notice Corporations FAQ Homeowners' Association FAQ Tobacco Manufacturers Dissolution Reports Non -Profit Reports Verify Certification Online Annual Reports LINKS & LEGISLATION KBBE B2B Annual Reports SOSID Number Correction 2001 Bill Summaries 1999 Senate Bills Annual Reports 1997 Corporations 1997 Register for E-Procurement Dept. of Revenue ONLINE ORDERS PO Box 29622 Raleigh, NC 27626-0622 (919)607-2000 Date: 12/19/2007 Click here to: View Document Filings l %Print apre-populated Annual Report Form i Annual Report Count I File an Annual Report l Corporation Names Name Name Type NC ARTISAN MARBLE & Legal TILE, INC. Business Corporation Information SOSID: 0356097 Status: Current -Active Date Formed: 1/1/1995 Citizenship: Domestic State of Inc.: NC Duration: Perpetual Registered Agent Agent Name: Registered Office Address: Elbers, Francis M 206 Villa Dunes Drive Nags Head NC 27959 1 of 2 12/19/2007 4:18 PM Excel] Spreadsheet Update „- Subject: Excell Spreadsheet Update From: Roberto Scheller <Roberto.Schell er@ncmail.net> Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2007 13:38:58 -0400 7 To: Vivian Christy <Vivian.Christy@ncmai1.net> Vivian: There are two projects that are not listed on the tracking sheet: The Moorings 07-0220, and Hawthorne Road 07-0345. The Mooring (07-0220) was sent a 2nd add info letter on 6/18/07 Hawthorne Road (07-0345) was sent an add info letter on 5/30/07 gets sent back on 6/29/07 if no response. t C � L1 t✓ g r J J 6/25/2007 1:40 Pm� � t a¢ 56 1 i a H � ro I �N 6 8�T I gym" I `N I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IL I I I I I I I I I I I I I Z D P N T D �tl No f-- �yr I I �g0 I I I I I I P I I I n I I I I I r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4 I I 1 I I I I I la I I I I I Iy9 I I I I I Ig I 13 I I I I I I I I I I I ly I I Ig I la I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L J I I I I I I I I I I nn I I 1 m r O 0 C GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN ARTISAN MARBLE & TILE LOT SA CHARLES L. SINEATH SUBDIVISION n q 11 a1f E t€CIF g� dliiil!Oil X1 l e�2 -5i Ye- :c " $ i ?� .c ge $ a ay; a� �gA6 np�Z os� "eL ^, $ N I�Ag�,�o W54 A_wF. N z a a >ti m w LI L �$94 yQ s 4 u VI p8S 3 qp9 4 4 P 4 c5 R Q Q Q 4 4 R Qy r rri a gy gg _ 3 e 2 �` 4 M/ol ansONs xR nR[ u.wSNK �O , � • ,n. •�. - c6., OvW� H. `N C+ROC•'••: + Tss�i = 2jQ0 - `° oi`ii�se n Qui bl e mroT HCN9:•m rw NmLxL mllw+sw /30 7 LLO I9fIL1RI.TK4 1NFNCN CUML Associates, P.C. ENUIROWAL • cousuCES • vuxNlNc [NVIHONMLNIAL SCI[NCCS $IIRV[YING �•"" Vf�, r. r Ilfal i.�_�r 0.1E RLM90R CERTI{ICON',• M?1)?BLqe 711yo TlLe SHEET INDEX I.nDe.•.aex.,o.R..om,nr SHEET 1 - SITE PLAN a SHEET 2 - GRADING & DRAINAGE ® •. "•^' SHEET 3 - UTILITY PLAN SHEET 4 - LIGHTING PLAN SHEET 5 - SOIL EROSION SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN SHEET 6 - LANDSCAPING PLAN SHEET 7 - SITE PLAN DETAILS m a W F SHEET 8- GRADING & DRAINAGE DETAILS SHEET 9 - WATERMAIN DETAILS �n i M. l amn auvo-rt Im xaxn •u�ex ®m vm.. no® a•m u n v w v.�m¢. o•ciw 'i vuu w n,uim - a v" nw 1'a,1n .+mR N07E: vR el�o[ v'°ivv enCW .F Im,� - � .n Ipnu[q� r u u u f m".e ee s v y rm! x bva un,C u x }NC pe11 LMN ON IIIETL MMS 6 ILII[YL➢ iD K ICLUMiL M INC RCCVMLI IS NOI mUL,MRD. iNL LDMMLIOR 6 RLYDMI[IC ru. �xi¢ m® - �eul wlFi �fiml , mr yRp�p S¢ t6M1 W R➢�nn,•u OnR iDR KRIiY4W .UL IMLS. LCGIbN; IYPE3. YO WdSMIi O! C VII1R16 n � npnlvi.i u• im u. ve m x•, n„ot u'nu. v W A - IROI m CLWSiRUCIpN. I C6LRLI.4vLY tl (WND. LL� AVD INC CNOM[G �RRN W x°IiIR6 NVC YIW CIFOIC[/5 m MM NDLNY ID PRDLLFD. �. �1ppp. . S•�rt Ylnm nnu°wa•1 • nmemmmm,rtxew'�atm- °' tx'irtv(ai vaun•[¢•.M v • n as m�.em ....>m.F-n.e. ,,..mil o"ms.m '. •re r"'�•eoe`.'rm.`: "" cxel ,'as"r N/1 mAeu�m. a onmm - e r� TpU GNAGLES�LYe I%AWTM, a: ro, nm "�: i.m m em u, .e rm spa w •m.m cnre u w.x ^' y,'�.•y: s msr,� nx,o..• cxu rrnrt u z �ma° v ne PARCEL 'E' IN E TOYN GF NAGS hEPp _________________________________l r____-_____ I I I I�______-___. I I I I I I en.es s•ca.ee e.anm I ttIORL YW DR l W( 2lt /IfCC 1-IW-fY-.91D NORM CRROLINA ONE CALL ____________ ----_ _____________�I r________________________ � I I I nsnro arcc:ae elRaw I r----------------------------------�� I bl NAGS o-IEAO SELF STORAGE, LLG L ___________ — bbblll Im s,naa ac es. xm F`�O�'R mu I I I eN,..m,•em, � meM P"a�m: � II M .J I L v ..zue :°a•a. �u SroXYoX° i A A� ia,me .xw II � � sm. � .+. n.ee sRDx r m.•vrt - -.. .. 1 �. ^� II ..v. 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