HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW7070418_HISTORICAL FILE_20120326STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW �����( DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE ya,�p YYYYM M DD 11� MCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor Harrell Enterprises, Inc Attn: Mr. J.M. Harrell PO Box 688 Ahoskie, NC 27910 Dear Mr. Harrell: Division of Water Quality Charles Wakild, P. E. Director March 26, 2012 Subject: Stormwater Permit SW7070418 File Review Duck Thru Convenience Store No. 26 Bertie County Dee Freeman This Division issued state Stormwater Permit SW7070418 to Harrell Enterprises, Inc on May 7, 2007 for the construction of a wet detention pond system. Under Part 11.6 (Schedule of Compliance), this permit requires a certification that the permitted facilities have been constructed according to the approved plans and specifications. Upon reviewing our files, that certification has not been submitted to our office. Please provide a copy of the certification, or a statement that the project has not been completed, to this Office at the letterhead address within 30 days of receipt of this letter. If you have questions, please feel free to contact me at (252) 948-3919. Sincerely, Bill Moore Environmental Engineer Washington Regional Office Cc WARO Stormwater Files North Carolina Division of Water Quality Internet: www.newaterqualitvorg 943 Washington Square Mall Phone: 252-946-6481 Washington, NC 27889 FAX 252-946-9215 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer — 50 % Recycled110% Post Consumer Paper Nne orthCarolina Naturally _,� StaterStormwafer Management Systems ..Permit No. SV 7070418 Stormwater Permit.No. SVV7070418 Bertie County Designer's Certification 1, Thomas W. Harwell , as a duly registered Engineer in the State of North Carolina, having been authorized to observe (periodically/ weekly/ full time) the construction of the project, DUCK THROUGH FOOD STORE k 26 (Project) for J. Michael Harrell (Project Owner) hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the project construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the approved plans and specifications. The checklist of items on page 2 of this form is included in the Certification. Noted deviations from approved plans and specification: NOV 21 2007 Signature 1� &_ Registration Number 4-3 (P Date _ _ lC% /&%Z9'0"7 1 Page 6 of 7 0 J State StormwateP Maria emenYS stems Permit No. SW70704 .. 18 Certification Requirements: yr x 1. The drainage area to the system contains approximately the permitted acreage. _x 2. The drainage area to the system contains no more than the permitted amount of built -upon area. x 3. All the built -upon area associated with the project is graded such that the runoff drains to the system. x 4. All roof drains are located such that the runoff is directed into the system. x. 5. The bypass structure elevations are per the approved plan. x 6. The bypass structure is located per the approved plans. x 7. A Trash Rack is provided on the outlet/bypass structure. * 8. All slopes are grassed with permanent vegetation. x 9. Vegetated slopes are no steeper than 3:1. x:. 10. The inlets are located per the approved plans and do not cause short-circuiting of the system. _X11. The permitted amounts of surface area and/or volume have been provided. x 12. All required design depths are provided. X_13. All required parts of the system are provided. x 14. The required system dimensions are provided per the approved plans. cc: NCDENR-DWQ Regional Office Bertie County Building Inspections * 8. All slopes are seeded and mulched. Grass seed has not germinated because of extream drought conditions. First rain / moisture on 11/14/07 of inspection. Very little water in system at time Page 7 of 7 A� NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Request for Express Permit Review FILL-IN all information below and CHECK required Permit(s). Fax or email this completed form along with a narrative and vicinity map of the project location to the appropriate One -Stop Coordinator. • Fayetteville or Raleigh Region -David Lee 919.791-4203; david.leeCg ncmail.net litlLti�if)� Mooresville & Asheville Region -Patrick Grogan 704-663-3772 or patrick.grogan(a)ncmail.net • Washington Region -Lyn Hardison 252-946.9215 or lyn.hardisonc@,ncmaii.net APR 2 5 2007 • Wilmington Region -Cameron Weaver 910-350.2004 or cameron.weaver(cDncmail.net Project application received after 12 noon will be stamped in the following work day. DWQ-INARO APPLICANT Name J. Michael Harrell. President Company Harrell Enterprises Inc. Address PO Box 688 City/State Ahoskie, NC Zip 27910 Phone 252-332-2131 Fax Email PROJECT SYSTEM(S) TRIBUTARY TO UT to Indian Creek SURFACE WATER CLASSIFICATION C (Roanoke) PROJECT Name Duck Thru Food Store # 26 County Bertie PROJECT LOCATION (ADDRESS) SW CORNER OF INTERSECTION OF HWY 11 & 308 ENGINEER/CONSULTANT James Galloway Company Carolina Benchmark Address 102 Oakmont Drive City/State Greenville, NC Zip 27858 State or National Environmental Policy Act (SEPA, NEPA) — EA or EIS Required []Yes ❑ No ❑ STREAM ORIGIN Determination: of Stream calls; Stream Name Rv STORMWATER ❑Low Density [N High Density -Detention Pond ❑ Low Density -Curb & Gutter ❑ High Density -Infiltration WETLANDS MUST BE ADDRESSED BELOW ❑ High Density -Other ❑ Off Site ❑ COASTAL ❑ Excavation & Fill ❑ Bridges & Culverts ❑ Structures Information MANAGEMENT ❑ Upland Development ❑ Marina Development ❑ Urban Waterfront ❑ LAND QUALITY PC Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan with 3.91 acres to be disturbed.(CK III D (for DENR use)) ❑ WETLANDS (401): Check all that apply Wetlands on Site ❑ Yes ❑ No Wetlands Delineation has been completed: ❑ Yes ❑ No US ACOE Approval of Delineation completed: ❑ Yes ❑ No 404 Application in Process w/ US ACOE: ❑ Yes ❑ No Perennial, Blue line stream, etc on site ❑ yes ❑ No Isolated wetland on Property ❑ Yes ❑ No / Buffer Impacts: ❑ No ❑ YES: acre(s) / Minor Variance: ❑ No ❑ YES Major General Variance ❑ No ❑ YES 401 Application required: ❑Yes ❑ No If YES, ❑ Regular / Permit Received from US ACOE ❑ Yes ❑ No The legislation allows additional fees, not to exceed 50% of the original Express Review permit application fee, to be charged for subsequent reviews due to the insufficiency of the permit applications. For DENR use only Fee Split for multiple permits: (Check # OSC63S ) Total Fee Amount 8 41-(YC' SUBMITTAL DATES Fee SUBMITTAL DATES Fee CAMA I I Variance ❑ Ma"; El Min SW HD; LD ZS--C°1 .;LLx:, 401: LQS - L, -o ( ' Ly; Stream Deter,_ APR 2 5 2007 WET POND CALCULATIONS DUCK TRUCK DWQ-VVAR0 LEWISTON,ROUGH BERT E COUNTY,ON.C. DRAINAGE AREA = 3.91 ACRES IMPERVIOUS AREA = 2.73 ACRES % IMPERVIOUS = 70% USE 4 FOOT DEEP POND, 90% TSS REMOVAL, NO VEGETATIVE BUFFER SA/DA = 6.0% FROM CHART MINIMAL REQUIRED SURFACE AREA AT PERMANENT POND LEVEL: 0.60 X 3.91 = 0.23 AC FT = 10,219.2 SF AT ELEVATION 68.0 FT SURFACE AREA PROVIDED AT PERMANENT POND ELEVATION 13,284 SO FT. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR TEMPORARY POOL: Rv=0.50+0.009(70) Rv = 0.68 VOLUME =(1/12)(0.68)(3.91)(43560)=8,584 CUFT y,60c4 VOLUME OF TEMPORARY POOL FROM 68 FT TO 69 FT. TP SURFACE AREA = 16,278 PP SURFACE AREA = 13,284 29,562 . 2=14,781 SO FT X 1 FT=14,781 CU FT PERMANENT POOL VOLUME, PP BOTTOM AREA = 6,183 SF PP SURFACE AREA = 8,575 SF 15,050 -2 X 4 FT DEEP = 30, I OOCU FT FORE BAY BOTTOM AREA = 2,232 SF FORE BAY SURFACE AREA = 5,893 SF 8,125 SF - 2 X 3 FT DEEP = 12.188 CU FT 42.288 CU FT VOLUME OF FORE BAY REQUIRED 42,288 X 0.20 = 8,458 CU FT VOLUME OF FORE BAY PROVIDED = 12,188 CU FT ORIFICE SIZING: Q2 DAY = 14,781 - 172,800 SEC = 0.09 CFS Q5 DAY = 14,781 - 432,000 SEC = 0.03 CFS CHOOSE 1.5 "CIRCULAR ORIFICE AVERAGE HEAD = I FT-(.5)(1.5-12)-(2)=0.48 Cd = COEFF. OF DISCHARGE = 0.6 g = 32 2FT/SEC AREA OF ORIFICE A=0.0122 Q = Cd A 2gh Q = 0.60 X 0.0 122 N 2 X 32.2 X 0.48 Q = 0.6 X 0.0122 X 0.48 = 0.040 SAY 0.04 Q = 0.4 CFS (0.03 < 0.04 < 0.09}`,' '" .0 27858 ,a 1 .. �II'8080®601Y STORM WATER TREATMENT NARRATIVE FOR DUCK THROUGH TRUCK STOP AND SERVICE STATION LEWISTON, BERTIE COUNTY, N. C. DUCK THROUGH TRUCK STOP AND SERVICE STATION is proposed to be built on a 3.91 acre lot on the south west corner of the intersection of NC 11, and NC 308 HIGHWAYS IN Bertie County N. C. The site is presently un-developed. Improvements to the property will consist of a single building, gasoline and diesel pumps, parking and drainage improvements, and Storm Water and Erosion Control facilities. This plan was prepared by Carolina Benchmark Engineers - Surveyors -Planners, Inc. As Engineers for the owner. All correspondence concerning this should be sent to Carolina Benchmark, 102 Oakmont Drive, Greenville, NC 27858 or by telephone at (919) 756-8990. The entire site will be disturbed during the construction process. The building and parking area will be constructed in accordance with the enclosed plans. Erosion and sedimentation practices will be installed and carried out as shown on the enclosed Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan. Work on this portion of the development will began in May of 2006. The land disturbing activity to take place on the property will be the clearing of stumps and root debris from the previously clear cut wooded site, grading of the building pad and parking areas, and the building of the drainage and storm water treatment facilities. The total land area to be disturbed by construction will be slightly less than 3.9 acres of a total acreage of 3.91 acres. All rain water from this site will be routed to the FORE BAY through 2 curb drop basins and along a swale. The storm water treatment facility will be along the south side of the lot as shown on the drawings. The land around the site is very flat and the only drainage structure near the site is the NC Highway 11 side swale. The Detention and treatment facility was designed in accordance with section 1.0 Wet Detention Basins, of the Storm water Best Management Practices by NC DENR. According to the US Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Soil Survey of Bertie County North Carolina, the soil on the site is Lynchburg (Ly),Fine-loamy, siliceous, thermic Aerie Paleaquults. The water management table shows Lynchburg soil to have only moderate limitations for both reservoir and aquifer -fed excavated ponds. Soil borings performed on site at the location of the proposed ponds confirm the soil properties shown on the Engineering Index Properties shown in the Soil Survey. The pools will be used as an erosion control device during construction and all sediment will be removed after any significant soil build-up in the Fore bay after each rain fall and at the completion of construction. The owner has agreed to maintain the pools in accordance with the requirements listed in the application form. A Engineers calculation sheet is attached to this application. At the end of construction, and after the sides of the pond and the entire pond area has 90% grass cover and the ponds have had final debris removal all areas of the pond having less than 1 foot of water cover at the permanent pond level will be planted as follows: 1. Broomsage ( Andropogon Virginicus) 20 lbs per acre Tolerant to fluctuating water levels. 2. Cattail (Typher Spp) 20 lbs per acre High pollutiant treatment value and grows well in Eastern NC A chain link fence at least 4 feet high shall be placed around the pond area. This fence will need to be taken down for access to clean out the ponds from time to time. Water in the Primary Pond can be drained to the 66.5 foot level by removing the drain cap in the outlet box. The remaining water in the primary pool and the For Bay will require pumping for pond maintenance. Name of Stream Description Curr. Class Date Prop. Class Basin Stream Index # Canal Gut From source to Roanoke C 09/01/74 Roanoke 23-46 River Indian' .,Creek. From. source, to --Roanoke- C 09/01:/,74: Roanoke 23-47L River Coniott Creek From source to Roanoke C 07/01/73 Roanoke 23-48 (Town Swamp) River Frog Level Swamp From source to Coniott C 09/01/74 Roanoke 23-4e-1 Creek Conine Creek From source to Roanoke C 09/01/57 Roanoke 23-51 River ROANOKE RIVER From 1S mile marker at C;Sw 09/01/57 Roanoke 23-(53) Janesville to Albemarle Sound (Batchelor Bay) Broad Creek From Source to Roanoke C;Sw 09/01/57 Roanoke 23-54 River Cut Cypress Creek From Roanoke River to C;Sw, 09/01/57 Roanoke 23-54-1 Broad Creek Charleston Creek From source to Broad C;Sw 09/01/57 Roanoke 23-54-2 i Creek Cow Creek From source to Broad C;Sw 09/01/57 Roanoke 23-54-3 Creek Bull Creek From source to Cow Creek C;Sw 09/01/57 Roanoke 23-54-3-1 ALBEMARLE SOUND West of a line B;Sw 09/01/74 Roanoke 24 (Batchelor Bay) extending from a point of land 0.3 mile north of mouth of Morgan Swamp in a Southerly direction to a point of land on the eastside of the mouth of Roanoke River Eaetmoet River From Roanoke River to C;Sw 09/01/57 Roanoke 24-1-(1) N.C. Hwy. 45 Eastmost River From N.C. Hwy. 45, B;Sw 09/01/74 Roanoke 24-1-(2) including cutoff between Eaetmoet River and Middle River to Albemarle Sound Cashie River From source to a point C;SW 09/01/57 Roanoke 24-2-(1) 1.0 mile upstream from Bertie County SR 1500 Wahtom Swamp From Source to Cashie C;Sw 09/01/74 Roanoke 24-2-2 River Connaritsa Swamp From source to Cashie C;Sw 07/01/73 Roanoke 24-2-3 River White Oak Swamp From Source to Cashie C;Sw 07/01/73 Roanoke 24-2-4 River Redbud Branch From source to White C;Sw 07/01/73 Roanoke 24-2-4-1 Oak Swamp Page 3 of 5 C T If. CONVENTIONAL AND SPECIAL SYMBOLS LEGEND CULTURAL FEATURES SPECIAL SYMBOLS FOR BOUNDARIES SOIL SURVEY Natbnal, state or proving — — — MISCELLANEOUS CULTURAL FEATURES SOIL DELINEATIONS AND SYMBOLS B.B Bot County or grid) — Farmstead, hour• ESCARPMENTS (omit in urban a•aas) Minor civil division Churcn k Bedrd<a .................. (voinla da.n slope) Rewetlan(nabhired dr park. wal••••••_ anfaint car park, R.001 i Oter Man bedrock ...... and Largeirpod) (Poinbown dslope)Indian remind Ulpsl) �lua�.a SHORT STEEP SLOPE .......... Land grant _.._ ).ones .butt lfaal) GULLY ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Limit of soA survey (b0ep Tank (bbet) • " DEPRESSION OR SINK 0 Field •bait.."fine and neolline Wells, oil or gas 9 SOIL SAMPLE S O AD HOC BOUNDARY (heel) 1 (grmally not N.wn) IAA' 1'�—; Wma.in `"-'P"=.i___ g MISCELLANEOUS Small akps,L id,da, perk. oilfield, aloe �Yy,l M damey, or ibod pool Kitchen midden Blowout STATE COORDINATE TICK I CLay spot M LAND DIVISION CORNER U i + ,y Macleod, end Land g ends) Gravely spot .. ROADS WATER FEATURES Gumbo, sliIX or cabby slat (aediq td Divides (mesten sMwn if grmib) O.m.a and oth., fimiler = Other rood, DRAINAGE mansoil areas Perennfal,dgpb lino �--� Prominent hill or pezk ' Trail — — — — — Pennnid. air& lip �._/ � RocY outcrop ROAD EMBLEM d DESIGNATIONS (includes sandsbne and shale) Impemdtent Salin•spot + InMstate Q F•SfN V D,mits a and Sandy spot 1 2 nals 0, death.. Camels Severely eroded spot a 2 off, State O Double4m. Label) Slide or slip lbq Point..doq) County, farm or ranch 17.1 Drainage ante/or k,.t r, Spiny spot, very stony spot 0 OB RAILROAD �. LAKES. PONDS AND RESERVOIRS POWER TRANSMISSION LINE ""—"--' rinwird lly not shown) Perennfal %\ Q CmJ PIPE LINE IMrmaly his ahpv.nl Intermittent it ` 1 FENCE _irtf (normally not sRdwM MISCELLANEOUS WATER FEATURES LEVEES Marsh or avramp W}. weli road unuuunui Spring p Wdhrad rl nrunruur Well. artesian �. With r.,Ir.d ,,,,,,, WNI, Irrigation o DAMS Large Air sole) Wet spat<2 ed i Micron or Small PITS Gravel pit X Mine orRarry<5 ac y(, k�) SOIL LEGEND Sell map symbols and map unit names are alphabetical. Map symbols are le It en. The first letter of the symbol. a caoit al. is the inilial letter of the soil or miscellaneous area name. The secend letter is lower case, accept in broadly defined map units, in which Casa II is a Capitol left.'. The third letter, where used, is a capital letter and denotes slope. Symbols with only two letters, one uppercase and one lower case, indicate, nearly level solls. Broadly defined map antis, in addition to having all capital letters are further indicated by the footnote y SYMBOL NAME AtA Altavista fine sandy loam. 0 to 3 percent slopes Au Augusta tine sandy loam BBy Bibb and Johnston I.ems, frequently flooded Rob Buneau loamy and, 0 to 6 percent slopes BOC B rrr.a. loamy and. 6 to IO percent slopes Ch Chewacla loam. frequently flooded CnB Cocaine IOamy and, 0 to 5 percent sleets CrA Craven fine sandy loam.0 t0 I percent slopes CrB Craven fine sandy loam, 1 to a percent elopes CrC Craven fine sandy loam, A t0 8 percent slopes DgA Dogue sandy loam. 0 to 2 percent slopes D,B Bogus sandy loan, 2 to 6Percent slopes DgC Dogue sandy loam, 6 to 12 percent slopes Dk Donavan mucky post, frequently flooded E.A Exurb very fine sandy loam. 0 to 2 Percent slopes EXB Eaom very fine sandy loan, 2 to 5 percent slopes GUA G.W91b ro sandy loam, 0 to 3 percent slop.. at Grantham slit loam Lf Leaf loom Ln Lenoir fine sandy loam Ly Lynchburg sandy loam No Ne6unta very fin. sendyleam NOA Norfolk sandy loam, 0 to 2 percent .1.pes NOB Norfolk sandy loom, 2 to 6 percent slopes Pe Pantagn loam Be Reins sandy loam Be Roanoke fine sandy loam, f,ae,enty flooded So Seabrook loamy sand TaB Tarboro loamy send, 0 to 5 percent slopes Tire Tomotley sandy loam Ud§ Udorthents, loamy We Wahee sandy loam WEv Wahadkea loam. frenuentl, flooded WFA Wickham fine sandy loam, 0 t0 2lament slopes WkB Wickham fine sandy teem, 2 to 6percent slopes WkC Wickham fine sandy loam, 6 to le percent slopes WmB Wic1mam4Jrban lend temple.. 2 to 10 percent slopes WID Winton fine sandy loam, 8 to 15 ltreenl slopes WtE Winton fine sandy loam, 15 to 60 percent slopes y Broadly defined map units, fewer sell e.amina0ons were made in these mapping units, and delineations and Included areas re generally Iaril be mapping units were designed primarily for woodland management. .This map unit includes disturbed areas that will support v... tation. Each area is Identified on the soli map with the symbol Up, and than labeled as to type. that is landfill, if. Spot symbols are used for areas <5 acre. in sire. Bertie County, North Carolina 105 TABLE 13.--WATER MANAGEMENT (Some terms that describe restrictive soil features are defined in the Glossary. See text for definitions of "slight," "moderate," and "severe." Absence of an entry indicates that the soil was not evaluated. The information in this table indicates the dominant soil condition but does not eliminate the need for onsite investigation) i Limitations or-- Features I af f acting -- Soil name and : o�a {MjUil:er-fec : : Terraces map symbol { reservoir : excavated : Drainage Irrigation { and { Grassed areas - i ponds i i diversions i waterways AtA--------------- :Moderate: :Moderate: IFavorable ------ ;Wetness -------- :Wetness, :Favorable. Altavista ; seepage. : deep to water,: : : soil blowing. I slow refill. Au ---------------- !Moderate: Moderate: :Favorable ------ :Wetness -------- ',Wetness, !Wetness. Augusta : seepage. I slow refill. : : I soil blowing. BB: Bibb ------ ------- rModerate: (Moderate: :Flooding ------:Wetness, :Erodes easily, :Erodes easily, seepage. : slow refill. : : flooding. I wetness. I wetness. Johnston --------- :Severe: :Severe: ! !Flooding ------- :Wetness, : : :Wetness -------- :Wetness. I seepage. : cutbacks cave.: I droughty, flooding. BoB--------------- :Severe: :Severe: :Deep to water :Droughty, !Soil blowing ---:Droughty. Bonneau I seepage. : cutbanks cave.: : fast intake, I : : : soil blowing. BoC--------------- :Severe: (Severe: :Deep to water :Droughty, :Slope, !Slope, Bonneau : slope, : cutbacks caved 1 fast intake, i soil blowing. I droughty. seepage. I soil blowing, i Ch---------------- :Moderate: :Moderate: ! ! !Flooding ------- :Wetness, :Wetness -------- !Wetness. Chewacla : seepage. : slow refill. : : flooding. CnB---------------Severe: :Severe: :Deep to water :Droughty, :Too sandy, :Droughty, Conetoe : seepage. : no water. : : fast intake, : soil blowing. : rooting depth. soil blowing. : CrA, CrB---------- {Moderate: :Severe: :Peres slowly ---:Wetness, !Wetness, :Peres slowly. Craven : seepage, i slow refill, : : peres slowly. : peres slowly. I CrC--------------- !Moderate: Severe: !Peres slowly, !Wetness, ;Wetness, :Peres slowly. Craven : seepage, , slow refill, : slope. : Deres slowly, ; peres slowly. ! slope, : cutbanks cave.: : slope. DgA--------------- :Moderate: -:Severe: :Pavorable------ !Wetness, ;Wetness, !Favorable. Dogue : seepage. : slow refill, : : soil blowing. : soil blowing. : : ! cutbanks cave.! DgB--------------- !Moderate: !Severe: !Slope---------- l Wetness, !Wetness, ;Favorable. Dogue : seepage, : slow refill, 1 ! soil blowing, soil blowing. : : slope. cutbanks cave.! ! slope. ______________� DgC- !Severe: !Severe: !Slope ---------- !Wetness, ;Slope, ;Slope. Dogue ! slope, i slow refill, : : soil blowing, ! wetness, ! !+ ! cutbanks cave.: : slope. soil blowing. Dk---------------- Moderate: :Severe: :Flooding, :Wetness, !Wetness, !Wetness. Dorovan ! seepage. : cutbanke cave.: subsides. : soil blowing, : soil blowing. : flooding. ExA--------------- :Slight --------- Severe: !Favorable ------ !Wetness, !Erodes easily, !Erodes easily. Ex ! i slow refill. i ! erodes easily,: Lly,! wetness, : soil blowing. : soil blowing. ! MR TABLE 13.--WATER MANAGEMENT --Continued Soil Survey �1.lLdcions ror-- Features affecE n -- Soil name and ! on , qu Her -fed , , TerraFes map symbol i reservoir I excavated i Drainage 1 Irrigation _ 4 , and , Grassed Exum ! slope. I , GoA--------------- ,Moderate: Goldsboro 1 seepage. , i Gt---------------- !Slight _________ Grantham i , L---------------- !Slight --------- Leaf , i Ln---------------- (Slight_________!! Lenoir I oaerare: seepage. Nabunta ! ! , NoA--------------- (Moderate: Norfolk (.seepage. , , , NoB--------------- (Moderate: Norfolk I seepage, ! slope. I Pa ---------------- !Moderate: Pantego ! seepage. , Ra---------------- (Moderate: Rains 1 seepage. Ro---------------- (Severe: Roanoke 1 seepage. Seabrook ; seepage. ! , TaB--------------- !Severe: Tarboro 1 seepage. ! Tm---------------- ;Moderate: Tomotley i seepage. Ud. ' Udorthents , , Wa---------------- !Slight_________ Wahee Severe: slow refill. Moderate: deep to water, slow refill. Severe: slow refill. Severe: slow refill. Severe: slow refill. slow refill. Severe: slow refill. loderate: deep to water, slow refill. loderate: deep to water, slow refill. loderate: slow refill. loderate: slow refill. ;evere: slow refill, cutbanks cave. evere: cutbanks cave. no water. evere: slow refill. slowly --- Peres Deep to water to water Peres slowly, _flooding. Cutbanks cave Deep to water Severe: !Peres slowly --- slow refill. ; ! Slope, (Erodes easily, !Erodes easily. wetness, 1 wetness, ; erodes easily.) soil blowing. Wetness, !Wetness, !Favorable. soil blowing. 1 soil blowing. ! ! ! Wetness, (Erodes easily, !Wetness, soil blowing, 1 wetness, 1 erodes easily. erodes easily.) soil blowing. I I ' Wetness !Wetness, (Wetness, peres slowly. I peres slowly. 1 peres slowly. , , Wetness, (Wetness, :Wetness, peres slowly, ! peres slowly, I peres slowly. soil blowing. 1 soil blowing. Wetness -------- (Wetness -------- (Wetness. , , Wetness, (Erodes easily, (Wetness, erodes easily,! wetness, i erodes easily. soil blowing. soil blowing. I Favorable ------ ;Soil blowing--- !Favorable. lope, !Soil blowing ---(Favorable. soil blowing. I ! , , etness --------,Wetness -------- !Wetness. etness-------- !Wetness, lWetness. soil blowing. I etness, !Wetness, Wetness, peres slowly, 1 peres slowly. peres slowly. erodes easily.! ' , etness, !Wetness, !Droughty. droughty, ! too sandy, ! fast intake. I soil blowing. ! : ! roughty, ;Too sandy, ;Droughty, fast intake, soil blowing. i rooting depth. soil blowing. ! etness, !Wetness, !Wetness. soil blowing. 1 soil blowing. I Wetness, !Wetness, soil blowing. 1 soil blowing, peres slowly. Wetness, peres slowly. Bertie County, North Carolina TABLE 13.--WATER MANAGEMENT --Continued 107 Limitations or-- - Features affectin -- Soil name and on , Aquifer -fed , , , Terraces , map symbol ! reservoir excavated Drainage Irrigation ! and Grassed ' areas , nds , ! ! diversions ' waterways im----------------,Moderate: !Moderate: !Flooding ------- !Wetness, iWetness, :Wetness. Wehadkee ! seepage. ! slow refill. ! ! soil blowing, soil blowing. ' ! ! flooding. , WkA--------------- (Moderate: !Severe: !Deep to water !Favorable ------ !Soil blowing ---!Favorable. Wickham ! seepage. ! no water. WkB--------------- !Moderate: !Severe: !Deep to water !Slope ---------- :Soil blowing ---!Favorable. Wickham ! seepage, ! no water. ! ! slope. ____------ WkC----- !Severe: !Severe: Deep to water !Slope -------- --!Slope, !Slope. Wickham ! slope. ! no water. , ! ! soil blowing. ! ! ! WMB: I ! ! ! Wickham ---------- !Moderate: !Severe: !Deep to water !Slope ---------- !Soil blowing ---!Favorable. ! seepage, ! no water. ! ! ! ! , slope. Urban land. ! ! ! ! ! ---------! WtD, WtE- !Severe: ! !Severe: ! ! ! :Slope ---------- !Slope, !Slope, !Slope. Winton ! slope. ! no water. ! ! wetness. ; wetness. 108 Soil Survey TABLE 14.--ENGINEERING INDEX PROPERTIES (The symbol < means less than; > means more than. Absence of an entry indicates that data were not estimated) i i I Classification Soil name and :Depth; USDA texture -- — - — - - 7— map symbol I : Unified i AASHTO AtA--------------: 0-141Fine sandy loam :ML, CL-ML,IA-4 Altavista ; : SM, SM-SC: 114-40:Clay loam, sandy ICL, CL-ML,IA-41 A-6, I I clay loam, loam.: SC, SM-SCI A-7 :40-601Variable---------: --- ' --- r I Au --------------- 1 0-6 :Fine sandy loam ISM, SM-SC,:A-2, A-4 Augusta I I i ML : 1 6-461Sandy clay loam, ICL, CL-ML :A-4, A-6, : i clay loam, loam.I A-7 �46-68i variable --------- I --- --- : BB: Bibb ------------ 1 0-8 :Loam------------- IML, CL-ML :A-4 1 8-60!Sandy loam, loam,ISM, SM-SC,:A-2, A-4 1 1 silt loam. 1 ML, CL-MLI Johnston -------- I 0-28:Loam-------------IML, SM :A-2, A-4 128-60:Stratifled loamy ISM, SP-SM IA-2, A-3 sand to sand. BoB, BoC--------- '}0-281Loamy sand ------- ISM :A-2 Bonneau I78-75:Sandy loam, sandyISC, SM-SC :A-2, A-6, I I clay loam, fine I : A-4 I I sandy loam. I ; , I I CChewac-- _______1 0-4 :Loam_____________; CL, :A-4, A-6, : : i CL-ML i A-7 : 4-42:Sandy clay low, :SM, SM-SC,:A-4, I loam, sandy I ML, CL I A-7-6, : 1 loam. 1 i A-6 142-65:Silt loam, clay IML, MR, :A-4 A-6 1 1 loam, silty clay) CL, CH I A-7 1 1 loam. I r r I I r CnB-------------- 1 0-231Loamy sand ------- ISM, SP-SM :A-2, A-3 Conetoe :23-42:Sandy loam, sandyISM, SC, IA-2, A-4 1 1 clay loam, fine I SM-SC I I i sandy loam. I 142-80:Loamy sand, sand ISM, SP, :A-2, A-3, I I I SP-SM A-1 CrA, CrB, CCC ---- I 0-11:Fine sandy loam IML, CL, iA-4, A-6 Craven i I i SH, SC : 111-671Clay, silty clay,:CH, CL IA-7 I silty clay loam.: ' : : DgA, DgB, DgC----: 0-7 :Sandy low ------- ISM, SC, :A-2, A-4 Dogue I I I SH-SC 1 7-50,Cla Y low, clay, :CL, CH, SC IA-6, A-7 1 1 sandy clay loam.: I 150-82:Stratified sand ISM, SC, :A-2, A-4, 1 1 to sandy clay I SP-SM, : A-1 I I loam. 1 SM-SC : I I Dk_______________ 1 0-5 :Mucky peat ------- IPT Dorovan 1 5-85IMuck------------- :pT : 85-95:Sand, loamy sand,ISP-SM, IA-1, A-3, : loam. 1 SM-SC, SMI A-4, I I 1 1 A-2-4 iments i sieve number-- : >3 1 � i ISnches: 4 ' 10 ' 40 1 200 ct i i r i 1 0 195-100190-100:65-99 135-60 1 0 195-100195-100160-99 145-75 : 0 :90-300175-100150-98 .30-60 0 190-100175-100175-100151-80 i r ' : 0-5 :95-100190-100180-90 150-80 1 0-10 160-100150-100140-100,30-90 : 0 : 100 1 100 160-100118-65 0 : 100 i 100 :50-1001 5-30 : 0 : 100 : 100 :50-95 115-35 0 : 100 : 100 :60-100130-50 0 0 0 198-100 i :96-100 95-100170-100155-90, 95-100:60-100136-70 a i 1 ' 65-100160-100151-98 :Liquid : limit i i Pct i i 23 i : 20-45 : i 25 : 20-45 : i i 25 30 25-49 20-45 22-61 I Plas- ticity : index r NP-7 : : 5-28 i , : NP-7 i : 5-25 : : : NP-7 NP-7 i i i NP-10 i NP : : -NP 4-21 4-20 2-15 4-28 0 : 100 1 10D 150-99 1 5-30 : 20 : NP 0 : 100 : 100 :50-99 120-40 1 30 : NP-10 .0 � � : 100 1 100 140-99 1 4-30 I 20 r : NP 0 1 100 :95-100:75-100145-90 : 35 : NP-15 0 : 100 195-100190-100165-98 40-70 : 24-43 0 195-100175-100:50-100120-50 1 25 1 NP-10 0 I I I I 195-100I175-1DOi65-100140-90 35-60 16-40 0 1 :80-100I60-100135-100110-40 1 30 1 : SIP-10 0 0 : 100 100 11 5-70 : 5-49 1 20 : NP-7 Berne County, North Carolina TABLE 14.--ENGINEERING INDEX PROPERTIES --Continued 109 I i i ctassitication Iyrag- Percentage passing Soil name and liDepthil USDA texture ;ments sieve number-- Miquld 1 Plas- map symbol i , , Unified , AASHTO ! )3 ! , , , I limit ! ticity ! I ! !Inches! a ! In ! an ! An I I . a ExA, W---------I 0-7 Very fine sandy 1ML, CL-ML,'A-4 Exum! , loam. 1 CL ! 7-651toam, clay loam, ICL !A-4, A-61 ! , silty clay loam.! ! A-7 GoA-------------- I 0-11ISandy low ------- ISM, SM-SC,IA-2, A-4, Goldsboro I I I SC ! A-6 111-721Sandy clay loam, 1SC, CL, IA-4, A-6, ! ! clay loam, sandy! CL-ML, CHI A-7-6 1 1 clay. I 1 j72-80:Variable--------- I --- --- GC---------------! 0-7 "Silt loam -------- lML, CL-ML 1A-4 Grantham 17-72ILoam, clay loam, 1CL IA-4, A-6, !I silty clay loam.) I A-7 ! ! ! ! Lf_______________i 0-5 iLoam------------- iML !A-4, A-6 Leaf ! 5-721Silty clay loam, ICL, CH IA-7 ! ! silty clay, I 1 ! ! clay. 1 I I I Ln---------------! 0-7 !Fine sandy loam ism -SC, SC,IA-4 Lenoir ! I I CL-ML, CLI 17-721C1ay, silty clay,ICL, CH !A-6, A-7 '! ! clay loam. l ' I 1 ' ! ! __"____-I I y ISM, , IA-2r A-4 Ly------- 0-lO,Sand loam-------'SM ML I Lynchburg , , ! SM-SC, ! ! ! CL-ML ! 110-65!Sandy clay loam, ISM -SC, SC,IA-2, A-4, ! ! sandy loam, clayl CL, CL-MLI A-6 ! ! loam. ' ' ' Na---------------i 0-6 `Very fine sandy IML, CL-ML,IA-4 Nahunta , 1 loam. 1 CL I 1 6-64ILoam, clay loam, fCL !A-4 A-6 ! ! silty clay loam.! 1 A-7 NOA, NoB--------- I 0-151Sandy low ------- ISM, SM-SC,IA-2 Norfolk I , ! SC ! 115-19ISandy loam, sandylSC, SM-SC,lA-2, A-4, ! ! clay loam, clay I CL, CL-MLI A-6 ! ! loam. I 1 119-70ISandy clay loam, ISC, SM-SC,IA-4, A-6, ! I clay loam, sandy! CL, CL-ML! A-7-6 ! ! clay. ! ! ! ! ! ' Pa ------------- 7-r ' , . I 0 181Loam--------- --ISM, ML !A-2, A-4 Pantego 118-72ISandy clay loam, ISM, CL, !A-4, A-6, ! ! sandy loam, clay! SM-SC, I A-2 loam. 1 CL-ML ' i Ra---------------0-161Sandy low ------- ISM, ML !A-2, A-4 Rains 116-62!Sandy clay loam, :SC, SM-SC,IA-2, A-4, ! clay loam !62-72lSandy clay loam, ISC, SM-SC,IA-4, A-6, ! ! clay loam, sandy) CL, CL-ML! A-7 ! ! clay. I I 0 ! 100 195-100180-100151-80 0 ; 100 I95-100I90-100160-90 I ! 1 0 195-100195-100 l50-100115-45 I I I 0 I95-100190-100165-95 l36-70 ! ! ! ' I I 1 I I I I I ' I ! 0 ' 100 1 100 185-100155-85 I 0 100 1 100 l90-100l60-95 I I I ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 0 1 100 195-100170-95 160-75 0 1 100 I95-100190-100175-95 ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100. 1 100 170-85 140-55 100 ! 100 I85-99 155-95 1 1 ! I I I 2-100190-1GO!75-100125-55 I I I r 2-300190-1001i70-100!25-67 100 100 95-100 95-106191-100170-96 I r I I ! ! 100 198-300165-98 100 !95-100l60-95 100 195-100165-100 100 195-100150-85 100 195-100l55-98 100 l98-100160-98 ! 25 , ! 22-49 ! I I ! 25 25-55 I I I ! 30 1 22-49 I 1 28-38 ! 42-65 ! 25 i ! 30-55 i ! ! 30 r ! 15-40 ! NP-10 , � 8-30 ! NP-14 I ! 6-32 ! UP-7 ! 8-30 ! I 5-12 1 20-38 I NP-10 I ! 11-35 ! ! 4-18: 51-85 ! 25 1 NP-10 , 60-95 ! 22-49 1 8-30 ! 15-33 ! 25 ! MP-14 30-63 1 20-38 i 4-15 ! ! I ! 36-72 ! 20-52 ! 4-23 25-75 ! 35 I NP-10 30-80 ! 20-40 I 4-16 ! ! 25-56 ! 35 I NP-10 30-70 ! 18-40 4-20 I 36-72 18-45 ; 4-28 110 Soil Survey TABLE 14.--ENGINEERING INDEX PROPERTIES --Continued I { : Classification :Frag- ; Percentage passing I : Soil name and :Depth) USDA texture i——:ments ; sieve number-- !Liquid { Plas- map symbol : : : Unified { AASHTO { >3 : , , , : limit ticlty :inches) 4 10 : 40 1200 { : index n , , , , ctPct , Ro--------------- : 0-11{Floe Sandy loam ISM, ML, , , CL-ML, :A-2, A-4 I 0 :85-100:80-300:45-85 I25-55 : 25 : NP-7 Roanoke , , , , I 1 1 SM-SC I11-45:Clay, silty clay,ICH, CL :A-7 1 0 190-100185-100:85-100:65-95 1 45-70 1 22-40 i I clay loam. I I I I I I I I I 145-60{Stratifled sand ICL-ML, :A-1, A-2,1 0-5 140-100135-100125-95 :15-90 1 10-60 1 NP-40 to clay. : GM -GC, : A-4 : : I CH, SM Se --------------- 1 0-40I Loamy sand ------- ISM, SP-SM IA-2, A-3 1 0 :95-100I90-100I85-99 1 5-25 I --- I NP Seabrook I40-65:Loamy fine sand, ISM, SP-SM :A-2, A-3 1 0 :95-100:90-100:85-1001 5-25 1 --- 1 NP I_ fine sand, sand.I I I I I I I I TaB-------------- : 0-82ILoamy sand ------- ISM, SP-SN,IA-2, A-3,: 0 195-100:95-100:40-99 18-35 : --- : NP Tarboro I I I SW-SM I A-1 I I I I I : I Tm--------------- : 0-8 :Sandy loam ------- :SM, SM-SC IA-2, A-4 I 0 :96-100I95-100:75-99 ;25-50 : 30 : NP-7 Tomotley 18-50IFine sandy loam, ISM -SC, SC,IA-2, A-4,1 0 198-100:95-100I75-100:30-70 1 20-40 1 6-23 I I sandy clay loam,: CL-ML, CL: A-6 I I I I I I clay loam. , , , , , , I , , I50-60:Vazlable--------- i "' : --- { '-- : --- : --- : --- : --- : ---: --' Ud. Udorthents Wa--------------- : 0-4 (Sandy low ------- ISM, SM-SC IA-2, A-4 : 0 : 100 :95-100:50-96 I30-50 I 28 I NP-7 Wahee 14-84IClay, clay loam, :CL, CH IA-6, A-7 { 0 1 100 1100 185-100151-92 1 38-81 116-54 , , silty clay. , , , , , WE---------------: 0-101Loam------------- ism, SC, IA-2, A-4 I O : 100 :95-100:60-90 I30-50 : 30 I NP-10 Wehadkee , , , SM-SC , , , , , , , , :10-65:Silt loam, silty ICL, CL-ML,IA-6, A-7,I 0 1 100 199-100185-100145-98 120-58 ' 6-25 I I clay loam, very I ML, SC I A-4 , , fine sandy loam., , : ,S : : : WkA, WkB, WkC----, 0-8 ,Fine sandy loam M, SM-SC „A-4 , 0 ,95-100, 90-100, 70-100,45-80 , 25 : , NP-7 Wickham I I I ML, CL-MLI { I I I I I I 18-53ISandy clay loam, ICL-ML, CL,IA-2, A-4,1 0 i95-100190-100:75-100130-70 : 20-41 1 3-15 I { clay loam, loam.: SC, SM I A-6, : I I : A-7-6 53-681Variable--------- I --- I --- I --- I --- I --- WmB: Wickham---------: 0-8 :Fine sandy loam :Stt, SM-SC, IA-4 : 0 195-100I90-100:70-100:45-80 : 25 I NP-7 { 1 1 ML, CL-ML: I I I I I I I 18-53:Sandy clay loam, ICL-ML, CL,IA-2, A-4,: 0 :95-100190-100175-100130-70 1 20-41 I 3-15 : clay loam, loam.( SC, SM I A-6, I I I I I I I 1 1 A-7-6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 153-681Vaziable--------- 1 --- 1 --- I --- 1 --- ! --- 1 --- I --- ! --- 1 --- Urban land. HtD, WtE---------: 0-17I Fine sandy loam :ML, SM, :A-2, A-4,I 0-3 :90-100:90-100150-99 I25-65 : 30 : NP-15 Winton "-' - - "' : "I ' : CL, SC '1 A-6 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 :17-54ISandy clay loam, ISC, CL IA-2, A-4,: 0-2 :90-100:90-100145-95 :25-70 120-45 1 8-30 , , sandy loam, clay, , A-6, A-71 , , , , , , loam. , 154-801 Variable---------1 ---_-- Bertie County, North Carolina TABLE 15.--PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF THE SOILS (The symbol < means less than; > means more than. Entries under "Erosion factors--T" apply to the entire profile. Entries under "Organic matter" apply only to the surface layer. Absence of an entry indicates that data were not available or were not estimated) Soil name and 1Depthl Clay 1 Moist 11'ermeability lAvailablel Soil 1Shrink-swell map symbol i i 1 bulk 1 1 water lreactioni potential i 1 1 density 1 lcaoacity I 1 AtA______________ Altavista Augusta BB: 0-14i 10-24 14-40i 18-35 40-601 --- I 0-6 i 5-20 6-461 20-35 AA -AR! -__ 1.30-1.50 1.30-1.50 1.40-1.70 1.35-1.60 2.0-6.0 0.6-2.0 2.0-6.0 0.6-2.0 0.12-0.2013.6-6.5 0.12-0.2013.6-6.0 t 0.10-0.1514.5-6.0 0.12-0.1814.5-6.0 ___ I --- Bibb ------------ 0-8 1 2-18 11.20-1.551 0.6-2.0 10.15-0.20i4.5-5.5 i 8-60: 2-18 i1.30-1.60i 0.6-2.0 10.12-0.20i4.5-5.5 i l Johnston--------1 0-28i 5-18 i1.30-1.55i 2.0-6.0 10.10-0.2014.5-5.5 28-601 2-12 i1.55-1.651 6.0-20 10.02-0.0714.5-5.5 i BOB, BaC--------- 1 0-281 5-15 11.30-1.701 6.0-20 i0.05-0.1114.5-6.0 Bonneau 128-751 18-35 i1.40-1.60i 0.6-2.0 10.10-0.15:4.5-5.5 I I I Ch---------------i 0-4 l 10-27 11.30-1.601 0.6-2.0 10.15-0.24i4.5-6.5 Chewacla 14-421 18-35 :1.30-1.60: 0.6-2.0 10.12-0.2014.5-6.5 42-651 18-35 11.30-1.501 0.6-2.0 10.15-0.2414.5-7.8 CnB--------------1 0-231 2-10 11.60-1.751 6.0-20 !0.05-0. 10'4.5-6.0 Conetoe i23-42i 10-22 i1.40-1.601 2.0-6.0 10.10-0.15�9.5-6.0 i42-80i 2-10 11.60-1.70i 6.0-20 10.05-0.1014.5-6.0 1 1 i i CrA, CrB, CrC---- 1 0-111 7-27 i1.30-1.451 0.2-2.0 10.12-0.15'3.6-6.5 Craven 111-671 35-60 11.30-1.451 0.06-0.2 10.12-0.15,3.6-5.5 DgA, DgB, DgC----1 0-7 i 5-10 11.35-1.50i 2.0-6.0 10.08-0.15:3.6-5.5 Dogue i 7-501 35-50 11.45-1.601 0.2-0.6 10.12-0.1913.6-5.5 150-821 5-30 11.30-1.501 0.6-6.0 10.05-0.1413.6-5.5 Dk--------------- 1 0-5 1 --- 10.25-0.401 0.6-2.0 10.20-0.2513.6-4.4 Dorovan 1 5-85: --- 10.35-0.55i 0.6-2.0 10.20-0.2513.6-4.4 185-951 5-20 11.40-1.65i 6.0-20 10.05-0.0814.5-5.5 i ExA, ExB-------- -1 0-7 1 6-18 11.30-1.501 2.0-6.0 10.15-0.2019.5-6.0 Exum 1 7-65i 18-35 :1.30-1.40: 0.2-0.6 10.15-0.20i 4.5-5.5 I I I I I t I GoA-------------- 0-111 5-15 11.40-1.60i 2.0-6.0 10.10-0.15'3.6-6.0 Goldsboro 111-721 20-34 11.30-1.401 0.6-2.0 i0.11-0.2013.6-5.5 172-801 --_ I I I I I I fit --------------- 0-7 t 6-18--11:30-1.501---2:0-6.0 '"-10.13-0.2013:6=5.5 Grantham l 7-721 18-35 i1.30-1.401 0.2-0.6 10.15-0.2013.6-5.5 I I I I I 1 Lf--------------- 1 0-5 1 12-20 11.30-1.50i 0.06-0.2 10.12-0.1B13.6-5.5 Leaf 1 5-721 35-60 11.50-1.601 0.06 10.18-0.2113.6-5.5 I I I I I I Ln---------------1 0-7 1 6-20 i1.40-1.551 2.0-6.0 i0.10-0.14i3.6-5.5 Lenoir l 7-721 35-60 11.20-1.35: 0.06-0.2 10.13-0.1513.6-5.5 Ly---------------i 0-101 5-20 11.30-1.601 2.0-6.0 10.09-0.1313.6-5.5 Lynchburg 110-651 18-35 11.30-1.501 0.6-2.0 10.12-0.1613.6-5.5 i i i 1 Na--------------- 1 0-6 i 6-18 11.30-1.501 2.0-6.0 i0.15-0.2014.5-6.0 Nahunta 1 6-641 18-35 11.30-1.401 0.2-0.6 10.15-0.2013.6-5.5 factors i Organic T-' matter K I T 1 j j YCL I I 0.241 5 i .5-3 0.241 i I I I I 0.20i 4 1 .5-2 0.241 1 Low ---------- i0.28 Low ---------- 10.37 I Low ---------- 10.20 Low__________ 10.17 I Low ---------- 10.15 Low ---------- 10.20 Low ---------- 10.28 Low ---------- 10.28 LOW ---- ------ 10.32 Low ---------- Low-------- 10.15 Low ---------- 10.10 I Low ---------- 10.32 Moderate ----- 10.32 Low__________ 10.28 Moderate ----- 10.28 Low ---------- 10.17 1 Low-----=----10.37 Low ---------- 10.43 I Low ---------- 10.28 High --------- i0.32 Low__________ 10.28 Moderate ----- 10.32 i 5 i .5-2 I i 5 1 3-8 5 i .5-2 5 l 1-4 I i i 5 i .5-2 i i 5 1 .5-2 4 I i I --- i 20-80 i i i 5 i .5-2 5 i .5-2 i i 1 5 i 2-4 i 4 i 1-3 5 i 2-4 Low -------- _-10. 201 5 Low -------- --10.201 I I Low__________ 10.431 5 Low ---------- 10.431 5-5 2-4 ill 10 1 1 2 Soil Survey TABLE 15.--PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF THE SOILS --Continued !!}}i Soil name and i0epthi Clay i i Moist lPermeability i ;Available: Soil i i erosion ;Shrink -swell 1 factors i ; Organic map symbol ] I bulk I i water ;reaction; potential I�—i ' matter densit ' 'ca acit i K T n , c , g/cc , n In/in pH NoAI NoB---------] 0-151, 5-18 11.45-1.651 2.0-6.0 10.10-0.1513.6-6.0 !Low ----------i0.201 5 .5-2 Norfolk 115-191 18-35 11.30-1.651 0.6-2.0 10.10-0.1813.6-5.5 iLow---------- 10.241 19-701 20-43 11.20-1.651 0.6-2.0 10.12-0.1813.6-5.5 ]Low ---------- 10.241 i Pa---------------] 0-16I 5-15 11.40-1.601 2.01-6.0 10.12-0.20i3.6-5.5 ,Low ---------- i0.15i S i 4-10 Pantego 118-721 18-35 11.30-1.501 0.6-2.0 10.12-0.2013.6-5.5 :Low ---------- 10.28: i Ra---------------i 0-16, 5-20 11.30-1.601 2.0-6.0 10.10-0.1413.6-6.5 iLow----------i 0.201 S i 1-6 Rains 116-62I 18-35 11.30-1.601 0.6-2.0 10.11-0.15I3.6-5.5 !Low ---------- 10.24I i '62-72' 18-40 I1.30-1.50i 0.6-2.0 :0.10-0.1513.6-5.5 lLow---------- I0.28: Ro--------------- 1 0-111 10-18 11.20-1.50: 2.0-6.0 10.12-0.18:3.6-5.5 iLow---------- 10.281 4 i 1-3 Roanoke I11-45I 35-60 i1.35-1.65' 0.2 :0.10-0.19I3.6-5.5 IModerate----- I0.241 i ]45-601 5-50 ,1.20-1.501 0.06-20 10.04-0.1413.6-6.5 (Moderate ----- 10.241 i i Se --------------- i 0-401 2-12 i i I1.30-1.60i 6.0-20 i i 10.05-0.11i 4.5-6.5 i i :Low ---------- ]0.10] 5 i 1 .5-2 Seabrook 140-65I 2-12 11.30-1.60i 6.0-20 I0.02-0.0914.5-6.5 ILow---------- 10.10] TaB-------------- I 0-82i 3-12 i1.60-1.751 6.0-20 10.05-0.09I4.5-6.5 ILow---------- i0.10i 5 1 .5-1 Tarboro ] Tm---------------] 0-8 i 5-20 ]1.30-1.601 2.0-6.0 i0.10-0.1513.6-S.S.iLow ---------- i0.20i S i 1-6 Tomotley i 8-501 18-35 i1.30-1.501 0.6-2.0 10.12-0.1813.6-5.5 !Low ---------- 10.20i ] 50-601 _-- i ___ i ___ ___ ___ i I 1� ------------- i---- i Ud. i Udorthents ] i Wg--------------- i 0-4 i 5-20 11.30-1.60i 0.6-2.0 10.10-0.I5i4.5-6.0 iLoW---------- ]0.24] 5 ] .5-5 Wahee i 4-841 35-60 11.40-1.601 0.06-0.2 10.12-0.20I3.6-5.5 (Moderate ------ i0.28 WE---------------] 0-10I 5-20 i1.35-1.60i 2.0-6.0 10.10-0.1514.5-6.5 ,Low ---------- i0.24i S i 2-5 Wehadkee 110-651 18-35 11.30-1.50i 0.6-2.0 :0.16-0.2014.5-6.5 jLow---------- 10.321 ] i WkA, WkB, WkC ---- 1 0-8 I 8-15 i 11.45-1.651 2.0-6.0 I0.11-0.1614.5-6.0 I iLow----------i 0.241, 5 i .5-2 Wickham i 8-531 18-35 11.30-1.501 0.6-2.0 10.12-0.17:4.5-6.0 ]Low ---------- i0.24: ] ___ ! --- I --- ' --- '------------- I ----' ' WmB: i i i i i i i I I Wickham---------i 0-8 I 8-15 11.45-1.651 2.0-6.0 10.11-0.1614.5-6.0 !Low ---------- 10.241 5 1 8-531 18-35 I1.30-1.501 0.6-2.0 10.12-0.1714.5-6.0 ILow---------- ]0.24I __ �_____________1----� 53-68i ___ i -_- i --_ i ___ ] - i , , Urban land. WtD, WtE--------- i 0-17i 7-27 11.30-1.401 2.0-6.0 10.12-0.2013.6-6.0 !Low ---------- 10.20i 5 Winton i17-54 18-35 11.30-1.50I 0.2-2.0 10.12_0.20i 3.6-6.0 ]Low ---------- 10.24 ;5a-All; I • i - I 5-2 .5-3 Sertie County, North Carolina TABLE 16.--SOIL AND WATER FEATURES ("Flooding" and "water table" and terms such as "rare," 'brief," "apparent," and "perched" are explained in the text. The symbol < means less than; ) means more than. Absence of an entry indicates that the feature is not a concern or that data were not estimated) I i Flooding;- 1 water le Risk of corros on Soil name and {Hydrologic! map symbol { group { Frequency Duration ; Months i Depth I Kind IMonths {Uncoated (Concrete I steel I I { ' AtA_______________{ C !None________(�1.5-2.SrA are Altavista ] ! { ! i pp r I � { { C None -------- Au .OI Aooare ,1.0-2 Augusta BB: { I I I Bibb-------------� D !Frequent ---- {Brief to I ] long. Johnston--------- DD !Frequent ---- !Brief to ! long. BOB, eoC__________i A I INone -------- I Bonneau Ch----------------! C ]Frequent----,Brief----- Chewacla { CnB--------------- I A I I None ---'--''I '-- Conetoe ! { { ] CrA, CrB, CrC-----] C ] I {None --------I Craven ! { { DgA, , q DBD �_____I C (None-------- ' Do e � { r I Dk----------------I D {:Frequent ---- ('Very long Dorovan { ExA ExB-__-______I , I C {None________! Exum { I GOA_______________ I B ' ' I None--------r --- Goldsboro i I ] I { D I {:None ----'''-I --- Grantham I { I I LE________________{ D , I INone________I Leaf { { ] L„---------------- I D { I !None________( Lenoir { I I I LY________________r C 1 I !None -------- I Lynchburg Na---------------- i C I 'None -_______I Nahunta I { I ' I NoA, NoB---'------i B I I (None---'--'-{ --- Norfolk ! { { { Pa ---------------- i B/D I'None ________� --- Pantego { { ' Dec-May { I ] Nov -Jul I { { { Nov -Apr { I { i i i i Jan -Dec i i i I { I I { ! i ] { Dec-Apr{Moderate !Moderate. ! { Dec-May{High ----- :Moderate. .5-1.5jApparentlDec-ApriHlgh ----- {Moderate. I I ' t1-1.5,ADpazent:Nov-Jun!High----- lHSgh. I I ] I I I I .5-5.0jApparent:Dec-Mar{Low ------ !High. I ] ] .5-1.SiAppazent]Nov-ApriHlgh ----- Moderate. I I I i I 6.0 i --- I --- 'Low ------ !High. f { .0-3.O,Appazent{Dec-AprlHlgh----- {HSgh. I .5-3.0i Apparent {Jan-MarlHlgh ----- ;High. I I �1-0.51ApparentlJan-DecjHlgh ----- I High. I I I 0-3.0:Apparent!Dec-AprlModera to {High. I I I I I I I 0-3.0!Apparent�Dec-ApriModerate :High, I I I I { 0-1.OIApparent{Dec-May High ----- ;High. 5-1.SiAppazent'Jan-ApriHlgh ----- {Moderate. I 0-2.5iApDarentlDec-May ]High -----(High. I I I ' 5-1.5IApperentl Nov -Apr {High ----- !High. { ! { I I I 0-2.5 IApparent`Dec-May'High ----- {High. 0-6.0IApparentiJan-MarlModerate ,High. 0-1.5IApparentlNov-MaylHigh ----- ',High. 113 114 Soil name and map symbol TABLE 16.--SOIL AND WATER FEATURES --Continued group I Frequency I Duration I Months i Depth I Kind (Months Ra________________ I B/D INone-------- I --- Rains i Ro----------------{ D !Frequent ---- iBrief- Roanoke Seabrook ' ' ' Ta8---------------- A !None ________ Tarboro { i Tomotley i I Ud. Udorthents I { I I I I Wahee { { WE ---------------- I D i IFzequent---- iBrle E- Wehadkee I I { I I WkA, WkB, WkC_____i B !None ________I Wickham i Wickham B (None--------i --- I Urban land. i I WtD, WtE----------I C !None --------I --- Winton I -- I 0-1.OlApparent:Nov-Apr Nov -Jun 0-1.OlApparentINov-May I { --- i2.0-4.0{ApparentlDec-Mar I i i 6.0- 1 --- { 0-1.0iAPDarentl Nov -Apr --- iv.rr.ofwpparentluec-mar I i i Nov -Jun I 0-1.OiApparentiNov-May 6.0 --- 12.0-4.0IPerched Soil Survey High. High. High. High Moderate. High. High. Moderate. Bertie County, North Carolina Soil name Altavista ----------------- Augusta------------------- Bibb---------------------- Bonneau------------------- Chewacla------------------ Conetoe------------------- Craven-------------------- Goldsboro----------------- Grantham------------------ Johnston------------------ Lenoir-------------------- Lynchburg----------------- Nabunta------------------- Norfolk------------------- Pantego------------------- Rains--------------------- Roanoke------------------- Seabrook------------------ Tarboro------------------- Tomotley------------------ Wahee--------------------- Wehadkee------------------ TABLE 17.--CLASSIFICATION OF THE SOILS Family or higher taxonomic class Fine -loamy, mixed, thermic Aquic Hapludults Fine -loamy, mixed, thermic Aeric Ochraquults Coarse -loamy, siliceous, acid, thermic Typic Fluvaquents Loamy, siliceous, thermic Arenic Paleudults Fine -loamy, mixed, thermic Fluvaquentic Dystrocbrepts Loamy, mixed, thermic Arenic Hapludults Clayey, mixed, thermic Aquic Hapludults Clayey, mixed, thermic Aquic Hapludults Dysic, thermic Typic Medisaprists Fine -silty, siliceous, thermic Aquic Paleudults Fine -loamy, siliceous, thermic Aquic Paleudults Fine -silty, siliceous, thermic Typic Paleaquults Coarse -loamy, siliceous, acid, thermic Cumulic HumaqueDts Clayey, mixed, thermic Typic Albaquults Clayey, mixed, thermic Aeric Paleaquults Fine -loamy, siliceous, thermic Aeric Paleaquults Fine -silty, siliceous, thermic Aeric Paleaquults Fine -loamy, siliceous, thermic Typic Paleudults Fine -loamy, siliceous, thermic Umbric Paleaquults Fine -loamy, siliceous, thermic Typic Paleaquults Clayey, mixed, thermic Typic Ochraquults Mixed, thermic Aquic Udipsamments Mixed, thermic Typic Udipsamments Fine -loamy, mixed, thermic Typic Ocbraquults Clayey, mixed, thermic Aeric Ochraquults Fine -loamy, mixed, nonacid, thermic Typic Fluvaquents Fine -loamy, mixed, thermic Typic Hapludults Fine -loamy, mixed, thermic Aquic Hapludults 115 STORM WATER TREATMENT NARRATIVE FOR DUCK THROUGH TRUCK STOP AND SERVICE STATION LEWISTON, BERTIE COUNTY, N. C. DUCK THROUGH TRUCK STOP AND SERVICE STATION is proposed to be built on a 3.91 acre lot on the south west corner of the intersection of NC 11, and NC 308 HIGHWAYS IN Berrie County N. C. The site is presently un-developed. Improvements to the property will consist of a single building, gasoline and diesel pumps, parking and drainage improvements, and Storm Water and Erosion Control facilities. This plan was prepared by Carolina Benchmark Engineers - Surveyors -Planners, Inc. As Engineers for the owner. All correspondence concerning this should be sent to Carolina Benchmark, 102 Oakmont Drive, Greenville, NC 27858 or by telephone at (919) 756-8990. The entire site will be disturbed during the construction process. The building and parking area will be constructed in accordance with the enclosed plans. Erosion and sedimentation practices will be installed and carried out as shown on the enclosed Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan. work on this portion of the development will began in May of 2006. The land disturbing activity to take place on the property will be the clearing of stumps and root debris from the previously clear cut wooded site, grading of the building pad and parking areas, and the building of the drainage and storm water treatment facilities. The total land area to be disturbed by construction will be slightly less than 3.9 acres of a total acreage of 3.91 acres. All rain water from this site will be routed to the FORE BAY through 2 curb drop basins and along a swale. The storm water treatment facility will be along the south side of the lot as shown on the drawings. The land around the site is very flat and the only drainage structure near the site is the NC Highway 11 side swale. The Detention and treatment facility was designed in accordance with section 1.0 Wet Detention Basins, of the Storm water Best Management Practices by NC DENR. According to the US Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Soil Survey of Bertie County North Carolina, the soil on the site is Lynchburg (Ly),Fine-loamy, siliceous, thermic A.eric Paleaquults. The water management table shows Lynchburg soil to have only moderate limitations for both reservoir and aquifer -fed excavated ponds. Soil borings performed on site at the location of the proposed ponds confirm the soil properties shown on the Engineering Index Properties shown in the Soil Survey. The pools will be used as an erosion control device during construction and all sediment will be removed after any significant soil build-up in the Fore bay after each rain fall and at the completion of construction. The owner has agreed to maintain the pools in accordance with the requirements listed in the application form. A Engineers calculation sheet is attached to this application. At the end of construction, and after the sides of the pond and the entire pond area has 90% grass cover and the ponds have had final debris removal all areas of the pond having less than 1 foot of water cover at the permanent pond level will be planted as follows: 1. Broomsage ( Andropogon Virginicus) 20 Its per acre Tolerant to fluctuating water levels. 2. Cattail (Typher Spp) 20 lbs per acre High pollutiant treatment value and grows well in Eastern NC A chain link fence at least 4 feet high shall be placed around the pond area. This fence will need to be taken down for access to clean out the ponds from time to time. Water in the Primary Pond can be drained to the 66.5 foot level by removing the drain cap in the outlet box. The remaining water in the primary pool and the For Bay will require pumping for pond maintenance. CONVENTIONAL AND SPECIAL SYMBOLS LEGEND CULTURAL FEATURES SPECIAL SYMBOLS FOR BOUNDARIES SOIL SURVEY Natiowl, raft or province --- MISCELLANEOUS CULTURAL FEATURES SOIL DELINEATIONS AND SYMBOLS Dab BoG Cpunry or wrifn — Fenmscud, hcuu ESCARPMENTS lamit in w0an eraasl Mllgr civil division — Cnwcn ! DedraX .................. IwiTha awn slope) M (natgnal best or parts, ReVard sum I I re parA. x , i OMec Men Cedrock ••••••••••••••••••••••••• and large tureen) (mdid—ints dsbW) Indian mound (laeal) nlr+uun SHORT STEEP SLOPE ..... Land gran) _.._ To Laaled Wpcf (lapel) G GULLY �...,...�,...,..s.- Limit of wd mryry lull) Tan), (boat) • • CEPRESSION OR SINK C Field slwt mealtime and nenrne Wall, .11 or pas ! SOIL SAMPLE O AD HOC BOUNDARY IM.T -,11OC h--� ' (rorm.41 not sheen) •"-'g"`i__.. W,rbmll ° MISCELLANEOUS Small airport, a )field, park, oilf,ed, f.Sd '-'p,v smeary, or Rapid pool KANuen middan „ BlovoN STATE COORDINATE TICK I Cl, spot Y.f UND DIVISION CORNER L y +Ty Isemend cps land [rfnh) - Gravelly spot .. ROADS WATER FEATURES Gumdp, iLG ar scabby tint (wait) D Divided (medun shown it fak permial Dumps and other similar _ Other rues DRNNACE non wll areas Perennal, douhk line Prominent hill or peak Get ----- ROAD EMBLEM g DESIGNATIONS Perennial, single Ilnp �.�/ Ri outwp (include ardsl.ra and shale) Inldm,tMnl I Spline SPol + Intertum Q Sierra, and Bandy spot < 2 ad, . . FederM Q Gels or patches Sa¢rel, eroded spot <2 A. 3 Store hO Mvb1i eIII Sllde or gip thm point upgope) County. arm. rare ED Drainage and/or litigation Sy M. very stony spat 0 m RAILROAD LIKES. PONDS AND RESERVOIRS BON LINE POWER illy Nw1hn) .1M llpNE Pnrennbl Q PIPE LINE IlarmalfY lq(yncwnl InlermlR•nt in/ r FENCE _ (IUrmultY not shown) MISCELLANEOUS WATER FEATURES LEVEES Menh or swamp .W. Watheul road ..,Tuft„uru Spring o wen tad nu null,uu Well. anon with Well, litigation a DAMS Large lb sole) Wet spot <2 no i MMium or Small PITS Give! pit x Mine or Cwrry<5 ac k 1 5 {1c0 %'„"� �/ I o +� T rr.f I+ ��� •—...+a t" p 1 n g t I N� Or W �,r✓�j. � r umitoN RI wool. f( v�.�Gyq r'!!,!+ .[sort •.- II 4 ~� '-( 1 ( L{.L� �J'1 � �� r.-- t-y� '«. MM1i a 4 r.. k• - a 1 ' .. - -, :: : - � !.? �i .,—yam _ `�' .rat y_ I, t I'� trr 'eq t'+��' l"�.'i �f�5��.� 1• .: .5'. I',t'r� JI ♦� ^'r % 1P�� a• �I" f [ .. � � I lT �]]1 Gfl �,\ I \�G , t �Y 1�,.%9q I }r/ I " n� s Lr: rr � i 1. - �' I_. ` t 1 -y ` ! ,' ' '.I, jJ` r ��_ • I 1 \r 1. - � �, � � 7 ���_ I � r : �-, r��` '�I '�.� 5., rr lr l^�� �� .-•�•\ \ �,�y l� Y 1 •`/1i- J ,`I ! �.r 'P}? I- r ^� "•`•-'..�P� t-`y`4= 11� i�. -Vc_ i^ i rff �'�" .•+ ` I � i a'°a 1 M � ` rf 11 r a t Fe �r q 4 11 .1, r 4. i�.._. �\, t .� _�-+ ��,�,` =� l! { }A-•(yy9 • r a 1 r r f, r 3 \` n CIA - SOIL LEGEND $oil map symbols and Mao unit names are alphabetical. Map symbols are letters. The lilt letter of the symbol. a capital. is the initial letter of the soil or miscellaneous are. name. The second letter is in over date, accept in broadly defined map units, in which case it is a capital letter. The thud letter. where used. is a capital letter and denotes slope. Symbols with only two letters, one uppercase and one lower case, Indicates nearly level lolls. Broadly defined map units, In addition to having all Capital letters are further indicated by the Motnote V SYMBOL NAME So. Altavista fine s andy loam. 0 to 3 percent snipes Au Augusta fine sandy loam B3v Bibb and Johnston looms. frequently flooded B.B Bonn eau loamy sand. 0 to 6 percent slopes BOC Bentsen loamy and. 6 to 10 Percent slopes Cb Chawscla loam. frequently flooded CrN Conelce loamy sand, o to 5 percent slopes Cook Craven line sandy learn to 1 percent slopes Core Craven line no, loam, Ito a percent adds, C,C craven tine Send, loam, a to B p.rcem slop.. DgA Dogue sandy loam. 0 to 2 percent stapes D'D Deem, Sandy loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes Dec Dogue sandy loam. 6 to 12 Percent slopes Dk Dmori mucky peat, frequently flooded E.A Ewm very line sandy loam, o to 2 Percent slopes E.8 E.um very line sandy loam, 2 to 5 percent slopes GOA Goldsboro sandy team, 0 1. 3 Percent slopes GI Grantham sill loam Lf Last loam Ln Lenoir fine sandy loam Ly Lynctourg sandy loam No Nahunta vary fine a andy loam NoA Norfolk sandyloam, 0 to 2 percent slopes N.B Norfolk sandy loam, 2 t0 6 Percent elopes Pa Pomade l.am Re Room. andy learn Be Atari lone sandy loam, frequently flooded Se Seabrook loamy sand TaB Tarboro loamy sand. 0 to 5.,,sent slaps To, Toro sandy loam Udil Udorthents, loamy We Wish.. sandy loam WEv Wehadkae loamfraquenuy flooded Woo, Wickham fine sandy loam, 0 to 2 Percent slopes WFB Wlekhem fine Sidney loam. 2 to 6 percent slope. WLC Wickham fine sandy loam. 6 to 10 Oarenct slopes Who Wickham Urban lend comples, 2 to In intoner, slopes WID Winton line sandy loam. 6 to 15 percent slopes WtE Winton fine and, loem, 15 to 60 percent slopes v Broadls defined map units. Fewer ..It esamlr ohs were made in these mapping unib, and delinealiona end Included areas re generally larger. The mapping units warp designed primarily for woodland management. 4This map unit includes disturbed areas that will support v ..•taper, Each ar.. is Identified on the tell led with the symbol Ud, and then labeled at to type, that is landfill. Sort. Soot symbols are used for areas <s avm in site. Bertie County, North Carolina 105 TABLE 13.--WATER MANAGEMENT (Some terms that describe restrictive soil features are defined in the Glossary. See text for definitions of "slight," "moderate," and "severe." Absence of an entry indicates that the soil was not evaluated. The information in this table indicates the dominant soil condition but does not eliminate the need for onslte investigation) Soil name and 1 Pond I Aquifer -fed I 1 map symbol : reservoir 1 excavated : Drainage I Irrigation AtA--------------- :Moderate: Altavista : seepage. i Au ---------------- :Moderate: Augusta : seepage. BB: I Bibb ------------- :Moderate: : seepage. Johnston --------- :Severe: : seepage. i BoO--------------- :Severe: Bonneau : seepage. I BoC--------------- :Severe: Bonneau : slope, 1 seepage. Ch---------------- :Moderate: Chewacla : seepage. CnB--------------- :Severe: Conetoe : seepage. : G[A, CrB---------- :Moderate: Craven : seepage. Moderate: ;Favorable ------i deep to water,) : slow refill. Moderate: :Favorable------: slow refill. : 1 : Moderate: 1Floodlng------: slow refill. Severe: !Flooding ------- cutbanks cave.: : Severe: :Deep to water cutbanks cave.: i : i Severe::Deep to water cutbanks cave.: i Moderate: :Flooding------- slow refill. : i Severe: :Deep to water no water. : slow refill, : �••Re' T rraces i : and : diversions i i -:Wetness, : soil blowing. Grassed Favorable. Wetness -------- :Wetness, :Wetness. i soil blowing. i i Wetness, ':Erodes easily, :Erodes easily, flooding. : wetness. : wetness. Wetness, :Wetness -------- :Wetness. droughty, flooding. Droughty, :Soil blowing ---:Droughty. fast intake, soil blowing. Droughty, :Slope, :Slope, fast intake, 1 soil blowing. : droughty. soil blowing. Wetness, :Wetness -------- :Wetness. flooding. i Droughty, :Too sandy, :Droughty, fast intake, : soil blowing. : rooting depth. soil blowing. Wetness, :Wetness, :Peres slowly. peres slowly. 1 peres slowly. : crc--------------- !Moderate: !Severe: Craven : seepage, !.slow refill, slope. : cuthanks cave. ! DgA--------------- !Moderate: : ;Severe: Dogue ; seepage. : slow refill, I cuthanks cave. I DgB--------------- :Moderate: :Severe: Dogue : seepage, : slow refill, : slope. ! cuthanks cave. DgC--------------- :Severe: :Severe: Dogue : slope. ! slow refill, : cuthanks cave. i Dk---------------- :Moderate: ;Severe: Dorovan : seepage. I : cuthanks cave. I I I ExA--------------- :Slight --------- I I !Severe; Exam: , slow refill. ?eres slowly, !Wetness, ;Wetness, :Peres slowly. slope. ! peres slowly, ; peres slowly. slope. I I I I I I Favorable ------ l Wetness, :Wetness, !Favorable. : soil blowing. : soil blowing. ! I I I I � Slope ---------- :Wetness, :Wetness, !Favorable. : soil blowing, : soil blowing. : : slope. ! : Slope ---------- :Wetness , :Slope, :Slope. ! soil blowing, : wetness, ! slope. i soil blowing. i I : : Flooding, :Wetness, !Wetness, !Wetness. subsides. : soil blowing, soil blowing. : : flooding. I I I I � I Favorable ------ :Wetness, :Erodes easily, !Erodes easily. erodes easily,! wetness, soil blowing. ! soil blowing. 106 TABLE 13.--WA7ER MANAGEMENT --Continued i mmrcacrons xor-- Soil name and ! k, nd , KFU er- e map symbol I reservoir I excavated ExB--------------- !Moderate: Exum slope. , GOA--------------- !Moderate: Goldsboro : seepage. , : Gt---------------- !Slight _________ Grantham Lf________________ Leaf Ln________________ Lenoir Ly---------------- Lynchburg Na________________ Nahunta Norfolk NOB -------- Norfolk Pa___-_--_- Pantego Ra_________ Rains Ro_________ Roanoke Se--------- SeabrookTaB________ Tarboro Tomotley Ud. Udorthents Wa_________ Wahee Slight --------- Slight--------- Moderate: seepage. seepage -{noeerace: : seepage, ! slope. -!Moderate: : seepage. , -!Moderate: : seepage. -!Severe: ! seepage. : , -!Severe: ! seepage. : -:Severe: : seepage. ooerare: seepage. Severe: slow refill. Soil Survey i , TeMaces Drainage ; Irrigation ; and ; Grassed diversions : waterways Slope ---------- :Slope, :Erodes easily, ;Erodes easily. I wetness, : wetness, : erodes easily.: soil blowing. ! Favorable ------ 'Wetness ' ' ,W'etness, ,Favorable. deep to water,l ! soil blowing. : soil blowing. I slow refill. evere: !Favorable ------ ;Wetness, ,Erodes easily, :Wetness, slow refill. : ! soil blowing, : wetness, : erodes easily. : erodes easily.: soil blowing. : evere: !Peres slow! 'Wetness " Y---i , ,Wetness, ,Wetness, slow refill. i peres slowly. peres slowly. ! peres slowly. evere: !Peres slowly ---:Wetness, !Wetness, :Wetness slow refill. : ! peres slowly, : Peres slowly, : peres slowly. soil blowing. : soil blowing. : oderate: lFavorable------ :Wetness -------- lNetness-------- :Wetness. slow refill. evere: IFavorable------ :Wetness, :Erodes easily, :Wetness, slow refill. I ! erodes easily„ wetness, , : erodes easily. soil blowing. soil blowing. : oderate: (Deep to water :Favorable ------ !Soil blowing ---:Favorable. deep to water,{ slow refill. : i , oderate: !Deep to water deep to water,j slow refill. ! , oderate: :Favorable ---- slow refill. I , oderate: !Favorable ---- slow refill. I : evere: :Peres slowly, slow refill, !.flooding. cutbanks cave.! evere: ICutbanks cave cutbanks cave.: ! evere: :Deep to water no water. : : , evere: !Favorable ---- slow refill. I Slight --------- :Severe: : slow refill. soil blowing. etnass-------- peres slowly, erodes easily. letness, droughty, fast intake. iroughty, East intake, soil blowing. !etness, soil blowing. slowly ---(Wetness, : soil blowing. Soil blowing -- Wetness -------- l Wetness. i : Wetness, !Wetness. soil blowing. : , Wetness, !Wetness, peres slowly. : peres slowly. , , Wetness, !Droughty. too sandy, I soil blowing. I : Too sandy, :Droughty, soil blowing. ! rooting depth. , , , Wetness, !Wetness. soil blowing. I Wetness, !Wetness, soil blowing, ! peres slowly. peres slowly. Bertie County, North Carolina Soil name and i Yond map symbol : reservoir WE ---------------- imoderate: Wehadkee ! seepage. ! WkA--------------- :Moderate: Wickham , seepage. , WkB--------------- lModezate: Wickham i seepage, : slope. WkC--------------- !Severe: Wickham ! slope. Wms: Wickham ---------- !Moderate: seepage, , slope. , Urban land. : , WtD, WtE---------- !Severe: Winton ! slope. 107 TABLE 13.--WATER MANAGEMENT --Continued excavated ; Drainage ! Irrigation ; and : Grassed ponds ' ' ' diversions : waterway Moderate: :Flooding ------- :Wetness, :Wetness, :Wetness. slow refill. { ! soil blowing, : soil blowing. : flooding. : , Severe: ;Deep to water !Favorable ------ ,So 11 blowing ---:Favorable. no water. Severe: :Deep to water :Slope ----------!Soil blowing --- ! Favorable. no water. i ! i ! no water. Severe: no water. no water. Deep to water !Slope ---------- :Slope, !Slope. soil blowing. Deeo to water :Slope ---------- :Soil blowing---iFavorz Slope ---------- :Slope, I wetness Slope. 108 Sail Survey TABLE 14.--ENGINEERING INDEX PROPERTIES (The symbol < means less than; > means more than. Absence of an entry indicates that data were not estimated) Soil name and ;Depth; USDA texture map symbol Unified I AASHTO ' >3 i in i i i AtA--------------! 0-14IFSne sandy loam :ML, CL-ML,:A-4 Altavista I ! I SM, SM-SC: :14-40!C1ay loam, sandy :CL, CL-ML,IA-4, A-6, I i clay loam, loam.: SC, SM-SCI A-7 :40-601Varlable_________ I ___ I I I I I Au --------------- 1 0-6 :Fine sandy loam 1SM, SM-SC,:A-2, A-4 Augusta I 1 1 ML I 16-46:Sandy clay loam, :CL, CL-ML !A-4, A-6, ! 1 clay loam, loam.: I A-7 :46-68:Variable--------- I --- : --- I I Bibb ------------ : 0-8 :Loam ------------- IML, CL-ML !A-4 18-60:Sandy loam, lOam,ISM, SM-SC,:A-2, A-4 1 1 silt loam. 1 ML, CL-MLI I : : Johnston --------' 0-28'Loam------------ i i -lML, SM !A-2, A-4 28-60:Stratifled loamy ISM, SP-SM IA-21 A-3 I : sand to sand. I i BoB, BoC--------- I+O-281Loamy sand ------- ISM 1A-2 Bonneau F78-75:Sandy loam, sandy:SC, SM-SC !A-2, A-6, 1 1 clay loam, fine 1 1 A-4 1 1 sandy loam. I I I i I I ,Ch--------------- 1 0-4 !Loam ------------- :ML, CL, !A-4, A-6, Che•wacla I I I CL-ML I A-7 14-421Sandy clay loam, ISM, SM-SC,:A-4, I I loam, sandy 1 ML, CL I A-7-6, 1 1 loam. I I A-6 142-65ISilt loam, clay lML, MH, !A-41 A-61 loam, silty clay: CL, CH ! A-7 : ! loam. Cn6--------------! 0-23:Loamy sand ------- Ism, SP-SM :A-21 A-3 Conetoe 123-42:Sandy loam, sandy:SM, SC, !A-2, A-4 1 1 clay loam, fine I SM-SC I 1 1 sandy loam. : I :42-80:Loamy sand, sand ISM, SP, IA-2, A-3, I SP-SM I A-1 ' I ! I CrA, CrB, CrC----I 0-11IFine sandy loam IML, CL, !A-4, A-6 Craven ! I I SM, SC I :11-671Clay, silty clay,ICH, CL :A-7 silty clay loam.: ' i I I I DgA, DgB, DgC----1 0-7 ;Sandy loam -------ISM, SC, :A-2, A-4 Dogue : I : SM-SC ' ! 7-50:Clay loam, clay, lCL, CH, SClA-6, A-7 1 1 sandy clay loam.! I 150-82:Stratified sand ISM, SC, :A-2, A-4, 1 1 to sandy clay I SP-SM, 1 A-1 I I loam. ! SM-SC I I I I Dk--------------- 1 0-5 !Mucky peat ------- :pT I -'- Dorovan 15-85:Muck------------- IPT ! '-- 85-95:Sand, loamy sand,ISP-SM, IA-1, A-3, ! loam. I SM-SC, SM: A-4, ! : ! i A-2-4 I ;Inches! 4 1 10 1 40 Pct : : �- 0 195-100:90-100165-99 0 !95-300:95-100160-99 0 190-100:75-100150-98 0 190-100l75-100175-100 0-5 l95-100:90-100180-90 0-10 160-100:50-100140-100 0 : 100 : 100 :60-100 0 i 100 100 :50-100 0 : 100 : 100 50-95 0 ! 100 1100 .60-100 0 198-100195-100:70-100 I I I 0 :96-100195-100:60-100 0 l75-300165-100160-100 0 1 100 : 100 :50-99 0 : 100 ! 100 :50-99 : ! ! : ! ! 0 : 100 1 100 140-99 ! : ! 0 100 195-100175-100 ! ! ! 0 ' 100 195-100190-100 0 :95-100175-100:50-100 I ! ' 0 195-100:75-100165-100 ! ! 1 0 l80-100l60-100l35-100 0 0 0 ! 100 : 100 35-60 45-75 30-60 51-80 Liquid I Plas- limit I ticity 23 ! NP-7 20-45 : 5-28 : 25 ! NP-7 20-45 : 5-25 ! 50-80 25 : NP-7 30-90 30 1 NP-7 : 18-65 ! 35 : NP-10 5-30 --- ! NP 15-35-NP 30-50 ! 21-40 I 4-21 55-90 36-70 51-98 5-30 20-40 4-30 45-90 65-98 20-50 40-90 10-40 25-49 20-45 22-61 20 30 20 35 40-70 25 35-60 30 4-20 2-15 4-28 NP NP-10 NP NP-15 24-43 NP-10 16-40 NP-10 5-70 : 5-49 ! 20 ! NP-7 Benie County, North Carolina 109 TABLE 14.--ENGINEERING INDEX PROPERTIES --Continued Classif cation , rag- Percen age passing Soil name and ,Depth, USDA texture i—T—;ments sieve number-- !Liquid i Plas- map symbol I ! ! Unified I AAS�HTO I >3 : , i , i limit I ticity ' !inches! 4 I 10 I 40 ' 200 : ' index n , c ' ExA, ExB--------- : 0-7 :Very fine sandy IHL, CL-ML,:A_4 i 0 ! 100 l95-100:80-100I51-80 : 25 ! hT-10 Exum I I loam. I CL : 7-65ILoam, clay loam, !CL IA-4, A-6,I 0 i 100 I95-100:90-100160-90 ! 22-49 I e-30 ! silty clay loam.! ! A-7 I I i I GoA-------------- I 0-11ISandy low ------- ism, SM-SC,IA-2, A-4,1 0 :95-100195-10O:50-100:15-45 1 25 ! NP-14 Goldsboro I I I SC I A-6 I11-721Sandy clay loam, lSC, CL, !A-4, A-6,1 0 1195-100l90-100:65-95 I36-70 25-55 I 6-32 I i clay loam, sandy! CL-HL, CHI A-7-6 ! ! I I I I 72-80l Variable_________I I I Gt--------------- , 0-7 !Silt loam -------- :ML, CL-ML IA-4 ! 0 ! 100 ! 100 185-100155-85 ! 30 ! NP-7 Grantham 17-72:Loam, clay loam, ICL IA-4, A-6,: 0 1100 : 100 :90-100160-95 ! 22-49 ! 8-30 1 .1 silty clay loam.! I A-7 I I I , I I ! I I I I Lf--------------- i 0-5 ILoam------------- :ML IA-4, A-6 ! 0 ! 100 I95-100170-95 160-75 ' 26-38 ' 5-12 Leaf 15-721Silty clay loam, ICL, CH IA-7 ! 0 ! 100 I95-100190-100175-95 ! 42-65 ! 20-38 ! silty clay, ! clay, ! I Ln--------------- : 0-7 !Fine sandy loam ISM -SC, SC,lA-4 0 I40-55 25 I NP-30Lenoir I i 100 1100 170-85 , CLI I I I I I ! I 17-72:Clay, silty clay,ICL, CH !A-6, A-7 I 0 ! 100 ! 100 I85-99 155-95 130-55 ! 11-35 'i I clay loam. Ly--------------- I 0-IOISwdy low ------- ISM, ML, !A-2, A-4 I 0 I92-100190-100:75-100:25-55 I 30 ! NP-7 Lynchburg , ! ! SM-SC, I I CL-ML I10-65!Sandy clay loam, !SM-SC, SC,:A-2, A-4,', 0 :92-100i90-100I70-100125-67 ! 15-40 : 4-18 sandy loam, clay: CL, CL-ML! A-6 ! ! I I I I I loam. i Na---------------: 0-6 :Very fine sandy ',ML, CL-HL„A-4 0 100 ,!95-100,I 80-100,I51-85 , 25 NP-10Nahuntd low. CL I ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 16-64ILoam, clay loam, �CL IA-4, A-6,I 0 ! 100 I95-100:90-100:60-95 ! 22-49 I 8-30 silty Clay loam.I I A-7 I ' ' ' ' ' NoA, Nos --------- I 0-15:Sandy low ------- ism, SM-SC,IA-2 ! 0 I95-100:95-100l50-91 :15-33 ! 25 I NP-14 Norfolk I I I SC I ' ' ' , I ! , I15-19:Sandy loam, sandyisc SM-SC,IA-2, A-4,I 0 I95-100l91-100I70-96 130-63 120-38 4-15 I i clay loam, clay I CL, CL-MLI A-6 I I I , , loam. I i ! :19-70 ISandy clay loam, ISC, SM-SC,:A-4, A-6,: 0 ! 100 l98-100I65-98 I36-72 ! 20-52 : 4-23 I clay loam, sandy! CL, CL-MLI A-7-6 i clay. I ! ! I Pa_______________i 0-18lLoam_____________:SM NL ' , , , , r r r � , ,A-2, A-4 , 0 , 100 ,95-100,60-95 ,25-75 , 35 , NP-10 Pantego :18-721Sandy clay loam, ISC, CL, IA-4, A-6,1 0 ! 100 I95-100165-100130-80 i 20-40 I 4-16 i i sandy loam, clay: SM-SC, ! A-2 ! ; loam. : CL-!4. , I ! I ! I Ra---------------, 0-l6,Sandy loam------- ISM , ML !A-2, A-4 I 0 : 100 :95-100i50-85 :25-56 ! 35 : NP-10 Rains 116-62!Sandy clay loam, ISC, SM-SC,IA-2, A-41I 0 1100 :95-1DOI55-98 I30-70 ! 18-40 4-20 , I clay loam. I CL, CL-ML' A-6 : : I r I I62-72ISandy clay loam, ISC, SH-SC,'A-4, A-6,1 0 1 100 I98-100I60-98 I36-72 ' 18-45 1 4-28 clay loam, sandy: CL, CL-ML: A-7 : ! ! I ! i I I clay. i 110 Soil Survey TABLE 14.--ENGINEERING INDEX PROPERTIES --Continued Classif Ication 1Frag- ; Percentage passing I ;- Soil name and :Depth: USDA texture :_:ments ; sieve number-- ;Liquid ; Plas- map symbol : i : Unified I AASHTO 1 )3 : , , , 1 limit : Licity :lnchesl 4 1 10 : 40 1 200 1 : index In Pct Pct Ro--------------- : 0-11iFlne sandy loam :SM, ML, :A-2, A-4 1 0 I85-100i80-100,i45-85 125-55 : 25 : NP-7 Roanoke : ! : CL-ML, 1 : : SM-SC ! : 111-45:Clay, silty clay,1CH, CL !A-7 : 0 :90-100 6-300:85-100:65-95 45-70 : 22-40 , , , , , , clay loam. , , , , , , I , 145-60;Stratified sand :CL-ML, !A-1, A-2,1 0-5 140-100!35-100125-95 15-90 10-60 : NP-40 to clay. , GM -GC, , A-4 CH, SM Se---------------: 0-40l Loamy sand ------- ism, SP-SM :A-2, A-3 : 0 i95-100190-100:85-99 : 5-25 : --- : NP Seabrook 140-65:Loamy fine sand, ism, SP-SM !A-2, A-3 : 0 195-100190-100185-100: 5-25 : '-- : NP , fine sand, sand.,, TaB--------------: 0-82iLoamy sand ------- ism, SP-SH,:A-2, A-31: 0 i95-100:95-100:40-99 : 8-35 : --- : NP Tarboro : : 1 SW-SM : A-1 : ! : Tm---------------i 0-8 15andy low ------- ism, SM-SC :A-2, A-4 : 0 :98-100:95-100175-99 :25-50 : 30 : NP-7 Tomotley : 8-50:Fine sandy loam, :SM-SC, SC,!A-2, A-4,: 0 !98-100:95-300:75-100130-70 1 20-40 1 6-23 1 sandy clay loam,: CL-ML, CL! A-6 clayloam. , , 150-60:Vazazia lable_________: ___ : ___ Ud. Udorthents Wa--------------- , 0-4 'Sand loam_______ , � , , , , , , , , y SM, SM-SC ,A -I, A-4 , 0 , 100 ,95-100, 50-98 ,30-50 , 28 , NP-7 Wahee : 4-84iClay, clay loam, :CL, CH !A-6, A-7 : 0 1 100 1 100 185-100:51-92 1 38-81 1 16-54 silty clay. WE---------------: 0-IO:Loam------------- ism, SC, :A-2, A-4 i 0 : 100 195-100160-90 :30-50 : 30 i NP-10 Wehadkee l : : SM-SC : 1 l : 1 l 1 :10-65:Silt loam, silty :CL, CL-ML,!A-6, A-7,: 0 1 100 199-100:85-100145-98 1 20-58 1 6-25 , , clay loam, Very , ML, SC , A-4 floe sandy loam.,, WkA, NkB, WkC----: 0-8 :Fine sandy loom 15M, SM-SC,lA-4 : 0 :95-10090-30070-100,145-80 : 25 : NP-7 Wickham i : : ML, CL-ML: : : 1 8-531Sandy clay loam, lCL-ML, CL,:A-2, A-4,: 0 :95-30090-30075-10030-70 1 20-41 1 3-15 clay loam, loam.: SC, SM 1 A-6, : i A-7-6 i :53-68:Variable---------i Hlckham---------i 0-8 :Fine sandy loam 1SM, SM-SC,lA-4 : 0 195-100,90-100,70-300, 45-80 i 25 NP-7 8-53:Sandy clay loam, :CL-ML, CL,!A-2, A-4,: 0 195-10090-100i75-10030-70 1 20-41 1 3-15 l 1 clay loam, loam.! SC, SM 1 A-6, A-7-6 153-681Var cable --------- I --- Urban kind. HtD, WtE---------: 0-171 Fine sandy loam 1ML, SM, :A-2, A-4,: 0-3 190-300190-100l50-99 125-65 ! 30 : NP-15 Winton - 1 ! : CL", SC A-6 1 117-54:Sandy clay loam, :SC, CL !A-2, A-4,: 0-2 :90-100190-100:45-95 :25-70 : 20-45 : 8-30 sandy loam, Clay: : A-6, A-71 : loam. :54-80:Variable_________1 Bertie County, North Carolina TABLE 15.--PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF THE SOILS (The symbol < means less than; > means more than. Entries under "Erosion factors--T" apply to the entire profile. Entries under 'Organic matter" apply only to the surface layer. Absence of an entry indicates that data were not available or were not estimated) Soil name and map symbol AtA______________ Altavista Au_______________ Augusta BB: Bibb ------------ Johnston-------- BOB, B0C__....... Bonneau Chewacla CnB______________ Conetoe CrA, CrB, CrC---- Craven DgA, DgB, DgC____ Dogue Dk_______________ Dorovan ExA, ExB --------- Exum GoA______________ Goldsboro at--------------- Grantham Lf_______________ Leaf Lenoir Na------ Nahunta 0-14 14-40 i40-60 'i 0-6 6-46 46-68 0-8 8-60 0-28 28-60 0-28 28-75 0-4 4-42 42-65 0-23 23-42 42-80 0-11 11-67 0-7 7-50 50-82 0-5 5-85 85-95 0-7 7-65 0-11 11-72 72-80 0-7 7-72 0-5 5-72 0-7 7-72 0-10 10-65 0-6 6-64 Clay 30-24 18-35 5-20 20-35 Hoist (Permeability :Available: Soil bulk : 1 water ;reacts 1.30-1.50 1.30-1.50 1.40-1.70 1.35-1.60 i 2-18 11.20-1.55 2-18 11.30-1.60 i 'i 5-18 :1.30-1.55 2-12 11.55-1.65 5-15 11.30-1.70 18-35 11.40-1.60 i ' 10-27 :1.30-1.60 18-35 11.30-1.60 18-35 11.30-1.50 i 2-10 :1.60-1.75 10-22 11.40-1.60 2-10 11.60-1.70 i 'i 7-27 :1.30-1.45 35-60 :1.30-1.45 i r 5-10 :1.35-1.50 35-50 11.45-1.60 5-30 11.30-1.50 I --- 0.25-0. 40 --- 10.35-0.55 1 5-20 11.40-1.65 1 6-18 11.30-1.50 18-35 :1.30-1.40 1 5-15 11.40-1.60 : 20-34 :1.30-1.40 : 6-18--:1.30-1.50 1 18-35 11.30-1.40 1 12-20 11.30-1.50 : 35-60 11.50-1.60 : 6-20 11.40-1.55 : 35-60 11.20-1.35 1 5-20 11.30-1.60 1 18-35 11.30-1.50 : 6-18 11.30-1.50 : 18-35 11.30-1.40 2.0-6.0 0.6-2.0 2.0-6.0 0.6-2.0 0.6-2.0 0.6-2.0 2.0-6.0 6.0-20 6.0-20 0.6-2.0 0.6-2.0 0.6-2.0 0.6-2.0 6.0-20 2.0-6.0 6.0-20 0.2-2.0 0.06-0.2 2.0-6.0 0.2-0.6 0.6-6.0 0.6-2.0 0.6-2.0 6.0-20 2.0-6.0 0.2-0.6 2.0-6.0 0.6-2.0 2:0-6.0 0.2-0.6 0.06-0.2 0.06 2.0-6.0 0.06-0.2 2.0-6.0 0.6-2.0 2.0-6.0 0.2-0.6 111 rink -swell 1 factors : Organic potential Imatter 1 K 1 T 0.12-0.2013.6-6.5 :Low ---------- 10.24 0.12-0.2013.6-6.0 !Low ---------- 10.24 :-------------:---- 0.10-0.1514.5-6.0 !Low ---------- 10.20 0.12-0.18:4.5-6.0 (Low ---------- 10.24 ___ 1 ___ ;------------- !____ 0.15-0.2014.5-5.5 :Low ---------- :0.281 5 0.12-0.20:4.5-5.5 ILOw---------- :0.371 I 0.10-0.20:4.5-5.5 :Low ---------- 10.20i 5 0.02-0.0714.5-5.5 :Low ---------- :0.171 0.05-0.11:4.5-6.0 !Low ---------- 10.15: 5 0.10-0.15:4.5-5.5 :Low ---------- 10.201 0.15-0.24:4.5-6.5 1Low---------- 10.281 5 0.12-0.2014.5-6.5 iLow---------- 10.281 0.15-0.2414.5-7.8 :Low ---------- 10.32 0.05-0.10�9.5-6.0 :Low ---------- l0.15! 5 0.16-0.1514.5-6.0 :Low ---------- :0.15: 0.05-0.10:4.5-6.0 ILow---------- 10.101 r i i 0.12-0.15:3.6-6.5 ILow---------- :0.321 5 0.12-0.15:3.6-5.5 (Moderate ----- 10.321 i i 0.08-0.15:3.6-5.5 :Low ---------- l 0.281 4 0.12-0.19:3.6-5.5 IModerate----- 10.28: 0.05-0.1413.6-5.5 :Low ---------- :0.17: : : : : 0.20-0.2513.6-4.4 :------------- I ---- :--- 0.20-0.2513.6-4.4 :------------- :---- : 0.05-0.0814.5-5.5 :Low----------:----: i 0.15-0.2014.5-6.0 1Low---------- 10.371 5 0.15-0.20:4.5-5.5 !Low ---------- :0.37: 0.10-0.1513.6-6.0 :Low----------i 0.20, 5 0.11-0.2013.6-5.5 :Low ---------- 10.241 i_____________i____ 0.13-0.20:3.-6=5.5 :Low ----- ----- i0.37: 5 0.15-0.20:3.6-5.5 !Low ---------- 10.431 i 0.12-0.18:3.6-5.5 !Low ---------- 10.281 4 0.18-0.21:3.6-5.5 :High --------- 10.321 0.10-0.1413.E-5.5 !Low ---------- 10.28: 5 0.13-0.15:3.6-5.5 :Moderate ----- 10.321 0.09-0.13:3.6-5.5 :Low ---------- 10.201 5 0.12-0.16:3.6-5.5 !Low ---------- 10.201 0.15-0.20:4.5-6.0 :Low ---------- i0.431 5 0.15-0.20:3.6-5.5 :Low ---------- 10.43: .5-2 3-8 .5-2 1-4 .5-2 .5-2 .5-1 20-80 .5-2 .5-2 2-4 1-3 2-4 .5-5 2-4 112 TABLE 15.--PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF THE SOILS --Continued Soil Survey Soil name and tl epthi Clay ! Moist !Permeability lAvai lab le! Soil lShz ink -swell ! factors ! Organic map symbol ; ! bulk ; I water !reaction! potential —�—i matter density capacity K T NoA, NoB--------- ! 0-15! 5-18 11.45-1.65! 2.0-6.0 Norfolk 115-191 18-35 11.30-1.651 0.6-2.0 119-70! 20-43 11.20-1.65! 0.6-2.0 Pa---------------! 0-18! 5-15 11.40-1.601 2.0-6.0 Pantego 118-721 18-35 11.30-1.50! 0.6-2.0 Ra--------------'! 0-161 5-20 :1.30-1.601 2.0-6.0 Rains 116-62! 16-35 11.30-1.601 0.6-2.0 162-72' 18-40 :1.30-1.501 0.6-2.0 Ao-------'----"-! 0-111 10-18 11.20-1.50! 2.0-6.0 Roanoke 111-45! 35-60 i1.35-1.65! 0.2 l45-601 5-50 11.20-1.501 0.06-20 Se---------------! 0-40! 2-12 :1.30-1.601 6.0-20 Seabrook 140-65! 2-12 11.30-1.601 6.0-20 TaB--------------- ! 0-821 3-12 11.60-1.75! 6.0-20 Tarboro ! ! ! ta--------------- ! 0-8 ! 5-20 11.30-1.601 2.0-6.0 Tomotley ! 8-501 18-35 :1.30-1.501 0.6-2.0 !cn-sn! ___ Ud. ! i Udorthents Wa---------------! 0-4 ! 5-20 11.30-1.60! 0.6-2.0 Wahee ! 4-841 35-60 11.40-1.601 0.06-0.2 WE---------------! 0-101 5-20 11.35-1.601 2.0-6.0 Wehadkee !10-65! 18-35 11.30-1.501 0.6-2.0 ! i ! ! WkA, WkB, WkC ---- ! 0-8 ! 8-15 11.45-1.651 2.0-6.0 Wickham ! 8-531 18-35 11.30-1.50! 0.6-2.0 153-681 --- ! --- ! --- 0.10-0.1513.6-6.0 :Low ---------- l0.20! 5 0.10-0.1813.6-5.5 !Low ---------- 10.24! 0.12-0.1813.6-5.5 :Low ---------- 10.24! , I i i 0.12-0.20l3.6-5.5 :Low ---------- l0.15! 5 0.12-0.20:3.6-5.5 :Low ---------- l0.28! ! ! ! ! 0.10-0.1413.6-6.5 'Low ---------- l0.20! 5 0.11-0.1513.6-5.5 !Low ---------- l0.24! 0.10-0.1513.6-5.5 !Low ---------- l0.28! 0.12-0.1813.6-5.5 !Low ---------- l0.28! 4 0.10-0.19:3.6-5.5 !Moderate ----- :0.24! 0.04-0.14:3.6-6.5 :Moderate ----- 10.24! 0.05-0.1114.5-6.5 !Low ---------- l 0.101 5 10.02-0.0914.5-6.5 :Low ---------- l0.10! 10.05-0.0914.5-6.5 :Low ---------- i0.10! 5 0.10-0.1513.6-5.5 !Low ---------- l0.20i 5 0.12-0.1813.6-5.5 !Low ---------- 10.20 ___ ! ___ !------------- !---- ! 0.10-0.1514.5-6.0 !Low ---------- :0.24! 5 0.12-0.2013.6-5.5 !Moderate ----- l0.28! 0.10-0.1514.5-6.5 :Low ---------- 10.241 5 0.16-0.2014.5-6.5 !Low ---------- l0.32! ! ! ! ! 0.11-0.1614.5-6.0 !Low ---------- 10.24! 5 0.12-0.17:4.5-6.0 !Low ---------- 10.24! ___ I ___ !------------- !---- ! WmB: i i i i i i i I I Wickham---------! 0-8 ! 8-15 11.45-1.651 2.0-6.0 :0.11-0.1614.5-6.0 !Low ---------- :0.24! 5 ! 8-531 18-35 11.30-1.50! 0.6-2.0 10.12-0.1714.5-6.0 !Low ---------- 10.24! �cn_col ___ ! ___ ! ___ ! ___ ! ___ !------------- !---- ! 5-2 4-10 1-6 1-3 .5-2 .5-1 1-6 .5-5 2-5 .5-2 .5-2 Urban land. I i I i i ! WtD, WtE---------! 0-171 7-27 11.30-1.401 2.0-6.0 10.12-0.20l3.6-6.0 !Low ---------- l0.20! 5 ! .5-3 Winton :17-541 18-35 11.30-1.501 0.2-2.0 :0.12-0.20�3.6-6.0 !Low ---------- 10.24 __ �_____________i____� Bertie County, North Carolina TABLE 16.--SOIL AND WATER FEATURES ("Flooding" and "water table" and terms such as "rare," 'brief," "apparent," and "perched" are explained in the text. The symbol < means less than; ) means more than. Absence of an entry indicates that the feature is not a concern or that data were not estimated) 113 Soil name and lHydrologici "' " "` I nass or corrosion map symbol group , Frequency ; Duration ; Months Depth ; Kind ,Months ,Uncoated IConcrete i steel X LI I AA----------i Altavista C 1 None-------- --- I 1 ' i1.5-2.S;Apparent;Dec-ApriModerate Moderate. , I i i Au ---------------- C C i i 'None________I ___ ; I ___ i i i i , i ' �1.0-2.O�Apparent,Dec-May iHigh -----Moderate. Augusta ; BB: Bibb-------------i D lFrequent---- IBr1ef to 1 Dec -May j0.5-1.5;ApparentiDec-Apr,Hlgh ------ Moderate. long. i Johnston D !Frequent t----!Brief to Nov -Jul !+1-1.5,'ApparentiNov-JunHigh ----- lHlgh. I I long. BoB, BoC---------- i A INone--------; --- --- '3.5-5.O;Apparent'Dec-MarLow ------ !High. Bonneau CCbewaclahi C I !Frequent ---- :Brief ----- Nov-Apr I :0.5-1.5iApparentINov-ApriHigh ----- 'Moderate. i C0_______________S A !None ________ Conetoe 6.0 Low______ :High. ,I I, CrA, CzB, CrC-----� Craven C ,None--------i --- --- '2.0-3.0jA arent'Dec-A High h. pp r 'Hl p; g g i D4A, Dq8 DgC----- C IiNone________�Ii "' I 1.5-3.OiiI Apparent:' Jan-MarlI High-----�I HSgh.Dogue Dk________________ i Dorovan I D I I iFrequent----Very long i � i I Jan -Dec ;+1-O.SiApparentjJan-DecjHigh----- !HSgh. ExA, ExB__________i C iNone________I ___ i --- �2.0-3.O:ApparentIDec-Apr:Modera Exum I I I to ;High. GoA--------------- i B iNone-------- I ___ I ___ I i i2.0-3.O�Appazent�Dec-Apr:Moderate IHlgh. Goldsboro ; Gt________________i Grantham ; D iNone________i ___ ' , ___ I I i 0-1.OiApparentiDec-MaylHlgh-----!High• Lf________________i D j!None ________I '- i .0.5-1.S:AppazentiJan-Apr,High ----- Moderate. Leaf Ln Lenoir __________i D None________;i1.0-2.5:ApparentlDec-MaylHlgh_____ iHigh. LL________________I Lynchburg � C �None -------- I ___ I --- i0.5-1.S,Apparent,Nov-AprjHlgh ----- iHigh. Na________________I i C !None ___________ ; ___ i 11.0-2.5iApparent' Dec-MayiHlgh_____ iHigh. Nahunta I N B :None -------- I --- '4.0-6.0iApparentiJan-Mar'Hoderate I I II :High.Norfolk I I I i Pa________________i Pantego i B/D 'None ________ ' I --' � i i --- � ' O-1.SiAppa rentiNov-Hay;High-----High. � , , 114 Soil name and map symbol Soil Survey TABLE 16.--SOIL AND WATER FEATURES --Continued group i Frequency i Duration Months I Depth Kind !Months :Uncoated :Concrete : I I steel I Ra---------------- : B/D {None -------- i --- i --- { 0-1.O:Apparent:Nov-Apr:High ----- !High. Rains ' I ' , , Ro----------------: D i !Frequent ---- !Brief ----- : Nov -Jun : 0-1.0:Apparent!Nov-May!High ----- :High. Roanoke Se________ -------! C None________ ___ , ___ { , , , , ,M Seabrook , { { , , I 12.0-4.0IApparent!Dec-HariLow------l..oderate. I I I , , , , , I , , , _--------i TaB-- { A { i { !None--------! --- ! --- i ! i : 6.0 ! --- --- ------ :Moderate. Tarboro , , !!Low ! i { i Tm---------------- I B/D :None-------- : ___ I ___ I ! : 0-1.OiAppaienLiNov-AprlHigh----- lHigh. Tomotley Ud. Udorthents Wa----------------: D :None--------! --- : --- :0.6-ScS:Apperent:Dec-MariHigh----- iHSgh-.- -- Wahee i i i ' ' ' ' ' I I WE----------------i D i i i :Frequent ---- !Brief ----- i Nov -Jun ! { i i i I 0-1.0:Apparent:Nov-May:High ----- :Moderate. Wehadkee { I ' ' ' ' ' I I WkA, WkB, WkC------ B I i !None________: ___ { ___ i { i ' ! 6.0 ' ___ ___ ! , ! Wickham ! :Moderate !High. WmB: , Wickham ---------- 6 :None-------- __: : --- � 6.0 � --- : --- :Moderate !High. Urban land. WLD, WtE----------i C :None -------- i --- : --- :2.0-4.0{Perched :Dec-May:Moderate !Moderate. Winton I 1 1 ! ! ! 1 1 Bertie County, North Carolina Soil name Altavista ----------------- Augusta------------------- Bibb---------------------- Sonneau------------------- Chevacla------------------ Conetoe------------------- Donovan------------------- Exum---------------------- Goldsboro----------------- Granthem------------------ Johnston------------------ Leaf---------------------- Lenolr-------------------- Lynchburg----------------- Nahunta------------------- Norfolk------------------- Pantego------------------- Ra1ns--------------------- Roanoke------------------- Seabrook------------------ Tarboro------------------- Tomotley------------------ Wahee--------------------- Winton-------------------- TABLE 17.--CLASSIFICATION OF THE SOILS Family or higher taxonomic class Fine -loamy, mixed, thermic Aquic Hapludults Fine -loamy, mixed, thermic Aeric Ochraquults Coarse -loamy, siliceous, acid, thermic Typic Fluvaquents Loamy, siliceous, thermic Arenic Paleudults Fine -loamy, mixed, thermic Fluvaquentic Dystrochrepts Loamy, mixed, thermic Arenic Hapludults Clayey, nixed, thermic Aquic Hapludults Clayey, mixed, thermic Aquic Hapludults Dysic, thermic Typic Medisaprists Fine -silty, siliceous, thermic Aquic Paleudults Fine -loamy, siliceous, thermic Aquic Paleudults Fine -silty, siliceous, thermic Typic Paleaquults Coarse -loamy, siliceous, acid, thermic Cumulic Humaquepts Clayey, mixed, thermic Typic Albaquults Clayey, mixed, thermic Aeric Paleaquults Fine -loamy, siliceous, thermic Aeric Paleaquults Fine -silty, siliceous, thermic Aeric Paleaquults Fine -loamy, siliceous, thermic Typic Paleudults Fine -loamy, siliceous, thermic Umbrlc Paleaquults Fine -loamy, siliceous, thermic Typic Paleaquults Clayey, mixed, thermic Typic Ochraquults Mixed, thermic Aquic Udlpsamments Mixed, thermic Typic Udlpsamments Fine -loamy, mixed, thermic Typic Ochraquults Clayey, mixed, thermic Aeric Ochraquults Fine -loamy, mixed, nonacid, thermic Typic Fluvaquents Fine -loamy, mixed, thermic Typic Hapludults Fine -loamy, mixed, thermic Aquic Hapludults 115