HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW7070229_HISTORICAL FILE_20080213STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW� 7a DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE YYYYMMDD Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources a February 11, 2008 Tim Newsome Commercial Ready Mix Products, Inc. PO Box 189 Winton, NC 27986 Coleco N. Sullins, Director Division of Water Quality NE(E�l��rr FED 13 ZUpg SUBJECT: Acknowledgment of Receipt of Payment _WAR® Commercial Ready Mix Products, Inc. Hertford County Industrial Park, Lot 1 Case No. CV-2007-0019 Hertford County Dear Mr. Newsome: This letter is to acknowledge receipt of Check 4040183 from Commercial Ready Mix Products, Inc. in the amount of $3,667.33 received on 1/9/08. The balance of the penalty is $0.00. This payment satisfies in full the civil assessment levied against Commercial Ready Mix Products, Inc. on 10/12/07 and upon check clearance, this enforcement case will be closed. Please be advised that additional assessments may be levied for future, continuing, or other violations beyond the scope of this specific assessment. If you have any questions please call me at (919) 733-5083 ext. 544. Sincerely, Shelton Sullivan NPS Assistance & Compliance Oversight Unit cc: Al Hodge /Bill Moore— DWQ Washington Regional Office NPS Assistance & Compliance Oversight Unit — File Copy DWQ Central Files NophCarolina AMirally North Carolina Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Phone (919) 733-5083 Internet: www.newa1cmualltv.org Location: 512 N. Salisbury St. Raleigh, NC 27604 Fax (919) 733-9612 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer — 50 % Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper Customer Service 1-877-623-6748 1A 11/1512007 13:27 2523584912 CP.MP INC PAGE 81 C 0 Nj M F, R.CIAL READY NfTX PRODUCTS PO BOX 189 WINTON, NC 27996 2 5 2 - 3 5 8 - 5 4 6 1 FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL SHEET TO; MOM Tim Newsome Al HDdg COMPANY: D ATP: NC Div. of Water Quality 11 /15/2007 PAX NUMBER: TOTAL. NO. OF PAr FS 1NC[.UDINO rr,VP.R: 252-946-9215 QICLICK UrRC AND TV'Pr RLTL:RK ADDRF.$gl 11/15/2007 13:27 2523584912 CRMP INC. PAGE 02 Commercial Ready Mix Products, Inc. PO. Box 189 Winton, North Carolina 27956 OtficeFhone: (252)358-5461 Fax: (252135:-4912 November 15, 2007 NC Division of Water Quality Attn: Mr. Al Hodge 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 SUBJECT: Assessment of Civil Penalties Commercial Ready Mix Products Hertford County Industrial Park, Lot 1 Case No. CV-2007-0019 Dear Mr. Hodge: Commercial Ready Mix Products, Inc. will accept a 15% reduction in the penalty at our site in the Hertford County industrial Park. Thank you again for your help. Sincerely, Tim Newsome Vice President mc. Enforcement Case No. CV-2007-0019 Commercial Ready Mix Products Subject: Enforcement Case No. CV-2007-0019 Commercial Ready Mix Products From: Bill Moore <Bill.Moore@ncmail.nety Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2007 13:37:37 -0500 To: Shelton.Sullivan@ncmail.net CC: Al Hodge <A1.Hodge@ncmail.nev Good Afternoon Shelton, This case involves Commercial Ready Mix Products in Hertford County. A civil penalty was assessed on 10/10/2007 for $4267.33. By letter dated 10/26/2007, the owner, Mr. Tim Newsome, requested a 15% reduction for this penalty. Al and I have discussed this case and agree that a 15% reduction could be granted. If you have questions, or need additional information, please advise. 1 of 1 10/30/2007 1:41 PM Commercial Ready Mix Products, Inc. P.O. Box 189 Winton, North Carolina 27986 Office Phone: (252) 358-5461 Fax: (252) 358-4912 October 26, 2007 NC Division of Water Quality Attn: Mr. Al Hodge 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, N% 27809 SUBJECT: Assessment of Civil Penalties Commercial Ready Mix Products Hertford County Industrial Park, Lot 1 Hertford County Case No. CV-2007-0019 Dear Mr. Hodge: 19-WXPEd111'f 0 C T 2 9 2vU1 ®WQ-WARO It was not the intention of Commercial Ready Mix Products, Inc. to be in violation with the Division of Water Quality. Unfortunately, there was some miscommunication with our company and Albemarle Associates. I would like to get this penalty resolved as soon as possible. We would like to ask the Division of Water Quality to accept a 15% reduction on this penalty. Your consideration on this matter is greatly appreciated. S:, I. erely, Tim Newsome Vice President NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY Violator: Commercial Ready Mix Products, Inc. County: Hertford County Case Number: CV-2007-0019 Permit Number: SW7070229 ASSESSMENT FACTORS 1) The degree and extent of harm to the natural resources of the State, to the public health, or to private property resulting from the violation; Inadequately treated stormwater can potentially add pollution to the waters of the State. 2) The duration and gravity of the violation; Unknown, however the soil and erosion approval was issued November 9, 2006. 3) The effect on ground or surface water quantity or quality or on air quality; Potential to introduce pollutants to waters of the state. 4) The cost of rectifying the damage; Unknown. 5) The amount of money saved by noncompliance; Cost of delayed construction. 6) Whether the violation was committed willfully or intentionally; Willful and intentional has not been demonstrated. 7) The prior record of the violator in complying or failing to comply with programs over which the Environmental Management Commission has regulatory authority; and No previous violations located. 8) The cost to the State of the enforcement procedures. $ 267.33 1L Date AI Hodge Regional Supervisor Washington Regional Office REMISSION FACTORS () Whether one or more of the civil penalty assessments factors were wrongly applied to the detriment of the petitioner; O Whether the violator promptly abated continuing environmental damage resulting from the violation; () Whether the violation was inadvertent or a result of an accident; O Whether the violator had been assessed civil penalties for any previous violations; and O Whether payment of the civil penalty will prevent payment for the remaining necessary remedial actions. ,q Ln 1=1 i �/.� A ep a S $ S8 a Postage rn CeAged Fee ri �4yPosmek �cS O Rehm Receipt Fee Re 11�� H= O (Endorsement ulred) , Reatdcted Dell"ry Fee Zt f�Ol `ate O (Endommem Repulmd) 20 ni tU Total Pam.... o....e 4: \ J� NiF� COMMERCIAL READY MIX�' r` Sent To PRODUCTS, INC. o SIrew,AF ATTN: MR. TIM NEWSOME r` a PO Bo PO BOX 189 G" �° WINTON NC 27986 ■ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. ■ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: COMMERCIAL READY MIX PRODUCTS, INC. ATCN: MR- TIM NEWSONIE PO BOX 189 WINTON NC 27996 2. Aniclel' 7007 0220i.0 T ne!nt-nnnn.� ❑ Agent �eived by (P�'n� Name) C. Date of Delivery JQ A L'. IV�tw`�o f �S- �7 D. Is delivery address different from Item 1? ❑ Yes If YES, enter delivery address below: ❑ No l 3. Servic Type rtified Mall ❑ Express Mail _ ❑ Registered ❑ Return Receipt for Merchandise ❑ Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 31 1484 1751 ❑ yes PS Form 3811, February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE y) I I I II I First -Class Mail Postage & Fees Paid USPS Permit No. G-10 • Sender: Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4 in this box N. C. Department of Environment & Natural Resources Washington Regional Office DWO/Surface Water Protection 943 Washington Square Mall Washington North Carolina 27889 Wlk_J�0 Michael F. Easley, Govemor._ William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Nature] Resources Alan W. Klimek., P.E. Director Division of Water Quality October 10, 2007 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 7007 0220 0003 1484 1751 Commercial Ready Mix Products, Inc. Attn: Mr. Tim Newsome PO Box 189 Winton, NC 27986 SUBJECT: Assessment of Civil Penalties Commercial Ready Mix Products Hertford County Industrial Park, Lot 1 Hertford County Case No. CV-2007-0019 Dear Mr. Newsome: This letter transmits notice of a civil penalty assessed against Commercial Ready Mix Products, Inc. in the amount of $4,267.33, that includes $267.33 in investigative costs. Attached is a copy of the assessment document explaining this penalty. This action was taken under the authority vested in me by delegation provided by the Secretary of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the Director of the Division of Water Quality. Any continuing violation(s) may be the subject of a new enforcement action, including an additional penalty. Within thirty days of receipt of this notice, you must do one of the following three items: 1. Submit payment of the penalty: Payment should be made to the order of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Payment of the penalty will not foreclose further enforcement action for any continuing or new violation(s). Do not include the attached waiver form if making payment. Please send payment to the attention of: Mr. Shelton Sullivan NC DWQ — Wetlands & Stormwater Branch — NIPS Assistance & Compliance Oversight Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 OR NorinCarolina ;Aa!iz,ally North Carolina Division of Water Qualit- 943 Wasnin_ton Sq. Mall Phone (252) 946 - 6451 Intemet: . h2o.encsiate.na.us Washington. NC 27589 FAX (252) 946 - 92!z AT. Commercial. Ready Mix Products ;, u Paget,` 4 2. Submit a written. request for remission or mitigation including a detailed justification for such request: Ko A request for remission or mitigation is limited to consideration of the reasonableness of the amount of the penalty and is not the proper procedure for contesting the accuracy of any of the statements contained in the assessment letter. Because a remission request forecloses the option of an administrative hearing, such a request must be accompanied by a waiver of your right to an administrative hearing and a stipulation that there are no factual or legal issues in dispute. You must execute and return to this office the attached waiver form and the attached "Justification for Remission Request" which should describe why you believe: (a) one or more of the civil penalty assessment factors in G.S. 143B-282.1(b) were wrongfully applied to the detriment of the petitioner; (b) the violator promptly abated continuing environmental damage resulting from the violation; (c) the violation was inadvertent or a result of an accident; (d) the violator had been assessed civil penalties for any previous violations; (e) payment of the civil penalty will prevent payment for the remaining necessary remedial actions. Please submit this information to the attention of: Mr. Shelton Sullivan NC DWQ — Wetlands & Stormwater Branch — NPS Assistance & Compliance Oversight Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Submit a written request for an administrative hearing: If you wish to contest any portion of the civil penalty assessment, you must request an administrative hearing. This request must be in the form of a written petition to the Office of Administrative Hearings and must conform to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes. You must file your original petition with the: Office of Administrative Hearings 6714 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-6 714 Commercial Ready Mix Products Page 3 E Mail or hand -deliver a copy of the petition to: Ms. Mary Penny Thompson NCDENR Office of General Counsel 1601 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1601 And to: Mr. Shelton Sullivan NC DWO — Wetlands & Stormwater Branch — NPS Assistance & Compliance Oversight Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Failure to exercise one of the options above within thirty days, as evidenced by a date stamp (not a postmark) indicating when we received your response, will result in this matter being referred to the Attorney General's Office with a request to initiate a civil action to collect the penalty. Please be advised that additional assessments may be levied for future violations that occur after the review period of this assessment. If you have any questions, please contact me at (252) 948-3844. Si erely, Al Hodge, Regional Supervisor Surface Water Protection Washington Regional Office Division of Water Quality ATTACHMENTS cc: WARO -Files ✓ DWQ - Wetlands & Stormwater Branch - NPS Assistance & Compliance Oversight unit DWQ - Central Files Susan Massengale, PIO STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF HERTFORD IN THE MATTER OF: Commercial Ready Mix Products, Inc. Case No. CV-2007-0019 FOR VIOLATIONS OF NCGS 143-215.1(a)(2) and 15A NCAC 2H .1003 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES FINDINGS AND DECISION AND ASSESSMENT OF CIVIL PENALTIES Acting pursuant to delegation provided by the Secretary of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the Director of the Division of Water Quality, I. A] Hodge, of the Division of Water Quality (DWQ), make the following: I. FINDINGS OF FACT: A. Commercial Ready Mix Products, Inc. is a Corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of North Carolina. B. On February 26, 2007, DWQ, Washington Regional Office, received a stormwater permit application for a proposed Commercial Ready Mix Facility on Lot 1, Hertford County Industrial Park, near Winton, NC. C. On May 24, 2007, DWQ staff from the Washington Regional Office inspected the Commercial Ready Mix site, Lot 1, Hertford County Industrial Park and observed the following construction: (1) two buildings - approximately 21,000 sf combined: (2) a fuel island - 1152 sf; (3) concrete curb and gutter surrounding the proposed parking area - approximately 3000 sf; (4) concrete parking area located in front of the maintenance building - approximately 14,000 sf, and, (5) two Bioretention Basins rough graded and under construction at the time of visit. The observed construction increased the impervious surfaces at this site to approximately 39,150 sf, and decreased the infiltration of precipitation into the soils. D. For development activities located within the 20 coastal counties, a State Stormwater Management Permit is required by NCGS 143-215.1 and 15A NCAC 2H. 1003 for development activities that require a Coastal Area Management Act Major Permit or an erosion and sedimentation control plan. Commercial Ready Mix Products Hertford County Case No. CV-2007-0019 Page 2 of 3 E. Hertford County is a Coastal County as defined by 15A NCAC 2H .1002(4). F. The land disturbances associated with the Commercial Ready Mix Facility, Lot 1, Hertford County Industrial Park, development requires an erosion and sedimentation control plan. G. An erosion and sedimentation control plan for the site was approved by the Division of Land Resources on November 9. 2006. H. Commercial Ready Mix Products, Inc.. failed to obtain a stormwater management permit prior to construction of impervious surfaces. I. The Washington Regional Office issued State Stormwater permit SW7070229 for the Commercial Ready Mix Facility; Lot 1, Hertford County Industrial Park on July 26, 2007. J. The cost to the State of the enforcement procedures in this matter totaled $ 267.33 . Based on the above Findings of Fact. I make the following: II. CONCLUSIONS OF LAVV: A. Commercial Ready Mix Products. Inc. is a "corporation " within the meaning of G.S. 143-215.6A pursuant to G.S. 143-212(4). B. Hertford County is a coastal county as defined by 15A NCAC 2H.1002(4). C. Commercial Ready Mix Products, Inc. is engaging in development activity at this site, which requires an approved Erosion & Sedimentation Control Plan. D. Commercial Ready Mix Products. Inc. violated NCGS 143-215.1 and 15A NCAC 2H .1003 by failing to secure a Stormwater Management Permit prior to construction of the project known as Commercial Ready Mix Facility, Lot 1, Hertford County Industrial Park. E. Commercial Ready Mix Products, Inc. may be assessed civil penalties in this matter pursuant to G.S. 143-215.6A(a)(2), which provides that a civil penalty of not more than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) per violation per day may be assessed against a person who is required but fails to apply for or to secure a permit required by G.S. 143-215.1, or who violates or fails to act in accordance with the terms, conditions, or requirements of such permit or any other permit or certification issued pursuant to authority conferred by this Part. F. Commercial Ready Mix Products, Inc. may be assessed civil penalties pursuant to G.S: 143-215.6A (a)(6) which provides that a civil penalty of not more than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) dollars per violation may be assessed against a person who violates a rule of the Commission implementing this part; Part 2A of this Article. or G.S. 143-355(k). Commercial Ready Mix Products Hertford County Case No. CV-2007-0019 Page 3 of 3 G. The State's enforcement cost in this matter may be assessed against Commercial Ready Mix Products, Inc. pursuant to G.S. 143- 215.3(a)(9) and G.S. 143B-282(b)(8). H. Al Hodge, of the Division of Water Quality, pursuant to delegation provided by the Secretary of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the Director of the Division of Water Quality, has the authority to assess civil penalties in this matter. Based upon the above Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, I make the following: III. DECISION Accordingly Commercial Ready Mix Products, Inc. is assessed a civil penalty of: $ 4,000.00 for violating NCGS 143-215.1 and 15A NCAC 2H .1003 by failing to obtain a stolmwater management permit from the Division of Water Quality for the development of Commercial Ready Mix Products Facility. $ 4,000.00 TOTAL CIVIL PENALTY, authorized by G.S. 143-215.6A. 267.33 Enforcement costs. $ 4,267.33 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE As required by G.S. 143-215.6A(c), in determining the amount of penalty I considered the factors set out in G.S. 143B-282. I (b), which are: (1) The degree and extent of harm to the natural resources of the State, to the public health, or to private property resulting from the violations; (2) The duration and gravity of the violations; (3) The effect on ground or surface water quantity or quality or on air quality; (4) The cost of rectifying the damage; (5) The amount of money saved by noncompliance; (6) Whether the violations were committed willfully or intentionally; (7) The prior record of the violator in complying or failing to comply with programs over which the Environmental Management Commission has regulatory authority; and (8) The cost to the State of the enforcement proced es I Date Al Hodge Division of Water Quality JUSTIFICATION FOR REMISSION REQUEST DWQ Case Number: CV-2007-0019 County: Hertford Assessed Party: Commercial Ready Mix Products, Inc., Lot 1, Hertford County Industrial Park Amount Assessed: S4,267.33 Please use this form when requesting remission of this civil penalty. You must also complete the "Request For Remission, Waiver of Right to an Administrative Hearing, and Stipulation of Facts" form to request remission of this civil penalty. You should attach any documents that you believe support your request and are necessary for the Director to consider in evaluating your request for remission. Please be aware that a request for remission is limited to consideration of the five factors listed below as they may relate to the reasonableness of the amount of the civil penalty assessed. Requesting remission is not the proper procedure for contesting whether the violation(s) occurred or the accuracy of any of the factual statements contained in the civil penalty assessment document. Pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 143B-282.1(c), remission of a civil penalty may be granted only when one or more of the following five factors apply. Please check each factor that you believe applies to your case and provide a detailed explanation, including copies of supporting documents, as to why the factor applies (attach additional pages as needed). (a) one or more of the civil penalty assessment factors in N.C.G.S. 14313-282.1(b) were wrongfully applied to the detriment of the petitioner (the assessment factors are listed in the civil penalty assessment document); (b) the violator promptly abated continuing environmental damage resulting from the violation (i.e., explain the steps that you took to correct the violation and prevent future occurrences); (c) the violation was inadvertent or a result of an accident (i.e., explain why the violation was unavoidable or something you could not prevent or prepare for); (d) the violator had not been assessed civil penalties for any previous violations; _ (e) payment of the civil penalty will prevent payment for the remaining necessary remedial actions (i. e., explain how payment of the civil penalty will prevent you from performing the activities necessary to achieve compliance). EXPLANATION(attach additional pages as necessarv): STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF PERQUIMANS IN THE MATTER OF ASSESSMENT OF CIVIL PENALTIES AGAINST Commercial Ready Mix Products, Inc. Lot 1, Hertford County Industrial Park DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES WAIVER OF RIGHT TO AN ADMINSTRATIVE HEARING AND STIPULATION OF FACTS FILE NO. CV-2007-0019 Having been assessed civil penalties totaling S4.267.33 for violation(s) as set forth in the assessment document of the Division of Water Quality dated October 10, 2007, the undersigned, desiring to seek remission of the civil penalty, does hereby waive the right to an administrative hearing in the above -stated matter and does stipulate that the facts are as alleged in the assessment document. The undersigned further understands that all evidence presented in support of remission of this civil penalty must be submitted to the director of the Division of Water Quality within thirty (30) days of receipt of the notice of assessment. No new evidence in support of a remission request will be allowed after (30) days from the receipt of the notice of assessment. This the day of SIGNATURE ADDRESS TELEPHONE 20 North Carolina Secretary of State. http://www.secretary. state. ne. us/corporations/Corp.aspx?Pitem ld=473 8566 CORPORATIONS North Carolina Elaine F. Marshall D EPAR'T M EN T' OF THE Secretary SECRETARY of STATE Corporations Home Search By Corporate Name Search For New Corporation Search By Registered Agent Important Notice Corporations FAQ Homeowners' Association FAQ Tobacco Manufacturers Dissolution Reports Non -Profit Reports Verify Certification Online Annual Reports LINKS & LEGISLATION KBBE B2B Annual Reports SOSID Number Correction 2001 Bill Summaries 1999 Senate Bills Annual Reports 1997 Corporations 1997 Register for E-Procurement Dept. of Revenue ONLINE ORDERS Start An Order New Payment Procedures CONTACT US Corporations Division Secretary of State's web site TOOLS Secretary of State Home Secretary of State Site Map PO Box 29622 Raleigh, NC 27626-0622 (919)807-2000 Date: 10/4/2007 Click here to: View Document Filings I nA Print apre-populated Annual Report Form I Annual Report Count I File an Annual Report I Corporation Names Name Name Type NC Commercial Ready Mix , Legal Products, Inc. ; Business Corporation Information SOSID: 0032084 Status: Current -Active Date Formed: 3/24/1975 Citizenship: Domestic State of Inc.: NC Duration: Perpetual Registered Agent Agent Name: Newsome Jr, Robert a. Registered 115 Highway 158 West Office Address: Winton NC 27986 Registered P.O. Box 189 ) Mailing Winton NC 27986 i Address: Principal Office 115 Hwy 158 West Address: Winton NC 27986 Principal Mailing P.O. Box 189 Address: Winton NC 27986 Stock Class Shares No Par Value Par Value I of 2 10/4/2007 12:32 PM North Carolina Secretary of State http://www. secretary.state.nc.us/corporations/Corp.aspx?Pitemld=473856E Printable Page For questions or comments about the Secretary of State's web site, please send e-mail to Webmaster. 2 of 2 10/4/2007 12:32 PM CV- I-w7 -00/ j EEE. _W W_ W_ wNw 088 aa� ririe� nnn L • 4w f%.-ford C', . /•, c�vt I'r,'a/ P4rl� La1' .Z 5a-7 o7o2-z9 Cot rC I,4 n e ae� /�%/ir / I-o Gvr- � /01C %oAt/ 7y �f p -a( K`.k BSA S. 01 a a 4.98 cc r io~ w/t q �vca{¢e( 0., /, ✓"56 ;,/ PorJ/k �L r•..h v1- •f 1nl e)-rt eTl'ri. vs,s84 Hwy /s =0. b2% TleuI 8.0/ P BuA z f/3 zz,7 yy C/ Fv,e.� Ca.,ory 6/a !8 OPP S A*IW //jrZ� U is7 I �Lriaat p 4P� i poop. (z) g/O/RffH�. F bt.....A. t411"f c%-//-F%/ . (/M�fL C/rt lFi B fi., 2 7-fWe7- CS-.• ex S p'"�°' 50.,� N,vP&CWon- f+p .2o- f 3. 3 0 7* '?' Sti4,. sF2 •3o Be//a,, C"f-h.. �4s-so I emarle & ASSOCIATES, LTD. July 20, 2007 ,1111 2 4 7.007 North Carolina Division of Water Quality Washington Regional Office 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 ATTN: Bill Moore RE: Commercial Ready Mix Products, Inc. — Winton, NC Dear Mr. Moore: Thank you for your recent comments on the above -referenced project. WE have made the modification to the slope maximum on the Vegetative Filter detail. Enclosed you will find the (2) copies of the Revised Stormwater Plan reflecting that change. Should you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact us. Sincerely, Jason A. Mizelle Project Manager cc: EC1043A Engineering -- Surveying — Land Planning 117C N. Water Street, Elizabeth City, NC 27909 Telephone: 252-338-5771 Fax: 252-338-5719 j_ 447/20/2007 15:25 2523584912 CRMP INC PAGE 02 w-1M) Commercial Ready Mix Products, Inc. CO. Box 189 Winton, North Carolina 279% Office Phone: (252) 358.5461 Fax: (252)358.4912 2 3 Z007 July 20, 2007 Al Hodge. Regional Super isor North Carolina Division ol. `Water Quality 913 Washington Square.M,ill Washington, N.C. 27889 Re: Stormwater Project SW'7070229, Hertford County Industrial Park, Lot 1 Hertford County Dear Mr. Hodge: Paul Waff, President of Wrilf Contracting. Inc. will be acting on behalf of Commercial Ready Mix Products, Inc. regarding the, noiice;of•viulation, dated July 12, 2007. 1 would like to thank you for any help you can give us' io.this.ihatter. Sin rJely, i7 Tim Newsome. Vice President RINAN t;� •.:t _j �'.,'. i.et pi'.'A a Y�": ;:.P.'� v �, r .1NG... , �. F:.:I ..`i,t �i f,+wfti:, ._I WAFF CONTRACTING INC. Paul E. Watt, Jr. P.O. BOX 237 • EDENTON, NC 27932 President OFFICE: (252) 482-7071 FAX: (252) 482-4816 SHOP: (252) 482-5123 Al Hodge North Carolina Division of Water Quality 913 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 Dear Mr. Hodge: As per our conversation, Commercial Ready Mix hired an engineering firm on October, 2006, to obtain necessary permits for their construction projects in Winton, NC. Mr. Newsome assumed this firm had acquired the necessary permits when they began construction at their Winton site. He apologizes for this mistake and would sincerely appreciate any help you can give him in consideration for any penalties that may be assessed. As I experienced a similar situation on my project in Edenton, I understand how these things can happen and would appreciate any help you can give them in resolving this matter. Please give me a call at 252482-7071 should you need to discuss this matter. Sincerely, W cjCONTRACTING, IN " � �-./ Paul E. Waff, President PEW/ddt SPECIALIZING IN BULKHEADING • PILE DRIVING • CRANE RIGGING • GENERAL CONSTRUCTION • MARINE CONSTRUCTION 4 ., 'h ,� -.� - .. 0F W ATFgOG Michael F. Easley, Governor O� 0 e^fie I .yp^y` William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources p ' Alan W. Klimek P.E. Director Division of Water Quality April 24, 2007 Commercial Ready Mix Products, Inc. Attn: Tim Newsome PO Box 189 Winton, NC 27986 Subject: Stormwater Permit SW7070229 Hertford County Industrial Park, Lot 1 Hertford County Dear Mr. Newsome: This office received your stormwater application for the subject project on February 26, 2007. A preliminary review of the plans and specifications has been completed. Stormwater controls for the proposed project do not meet the design requirements of the stormwater rules and cannot be permitted as shown. In order to complete your application and before a stomrwater permit can be issued, the following items must be addressed: 1 1) It appears that a portion of drainage basin 1 is not routed to the Bioretention system Explain/show that all stormwater is routed to an engineered treatment system. ✓2) Design calculations show 1-foot of storage depth; the supplement sheets indicate 0.80-feet of storage. Explain/provide correct elevations and calculations. /✓ 3) Provide written detailed soils report showing number & location of soil borings; description of soil profile & estimated seasonal high water table (SHWT). Report should discuss soil types & suitability for placement of proposed stormwater control measures. Show location of project on County Soils map. Added note: Hertford County soils map indicates SHWT for these soils to be about 0.5-1.5 feet below natural ground. If soil/water table conditions differ significantly; then a reasonable explanation should be provided. 4) Provide written detailed vegetation plan, prepared by a qualified individual, that indicates a variety of suitable species, location, spacing, soil preparation, fertilizer requirements, installation procedures, construction schedule, etc. Cattails are a dominant type species and / should not be included in the vegetation plan. ✓ 5)— tormwater flow into bioretention systems should be sheet flow; where sheet flow cannot be ovided, other design features may provide equal distribution; provide explanation. ) rovide 6edetailed cross section of outlet structures/spillways and swales. Swales should have minimum 3:1 slopes. 7) Revise narrative, plans, supplement sheets, calculations & details to reflect all changes. The above requested information must be received in this office prior to May 24, 2007, or your application will be returned as incomplete. The return of this project will necessitate resubmittal of all required items including the application fee. If you need additional time to submit the required information, please mail or fax your request for time extension to this office at the Letterhead address. If you have questions, please feel free to contact me at (252) 948-3919. Sincer y," Y William J. Moore "`"- Environmental Engineer Washington Regional Office cc: Albemarle & Assocaites Hertford County Planning/Inspections Washington Regional Office Nc akaa North Carolina Division of Water Quality Washington Regional Office Phone (252) 946-6481 FAX (252) 946-9215 Customer Service Internet h2o.enr.stale.nc.us 943 Washington Square Mall, Washington, NC 27889 1-877-623-6748 SITE INFORMATION BARNHILL CONTRACTING - WINTON ASPHALT PLANT HERTFORD COUNTY, NC ACEJN: 09.139 OCTOBER 2010 nnm SS SEAL - 28959 p '.fNC I NEF... 0,� o\ 10/18/10 lirl aoao ?Wdr *1;40 CONSULTING ENGINEERS, PA CIVIL, MUNICIPAL & STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS COMPREHENSIVE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES P.O. Box 7966 • Rocky Mount, NC 27804 Phone: (252) 972-7703 Fax: (252) 972-7639 w .appianengineem.com BARNHILL CONTRACTING COMPANY WINTON ASPHALT PLANT HERTFORD COUNTY, NC Barnhill Contracting Company employs more than 1,100 people and is one of the largest producers of asphalt in North Carolina, with more than 20 asphalt plans throughout the eastern part of the state. The 19.9 acre Winton Asphalt Plant will be used for the storage and mixing of materials to produce hot mix asphalt for the construction of various paving projects in Hertford County and several outlying adjacent counties. The production area consists of a screen deck, hopper, dryer, dust collector, exhaust fan, bag house, collector conveyor, cold feeders, a control center, and a lab trailer. There is no nuclear gauge testing equipment stored on the site. The site is not used for vehicle maintenance. Most of the site consists of materials stockpiles and above ground storage tanks with materials listed in item 4.1 below. As shown below, there are two major areas of potential spills with Aboveground Storage Tanks (AST)s containing products related to the manufacture of asphalt. In addition, 250-gallon totes of truck release agent and aggregate stockpiles are on site. AST* - Aboveground Storage Tank FACILITY DRAINAGE All storage tanks are double -walled to prevent spillage into navigable waters; therefore, no secondary containment structure is required. Access to the drainage valve on each tank is restricted by a being behind a locked gate at the entrance to the site. A grassed swale along the western perimeter of the 19.9 acre property drains to a new sediment pond with baffles and a rock dam on the western side of the property. All runoff from the asphalt plant will run into the grassed swale and will be contained in the 0.5 acre pond, before being discharged over the rock dam and through a 20' wooded buffer to the adjacent wooded property. The site is located near an unnamed tributary to Mill Branch and is part of the Chowan River Basin. The facility is not located in an area that is subject to flooding. Site Summary MAINTENANCE The grassed swale will be inspected once a quarter. Records of operation and maintenance will be kept onsite. Specifically, the owner will inspect the swale for trash/ debris, areas of bare soil or erosive gullies, sediment covering the grass at the bottom of the swale and the vegetation being too short or too long (vegetation to be kept at a height of approximately 6 inches). Maintenance of the sediment pond/ rock dam is only to be performed by authorized personnel after inspection for any oil contamination. The water must not show a sheen of oil if it is discharged. The pumping of water is to be monitored from start to finish, Containment drainage records are maintained. As part of the NCDENR Erosion Control Permit and NPDES NCGO1000 Permit obtained, the owner has agreed to check the sediment basin after each rainfall and remove sediment and restore original volume when sediment accumulates to about one-half the design volume. The owner will check the structure for erosion, piping, and rock displacement weekly and after each significant (% inch or greater) rainstorm and repair immediately. PERMITS The following permits will be required for this project: • NCDENR Erosion and Sedimentation Control Permit • NCDENR DWQ State Stormwater (Coastal) Permit • NPDES General Permit NCG16000 (SIC 2951 —Asphalt Paving Mixtures and Blocks) • NPDES General Permit NCGO1000 (Construction Activities) OWNER Barnhill Contracting Company Attn: David Glover 2311 N. Main Street P.O. Box 1529 Tarboro, NC 27886 252.823.1021, v 252.823.0137, f www.BarnhiliContracting.com Barnhill Contracting Company ?I.r`2. 'ifir Filed. 1213012009 02.19.07 PM KATHLEEN W. WRIGHT, Register of Deeds HERTFORD County. NC K/3 5 EYa". Tv $0 nn R Revenue NONE BOOK 719 PAGE I1872 (4) a04298 �IIIIIVIIIILIAII II This certifies that there are no delinquent ad valorem real estate taxes, which the Hertford County Tax Collector is charged with collecting, that are a lien on: PIN# 6906 -37- Y 2 39 Hertford County Office of Land Records. This is not a certification that the PIN # matches the deed description. Date5-09 ( e�� Date (Delmq ent) Tax Collector/Tax Clerk NORTH CAROLINA HERTFORD COUNTY Grantee/Return To Address: Barnhill Contracting Company P. 0. BOX 1529 TARBORO. NC 27886 Prepared by: Charles L. Revelle, In Attorney at Law P. O. Box 448 Murfreesboro, NC 27855 Title Opinion Neither Requested Nor Rendered THIS DEED, Made this the 5th day of October, 2009, by Hertford County, a political subdivision of the State of North Carolina, a body politic, and a municipal corporation, organized under the laws of the State of North Carolina, Grantor, to Barnhill Contracting Company, a North Carolina corporation, Grantee; WITNESSETH: That Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN ($10.00) DOLLARS and other good and valuable considerations, to it paid by Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has bargained and sold, and by these presents does hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey to the Grantee, and its successors and assigns, in fee simple, that certain tract or parcel of land described as follows: - I - CE37110.DEE BK 719 PG 873 DOC#304298 SEE EXHIBIT A ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel of [and, and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging, to Grantee, in fee simple. And the Grantor covenants with the Grantee, that Grantor is seized of the premises in fee simple, has the right to convey the same in fee simple, that tide is marketable and free and clear of all encumbrances, and that Grantor will warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever except for the exceptions hereinafter stated. Title to the property hereinabove described is subject to the following exceptions: (a) Restrictions, covenants, conditions and casements of record or evidenced by an on -the -ground inspection, including but not limited to: (i) "Protective Provisions and Covenants, Hertford County Industrial Park, Hertford County, North Carolina", which are recorded in Book 691, page 774, Hertford County Registry; (if) Easement dated May 5, 2003, from Hertford County to Delois Chavez - Ruffin, recorded in Book 615, page 268, Hertford County Registry. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Hertford County has caused this instrument to be signed in its corporate name by its duly authorized officers and its seal to be hereunto affixed by authority of its Board of County Commissioners and with the specific intent that this deed is executed as an instrument under seal. 2 - CE37110.oEE BK 719 PG 874 DOC#304298 A EST: Patricia M. Weaver, Clerk Hertford County Board of Commissioners NORTH CAROLINA HERTFORD COUNTY HERTFORD qOUNTY By: H ward J. u er, III, Chairman Hertford County Board of Commissioners This the��'�`" day of October, 2009, personally appeared before me, 5ti`eGn W. M (k+4 ti .16 , a Notary Public, Patricia M. Weaver, who being by me sworn, says that she knows the corporate seal of Hertford County and is acquainted with Howard J. Hunter, III, who is Chairman of the Hertford County Board of Commissioners, and that she, Patricia M. Weaver, is the Clerk to the Hertford County Board of Commissioners, that she saw the Chairman sign the foregoing instrument and affix the corporate seal of Hertford County to it and that she, Patricia M. Weaver, signed her name in attestation of the execution of the instrument in the presence of the Chairman, and that the instrument is the act and deed of Hertford County. Witness my hand and Notarial Seal, this the 5*-day of (betbju „ .2009. tPbce NM.'y ul M.l j VN1iuu. Iy 0TA1„y. 4) It in fin— l i J5 Notary Public My Commission expires: 1 D-31-Dq -3- CE37110. DEE BK 719 PG 875 DOC4304298 CE37148.EXH (M/W) Ixgal: Henlord County Industrial Park to Barnhill Contracting Company EXHIBIT A That certain tract or parcel of land located in Winton Township, Hertford County, North Carolina being described as follows: BEGINNING at an existing concrete monument at the corner of Clyde Ruffin property and Hertford County properly. Said existing concrete monument being located South 49 degrees 56 minutes 07 seconds West a distance of 672.36 feet from N.C.G.S. Station "17 LB 9" having ncgs grid coordinates N= 967695.498987, E = 2604366.08062 ( NAD 83 ). Thence from said point of beginning and running along the lines of Clyde Ruffin the following courses and distances South 55 degrees 50 minutes 21 seconds West for a distance of 339.67 feet to a nail set in a stump. Thence South 47 degrees 37 minutes 51 seconds East for a distance of 142.20 feet to a nail set in a stump. Thence South 13 degrees 16 minutes 43 seconds East for a distance of 370.85 feet t') a marked pine. Thence South 46 degrees 40 minutes 27 seconds East for a distance of 219.48 feet to an existing concrete monument on the right of way of U.S. Highway 13. Thence along said right of way South 19 degrees 45 minutes 04 seconds West for a distance of 276.38 feet to an existing concrete monument. Thence leaving said right of way and running along the lines of Clyde Ruffin South 59 degrees 33 minutes 53 seconds West for a distance of 70.62 feet to an iron rod set. Thence South 52 degrees 05 minutes 32 seconds West for a distance of 99.50 feet to an iron rod set. Thence South 64 degrees 19 minutes 45 seconds West for a distance of 364.35 feet to an existing iron rod. Thence North 15 degrees 21 minutes 41 seconds West for a distance of 556.70 feet to an existing iron pipe. Thence North 36 degrees 35 minutes 58 seconds West for a distance of 290.70 feet to an existing iron pipe a corner for Clyde Ruffin and Donna Hurdle. Thence along the line of Donna Hurdle North 02 degrees 32 minutes 57 seconds West for a distance of 782.54 feet to an existing iron pipe a corner for Donna Hurdle and R. B. Austin. Thence North 63 degrees 05 minutes 08 seconds East for a distance of 30.66 feet to an iron rod set a new corner for Hertford County Property. Thence running a new division line for Hertford County Property South 74 degrees 47 minutes 46 seconds East for a distance of 553.38 feet to an iron rod set on the western right of way line of SR 1218 - Industrial Park Road. Thence North 75 degrees 06 minutes 01 seconds East for a distance of 34.32 feet to an existing cotton spindle at the end of the pavement of SR 1218 - Industrial Park Road. Thence North 46 degrees 32 minutes 57 seconds East for a distance of 57.14 feet to an iron rod set on the eastern right of way line a new comer for Hertford County Property. Thence running a new division line for Hertford County Property South 54 degrees 19 minutes 51 seconds East for a distance of 253.55 feet to the existing concrete monument the point of beginning for this conveyance. Together with and subject to covenants, easements, and restrictions of record. Said property contains a net area of 19.91 +/- acres as shown on a map by Roanoke Land Surveying for Barnhill Contracting Company dated August 04, 2009, which survey is incorporated by reference for a more certain description of the parcel conveyed herein. ♦���';��y�.5r•'�j�'��1�t„lrjxi3y.. dam. � �,' 9� bd� ? ,fArt 4°• .r, Y a rd t+ ♦ r,� t p � � i4 f P jiff � JJ i� ♦ �', ♦ 4 S y� 'q�i. t.'S4"xt., �>�.- .+v,y ,yrs�Yy�{r S3 Y rpv i a f ?` ,may♦ r py�fF? I*,"fi♦:�`A' : All f01r 1 F� I14 ri " '%� f� ,ai ,' hi ° ,� ♦ � 4 , � ,p � Yi�• l� i k � � ,, � ! �YfT T' �t 31 � � i3 �i� ��• O � J S � M�a: ���zx�♦�y�2�♦'i�,rtv�``S' ♦„'�,, '� Y+; � v�, -�` b f�. r 42 Barnhill Winton Wednesday, June 30, 2010 This map is not a survey. Hertford County Land Records assumes no legal responsibility for the information contained on the map. a M Barnhill Winton Wednesday, June 30, 2010 This map is not a survey. Hertford County Land Records assumes no legal responsibility for the information contained on the map. a Print Page - NC Areas Subject to Phase II Post -Construction & Other Stormwater Progra... Page I of 1 NC Areas Subject to Phase II Post -Construction & Other Stormwater Program Requirements Map Legend NInterstate. Loin Roads ,.j secondary Roads Primer, Road. US 11"..v ^/ xC nips.. UCounties 1:24K Mydrnyraphy(Arb.) Hydr"raphy ta.x PaWpa. :II Municipal Boundaries slormweter lurladlctian ® Cu.t.l alit. aW Pnayr.le ® Los, P�aar.m SI.II .IOrmritel eraar.m 1 x. U..m.,.l.. r.u..m ■ o..rl.pPlnoe Y.m. OMIw..n. ® SA w.lan rho map representations are the best available as or June 26, 2009. Please check with me Jowl government (city or County) In your location to verify specific stonnwater requirements. Areas subject to Stormwater ibst-Construction (Permitting) are basect on existing programs ant Session Law 7006Qa6, NC Division of Water Quality, 6/3012010 Results Contact: Di Regional Office NIOn: Re Washington County : NERTFORD Permitting : State Basis : Coastal State SW Perr inq Program Type: Coastal county orcommunity Notes: Coastal SW Rules apply Phas¢ 2 : Not a Phase 11 area ]urlsdlRlon: HERTFORD CO http://204.21 1.239.202/stormwater/print.aspx?CMD=INIT&XM IN=-76.96826310124872... 6/30/2010 DITCH CALCULATIONS Erosion Control Summary Project: Barnhill Winton Designer: DCR Ditch Calculations Pro Diversion Ditch/ Grassed Swale Date: 9/30/2010 JN: 09-139 18.5 13.84 0.25% 1.77 Fiberglass Netting Ige C � II (Q30 :' Calculated ad f 4 rv30mini—Q.Idsl 18.5 r Barnhill Winton Asphalt Plant "..Desctintinnr .i; ... Total Property Area 867,279.60 19.91 Total Drainage Area 805,860.00 18.50 OnSite Drainage Area 718,740.00 16.50 Off -Site Drainage Area 87,120.00 2.00 Total Area: 805,860.00 18.50 IMPERVIOUS AREA CALCULATIONS Stockpiles 60,000.00 1.38 Gravel Path/ Entrances 1,800.00 0.04 Lab 300.00 0.01 Structures 1,800.00 0.04 Misc. Gravel 50,000.00 1.15 Total Impervious Area: 113,900.00 2.61 Total Property Area: 867,280 19.91 Percent Impervious for Site: 13.13%1 13.1% IMPERVIOUS AREA CALCULATIONS for State Stormwater Permit OnSite Bldgs 2,100.00 0.05 OnSite Streets 1,800.00 0.04 Onsite Parking (gravel areas) 50,000.00 1.15 Onsite Sidewalks - - Other Onsite (stockpiles) 60,000.00 1.38 Future BUA - - OffSite BUA Existing BUA - Total Impervious Area: 113,900.00 2.61 % Impervious Area (for 18.5 ac Drainage Area)[ 14.1%1 14.1% Ditch ID: Dive DITCH LINER: CALCULATIONS rs4c Ditch , . '. Prninr•}• Rarn6illWinfnn i - .'-N.P +S ,r a.. (Date: ' 1'# . IDesIQneClticr,'. ti-,a`, :�'_t, _.1,,, S = 0.0025 ft/ft Sc = 0.0315 ft/ft VEE Channel D = 1.30 ft Dc = 0.87 ft Bottom Width = 0 ft Q = 14.00 cfs VC = 3.73 fps Left Side Slope = 5 :1 L = 500 ft (n = 0.04) Right Side Slope = 5 :1 V =: 1.66 fps TT in Channel = 5.005 MIN Tractive Force= 0.20 psf does not need a liner at Apply seed, fertilizer, straw mulch and tack with a liquid emulsified asphalt blown from a sprayer. Use rapid setting IRS or CRS liquid asphalt at the rate of 10 gallons per 1000 SF. ��77 1.30 ft 1 X5"� ft 5 Vee Ditch �77 ft �L.. Lj ft i ft plan Consulting Engineers, P.A. J. Box 7966, Rocky Mount, NC 27804 1 S. Wesleyan Blvd, Rocky Mount, NC 27803 w Tel: (252) 972-7703 / Fax: (252) 972-7638 Email: admin@appianengineers.com — ft ft ft �In�nr O O O O Ditch Liner Calculation.xls Copyright 2003 Rev. 1 SEDIMENT TRAP DESIGN Sediment Tra No.: Rock Dam Project Name: Barnhill Winton Date Prepared: 10/18/2010 Desi ner: jdcr Design of Sediment Pit: Area Disturbed: 16 Acres Volume of Sediment: 57600 ft' ( 16 AC) (3600 ft'/Ac-Yr) ( 1 Yr) Depth of Pit: 3.5 ft Area of Pit: 16457.14 ft2 OR Total Runoff Area: 17 010 Flow: 15.9 cfs Area of Pit: 6926.04 ft2 Minimum Surface Area of Sediment Trap: 16457.14 ft2 a ,; .' Table; 6.6 0a , �,, , <- Minimum Weir Lengths. Dimensions for Sediment Pit: Drainage Area , Weir L th Length: 200 ft Acres ft Width: 100 ft 1 4 Depth: 3.5 ft 2 , , 6 3 8 4, 10 Design of Spillway 5 12 , (ref: E&S Manual, page 6.60.3) Depth of Spillway: 1.5 ft ( 2 ft- 0.5 ft FREEBOARD) Min. Weir Length = Q = 15.9 cfs = 3.23 ft C (HA1.5), (2.68) ( 1.5 ft Al.5) Length of Weir (or Spillway): 20 ft Actual Depth = r Q 10.67 = 15.9 cfs 10 fi7 = 0.44 ft 2.68 ` 20 ftJ Velocity = Q = 15.9 cfs = 1.79 fUs A 0.44 20 <4 Ws - OKAY! Results 2 ft Spillway 1 1 Sediment Basin Dimensions Dimensions 3 3 3.5 ft Deep 100 ft Wide 200 ftLong I —� Tel: (252) 972-7703 / Fax: (252) 972-7638 1Iriln11nTr Appian Consulting Engineers, P.A. Email: admin@appianengineers.wm ORl OIF] P.O. .7 966, Rocky Mount, NC 27804 vw.v.appianengineers.mm Sediment Trap Calculation.xls Copyright 2003 Rev. 2 rAi IAE n 14 - ------------ V" :1 -- ------- ---- --------- ----- ------- --- ------------ of A& F0 P ■ A& SITE PLAN for Barnhill Contracting - Winton Asphalt Plant Hertford County, North Carolina 53 ----- - ---- CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE I. Oprm np/el KRmE pnrN pvbJamrfM mb. RVYna1alwMlu .MwMpvmmmNe: C..... pal oodoa, u, m. v e [nnworauv {L[[. nl.[n ndRao.. .r: el SNofum{Im,myn Oo mIYs e1NCOENR Eirm vq 9aJnnnryvi CeNtl Purl [)NCOENq. Sal[ BbrmvYsr (Caevb9 P. aI NRCES NCO01O00 4bpa3m Lp .� Clan. $apa.muam Repvk rl Ram.. on 2. LmbCn b b nopr/ Pe NCDENR Land Ouyry Su➢m a529Ua Sa41) N 4a1 ae Ival mn To .bpp vni R[{m , Y try W[e at NCDENR Poaen al yµ[Ym. E65 cm6d nuvl ee mnin4.n,a unEl . vlpxau ' Any.S . and euEalal,a[➢vde.. V<.ebsuea R mal—ESE v9NM in10pan. p.d plfanpMNe. S. E .ttar an. wuG an. ell C . Cy Cmur Iv bc»m. M e.vry .. ah nvu and, b ae9rvvp [pnpu[0on l EINC6RJ94" A. InYy uaatl. miaau[Mn non wmTnpm ule m . E.I. u ve pm W R.I. Ia amenl ham Ienvp pe mbpcYvl N.. 4dRvM iltNEE.d Na.. PtY NTaQ To,—Mavn w. oI mmedaaly s. caaTv ananvy Yv aW meal evl wn rxa earn and LISS..11 yl In.. ..no p[ n, le and emnn 6. PemmebpM.10 y m., upas W. Carvlwce ub Mvebpmml J. a d,mlwa a,n my n.lnv[mea ene.e.ae wpn Is mv, vrml,gym of p,me.r[.. 9. PermaSm1V [e.0 ..n pu uI rat L. Nalmam o, Co not yae an, tivan[e >'e: m Noom eavte0 .m W , pm ne,tazby and eo Rot remove pr%acom a..l,m mu .a.wn. Wean m.ar nn Rem .we.ee. Nab pal R. L-Iar..—INN—RR 9rmla[mu a Is war, ary, u 21 [A.-aav, Menev.r n 9. Cmomnaeana of xPolo P.rml NC of na .. pal N The a . LE NCDENR Erwim LOMb my Ra ma ne me aamup an m, nd e.ve in.[mpvtu ar,apnrgN. IN my [romem N-d RF m, and env a dam up mannawrMay NCOEo I O.Cma.un n .. EB T ayM y swibr wnab reva[ aM mrBe t. a NPD V. a WnrwaW pvm .u�ec0en .1 a a d every nN Inn al rvniy P run Qpye IVL Le ke%or0e. C. mnl4FSPEC rr el peu ufe fISanan. PECTION PROGRAM: EIIerMe Ctt 1 -o p. and mneu[pn, mot.. vpnp Inge. B, M N me we n- al - pm - p n, I pn.L n p. pmp[4 n0 aaampdam mper-0m n wlml,. N [m,d-v.n ran trawl m pn. {iun a b L. a.. pl aLJ mme n M p�n, venfie0. Tnnaloa T ndEd n F—ar. nn fit p!lueaal pe ppw.a e,ualr tl Nn b VE,.. R.per6ae Wo....aa.Pmn ve wy.N..t ureaaNuw.Mev.M,n[muWon, rem6me onvirand- n.wninl . 12 "'Cncve wm.d a nv.+. hunt r.m>..r9 e..m, do-- O..nd nolf, a.:,[ 1J.a fin.- ne b [.,I LtlYm and p, nna- mmd.m, m01y NCOEHR pin to -am, pe — m Alter pprn,l hom NLGENR, r nwu y remamn, mrrpnay memlree me aWy pemaneM vegl.Nn r an, rcm.wgQU2M veu BEFORE YOU CALL E-uIl c�lrtR ar9 . m, 6bemv P .. . o.. n.1 1. e..,tl . C.re,�:aon a n Imnu.a aneeem.e ,u a or Cerlru[yen O,b. ay In. En91n..r. .. Appn M for Ccn, ,u[I an. OT BOUNDARY DESCRIPRON SHOWN IS NFOR RECORDATION. CgJ41 IECfiN SAFETY Thal, an.mg, do trot aonmm In, , FF1,—FE, to, pe v.laror ITT ,n.ly . a . In...F. rapomlEn, el .n. [an,.unn,. EI�NIa CITh.11 n'� rIC.. I., -I.En , .11 .Inn, J.S`ei c bn, -;.V, [ ell.[Iing . an,., e , e,a.in,s ,null aO 9;SR1aN ..[mmllaRan, al. i To `�1J SLOPEroaWES - IS tb5 I ` IAIT ra y.1 ` .m ,F a I, LCLEARED`AREA TO,BE GRUBBED/GRADED. AREA DISTURBED 160 Ac.� i`, /I Q i•l% r ll (p A r 0 • [ 1 r _ ' ^T ale O S STAMN _ .1J LB 9 R OIT Wa j.IT o:zs«ai I' LEGEND �O 101.01 ® 102.11 '..Fa TFn 103,07 B)GLE� 103.09 1O4.D2 106.01 AREA DISTURBED - 16.0 Ac. 1. Too INI do t6 i nr rninrr `0000 ��:wi• CONSUtI NO ENGINEERS, P.a. CIVIL, NUNICIPal k 51PJCIURaE ENGIR... S CO4PRE✓ENSIVE ENVI PONMENTat SERVICES B.: C-0562 15a RnunevLeul C'. Ra[4y 4 unl. N.C. 2J00a Pneve: (252) 932-7703 Ea.: (352) 922-Jfi3B oEminO CPlane.l,....-F- 91n .....M 9 e® I� I SEAL 36959 , ID/14/Io Q$- c a lC L a@ W C w C b. Z 0 W a— a 10 O CZ Ifififia Z`� O C 0 U 00 ZVv �t0 O C yy N L Wm2 A A F m 'A D _IM i ai'q 6 iV fm ism Aso - 6.0 c' �. .\ ° z 5� ¢ e pyay ➢ i S i�R g y Y a S 3 4 g _ 3 ¢ x * $e A 3 L3 y,yg k� a P ,. 3 eg S $e 53 o Di3=a °3xo 1eo3V" m - -;So- n3O- �i� $- 73 - � � 30- •S; o o o EROSION CONTROL NOTES & DETAILS for of r o e Barnhill Contracting - Winton Asphalt Plant " Hertford County, North Carolina S; ••I pSuS . rppu-0 99 3g �f2 SFi�^e��,yRey nF, !l0 33 li gas 8�8$�SgCgF g11�9� 0 n � °n •p4zF8 B i5¢gyyy� -a 69i 3B�%'39 ¢ as sYsg�: Emi 9 M; R� � a �FfgqgE➢: :aiH e :¢ @ Q E k E E E }t I it To+ ^j43 `�m � n r �m L71I aF 1n o�§ 9e d Eo :$ H !:N HU Siam Pam$ "fey y3� "se`%.e�ey; v:$ Fya j3 �i e'$YY ^gA n �g8v PY 9 Y� ➢gL" as$ @ 80i � I I ' 3= �1 g➢ =9 iR $ S 3g 6 a A z 1 3 L � Sg@� "3•€.R � � 33s3 �a� qnYy 21 Z E} [q� yy a aeQ3 yyff 3 PA E•i]4 q - 93 � G•R ggF P�g �•,R �'^ 5 57e y 3 a S¢�• s 3 9 p 33gY F� 'R 2 U�¢3Q� S5 a8 �y •� g 5 �Rq �g�g �a q �^E� 4RS ¢ Lay @v 2�v's R y s ¢ze 9 ag @R'L8 5@ y 9e �6 6 4 pppg S L9 iq j 9 Ll- 3 _ Nerto AS xorto ..�..e, ya 4� P � REVISIONS � 3 3 ui LJ11 RE:CYE vOl qC. lL 1 �w uMalM. 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Ha KiI �;tF Il V 4 =v OFFICE USE ONLY Date Received Fee Paid Permit Number DWQ-WARD State of North Carolina 5WACiG a/a6/4 7 Department of Environment and Natural Resources /k. / ' �Ib 7 Division of Water Quality STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM This form may be photocopied for use as an original I. GENERAL INFORMATION name (specify the name of the corporation, individual, etc. who 2. Print Owner/Signing Official's name and title (person the and compliance): 3. Mailing AAddr`ess for person listed in item 2 above: F. / / City: tt'TT-Or-s tate: — Zip: Zr798% Telephone Number: Z SZ 3 — S 6 4. Project Name (subdivi/pe , facility r ab is erg name - should be consistent with project name on plans, specifications, letters,ation4 t mai nce agreements, etc.): 5. Location of County:_ f I�TFp 6. Directions to project (froenearest major intersection): 0.5- -MILES WaST orJ /4W,/ /59 Conti Ti+6 or— 1+WY159 47 AWY IS. TkCP LePr ors tali srSMAt fAf-K *VK 5rr6 aa-fuE�,�trr P re�w�, o A it O ! " 7. Latitude: 3 6z3 q / I.J Longitude: r% (7 of project 8. Contact person who can answer questions about the project: Name:-4SO-JA• Mi-z-eu.E Telephone Number: (ZSZ ) 33�-57'ZI II. PERMIT INFORMATION: 1. Specify whether project is (check one): _%-New Renewal Modification Form SWU-101 Version 3.99 Page I of 1 2. If this application is being submitted as the result of a renewal or modification to an existing permit, list the existing permit number and its issue date (if known) 3. Specify the type of project (check one): Low Density High Density _Redevelop _General Permit _Other 4. Additional Project Requirements (check applicable blanks): CAMA Major Sedimentation/Erosion Control 404/40I Permit _NPDES Stormwater Information on required state permits can be obtained by contacting the Customer Service Center at 1-877-623-6748. III. PROJECT INFORMATION 1. In the space provided below, summarize how stormwater will be treated. Also attach a detailed narrative (one to two pages) describing stormwater management for the project. TdRM MTae tQuraor$ Wtu.. g TFae�j pK&W $oxkK4cr Ar4h PaL AX, To P,51!JME7e2 GuRB�CrtJ772 �/ To Ae -*W c61JVeYeC /3y F WA49s lb 4BV64- se?aAbaeS Tfis6T Wtt.t, O VERiT.tw7 /�.T/p R'O lQP7El r7'7on1 SAs�s. vLt¢E 7,4T/✓,�-F/LTEQ.S ALE Mkj ibah FaR-5%Y?A SaT. 2. Stormwater runoff from this project drains to the River basin. 3. Total Project Area: 8.0) acres 4. Project Built Upon Area: % r • 77s % 5. How many drainage areas does the project have? 2 498 T 8 • °/" 6 a 6. Complete the following information for each drainage area. If there are more than two drainage areas in the project, attach an additional sheet with the information for each area provided in the same format as below. Basin Information Drainage Area I Drainage Area 2 Receiving Stream Name /Iill C y( ZS-r/-8-t� I1/iILL &A^" Receiving Stream Class G Sw e— , JJ St„/ Drainage Area {. 6N AC- 3.37 AC - Existing Impervious* Area O .6F / dOD Sl= Proposed Impervious*Area SF 4 3 F % Impervious* Area (total) 6r.35% 6 3. zv% Impervious* Surface Area Drainage Area 1 Drainage Area 2 On -site Buildings SF /8 L00 F On -site Streets On -site Parking /�% 83j SF 7q 1133 5P On -site Sidewalks Other on -site Off -site Total: /23 c�8 Total: qZ Cf33 G Impervious area is defined as the built upon area including, but not limited to, buildings, roads, parking areas, sidewalks, gravel areas, etc. Form SWU-101 Version 3.99 Page 2 of 4 4.?S ae- ;: '" c. . _ _ , _ �' ,. - .__ - �- n, _ .. 'I DUI � .. i� � i. 1. L' r �! • ° � _ 4. �' •� S: .' .. c f. _ i F ,,, • '� lJ v, J �ti _ ` V 1`� ` r• � '� �` .51 ^t '� y ��. ._'. - .'' �1 .. ': i:� � '1 _. - � )V t� 4, _ _ f } '- �. _ � ,. _ .. __ ',' .. _ `' `" � - .. i• - _ :, ' �� � - � _ - -.. �' .. _ .. _ _ .. - - -% r. - .. 7. How was the off -site impervious area listed above derived? IV. DEED RESTRICTIONS AND PROTECTIVE COVENANTS The following italicized deed restrictions and protective covenants are required to be recorded for all subdivisions, outparcels and future development prior to the sale of any lot. If lot sizes vary significantly, a table listing each lot number, size and the allowable built -upon area for each lot must be provided as an attachment. 1. The following covenants are intended to ensure ongoing compliance with state stormwater management permit number as issued by the Division of Water Quality. These covenants may not be changed or deleted without the consent of the State. 2. No more than square feet of any lot shall be covered by structures or impervious materials. Impervious materials include asphalt, gravel, concrete, brick, stone, slate or similar material but do not include wood decking or the water surface of swimming pools. 3. Swales shall not be filled In, piped, or altered except as necessary to provide driveway crossings. 4. Built -upon area in excess of the permitted amount requires a state stormwater management permit modification prior to construction. 5. All permitted runoff from outparcels or future development shall be directed into the permitted stormwater control system. These connections to the stormwater control system shall be performed in a manner that maintains the integrity and performance of the system as permitted. By your signature below, you certify that the recorded deed restrictions and protective covenants for this project shall include all the applicable items required above, that the covenants will be binding on all parties and persons claiming under them, that they will run with the land, that the required covenants cannot be changed or deleted without concurrence from the State, and that they will be recorded prior to the sale of any lot. V. SUPPLEMENT FORMS The applicable state stormwater management permit supplement forms) listed below must be submitted for each BMP specified for this project. Contact the Stormwater and General Permits Unit at (919) 733-5083 for the status and availability of these forms. Form SWU-102 Wet Detention Basin Supplement Form SWU-103 Infiltration Basin Supplement Form SWU-104 Low Density Supplement Form SWU-105 Curb Outlet System Supplement Form SWU-106 Off -Site System Supplement Form SWU-107 Underground Infiltration Trench Supplement Form SWU-108 Neuse River Basin Supplement Form SWU-109 Innovative Best Management Practice Supplement Form SWU-101 Version 3.99 Page 3 of 4 . I • VI. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Only complete application packages will be accepted and reviewed by the Division of Water Quality (DWQ). A complete package includes all of the items listed below. The complete application package should be submitted to the appropriate DWQ Regional Office. 1. Please indicate that you have provided the following required information by initialing in the space provided next to each item. Initials • Original and one copy of the Stormwater Management Permit Application Form • One copy of the applicable Supplement Form(s) for each BMP • Permit application processing fee of $420 (payable to NCDENR) �AM • Detailed narrative description of stormwater treatment/management _%A-NL • Two copies of plans and specifications, including: _AAM - Development/Project name - Engineer and firm -Legend - North arrow - Scale - Revision number & date - Mean high water line - Dimensioned property/project boundary - Location map with named streets or NCSR numbers - Original contours, proposed contours, spot elevations, finished floor elevations - Details of roads, drainage features, collection systems, and stormwater control measures - Wetlands delineated, or a note on plans that none exist - Existing drainage (including off -site), drainage easements, pipe sizes, runoff calculations - Drainage areas delineated - Vegetated buffers (where required) VII. AGENT AUTHORIZATION If you wish to designate authority to another individual or firm so that they may provide information on your behalf, please complete this section. ` �i Designated agent (individual or firm): AL Fa fln oc >E i�SScr_,Am! S L t . Mailing Address: '7 L f}tEiG '5rr4&_L_T city: CU GrZy State: NL Zip: Z9909 Phone: ( ZSZ ) ?u3B — 5r77/ Vill. APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION Fax: ( Z.=_ ) 338-5%/L3 1, (print or type name of person listed in General Information, item 2) I i M certify that the information included on this permit application form is, to the best of my knowledge, correct and that the project will be constructed in conformance with the approved plans, that the required deed restrictions and protecti venants will be rded, and that the proposed project complies with the requirements of 15A NCAC 21­1.10 / 1 Dater) — (),7 Form SWU-101 Version 3.99 Page 4 of 4 ..,. '4i �� � n .,. .. �. rare. •r ��. ..'�;• ,. �. i . :� , i .. � � � .. � _ ._ f '. ,i .'t'. .. ,' � ' i r .. rl . ' 1. 1 Ibemarle FEB 26 2007 & ASSOCIATES, LTD. DWQ-WARD Commercial Ready Mix Stormwater Narrative Existing Conditions: The proposed Commercial Ready Mix site is located on an 8 acres parcel located on lot 1 of the Hertford Industrial Complex in Winton. The parcel is located on Industrial Park Drive and has an existing ditch located along the north, south and west perimeter of the site. The Soil Survey for Hertford County has mapped the soils to consist primarily of Treeloam and soil borings have found large amounts of clay. Elevations on the project range from 42 to 46 feet above sea level. The existing ditched convey the runoff from the site and ultimately to Mill Branch. Proposed Development: Commercial Ready Mix intends to develop the site to serve as a maintenance facility for their associated commercial operations. Plans consist primarily of a large paved area for parking and storage of vehicles as well as two large structures. The land is being developed to convey runoff via sheet flow to two proposed bioretention areas. Permitting Compliance: The site is being developed per the High Density Stormwater Management Option for the Coastal Counties. Stormwater management for the entire development will be designed and permitted in accordance with the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Stormwater Management Rules. The bioretention areas have been designed to manage runoff produced by one -inch of rainfall. The existing clay soil will be excavated to a depth of 24" and replaced with a loamy sand mixture. Underdrain is provided along portions of the basins edge due toi relatively high inverts within the existing ditch. This runoff is directed to the basins via flumes within the curbed parking area. At this point, riprap has been provided to dissipate energy and distribute the runoff to the basins by level spreaders where possible. Excess runoff is routed through a vegetative filter prior to discharge into the existing perimeter ditches. The submitted information includes the NCDENR Stormwater Management Application, Bioretention Basin Supplement, built upon area calculations, stormwater management drawings, and application fee. Engineering — Surveying — Land Planning P.O. Box 3989, 115 W. Saint Clair St., Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948 Telephone: 252-441-2113 Fax: 252-441-0965 Commercial Ready Mix - Hertford Industrial Park Stormwater Drainage Area #1 Drainage Area 202,099 sf = 4.64 ac SURFACE AREA INFORMATION SurfaceW 219M, -1-� xu" � C Value` r','*nArca C•A14 ) Parking / Drive Aisles -Asphalt ` �3 Q67� 0.95 119,835 113,843 Budding /' r 0.95 4,152 3,944 Grass 0.15 47,180 11,795 Total Impervious Area 171,167 129,583 Stoim`aviiter:Mane emenl'Areas`�,�x, yti�("y�a,�.s,*� n,C+Value 3„'�•+'Area n�C,•AV"+`? Stormwater Basin Management Area 1.00 16,900 16,900 Total Stormwater Management Areal 16,900 16,900 Total Contributing Area 188,067 146,483 (note: surface area of existing ditch to remain is excluded from contributing area calculations) Composite C Contributing Area Infiltration Basin Characteristics Basin Storage Stormwater Basin Total Swale Storage Swale Total Infiltration -- Infiltration Basin Swales Basin Total Void Main Stormwater Management Intensity (in./hr) Runoff (cfs) 2-Hour Runoff' Volume (cf) Pond Storage Volume (cf) Pond/Swale Infiltration Volume (cf) Void Volume Under Pond (co Total Stormwater Managed (cf) Percent Retained 0.78 4.32 ac Side Sio a De th ft Volume(cf) 6:1 1 14,704 14,704 Side Slopel Depth ft Volume c 0 0 Jew gZ .s s p1",ri83 x . 8 =- �0 a0- c-r- Surface Areas Infiltration Rate in./hr Infiltration Volume c 171,167 0.50 14,264 0 0.50 0 171,167 1 14,264 Surface Arta s % Voids Depth (III Void Volume c 0 0 1" 1.5" 4.3" 5.0" 0.5 0.75 2.15 2.50 1.68 2.52 7.23 8.41 12,106 18,159 52,056 60,530 14,704 14,704 14,704 14,704 14,264 14,264 14,264 14,264 0 0 0 0 28,%8 28,%8 28,968 28,968 239% 160% 56% 4s% • - Stormwater falling upon the drainfield and perimeter areas with greater than two feet separation excluded from calculations due to the porosity of existing conditions. •• - based on two how infiltration rate. -� ; '. �..,. �� ;a __., .. . •i •r '; -� �; lbemarle & ASSOCIATES, LTD. February 7, 2007 North Carolina Division of Water Quality Washington Regional Office 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 ATTN: Bill Moore RE: Commercial Ready Mix Products, Inc. —Winton, NC Dear Mr. Moore: Find enclosed the Stormwater Permit submittal for the above -referenced project as requested by your office on January 11, 2007. Enclosed you will find the (2) copies of the Stormwater Plan, Application, Fee, Bioretention Supplement, Calculations and Narrative. We have had some preliminary discussion with Mr. Scott Vinson as to certain aspects of the Bioretention Design and hope that with that dialogue, we have been able to provide the necessary items that the Washington Regional Office will need for its review of this package. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mr. Mike Morway, PE or myself. Sincerely, Jason A. Mizelle Project Manager cc: EC1043A Engineering — Surveying -- Land Planning 117C N. Water Street, Elizabeth City, NC 27909 Telephone: 252-338-5771 Fax: 252-338-5719 SOILS REPORT for CRIMP— Winton, NC FEB 2 5 2007 DWQ-WARD The site is nearly level, which is typical of the Coastal Plain region of North Carolina, with an elevation change of ranging from 41.00 MST., to approximately 45.00 MSL. The entire site was prior timberland (prior to 1998). Current site condition is cleared with roughly 12" of Fill Sand. The Soil Survey for Hertford County has mapped the soils to consist mainly of Lf (Tree Loam). Albemarle & Associates performed soil borings on November 15, 2006 of the north and south portions of the property where the proposed basins are to be located. Borings were taken utilizing a hand auger down to a depth of 60 inches. The borings taken showed characteristics typically found with Clay -Loam soils. The site consists of "fill' sand to a depth of 12 inches. The section of soil from 12 inches down to 24 inches contains tan clay -loam. The soils in this section were moist, but friable. From 24 inches to 48 inches, the soils are sticky, tan clay -loam with some grey loam mix. The soils found between 48 inches and 60 inches was found to be grey, very sticky loam -clay with some tan mix. Permeability in the surface soil is considered to be moderate while the subsurface soils have a slow to no permeability rate. Prepared by Albemarle &: Associates, Ltd 2/22t2007 EC1043A CRMP, Inc. Lot 1, Hertford Industrial Park Winton, NC Stormwater Pond Soil Borings soil Borin depth -2 -3 -4 B-5 -6 0" to 12" Fill Sand Fill Sand 12" to 24" Tan Clay, Tan Clay, Friable Friable Tan Clay, Tan Clay, 24" to 36" Slightly Sticky, Slightly Sticky, Some Grey Some Grey Tan & Grey Tan & Grey 36" to 48" Clay, Sticky yet Clay, Sticky yet Friable Friable Grey Clay Loam Grey Clay Loam 48" to 60" w/some Tan, w/some Tan, Very Sticky Very Sticky Depth to Water Beyond 60" Beyond 60" Table Borings performed by Jason A. Mizelle 11/15/06 Albemarle Associates, Ltd. 117C N. Water Street, Elizabeth City, NC 27909 Phone: (252) 338-5771 Fax: (252) 338-5719 Co N (j) WP7 c1 O —' 4 _ � ' _ _� 1 l� 'T r cn Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources February 12, 2007 Commercial Ready Mix Products, Inc. Attn: Tim Newsome PO Box 189 Winton, NC 27986 SUBJECT: Stormwater Application for Lot 1, Hertford County Industrial Park Dear Mr. Newsome: Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality This office received a stormwater permit application for the subject project on February 9, 2007. A preliminary review of your project indicates that the application package is incomplete. The following items are needed to make the package complete: $420 check signature by owner on page 4 of application 2 sets of plans _ narrative supplement (wet detention, infiltration basin, low density, curb outlet system, off -site system, underground infiltration trench) _ signature by owner on supplement form L/soils report We are returning the entire package to you. Once the package is complete you may resubmit. You should also be aware that the Stormwater Rules require that a permit be issued prior to any development activity. Construction without a permit is a violation of 15A NCAC 2h.1000 and North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 and may result in civil penalties of up to $10,000 per day. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (252) 948-3844. Ane,,rely, Al Hodge, Reglona Supervisor Surface Water Protection Washington Regional Office cc: Albemarle & Associates, Ltd. WaRO North Carolina Division of Water Quality Internet: www.ncwatergualitv.org One 943 Washington Square Mall Phone (252) 946-6481 NorthCarofina Washington, NC 27889 Fax (252) 946-9215 Naturally KL{ atura ly An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer —50%Recycled110% Post Consumer Paper lbemarle & ASSOCIATES, LTD. FEB 2 6 Z007 February 22, 2007 North Carolina Division of Water Quality Washington Regional Office 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 ATTN: Al Hodge RE: Commercial Ready Mix Products, Inc. — Winton, NC Dear Mr. Hodge: ".W Find enclosed the Stormwater Permit submittal for the above -referenced project as resubmitted to your office on February 9, 2007. Per your request for additional information, find enclosed said package with the addition of the Soils Report and Soil Boring Log. Should you or your staff have any further questions or require any other information, please contact Mr. Mike Morway, PE or myself. Sincerely, Jason A. Mizelle Project Manager cc: EC1043A Engineering -- Surveying -- Land Planning 117C N. Water Street, Elizabeth City, NC 27909 Telephone: 252-338-5771 Fax: 252-338-5719 WATf9 � — Commercial Ready Mix Products, Inc. Attn: Tim Newsome PO Box 189 Winton, NC 27986 Dear Mr. Newsome: Michael F. Easley, Govemdr, t o William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources February 12, 2007 SUBJECT: Stormwater Application for Lot 1, Hertford County Industrial Park Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality This office received a stormwater permit application for the subject project on February 9, 2007. A preliminary review of your project indicates that the application package is incomplete. The following items are needed to make the package complete: _ $420 check . _ signature by owner on page 4 of application 2 sets of plans _ narrative _ supplement (wet detention, infiltration basin, low density, curb outlet system, off -site system, underground infiltration trench) signature by owner on supplement form /soils report We are returning the entire package to you. Once the package is complete you may resubmit. You should also be aware that the Stormwater Rules require that a permit be issued prior to any development activity. Construction without a permit is a violation of 15A NCAC 2h.1000 and North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 and may result in civil penalties of up to $10.000 per day. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (252) 948-3844. AnereIy, Al Hodge, ReeggionafSupervisor Surface Water Protection Washington Regional Office cc: Albemarle & Associates, Ltd. ✓WaRO North Carolina Division of Water Quality Internet: www.ncwateroualitv.ore One 943 Washington Square Mall Phone (252) 946-6481 NorthCaT011na ,Washing on, NC 27889 Fax (252) 946-9215 Naturally An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer— 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper ;/ wed Michael F. Easley, Governor O��`r William G. Ross Jr., secretary 0 North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources O Y Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality January 11, 2007 Commercial Ready Mix Products, Inc. Attn: Mr. Tim Newsome PO Boxl89 St2 o,.170-76ZL9 Winton, NC 27986 Subject: Request for Stormwater Application Stormwater Review SW7061019 Commercial Ready Mix Products Lot 1 Hertford County Industrial Park Hertford County Dear Mr. Newsome: This office received a copy of your sedimentation/erosion control plan for the subject project on October 18, 2006. North Carolina Administrative Code 15 NCAC 2H.1000 requires that any project that must receive either a Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan approval and/or a CAMA Major permit apply for and receive a Stormwater Management Permit by the Division of Water Quality. To obtain a Stormwater Permit you must submit a completed application, application fee_ of $420.00, two sets of plans and specifications showing the proposed project and all stormwater treatment units along with engineering calculations and a narrative description. This application package should be received by this office prior to February 12, 2007. If an application package is not received by this date we will consider the project incomplete. We also have an Express Permitting program. If you are interested in this program you may contact Ms. Lyn Hardison, One Stop Permit Coordinator, at 252-948-3842. Any development of the site prior to receipt of the required permit will constitute a violation of 15A NCAC 2H.1000 and North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 and may result in appropriate enforcement action including civil penalty assessment of up to $10,000 per day. If you have questions, please feel free to contact me at (252) 948-3919. Sincerely, !� r William J. Moore, Environmental Engineer Washington Regional Office cc: Albemarle Associates Hertford County Planning/Inspections vvilashington Regional Office N"or Caro Natural North Carolina Division of Water Quality Washington Regional Office Phone (252) 946-6481 FAX (252) 946.9215 Customer Service Internet: h2oanr.state.nc.us 943 Washington square Mall, Washington, NC 27889 1-877-623-6748 • T_>,, l:�*60q FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY /OWNERSHIP FORM SEDIMENTATION POLLUTION CONTROL ACT pd'jevr6re AwQ io%a/oa No person may initiate a land -disturbing activity on one or more acres as covered by the Act before this form and an acceptable erosion and sedimentation control plan have been completed and approved'tiy itiei and Quality, Section, NC Department of Environment, and Natural Resources. (Please type or print and, if question is uof� applicable, place N/ A in the blank). dwf, R 1 / I/B % a / C C, 1 s 2006 Part A. ®\p!K s. y1/ fi f�i� I • Project Name Lot 1, Hertford County Industrial Park v v U V 11A Y 2. Location of land -disturbing activity: County Hertford City or Township Winton and Highway/Street Industrial Park Drive 3, Approximate date land -disturbing activity will be commenced: Previously Disturbed 4. Purpose of development (residential, commercial, industrial, etc.): Commercial 5, Total acreage disturbed or uncovered (including off -site borrow and waste areas): 8.0 acres 6. Amount of fee enclosed $ 400.00 (0 50p 7. Has an erosion and sedimentation control plan been filed? Yes No X Enclosed Yes y07 1 8, Person to contact should sediment control issues arise during land -disturbing activity. S4J706� Name Tim Newsome Telephone 9. Landowner(s) of Record (Use blank page to list additional owners): _Commercial Ready Mix Products, Inc. Name(s) P.O. Box 189 Current Mailing Address Winton NC 27986 City State Zip 10. Recorded in Deed Book No. 597 Part B. Current Street Address City State Zip Page No. 269 Person(s) or firm(s) who are financially responsible for this land -disturbing activity, (Use a blank page to list additional persons or firms): Commercial Ready Mix Products, Inc. Name of Person(s) or Firm(s) P.O. Box 189 Current Mailing Address Winton NC 27986 City State Zip Current Street Address—, ; City State fp --- Telephone 252-358-5461 Telephone elol 80 villa %.. 'r . , 1U/1L/LOG0 1J:1G L'JLOJO4 JIL 1i1•u uo. I --- — UC1-11-2006 06:04P.FROM: R-BEMRZE & RSSl1CItaT 2523i8`719 T0:12523584912 P.3 2• (a) If the Financially Responsible Party is not a resident of North Carolina give name and street address of a North Carolina Agent Name Mailing Address Telephone Street Address City state Zip . (b) If the Financially Responsible Party is a Parmemb ip or other person engaging is business under an assured name, aitaeb a copy of the cortifieato ofaesumed name. if the Financially Responsible Party is a Cmporntion give name and street address of the Registered Agent. Name of Registered Agent Mailing Address City state Zip Telephone Street Address Cdy state Zip Telephone The above information is true and correct to the best of my hnowledge and belief and was provided by me ender oath. (This farm must be signed by the finmrciafty rosponsibte person if an individual or his a tomey- m-fact or if not an individual by an officer, diMLW, partner. or tegista ed agent whh authority to aware insmrmeots for the flnancially responsible person). I agree to provide comcted information should there be any change in the intbramtion provided herein, e me print ne Signature EMIdenj Title or Authority r7 / 2 b Date I' LoBrR '� 7 roY- a Nomny Public of the Comity of —L b State Of North Carmlhra, hereby certify thatt '17 �.gr,i�,,�� appeared personally before me this day aid being duly sworn acknowledged that the above form was executed by him. - Witness my bend and notarial seat. this / L day Of 20 o f. ate, ` My Commission expires - �-a •fin. State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resourc,s�f ; Washington Regional Office A Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary DIVISION OF LAND RESOURCES LAND QUALITY SECTION November 9, 2006 LETTER OF APPROVAL WITH MODIFICATION Commercial Ready Mix Products, Inc. ATTN: Mr. Tim Newsome, President Post Office Box 189 Winton, North Carolina 27986 RE: Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan No.: Hertf-2007-003 CRMP, Inc. — Lot 1 Hertford County Industrial Park — Hertford County Drainage Basin: Chowan Date Received: October 14, 2006 Responsible Party: Commercial Ready Mix Products, Inc. Dear Sir: This office has completed its review of the erosion and sedimentation control plan for the referenced 8.0-acre disturbance. Based on the information provided, we have determined the submitted plan for grading associated with the construction of an 18,000 SF commercial building with parking, and utility infrastructure, if properly implemented and responsibly maintained, should meet the intent and minimum requirements of the Act. We, therefore, issue this LETTER OF APPROVAL WITH MODIFICATION: Please recognize that this approval is only for those land -disturbing activities shown on the plan received by this office on October 14, 2006. Any additional land disturbing activities will require that a revised plan be submitted to and approved by this office prior to any new work beginning. In 1973, the Sedimentation Pollution Control Act (copy available upon request) was enacted. It established a performance oriented program with the objective of PREVENTING sediment damage to adjoining properties and/or natural resources resulting from land disturbing activities through the use of reasonable and appropriate Best Land Management Practices, based on the approved plan and changing site conditions, during the course of the project. AS THE DECLARED RESPONSIBLE PARTY YOUR RESPONSIBILITY is to understand the Act and comply with the following minimum requirements of the Act and the above listed modifications (if any): an erosion and sedimentation control plan is only valid for 3 years following the date of initial approval, if no land -disturbing activity has been undertaken; a copy ofthe LATEST APPROVED soil erosion and control plan must be on file at the job site; 943 Washington Square Mall, Washington, North Carolina 27889 Telephone 252-946-6481, FAX 252- 9753716 An Equal Opportunity Employer 50%recycled/10%post-consumer paper Commercial Ready Mix Products, Inc ATTN: Mr. Tim Newsome, President November 9, 2006 Page 2 erosion and sediment control measures or devices are to be installed to safely withstand the runoff resulting from a 10 year storm event — 6.5 — 7 inches in 24 hours or at the rate of 6.5 —7 inches in 1 hour; a buffer zone, sufficient to restrain visible sedimentation, must be provided and maintained between the land -disturbing activity and any adjacent property or watercourse; new or affected slopes must be at an angle that can be retained by vegetative cover; barren slopes must be provided with a ground cover sufficient to restrain erosion within 21 calendar days of completion of any phase (rough or final) of grading.. (RYE GRASS IS NOT in the approved seeding specifications nor is it an ACCEPTABLE substitute for the providing of a ground cover); unless a temporary, manufactured, lining material has been specified, a clean straw mulch must be applied, at the minimum rate of2 tons/acre, to all seeded areas. The mulch must cover at least 75% of the seeded area after it is either tacked, with an acceptable tacking material, or crimped in place; in order to meet the intent of the Act, the scheduling of the land -disturbing activities is to be such that both the area of exposure and the time between the land disturbance and the providing of a ground is minimized; a permanent ground cover, sufficient to restrain erosion, must be provided within the shorter of 15 working or 90 calendar days after completion of construction or development; and, except in the case of an emergency,,a revised erosion and sedimentation control plan must be submitted to and approved by this office prior to initiating any significant changes in the construction, grading or drainage plans; this approval is based, in part, on the accuracy ofthe information provided in the Financial Responsibility/Ownership form submitted with the project plans. You are required to file an amended form tf there is any change in the information included on the form. This approval and the financial responsibility/liability cited in it does not automatically transfer with a change in project ownership. approved plan and the program requirements. If the implemented plan is determined to be inadequate, this office may require that it be revised to comply with state law. Failure to comply with any part of the approved plan or with any requirements of this program could result in the taking of appropriate legal action against the financially responsible party (Commercial Ready Mix Products, Inc). One option is the assessing of a civil penalty of up to $5000 for the initial violation plus up to $5000 per day for each day the site is out of compliance. Commercial Ready Mix Products, Inc. AT IN: Mr. Tim Newsome, President November 9, 2006 Page 3 In recognizing the desirability of early coordination of sedimentation control, we believe it would be beneficial for you and your contractor to arrange a preconstruction conference to discuss the requirements of the approved erosion and sedimentation control plan. Prior to beginning this project, you are required to either contact this office to advise Gary Novak (252-946-6481, ext. 3860) of the construction start-up date, contractor and an on -site contact person OR, please, complete and return the attached Project Information sheet to the above named. The land -disturbing activity described in this plan may require approval or permitting from other Federal, State or local agencies. These could include the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers under Article 404 jurisdiction, the Division of Water Quality - Surface Water Section under stormwater regulations, county, city or town agencies under other local ordinances, or other approvals that may be required. This approval does not supersede any other approval or permit. Please be advised that all land disturbing activities affecting at least one acre will be required to have a (federal) NPDES permit. Enclosed is the Construction Activities General Permit - NCGO10000 that for this project. The responsibility for understanding and complying with this permit rests with you. Be aware that failure to comply with this permit could result in both the State and Federal governments taking appropriate legal action. Contact the Division of Water Quality - Surface Water Section at (252) 946-6481 should you have any questions regarding monitoring and record keeping requirements of the permit. Sincerely, V¢ J iceed, CPESC Assistant Regional Engineer rp: Enclosure w/o enc. cc: Jason A. Mizelle, Albemarle & Associates, LTD.