HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW6121107_HISTORICAL FILE_20121130STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. swz�AR DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS HISTORICAL FILE COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE lz2U YYYYM M D D 310 Simmons Road, Suite K Knoxville, TN 37922 Phone:865-671-2281 Fax:865-671-2283 Email: cbrown@ldstn.com Transmittal To: Mike Lawyer— Fayetteville Regional Office Address: 225 Green Street Fayetteville, NC 28301 From: Chad Brown Date: Nov. 29, 2012 Re: NC-PEM-4005 Mr. Lawyer ®C8dR— RO NOY 3 0 2012 1'@ The referenced project is located in Robeson County, North Carolina. The site is part of the Carolina Commerce & Technology Center Industrial Park on Comtech Drive. The project consists of a new building along with associated access drives, loading dock and parking. Please find enclosed the following: Stormwater Management Permit Application Form A check for the review fee ($505) 2 copies of the engineered drawings 1 copy of the Drainage Report Supplement Forms for each BMP • O&M Agreements for each BMP • Supporting Calculations 1 copy of the Soils Report If you need any further information or have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Tha4Bron, ChaE SINCE FROEHLING & R❑BERTSON, INC. Engineering Stability Since 1881 Re 327 East Jenkins Street Fayetteville, North Carolina 283061 USA 1 8 8 1 T 910.323,9832 1 F 910.232.5455 April 5, 2012 ®ENR-FV, Mr. Tom Wortham Senior Vice President of Architecture & Business Development NOV 3 0 2, The Hollingsworth Companies Two Centre Plaza ®��pp��NVO Clinton, TN 37716 Subject: Proposal for Geotechnical Study NC-PEM-4005 — Robeson County NC Southern Advantage Robeson County, North Carolina F&R PROPOSAL NO. 1364-01OG Mr. Wortham, Pursuant to your email dated April 4, 2012, Froehling and Robertson, Inc. (F&R) is pleased to submit this proposal to perform a geotechnical study for the subject project in Robeson County, North Carolina. This proposal presents our understanding of the project, our proposed scope of services and costs to perform these services. 1.0 PROJECT INFORMATION Our understanding of this project is based on information provided by Mr. Tom Wortham of The Hollingsworth Companies and our experiences with similar projects. Included in the provided information were drawings that portrayed the site and location of the building. The project site is located approximately 3 miles southeast of Pembroke, NC on the east side of Deep Branch Road and south of Comtech Drive. The site is 17.69 acres in area. According to Google Earth image taken in December 2011, the site at that time was cleared of heavy vegetation and was used as farmland. The provided drawing indicates that the proposed project will consist of an approximate 360 feet by 300 feet building with parking and driveways to the west and north of the planned building. No structural information has been provided at this time; however, we have assumed that the building will be a single -story warehouse type building with maximum column loads and continuous wall loadings on the order of 100 kips and 4 kips per linear foot, respectively. Based on elevation data obtained from Google Earth, existing site grades appear to be relatively level; thus we have assumed that mass grading will be minor cuts and fills to develop the site grades. Corporate HQ: 3015 Dumbarton Road Richmond, Virginia 23228 T 804.264.2701 F 804.264.1202 www.fandrxom VIRGINIA • NORTH CAROLINA • SOUTH CAROLINA • MARYLAND • DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA A Minority -Owned Business Mo Should any of this information be incorrect or if additional information becomes available, please contact us so we may review the proposed scope of services and make any appropriate changes. 2.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES The purposes of our involvement on the project would be as follows: 1) provide general descriptions of the subsurface soil conditions encountered at the locations explored, 2) provide foundation design recommendations, and 3) comment on other geotechnical aspects of the proposed development. In order to accomplish the above objectives, we propose to undertake the following scope of services. 2.1 Field Exploration F&R proposes to evaluate foundation support conditions with a total of 6 sail test borings. Four of the borings will be drilled within the footprint of the building to depths of 25 feet each and the remaining borings will be drilled to depths of 10 feet below the exiting ground surface. Should it be necessary to extend the borings to a greater depth to (1) further evaluate possible deep foundation support, we will notify you of this need at the time of the exploration or (2) should you need the site's seismic classification, we can extend one of the borings in accordance with 2010 NC Building Code. For the purpose of this proposal, 120 linear feet of drilling are considered for our exploration unless it is necessary to extend the borings deeper as stated above. If the prescribed termination depth does not encounter suitable soils, we propose to extend the borings deeper until suitable soils are encountered. Groundwater levels will be taken shortly after drilling is completed and a temporary piezometer may be installed in one of the borings to obtain stabilized groundwater readings, if shallow water table is encountered. At this time, we would not propose to obtain undisturbed samples for consolidation testing or the use of specialized equipment such as dilatometer testing that would be required to perform detailed evaluations of shallow foundation support. Should such testing and analyses be warranted by encountering softer or loose subsurface soils than anticipated, we would notify you of such conditions during the progress of the exploration. Standard Penetration Resistances and split -spoon soil samples will be obtained in the soil test borings at designated intervals in general compliance with ASTM standards. The Standard Penetration Resistances will be evaluated with regard to foundation capacity, soil strength and density, and the split -spoon samples utilized for engineering classification and laboratory testing. Prior to beginning field operations, we will contact the local utility locators (North Carolina One Call) to mark the existing public underground utility lines but private underground lines will not be marked. Please note that NC One Call requires a minimum of 48 to 72 hours' notice to mark The Hollingsworth Companies 2 Robeson County NC Southern Advantage F&R Proposal No. 1364-OIOG April S, 2012 utilities prior to inception of drilling work. F&R cannot be responsible for damage to any existing underground utility lines that are not marked or marked incorrectly during our drilling operations. We anticipate that the site will be readily accessible to our truck or ATV mounted drilling equipment (including proper overhead clearance) and that no dozer clearing or site leveling will be required. By the nature of the work to be performed, our drilling activities may result in disturbances to the site. Reasonable efforts will be made to reduce disturbance; however, remediation of the site to a pre -explored condition is not included. Completed boreholes will be backfilled with auger cuttings (soil), but may open sometime following our work. Grouting or otherwise sealing the upper portion of the boreholes can be performed if requested for a per -hole fee. 2.2 Laboratory Examination and Testing At the completion of the fieldwork, representative soil samples will be transported to our office for visual examination and classified by a member of our professional staff, and samples will be selected for laboratory testing to assist in the classification of the soils. Laboratory testing will include percent fines, Atterberg limits, and water contents. Should additional testing such as consolidation testing be needed to evaluate the compressibility of soft soils, we will obtain your approval before any additional work is performed. 2.3 Engineering Analyses and Report At the completion of the drilling operations, the findings of our field exploration and laboratory testing will be analyzed by our engineering staff to determine the appropriate foundation type to support the building. The results of our exploration and engineering evaluation will be presented to you in our Geotechnical Report. This report will include, but will not be limited to, the following: • Site & Boring Location Plans; • Boring Logs including a chart illustrating the soil classification criteria and terminology and symbols used on the boring logs, profiles of the existing soils; • Laboratory test results; • Discussion of subsurface soil and groundwater conditions encountered; • A general description and evaluation of the site considering the proposed project; • Recommendations for the design and construction of a shallow foundation system for the support of the structure; The Hollingsworth Companies 3 Robeson County NCSouthern Advantage F&R Proposal No. 1364-OIOG April 5, 2012 • Estimated post -construction settlements both total and differential for shallow spread foundation types; • Recommendations for site preparation, compacted fill placement and subgrade preparation. • Recommendations for difficult excavation, groundwater control and dewatering, if required; • Recommendations for the design of flexible and concrete pavement structures based on an assumed California Bearing Ratio (CBR) data to include thickness of asphalt and concrete, and base courses; • Other design considerations we believe may impact the construction phase of the project. Optional Recommendations, if desired Provide seismic site classification based on averaged N-values and/or recommended spectral accelerations with evaluation of seismic hazards i.e. liquefaction potential and mitigations Our scope of services does not include survey services, quantity estimates, preparation of plans or specifications, formal slope stability analyses, detention pond considerations, evaluations of earthquake motions, or the identification and evaluation of wetland or other environmental aspects of the project site. We note that F&R provides a full range of Construction Materials Testing services and is available to discuss these as the project moves into its construction phase. 3.0 FEES We propose a Lump Sum Fee of $3,635.00 for the base scope of services outlined above. Our services will be performed in accordance with the above provided scope and fee(s). Should unforeseen conditions require additional services, these services would not be performed without your authorization. No site leveling or other services not discussed herein are included in the provided Lump Sum fee. If needed, the fees for services beyond our proposed scope would be in accordance with our prevailing unit fee schedule or as negotiated at that time. Requested geotechnical consultation after issuance of the completed subsurface exploration and geotechnical evaluation report, attendance to meetings, or other requested services not included in the provided base scope and fee, will be charged in accordance with our prevailing unit fee schedule. 4.0 SCHEDULING Based on our present workload, F&R should be able to initiate the field exploration within 7 working days after receiving written authorization to proceed and clearing of utilities by others. It is anticipated that the drilling will take 1 to 2 days to complete. Provided that no laboratory The Hollingsworth Companies 4 Robeson County NC Southern Advantage F&R Proposal No. 1354-010G April S, 2012 testing is required beyond the typical classification tests, we should be able to issue a final report within 1 to 2 weeks following completion of the laboratory testing. Additionally, we can provide verbal recommendations for support of the building within 3 to 4 days of completion of the exploration. 4.0 AUTHORIZATION In order to perform the proposed services, we would ask that you please execute and return a copy of the attached Agreement for Engineering Services; your signature of acceptance would formally authorize F&R to perform the work. Any exceptions to our proposal or special requirements not covered in said proposal should be listed on the Agreement. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions regarding this proposal or if you need additional information and/or assistance. We look forward to, once again, working with you on this new project. Sincerely, FROEHLG & N, INC. ROBERTS�JE William F. EdelenJr., Vice President Senior Reviewed by Mike Walko Gilles Bellot,{ L_ J J? Branch Manager Attachments: ASFE Important Information about your Geotechnical Engineering Proposal Agreement for Engineering Services The Hollingsworth Companies 5 Robeson County NCSouthern Advantage F&R Proposal No. 1364-010G April S, 2012 91NCE LOST FOR 1F K GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES Date: April S, 2012 F&R Proposal No.: 1364-01OG Project: Roberson County NC Southern Advantage Location: Robeson County, INC UNIT ESTIMATED ITEM RATE UNITS QUANTITY COST 1.0 Field Exploration 1.1 Mobilization of Drilling Crew and Equipment $ 500.00 LS 1 $ 500.00 1.2 Soil Test Borings -SPT N-values< 50 bpf(< 60 ft. deep) $ 10.00 ft. 100 $ 1,DDO.00 1.3 Soil TestBorings -SPT N-values>50 bpi (<60 ft. deep) $ 17.00 ft. $ - 1.4Soil Test Borings -SPT N-values< 50 bpf(> 60 ft. deep) $ 25.00 ft. $ - 1.5 Temporary Piezometer $ 4.50 ft. $ - 1.6 Bag Samples $ 20.00 ea. 5 - 1.7 3 in. Shelby Tube Sample $ 65.00 ea. $ - 1.8 Difficult Moving, Hand Clearing to Obtain Boring Access $ 125.00 hr, $ - 1.9 Field Survey of Borings LS $ - 1.10 Crew Per Diem $ 250.00 day 1 5 250.00 1.11 Dilatometer Testing $ - LS $ - 1.12 Resistivity Testing LS $ - 1.13 Infiltration Testing & Determination of Seasonal Groundwater Table L5 $ - __Subtot0-$L' .1750Agl� - 2.0 Laboratory Testing 2.1 Water Content ASTM D-2216) $ 10.00 ea. ,5 $ 50.00 2.2 Percent Finer than No. 200 (ASTM 0-1143) $ 65.00 ea. 2 $ 130.00 2.3 Atterberg Limits (ASTM D-4318) $ 75.00 ea. 1 $ 75.00 2.4 Hydrometer (ASTM D-422) $ 125.00 ea. $ - 2.5 CBR (ASTM D-1883) $ 150.00 ea. $ - 2.6 Standard Proctor Compaction Testing (ASTM D-698) $ 125.00 ea. $ - 2.7 Modified Proctor Compaction Testing (ASTM D-1557) $ 150.00 ea. $ - 2.8 pH and Salinity Tests $ 80.00 ea. $ - �sw-r. 3.0 Professional Services 3.1 Staff Engineer $ 80.00 hr. 5 S 400.00 3.2 Professional Engineer $ 100.00 hr. 10 $ 1,000.00 3.3 Senior Engineer $ 130.00 hr. 1 $ 130.00 3.4 Draftsperson $ 75.00 hr. 0 $ - 3.5 Clerical $ 50.00 hr. 1 $ 50.00 3.6 Travel Allowance $ 50.00 LS 1 $ 50.00 Sutitotal� $ ' �.,�;-1 63000 1 TOTAL FOR GEOTECHNICAL i-...__.....__ SERVICES �....�__......J._._ °• 41512012 Page 1 of 1 Cost Estimate.xls Geotechnical Engineering ProposaMl Participate in Development of the Subsurface Exploration Plan Geotechnical engineering begins with the creation of an effective sub- surface exploration plan. This proposal starts the process by presenting an initial plan. While that plan may consider the unique physical attri- butes of the site and the improvements you have in mind it probably does not consider your unique goals, objectives, and risk management preferences. Subsurface exploration plans that are finalized without con- sidering such factors presuppose that clients' needs are unimportant, or that all clients have the same needs. Avoid the problems that can stem from such assumptions by finalizing the plan and other scope elements directly with the geotechnical engineer you feel is best qualified for the project, along with the other project professionals whose plans are affected by the geotechnical engineer's findings and recommendations. If you have been told that this step is unnecessary; that client prefer- ences do not influence the scope of geotechnical engineering service or that someone else can articulate your needs as well as you, you have been told wrong. No one else can discuss your geotechnical options better than an experienced geotechnical engineer, and no one else can provide the input you can. Thus, while you certainly are at liberty to accept a proposed scope "as is," recognize that it could be a unilateral scope developed without direct clienVengineer discussion; that authoriz- ing a unilateral scope will force the geotechnical engineer to accept all assumptions it contains; that assumptions create risk. Manage yourrisk. Get involved. Expect the Unexpected The nature of geolechnical engineering is such that planning needs to anticipate the unexpected. During the design phase of a project, more or deeper borings may be required, additional tests may become neces- sary, or someone associated with your organization may request a ser- vice that was not included in the final scope. During the construction phase, additional services may be needed to respond quickly to unantic- ipated conditions. In the past, geotechnical engineers commonly did whatever was required to oblige their clients' representatives and safe- guard their clients' interests, taking it on faith that their clients wanted them to do so. But some, evidently, did not, and refused to pay for legiti- mate extras on the ground that the engineer proceeded without proper authorization, or failed to submit notice in a timely manner, or failed to provide proper documentation. What are your preferences? Who is per- mitted to authorize additional geotechnical services on your project? What type of documentation do you require? To whom should it be sent? When? How? By addressing these and similar issues sooner rather than later, you and your geotechnical engineer will be prepared for the unexpected, to help prevent molehills from growing into mountains. Have Realistic Expectations; Apply Appropriate Preventives The recommendations included in a geotechnical engineering report are not final, because they are based on opinions that can be verified only during construction. For that reason, most geotechnical engineering proposals offer the construction observation services that permit the geotechnical engineer of record to confirm that subsurface conditions are what they were expected to be, or to modify recommendations when actual conditions were not anticipated. An offer to provide construction observation is an offer to better manage your risk. Clients who do not take advantage of such an offer; clients who retain a second firm to observe construction, can create a high -risk "Catch-22" situation for themselves. The geotechnical engineer of record cannot assume responsibility or liability for a report's recommendations when another firm performs the services needed to evaluate the recommendations' adequacy, The second firm is also likely to disavow liability for the rec- ommendations, because of the substantial and possibly uninsurable risk of assuming responsibility for services it did not perform. Recognize, too, that no firm other than the geotechnical engineer of record can pos- sibly have as intimate an understanding of your project's geotechnical issues. As such, reliance on a second firm to perform construction observation can elevate risk still more, because its personnel may not have the wherewithal to recognize subtle, but sometimes critically impor- tant unanticipated conditions, or to respond to them in a manner consis- tent with your goals, objectives, and risk management preferences. Realize That Geoenvironmental Issues Have Not Been Covered The equipment, techniques, and personnel used to perform a geoenvi- ronmental study differ significantly from those used to perform a geo- technical study. Geoenvironmental services are not being offered in this proposal. The report that results will not relate any geoenvironmental findings, conclusions, or recommendations, Unanticipated environmen- tal problems have led to numerous project failures, If you have not yet obtained your own geoenvironmental information, ask your geotechnical consultant for risk management guidance. Do not rely on an environ- mental report prepared for someone else. Obtain Professional Assistance To Deal with Mold Diverse strategies can be applied during building design, construction, operation, and maintenance to prevent significant amounts of mold from growing on indoor surfaces. To be effective, all such strategies should be devised for the express purpose of mold prevention, integrated into a comprehensive plan, and executed with diligent oversight by a profes- sional mold prevention consultant, Becausejust a small amount of water or moisture can lead to the development of severe mold infestations, a number of mold prevention strategies focus on keeping building sur- faces dry. While groundwater, water infiltration, and similar issues may be addressed as part of the geotechnical engineering study described in this proposal, the geotechnical engineer who would lead this project is not a mold prevention consullanl; none of the services being offered have been designed or proposed for the purpose of mold prevention. Have the Geotechnical Engineer Work with Other Design Professionals and Constructors Other design team members' misinterpretation of a geotechnical engi- neering report has resulted in costly problems. Manage that risk by hav- ing your geotechnical engineer confer with appropriate members of the design team before finalizing the scope of geotechnical service (as sug- gested above), and again, after submitting the report. Also retain your geotechnical engineer to review pertinent elements of the design team members' plans and specifications. Reduce the risk of unanticipated conditions claims that can occur when constructors misinterpret or misunderstand the purposes of a geotechni- cal engineering report. Use appropriate language in your contract docu- ments. Retain your geotechnical engineer to participate in prebid and preconslruction conferences, and to perform construction observation. Read Responsibility Provisions Closely Clients, design professionals, and constructors who do not recognize that geotechnical engineering is far less exact than other engineering disciplines can develop unrealistic expectations. Unrealistic expectations can lead to disappointments, claims, and disputes. To help reduce the risk of such outcomes, geotechnical engineers commonly include a vari- ety of explanatory provisions in their proposals. Sometimes labeled "limitations." many of these provisions indicate where geotechnical engineers' responsibilities begin and end to help others recognize their own responsibilities and risks, thus to encourage more effective scopes of service, Read this proposal's provisions closely. Ask questions. Your geotechnical engineer should respond fully and frankly Rely on Your ASFE-Member Geotechnical Engineer for Additional Assistance Membership in ASFE/The Best People on Earth exposes geotechnical engineers to a wide array of risk management techniques that can be of genuine benefit to everyone Involved with a construction project. Confer with an ASFE member geotechnical engineer for more information. Confirm a firm's membership in ASFE by contacting ASFE directly or at its website. ASFE The Beal People on lerlll 8811 Colesville Road/Suite G 106, Silver Spring, MD 20910 lelephone 301/565-2733 Facsimile:301/589-2017 e-mail: info(,iJA,)asfe.org wrovwasfe.org Copyright 2004 by ASFE Inc. Ouplication, reproduction, or copying of this document, in whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, is strictly prohibited, except with ASFE!; specific written permission. Excerpting, quoting or otherwise extracting wording front this document is permitted only with the express written permission of ASFE, and only for purposes orscholady research or book review Only members of ASFE may use this document as a complement to or as an element of a geotechnical engineering proposal Any other firm, individual, or other entity that so uses this document without being an ASFE member could be com Bung negligent or intentional /fraudulent) misrepresentation. IIGEP06045.0111 S I N C E C�n FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. fIK, ENGINEERING • ENVIRONMENTAL • GEOTECHNICAL 1881 AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT, effective as of this The Hollingsworth Companies and Froehling & Robertson, Inc. THE PROJECT is generally described as: Robeson County NC Southern Adve 5th ("Project") and is located at: Robeson County, North Carolina day of April 2012 , is by and between ("Client") ("Engineer"). ("Project Site"). THIS AGREEMENT consists of the following documents which are incorporated herein by reference: • GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES; and • Engineer's SCOPE OF SERVICES AND SCHEDULE OF CHARGES (Exhibit A); and • Any documents specifically listed below or incorporated by reference in the listed documents. Engineer agrees to perform the Services set forth in this Agreement and in accordance with its terms, including all attachments incorporated herein by reference. This Agreement may not be modified or altered, except in writing as specifically described in this Agreement. CLIENT: Signature: Print Name: Title: Company: Address: Phone No: Fax No: Date: ENGINEER: William F. Edelen, Jr., P.E. Vice President Froehling & Robertson, Inc. 327 East Jenkins Street Fayetteville, NC 28306 910-323-9832 910-323-5455 April 5, 2012 FORM NO. 1030 Page I of 8 Rev. 06/10 GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES I. DEFINITIONS LL Contract Documents. Plans, specifications, and agreements between Client and Contractors, including addenda, amendments, supplementary instructions, and change orders. 1.2. Contractor. The contractor or contractors retained to perform work on the Project for which Engineer is providing Services under this Agreement. 1.3. Day(s). Calendar day(s) unless otherwise stated. 1.4. Hazardous Materials. The term Hazardous Materials means any toxic substances, chemicals, radioactivity, pollutants or other materials, in whatever form or state, known or suspected to impair the environment in any way whatsoever. Hazardous Materials include, but are not limited to, those substances defined, designated or listed in any federal, state or local law, regulation or ordinance concerning hazardous wastes, toxic substances or pollution. 1.5. Services. The Services provided by Engineer as set forth in this Agreement, the SCOPE OF SERVICES and any written amendment to this Agreement. 1.6. Work. The labor, materials, equipment and services required to complete the work described in the Contract Documents. 2. SCOPE OF SERVICES Engineer will perform the Services set forth in the attached SCOPE OF SERVICES. 2.1. Changes in Scope. If Engineer provides Client with a written confirmation of a change in the SCOPE OF SERVICES, it will become an amendment to this Agreement unless Client objects in writing within 5 business days after receipt. All Services performed by Engineer on the Project are subject to the terms and limitations of this Agreement. If Services are performed, but the parties do not reach agreement concerning modifications to the SCOPE OF SERVICES or compensation, then the terms and limitations of this Agreement apply to such Services, except for the payment terms. The parties agree to resolve disputes concerning modifications to scope or compensation pursuant to Section 19, "Disputes." 1.2. Licenses. Engineer will procure and maintain business and professional licenses and registrations necessary to provide its Services. 2.3. Excluded Services. Engineer's Services under this Agreement include only those Services specified in the SCOPE OF SERVICES. 2.3.1. General. Client expressly waives any claim against Engineer resulting from its failure to perform recommended additional services that Client has not authorized Engineer to perform, and any claim that Engineer failed to perform services that Client instructs Engineer not to perform. 2.3.2. Biological Pollutants. Engineer's SCOPE OF SERVICES specifically excludes the investigation, detection, prevention or assessment of the presence of Biological Pollutants. The term "Biological Pollutants" includes, but is not limited to, molds, fungi, spores, bacteria, viruses, and/or any of their byproducts. Engineer's SCOPE OF SERVICES will not include any interpretations, recommendations, findings, or conclusions pertaining to Biological Pollutants. Client agrees that Engi- neer has no liability for any claims alleging a failure to investigate, detect, prevent, assess, or make recommendations for preventing, controlling, or abating Biological Pollutants. Furthermore, Client agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Engineer from all claims by any third party concerning Biological Pollutants, except for damages caused by Engineer's sole negligence. 3. PAYMENTS TO ENGINEER 3.1. Basic Services. Engineer will perform all Services set forth in the attached SCOPE OF SERVICES AND SCHEDULE OF CHARGES for the amount(s) set forth therein. 3.2. Additional Services. Any Services performed under this Agreement, except those Services expressly identified in the attached SCOPE OF SERVICES, will be provided on a time and materials basis unless otherwise specifically agreed to in writing by both parties. 3.3. Estimate of Fees. In the event that the Engineer provides a written estimate of the costs to perform the Services, the Engineer will, to the best of its ability, perform the Services and accomplish the objectives defined in this Agreement within said written cost estimate. Client recognizes that changes in scope and schedule, and unforeseen circumstances can all influence the successful completion of Services within the estimated cost. The use of a "not to exceed" limitation is not a guarantee that the Services will be completed for that amount; rather, it indicates that Engineer shall not incur fees and expenses in excess of the limitation amount without obtaining Client's agreement to do so. Under no circumstances shall a written cost estimate be deemed to be a "not to exceed" price unless it is expressly so stated in this Agreement. 3.4. Rates. Clients will pay Engineer at the rates set forth in the SCHEDULE OF CHARGES. 3.4.1 Changes to Rates. Client and Engineer agree that the SCHEDULE OF CHARGES is subject to periodic review and amendment, as appropriate, to reflect Engineer's then -current fee structure. Engineer will give Client at least 30 days advance notice of any changes. Unless Client objects in writing to the proposed amended fee structure within 30 days of notification, the amended fee structure will be incorporated into this Agreement and will then supersede any prior fee structure. If Client objects to the amended fee structure, and Engineer and Client can not agree upon a new fee structure within 30 FORM NO. 1030 Page 2 of 8 Rev. 06/10 days after notice, Engineer may terminate this Agreement. Such termination shall constitute a termination other than Engineer's material breach of the Agreement and Client shall compensate the Engineer as set forth under Section 18.3, Termination, within 10 days after Engineer's notice of termination. 3.5. Payment Timing; Late Charge. All invoices are due upon receipt. All amounts unpaid 30 days after the invoice date will include a late payment charge from the date of the invoice, at the rate of 1-1/2% per month or the highest rate permitted by law. Attorney's fees and other costs incurred by Engineer in collecting past due amounts shall be paid by Client. 4. STANDARD OF PERFORMANCE; DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES 4.1. Level of Service. Engineer offers different levels of engineering Services to suit the desires and needs of different clients. Although the possibility of error can never be eliminated, more detailed and extensive Services yield more information and reduce the probability of error, but at increased cost. Client must determine the level of Services adequate for its purposes. Client has reviewed the SCOPE OF SERVICES and has determined that it does not need or want a greater level of Services than that being provided. 4.2. Standard of Care. In providing Services under this Agreement, the Engineer will endeavor to perform in a manner consistent with that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the same profession currently practicing in the same locale as the Project and under similar circumstances and at the same time the Services were performed. 4.3. No Warranty. THERE ARE NO EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE NOT SPECIFIED HEREIN, RESPECTING THIS AGREEMENT OR THE EQUIPMENT, DOCUMENTATION, REPORTS, DESIGN PLANS, DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS, OTHER DOCUMENTS AND SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED HEREUNDER OR THE DELIVERY, USE OR PERFORMANCE THEREOF. 5. ESTIMATE OF CONSTRUCTION COSTS Client acknowledges that construction and Project development are subject to many influences that are not subject to precise forecasting and are outside of Engineer's control. Client further acknowledges that actual costs incurred may vary substantially from the estimates prepared by Engineer and that Engineer does not warrant or guaranty the accuracy of construction or development cost estimates. 6. CONSTRUCTION PHASE SERVICES When Engineer's SCOPE OF SERVICES includes observation and/or testing during the course of construction ("Construction Phase Services"), the following clauses will apply: 6.1. Construction Observation. 6.1.1. Site Meetings & Visits. Engineer will participate in job site meetings as requested by Client, and, unless otherwise requested by Client, visit the site at times specified in the SCOPE OF SERVICES or, if not specified in the SCOPE OF SERVICES, at intervals as Engineer deems appropriate to the various stages of construction to observe the geotechnical conditions encountered by Contractor and the progress and quality of the geotechnical and construction materials aspects of the Work. Based on information obtained during such visits and on such observations, Engineer may inform Client of the progress of the geotechnical and construction materials aspects of the Work. Client understands that Engineer may not be on site continuously; and, unless expressly agreed otherwise, Engineer will not observe all of the Work. 6.1.2. Contractor's Performance. Engineer does not, and cannot, warrant or guarantee that all of the Work performed by Contractor meets the requirements of Engineer's geotechnical recommendations or the plans and specifications for the Work; nor can Engineer be responsible for Contractor's failure to perform the Work in accordance with the plans, specifications or the recommendations of Engineer. 6.1.3, Contractor's Responsibilities. Engineer will not supervise, direct or have control over the Work nor will Engineer have authority over the responsibility for the means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction selected by Contractor for the Project; for safety precautions and programs incident to the Work; nor for any failure of Contractor to comply with all applicable laws and regulations applicable to Contractor furnishing and performing its Work. 6.1.4. Final Report. At the conclusion of Construction Phase Services, Engineer will provide Client with a written report summarizing the tests and observations, if any, made by Engineer. 6.2. Review of Contractor's Submittals. If included in the SCOPE OF SERVICES, Engineer will review and take appropriate action on the Contractor's submittals, such as shop drawings, product data, samples, and other required submittals. Engineer will review such submittals solely for general conformance with Engineer's design, and will not include review for the following, all of which will remain the responsibility of the Contractor: accuracy or completeness of details, quantities or dimensions; construction means, methods, sequences or procedures; coordination among trades; or construction safety. 6.3. Tests. Tests performed by Engineer on finished Work or Work in progress are taken intermittently and indicate the general acceptability of the Work on a statistical basis. Engineer's tests and observations of the Work are not a guarantee of the quality of Work and do not relieve other parties from their responsibility to perform their Work in accordance with applicable plans, specifications and requirements. FORM NO. 1030 Page 3of 8 Rev. 06/10 7. CLIENT'S RESPONSIBILITIES In addition to payment for the Services performed under this Agreement, Client agrees to: 7.1. Cooperation. Assist and cooperate with Engineer in any manner necessary and within its ability to facilitate Engineer's performance under this Agreement. 7.2. Representative. Designate a representative with authority to receive all notices and information pertaining to this Agreement, communicate Client's policies and decisions, and assist as necessary in matters pertaining to the Project and this Agreement. Client's representative will be subject to change by written notice. 7.3. Rights of Entry. Provide access to and/or obtain permission for Engineer to enter upon all property, whether or not owned by Client, as required to perform and complete the Services. Engineer will operate with reasonable care to minimize damage to the Project Site(s). However, Client recognizes that Engineer's operations and the use of investigative equipment may unavoidably alter conditions or affect the environment at the existing Project Site(s). The cost of repairing such damage will be borne by Client and is not included in the SCOPE OF SERVICES unless otherwise stated. 7.4. Relevant Information. Supply Engineer with all information and documents in Client's possession or knowl- edge which are relevant to Engineer's Services. Client warrants the accuracy of any information supplied by it to Engineer, and acknowledges that Engineer is entitled to rely upon such information without verifying its accuracy. Prior to the commencement of any Services in connection with a specific property, Client will notify Engineer of any known potential or possible health or safety hazards existing on or near the Project Site, with particular reference to Hazardous Materials or conditions. 7.5. Subsurface Structures. Correctly designate on plans to be furnished to Engineer, the location of all subsurface structures, such as pipes, tanks, cables and utilities within the property lines of the Project Site(s), and be responsible for any damage inadvertently caused by Engineer to any such structure or utility not so designated. Engineer is not liable to Client for any losses, damages or claims arising from damage to subterranean structures or utilities that were not correctly shown on plans furnished by Client to Engineer. 8. CHANGED CONDITIONS If Engineer discovers conditions or circumstances that it had not contemplated at the commencement of this Agreement ("Changed Conditions"), Engineer will notify Client in writing of the Changed Conditions. Client and Engineer agree that they will then renegotiate in good faith the terms and conditions of this Agreement. If Engineer and Client cannot agree upon amended terms and condi- tions within 30 days after notice, Engineer may terminate this Agreement and be compensated as set forth in Section 18.3, "Termination", within 10 days after Engineer's notice of termination. 9. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Client understands that Engineer's Services under this Agreement are limited to geotechnical and construction materials engineering and that Engineer has no responsibility to locate, identify, evaluate, treat or otherwise consider or deal with Hazardous Materials. Client is solely responsible for notifying all appropriate federal, state, municipal or other governmental agencies, including the potentially affected public, of the existence of any Hazardous Materials on or in the Project site, or located during the performance of this Agreement. The existence or discovery of Hazardous Materials constitutes a Changed Condition under this Agreement. 10. CERTIFICATIONS Client agrees not to require that Engineer execute any certification with regard to Services performed or Work tested and/or observed under this Agreement unless: 1) Engineer believes that it has performed sufficient Services to provide a sufficient basis to issue the certification; 2) Engineer believes that the Services performed or Work tested and/or observed meet the criteria of the certification; and 3) Engineer has reviewed and approved in writing the exact form of such certification prior to execution of this Agreement. Any. certification by Engineer is limited to an expression of professional opinion based upon the Services performed by Engineer, and does not constitute a warranty or guarantee, either expressed or implied. I I. ALLOCATION OF RISK 11.1 Limitation of Liability. In recognition of the relative risks and benefits of the Project to both the Client and the Engineer, the risks have been allocated such that the Client agrees, to the fullest extent permitted by law, to limit the liability of the Engineer to the Client for any and all claims, losses, damages of any nature whatsoever or claims expenses from any cause or causes, including attorney'.s fees and costs and expert witness fees and costs, so that the total aggregate liability of the Engineer to the Client arising out of the Project shall total $50,000, or the Engineer's total fee for Services on this Project, which- ever is greater. It is intended that this limitation apply to any and all liability or causes of action however alleged or arising, unless otherwise prohibited by law. I LZ Indemnification. 11.2.1. indemnification. The Engineer agrees, to the fullest extent permitted by law, to indemnify and hold harmless the Client, its officers, directors and employees (collectively, Client) against all damages, liabilities or costs, including reasonable attorney's fees and defense costs (no duty to defend), to the extent caused by the Engi- neer's negligent performance of professional services under this Agreement and that of its subconsultants or anyone for whom the Engineer is legally liable. FORM NO. 1030 Page 4 of 8 Rev. 06/10 The Client agrees, to the fullest extent permitted by law, to indemnify and hold harmless the Engineer, its officers, directors, employees and subconsultants (collectively, Engineer) against all damages, liabilities or costs, including reasonable attorney's fees and defense costs, to the extent caused by the Client's negligent acts in connection with the Project and the acts of its contractors or consultants or anyone for whom the Client is legally liable. 11.2.2. Hazardous Materials lndenimlilcation. Except to the extent caused by Engineer's sole negligence, Client expressly agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Engineer, its officers, directors, employees and subconsultants from and against any and all damages, liabilities or costs, including reasonable attorney's fees and defense costs, arising from or related to the existence, disposal, release, discharge, treatment or transportation of Hazardous Materials, or the exposure of any person to Hazardous Materials, or the degradation of the environment due to the presence, discharge, disposal, release of or exposure to Hazardous Materials. 11.3. Consequential Damages. Neither Client nor Engineer, nor their respective officers, directors, partners or employees, shall be liable to the other or shall make any claim for any incidental, indirect, special, exemplary, punitive, or consequential losses or damages arising out of or connected in any way to the Project or to this Agreement. This mutual waiver of consequential damages shall include, but is not limited to, loss of use, loss of business, loss of income, loss of reputation or any other consequential damages that either party may have incurred from any cause of action including negligence, strict liability, breach of contract and breach of strict, express or implied warranty. Both the Client and the Engineer shall require similar waivers of consequential and other damages protecting all the entities or persons named herein in all contracts and subcontracts with others involved in this Project. 11.4. Continuing Agreement. The indemnity obligations and the limitations of liability established under this Agreement will survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. If Engineer provides Services to Client that the parties do not confirm through execution of an amendment to this Agreement, the obligation of the parties to indemnify each other and the limitations on liability established under this Agreement apply to such Services as if the parties had executed an amendment. 12. INSURANCE 12.1. Engineer's Insurance. Engineer will obtain, if reasonably available, the following coverages: 12.1.1. Statutory Workers' Compensation / Employer's Liability Insurance; 12.1.2. Commercial General Liability Insurance with a combined single limit of $1,000,000; 12.1.3. Automobile Liability Insurance, including liability for all owned, hired and non -owned vehicles with minimum limits of $1,000,000 for bodily injury per person, $1,000,000 property damage, and $1,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence; and, 12.1.4. Professional Liability Insurance in amounts of $1,000,000 per claim and annual aggregate. 12.2 Contractor's Insurance. Client shall require that all Contractors and subcontractors for the Project name Engineer as an additional insured under their General Liability and Automobile Liability insurance policies. If Client is not the Project owner, Client will require the Project owner to require the project owner's Contractor to purchase and maintain General Liability, Builder's Risk, Automobile Liability, Workers' Compensation, and Employer's Liability insurance with limits no less than as set forth above, and to name Engineer and its subcontractors and subconsultants as additional insureds on the General Liability Insurance. 11.3. Certificates of Insurance. Upon request, Engineer and Client will each provide the other with certificate(s) of insurance evidencing the existence of the policies required herein. Except for Professional Liability and Workers' Compensation Insurance, all policies required herein shall contain a waiver of subrogation. 13. OWNERSHIP AND USE OF DOCUMENTS 13.1. Client Documents. All documents provided by Client will remain the property of Client. Engineer will return all such documents to Client upon request, but may retain file copies of such documents. 13.2. Engineer's Documents. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, all documents and information prepared by Engineer or obtained by Engineer from any third party in connection with the performance of Services, including, but not limited to, Engineer's reports, boring logs, maps, field data, field notes, drawings and specifications, laboratory test data and other similar test documents (collectively "Documents") are the property of Engineer. Engineer has the right, in its sole discretion, to dispose of or retain the Documents. 13.3. Use of Documents. All Documents prepared by Engineer are solely for use by Client and will not be provided by either party to any other person or entity without Engineer's prior written consent. 13.3. /. Use by Client. Client has the right to reuse the Documents for purposes reasonably connected with the Project for which the Services are provided, including without limitation design and licensing requirements of the Project. 13.3.2. Use by Engineer. Engineer retains the right of ownership with respect to any patentable concepts or copyrightable materials arising from its Services and the right to use the Documents for any purpose. 13.4. Electronic Media. Engineer may agree at Client's request to provide Documents and information in an electronic format. Client recognizes that Documents or other information recorded on or transmitted as electronic media are subject to undetectable alteration due to (among other causes) transmission, conversion, media degradation, FORM NO. 1030 Page 5 of 8 Rev. 06/ 10 software error, or human alteration. Accordingly, all Documents and information provided by Engineer in electronic media are for informational purposes only and not as final documentation. Unless otherwise defined in the SCOPE OF SERVICES, Engineer's electronic Documents and media will conform to Engineer's standards. Engineer will provide any requested electronic Documents for a 30 day acceptance period, and Engineer will correct any defects reported by Client to Engineer during this period. Engineer makes no warranties, either express or implied, regarding the fitness or suitability of any electronic Documents or media. 13.5. Unauthorized Reuse No party other than Client may rely, and Client will not represent to any other party that it may rely on Documents without Engineer's express prior written consent and receipt of additional compensation. Client will not permit disclosure, mention, or communication of, or reference to the Documents in any offering circular, securities offering, loan application, real estate sales documentation, or similar promotional material without Engineer's express prior written consent. Client waives any and all claims against Engineer resulting in any way from the unauthorized reuse or alteration of Documents by itself or anyone obtaining them through Client. Client will defend, indemnify and hold harmless Engineer from and against any claim, action or proceeding brought by any party claiming to rely upon information or opinions contained in Documents provided to such person or entity, published, disclosed or referred to without Engineer's prior written consent. 14. SAMPLES AND CUTTINGS 14.1. Sample Retention. If Engineer provides laboratory testing or analytic Services, Engineer will preserve such soil, rock, water, or other samples as it deems necessary for the Project, but no longer than 45 days after issuance of any Documents that include the data obtained from these samples. Client will promptly pay and be responsible for the removal and lawful disposal of all contaminated samples, cuttings, Hazardous Materials, and other hazardous substances. 14.2. Monitoring Wells. Client will take custody of all monitoring wells and probes installed during any investigation by Engineer, and will take any and all necessary steps for the proper maintenance, repair or closure of such wells or probes at Client's expense. 15. RELATIONSHIP OF THE PARTIES Engineer will perform Services under this Agreement as an independent contractor. Nothing contained in this Agreement, or in the performance of Engineer and Client hereunder, is intended to benefit nor shall inure to the benefit of any third party. 16. ASSIGNMENT AND SUBCONTRACTS Neither party may assign this Agreement, in whole or it part, without the prior written consent of the other party except for an assignment of proceeds for financing purposes. Engineer may subcontract for the services of others without obtaining Client's consent if Engineer deems it necessary or desirable for others to perform certain Services. 17. SUSPENSION AND DELAYS 17. L Procedures. Client may, at any time by 10 days written notice suspend performance of all or any part of the Services by Engineer. Engineer may terminate this Agreement if Client suspends Engineer's Services for more than 60 days and Client will pay Engineer as set forth under section 18.3, "Termination." If Client suspends Engineer's Services, or if Client or others delay Engineer's Services, Client and Engineer agree to equitably adjust: (1) the time for completion of the Services; and (2) Engineer's compensation in accordance with Engineer's then current SCHEDULE OF CHARGES for the additional labor, equipment, and other charges associated with maintaining its workforce for Client's benefit during the delay or suspension, or charges incurred by Engineer for demobilization and subsequent remobilization. 17.2. Liability. Engineer is not liable to Client for any failure to perform or delay in performance due to circumstances beyond Engineer's control, including but not limited to pollution, contamination, or release of hazardous substances, strikes, lockouts, riots, wars, fires, flood, explosions, "acts of God," adverse weather conditions, acts of government, labor disputes, delays in transportation or inability to obtain material and equipment in the open market. 18. TERMINATION 18.1. Termination for Convenience. Engineer and Client may terminate this Agreement for convenience upon 30 days written notice delivered or mailed to the other party. 18.2. Termination for Cause. In the event of a material breach of this Agreement, the party not breaching the Agreement may terminate it upon 10 days written notice delivered or mailed to the other party. The termination notice shall state the basis for the termination. The Agreement may not be terminated for cause if the breaching party cures the breach within the 10-day period. 18.3. Payment on Termination. Following termination other than for Engineer's material breach of this Agree- ment, Client will pay Engineer for Services performed prior to the termination notice date, and for any necessary Ser- vices and expenses incurred in connection with the termina- tion of the Project, including but not limited to, the cost of completing analysis, records and reports necessary to docu- ment job status at the time of termination and costs associ- ated with termination of subcontractor contracts in accor- dance with Engineer's then current SCHEDULE OF CHARGES. 19. DISPUTES 19.1. Mediation. All disputes between Engineer and Client are subject to mediation. Either party may demand FORM NO. 1030 Page 6of 8 Rev. 06/10 mediation by serving a written notice stating the essential nature of the dispute, amount of time or money claimed, and requiring that the matter be mediated within 45 days of service of notice. 19.2. Precondition to Other Action. No action or suit may be commenced unless the mediation did not occur within 45 days after service of notice; or the mediation, occurred but did not resolve the dispute; or a statute of limitation would elapse if suit was not filed prior to 45 days after service of notice. 19.3. Choice of Law; Venue. This Agreement will be construed with and governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia. 19.4. Statutes of Limitations. To the fullest extent permitted by law, no action, regardless of form, arising out of the Services under this Agreement, may be brought by either party more than two (2) years after the act or omission giving rise to a cause of action has occurred, except that an action for nonpayment against Client may be brought within two (2) years from the date of the last payment or the date of Engineer's original invoice for such service, whichever is later. 20. MISCELLANEOUS 20.1, Integration and Severability. This Agreement reflects the entire agreement of the parties with respect to its terms and supersedes all prior agreements, whether written or oral. If any portion of this Agreement is void or voidable, such portion will be deemed stricken and the Agreement reformed to as closely approximate the stricken portions as the law allows. 10.2. Modification of this Agreement. This Agreement may not be modified or altered, except by a written agreement signed by authorized representatives of both parties and referring specifically to this Agreement. 20.3. Notices. Any and all notices, requests, instructions or other communications given by either party to the other must be in writing and either hand delivered to the recipient or delivered by first-class mail (postage prepaid) or express mail (billed to sender) at the addresses given in this Agreement. 20.4. Headings. The headings used in this Agreement are for convenience only and are not a part of this Agreement. 20.5. Waiver. The waiver of any term, conditions or breach of this Agreement will not operate as a subsequent waiver of the same term, condition, or breach. 20.6. Default. Notwithstanding any other provision contained in this Agreement, Client agrees to pay Engineer all reasonable expenditures incurred by Engineer in enforcing the terms of this Agreement including reasonable attorney's fees and court costs, if any. End of General Conditions FORM NO. 1030 Page 7 of 8 Rev. 06/10 EXHIBIT A: ENGINEER'S SCOPE OF SERVICES AND SCHEDULE OF CHARGES Engineer's Proposal or other description of (1) Scope of Services, and (2) Schedule of Charges for the Work covered by this Agreement is either: A Listed below; or ❑ Attached in a separate document(s) Proposal No. 1364-01OG dated April 5, 2012 FORM NO. 1030 Page 8 of 8 Rev. 06/10 Drainage and Detention Calculations For NC-PEM-4005 The Hollingsworth Companies Comtech Industrial Park ,1vt Robeson County, North Carolina Prepared by: Land Development Solutions 310 Simmons Road, Suite K Knoxville, Tennessee 37922 November 2012 Revised: CA'U� i �Q-.4ESS • •�/9ii CL L r. 030176 �y � Cl AKSN` \\ LAND DEVELOPMENT SOLUTIONS Robeson County, NC-PEM-4005 November 2012 Table of Contents Section Description Introduction 2 Runoff from the First 1.5" of Rainfall 3 Pre— vs. Post -Development Analysis 4 Appendix I - Support Data & Calculations Robeson County, NC-PEM-4005 November 2012 Introduction The NC-PEM-4005 project consists of construction of a 130,000+/- sf building and a 35 car parking lot along with related access drives. The entire site drains through various storm water ditches surrounding the site and eventually into the Lumber River. The total site acreage is approximately 17.7 acres. The total area disturbed for this project is 8.1+/- acres. The site is located on the northeast quadrant of the intersection of Comtech Drive and Deep Branch Road in the Comtech Industrial Park. The site is made up of Lynchburg, Rains and Goldsboro soil types. The soils information is included in Appendix I. The following procedure was used to design the basins: 1. Define the existing drainage areas and patterns and calculate the pre - development runoff for the site. 2. Define the post -developed drainage areas and patterns based on the site plan and calculate the post -developed runoff for the site. Determine the areas that will drain directly off -site. 3. Determine a suitable method of treatment and design the drainage facilities accordingly. 4. Compare the post -development peak discharge with the pre -developed (allowable) peak discharge and determine detention basins locations. 5. Provide enough storage volume in each basin and design outlet structures that provide adequate draw down time. 6. Design the emergency spillway to safely discharge the 100 year design storm peak runoff (in case of outlet structure failure). Methodology The Simple Method (taken from the NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual, Runoff Volume Section 3.3) was used to calculate the pre -developed and post -developed runoff volumes. The first volume calculation shown is using the runoff from the first 1.5" of rainfall. The second volume calculation compares the volume difference between the pre- and post -developed runoff from the 1-year, 24 hour rainfall event. The greater of the two is what the BMPs are designed to accommodate. Basin 1 located in Area 1 (See Drainage Area map in Appendix) will be over detaining to accommodate a small portion of the driveway and front yard that will drain directly off site and for Area 3 where no detention basin has been designed. Robeson County, NC-PEM-4005 November 2012 2 Runoff from the First 1.51' of Rainfall Rv=0.05+0.9*la Where: Rv = Runoff coefficient (storm runoff (in)/storm rainfall (in)), unitless la = Impervious fraction (impervious portion of drainage area (ac)/ drainage area (ac)), unitless V = 3630 * Rd * Rv * A Where: V = Volume of runoff that must be controlled for the design storm (U) Rd = Design storm rainfall depth (in) A = Watershed area (ac) Refer to Appendix for drainage area sketches. Area 1: (Area 1 + Area 3) Total Area = 16.3 ac Impervious area = 3.0 ac Rv = 0.05 + 0.9 * (3.0/16.3) Rv = 0.22 V = 3630 * 1.5 * 0.22 * 16.3 V = 19,525 U Area 2: Total Area = 1.4 ac Impervious area = 0.47 ac Rv = 0.05 + 0.9 * (0.47/1.4) Rv = 0.35 V = 3630 * 1.5 * 0.35 * 1.4 V = 2,670 U Robeson County, NC-PEM-4005 November 2012 3 Pre- vs. Post -Development Analysis Rv = 0.05 + 0.9 * la Where: Rv = Runoff coefficient (storm runoff (in)/storm rainfall (in)), unitless la = Impervious fraction (impervious portion of drainage area (ac)/ drainage area (ac)), untiless V = 3630 * 1-year storm * (Rv(post) — Rv(pre)) * A Where: V = Volume of runoff that must be controlled for the design storm (ft3) 1-year, 24-hour storm = 3.03 (in) A = Watershed area (ac) Area 1: (Area 1 + Area 3) Total Area = 16.3 ac Impervious area = 3.0 ac Rv(post) = 0.05 + 0.9 * (3.0/16.3) Rv(post) = 0.22 Rv(pre) = 0.05 + 0.9 * (0/16.3) Rv(pre) = 0.05 V=3630*3.03*(0.22-0.05)* 16.3 V = 30,480 ft3 Area 2: Total Area = 1.4 ac Impervious area = 0.47 ac Rv(post) = 0.05 + 0.9 * (0.47/1.4) Rv(post) = 0.35 Rv(pre) = 0.05 + 0.9 * (0/16.3) Rv(pre) = 0.05 V = 3630 * 3.03 * (0.35 — 0.05) * 1.4 V = 4,620 ft3 Robeson County, NC-PEM-4005 November 2012 Conclusion The volume for both areas is greater when using the pre- vs. post -development comparison. Therefore the BMP in Areal will be designed to accommodate a volume of 30,480 ft3 and Area 2 will accommodate a volume of 4,620 U. See Appendix for support data and Site Plans for BMP Designs. Soil Map —Robeson County, North Carolina 34' 38' 44" 34' 36 25' Map Sale: 1:2,7404 prnteE on Asae (8.5" x 11") sheet b t Meters N o zs so 100 150 A Feel N 0 100 200 400 600 34' 3843" 34' 36' 25" USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 7/6/2012 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page i of 3 Soil Map -Robeson County, North Carolina Map Unit Legend " Robeson County, North Carolina (NCI 55) .;,Map Unit Symbol - Map Unit Name ° Acres in AOI ,. Percent of AOI .. GoA Goldsboro loamy sand, 0 to 2 percent slopes 0.8 4.6% Ly Lynchburg sandy loam 9.1 51.7% Ra Rains sandy loam 7.7 43.7% Totals for Area of Interest 17.7 100.0% USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 7/6/2012 ® Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 3 of 3 Soil Map —Robeson County, North Carolina MAP LEGEND MAP INFORMATION Area of Interest (AO0 m Very Stony Spot Map Scale: 1:2,740 if printed on A size (8.5" x 11") sheet. r Area of Interest (AO0 If Wet Spot The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at 1:20,000. Soils Other Warning: Soil Map may not be valid at this scale. Sod Map Units Special Line Features Enlargement of maps beyond the scale of mapping can cause Special Point Features Gully misunderstanding of the detail of mapping and accuracy of soil line tV Blowout placement. The maps do not show the small areas of contrasting P p J Short Sleep Slope soils that could have been shown at a more detailed scale. Borrow Pit Other X Clay Spot Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for accurate map Political Features measurements. Closed Depression O Cities ?{, Gravel Pit Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service Water Features Web Soil Survey URL: http://websoilsuwey.nres.uSda.gov Gravelly Spot ,.-.: Streams and Canals Coordinate System: UTM Zone 17N NAD83 ® Landfill Transportation This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as of Lava Flow Rails the version date(s) listed below. L, Marsh or swamp N Interstate Highways Soil Survey Area: Robeson County, North Carolina , US Routes Survey Area Data: Version 9, Feb 20, 2007 Mine or Quarry Major Roads Date(s) aerial images were photographed: 6118/2006 Miscellaneous Water a;a Loral Roads The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were p Perennial Water u compiled and digitized probably differs from the background imagery displayed on these maps. As a result, some minor shifting Rock Outcrop of map unit boundaries may be evident. } Saline Spot Sandy Spot a Severely Eroded Spot p Sinkhole Slide or Slip }{ Sodic Spot Spoil Area Q Stony Spot USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 7/6/2012 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 2 of 3 M f1j` CAROLINA COMMERCE AND TECHNOLOGY CENTER Jillnm eoox nxa ors ux I ��Ii• asp, I � �i . ti I: x I� wax ��il�l 1 1 A ��"^�"':.�-"•••`.'SR 1339 DEEP Bgo, PlRANCH RWD LAND DElOPMENT sr �I• SOLUTIONS 310 SIMMONS RD.. SUITE K -KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE 37922 NC-PEM-4005 Pre Developed Site Pembroke, North Carolina Date: CAROLIhA COMMERCE AND TECHNOLOGY CENTER Cb I'D (b. q, 1339 ,DEEP aw ROAD goPUBLIC LAND DE VEL OPMEN T SOL U TIONS 310 SIMMONS RD., SUITE K -KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE 37922 PH: 865-671-2281 NC-PEM4005 Checked Checked Ap roved Post Developed Drainage Areas Job No. cale Pembroke, North Carolina N.T.S. Stage -Storage Curve 60000.00 50000.00 40000.00 - Provided = 37,775 ft3 30000.00 Required=30,480 ft3 >E 020000.00 -- -- - crIOv1 10000.00 0.00 I 155.50 156.00 156.50 157.00 157.50 158.00 158.50 Stage - ft 319 / Project: Drawn B � LAND NC-PEM-4005 Checked DEAELOPMENT proved Basin 1Stagc-Storage Job No. SOL U I -IONS c e: Sheet r N.T.S. ^ 1S RD., SUITE K-KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE 37922 Pembroke, North Carolina Dale: 3 PH: 868-671-2281 11-7-12 #units=elevation,ft,volume,ft3 #stage -Storage Curve Data #Stage - ft volume - ft3 #----------- ----------- 158.50000000, 60714.36544694 157.00000000, 26318.65954164 156.00000000, 6916.69895178 155.50000000, 0.00000000 tmp#14.ssc Page 1 0 0 N L m C T 6 O U N O J #Units=Elevation,ft,volume,ft3 #Stage -storage curve Data #stage - ft volume - ft3 #------------ ------------- 158.50000000, 13838.83938252 158.00000000, 8823.62989335 157.00000000, 1998.74146843 1S6.50000000, 375.00867284 156.10000000, 0.00000000 tmp#15.ssc Page 1