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SW6120102_APPROVED PLANS_20120302
STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW 4� 4Z42A DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT PAPPROVED PLANS ❑ HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION.INSPECTION DOC DATE 281 � YYYYM M D D rm WAV, 11 m& up ,dA Vicinity Map (1 inch 2,000 feet) T 7 Sandhft'lls Classical 7� T, 4 "Al 8 Christian School A" w Southern Pines, North Bioretention Carolina Development For Sandhills Classical Christian School 650 Pee Dee Road Southern Pines, 77 01, i _71 7 K� —A ii l/ 7- -A A DRAWING INDEX Cover Sheet Cover Bioretention Layout Plan. Cl Bioretention Details C2 Plans NC 28387 Appro%,e,3 ru c, S,c, 1A -I� ?--, CL DRAM BCH Uj �SGALE- As Noted DATE, Z 01-06-12 JOB Hkem— OqOO520 DRAKFU -KEY. Cover Legend: IPF = Iron Pipe Found IRF = Iron Rod Found cw = Concrete Monument Found PKF = PK Nall Found PK5 = PK Nail Set - = Right of Way = Boundary Line -------- = Adjacent Property Lines not Surveyed -•--------- = Building Setback Lines = Landscoping/5creening Buffer = Existing Contour ------400— = Proposed Contour ---v%- = Approximate Location of Existing Waterline ®..— = Proposed storm Drainage 419591 = Proposed Spot Elevation OP = 10' Pine (typ) = Existing Tree to be Removed t = Light Pole = Utility Pole oFU = Overhead Utility 0 = Water Meter = Water Valve = Fire Hydrant w = Waterline © = Sanitary Sewer Mci nhole 55 = Sanitary 5ewerline 0 = Sanitary Sewer 5tubout 0 = curb Inlet = Storm Drain Manhole CMP = Corrugated Metal Pipe Rap = Reinforced Goncrete Pipe HDPE = High Density Polyethylene Pipe References: Plat Cabinet 1, Slide 331 Moore county Registry Owner/Developer 5andnill5 Pre�by Ion Church 650 Pee Dee Rd. Southern Pines, NG 28381 910-948-2114 General Notes: This map Is not in accordance with G5 41-30 Area by coordinate method. Dashed lines not surveyed, drawn from Information Indicated. Contour Interval = 1, based on assumed datum. Property is currently zoned R5-3 This property does not fall Inside a FEMA designated floodplain. This property Is located in a WS III FIQW water supply watershed. There are no visual encroachments other than those shown hereon. Neal Smith Engineering, Inc. did not perform a boundary survey. Boundary drawn by Information indicated. (Pc 1 Slide 531) No wetlands on site. Any borrow material brought onto this site must be from a legally pitted mine site or other approved source. A single-vse borrow or waste area site In only permissible if It Is operated under control of the financially responsible person or firm that Is developing this site. An approved erosion and sediment control plan Is required for all single use borrow and waste 51te5. Tome of gou40pn [Phea" 1568r316 Zoned: R53 DRAINAGE AREA Total Impervious: 10,013 5F Total Area: 25,118 SF Percent Impervious: 39.1% ;4ORETENTION SO e .. - ..:. ; Required: Provided: Downstream recelving stream Stream Classification 99000100 Book 1483, Page 100 R5-3 Property does Ile within a Public Water Supply Vkitershed. HQW Umamed tributary to MITI Creek Gape Fear River Bash North Per PC 1 51- 331 titi9� O "Coo untly off Cora" 1534/94 Zoned: FRR-GD 9y Zoned: R53 -5 Sp9•p53 S2E•35 58"W S26'43'38'W 117.2$ i BloreteMlon Area - S26'14'20'W See Detail Sheet - e� 366.32' - - - - F� r 33' Level 5preader 50' Filter 5trlp - - - - _ " De..er eon Pocu See Detain Sheet �d / O � • , - ®,Q. -.. Spares Plaid " - - � -_ /' / 12' RCP O _ ��satp¢� �KkT Berm/da sod --' ' ' _ 3 Tempaay Slit Fence «•� / Lined F 4e „ - See Detail sheet _ r1r-ea r ,r„�•�a 4rea T Cb�� 1%6. rco !net J Rn6.56 . "N00PO COUI`.. 4521b �. / + one Fd RR xlstln� Z / Foram3 1i-ooFFEt 450.50' \ 45350 u t• �G Pad Ebv= / Permanent R \ \ / Diversion q6 fox _ i spa S \ —Existing Kim 4401.2G \ 1114 .:. m. 4451 6 37q2 � � _ t � \ 20486• sr- GoTenpore i -... Truck Access Only _ / T Gravel-' ' /. Entrance e. ® \ j See Detail Sheet urb nlat / Paved ParKIng Ar ea �ZI"' 4 3.4( / t 3uli�alr.y Zoned: R53 t SS a / -� Jrb Inge r'E" 60i er [- �uw rv,: 456.54 - - Ph: 45 7.29' Inv.: 454j�, \ ' T acrbdhMa ftaby dad Church" / /. / { 1483/100 / Zoned: R53 / Otis L_/. �. P Approximate Lacatlon --'" Of Existing Water Lire - i N3737 E9' w `b `� eon n — 1 PEE OEE R0.4D 1 Approved. r P --'t Docurnenfs ru in t,r Pe.rr n G%2olo2- / �{� Z-- U-� =ny 1411entJ r " - "` 49 Su3U1T)30a i:nWa„ ' ,.� P3:%oid C3oOV( �Q, n oOO LOMOO U� Scale : I" = 50' J N C1 Z LU 0 Q t Z C � � N Z 0 ZT -C N c O � � O VL lJ � N L ~ O � N — N Z _N 2 H Q' W W Z Z sg sp W S S W N_ in ~ C) W Z 0 H Q N Z L^U m1 3-- 4 a �!N EOM tCi (J eW LU ,+ y oil Z � chi tL. •et2a = Zi;,�� 3v W y In w� `JN ~ h Z L Q v Z 6 Z w W Z Z W w Z LL LU CL Q W H N Z N S H kin =. Tnae G ...i 1..... I'): Min cl d" C..r 'I v,. A' Min I i OTY UNIT I Vf-B I 1 5PGGIE5 AND 512E 2 EA. — - 1 R -- Rusty BlackhQW VlburnunNibumhhum rvFidulurrJ 25' CiThl Or larger - 4 EA I Q Red Ctnokeberry(Aronla arbutlfoll) 3 gallon or larger 2 EA - —� Jersey tea Geahothus(Geahothus americans) 3 gallon or larger 4 EA. Carolina Rose(Rosa ca^olirW 3 gallon or larger Overflow Yard Inlet Rim: 439.15' / Invert: 48B.T9 Outlet 12' RGP Slope Lore: 28 Outlet Invert: 439 60 3:1 Max. - 9" Maxln rthur i- Fore" I Pondhg Depth ! / Top Elevation 43q.9 ' i iPonding Elevation 43q.-I5' Fore" Weir Elevation 4 .-6 / Top of Planting Soil Elevation 43CIDO' / Forebay Bottom Elevation 4 1.00' �I F i (Planting Soil Bottom Elevation 43600' 3' Planting Soil Depth 5easonal Water Table Elevation so r m. Bioretention Elevations Scale: Now North Per PG 1 5L 331 439.75' C,RAPHIC SCALE (Feeu 13 13 Scale: 1" = 30' Hex hatched area for Creeping Blue Star (Amsonla cllliata) Mellow Marsh Fauns, Inc. 1312 Woody Store Road Slier City, NG 2-1344 4119-142-1200 Ernst Conservatlon Seeds, LP 1-800-873-3321 General Planting Notes: Trees and shrubs shall be planted at a minimum of I tree/shrub per 100 s.f. Trees shall be planted In the general locations Indicated Grass hatched area and spaced a minimum of 12 feet apart. for Daylllly Enf((Hemerocgllls j Shrubs shall be planted In the general location Indicated area to bfeeded and spaced a minimum of b feet apart. with Goneflower(Echnacea pu-purea>) Herbaceous ground cover shall be planted In the designated Maintenance: hatched aneos.(see Planting Gulde) 52L Gon5truction 5equence: Visually Inspect and repair erosion monthly. Check pH yearly and apply limestone accordingly. I. Install all sediment and erosion devices prior to beginning construction of the bioretention unit. All construction activities after the completion of the bl retention cell shall provide adequate sediment and erosion control measures to avoid sediment entering the bloretentlon cell. 2. Grade site to elevations shown on plan. If applicable, construct curb openings and/or remove Re -mulch any void areas by hand as needed. replace existing concrete. All stormwater entrances to bloretentlon unit should be blocked or other measures made to prevent drainage from entering construction area. Remove previous mulch layer and apply new mulch layer once Add fresh mulch every b months, In the spring aid fall. every two to three years. 3. Stabilize grading within Limit of Dlsturbarice except for the bloretention area. 4. Excavate bloretentlon area to proposed Invert depth and scarify the existing soil surfaces, taking care not to compact the Insist materials. PLANTS 5. Install uhdercisin system and observation wells, If specifled. Immediately after the completion of cell construction, water plant material for 14 consecutive 6. Backflll bloretentlon area with sand bed and then planting soll.(If applicable) y o p 1. wet down the planting soil prior to planting vegetation to allow for settlement. C1095- 8. Excavate or fill to achieve proper design grade, leaving space for the upper layer of mulch Remove and replace all dead and diseased vegetation considered beyond treatment twice a that will bring the surface to final grade year. 4. Plant vegetation. Treat all diseased trees and shrubs as needed and using the least toxic methods. 10. Mulch and install erosion protection at entrance points. Remove sediment control measures Replace any cleficient stakes or wires as needed. Replace support stakes once a year. or entrance blocks with Inspector authorization. Diversion i Transition Section 20 Ft. Min. A Diversion Grade Not To yee Exceed 1% Grade = 0%" Undisturbed Soil ' r Maximum Slope 10% u? Width = W = 6 r� - Concrete Lip NOTES: E -'- /1 L T'. I-O L�!`iEF'� IV OUT! xA - I. Ends of spreader shall be tied Into higher ground to preventflowsound the level spreader.`AO t � Law( � OpmaCo�` ey D� (WaH SNP' 3 0� '% 6, Scale: None � II�TjI� 439.90' Construction Notes: I. Catch Basin Design Specifications to Latest A5TM C-913 Specifications For 'Precast Concrete Water and Wastewater Structures" and NCDOT Standards. I 0. 2. Concrete Compressive Strength 4000 Psi Minimum. r 3. steel Reinforcing Design to Conform to the Requirements of A5TM C-8q0 5pec1ficatlons for Grade 60 Re -bars conforming to the Requirements of A5TM A-615 or YW conforming to the Requirements of ASTM A-05 or Both. a� 4. Additional Reinforcing at Openings- 5. Designed For H-20-44 Loading. 6. Steps Required on Catch Basins Over 3'-6" In Depth. Steps Shall be Steel Reinforced Gopolymer Polypropylene Plastic and Meet the Requirements of A5TM C-418. 1. To be Field Adjusted Using NCDOT Approved Methods 8. Pipe Penetration to be as per Job Requirements. Pipe to be Installed by Contractor as per NCDOT Requirements for Mortar Joint Connections. q. Cost -in Ring and Cover To Be Supplied by Either G.P.G. or Customer Supplied. 10. Joints to be Sealed With Butyl Rubber Joint Sealant Conforming to the Requirements of A5TM C-990, or Mortar as per NCDOT Requirements, or Both. I I. Diameter of Pipe Catch Basin WIII Handle Varies. 12. Total height per job specification. Varld WaA 10WRu0 Scale, None e ?b• i 1� General Planting Specifications: Root stock of the plant material shall be kept molst during transport from source to the job site. Walls of planting pit shall be dug so they are vertical. The diameter of the planting pit must be a minimum of six Inches larger than the diameter of the ball of the tree. The appropriate amount of fertilizer Is to placed at the bottom of the pit (see below for fertilization rates). The plant shall be removed from the container and placed in the planting pit by lifting and carrying the plant by the ball (never lift by branches or trunk). Set the plant upright and In the center of the pit so that the top of the ball is approximately /4" above the final grade. Backflll planting pit with existing soil. Make sure plant remains straight during backfilli ng procedure. Never cover the top of the ball with soil. Mound soil around the exposed ball. Trees shall be braced by using 2" by 2" white oak stakes. Stakes shall be placed parallel to walkways and buildings. Stakes are to be equally spaced on the outside of the tree ball. Utilizing hose and wire, brace the tree to the stakes. Fertilization Tree and shrub fertilizer shall be a 21-gm, tightly compressed, long-lasting, slow releose(2 year) fertilizer tablet with a minimum guaranteed analysis of 20-10-5. Total NitrogenlN-20 Hater Soluble Organic Nitrogen - 1 Victor Insoluble Organic Nitrogen - 13 Available Phosphoric Acid - 10 Soluble Potash - 5 For contalnerized trees and shrubs, place the specified fertilizer tablet(s) in the bottom of the planting pit according to the following rates; I gal. - I ea. 21 gm. Tablets 3 gal. - 2 ea. 21 gm. Tablets 5 gal. - 3 ea. 21 gm. Tablets 1 gal. - 5 ea. 21 gm. Tablets Planting Non -Crass 6rou d Cover The ground cover planting holes shall be dug through the mulch with one of the following: hand trowel, shovel, bulb planter, or hoe (this does not apply to grasses or legumes). Before planting, biodegradable pots shall be split, and non -biodegradable pots shall be removed. Root systems of all potted plants shall be split or crumbled. The ground cover shall be planted so that the roots are surrounded by the soli below the mulch. Potted plants shall be set so that the top of the pot is even with the existing grade. The roots of bare roots plants shall be covered to the crown. Before planting, apply a pre -emergent herbicide to the mulched and planted grand cover bed. The entire ground cover bed shall be thoroughly watered. PlantbQ Grass Ground Cover Grasses and legumes seed shall be tilled Into the soil to a depth of at least 2 Inches by either harrowing or discing. Fertilizer shall be applied at the some rate and utilizing the some process for non -grass ground cover. brass and legume plugs shall be planted following the non -grass Tound cover planting techniques. All Touid covers shall be fertilized with a 10-6-4 analysis fertilizer as a wet application at the rate of 31bs per 100 square feet of the bioretentlon area prior to planting non -grass ground cover or as part of the grass seed ground cover. 5oil 512ecificotion5: The soil mix should be uniform and free of stones, stumps, roots or other similar material greater than 2 inches. It should be homogenous soil mix of 65-88 percent by weight sand, 8-12 percent fines (silt and clay), and 3-5 percent organic matter (such as peat moss) shall be used. 5011 Infiltration rate shall be IN per hour. The planting soil shall be free of plants or plant pats of Bermuda grass, Quack grass, Johnson grass, Mugwort, Nutsedge, Poison Ivy, Canadian Thistle, or others as specified. The planting soil shall not contain toxic substances harmful to plant growth. The planting soil shall be tested and meet the following criteria: PH range 5.5-65 Organic Matter I5-3.0% Magnesium -Mg 35lbs/acre Phosphorus-P205 IOOIbs/acre (P-Index Range 10-30) Pota551um-K20 851b5/acre Soluble solts not to exceed 500 pprn The followlg testing frequencies shall apply to the above soli constituents: - pH, Organic Matter: I test per 90 cubic yards, but not Iessthan I test per borrow source. - Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Soluble Salts: I test per 500 c4 ble yards, but not less than I test per borrow source. - One gain size analysis shall be performed per 90 cubic yards of planting soil, but not less than I test per Bloretention Area. A mulch layer shall be provided on top of the planting soil. An acceptable mulch layer shall include shredded hardwood or shredded wood chips or other similar material. Of the approved mulch products, all must be well aged, uniform in color, and free of foreign material Including plant material. well -aged mulch la defined as mulch that has been stockpiled or stored for at least 12 months. The sand shall be free of deleterious material and rocks greater than I Inch in diameter. Soil shall be placed in layers less than 18 Inches and lightly compocted(minlmal compactive effort) by tamping with a bucket from a dozer or a backhoe. t _ v4(20ro2 3/s�12- N Ca Z Q W U1 � Z C N a L Z Z N Q � CL c C � O 6 L O L v m Q IS) O L N C Z iR �. C, 2 l- W W Z Z LU W H LL Z Q f/ z Z W F- tUf � n-y O w` MN h j eT yN�� N Q W %a'd� 5 o; Vi W d' f- N Z Q Q Z d Z W W Z Z W 2 N J W Z LL O tY W O a- W H N N Z Q 0 N F- - PRAPN BY: LU T BCH �) 5GALE: As Noted PATE: z 01-06-12 J05 MAIENW- 0900520 PRA"N& C,over Legend: IPF = Iron Pipe Found IRF = Iron Rod Found GMF = Concrete Monument Found PKF = PK Nall Found PK5 = PK Nall Set - = Right of Way = Boundary Line -------- = Adjacent Property Lines not Surveyed ----------- = Build" Setback Lines = Landscaping/5creening Buffer = Existing Contour moo— = Proposed Contour - - -hl- = Approximate Location of Existing Waterline = Proposed Storm Drainage ®� {a_w5o ] = Proposed Spot Elevation oP = 10' Pine (typ) X = Existing Tree to be Removed 7¢( = Light Pole = UtI11ty Pole w O = overhead utility 0 = Water Meter = Water Valve = Fire Hydrant w = Waterline Q = Sanitary Sewer Manhole 55 = Sanitary 5e104eriine = Sanitary Sewer Stubout = Garb Inlet = Storm Dram Manhole GhP = Gorrugated Metal Pipe Rep = Reinforced Concrete Pipe NDPE = High Density Polyethylene Pipe References: Plat Cabinet 1, Slide 331 Moore County Registry Owner/Developer Sall Pre5b4terlan Church 650 Pee Dee Rd. Southern Pines, NC, 28381 4110-C148-2114 General Notes: This map Is not In accordance with 65 41-30 Area by coordinate method. Dashed lines not surveyed, drawn from Information Indicated. Contour Interval = 1, based on assumed datum. Property Is currently zoned R5-3 This property does not fall Inside a FEMA designated floodplai n. This property 15 located in a WS-III-HQW water supply watershed. There are no visual encroacFments other than those shown hereon. Neal Smith Engineering, Inc. did not perform a boundary survey. Boundary dawn by Information Indicated. (PG 1 Slide 551) No wetlands on site. Any borrow material brought onto this site must be from a legally permitted mile site or other approved source. A single -use 51te Data LRK, Deed Book 4 Pane Current Zoning: Downstream receiving stream Stream Glassif"Ion VA North Per PG 'T SL 531 "County old Hoors" 1534/K14 Zoned: FRR-GD borrow or waste crea site in under control of the financially responsiblepersonfor firm that Is 9 fan operated developing this site. An approved erosion and sediment control 3268F✓00 �.' / /` plan is required for all single use borrow and waste sites. Zoned' R53 52o-35 �•W S26.43'38OW 117.28 141.31 Bloretention Area S261 4'20'W See Detail Sheet ` 366.32' ..: - 777 Tom off S(Mh n If 61111wll 15bb/316 Zoned: R53 DRAINAGE AREA Total Impervious; 10,013 5F Total Area: 25,118 5F Percent Impervious: 39.-J% BIORETENTION 51ZI.. Required; Provided: Minimum Surface Required: Area - . . %. _ -----------"--- � ---..-�li..la_.,.l.ts.J.J.I✓`Q - 33' Level Spreader 50' Filter Strip See Detail Sheet Pond /4.D/ 5rort5 Field11 12- RCPZ Bermuda Sod_- Temporary 511t Fence L iced Forel'xny � � SeeDetail Sheet Plauouna A ea Droo net INMl00P� County 1Irv.: 4a2.!8' Chfidrsn'R Center 563rd0b Exi5.:ng Grovel I-L± Loncrete �� _r� Zoned: FRR r �. ' Proposed BuIldYig t Pomng Area Ff�, 45350' t - � • _ i' Hsu ✓iy �" � \ Pad Elev, 45050' k° \ Diversion L Swale a �� i BO X Ok 1_ '<\- ` u n inlet \ \ Existing 'mac Rim 440.20' - \ N437 ` .+� �- - _ D ma o r ?,� / 1-j 8• Gravel� Truck Access Only. •� E Gore once 0 > ® \ -� / See Detail Sheet ,jro rlet -'/ P.7Ved ParK^g Area 2911/295 Zoned: R53 110 11 �, G ?O /QSg ^1� / - - _ Cure met' w, -- -_�— G,ro Inlet -\ �er Inv. 456.84' Rim, 2G' / ik - { Progb Wdan Church" It ,6 / 1483/100 / Zoned: R53Appr oximate Locationof Existing Water Line -.� ® w *$ $ N3739" 7 ENOS, yg2 V 49 5 Arcor—. r- -' _ r r Permit Doc Imerits m s J-d(lA/CLfa� 2- 1 N24112O�nNOLMOuSPEEDEE RO' 42.82' s0V0ls1gO Scale : I' = 50' 0 Z LU O d t M U1 � Z C � 1 in Z Z N c Il. O O L O N N ~ 6 0 m Q N t ks) Z LY Q 2 H LU LU Z 0 Z LU LU Y_1 aii ♦- LL Z 0 H Q v N z u � LU ~" o ZE V 2 .� °; ^ F- LU LU G ti ti In d ~ O U Z Z W LU Z Z LU 2 LU Z RELEASED O for CONSTRUCTION LU O CL 2 U1 Z lY Ll 2 .� •.•. • 4 J .• •• 1/ 1 J , �dA To, MIL li.��•.���a- • L.L•.! SITY. UNIT 1 SYMBOL 1 5PWI1 5 AND Sim 2 EA. Rusty Blockhaw Viburnum(Vlburnum rufidulurn) 25' dbh or larger 4 EA. Cj rRed Ghokebemj(Aronlo arbutifolia) 3 gallon or larger 2 EA. - 3 -- ------------------- — i Jersey tea Geaiothus(C.eoriodvs amerIcanus) 3 gallon or larger 4 EA. Carolina Rose(Rosa Carolina) 3 gallon or larger r Overflow Yard Inlet / Rim: 439.-f5' Invert: 438.-0' Outlet Pie: 12' RGP 28' Outlet Invert: 43g60 3:1 Max. q tlaxktiun ! /! Fore" Padhg Depth I j - Top Elevation 43q. ' Pondhg Elevation 43q.75' Foretxny Weir Elevation 43q.-I5' Top of Planting Soil Elevation 43g.00' 'For" Bottom Elevation 431 f� !Planting Soil Bottom Elevation 436A0' j 3' Planting Soil Depth Seasonal Water Table Elevation 4 6 TR so s rerial C&wn Cm P650610teS, C-. Bioretention Elevations Scale: None North Per PG l SL 331 439.75' 6RAPHIC SCALE (Feet) Scale : 1' = 30, COWHower-Echinacea pupurpea-seed at a rate of 12lbs/acre. Daylily-Hemerocallls spp.- pint I per 3 square feet of surface area. Creeping Blue Star-Amsonlo ciliate -pint I per 3 59uare feet of surface area. Herbaceous grouidcover shall be planted after tree and shrub plantings and Hex hatched area prior to the addition of mulch. for Greeping Blue star General Planting Specifications: Root stock of the plant material shall be kept moist during transport from source to the Job site. Walls of planting pit shall be dug so they are vertical. The diameter of the planting pit must be a minimum of six Inches larger than the diameter of the ball of the tree. — (Anisorila cillkrtc>) General Planting Notes: The appropriate amount of fertilizer Is to placed at the bottom of the pit (see below for � L fertilization rates). Trees and shrubs shall be plaited at a minimum of I tree/shrub per 100 s.f. The plant shall be removed from the container and placed in the plaiting pit by Ilfting and W w carrying the plant by the ball (never lift by branches or trunk). Crass hatched area Trees shall be plaited in the general locations Indicated and spaced a mi nlrrxim of 12 feet apa t. Set the plant upright and in the center of the pit so that the top of the ball Is approximately for Daylilly /4 above the final grade. ((Herrero Ills Entire a ea�o b=eeded Shrubs shall be planted In the general location indicated and spaced a minimum of 6 feet apart. Backfill planting pit with existing loll. with Coneflower(Echirnocea purpurea>) Herbaceous ground cover shall be planted in the designated Make sure plant remains straight during backFilling procedure. Maintenance: hatched areas.(see Planting Guide) Never cover the top of the ball with soil. Mound soil around the exposed ball. SOIL Gonstruction Sequence: Trees shall be braced by using 2" by 2' white oak stakes. Stakes shall be placed parallel to Visually Inspect and repair erosion monthly. y P� eP y 1. Install all sediment and erosion devices prior to beginning construction of the bloretention unit. walkways and buildings. Stakes ore to be equally spaced on the outside of the tree ball. Utilizing hose and wire, brace the tree to the stakes. Ctneck pH yearly ad apply limestone accordingly. All construction activities after the completion of the bioretentlon cell shall provide adequate sediment ad erosion control measures to avoid sediment entering the bioretentton cell. Fertilization WL 2. Grade site to elevations shown on plan. If applicable, construct curb openings ad/or remove Re -mulch any Vold areas by had as needed. replace existing concrete. All stormwater entrances to bioretention unit should be blocked or other measures made to prevent drainage from entering construction area. Tree and shrub fertilizer shall be a 21-gn, tightly compressed, long-lasting, slow relea5e(2 y ear) fertilizer tablet with a minimum guaranteed analysis of 20-10-5. Remove previous mulch layer and apply new mulch layer once Add fresh mulch every 6 months, In the sprung and fall. every two to three years. 3. Stabilize grading within Limit of Disturbance except for the bloretentlon area. 4. Excavate bioretentlon area to proposed Invert depth and scarify the existing soil surfaces, Total Nltr n-20 PLANTS taking core not to compact the Insist materials. ui 5. Install derdrain system and observation wells, If specified. Water Soluble Organic Nitrogen"f Water Insoluble Oanic Nitrogen - 13 Immediate) after the completion of cell construction, water )ant material for 14 consecutive 6. Enackflll bloretenti n area with sad bed and then planting soll.(If applicable) y p 7. Wet down the planting soil prior to planting vegetation to allow for settlement. Available Phosphoric Acid - 10 Soluble Potash - 5 days. Remove and replace all dead ad diseased vegetation considered 8. Excavate or fill to achieve proper design grade, leaving space for the upper layer of mulch beyond treatment twice a that will bring the surface to final grade. For contalnerized trees and shrubs, place the specified fertilizer tablet(e) In the bottom of the cl. Plant vegetation. year. aand using the least toxic methods. Treat all diseased trees d shrubs as needed Replace any deficient stakes or wires as needed. 10. Mulch and Install erosion protection at entrance points. Remove sediment control measures )ant It accord) to the follow) rates; p ing p ng Replace support stakes once a year. or entrance blocks with Inspector authorization. I gal. - I ea. 21 gm. Tablets r� Transition Section 20 Ft. Min. Diversion Grade Not To Exceed IRS Grade = 0% _ /-- Diversion Flaw Undisturbed Soil Maximum Slope 10AS Width = W = 6 Concrete Lip r sk -. J��'C!-?;J i_7? i—CJ� ].!�✓E'`:Gi JiV Ci i�Ti_�-r � .. shall be tied Into higher' groundto preventflowcrow d the level spreader. LC� M Spm a day �Q AU Scale: Now ' 'M' 1- QP3 439.90' • Construction Notes: I. Catch Basin Design Specifications to Latest A5TM C-g13 Specifications For 'Precast Concrete Water and Wastewater Structures" and NCDOT Standards. I na 2. Concrete Compressive Strength 4,000 Psi Minimum. 3. 5teel Reinforcing Design to Conform to the L n Requirements of ASTM C MO Specifications for Grade 60 Re -bars conforming to the Requirements of ASTM A-bl5 or i WWF Conforming to the Requirements of ASTM A-05 or Both. 4. Additional Reinforcing at Openings. 5. Designed For H-20-44 Loading. 6. Steps Required on Catch Basins Over 3'-b" in Depth. Steps Shall be Steel Reinforced Copolymer Polypropylene Plastic and Meet the Requirements of A5TM C-4?8. 1. To be Field Adjusted Using NCDOT Approved Methods 8. Pipe Penetration to be as per Job Requirements. Pipe to be Installed by Contractor as per NCDOT Requirements for Mortar Joint Connecticms. q. Cast -In Ring and Cover To Be Supplied by Either C.P.C. or Customer Supplied. 10. Joints to be Sealed With Butyl Rubber Joint Sealant Conforming to the Requirements of A5TM C-g410, or Mortar as per NCDOT Requirements, or Both. 11. Diameter of Pipe Catch Basin WI11 Handle Varies. 12. Total height per Job specificatioonn. J� ;p �p� 11 awd �� O OW80H Scale: None •h• 3 gal. - 2 ea. 21 gm. Tablets 5 gal. - 3 ea. 21 gm. Tablets -I gal. - 5 ea. 21 gm. Tablets Plants Non -Grass Ground Cover 7 The ground cover planting holes shall be dug through the mulch with one of the following: hand trowel, shovel, bulb planter, or hoe (this does not apply to grasses or legumes). Before planting, biodegradable pots shall be split, and non-blodegradable pots shall be removed. Root systems of all potted plants shall be split or crumbled. The groixncl cover shall be planted so that the roots are surrounded by the soil below the mulch. Potted plants shall be set so that the top of the pot Is even with the existing grade. \, The roots of bare roots plants shall be covered to the crown. Before planting, apply a pre -emergent herbicide to the mulched and planted ground cover bed. The entire ground cover bed shall be thoroughly watered. FlcntinQ Grass Ground Cover 1 Grosses and legumes seed shall be tilled Into the loll to a depth of at least 2 Inches by either harrowing or dlscing. Fertilizer shall be applied at the some rate and utilizing the same process for non -grass ground cover. brass and legume plugs shall be planted following the non -grass ground cover planting techniques. All ground covers shall be fertilized with a 10-b 4 analysis fertilizer as a He appllcatlan at the rate of 31b5 per 100 square feet of the bloretenticm area prior to planting non-gross ground cover or as part of the grass seed ground cover. � Soil Specifications: 3ro. �..? * The loll mix should be uniform and free of stones, stumps, roots or other similar material greater than 2 inches. It should be homogenous soil mix of 85-86 percent by weight sand, 6-12 percent -� fines (slit and clay), and 3-5 percent organic matter (such as peat moss) shall be used. Soil Infiltration rate shall be I' per hour. The planting soil shall be free of plants or plant parts of Bermuda grass, Quack grass, Johnson grass, Mugwort, Nutsedge, Poison Ivy, Cardin Thistle, or others as specified. The planting soil shall not contain toxic substances harmful to plant growth. The planting soil shall be tested and meet the following criteria: $ pH range 55-6.5 6• Organic Matter IS 3.0% Magnesuun-Mg 351b5/acre Phosphorus-P205 IOOIbs/acre (P-Index Range 10-30) Potassium-K20 851b5/acre Soluble salts not to exceed 500 ppm f.- The following testing frequencies shall apply to the above soil constituents: - pH, Organic Matter: I test per g0 cubic yards, but not lessthan I test per borrow source. - Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Soluble Salts: I test per 500 cubic yards, but not less than Itest per borrow source. One grain size analysis shall be performed per g0 cubic yards of planting soil, but not Z less than I test per 131oretention Area. 06 A mulch layer shall be provided on top of the planting soil. An acceptable mulch layer shall include shredded hardwood or shredded wood chips or other similar material. Of the approved mulch products, all must be well aged, uniform in color, and free of foreign material Including plant material. Well -aged mulch Is defined as mulch that has been stockpiled or stored for at least 12 months. The sand shall be free of deleterious material and rocks greater than I Inch in diameter. Soil shall be placed in layers less than 18 Inches and lightly compacted(minimal compactNe effort) by tamping with a bucket from a dozer or a backhoe. p , ly S (2014Ti 3�r<f� - 1�1^ VI Q LU C U1 � Z C �D a ts) L Z N z -C N (� C O O E N O 01 N C 0) H V m o a >> Jl Z_ N 2 H W W Z Z LU W 2 H ll Z O H •� � r Z Q Z w H u � � O t» H C� LU % 44 W S a C 3 Y LU N 1 W oai ~ O Q v Z Z W W LIJ Z_ Z ILU 2 H J W Z tL O ll� W Q_ W I1 LU Z Q 0 N Transition Section 20 Ft. Min. Diversion Grade Not To Exceed IRS Grade = 0% _ /-- Diversion Flaw Undisturbed Soil Maximum Slope 10AS Width = W = 6 Concrete Lip r sk -. J��'C!-?;J i_7? i—CJ� ].!�✓E'`:Gi JiV Ci i�Ti_�-r � .. shall be tied Into higher' groundto preventflowcrow d the level spreader. LC� M Spm a day �Q AU Scale: Now ' 'M' 1- QP3 439.90' • Construction Notes: I. Catch Basin Design Specifications to Latest A5TM C-g13 Specifications For 'Precast Concrete Water and Wastewater Structures" and NCDOT Standards. I na 2. Concrete Compressive Strength 4,000 Psi Minimum. 3. 5teel Reinforcing Design to Conform to the L n Requirements of ASTM C MO Specifications for Grade 60 Re -bars conforming to the Requirements of ASTM A-bl5 or i WWF Conforming to the Requirements of ASTM A-05 or Both. 4. Additional Reinforcing at Openings. 5. Designed For H-20-44 Loading. 6. Steps Required on Catch Basins Over 3'-b" in Depth. Steps Shall be Steel Reinforced Copolymer Polypropylene Plastic and Meet the Requirements of A5TM C-4?8. 1. To be Field Adjusted Using NCDOT Approved Methods 8. Pipe Penetration to be as per Job Requirements. Pipe to be Installed by Contractor as per NCDOT Requirements for Mortar Joint Connecticms. q. Cast -In Ring and Cover To Be Supplied by Either C.P.C. or Customer Supplied. 10. Joints to be Sealed With Butyl Rubber Joint Sealant Conforming to the Requirements of A5TM C-g410, or Mortar as per NCDOT Requirements, or Both. 11. Diameter of Pipe Catch Basin WI11 Handle Varies. 12. Total height per Job specificatioonn. J� ;p �p� 11 awd �� O OW80H Scale: None •h• 3 gal. - 2 ea. 21 gm. Tablets 5 gal. - 3 ea. 21 gm. Tablets -I gal. - 5 ea. 21 gm. Tablets Plants Non -Grass Ground Cover 7 The ground cover planting holes shall be dug through the mulch with one of the following: hand trowel, shovel, bulb planter, or hoe (this does not apply to grasses or legumes). Before planting, biodegradable pots shall be split, and non-blodegradable pots shall be removed. Root systems of all potted plants shall be split or crumbled. The groixncl cover shall be planted so that the roots are surrounded by the soil below the mulch. Potted plants shall be set so that the top of the pot Is even with the existing grade. \, The roots of bare roots plants shall be covered to the crown. Before planting, apply a pre -emergent herbicide to the mulched and planted ground cover bed. The entire ground cover bed shall be thoroughly watered. FlcntinQ Grass Ground Cover 1 Grosses and legumes seed shall be tilled Into the loll to a depth of at least 2 Inches by either harrowing or dlscing. Fertilizer shall be applied at the some rate and utilizing the same process for non -grass ground cover. brass and legume plugs shall be planted following the non -grass ground cover planting techniques. All ground covers shall be fertilized with a 10-b 4 analysis fertilizer as a He appllcatlan at the rate of 31b5 per 100 square feet of the bloretenticm area prior to planting non-gross ground cover or as part of the grass seed ground cover. � Soil Specifications: 3ro. �..? * The loll mix should be uniform and free of stones, stumps, roots or other similar material greater than 2 inches. It should be homogenous soil mix of 85-86 percent by weight sand, 6-12 percent -� fines (slit and clay), and 3-5 percent organic matter (such as peat moss) shall be used. Soil Infiltration rate shall be I' per hour. The planting soil shall be free of plants or plant parts of Bermuda grass, Quack grass, Johnson grass, Mugwort, Nutsedge, Poison Ivy, Cardin Thistle, or others as specified. The planting soil shall not contain toxic substances harmful to plant growth. The planting soil shall be tested and meet the following criteria: $ pH range 55-6.5 6• Organic Matter IS 3.0% Magnesuun-Mg 351b5/acre Phosphorus-P205 IOOIbs/acre (P-Index Range 10-30) Potassium-K20 851b5/acre Soluble salts not to exceed 500 ppm f.- The following testing frequencies shall apply to the above soil constituents: - pH, Organic Matter: I test per g0 cubic yards, but not lessthan I test per borrow source. - Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Soluble Salts: I test per 500 cubic yards, but not less than Itest per borrow source. One grain size analysis shall be performed per g0 cubic yards of planting soil, but not Z less than I test per 131oretention Area. 06 A mulch layer shall be provided on top of the planting soil. An acceptable mulch layer shall include shredded hardwood or shredded wood chips or other similar material. Of the approved mulch products, all must be well aged, uniform in color, and free of foreign material Including plant material. Well -aged mulch Is defined as mulch that has been stockpiled or stored for at least 12 months. The sand shall be free of deleterious material and rocks greater than I Inch in diameter. Soil shall be placed in layers less than 18 Inches and lightly compacted(minimal compactNe effort) by tamping with a bucket from a dozer or a backhoe. p , ly S (2014Ti 3�r<f� - 1�1^ VI Q LU C U1 � Z C �D a ts) L Z N z -C N (� C O O E N O 01 N C 0) H V m o a >> Jl Z_ N 2 H W W Z Z LU W 2 H ll Z O H •� � r Z Q Z w H u � � O t» H C� LU % 44 W S a C 3 Y LU N 1 W oai ~ O Q v Z Z W W LIJ Z_ Z ILU 2 H J W Z tL O ll� W Q_ W I1 LU Z Q 0 N