HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW6100401_COMPLIANCE_20100721STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS ❑ HISTORICAL FILE COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE �i1�07a I YYYYMMDD A —�x G�i�i�+�—'_Y��Slal� — t-la�Fl� Leo • '1.21 •io �C1�S�111`21'�l-ot�S IaxlL_'�_1�0�� �fo�¢ty G o . (moo '� ese�p �b1 ID1,]S � to �Z__4_ ►-lou�_�-[o�t� yo W. 1 � J IoUS� Quo °% QD�.oJS . G c Y• 0. - o. G�-7 t� 0 Y yam O• I D Ia 758 gmiaAl "I•Z1•lo alwL 7�b - ��1L"'C�A��91i �`•si►1 \�Li4i L�V�'nL OµVj 'CtS� �Ji`�•1 P �l�tt\ : ♦ Yr l�•C �bt�SFi o Vo �tyL — o oro + o • .� 0. 30 3 a o r��, Q ►. G� ec. GLaL.G ►� �i.►7 K 'coiG\� SL♦��6�6 �LcbP �'C t�.it� 1Cato �� �[ 7 i 'l 7%-7� ��t 5 � Lo•Qy '�'�'\ L'b'!- tom• I�•Q L� Zl o Gv$• fi}� a0 'p - Sb• x 15' cSna 1 Gi � %� `J' }l}.1- � l�r� ►�j • O s � — CS• � � ��•� •- erg• y g•o L y L 71 Z� o�•r2•L ❑v TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL DESIGN ACREAGE: 1.13 wL INTENSITY: 7.9 ce COEFFICIENT: o, ( Z Q REQUIRED: S,'*sQ S = SWALE LONGITUDINAL SLOPE = O, o I CHANNEL SUMMARY: BOTTOM WIDTH = MIN. DEPTH = SIDE SLOPES = GRADIENT = PERMISSIBLE VELOCITY FOR GRASS LINED SWALES (from Table 8.05a) = 5.0, T &"%JP4, RETARDANCE CLASSIFICATION (From Table 8.05c) IS' Unmowed; o, oy use for capacity check 'D' Mowed; : 0, 0 4 Z use for velocity check SIDE SLOPES: 5 : 1 CHANNEL TO BE minimum higher for soil buildup SELECTION OF CHANNEL CONFIGURATION = (Figure 8.05d utilized with n = 0.08) Utilize A = Q/V for initial estimate a b e b = en d e= 3,15 Z=e/d=5 CROSS -SECTIONAL AREA (A) = bd + Z(dz) _ �-15� (6� o, IgJ 4.S -1.V-10 -7,3 � -1,3-t,3 _ HYDRAULIC RADIUS (R)= 6+2d z +1 �0 VELOCITY x HYDRAULIC RADIUS (V x R) -2 G5. FRICTION FACTOR (n) (from Figure 8.05c): 'nb' for'B' retardance = p.0q 'na' for'D' retardance = 0-o4Z 'n.' for'E' retardance (bare earth) _ FOR CAPACITY CHECK: Q = VA Q = Vb (unmpwed) x Swale Area (A) at 's Vb = V o,o4T = (1.49T(RN)(S�T z (1 � 49�o,6'D� Co,fll_ - n Q=VbxA= FOR VELOCITY CHECK: \ Va=(7.491(R�1(S�nT ,67�00}'S O.D9"/ na 0 ,642 o,r�42 LINEAR SHEAR STRESS CHECK: Shear Stress (T) Ibs,/ft' = 62.4 Ib/ft3 (Y) x Flood dep(h in ft (D) x Channel Gradient (S, Selected Lining=6-f(i_.L� CHECK PERMISSIBLE UNIT SHEAR STRESS FOR LINING TYPE (from Table 8.05g) = I , ¢6 clt vza/admin/(orms/ge at(swalecic W Gavin Melia From: Patterson, Robert [robert.patterson@ncdenr.gov] Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2010 10:13 AM To: Lou Sadler Cc: Gavin Melia Subject: RE: FED -EX PERMIT (sw6100401) Lou, Addition of BUA will require a permit modification. Basically, you will need to submit a similar package (application, supplement(s), fee, plans, etc.) that you did for the original application. The new package will show the changes, including calculations for the BMP with the additional BUA. The only difference is we already have the soils report and O&M agreement, so those don't need to be re -submitted. GIN [ S p� Let me know if you have any questions once to get into it. z Robert D. Patterson, PE 7"it4 ITTe—D CA 1 S Environmental Engineer NCDENR I DWQ I Stormwater Permitting ST f (_L T o� S �� 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 (Mau) J—I(r7T Dflef- 4X_1t gAle-If-,"4011- 512 N. Salisbury St, Raleigh, NC 27604 1 9th Floor (Location tt. Parcels) �� N GIB F V 4 r (919) 807-6375 Phone 1 (919) 807-6494 Fax ` , -pla t l/f TvF� Email: robert.oattersonQncderingov ] S S"f L_ Website: http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/ws/su � WA Before printing this email. please consider your budget and the envirunmenl. J.J If you must print. please print only what you need and save ink with the free Fco-Font E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Lou Sadler[mailto:lsadler@thehayterfirm.com] Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2010 10:04 AM To: Patterson, Robert Cc: gavin@baselinedevelopment.com Subject: FED -EX PERMIT (sw6100401) Robert, Fed -Ex has asked that we revised the paving at the Fed -Ex expansion project in Hoke County. It would involve adding some asphalt the loading dock area to accommodate small truck trailer parking. It is just under 1700sf of paving. How does this affect our storm water permit (sw6100401)? What will we need to do to make this change? Thanks for any insight you can provide Lou Sadler The Hayter Firm P.O.Box 3083, 30 Parker Lane Pinehurst, N.C., 28374 910-295-2232 HAL OWEN & ASSOCIATES, INC. SOIL & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTISTS P.O. Box 400, 266 Old Coats Road Lillington, NC 27546-0400 Phone (910) 893-8743 / Fax (910) 893-3594 www.halowensoil.com 12 March 2010 Mr. Lou Sadler The Hayter Firm 30 Parker Lane PO Box 3083 Pinchurst, NC 28374 Reference: Soil Scientist Investigation Fedsubo, LLC Property; Fed -Ex Package and Distribution Center Dear Mr. Sadler, A site investigation has been conducted for the above referenced project, located on the eastern side of Midway Drive and the northern side of US Flwy 401, Hoke County, North Carolina. The purpose of this investigation was to provide a general characterization of the soils in the area proposed for a stormwater infiltration device, including a determination of the depth to evidence of a seasonal high water table and estimation of the permeability of the various soil layers. In -situ hydraulic conductivity testing was not conducted. All soil characteristics were described in accordance with the USDA Field Book for Describing and Sampling Soils. This report represents my professional opinion as a Licensed Soil Scientist. A hand -powered auger boring was advanced in the area proposed for the infiltration device (see Figure 1) to a depth of 100 inches below ground surface. Soil morphological characteristics indicating a seasonal high water table (SHWT) were observed at 90 inches below surface. Infiltration rates (permeability) range from 1.0 in/hr in the sandy clay loam layer between 62 and 90 inches to as high as 10.0 in/hr in the loamy sand textured soils at the surface. A soil profile description was collected at location #I and is attached to this report. I appreciate the opportunity to provide this service and trust that you will feel free to call on the again in the future. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at your convenience. Sincerely Hal Owen Licensed Soil Scientist Soil Science Investigations • Wetland Delineations, Permitting, and Consulting HAL OWEN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Soil Scientist Investigation Fcdsubo, LLC Property: Fed -Ex Package and Distribution Center 4 March 2010 Figure / Soil Profile #1 n rr / I � ' j I I�Ijaa 7 // Soil Science Investigations • Wetland Delineations, Permitting, and Consulting HAL OWEN & ASSOCIATES, INC. SOIL PROFILE DESCRIPTIONS FOR STORMWATER MANAGEMENT DEVICES CLIENT: The Havter Firm OWNER:❑ AGENT:® PHONE: 910-295-2232 PROJECT NAME: Fedsubo, LLC Property; Fed -Ex Package and Distribution Center PROPOSED FACILITY: Infiltration device LOCATION OF SITE: Midway Drive and US Hwy 401 COUNTY: PROPERTY EVALUATED BY: Hal Owen, NC Licensed Soil Scientist DATE EVALUATED: 2 March 2010 L'VALUATION METHOD: Auger Boring ®, Pit ❑ PROFILE: 1 HORIZON DEPTH MAI*RIX MOTTLES 'FHXTURE STRUCTURE CONSIS- PERMEABIL NOTES (IN) "PENCE rl'Y IN/HR 0-30 brownish LS 2 M GR VFR 10.0 yellow 31-35 yellowish SI 2 M GR FR 4.0 brown 35 42 brownish in 3 yellowish I S 2 M GR FR 6.0 rcllow brown 4219 yellowish SI. I MSBK FR 3.0 hrown 49-62 yellowish m 3 brownish S(,I- 2 M SBK FR 2.0 brown yellow yellowish reddish gray 62-90 and brownish SCI. 2 M SBK FI Lo brown vellow 90-100 graa'1Cd - SCI, I M SBK FIrieg - v AWT SHWT 90 inches SLWT SLOPE DRAINAGE SOIL SERIES VEGETATION CONIh1ENI S: Soil Science Investigations • Wetland Delineations, Permitting, and Consulting HAL OWEN & ASSOCIATES, INC. " ND ur At HHLVIAT>utNS FOR TEXTURE S - Sand LS - Loamy Sand SL - Sandy Loam L - Loam SCL - Sandy Clay Loam CL - Clay Loam SiL - Silt Loam Si - Silt SiCL- Silt Clay Loam SC - Sandy Clay C - Clay SiC - Silty Clay O - Organic MOTTLES f — few c — common in — many STRUCTURE 0 - structureless I - weak 2 - moderate 3 - strong MOIST CONSISTENCE L - Loose VFR - Very Friable FR - Friable FI - Firm VFI - Very Finn EFI - Extremely Firm A WT — Apparent Water Table SHWT— Seasonal High Water Table SLWT— Seasonal Low Water Table 1 - fine F - Faint 2 - medium D - Distinct 3 - coarse P - Prominent VF -very fine G - Single Grain F - fine M - Massive M - medium CR - Crumb C - coarse GR - Granular VC - very coarse SBK - Subangular Blocky ABK - Angular Blocky PL - Platy PR - Prismatic Soil Science Investigations • Wetland Delineations. Permitting, and Consulting Page 1 of 1 DENR-FRO JINN 0 4 2010 DWQ http://mapserver.mytopo.com/api/Getlmage.asp?fname=24759&local_server_ip=83 3/16/2010