HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW6100208_CURRENT PERMIT_20100305STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW 6y�z DOC TYPE CURRENT PERMIT APPROVED PLANS ❑ HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE'S-- YYYYMMDD DWQ USE ONLY Date Received Fee Paid Permit Number -/o QU 20 Applicable Rules: ❑ Coastal SW -1995 ❑ Coastal SW (select all that apply) ❑ Non -Coastal SW- HQW/ORW Waters ❑ Other WQ M mt Plan: - 2008 ❑ Ph It - Post Construction ❑ Universal Stormwater Management Plan State of North Carolina aepar[ment of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality S'Yt )YL AWA'TEW 1AANA1G'EMEN T i'ERMIA XYTL1CA'YU)N YAMIL i This form maybe photocopied for use as an original I. GENERAL INFORMATION rn 1. Project Name (subdivision, facility, or establishment name - should be consistent with pro jt name on plans, specifications, letters, operation and maintenance agreements, etc.): Township Developers LLC MAR U 5 ajo 2. Location of Project (street address): ®tf Q 94 Three Hunts Road 11'Prr&Mke, IVC caunity: Rah,?A?rr Zip: 283,72 3. Directions to project (from nearest major intersection): From I-95 take NC 711 to Pembroke, NC. Take NC 711 and make a left onto Comtech Drive. Once on Comtech Drive go approximately 0.6 miles to Three Hunts Road. The site is approximately 0.3 miles near 4. 1L;dLfLQel&NV1 3' V1.55' 1L Lungitnde'79" 1W 32.2T W 0 t'ne-main crtcrancY to t4ie prv�ect. H. PERMIT INFORMATION: f. a. Specify wnetner project is (cfteck onej: ONew QModu7catton b.lf this application is being submitted as the result of a modification to an existing permit, list the existing penrat number , its issue date (if known) and the status of construction: ONot Started ❑Partially Completed* D Completed* *provide a designer's certification 2. Specify the type of project (check one): ❑Low Density ®High Density ❑Drains to an Offsite Stormwater System ❑Other 3. If this application is being submitted as the result of a previously returned application or a letter from BWQ segv2st;M%a. Make Jiwmwiakes tet * i T' VKt r u:, kkv, if assigned, and the previous name of the project, if different than currently proposed, 4. a. Additti?ral Pmji?ct Ru faimffre�rr& (chec l• apple alnt Narrks,• irrformatiaa air requimd state perarits can In obtained by contacting the Customer Service Center at 1-877-623-6748): ❑CAMA Major ®Sedimentation/Erosion Control: 4.15 ac of Disturbed Area ONPDES Industrial Stotmwater rJ404/401 Permit: Proposed Impacts b.lf any of these permits have already been acquired please provide the Project Name, Project/Perna[ Number, issue date and the type of each permit: Township Developers, LLC ; Project ID: Robes-2010-015, Issue Date: 2-2/10 , Erosion Control in. CONTACT INFORMATION 1. a. Print Applicant / Signing Official's name and title (specifically the developer, property owner, lessee, designated government official, individual, etc. who owns the project): Applicant/Organization: Township Developers, LLC Signing Official & Title: lames Maynor - Owner/Partner Ch CO.Wa tir&hTrr.at(,W fa ph-svrr LSteJ iu item 1a about Street Address:763 Comtech Drive City:Pembroke State: NC Zip: 28372 Mailing Address (ifapplicable):PO Box 1359 City:Pembroke State: NC Zip: 28372 Phone: (910 ) 521-8013 Fax: ( ) Email: £. 4'ra32 £Sr�k.wr aF�'s ps.ate lr�x. £tre a}hi£arit 5i it£u abavc is. ❑ The property owner (Skip to Contact Information, item 3a) ❑ Lessee* (Attach a copy of the lease agreement and complete Contact Information, item 2a and 2b below) ❑ Purchaser* (Attach a copy of the pending sales ap,.reement and complete Contact Information, item 2a and 2b below) ® Developer` (Complete Contact Information, item 2a and 2b below.) 2. a.Pfint Property fiwnef s name an6 title below, if you are the lessee, purcnaser or aeveloper. tihis is Yne person who owns the property that the project is located on): Property Owner/OrganizationNenture Properties Group, LLC Signing Official & Title:lames Maynor b.Contact information for person listed in item 2a above 9,rwi SiuuT£SP,.'6✓COh]1L£ail riYP'iJ£ City:Pembroke State: NC Zip: 28372 MailbIg Address (ifatmlicable.):PO 1359 City:Pembroke State.:NC Zip:28372 Phone: (910 ) 521-8103 Fax: (n/a ) 3. a. (Optional) Print the name and title of another contact such as the project's construction supervisor or other tuna s�,rr oo•ba can ansm2 r ques&ons about the pfrwa. Other Contact Signing Official & b.Contact information for person listed in item 3a above: Phone: ( ) Fax: 9. Local jurisdiction for build ng permits: Point of Contact: Phone #: v.._.... mitt in, t_rr IV. PROJECT INFORMATION 1. In the space provided below, briefly summarize how the stormwater runoff will be treated. S ornrao atcr ae•rN he trr�terl too Wet Ik tcrrtrm Basire kx:ated to thr mxt2ree est of the srte. Rw Basin is designed using 909' TSS Pollutant Removal Efficiency Table 10-3. 2. a.If claiming vested rights, identify the supporting documents provided and the date they were approved: ❑ Approval of a Site Specific Development Plan or PUD Approval Dale: n Valid Building Permit Issued Date: ❑ Other: Date: b.ldentify the regulations) the project has been designed in accordance with: 17 ci •istatSW -1.9% Fl Ph A- Pasi.GamlLcucNrao. 3. Stormwater runoff from this project drains to the Lumber River basin. 4. Total Property Area: 6.27 acres 5. Total Coastal Wetlands Area: 0 acres 6. Total Surface Water Area: 0 acres Total Property Area (4) - Total Coastal Wetlands Area (5) - Total Surface Water Area (6) = Total Project Area+:6.27 acres * Total project area shall be calculated to exclude the following the normal pool of impounded structures, the area between the banks of streams and rivers, the area below the Normal High � Water (NHW) line or Mean High Water (MHW) line, and coastal wetlands landward from the NHW (or MHW) line. The resultant project area is used to calculate overall percent built upon area (BUA). Non -coastal wetlands landward of the NHW (or MHIM line may be included in the total project area. 8. Project percent of impervious area: (Total Impervious Area / Total Project Area) X 100 = 9. T >f rer ems, f dss i 3 f14, areas d yes Oka �vsiF.ct ha ie? Otve (� k� gh des ik j cysN, �sr, e.fM. p err �c�zd engineered stormwater BMP. For low density and other projects, use 1 for the whole property area) 10. Complete the following information for each drainage area identified in Project Information item 9. If there are miue than fiuwr drainage areas in the priyed, attach an oddiliculaJ sheet >,vith the infLmnatitm fi\r each area provided in the same format as below. Basin Information Drainage Area 1 Drainage Area _ Drainage Area _ Drainage Area RMerd^r;�J:^.ali, ^tawre Uw'bts Rs�ef Stream Class WS-IV, B;Sw, HQW AreamJndexNumber* 1447,1 Total Drainage Area (so 273,122 On -site Drainage Area (so 273,122 017G,jin Oval i1r(e ASea tsf� Q Proposed Impervious Area" (sf) 191,185 Impervious** Surface Area Drainage Area 1 Drainage Area _ Drainage Area _ Drainage Area On -site Buildings/Lots (so 45,000 On -site Streets (sf) 62,766 On -site Parking (so 75,419 On -site Sidewalks fsfl 11 8.000 w � SrLiirir ♦.ruSS rfiru nu'1:Ci,ZuritL�Cuir ✓rL'uC�tihrliritr rfr. u��y./jncv C,Tr SrurC.h'C.A'Sii�iiSi,S}rlt,t%r rJ//dYUrrSJ�i�B.nrriTr Form SWU-101 Version 07July2009 Page 3 of 6 Imgeroious area is defined as the built upon area including, but not limited to, buildings, roads, parking areas, sidewalks, gravel areas, etc. ** Report only that amount of existing BUA that will remain after development. Do not report any existing BUA that .is 10 he,remaved.and which utill he renlared by neta.B 11A. 11. How was the off -site impervious area listed above determined? Provide documentation. N/A Proieets in Union County: Contact DWQ Central Of ce staff to check ijthe project is located within a Threatened & Endangered Species watershed that may be subject to more stringent stormwater requirements as per NCAC 02B .0600. 1 . SLPPLEWE.VT AND O&W FOR,41S The applicable state stormwater management permit supplement and operation and maintenance (O&M) forms must be submitted for each BMP specified for this project. The latest versions of the forms can be downloaded ilurr,'rftfifsuf'wipSenms.Yrt t. VI. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Only complete application packages will be accepted and reviewed by the Division of Mater Quality (DWQ). A complete package includes all of the items listed below. A detailed application instruction sheet and BMP checklists are available from http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/su/bmp forms.htm. The complete application package should be submitted to the appropriate DWQ Office. (The appropriate office may be found by locating project on the interactive online map at htLp://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/su/msi maps.htm.) Please indicate that the following required information have been provided by initialing in the space provided &Y each itenn. All atrg rral docuracyrts M UST fn sigfx-J, arrd irtiIiaku irr blue &&. Download the I. -test versions for each submitted application package from http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/su/bmp forms.htm. 1. Original and one copy of the Stormwater Management Permit Application Form. 2. Original and one copy of the signed and notarized. Deed Restrictions & Protective Covenants Form. (if required as per Part VIl below) 3. Original of the applicable Supplement Form(s) (sealed, signed and dated) and O&M aynmuterre(s) foredch BEER. 4. Permit application processing fee of $505 payable to NCDENR. (For an Express review, refer htLp://www.envhelp.org/paiyes/onestol2express.htnil for information on the Express prop and the associated fees. Contact the ayprogriate regjonal office Express Permit Coordinate additional information and to schedule the required application meeting.) 5. A detailed narrative (one to two pages) describing the stormwater treatment/management 6. A USGS map identifvinv, the site location. If the receiving stream is reported as class SA of receiving stream drains to class SA waters within'/z mile of the site boundary, include the ? mile radius on the map. 7. Sealed, signed and dated calculations. 8. Two sets of plans folded to 8.5" x 14" (sealed, signed, & dated), including: a. Development/Project name. b. Engineer and firm. r- Locajinn neap with named slrrets and NC -SR nnmberc d. Legend. e. North arrow. L Scale. g. Revision numoer and dates. h. Identify all surface waters on the plans by delineating the normal pool elevation of impounded structures, the banks of streams and rivers, the MHW or NHW litre of tidal waters, and any coastal wetlands landward of the MHW or NHW tines. • Delineate the vegetated buffer landward from the normal pool elevation of impounded structures, the banks of streams or rivers, and the MHW (or NHW) of tidal waters. i. Dimensioned property/project boundary with bearings & distances. GJI2 "wa, vit:h, •U'. RIiA.iAW--)JhP'd acv1 dL�:V2.4s.7lW.PP�. k. Existing contours, proposed contours, spot elevations, finished floor elevations. 1. Details of roads, drainage features, collection systems, and stormwater control measures. in. Wetlands delineated, or a note on the plans that none exist. (Must be delineated by a qualified person. Provide documentation of quafillcations and identify the person who made the determination on the plans. F^.rw, VW'T ""A N' Wiror, 27' hdfj PJJ: Ywgt4 S r 9. n. Existing drainage (including off -site), drainage easements, pipe sizes, runoff calculations. o. Drainage areas delineated (included in the main set of plans, not as a separate document). p. Vegetated buffers (where required). Crrlry t6 lcjrenl wilfi the asstxialed SSi'O S chc irn5 44 tease S'ucTtnSy wJ elevations in addition to depths) as well as a map of the boring locations with the existing elevations and boring logs. Include an 8.5"Al" copy of the NRCS County Soils map with project area clearly delineated. For projects with infiltration BMPs, the report should also include the soil type, expected infiltration rate, and the method of determining the infiltration rate. (Infiltration Devices submitted to WiRO: Schedule a site visit for DWQ to verify the SHWT prior to submittal, (910) 796-7378.) / r X cerlry eA t}ru-mrrti cmterhyrerpCnty dve& Dct-d blmk-.6A674 S'-am IZer: V6% ✓ For corporations and limited liability corporations (LLC): Provide documentation from the _ Secretary of State or other official documentation, which supports the titles and positions held by the persons listed in Contact Information, item la. 2a. and,/or 3a per NCAC 21-11003(e). The corporation or LLC must be listed as an active corporation in good standing with the NC Secretary of State, otherwise the application will be returned. httn•//www.secretary.sLate.nc.us/Corporations/CSearch.asi2x VII. DEED RESTRICTIONS AND PROTECTIVE COVENANTS For all subdivisions, outparcels, and future development, the appropriate property restrictions and protective covenants are required to be recorded prior to the sale of any lot. If lot sizes vary significantly or the proposed BUA allocations vary, a tabfe fisting each lot number, lot size, and the affowabfe buift-upon area must be provided as an attachment to the completed and notarized deed restriction form. The appropriate deed restrictions and protective covenants forms can be downloaded from htti2://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/su/bmi2 forms.htm#deed restrictions. Download the latest versions for each submittal. In the instances where the applicant is different than the property owner, it is the responsibility of the property owner to sign the deed restrictions and protective covenants form while the applicant is responsible for ensuring that the deed restrictions are recorded. By the notarized signature(s) below, the permit holder(s) certify that the recorded property restrictions and protective covenants for this project, if required, shall include all the items required in the permit and listed on the fora available on the website, that the covenants will be binding on all parties and persons claiming under them, that they will rn with the land, that the required covenants cannot be changed or deleted without concurrence from the NC DWQ and that they will be recorded prior to the sale of any lot. VIII. CONSULTANT INFORMATION AND AUTHORIZATION Applicant: Complete this section if you wish to designate authority to another individual and/or firm (such as a consulting engineer and/or firm) so that they may provide information on your behalf for this project (such as addressing requests for additional information). Consulting EnMeer:lohnny W. Nobles Can,vuhing Firm: L!� nnv T7r A c9,xles <i Asso gates Mailing Address:PO Box 407 (416 N. Chestnut Street) City:Lumberton State:NC Zip:28358 Phone: (910 ) 738-6875 Email:noblesassociates@nc.rr.com Fax: (910 ) 738-8652 IX. PROPERTY OWNER AUTHORIZATION (if Contact Information, item 2 has been filled out, complete this section) I, (print or type name of person listed in Contact Information, item 2a) lames Maynor , certify that I own the property identified in this permit application, and thus give permission to (print or type name of person listed in Contact Information, item la) fames Maynor with (print or type name of organization listed in Contact Information, item IN to develop the project as currently proposed. A copy ofthe fease agreement or pending property safes contract has been provided with the submittaf, which indicates the party responsible for the operation and maintenance of the stormwater system. As the legal property owner I acknowledge, understand, and agree by my signature below, that if my designated agent (entity Listed in Contact Information, item 1) dissolves their company and/or cancels or defaults on their lease agreement, or pending sale, responsibility for compliance with the DWQ Stormwater permit reverts back to me, the property owner. As the property owner, it is my responsibility to notify DWQ immediately and submit a completed Name/Ownership Change Form within 30 days; otherwise I will be operating a stormwater treatment facility without a valid permit. I understand that the operation of a stormwater treatment facility without a valid permit is a violation of NC General Statue 143-215.1 and may result in appropriate enforcement action including the assessment of civil penalties of up to $25,000 per day, pursuant to NCGS 143-215.6. Date: '�//? h'A/D a Notary Public for the State of C— County of hr, h i SUh do hereby certify that -:(l OUD 1110 y' 17 L' Y personally appeared before me this L day of -e b - 0l) and ackiiRwledge�the due executin of the application for a stormwater permit. Witness my hand and official seal, i �1 L-t/' SEAL My commission X. APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION -�y-ao1S I, (print or type name of person listed in Contact Information, item 2) fames Maunor certify that the information included on this permit application form is, to the best of my knowledge, correct and that the project will be constructed in conformance with the approved plans, that the required deed restrictions and protective covenants will be recorded, and that the proposed project complies with the requirements of the applicable stormwater rules under 15A NCAC 2I-I .1000, SL 2006-246 (Ph. II - Post Construction) or SL 2008-211. Signature: LL a/rI4-J //'/Q ,y Date: 7 10 I, LJP UUPc3_d f� I V ��. a Notary Public for the State of �) County of RO b PSu'y, do hereby certify that UJ Cz me 5 7NO V oo I%' personally appeared before me this II � day of and acknowledge the due execu�o'nof the application for a stormwater permit. Witness my hand and official seal, ' ri r •��`J-c —c My commission expires Form SWU-101 Version 07Ju1y2009 Page 6 of 6 MCER Noilh Carolina DeFdartrn nt of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Qualitv 3e,�eriy Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins ' oCvernor Director March 19, 2010 Township Developers. LLC Attn: James Maynor PO Box 1359 Pembroke, NC 28372 Subject: Stormwater Management Permit SW6100208 Township Developers, LLC High Density Pro ject Robeson County Dear Mr. Maynor: Dee FreBn'2 The Fayetteville Regional Office of the Division of Water Quality received a complete Stormwater Management Permit Application for the Township Developers, LLC project on February 22, 2010. Staff review of the plans and specifications along with additional information received on March 5, 2010 and March 16, 2010 has determined that the project, as proposed, will comply with the Stormwater Regulations set forth in Title 15A NCAC 211 .1000. Therefore, we are forwarding herewith Stormwater Management Permit SW6100208 dated March 19, 2010 for construction of the subject project. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until March 18, 2020 and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein. Please pay special attention to the Operation and Maintenance requirements in this permit. Failure to establish an adequate system for operation and maintenance of the stormwater management system will result in future compliance problems. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable, you have the right to request an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty (30) calendar days following receipt of this permit. This request must be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 15013 of the North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Drawer 27447, Raleigh, NC 27611-7447. Unless such demands are made this permit shall be final and binding. If you have any questions, or need additional information concerning this matter, please contact Mike Lawyer or myself at (910) 433-3300. Sincerely/,^ f % -bL Belinda S. Henson Regional Supervisor Surface Water Protection Section BSH: ML/nil cc: nathan E. Locklear,'PE-LL&J Consulting Engineers (via e-mail) ZJohnny W. Nobles, PLS-Johnny W. Nobles & Associates (via e-mail) Robeson County Zoning & Planning Department, PO Box 1284, Lumberton, NC 28359 FRO -Surface Water Protection DWQ Central Files t V m, U, w "Amef S i1' V ah arulin a 93301 9 t aDC, I F t 9 0 for ^7r1 „t ..,, -� .i 1 i77-023-8743 qt: pi;t: w imcwaterquaity.orq One NolthC, illij'•Ii1 Oql Ill `1 STATE OE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OE ENVIRONNIENT AND NATURAL 12ESOURCLS DIVISION OE WATER QUALITY STATE STORNINVATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT HIGH DENSITY DEVELOPNIENT In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations PERMISSION IS 1-IEREBY GRANTED TO James Hoynor & Township Developers, LLC Township Developers, LLC Robeson County FOR THL' construction, operation and maintenance of a wet detention pond in compliance with the provisions of 15A NCAC 21-1 .1000 (hereafter referred to as the "stormwater rules') and the approved stormwater management plans and specifications and other supporting data as attached and on file with and approved by the Division of Water Quality and considered a part of this permit. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until March 18, 2020 and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: I. DESIGN STANDARDS 1. This permit is effective only with respect to the nature and volume of stormwater described in the application and other supporting data. 2. This stormwater system has been approved for the management of stormwater runoff as described in Section 1.6 of this permit. The stormwater control has been designed to handle the runoff from 191,185 square leet of impervious area. 3. The tract will be limited to the amount of built -upon area as indicated in Section 1.6 of this permit, and per approved plans. 4. All stormwater collection and treatment systems must be located in either dedicated common areas or recorded easements. The final plats for the project will be recorded showing all such required easements, in accordance with the approved plans. 5. The runoff from all built -upon area within the permitted drainage area of this project must be directed into the permitted stormwater control system. 6. The following design criteria have been provided in the wet detention pond and must be maintained at design condition: a. Drainage Area, acres: 6.27 Ofsite, ft2: 273,122 Offsite, ft2: 0 b. Total hnpervious Surfaces. 112: Buildings, ftz ft: Street, -: Parking, ft2: Sidewalks, ft`: C. Design Storm, inches: d. Pond Depth, feet: C. TSS removal efficiency: f. Permanent Pool Elevation,FMSL: g. Permanent Pool Surface Area. ft2: h. Permitted Storage Volume, ft3: 1. Temporary Storage Elevation, FMSL j. ControllingOrifce: k. Permitted Forebay Volume, it-: 1. Maximum Fountain Horsepower: In. Receiving Stream/River Basin: n. Stream Index Number: o. Classification of Water Body: II. SCHEDULE OF COMPLIANCE 4. 191:185 36,000 71,766 75,419 8.000 1.0 5.25 (3.76 average) 90% 152.00 9,120 34,402 (permanent)/15,600 (temporary) 153.50 2.0" O pipe 6,880 1/8 HP Lumber River/Lumber 14-(7) "WS-IV,B;Sw,HQW" The stormwater management system shall be constructed in its entirely; vegetated and operational for its intended use prior to the construction of any built -upon surface. During construction, erosion shall be kept to a minimum and any eroded areas of the system will be repaired immediately. The permittee shall, at all limes, provide the operation and maintenance necessary to assure the permitted stormwater system functions at optimum efficiency. The approved Operation and Maintenance Plan must be followed in its entirety and maintenance must occur at the scheduled intervals including, but not limited to: a. Semiannual scheduled inspections (every 6 months). b. Sediment removal. C. Mowing and revegetation of slopes and the vegetated filter. d. Immediate repair of eroded areas. e. Maintenance of all slopes in accordance with approved plans and speci ,Citations. f. Debris removal and unclogging of outlet structure, orifice device, flow spreader, catch basins and piping. g. Access to the outlet structure must be available at all times. Records of maintenance activities must be kept and made available upon request to authorized personnel ofDWQ. The records will indicate the date, activity, name of person performing the work and what actions were taken. Decorative spray fountains will be allowed in the stormwater treatment system, subject to the following criteria: a. The fountain nutst draw its water from less than 2' below the permanent pool surface. b. Separated units, where the nozzle, pump and intake are connected by tubing may be used only if they draw water from the surface in the deepest part of the pond. C. The falling water from the fountain must be centered in the pond, away from the shoreline. d. The maximum horsepower for the fountain's pump is based on the permanent pool volume. The maximum horsepower for a fountain in this pond is 1/8 horsepower. 6. The facilities shall be constructed as shown on the approved plans. This permit shall become voidable unless the facilities are constructed in accordance with the conditions of this permit, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting data. Upon completion of construction, prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, and prior to operation of this permitted facility, a certification must be received from an appropriate designer for the system installed certifying that the permitted facility has been installed in accordance with this permit, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting documentation. Any deviations from the approved plans and specifications must be noted on the Certification. A modification may be required for those deviations. If the stormwater system is used as an Erosion Control device, it must be restored to design condition prior to operation as a stormwater treatment device and prior to occupancy of the facility. 9. Access to the stormwater facilities shall be maintained via appropriate easements at all times. 10. The permittee shall submit to the Director and shall have received approval for revised plans, specifications, and calculations prior to construction, for any modification to the approved plans, including, but not limited to, those listed below: a. Any revision to any item shown on the approved plans, including the stormwater management measures, built -upon area, details, etc. b. Project name change. C. Transfer of ownership. d. Redesign or addition to the approved amount of built -upon area or to the drainage area. e. Further subdivision, acquisition, lease or sale of all or part of the project area. The project area is defined as all property owned by the permittee, for which Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan approval or a CAMA Major permit was sought. f. Filling in, altering, or piping of any vegetative conveyance shown on the approved plan. 11. The permittee shall submit final site layout and grading plans for any permitted future areas shown on the approved plans, prior to construction. 12. A copy of the approved plans and specifications shall be maintained on file by the Permittee for a minimum of ten years from the (late of the completion of construction. 13. The Director may notify the permittee when the permitted site does not meet one or more of the minimum requirements of the permit. Within the time frame specified in the notice, the permittee shall submit a written lime schedule to the Director for modifying the site to meet minimum requirements. The permittee shall provide copies of revised plans and certification in writing to the Director that the changes have been made. 111. GENERAL CONDITIONS This permit is not transferable except after notice to and approval by the Director. In the event of a change of ownership, or a name change, the permittee must submit a formal permit transfer request to the Division of Water Quality, accompanied by a completed name/ownership change form, documentation from the parties involved, and other supporting materials as may be appropriate. The approval of this request will be considered on its merits and may or niay not be approved. The permittee is responsible for compliance with all permit conditions Until such time as the Division approves the transfer request. Failure to abide by the conditions and limitations contained in this permit may subject the Permittee to enforcement action by the Division of Water Quality, in accordance with North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6A to 143-215.6C. The issuance ofthis permit does not preclude the Permittce from complying with any and all statutes, rules. regulations. or ordinances, which may be imposed by other government agencies (local, state, and federal) havingjurisdiction. 4. In the event that the facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions, the Permittee shall take immediate corrective action, including those as may be required by this Division, such as the construction of additional or replacement stormwater management systems. 5. The permittee grants DWQ Staff permission to enter the property during normal business hours for the purpose of inspecting all components of the permitted stormwater management facility. 6. The permit may be modified, revoked and reissued or terminated for cause. The filing of a request for a permit modification, revocation and reissuance or termination does not stay any permit condition. 7. Unless specified elsewhere, permanent seeding requirements for the stormwater control must follow the guidelines established in the North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Ptamiing and Design Manual. Approved plans and specifications for this project are incorporated by reference and are enforceable parts of the permit. The permittee shall notify the Division any name, ownership or mailing address changes within 30 calendar days. Permit issued this the nineteenth day of March 2010. NORTR CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION -&L ak) -4• wo/12� Coleen I -I. Sullins, Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Stormwater Management Permit SW6100208 Township Developers, LLC Stormwater Management Permit S W6 t 00208 Robeson County Designer's Certification r Page I of 1, as a duly registered in the State of North Carolina, having been authorized to observe (periodically/ weekly/ fill time) the construction of the project, (Project) for (Project Owner) hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the project construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the approved plans and specifications. The checklist of items on page 2 of this form is a part of this Certification. Noted deviations from approved plans and specification: SEAL Signature Registration Number Date Certification Requirements: Page 2 of 2 1. The drainage area to the system contains approximately the permitted acreage. 2. The drainage area to the system contains no more than the permitted amount of built - upon area. 3. All the built -upon area associated with the project is graded such that the runoff drains to the system. 4. All roof drains are located such that the runoff is directed into the system. 5. The outlet/bypass structure elevations are per the approved plan. 6. The outlet structure is located per the approved plans. 7. Trash rack is provided on the outlet/bypass structure. 8. All slopes are grassed with permanent vegetation. 9. Vegetated slopes are no steeper than 3:1. 10. The inlets are located per the approved plans and do not cause short-circuiting of the system. 11. The permitted amounts of surface area and/or volume have been provided. 12. Required drawdown devices are correctly sized per the approved plans. 13. All required design depths are provided. 14. All required parts of the system are provided, such as a vegetated shelf, and a forcbay. 15. The required system dimensions arc provided per the approved plans. cc: NCDLNR-DWQ Regional Office Permit No. SW 6 /0 20 9+ (to be provded by DWO) Of wA LL ARM Q2 OG • CDM > STO iMWATER MANAGE1@4T PL78FORM APPLICATION FORo 401 CERTIFICATION APPLICATION FORM WET DETENTION BASIN SUPPLEMENT This form must be filled out, printed and submitted. The Required Items Checklist (Part III) must be printed, filled out and submitted along with all of the required information. LrfnMN-Y b'YVVRWATMM Pmjed rear, 11mee Hares Rost Cadad Persian Johvry Nd� Roe no8a 910-7 75 Dan 211tyd1I0 Drasngeseat aroma One II. DESIGN INFORMATION Site Characteristics Drainage area Impervious area, past -development %impervious Design rainfall depth swap vaYmc Hava-m WatNs Minamen volumes mq*W Slamigeveh®e SAW&= 15*rureOvoaree Pradevelopm 11-W. 244o ruroe Pal-devdopood 1-yr. 24 trwall Mrnrevn vmme reQ®ed Volume provided Pak Rea CaktdaboOs Istieprebost mrt0 doetyr24hslormpek11wria*e:17 fir 24br n' I deo Ra6mrM Q pedad�red RAC. pal4 mioprod Reirdailidatsky. fir, 244v snrro Pre -development 1-yr, 24-hr peak fim Post -development 1-yr, 24-hr peak Dow PrelPosl 1-yr, 24-hr peak flora control Elevations TempcaarY pod elevation . Panawne poddr.+eGon SHW elevaam(aWtoc at0eparr. pod drvdmur) Top d 109 vet slid deeper tlaltom di0avegdrdedshdf deramon Sedrreddeaed, lop derd;5m (bo®mn dptrtd) Sedrnad storage provided 6 gee adINurai vol u m stored above De s aOBaeq®ed tarp- POW 9ua6m dhtopdteadi tuelvahoe 273,122 ft 215.766 f? 79.00 % 1.0 in 17.402 0' OK 17,598 as OK vuhoepraidalseQrdbQer evoasdvahroe requied We Its a' Its to Y (Yam 30 in 0.35 (urdes) 084 (udess) 0.13 Mar OK 0.27 ft'/sec 0.66 (t'/sec 0.39 ft'/sec 153.50 aid W-00 and 152.0D oral I" amt 151-SD had 14681md M25 prig 1.00 a N (Yam ntl Form SW401-Wet Detention Basin-Rev.19-9117109 Parts I, a II. Design Summery, Page 1 of 2 Permit No.5 w /L C(/(J lam/ W' (to be provided by D WD) II. DESIGN INFORMATION Surface Areas Area, temporary pod 13,125 0 Area REQUIRED, permanent pod 10,242 fe SAIDA Fall) 3.75 Odes) Area PROVE. Pemarad Pod. A�.saa 10.325 f? OK Area, hntlum of 10tvegshe4A,,s,,, 8,6 0 Area, sed,hhedriwa4 top elerSau (balc n dpon4 Aaron Z450 Vabm vohmG terrpaaY Pool 17,588 tv M vabnhe peroraa6 Pad V..,_P' 39,99B I? Vahm bobay(am dA>nbalrs dnaethan meluebay) 8,000 tv Forebey %of permanent pool volume 20.0% % OK SAIDA Table Data Design TSS mood 90 % Coastal SAIDA Table Llsed7 N (Yorm YuvdenvFi drmd SAIDA Table Osed7 Y (Yor N) SAM raio 3.75 (use) AveagedepBr(usedit SAMIlati X Calwlabon option 1 used? (See Figure 10-2h) N (Y or N) Volume, permanent pod, Vr,,,,,_PW 39,998 t' Area poridA prsnranad pod Ap� 10.325 ff Meraged*M admialad It Need 32 man. Average depth used as SACk der Plond b noaed052) A CaladaGar option 2 wed2 Pan Figure 10-2b) Y (YaN) Arm Prodded, peonanedpod A�,m 10,325 f? Area, tdtorn d 10truagud - shell Ae 8.575 tlz Area, sediment cleanout, lop elevation (bottom of pond), Awu d 2,450 fl� 9epOn'(uEsaaebllvbabom of 10.1slrBandlpdsedin" 5251 Average dqM ugloiaeed 3.83 It OK Average depth used in SAIDA, d. OkWdbrheaest051f) 4.00 OK Orardomn CaladaRons Dramufoan through nitre? Diareterdmill (daerie) Area of nrdoe (drharaiaia) Graffiderdoll I ge(Cu) Driving head OU Draodw acmgboath VIA* type Codiriedof' I go(G) Length dalearp Driving head" liedevdoprre t t-r, 244w peak Mint Plaf,developnrerd 1-yr, 244r peak Dow Stange whore dsdrage rate Mwoujhdischarge a seamen) Storagemimeui-mv- lane Addt'mal6darmamon Vegelalled sidle dopes slaillfrilape, VegeNted shetandln IahgA dfh>openu bath rffin Lao to to t h ratio Trash had for vial= a vole? Fieebm prral-. vegiahfd Met PaidaR R®adad dr- 9 easetrha.p.... I t Capag all Root at ubnate buBdad? Drain lRacha®R for mainle Bste or Form SW401-Wet Detention Basin -Rev a-9/1DD9 Y (YaN) 4.00 in 0.60 (codes) 1250 N (YaN) WA (uiles) NIA (ra11111155) WA It WA a 0.27 ehm 0.10 felsec 206 dqs 10.02 3 :1 23 :1 Y (YQN) Y4 N (YvN) Y (YaN) Y (Yorto Skim COD OK *errs down in 25 dais. OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK Pans I. a II. Design Summery, Page 2 of 2 Permit No. iN lv071091 (to be provided by DWQ) III. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST Please indicate the page or plan sheet numbers where the supporting documentation can be found. An incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information. This will delay final review and approval of the project. Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met. If the applicant has designated an agent, the agent may initial below. If a requirement has not been met, attach justification. CA i_ 1r Pagel Plan Sheet No. ) 1l 1. Plans (1" - 50' or larger) of the entire site showing: - Design at ultimate build -out, - OH -site drainage (if applicable), - Delineated drainage basins (include Rational C coefficient per basin), - Basin dimensions, - Pretreatment system, - High Flow bypass system, - Maintenance access, - Proposed drainage easement and public right of way (ROW), - Overflow device, and - Boundaries of drainage easement. 2. Partial plan (1" = 30' or larger) and details for the wet detention basin shoving: - Outlet structure with trash rack or similar, Maintenance access, Permanent pool dimensions, Forebay and main pond with hardened emergency spillway, Basin cross-section, Vegetation specification for planting shelf, and Filter strip. 3. Section view of the wet detention basin (1" = 20' or larger) shoving: Side slopes, 3:1 or lower, Pretreatment and treatment areas, and Inlet and outlet structures. 4: If the basin is used for sediment and erosion control during construction, dean out of the basin is specified on the plans prior to use as a wet detention basin. 5. A table of elevations, areas, incremental volumes & accumulated volumes for overall pond and for forebay, to verity volume provided. 6. A construction sequence that shows how the wet detention basin will be protected from sediment until the entire drainage area is stabilized. The supporting calculations. 8. A copy of the signed and notarized operation and maintenance (0&M) agreement. 9. A copy of the deed restrictions (if required). 10. A soils report that is based upon an actual field investigation, soil borings, and infiltration tests. County soil maps are not an acceptable source of soils information. Form SW401-Wet Detention Basin-Rev.8-9/17/09 Part If. Required Items Checklist, Page 1 of 1 Supporting Calculations (prepared by LL&J, PLLQ Township Developers (Three Hunts Road) Pembroke, NC (Robeson County) Peak Flow•. Q = CIA Area = 1= C (Pre Developed) _ Pre Developed Runoff = 2/18/2010 6.27 acres 273,122 cu ft 0.13 in/hr 0.35 (Unimproved Arcs) 0.27 cfs (lyr/24 hr Storm) Surface Description Area (acres) Runoff Coef. Impervious Area 5.00 x 0.95 = 4.75 Crass/Vegetation Area 137 x 0.40 = 0.51 Sum = 6.27 Sum = 5.26 C(Post Developed) = Average Runoff Coef = 0.84 Post Developed Runoff = 0.66 cfs (lyr/24 hr Storm) Storage Volume: Rv = 0.05 + 0.9*1,1 1^= 0.79 (Non -SA Waters) = 0.76 RD = 1.00 in V=3630*RD*Rv*A 17,402 cu It (minimum) WET BASIN PARAMETERS: Basin Length = 175 ft Width ft Elevation (ft) Temporary Pool Top = 75.00 153.50 Temp. Pool Bottom = 59.00 152.00 Permanent Pool Top = 59.00 152.00 (SI-IWI) Bottom Veg.. Shelf = 49.00 151.50 Top Sedim.. Cleanout = 17.50 146.25 Bottom Sedim.. Cleanout = 11.50 145.25 Temp. Pool Area = 13,125 sqft Temp. Storage Volume = 17,588 tuft O.K. Permanent Pool Vol. = 39,998 cuh (Option 2) Average Depth (d,*) _ 10.25 * (1 + Abo� ,hdf/A,,))+((*\�, .hei,+Abo,�.d/2) *(Depth/A�,3hdfA Am..h.v= 8,575 sqft A'.'. -' ,A = 10,325 sqft O.K., Min = 10,242 sqft Ate, d = 2,450 sqft Depth = 5.25 ft d,,, = 3.83 ft d,,, Used= 4.00 ft % Impervious = 79 SA/DA Ratio = 3.75 Per'1'able 10-3 (Pedmont, 90%) PO Box 3119 (806 Union Chapel Rd), Pembroke, NC 28372 (910)309-1765 High Density Commercial Subdivisions Deed Restrictions & Protective Convenances In accordance with Title 15 NCAC 2H.1000 and S.L. 2006-246, the Management Regulations, deed restrictions and protective covenants are required for High Density Commercial Subdivisions where lots will be subdivided and sold and runoff will be treated in an engineered stormwater control facility. Deed restrictions and protective covenants are necessary to ensure that the development maintains a built -upon area consistent with the design criteria used to size the stormwater control facility. 1, � (\e5 aq w , acknowledge, affirm and agree by my signature below, that I will cause the followino deed restrictions and covenants to be recorded prior to the sale of any lot within the project known as The following covenants are intended to ensure ongoing compliance with State Stormwater Management Permit Number as issued by the Division of Water Quality under the Stormwater Management Regulations. 2. The State of North Carolina is made a beneficiary of these covenants to the extent necessary to maintain compliance with the stormwater management permit. 3. These covenants are to run with the land and be binding on all persons and parties claiming under them. 4. The covenants pertaining to stormwater may not be altered or rescinded without the express 0 written consent of the State of North Carolina, Division of Water Quality. M m ® W Z 5. Alteration of the drainage as shown on the approved plan may not take place withoulzru concurrence of the Division of Water Quality.10 N j 6. The maximum allowable built -upon area per lot is 216.799 square feet. c *Note: If the BUA per lot varies, please substitute the following statement for the one above andD provide a complete listing of the proposed BUA for each lot: The maximum built -upon area per lot, in square feet, is as listed below: Lot # BUA Lot # BUA Lot # BUA Lot # BUA This allotted amount includes any built -upon area constructed within the lot property boundaries, and that portion of the right-of-way between the front lot line and the edge of the pavement. Built upon area includes, but is not limited to, structures, asphalt, concrete, gravel, brick, stone, slate, coquina and parking areas, but does not include raised, open wood decking, or the water surface of swimming pools. 7. All runoff from the built -upon areas on the lot must drain into the permitted system. This may be accomplished through a variety of means including roof drain gutters which drain to the street, grading the lot to drain toward the street, or grading perimeter swales to collect the lot runoff and directing them into a component of the stormwater collection system. Lots that will naturally drain into the system are not required to provide these additional measures. a. The owner of each lot, whose ownership is not retained by the permittee, is required to submit a separate stormwater permit application to the Division of Water Quality and receive a permit prior to construction. 9. The project and each lot will maintain a 30** foot wide vegetated buffer between all impervious areas and surface waters. **50 foot for projects located in the 20 coastal counties. Form DRPC-1 Rev.2 05Nov2009 Page i of 2 High Density Commercial Subdivisions Deed Restrictions & Protective Convenances ve QIIV7 o/D a Notary Public in the State of 1 C. , County of -Ro re n do hereby certify that J CvMt'O -MC woy personally appeared before me this the r day of F 20 10 , and ackno the due execution of the foregoing instrument. Witness my hand and official seal, ; 4 SEAL•. Signature My Commission expires !-a8=ao /S Form DRPC-1 Rev.2 05Nov2009 Page 2 of 2 Permit Number: 5t16 604?0a (to be provided by DWQ) Drainage Area Number: Wet Detention Basin Operation and Maintenance Agreement I will keep a maintenance record on this BMP. This maintenance record will be kept in a log in a known set location. Any deficient BMP elements noted in the inspection will be corrected, repaired or replaced immediately. These deficiencies can affect the integrity of structures, safety of the public, and the removal efficiency of the BMP. The wet detention basin system is defined as the wet detention basin, pretreatment including forebays and the vegetated filter if one is provided. This system (check one): ❑ does ® does not incorporate a vegetated filter at the outlet. This system (check one): ❑ does ® does not incorporate pretreatment other than a forebay. Important maintenance procedures: — Immediately after the wet detention basin is established, the plants on the vegetated shelf and perimeter of the basin should be watered twice weekly if needed, until the plants become established (commonly six weeks). — No portion of the wet detention pond should be fertilized after the first initial fertilization that is required to establish the plants on the vegetated shelf. — Stable groundcover should be maintained in the drainage area to reduce the sediment load to the wet detention basin. — If the basin must be drained for an emergency or to perform maintenance, the flushing of sediment through the emergency drain should be minimized to the maximum extent practical. — Once a year, a dam safety expert should inspect the.embankment. After the wet detention pond is established, it should be inspected once a month and within 24 hours after every storm event greater than 1.0 inches (or 1.5 inches if in a Coastal County). Records of operation and maintenance should be kept in a known set location and must be available upon request. Inspection activities shall be performed as follows. Any problems that are found shall be repaired immediately. BMP element Potentialproblem: How I will remediate theproblem: The entire BMP Trash/debris is present Remove the trash/debris. The perimeter of the wet Areas of bare soil and/or Regrade the soil if necessary to detention basin erosive gullies have formed. remove the gully, and then plant a ground cover and water until it is established. Provide lime and a one-time fertilizer application - Vegetation is too short or too Mauttaut vegetation at a height of long- approxhuately sic inches. Form SW401-Wet Detention Basin O&M-Rev.4 Page 1 of 4 Permit Number.-�51✓6(�M'?(26�zs' (to be provided by DWQ) Drainage Area Number: BMIP element Potential problema How I will remediate the problem The inlet devices pipe or The pipe is clogged. Unclog the pipe- Dispose of the swale sediment off -site The pipe is cracked or Replace the pipe. otherwise dams Erosion is occurring in the Regrade the Swale if necessary to swale. smooth it over and provide erosion control devices such as reinforced turf matting or riprap to avoid future problems with erasion. The forebay Sediment has accumulated to Search for the source of the a depth greater than the sediment and remedy the problem if original design depth for possible. Remove the sediment and sediment storage. dispose of it in a location where it will not cause impacts to streams or the BMIP. Erosion has occurred. Provide additional erasion protection such as reinforced turf matting or riprap if needed to prevent future erosion problems. Weeds are present Remove the weeds, preferably by hand. If pesticide is used, wipe it on the plants rather than spraying. The vegetated shelf Best professional practices Prune according to best professional show that pruning is needed practices to maintain optimal plant health Plants are dead, diseased or Determine the source of the dying. problem: soils, hydrology, disease, ebc. Remedy the problem and replace plants. Provide a one-time fertilizer application to establish the ground cover if a soil test indicates it is Weeds are present Remove the weeds, preferably by hand. If pesticide is used, wipe it on the plants rather than spraying. " The main treatment area Sediment has accumulated to Search for the source of the a depth greater than the sediment and remedy the problem if original design sediment possible. Remove the sediment and storage depth dispose of it in a location where it will not cause impacts to streams or the BIvIP. Algal growth covers over Consult a professional to remove 50% of the area. and control the algal growth - Cattails, phragmiles or other Remove the plants by wiping them invasive plants cover 50% of with pesticide (do not spray). the basin surface. Form SW401-Wet Detention Basin O&M-Rev.4 Page 2 of 4 Permit Number:o1�2e8� (to be provided by DWQ) Drainage Area Number: BMP element: Potentialproblem: How I will remediate the problem The embankment Shrubs have started to grow Remove shrubs immediately. on the embankment Evidence of muskrat or Use traps to remove muskrats and beaver activity is present consult a professional to remove beavers. A tree has started to grow on Consult a dam safety specialist to the embankment remove the tree. An annual inspection by an Make all needed repairs. appropriate professional shows that the embankment needs re ' . if applicable) The outlet device Clogging has occurred. Clean out the outlet device. Dispose of the sediment off -site. The outlet device is damaged Repair or ireplace the outlet device. The receiving water Erosion or other signs of Contact the local NC Division of damage have occurred at the Water Quality Regional Office, or outlet the 401 Oversight Unit at 919-733- 1786. The measuring device used to determine the sediment elevation shall be such that it will give an accurate depth reading and not readily penetrate into accumulated sediments. When the permanent pool depth reads 5.75 feet in the main pond, the sediment shall be removed. When the permanent pool depth reads 5.75 feet in the forebay, the sediment shall be removed. BASIN DIAGRAM (fill in the blanks) Permanent Pool Elevation 152.00 Sediment Removal Ek 14625 1 Pe&anenX Pool ------ v - Volumed Sediment Removal Elevation 146.25 Vol Bottom Elevati 14525 ft Min.\----- ----------------------- ---------------- --- Sediment Bottom Elevation 14525 =1-ft Storage Sed Storage FOREBAY MAIN POND Form SW401-Wet Detention Basin O&M-Rev.4 Page 3 of 4 permit Number. S�I�Q�G'✓ (to be provided by DIVQ) acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the maintenance procedures listed above. I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system or prior to any changes to the system or responsible party. Project name:Three Hunts Road (Township Development) BMP drainage area it Print name:James Maynor Title:Owner/Partner Address:763 Comtech Drive. Pembroke. NC 28372 Phonc:(910-521-8013 Signature: p Note: The legally responsible party should not be a homeowners association unless more than 50% of the lots have been sold and a resident of the subdivision has been named the president. 1, 'cle—L m4, Al y-cW `/ , a Notary Public for the State of A) County of A) oy✓ do hereby certify that �CVntQa %}�4tx/YI0V personally appeared before me this ' 7 day of �eh �Ia , and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing wet detention basin maintenance requirements. Witness my hand and official seal, SEAL My commission expires '_a V—a 6 /s Form SW401-Wet Detention Basin O&M-Rev.4 page 4 of 4 D GEOSCIENCES, INC. Via facsimile and mail 910.521.4072 Metcon, Inc PO Box 1149 Pembroke, North Carolina 28372 Attention: Mr. Greg Hunt Subject: Subsurface Exploration Services Report New Retention Pond at COMtech Professional Center COMtech Business Park Pembroke, North Carolina Project No. 09FCS-2489 Document No. 09F-2216 Dear Mr. Hunt: Geotechnical, Environmental and Construction Engineering October 13, 2009 As requested, a representative of Pyramid Geosciences, Inc. visited the above -referenced project site on various dates in October 2009 to evaluate soil and ground -water conditions to assist in design of the new retention pond. The purpose of our subsurface explorations was to evaluate soil and ground -water conditions to estimate the site -specific Seasonal High Water Level (SHWL) and the current depth to ground- water. This report presents the results of our evaluation. Site Location and Description The location of the new retention pond is planned near the northwest corner of the COMtech Professional Center property as shown on the attached field sketch. The site topography is generally flat and level with sporadic small mounds of fill material placed during previous construction activities. The site is presently undeveloped and covered by tall grass and weeds. A 10-ft. deep drainage ditch currently extends along the northern and western edges of the property. The specific location and dimensions of the new pond are presently unknown; however, based on our discussions with the contractor, it is understood that the new pond will be located less 50 ft. from the drainage ditch. P.O. Box 9367, Fayetteville, North Carolina 28311 Telephone 910.488.1629 FAX 910.488,9450 Subsurface Exploration Services Report New Retention Pond at COMtech Professional Center COMtech Business Park Pembroke, North Carolina Soil Survey of Robeson County, North Carolina Pyramid Geosciences, Inc. Project No. 09FCS-2489 Document No. 0917-2216 October 13, 2009 Page 2 According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Soil Conservation Service (SCS) Soil Survey of Robeson County, North Carolina (issued January 1978), site soils are associated with the Rains Series consisting of nearly level poorly -drained soils on uplands. Rains soils are low in natural fertility and organic matter content. Permeability is moderate, the available water capacity is medium, and the shrink -swell potential is low. The seasonal high water table is at or near the surface from November through April. The soils are ponded for very brief periods from November through February. A seasonal high water table and ponding are the main limitations in the use and management of this soil. Subsurface Explorations Soil and ground -water conditions at the planned pond location were evaluated by excavating a shallow test pit to a depth of approximately 2.0 ft. below existing grade and advancing a hand auger boring to a depth of 12.0 below the ground surface. Soil Descriptions Descriptions of soils encountered in the hand auger boring are provided below. Depth Description 0 to 18 inches Dark brown to black sandy loam with distinct gray and yellow mottling 18 to 36 inches Light grayish brown sandy clay loam with distinct yellow mottling 36 to 54 inches Light gray sandy clay loam with distinct yellow and red mottling 54 to 72 inches Gray sandy clay loam with faint yellow mottling 72 to 90 inches Light grayish brown sandy loam with distinct dark gray mottling 90 to 144 inches Very light gray sandy loam with distinct gray mottling Seasonal High Water Level (SHWL) The SHWL is typically indicated by coloration and mottling within the soils. Mottling in exposed surface soils and ponding was observed during our site visit. Bdsed"on our observations of the site and soil conditions, we estimate the SHWL.at the. planned pond location is at the ground surface (depth of 0.0 inches). Subsurface Exploration Services Report New Retention Pond at COMtech Professional Center COMtech Business Park Pembroke, North Carolina Measured Depth to Ground -water Pyramid Geosciences, Inc. Project No. 09FCS-2489 Document No. 09F-2216 October 13, 2009 Page 3 The depth to ground -water was measured on 4 separate occasions. The measured depths are provided below. Date Time Hours of Stabilization Depth to Ground -water October 8, 2009 6:00 pm (completion of boring) 0 hrs. 11.0 ft October 9, 2009 2:00 pm 20 hrs. 9.0 ft. October 12, 2009 1:00 pm 92 hrs. 7.5 ft. October 13, 2009 12:00 pm 114 hrs. 7.0 ft. Baied.on our measurements, the stabilized around -water depth is approximately 7.0 ft. below: the existing - ground -surface - Additional Considerations A 10-11. deep drainage ditch was excavated along the north and west boundaries of the site less than 3 to 4 yrs. ago. In addition, site grades at the pond site may have been raised during recent construction activities. We expect that the new drainage ditch and possible placement of fill material in the past may have altered the hydrologic conditions at the pond site. These possible alterations, however, are considered to be relatively minor in significance. Also, fluctuation in the ground -water level should be expected due to seasonal climatic changes, construction activity, development activities, rainfall variations, surface -water runoff, and other site specific factors. Closure We trust the information provided herein will be sufficient for your immediate needs. Should you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, PYRAMID GEOSCIENCES, INC. S 29125 Larry R. M achum, P.E. Chief Engineer NC PE Registration No. 029125.�, •` is-ffi. �eey 7i—e,toa t 7;�.� 3 i 4't• / /O t-cX r es 35f-i -%304,1* '-` J ow (l\ n Location Plan Hand Sketch 09F-FC1-2489 1 1 P RA D GEOSCIENCES, INC. Date Oct-09 Subsurface Exploration Services Report New Retention Pond at COMtech Professional Center COMtech Business Park Pembroke, North Carolina Drawn By LRM Checked By LRM 136-A Bow Street Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301 Scale As Noted Project No. 09FCS-2489 Book 1674 Page 809 This Certifies ft at PIN: 1417-01-=08 has been verified; the legal description therein matdles the PIN and is free of any delmquerd ad vabrem tax liens dtaged to the CO1Q1 err A6113M '� DCew--�neu, 2008006322 EMM. Saman M. r rra SM.00 &13-0 03.02:35 EN ®vrrn a tomaa r.m BK:D 1674 PG:809-811 New fi) tei- 141 01 ooaoar COUNTY DEED- J. flat Kinlaw, Jr., P.O. Bo: 1371, Lumberton, NC 29358 ParceR Part of 1/17-01480RA8 Na®a2w VeardbW YepqwSyrapertles Croup LLC, P.O. Bin 135% Pembroke, NC 2KM STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA-ROBESON COUNTY THIS DEED made this the 13e day of February, 2008 by Robeson County, a body politic and wrtporate, party of the first part, to Venture Properties Group, LLC. P.O. Boa 1359, Pemhtdm, NC 28372 of the County of Robeson, State of North Carolina, of the second Part- WITNESSETH: That the said party of the first part in consideration of the sum of THIRTY ONE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS AND NOIOOTHS (f31,100.00) in hand paid by the said party of the second pan, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby release, quioclaim and convey unto the said party of the second part to its heirs and assivs forever, all right, title and iutaest which the County of Robeson has in and to the following lands in Pembroke Township, Robeson County, North Carolina, bounded and described as follows, to -wit: FOR DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO. To have and to hold the above described land and premises, with the appurtenances unto the said party of the socand part, its heirs and assign forever - I. WrTWESS WHEREOF, the said party of the first part has caused this instrument to be signed in its named by the Clerk to its to of its Board of Co®msmoness and attend by the :and its corporate seal to be hereto affnted, all by duly givcn- COUNTY OF ROBESON Book 1674 Page 810 NORTH CABOtJKA-ROBESON COUNTY lhrs is ovudY tliuonme �r'Febnrmy,2W$before CNN—(�j�'�` (�-s. p_[Jf1//�yO.'_ of Robeson Ca ly, pasmally®e Tammy S. Freeman,with wh® I an personally wqmdatied •e`o being duly sworn, deposes and says: that Noah Woods is the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners and that Tammy S. Freeman is the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of Robeson County, the body politic and corporate described in and which executed the foregoing instrument that he knows the common seal of said corporation was subscribed thereto by the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners and attested by said Clerk to the Board of Commissioners, and the common seal was affixed, all by order of the Board of Commissioners of County of Robeson duly given, and said instrument is the act and deed of said County of Robeson this the /0 day of February, 2009 s t% v a C011lln'? NOTARY FUECC MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: NO Chonidat �~ �� It NO STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA-ROBESON COUNTY The fofegoing omtificate of of Robeson County, is adj0dgad to be correct let the same with the cer ificane be registered. Witness my hand, this the day of , 2008. Clerk of Superior Court Filed for registration on the day of 2008, at —o'clock—M. and re Wstmed in the office of the Register of Deeds of Robeson Co mry in bode page_ this day of , 2008. Register of Deeds Book 1674 Page 811 EXHIBIT "A" THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO COVENANTS AND RESERVATIONS RECORDED IN BOOK 1203, AT PAGE 172, ROBESON COUNTY REGISTRY. All that certain tract or parcel of land lying about 2'h miles southeast of the center of Pembroke, NC, about 300 feet northwest of Comtech Drive and adjacent to and on the southwest side of Three Hunts Drive (a 60 ft. right of way) and adjoining the lands of Bio-Powers (1463/31) and Quality Housing Corporation (14301185) on the southwest ,Township Developers, LLC (1545/503) on the northeast and now or formerly Redmond Homes, Inc. (1006/378) on the northwest and Lowery Construction and Mechanical (1450/519) on the southeast and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a iron rod set in the southwest right of way line (60ft. right of way) of Three Hunts Drive, said iron rod having NC Grid Coordinates (NAD 83, GPS Observation) N=326,226.7550 and E=1,949,205.6369, said iron rod being the north corner of Lowery construction and Mechanical (1450/519), said iron rod being located North 34 degrees 46 minutes 15 seconds West 266.22 feet from a iron rod found in the southwest right of way line of Three Hunts Road, at its intersection with the northwest line of Comtech Drive (100 right of way) and runs thence from said beginning iron rod with northwest line of said Lowery Construction and Mechanical tract South 54 degrees 14 minutes 53 seconds West 355.08 feet to a iron rod found, Lowery's west corner and in the northwest line of Bio-Powers (1463/31); thence with said northeast line North 36 degrees 16 minutes 21 seconds West 263.19 feet to a iron rod found; thence North 53 degrees 09 minutes 50 seconds East 1581 feet to a iron rod found, a comer with Quality Housing Corporation (1430/185); thence with the northeast line of said Quality Housing Corporation tract, North 36 degrees 16 minutes 22 seconds West 500.31 feet to a iron rod found in a ditch; thence with the center of said ditch, North 68 degrees 56 minutes 05 seconds East 58.89 feet to a iron rod found in said ditch; thence continuing with said ditch North 37 degrees 41 minutes 38 seconds East 60.00 feet to a iron rod found in said ditch; thence continuing with said ditch North 53 degrees 13 minutes 15 seconds East 97.51 feet to a iron rod found in said ditch; thence continuing with said ditch North 53 degrees 17 minutes 03 seconds East 200.21 feet to a iron rod found in said ditch, the west comer of the Township Developers, LLC 5.30 acre tract (1545/503); thence with the southwest fine of said 5.30 acre tract, South 34 degrees 46 minutes 15 seconds East 239.65 feet to a iron rod set in the northwest curved right of way line (50ft. radius) of Three Hunts Road; thence with the curved right of way line having a 50 foot radius, the chord being South 07 degrees 14 minutes 47 seconds West 99.60 feet to a iron rod set at the pt of said 50 ft. radius and the pc of a 25 foot radius; thence with the southwest right of way line of a curve having a 25 foot radius having a chord of South 56 degrees 11 minutes 15 seconds East 18.26 feet to a iron rod set in said southwest right of way tine of Three Hunts Drive, the pt of said curve; thence with the southwest right of way fine of Three Hunts Drive, South 34 degrees 46 minutes 15 seconds East 44.92 feet to the beginning containing 6.22 acres more or less. And being a part of that 494.11 acre tract conveyed by Pates Supply Company, Inc. and Pates Feed and Livestock, Inc. to Robeson County, a body Politic and Corporate by deed dated 9 December, 2004 and recorded in Deed Book 1434, Page 79, Robeson County Registry. Bearings referenced to Deed Book 1434, Page 79. Exempt from Robeson County Subdivision Ordinance under Article V, Section 501, Item h.