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SW6081003_HISTORICAL FILE_20090218
STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS }� HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE�%�%da1� YYYYM M DD 1� t i John A.K. Tucker, P.E. Consulting Engineer To: NCDENR Division of Water Quality We are sending the following: FEB 19 2009 ®WQ Letter of Transmittal Date: 02/18/2009 Project: Arlee Acres Attention: Mike Lawyer Prints Photocopies By Mail By UPS/FEDEX Originals Show Dwgs By Band By Pickup Disk Other By Email By Fax For your: Approval �/ As Requested For Your Action Your Use For Review and Comment Other (See Remarks) Quantity Description 2 Maintenance agreement Basin 1 2 Maintenance agreement Basin 2 2 Maintenance agreement Basin 3 Remarks: Copy: Signed: John A.K. Tucker, P.E. P.O. Box 297, 1-uquay-Varina, NC 27526 (919) 567-0483 FAX (919) 567-361l johnak(al johnnmkerpexom John A.K. Tucker, P.E. Consulting Engineer To: NCDENR DWQ We are sending the following: Letter of Transmittal ®ENR-FRO JAN 0 9 2009 DWQ Date: 01 /08/2009 Project: Arlee Acres Attention: Mike Lawyer Prints Photocopies By Mail fly UPS/FEDI:X Originals Show Dwgs By I land By Pickup Disk Other 13v Email 13v Fax For your: Approval As Requested For Your Action Your Use For Review and Comment Other (See Remarks) Quantity I Description 2 Storm Water Management Plans - Revised 2 Supplements, Soil Report, Calculations Remarks: The O&M Manuals are included. 1 will have Ms. I lolland sign as soon as DWQ issues a conditional approval ( is approved with signed O&M manuals are received). Thanks JT Copy: Signed: John A.K. Tucker, F.E. P.O. Box 297, Fuyuay-Varina. NC 27526 (919) 567-0483 FAX (919) 567-3611 johnakajohnoickerpe.com DENR—FRO John A.K. Tucker, P.E Consulting Engineer To: INCDENR DWQ We are sending the following: Letter of Transmittal OCT 2 0 Zoos DWQ Date: 10/15/2008 Project: Arlee Acres Attention: Mike Lawyer Prints Photocopies By Mail Oy UPS/FEDEX Originals Show Dwgs By Hand 13y Pickup Disk Other By Email 13Y Fax For your: Approval As Requested For Your Action Your Use rFor Review and Comment Other (See Remarks) Quantity Description 2 Storm Water Management Plans 2 Storm Water Permit Application I Check in the amount of $505.00 Remarks: Copy: Signed: John A.K. Tucker. P.E. P.O. Box 197, Fuquay-Farina, NC 27516 (919) 567-0483 FAX (919) 567-3611 johnak(a)johniuckerpe.com 0n of W ATFR Mic`�iel F. Easley, Governor Q?f QG William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources >_ y h. Colcen H. Sullins, Director Division of Water Quality July 21, 2008 CERTIFIED MAIL: 7001 2510 0006 9498 7742 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Jane H. Holland 7225 Rouse Road . Holly Springs, NC 27540 SUBJECT: Post -Construction Stormwater Notification (HQW/ORW) Arlee Acres Harnett Countv Dear Ms. Holland: Our office has received a copy of the Financial Responsibility/Ownership Form (FR/O) from the Division of Land Resources, Land Quality Section for the Arlee Acres project to be located in Harnett County. Based on project location information provided on the FR/O, we have determined that the project is subject to a State Stormwater Management Permit for development activities within one mile of and draining to High Quality Waters (HQW). Within 30 calendar days from receipt of this letter, you must submit to this office a complete application package including the enclosed Stream Classification Form. The State Stormwater Management Permit is in addition to the NPDES Stormwater General Permit (NCGO10000) received for construction activities. For more information and to obtain the application and applicable supplement forms, please visit: http://www.iicwatei-quiility.oi-g/sLi/state_sw.htm. Please be advised that construction of any built -upon areas prior to issuance of a State Stormwater Management Permit will be considered a violation of the NC Administrative Codes and could result in the assessment of civil penalties of up to S25,000 per day, per violation. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact me at (910) 433-3329. Sincerely, ichael Lawyer Environmental Specialist Enclosure cc: Harnett County Planning & Inspections Department FRO -Surface Water Protection FRO -Land Quality NonhCa of na Alalurally North Carolina Division of Water Quality 225 Green Street, Suite 714 Fayetteville, NC 28301-5043 Phone to 10) 433-3300 Customer Service Internet: www.newaucmuali[v.ore Fax (910)486-0707 1-877-623-6748 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer- 50% Recycled110% Post Consumer Paper State of North Cat•olina. Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality STREAM CLASSIFICATION FORM This form may be photocopied for use as an original. It is required that the same authorized person that submitted or obtained approval for the Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan completes this form in its entirety. Once completed, this form should accompany the application package for the Stormwater Management Permit. For further information and assistance in determining stream classifications, visit: Itttp://h2o.enr.state.ne.us/csu/swcfaq.litml. 1. PROJECT INFORMATION Project Name: 2. . Authorized Contact Person (print): 3. Mailing Address: 4. City: Counnc State: zip code: Phone #: 5. Name of closest downslope surface water: 6. Signature of Contact Person: Date: _ (To be signed by the same person or Authorized Agent as on the Approved Erosion & Sedimentation Control Plan) 7. Is an Erosion & Sedimentation Control Plan required? Yes_ No S. State Stomtwater Management Permit required'? Yes_ No It. REQUIRED ITEMS An 8.5" x I I" color copy of the appropriate portion of a USGS quad sheet clearly showing the project's property boundaries, receiving stream, major roads or State Road numbers and the nearest town or city. III. CLASSIFICATION INFORMATION Name of surface water: 2. River Basin: Stream Index: 3. Classification (as established by the Environmental Management Commission): 4. Proposed Classification (completed by DWQ during application process): 5. Approximate distance in feet from project site if classification is HQW: USPS - Track & Confirm Page I of 1 UNITEDSTATFS POSTAL SERVICEm Home I Help I Sign In Track & Confirm FACs Track & Confirm Search ReSIIItS Label/Receipt Number: 7001 2510 0006 9498 7742 - Status: Delivered Track & Confirm ' Your item was delivered at 1:02 PM on July 23, 2008 in HOLLY Enter Label/Receipt Number. SPRINGS, NC 27540. Site Map Contact Us Forms Gov't Services Jobs Privacy Policy Terms of Use National .Premier Accounts Copyright© 1999-2007 USPS. All Rights Reserved. No FEAR Act EEO Data FOIA {Jr �. ���, ,,ty, _ ;,_• i.+�' 7 o: no; >,, I.,-, , http://trkcnfrm I.smi.usps.com/PTSIntemetWeb/InterLabellnquiry.do 9/10/2008 t..� ti.� .fit UNITED STATES PdS',KLE�RVECE'i��� �"�... ti ru • Sender: Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4 in this box �1 Q'as' NOR`rI CAR OI.INADFPMMVENTOE ($ AWSJA EN69ROPoMEN'r AND t NALA7E7 RESpUR"ES i —� i Ne•�j�N�228 GREEN SIRE[T--SURE �iq PAYE nF LLIE, NC 28301-5 I i ` 0.:3 � t IN1ML--- 4y zr K— 0 F F I is P A L Li �2 Postage $ S Q- Catllfletl Fee Return Receipt Fee Postmark Here O (End orsement Required) O Restrictetl Delivery Fee O Endorsement Required) ,—1 Total Poetege rutSent .lane 11. Holland ,� Sbeet Apt No., 7225 Rouse Road o °'POB.No. 1-loll Springs, NC 27540 N city sire, zip+ Y