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SW6070902_APPROVED PLANS_20070928
STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT APPROVED PLANS ❑ HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE. EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATEC���O YYYYMMDD I I I I 1 vonc4mon -- Flay 211 15 In General Notes: This map is not in accordance with 65 41-30. Area N coordinate method. Contour Interval = I' based on assumed datum. There are no visual encroachnents other than those shown hereon. The property in located in a Wei -III watershed. The property Is not located in a FEMA designated flood zone. Buildings shown as existing were existing pre 19cI4 and were existing during the initial survey of the property, they have since been destroyed. Boundary and Topographic survey performed by Neal Smith Engineering on May 18, 2001 Legend: IPF = Iron Pipe Found IRF = Iron Rod Found CMF = concrete Monument Found pKF = PK Nall Found pK5 = PK Nail Set = Rknt of Way _Boundary Line — — = Adjacent Property ones not Surveyed — — = Building Setback Lines -- ea - = Existing Contour —K — = Approximate Location of Existing Waterline lop = 10' Pine (twi X = Existing Tree to be Removed 7¢f = Light Pole = Utility Pole OHU = Overhead Utility ® = Water Meter = Water valve O = Fire Hydrant = Waterline ® = Sanitary Sewer Manhole SS = Sanitary Sewerline SS7 C/ = Sanitary Sewer aA70ut = Curb inlet ® = Storm Drain Manhole CUP = C.orrugated Metal Pipe RCP = Reinforced Concrete Pipe FES = Flared End Section References: Deed Book 1183, Page 412 Map Book 158, Page 489 Moore County Registry Owner/Developer Nlc's Plc KHIK Inc. PO Box 1206 Lou^inbu^g. Nc 28353 C110-280-3120 Watershed Information: Watershed = W5-111 (P) Little River Pre-14Q4 Existing Buildings = I,496 s.f. Pre-1944 Existing Concrete Walks/510105 = 6-0 s.f. Pre-1994 Existing Gravel Drive = 496 s.f. Total Lot Area = 1.16 acresr76665b s.f. Impervious Surface Area = 4b% 0 c >r Q .� LU o z Q LU a z o Q z 0 m O 3 0 ►- � O > y X W — O z r r Q A w IV 9 3SK (nWQJ A w o � O Cn re, .rr vRAM&S KEY . - 61 & -I I C) Q N_ Q Z LU H H W a LLI w W m Qc L Q z Q v z lli z_ W W z kb z W Q W z LL OL lX W Xf 0 Z_ lY Q _N H Site Notes: j/ \ Site area Is 1.16 acres. A private residence and accessory structures will be removed. `� Proposed is a 3750 91 canvenlence store and 5 fueling yy Zi,� stations with 2 cars per station. A Bioretention unit will be Installed to treat the first I' of I} a� rainfall. ncinity Map (Not to Scale) General Notes: This map Is not In accordance with 66 41-30. Area by aoordhate method. Contour Interval = I' based on assumed datum. Thereareno visual encroacMlents other than those shorn hereon. 1. The property In located In a W5•-111-H A watershed. Property currently zoned B-2 All dhww sloe are to back of curb. All radii are 5' unless otherwise noted. Legend: IPF = Iron Pipe Found IRF = Iron Rod Found CMF = Concrete Monument Found pKF = PK Nall Found PKS = PK Nall Set = Right of Way = Boundary Line — = Adjacent Property Lines not Surveyed — — = Building Setback Lines - v8 --- = Existing Contour --wr - = Approximate Location of Exist" Waterline /OF = 10' Pine (typ) X = Existing Tree to be Removed = Light Pole � = utmty Pole OHu =Overhead Utility ® = Water Meter Ov = water Volvo = Fire Hydrant w = waterline ® = Sanitary Sewer Manhole 5,5 = Smltary 5ewerllne c = Sanitary Sewer Stubout a = Gurb Inlet ® = Storm Drain Manhole CUP = Corrugated Metal Pipe Rcp = Reinforced Concrete Pipe FEs = Flared Did Section Landscaping Requirements: Along$Iaht of WW Ad Iacent 211 50' Width Landscape Buffer Along Right of Vim Five Shade Trees For Every 100 of Property Lhe. Nineteen Shrubs For Every 100' of Property Line. 200A0' Total Length Adjacent to Residential Number of Trees Required: 10 Number of Trees Provided: 10 Number of Shrubs Required: 38 Number of Shrubs Provided: 40 25' MInlmum Width Landscape Buffer Along Property Line Adjacent to residential. = Five Shade Trees For Every 100' of Property Line. Nineteen Shrubs For Every 100' of Property Line. 368.70' Total Length Adjacent to Residential Number of Trees Required: 18 Number of Trees Provided: 2q Number of Shrubs Required: 70 Number of Shrubs Pravided, 70 NOTE: A portion of the required landscape buffer will fall In the bloretentlon area and plant material will most the bioretention requirements. AbuttN side street(Pinewood Street) 10' MInlmum Width Landscape Buffer Along Property Line Adjacent to Side Street = Five Shade Trees For Every 100' of Property Line. Nineteen Shrubs For Every 100' of Property Line. 40255' Total Length Adjacent to Residential Number of Trees Required. 20 Number of Trees Provided: 20 Number of Shrubs Required: 76 Number of Shrubs Provided: 76 �Q 2' Width Lrndscpaed Buffer 20 Shrubs for every 50' of Property Line. 200A0' Total Length Adjacent to Residential Number of Shrubs Required: 80 Number of Shrubs Provided: 80 J r, O 1 c 0 c Bioretention Plantina Reauirements: Bioretention Area = 0.07 Acres Minimum Density = 400 steps per acre Ratio Tree to Shrub = 5.1 28 MinyrAxn Plantings Required 7Trees Required 11 Trees Provided 21 Shrubs Required 23 5hr4z Provided I' c 11 1 Existing 15' \ 11 I _RCP r, i 1 Bioretention Herbaceous Bioretention Unit / 1 O Ground Cover See Sheet C.b See Plating 6ukde Sheet C6 l Bioretention Shut Wyged Euonymous — ra gnus europasus Bioretention Tree River Bloch / r Betula nkjra Hall (7YgP) First Baptist Church of West End DB 1475. P6 473 Zoned RA-20 Boretention Tree Willow Oak Quorcus phellos �¢ 4 Red Maple (Ater rbvW 4 River Birch ( Betulo niara) 3 oundcov Willow Oak (Gauercus_ ellos) Ir Bioretention herbaceous grourhdcover, see plantingqude Sheet G6 0 IS Win 15"gnous PM!Ms europoeus) 7 I Existing Hardwood — -- �_ 7 j Existing Pine _ — -"- 0 22 _ 114 TLongieaf Pine (Pius polustris) �1 Chinese Juniper (Jun a nn chhenis) — 54 ---- Hawtirtle ftrica cerlfera) 154 � Plnxter Azalea (RhOdOdOfY'an audiflomum) , 1 I 1 I 1 I I Bioretention Tree I Red Maple I Acer Rubrum Bioretention Shrub I Wax Myrtle I - Myrioa cerifera I First Baptist Ghwrch of West End DB 126, 'P6 5515 Zoned RA-20 ? Q Q Q ® F :k Bioretention Shrub ` c Pinxter Azalea O : R3d Gol�y i Rhododendron dudiflorum Centipede Sod . ' - • : I . Proposed Y BuilSetback d Landscape Buffer60(XOLO_ mija s°aaoaix , 22 •• Asphalt Povement(typj-.\ i^ - _ tN �J j . • See Detail Sheet 0741 •'} 7 I� Y Centipede Sod i d , Raid. 20' Plpe Bollard (type • . �"� See Detail Sheet G7 i' Rod. 50' a r . . �$+ 6'' \ Concrete Dunpster Pad -With Opaque Fencing Asphalt Pavement(tu�.}-� �� g See Detail Sheet 0-7_ • /OT, 15, Curb and butter(TYP�' • t ro � � See Detail Sheet 07 .. il''PwQ �f -• I Rod. 20' < ' •.' q s W.0, O A / ' e `. 11 �� 31 Lo ate,' LY yhg Buffer Handicap Access Ranp(fYP.J' � See Detail Sheet G7 o l/, . ' Proposed 6'51dewalk • .\ ; _S - See Detail Sheet G7 Concrete �' t Rod. 50'(:::O: �V •: Premium C - ? r _ 0C2GM- �— o . Buffer I i .. Regular { O Ule e177, .f AP -OHU -OHU OHU OHU— OHU OHU OHU- 3rO'W-GHU-402.58' OHU - -- !,`S �14 punamand Mvs&M Q50m RM GRAPHIC SCALE 20 O 10 20 40 ( IN na ) 1 inch - 20 fir SON LayoW Scale, I'=20' C+V S35'55'23"E 5.28' to IPF bra North Per NAP 83 References: Deed Book 1783, Page 412 Map book 135, Page 48q Moore County Registry I Owner/Developer I Nlc's Plc Kwlk, Inc. PO Box 1206 I Lou•hburg, NG 28353 q10-280-3120 I 1 I Watershed Information: Watershed = WS-III (HGWV Little River SUA Golculatiors Area of Proposed Bulldlngs = 3,750 s.f. Area of Proposed Asphalt/5kiewolks = 36,321 s.f. Total Lot Area = 1.76 Acres/76k65b 51. Impervious Surface Area = 52.3% Parking Req�uirments: 0 g Use: Enclosed Retail Sales/Convenience Store I Space per 300 S.F. of Floor Area 3 S.F. Floor Area = 13 Spaces 13 Spaces + 10 at Fueling Stations = 23 Space Provided Spaces Required iHandicap � I space Provided Handicap signs to meet State aid Federal Requirements Orainaae Easement Note. Drayage easement will Include all the applicable Items required by the State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources -Division of NOW G3uallty; Sectlon IV of the Stormwater Management Permit. Revised 4-24-0-1 BGW w z 0 z w w LL O Q N O z H o LU CL LU In z M7` E 'A d 144 z ell d z z I W LU Of UJ o N LU r LL xNWQJ w CL O w Il z CAWOHM NUP4313L Q Q� rnooso2 DRAIWN(i ICtY 02 of '1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Site Notes: 51te area is L-16 acres. A private residence and accessory structures will be demolished. Proposed Is a 3750 s.f convenience store and 5 fueling stations with 2 cars per station. A bioretention unit will be installed to treat the first I" of rainfall. I •hchmn( reap (Not T.o moiei General Notes: This map is not In accordance Hlth H5 47-30. Area by coordinate method. Contour interval = I' based on assumed datum. There are no visual encroachments other than those shown hereon. Limits of Disturbance: 1.36 acres The property in located in a W5-III-HGH Hatershed. Property currently zoned 5-2 I i Legend: IF = Iron Pipe Found X IRF =Iron Rod Found / GMIF = concrete Monument Found pKF = PK Nall Found PK5 = PK Nall Set -- - - - = Rim of Hay Boundary Line11 — — — = Adjacent Property Lines not Surveyed I! — = Building Setback Lines II ey --- = Existing Contour ll —wc = Approximate Location of Existing Waterline lop = 10" Pine (typi X = Existing Tree to be Removed A'X = Light Pole A = utility Pole ovu = Overhead Utility ® = Water Meter 1 r► = Water Valve = Fire Hydrant w = Waterline ' © = Sanitary Sewer Manhole SS = Sanitary Sewerlins Z0 = Sanitary 5eHer 5tubout Cr = Curb Inlet I = Storm Drain Manhole / CUP = corrugated Metal Pipe Rcp = Reinforced Concrete Pipe FES = Flared End 5ecton HP = High Point TS = Top of 51dewalk Tw = Top of Hall .75 = Spot Elevation i • = Limits of Disturbance i • = Roof Drain / References: Deed Book 1783, Page 412 Map book 138, Page 48q Moore county Registry OwnerMeve toper Nlc's Pk: KAW, Inc. PO Box 1206 Lourhburg, NG 28353 qlO-280-3120 Watershed Information: Hatershed = H5-III-HQH Little River BUA Golculatlon5 Area of Proposed Buildings = 5,150 s.f. Area of Proposed Ashpalt/51dewalks = 36,321 s.f. Total Lot Area = I.76 Acresl16665.6 s.f. Impervious Surface Area = 52.3% I 0 P I I I O c bra North Per NAP 83 ' First Baptist Church of West End DB 1475. PG 4-0 1 Zoned RA-20 First Baptistch of Hest End ' ' DB 126 PG 558 ' I I _ Water Quality Boretention Zoned RA-20 ll Top of Overflow Heir = g250' Top of Boretention Surface = 112.00' ' ' 11 Existing 15" Boretenton Surface Area Required = 5,130 s.f. -- ---- ll � Rcp Surface Area Provided = 3,130 s.f. _--- ' ll Hater Quality Volume/Storage = 3,325 c.f. It First Ba ti5t Ghurch of West End DB 1415pP& 473 See Detail Sheet C6 /Curb Inlet MrP) ' _ �. ' Zoned RA-20 See Detail Sheet 07 i —�- It Rim: g7.25' - 0 9 Invert In: g4.31' ' ----------- - -- ---- ---- 9225 Invert Out: g4.27' 9J25 Limits of Disturbance-- _ N53'12'22"E L 92 26 70' ' Inverts g3b7. 4.50 In.� 23gp� / Its 93 _ TW Curb Inlet .92.50 94.50 Shines See De Cl - — -Rims 971.12' - — - 3 r y� Invert In: g3.8T 989. Invert Out: g3.77 3' Landscape Buffer 98.25 _g y— ! Wing -Tw 98.25 7 secl, � 116 LF 15" RCP . -. Slope 05% ' 4 9Z25 9Z 12 9 .9 I Building Setback . - e •] g �- P 9Z9 100 LF 15" RGP •• : Slope Ob% . 97 a• 96.30 ' 96 9.56 ti ti - Curb Gut,3' — .• / / l: • � - -• • O �i � HP 9Z7 9B 40 • cz C 98. 9840 O ' C98.6, 987 • - 4" Roof Ora .: (1YP) ga snl b' Concrete 51dewalk �©vQ b" PVC, Roof Drainage (TYP) - See Note A • o-� • 8M O C • - • '� /.� 98.25- •' C—re mi :)\ Z 98.50 a� 'Z.� .d 9B 5 - _ Buffer yl �- c 99.5 P 9a9 0 Regular 0 Dt�sel A 9. N '37'00'E nRF OHU OHU OHUOHU OHU OHU OH • Grate hail � %p . hoot See Detail Sheet G7 RIM: g7.75'� _a Invert In: 94AV Q50 RM m�0 �J OX O GRAPHIC SCALE 20 0 io 20 40 LO ( D1 FEET ) 1 inch - 20 ft. ST adhoo sand Dr>��am Scale: 1"=20' 011FA Plan _ 112 LF 15" RGP 51ope 05% Grate Inlet (TYPJ See Detail Sheet 07 Rim: g755' Invert In: g4.43' C 989 /71 s.>e c+7F �(_ __ __ __ ___ _ __ 1W 523"E 5.2828'to IPF Ernest G. Hancock DB 480, P6 828 Zoned RA-20 Note A: Roof Drainage Hill maintain a minimum slope of 2% and Hill be b" PVC. Revised q-24-07 BGH 0 r d �p N v < Lu Z Z J 6 Z o Z m O 6 11111 13 } N R 13 z In A ~ Ici H 7O W M. LX LU �^ m nO < 44 Q z' O QZ Z Z Q- Z W J Ito, Z rc lL (n LLI W q CL LU rW 1 e Z 0)5TOf-M NUI,E - Q Q JM NUMBER: 0700502 z Pw.w1Ns hCE"(: � General Notes: This map Is not In accordance with 65 41-30. Area by coordhate method. Contour Interval = I' based on assumed datum. There are no visual encroachments other than those shown hereon. Property currently zoned B-2 This property does not fall In a FEMA designated flood plain. Narrative: The site consists of a 1.16 acre lot on which a private residence existed. Construction of a convenience store and fueling stations are to occur on lot. 5tornw4ater will be diverted to a sediment trap located on the north-western corner of lot. All erosion control measures will remain In working condition until site has been stabilized. Legend: IPF = Iron Pipe Found IRF = Iron Rod Found CMF = Concrete Monument Found PKF = PK Nail Found PK5 = PK Nall Set = Right of Way = Boundary Line — — = Adjacent Property Lines not Surveyed — — = Building Setback Lines —ya--- = Existing Contour = Approximate Location of Existing Waterline --- L lop = 10" Pine (typi X = Existing Tree to be Removed 7Qf = Light Pole =Utility Pole oHu =Overhead Utility ® = Water Meter M = Water Valve = Fire Hydrant w = Waterline ® = Sanitary sewer Manhole ss = Sanitary 5ewerllne SSO = Sanitary Sewer 5tubout u = C.uxb Inlet ® = Storm Drain Manhole GMP = cofYYl cl Metal Pipe RLP = Reinforced Concrete Pipe FES = Flared End Section f-TD — ---5F = Temporary Diversion Swale = 511t Fence = Disturbance Limits References: Deed Book 1183, Page 412 Map book 158, Page 48q Moore County Registry Owner/Deve lover NII Pk: Kwlk, Inc. PO Box 120q LourWwrg, NC 28353 q10-280-3120 CEpoBooR 00RUN Nan Scale: 1"=20' Revised q-24-01 ECW V v a� Z 0 o �Q V a o to Y A 3SK J N Q Q Q Z 0 n C) O w w Z G Z w w r O Z O H Q _N w O Q Z H I— v Z 6 Z_ W w w _Z l� z w Q w Z construction 5pciallcatiors, I. Grade the basin so that the bottom Is level front to back and side to skis. 2. Install post or saw horse across the width of the sediment trap. 3. Steel should be driven to a depth of 24 inches, spaced a rrmmchmm of 4 feet apart, and I. Glean, chub and strip the area under the embankment of all vegetation and root mat. Face high posts installed up *::kiss of the bash a5 well. The top of the Fabric should be b Inches higher than remove a(i su loll contalnhg amounts of organic. matter and stockpile or dbpo.,e construction :�2mlfications: the invert of the spillway. Tops of baffles should be 2 Inches lower than the top of the berms. 2. Ensure that fill material for the ar bakmant Isoody free of roots, wvegetation, 4. Install at least as rows of baffles between the inlet and outlet dlscharge point. Basis less than 20 feet In length may use 2 baffles. agaiic matter., and other objectionable material. place the fill In lifts not to exceed 9 inches and machine compact It. over fill the embankment b Inches to allow for Ptionn using posts, add a support wire or rope across the top of the measure to prevent settlement. s5. 3. construct the outlet section in the embankment. protect the correction between the b. NFap porous material, like acoN Jute backed by material, over a sawhorse or the wire. top r�irap and the soil from piping by using filter fabric or a keyway cutoff trench between hammer rebar into the sawhorse legs for ancharig. The fabric should have five to ten percent the rlprap structure ad the soil. � In the weave. Attach fabric to a rope and a support structure with zip ties, wire, or - place the filter fabric between the rip opI d soil. extend the fabric a stapes• across the soil" aid sides to the top of the dams or 7. The bottom ad skies of the fabric should be anchored n a trench ar pined with 8-nah - excavate a k trench a" the centerline of the spll" foundation erosion control matting staples. 8. a In9 up the s to the he of the don. the trench should be at d2 Do not splice the fabric, but usa a continuous piece across the bash. least ft deep ad 2 ft wide with Is sloe slopes. 4. clear the pond area below the elevation of the west of the Spill" to facilitate sediment clearout. 5. All cut and fill slopes should be 2,1 or flatter. Inspect baffles bast once a week and after each rainfall. Make any required repairs b. Ensure that the stone (dra ) section of the embankment has a minimum bottom width of 3 ft and maximum side slopes an es of III that extend to the bottom of the spillway section. Immediately. 7. construct the minimum finished stone spillway bottom with, as shown on the plan, with Be sure to maintain access to the baffles. Should the fabric of a baffle toll ��' 2d side slopes extending to the tap of the over filled embankment. keep the thickness of the sides of the spill"t� at a mIninm of 21 Inches. the weir must be level decompose, or become ineffective, replace It Immediately. and constructed graaydeo to assure cbeeaa small 8. Material used in the stone section should -grated mixture of stone with a d50 Remove sediment deposits when It reaches half full to provide adequate storage volume for the size of 4 Inches (class b erosion control stone is recomm andoW ad a maximum stone size next rah and to reduce pressure on the baffles. Take core to avoid damaging the baffles dung Sediment depth half the deslgnecd of 14 Inches. the store may be machine placed and the smaller stones worked Into the clearmt. should never exceed storage depth. voids of the largo atones. the store should be hard, kr, and hkhlu weattner�esbtrnt. 4. Discharge Inlet water Into the basin h a marrrer toe vent aresidn Use temporay slope After the contributing drainage area has bee properly stabilized, remove all baffle materials d"ahe or dversioss with outlet protection to divert sediment -laden water to the upper end and astable sedh it; deposits, brig the area to grade, and stabilize It. of the pool area to Improve bash trclo efficler" 10. Ensure that the store spillway outlet section extends downstream past the toe of the INLET FLOW embankment until stable cwditlore are reached and outlet velocity is acceptable for the keep the receiving stream. the edges of stone outlet section flush with the surrounding ground ad shape the center to confine the outflow Strom. II. Direct emergency to natural, stale areas. locate bypass outlet so that flaw w111 rot dosage the 12. Stabilize The embaknI nt ad all disturbed areas above the sediment pool and downstream 1 ` from the trap Immediately after construction. BaFfles(typl Inlet Zone 13. Show the distance from the top of the spillway to the sediment cleaiout level (one-half the design deptW on the pins trend mark It In the field. lilii{{i 3M of surfoce area 14. Install porous baffles as specified In Practice 6b5 FYyt �h�mb� •Face Malrdenance Inspect te�� cry sediment �'ap� after each period of "Ificant rainfall. the trap to dMeslone 25% of area remove sediment and restore Its original when the I { I 1 { I 1 sediment has accumulated to one-half the deskin n depth of the trap. place the sediment that Is removed In the designated disposal a -so ad replace the contaminated part of the gravel facing.. Second f 25% o�aea check the structure for damage from erosion or piping perkxUcaliy check the depth of the spillway to ensure It is minimum of 1 ft low the low point of - - the embarkment. Immediately fill any settlement of the embarkment to slightly above design grade. any riprcp displaced from the splllway must be replaced outI�Of Immmedlatly. 9lrfaae area After all seciliment-producinInqq areas have been permanently stabilized, remove the structure and all ustabfe sediment. smooth the area to bled with the adjoining areas and stabilize property. Design settled tap Got mesh or sk Nlkr, stapled or trenched Into bottom or side BAFFLE Temporary Sediment Trap = affle Detail . •JF- s• �i, 1 12' min. of NGDOT 05 or 057 washed store fl1��c •:-'•t �1 C��inl o C Scale : None Gross section Heir Length Varies See Plan 2,i skis slope max. III side 3' mil. elope Max Stone section ivy Sador snIR TG'c Notes: Applicable at all points of ingress t egress until site Is stabilized, Frequent checks of the device and timely maintenance must be provided. recessay; some Mahtennaoe, E. Any material which still makes It Maintain the gravel pad in a condition to prevent onto the road must be cleaned up mud or sediment from leaving the construction site. This may require periodic topd^esshg with 2-Yoh stone. After each rainfall, aspect any structure used to trap sediment ad clean It out cis necessary. immediately remove all objectlonable materials spilled, washed, or tracked onto public roadways. 7cBMpc Scale : None C�r�adc�� C�o���rr�c��oo� C���rra�oc� Dc��aoU Overfill 6- for settlement Emergency 6�ibe�low settled top nnotwal of aim gaud IOWao0 Construction 5pecfficatlons: I. Ensnxe that the subgrode for the filter and riprap follows the required lines and odes shown h the pier compact any fill required h the subgrade to the dens of the surrounding undisturbed material. Low areas in the subyrade on undisturbed sou may also be filled by increasing the rlprap thickness. 2. The rlprap and gravel filter must conform to the specified grading limits shown on the plans. 3. Filter cloth, when used, must meet design requirements and be properly protected from punchai�ag or t Iec ring dung installation. �i• cry dthsagdeamby creo. A(( the r cuing �ohksplsshhould ap a1eminH nloF I ft if the damage is extensive, replaaa-the entire filter cloth. 4. Rprop may be placed by equipment, but take care to avoid damaging the filter. 5. The minhun thickness of the riprap should be 15 times the maximum stone diameter. b. Riprop may be field stonerry or rough quastone. It should be hard, angular, In" weather -resistant and well graded. 7. Gonstruct the apron on zero grade with no overfall at the end. Make the top of the riprap at the downstream end level with the receNhg area or slightly below it. 8. Ensure that the a on Is property al with the receiving stream and preferably straight khroughart 91eS I . if a curve is needed to fit site 4o dltlo s, place It In the upper section of the apron. 4. immedlateiy after construction, stablllze all disturbed areas with vegetation. Maintenance, Inspect riprap outlet structures weekly and after significant (12 Inch or greater) rainfall events to see if any erosion around or below the riprop has taken place, or If stones have been dislodged. Immediately make all needed repairs to prevent further danage. do L=af W = apron♦ with 3 x pipe dia. min D = apron depth Scale: None HO M See sheet G4 for dimensions I. L is the length of the rlprap apron. 2. A filter blanket or filter fabric should be Installed between the riprop and soil foundation. -- L Islope O % SECTION A -A Do�� construction Specifications. 1. Remove ad properly dispose of all trees, brush, stumps, and other Objectionable material. 2. Ensure that the minimum constructed cross section meets all design requrenennts. 3. Err are that the top of the dike is not lower at any point than the design elevation plus the specified settlement. 4. Provide sufficient roan around dNerslois to permit machine regrodig and cleonout. 5. Vegetate the ridge Immediately after construction, unless It will remain in place less than 30 working days. Maintenance, Inspect temporary diversions once a week and after every rainfall. immediately remove sediment from the flow area and repair the diversion ridge. ca Nily check outlets and make timely repairs as needed neon the area protected Is permanently stabilized, remove the ridge and the ctxi nsi to bled with the natural ground level ad approprlately stabilize It. Tamnarrairw Dowsrraoon Bmdo DsWH Scale: None Flow HarrrraIRodo C(OnWrrUCIRoon Sequence Reardon o a o (SCO ooasona Site Is located on U5 Hwy. 211 In West bid, I. Obtain plan approval and other opplkable permits. 2. Flag the work limits and mark the buffer area for protection. Permaent 5eedina 80 b/acre cannon hulled bermuda (mar I- now I) North Gcrolha. Construction of a 3,750 sf 3. Hold preaonstrvction conference at least one week prior to 80 b/acre cannon urbulled bermudo (nov I - mar I) single stay convenler" store aid a 1,17b Statig construction. 4. 4000 Ile/acre limestone sf self-contained ccr wash. The total Install sedhrent traps, diversions ad slit fence as the first 1000 b/ours 10-10-10 fertilizer disturbed are Is 1.36 acres. construction activity. 5. Install temporary gravel construction entrance/exit. 500 lb/acre 0-20-0 superphosphate 4000 Ile/sae straw mulch b. Install tenporary inlet protection as inlet structures are Installed. Anchcr sI by tacking with asphalt 7. Have aced. inspector check Installed devices so that a grading permit can be Issued by the Inspector. IOMI22 ay ` sling 8. Rough grade site. 40 b/acre germar millet (may I-oug 15) 4. Finish the slopes as soon as rough grading Is complete. Leave the 120 b/acre rye (gran) (ag 15-dec. 30) surface slightly roughened and vegetate ad mulch Immediately. 10. complete final of to be 50 Ib/acre kobs lespedeza (jai I - may 1) grading grounds, all areas seeded ad 2000 b/acre limestone en'ma sect 1000 b/acre 10-ID 10 fertilizer I. All ll erosionvaad of practices w111 be inspected weekly and after rainfall events. Needed repairs will be made immediately, Seeding Preparation 12. Pursuant to 65. II3A-57(2) the ogle for graded slopes and fills shall be no than the that be by Rip the crea to be seeded 4-6 inchas greater ogle can restrained vegetative cover or other adequate erosion -control devices or mhtmum. Remove all loose roots, rocks, etc. Leaving surface smooth and uniform. structures. In any event, slopes left exposed will. within 21 calendar days of completion of any phase of grading, be planted or otherwise io.k line and fertilizer Into to soli. provided with temporary or permanent ground cover, devices, or Hater structures sufficient to restrain erosion. Pursuant to 65. 113A-57(13), A minimum of I Inch of rainfall a week(If not supplied provisions for permanent ground cover sufficient to restrain erosion must be for naturally, contractor shall amsu�ppply the remaining amount until has been estcbllshecU, accomplished all disturbed areas within 15 working days guild or 60 calendar dap (whichever Is shorter) following completion of Maintenance construction or development. 13. Site must be stabilized priorto removing erosion -control in In well maintained areas, refertllize in the NGDENR has the right to have contractor/owner• to replace or Install devices If the site Is not stabilized. second year unless growth is fully adequate. �I.g Is not necessary. Reseed, fertilize, and mulch damaged areas Immecllately. Steel posts o WOG. Max. 5pachy(5min. Gonstrvctlon Specifications: re support fence (I" wire') ry idiom fabric 1. construct the Sediment barrier wr OF standard strength or extra strength Synthetic filter fibers. t ttom of wire fence and X filter fabric buriexcavated ed h a 2. Ensure that the height of the sedhrent fence does not exceed 24 Inches above trench 8'Dpx4'Wd.Temporary the ground surface. (Higher fences may Impound volumes of water sufficient to - _ diversion Swale cause failure of the structure). - - - -09� 3. Crrct onsbthe filter fabric from a continuous roll cut to the length of the bawler 11- 11 Steel post driven to avoid joints. Wren joints cre, necessary, Securely fasten the filter cloth only at a 24' into groud support post with 4 feet minimum overlap to the next post. 4. Support standard strength strength filter fabric by wire mesh fastened securely to the upslope side of the posts. Extend the wire mesh support to the bottom of the trench. Fasten the wire reinforcement, then fabric on the upslope, side of the Maintenance: fence post. Wire or plastic sup ties should have minimum 50 pound tensile strength. Inspect sediment fences at least once a week and 5. When a wire mesh support fence is used, space posts a maximum of 8 feet after each rainfall. make any required repairs Immediately. Support posts Should be driven securely Into the ground a minimum of 24 Should the fabric of a sediment fence collapse, tear, b. Extra strength filter fabric with b feet post spacing does not require wire meshO"p°se or become ieffectNe, replace It promptly. Support fence. Securely fasten the filter fabric directly to posts. Wire or plastic zip ties should have mhhum 50 pound tensile strength. Remove sediment deposits as necessary to provide 7. Excavate a trench approximately 4 Inches wide and 8 Inches deep along the Proposed the of posts and upslope from the barrier. adequate storage w for the next rain and to red" pressure voths fence take care to avoid undermining the fence during cleanout. 8. Place 12 Inches of the fabricc along the bottom and sloe of the trench. Remove all fencing materials and astable sediment 9. Backfill the trench with soil placed over the filter fabric and compact. Thorough compaction of the backflll is critical to slit fence performance. deposits � � bring� drain area � �nade and stabilize It properly stabilized. 10. Do not attach filter fabric to exist" trees. Tamparrarry SOUN Fonds DOIRSOH III-III=1 I I=1 I Filter blanket 1 4.0' Max } 14-6uage Hardware cloth I ' 1/4' Mesh Openings Dc��ao� Fa>rla 0 0 Ee: ieEee39eleEeEeeeeleeiee9EeE ' .. Ee B ie a eeee a ee'eeEeieeE eeeeei'' I • -lli��illl�lllll=ll�-ii• Min. Oil 4.. Scale : Now b' Steel 'r- Posts #5 or e57 store Excavate for Sediment capture Buried Fabric moo° Note: Block and Gravel protecton T any sediment to be used after the street, P are paved and prior to sedheent - stabllization of adjacent I'Min. J areas. 21 MOD -_ concrete Block d Construction Specifications: -"1IUZ Gonsttlon 5pecffkatione: Ply rucI. Loy one block on each side of the structure 11 on Its side on the bottom row to allow pool 1. Ihfformly grade a shallow depression Maintenance: drayage. The foundation should be excavated the Inlet. Inspect sediment fences at least once a week and at least 2 Inches below the crest of the storm Maintenance: after each rainfall. make any required repairs drain. Place the bottom row of the blocks against 2. Drive 5400t steel posts 2 feet Into the Tound immediately. the edge of the storm drain for lateral Support Inspect the barter after each rain Surouding the Inlet. Space posts evenly around Should the fabric of a sediment fence coil and to ovoid washouts when overflow occurs. and mace repairs as needed. the apse: �, If needed, give lateral to subsequent perimeter of the inlet, a maximum of 4 feet repdecorrlpoSe lace i�becomeevery bp f tIva, replace It promptly. rows�k ^�ng 2x4 � through Rive sediment as necessary to 3. Surround the Remove sediment deposits provide adequate storage volume cure necessary to provide for subsequent rains. Ponis with wire mesh hardware cloth. adequate storage volume for the next rain and to 2. Carefully fit with I/q hardware cloth or comparable Sethiswire mash to the steel posts at the reduce pressure on the fence. take care to avoid wire mesh with I/2-inch opening over all top, middle and bottom. Placing a 2-Foot flop of block o to hold aver in lace. Yihen the contributing drainage area the wire mesh under the gravel for anchor undermining the fence during cleanart. Pe" gravel P InQ9e g' lily has been adequately stabilized, is recommended. Remove all fencing materials ad astable sediment 3. Use clean Tavel, 3/4-to I/2-inch In remove all materials ad any deposits and brinngg the area to grade ad stabilize diameter, placed 2 Inches below the top unstable sou, and either Salvage or 4. Place clean gavel 05 or a57 stone) on a 2,1 It after the contrbutiig drainage area has been of the block on a 2:1 slope or flatter and dispose of It properly. Bring the slope with a height of ib Inches around the sure Properly stabluzed. smoothi It m� even made. DOT s57 Hashed disturbed area to proper grade, and smooth to on even grade. then smooth ad compact it. under It. 4. If onlyStone and gravel are used, keep the slope Appropriately stablllze all bare in Note: Bottom of filter fabric must be placed toward the Inlet no steeper than 3,1. Leave a min. around the islet. trench and Secured by either 1-ft. wide level stone area between the structure areas backfiilhg with soil material and and crowd the inlet to prevent gravel from tamping or by placing washed entering Inlet. On the slope towarthe inlet, use stone to a height of b- above 3 Inches In diameter or lager. On the slope away ground level. *5washed stone) at a3gravel minimum thickness of I ft. Temporary Wet prrotac don [OWE 0 Scale: None Revised-3/05/01-Added Baffle/NarratNe-BGIV Revised-4/15/07-revised per ,pq C N J r Q U) ' r la o V CZ Q- H N Z Z Z_ en � O 0 � O O = H < C) 0 > 0 � UJ Z T- A ~ CZ dN t.d Q -i .crrs: DRAWINs KEY, C+S Of 7 W W Z Z W W 2 F- Q� U- Z _CJ H Q N ly Z LU l- CZ 11 LU 0 t- C, Q� W LU I- 0 i Z Q Z Z LY LU bu Z Z b11 Z LL O LU CL LL H In Z Q 0 _N Tr - , I. Install all sediment and erosion devices prior to beginning construction of the boretention unit. 2. Grade site to elevations shorn on plan. If applicable, construct curb openings OnWor remove replace existing concrete. All stormwater entrances to bioretentkxn unit should be blocked or other measures made to prevent drainage from entering construction area. 3. Stabilize grading within Limit of Disturbance except for the boretention area. 4. Excavate bloretentlon area to proposed invert depth aid sccrlfy the existing soil surfaces, taking care not to compact the Insist materials. 5. Install underdraln system and observation wells, If specified. 6. Backflll bloretentlon area with sand bed and then planting soil. 1. Wet down the plaiting soil prior to planting vegetation to allow for settlement. 8. Excavate or fill to achieve proper design grade, leaving space for the upper layer of mulch that will bring the surface to final grade. 9. Plant vegetation. 10. Mulch and Install erosion protection at entrance points. Remove sediment control measures or entrance blocks with Inspector authorization. Vlsually Inspect and repair erosion monthly. Check pH yeo^ig and apply limestone accordingly. M Re -mulch any void areas by had as needed. Remove previous mulch layer and apply new mulch layer once every two to three years. Add fresh mulch every 6 months, in the sprig and fall. PLANTS Immedlately after the completion of cell construction, water plant material for 14 consecutive days. Remove and replace all dead and diseased vegetation considered beyond treatment twice a year. Treat all diseased trees and shrubs as needed and using the least toxic methods. Replace any deficient stakes or wires as needed. Replace support stakes once a year. q �A Goneflower-Echinacea pupurpeo-seed at a rate of 12lbs/acre. Dayllly4iemerocallls spp.- plant I per 3 square feet of surface area. Creep" Blue Star-Amsonla cnla"lait I per 3 square feet of surface area. Herbaceous groundcover shall be planted after tree and shrub plantings and prior to the addition of mulch. Area for Daylllles (TYPJ_, ©17 P - o- a Area for Creeping Blue Star (TfP) / area to be seeded with Gonef loner Proposed Grade 5:1 Max. Plaiting Soil Mulch Layer and Ground Cover 6- Maximum Pordirng Depth Elevation 5g250' Elevation 512.00' Top of Plantig Soil a Q c o f ;t _ Elevation 588.00' Bottom of Planting 5011 10 oonala �0 11L � 00o 5ol�l rpeclflcatlons: The soil mix should be uniform and free of stones, stumps, roots or other similar material greater than 2 Inches. It should be homogenous soil mix of 85-88 percent by weight sand, 8-12 percent fines (silt and clay), and 3-5 percent organic matter (such as peat moss) shall be used. Soil infiltration rate shall be I" per hour. The planting soil shall be free of plants or plant parts of Bermuda grass, GNack grass, Johnson Toss, Mugwort, Nutsedge, Poison Ivy Canadian Thistle, or others as spec ifled. The planting soil shall not contain toxic substances harmful to plant growth. The planting soil shall be tested and meet the following criteria: pH range 55-65 Organic Matter I5-5D% Magnesium -Mg 35lbs/acre Phosphorus-P205 IOOIbs/acre (P-Index Range 10-30) Potassl un-K20 85lbs/acre Soluble salts not to exceed 500 ppm The following testing frequencies shall apply to the above soil constituents, - pH, Organic Matter: I test per 90 cubic yards, but not lessthan I test per borrow source. - Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Soluble Salts: I test per 500 cubic yards, but not less than I test per barrow source. - One grain size analysis shall be performed per 90 cubic yards of planting soil, but not less than I test per Bioretentkm Area. A mulch layer shall be provided on top of the planting soil. An acceptable mulch layer shall include shredded hardwood or shredded wood chips or other similar material. f Of the approved mulch products, all must be well aged, uniform in color, and free of foreign material Including plant material. Well -aged mulch Is defined as mulch that has been stockpiled or stored for at least 12 months. The sad shall be free of deleterious material and rocks greater than I inch In diameter. Soil shall be placed in layers less than 18 Inches and lightly cornpacted(minlmal connpactive effort) by tamping with a bucket from a dozer or a back ioe. General Planting 5pecificatlons: Root stock of the plait material shall be kept moist during transport from source to the Job site. Walls of planting pit shall be dug so they are vertical. The diameter of the planting pit must be a minimum of six Inches larger than the diameter of the ball of the tree. The appropriate amount of fertilizer is to placed at the bottom of the pit (see below for fertilization rates). The plant shall be removed from the container and placed In the planting pit by lifting ad carrying the plant by the ball (never lift by branches or trunk). Set the plant upright ad in the center of the pit so that the top of the ball is approximately X above the finaf grade. Backflll planting pit with existing soil. Make sure plant remains straight during backfilling procedure. Never cover the tap of the ball with soil. Mound soil around the exposed ball. Trees shall be braced by using 2" by 2' white oak stakes. Stakes shall be placed parallel to walkways and buildings. Stakes are to be equally spaced on the outside of the tree ball. UtIliz hose and wire, brace the tree to the stakes. Fertilization Tree aid shrrb fertilizer shall be a 21-gm, tightly compressed, long-lo5tig, slow reiease(2 year) fertilizer tablet with a minimum guaranteed analysis of 20-10-5. Total Nitrogeni(N)-20% Water Soluble Organic Nitrogen - 1% Water Insoluble Organic Nitrogen - 15% Available Phosphoric Acid - 10% Soluble Potash - 5% For containerized trees and shrubs, place the specified fertilizer tablets) In the bottom of the planting pit according to the Following rates; I gal. - I ea. 21 gm. Tablets 3 gal. - 2 ea. 21 gm. Tablets 5 gal. - 3 ea. 21 gm. Tablets 1 gal. - 5 ea. 21 gm. Tablets Planting Non morass Ciround Cover The ground cover planting holes shall be dug through the mulch with one of the following: had trowel, shovel, bulb planter, or hoe (this does not apply to gasses or legumes). Before planting, biodegradable pots shall be split, and non-blod ge raddble pots shall be removed. Root systems of all potted plants shall be split or criumbled. The ground cower shall be planted so that the roots are surrounded by the soil below the mulch. Potted plants shall be set so that the top of the pot is even with the existing grade. The roots of bare roots plants shall be covered to the crown. Before planting, apply a pre -emergent herbicide to the mulched and planted ground cover bed. The entire ground cover bed shall be thoroughly watered. Planting Grass Crowd Cower Grasses and legumes seed shall be tilled into the soil to a depth of at least 2 Inches by either harrowing or discing. Fertilizer shall be applied at the same rate and utilizing the same process for non -grass ground cover. Grass and legume plugs shall be planted following the non -grass Bound cover planting techniques. All ground covers shall be fertilized with a 10-6-4 analysis fertilizer as a wet application at the rate of albs per 100 square feet of the boretenton area prior to planting non -grass ground cover or as part of the grass seed ground cover. v� V OL N Q F C 0 h - �Q A F (NLLJ QJ A O 94 O U n�iz.;� _ rr Rya LLJ Z_ 0 Z LL.1 LLJ H O (Y LL. Z l'- Q _N r H Q Z LLJ E- 3 W l� CL Lu m H Q C) Z v Z 6 Z W W Z Z UJ Iz— N J W Z U_ W O W lLl 2 F- N Z_ Q 0 Revised 041-24-01 BGW DRAwIN& nE 46 Of 'I U2'Rad. 4" TWA Concrete Sldwok 3" P51 w/ Fiber Install Bpa'rrlon Jt. every 50' ad GmSWctbn Jt. Cvery 5' — va ° Modaw ak Dc dfl Scale: None Standard Asphalt Light broom finish 2' SF45B Asphalt Surface Carve 6' ABG Compacted to q5% Stadard Proctor (ASTM D•6915) meted sibTode Asphalt Paving Section. l • 6' 12" be 24' 1121 hZad 3' Rod. 3' Rod. Imo' Rod .," a ° a P' r. W Curb 4 Guttw go' CArb 4 euftw C ancrr(BIR C UFb and Outa r DOOR Scab : None r- b b b afl awd O(W aoo 3001M 10(M ao a Scale: Now , F or G Grate CUrrb �M(W 1000 Scab : None 1'0 rBu�tyl Rutber� Sealant In Joint .".GGe55 MKIOWS All 4 Sides 2J Concrete Compressive Strength 4,000 Psl Mlnkmxn. 3) Steel Reinforcing Do" to Conform to the Requirements of ASTM C-890 Specifications for Grade 60 Re -burs conforming to the Requirements of ASTM A-615 or WWF ConForming to the Requirements of ASTM A-185 or Both. 4) Additional Reinforcing of openings. 5) Des" For H-20-44 Loading. 6J Steps Requred on Catch Basins Over V-6' in Depth. steps Shall be Steel Reinforced Copolymer Polypropylene Plastic and Meet the Requrements of ASTM C-418. lJ To be Field Adjusted Using NGDOT Approved Methods by Contractor. 8J Pipe Penetration to be as per Job Requirements. Pipe to be Installed by Gonntractor as per NGDOT Requirements for Mortar Joint Connections. 9) From, Grate, and Hood per NGDOT Standard Detail 840.03 or as Otherwise Specified. To be Supplled by Either C.P.C. or Customer Supplled. 10) Joints to be Sealed With Butyl Rubber Joint Sealant Conforming to the Requirements of ASTM C-99o, or Motor as per NGDOT Requirements, or Both. 11) Diameter of Pipe Catch Basin Will Handle Varies 12J Total height per job specification. 15) Cast -In ring aid cover. 14J Joints to be sealed wlth butyl rubber joint sealant conforming to the requirements, of ASTM C900, or mortar as per NGOOT requirements, or both. 4 Lifting Holes (TypJ Grra%a MW nw aoo Scale. Name � 4 Lifting Holes (Typ) v�5 � r V N Z i o a p 0 W C o064 � 0 0 z 0 S H LU LU z_ %b z LU U-1 z LL z 0 _N lY O 2 Q z H 2 H 0 LU CY Q- CY LU O Q Q z v z z LU LLJ z_ kb z U.l cF- L Q U-1 z LL LU O CL L TZ z 0 DRAlWN6 KEY , G7 of 7 L Vicinity Map (Not to Scale) I General Notes: This map Is rot In accordance with 66 47-30. Area by coordinate method. Gontour Interval = I' based on assumed datum. There are no vL94;a1 encroadrnents other than those shown hereon. The property in located in a W5-1I1-HQW watershed. Property currently zoned 5-2 This property does not fall In a FEMA designated flood plain. Legend: IPF = Iron Pipe Found IRF = Iron Rod Found CMF = Concrete Monument Found PKF = PK Nall Found PK5 = PK Nall Se�t� - - — = Right Of • y^ry Line — — — = Adjacent Property Lines not Surveyed — — = Building Setback Lines 98- - = Existing Contour rL — = Approximate Location of Existing Waterline lop = 10' Pine (typi X = Existing Tree to be Removed = Llght Pole = Utility Pole OHJ =Overhead Utility ® = Water Meter n' = Water valve = Fre FF�AA��dd��ant w = Waterflne © = Sanitary Sewer Manhole 55 = Sanitary Sewerline 0 u =Sanitary Sewer Stubout = Curb In et ® = Storm Drain Manhole GMP = CarrUgated Metal P" rzcp =Reinforced Concrete Pipe FFs = Flared End Section m = Temporary Diversion Swale Fence = Disturbance Limits References: Deed Book 1783, Page 412 Map book 158, Page 48q Moore County Registry Owner/Developer W's Pic Kwik, Inc. PO Box 120q Laurinbu^g, NG 28353 910-280-3120 Notes: I.) The contractor shall contact the power co., gas co., and telephone co. for the exact location of all underground water and sewer mans, cables, or lines before construction begins. 2.) Pipe separation: the following minimum pipe separation will be maintained: 12 inches vertical separation between crossing of storm sewers. 18 inches vertical separation between crossing of sewer (including force mains) and water mains, and 10 feet horizontal separation between sanitary sewer (including force mains) and water mains. I( c II I 1 ll Existing 15' RCP I 1 1 I I I 0 0 I � iI 0 c I >Ud 50. I I � c0tback ii 12' PC 1 0 I II o I I II 1 I I it O 0 O 1 � 1 1 I 0 2' Waterline I I I C) 4' Plug 4 yy� ' Reducer 1 Punch 4' Waterlines Under Hwy. 211 and tap into existing Ine �,Lanclsca1 I Pe Buffer 2' Water Meter .with RPZ Backflow Preventer and Hot Box per Moore county I� OHU OHU OHU OHU Approximate Location of I I 8' Waterline 1� First Baptist Owx�ch of West End DB 1475. PG 473 Zoned RA-20 I 1 1 I 1 1 I I I First Baptist Church of West End DB 126, 'P6 556 Zoned RA-20 36&70' � a -----------�«—J—.—.—.—.—.—.— T o • CgML Premium :► • .. -- ----� F2oM O RegUlG' O OHU OHU OHv--OHU pon(amead Sbast Q50FM 25' Building Setback t Landscape Buffer I Fr osed Grease Trap Traffic Bearing See Plumbing Plans r- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -- Proposed Septic Tank Tr faF Ic Bearing Per Moore county rormental Health I I 4' PV0 Sewer Ine i Prpo5ed Septic, Field I Min. Per I% Slope unty I Environmental Health I k i k I I LxJ I I L— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — J L 4' Gleaaut G011 025me lTraffic Bea GRAPHIC SCALE UMOKY NOR Scale, 1'=20' i I 1 I I I I I I I 0 6rld North Per NAD b3 References: Deed Book 1783, Page 412 Map book 158, Page 48q Moore County Registry Owner/Developer Nic's Pic Kwik, Inc. PO Box 1209 Lourinbu^g, W. 28553 Revised Oq-24-07 BCW a� Z 0 J ry Y eW r � A ° Q LU ° W LU :9Z ° Z Q y;= z y Q d z_ Z w lu zask 0 Z to ti - to to —; 4i W LL F-- V) LLJ W tu A � � N H CO N O Z cusrorsz tip: Q .roe ru-t�rz. � 070OW2 V%"Ns KEY , Ul Of I w 'S — Hwy 21 Vicinl M (Not to Scale) a�u - M � Lines LNtes Yellow Skip Center Lines \ 150' DECELERATION LANE (min) 11 Legend: IPF = Iron Pipe Found IRF = Iron Rod Found GMF = Concrete Monument Found PKF = PK Nall Found PKS = PK Nall Set - - of = L Bou►"y �Line - — - = Adjacent Property Lines not Surveyed — — = Hullding Setback Lines --95 = Existing Contour —wr — = Approximate Location of Existing Waterline o roP = 10"Pine �,( Existing to be Removed =Existing Tres a_ Ij- = Light Pole L! t -sue Pole avu = Overhead Utility ® = Water Meter 4w = Water Valve {} = Flre Hydrant Tv = Waterflne © = Sanitary Sewer ManFale ss = Sanitary Sewerllns j sso =Sanitary Sewer Stubout = Gub Inlfet = Storm Drain Manhole CMP = GOrrugated Metal Pipe RCP =Reinforced Concrete Pipe FES = Flared End Section OWner/Deve toper Nic's Pic Kwlk, Inc. PO Box 1206 Lourinbirg, NO 25353 910-280-5120 5' Shoulder 3 4% Slope I i Hick's FIc I w6h, Inc. NA(fn F-nt?wl)cs N Of Right Double Yellow Center Line =Full Length of Storage (1009 FULL WIDTH I - Solid White Line 15 Length Storage 100' TAPER �C. CHU -- - Exist Edge �% ■o --- Sta. 10+00 to 20+67.94 -_— Of PawStoraage) n - -- - - Remove All Existing —kms Ip" and Re-Strips_per - - -- - �D-. - e 100, BAY STORAGE o oProposed New Pavement t Striping Note: All Striping shall be thermoplastic pavement markings and shall be done in accordance with NCDOT standards. Srxmplowabie pavement markers shall be Installed per NGDOT standards. Road To Tie i' Into Exist i Three Laninge Section / 85' IX 0hV L X irAi _ - ---- -- -- - --- 12' RCP New 5trlp"_^ - Yellow Yellow Skip — - -- Lis '�O Center Lines\ 60' R/W 12' West Bound Lane 12' Center Lane 12' East Bound Lone Rood Widening Pavement to Match Slope of Slope EX. Slope Existing Pavement Ex. -------------- IN 7_q.5C. Surface Course Pav ternernt Asphalt Over Existing Pavement (typ.) c 1 3' Intermediate Course IX- To Be Level With Top 2' 5-9.5C Surface Course = LF Of Existing Pavement Surface 7 3' I-19.00 Intermediate Course 5' Black Base m `Typocao Goad M'In odanong Sa oon Scale : NOW � Existing Edge of Pavement Wnite, Edge Lines _ � of YI Rkjnt $ g _ Q N 7 9 1 A % Q 6rki North O Q Per NAD 83 H Z - - - / - - Z awCHU ® ; - �,� cull -aHu i E — — - o ---------- -- - - — - -- - avu - a;i; - Q -- —----320' _LANE TAPER i Q � lU W z_ l� Z IU LU _ I U_ Q IV e� 2 h' - - u- ave 12" RGP __- -- - LU 0 � 00 O 17+00 16+00 1 Iz- --.— - Ca R -- � White Ea UN � LU v - Lines - mod, -- - w - ---} - - - -� - - — - - — — - — -- - - _ - — - �, oc Proposed LU Pavement & 5' Shoulder 5' Shoulder 12' East Bound Lane 4% Slope J I I 4% Slope General Notes: 3 Right turn lone with 100' taper starting east of Pinewood Street. The taper shall tie into Pinewood Street and extend at full wklth from Phewood Street to the entrance of the site. Left turn late will provide 100' of storage and will tie Into the existing three lane section that Is west of the site. �� speed - � Min. left turn deceleration - 150' Eastbound Toper. 2 2 dr2 = 171 = 320' 60 60 60' R/W 12' Center Lane - I EX. Slope Ex. Slope GRAPHIC SCALE ( IN FEEL' ) I inch - 20 lf. 12' West Bound Lane -- --- ----- — _Pz EXIStIng Pavement 0 2' S-9.5C Surface Course Overlay Asphalt Over 3" Intermediate Course F Existing Pavement (typ.) To Be Level With Top c v Of Existing Pavement Surface m w Q-Q Typoc V Road Mn 6danong Sac oon Scab : None REVISED: 4-25-07 yM N O N4oMp �' Q N Y G [ _ZI I- Q z z w W z z lu 12' Right Turn Lane 5' ShoulderLU I Q Road Widening Pavement am, Z to Match Slope of Existing Pavement %��,,• 4% Slope I VIWQJ LU A ti CL 2' S-9.5C Surface Course LU 3' I-19.0C Intermediate Course .� 5" Block Base W v� N 1_4 N U z CUSTOMM NwtepB Revised 4-20-07 Per NGDOT Comments BGW ' Revised Per 7j, DRANUNS KEY 0-100502 13GW X NGDOT Comments TI of I - - — SITE L I CPHT I N6 PLAN 51 TE LEGEND o-❑ POLE MOUNTED L16HT FIXTURE BRANCH CIRCUIT Wt-0 UN - PANEL LA, GIRCUIT5 *1 RUN 2+40, I#IOGNO-I"PVG, 24" MIN BELOW GRADE LA -I WHEN RUN UNDER PAVEMENT CONDUIT SHALL BE ENGA5ED IN CONCRETE. SITE LIGHTING FIXTURE SGHWULE TYPE MAIWAGTIX2ER I GATAL06 NUh18ER LAMP MOUNTING REMARKS �-❑ LITHONIA jK5E2 MOM R45C 120 RP04 PE 1-25OW POLE MTD POLE-30' ROUND TAPER POLE BOLT COVER WITH GROUND LUG LEVELIN6 NUTS FINISHED GRADE EXOTHERMIC WELD #4 BC50 GROUND WIRE TO POLE GROUND LUG 3/4" DIAM x 10'-0" LONG COPPER GROUND ROD - NOTE ALL REINFORCING STEEL TO BE A5TM A615, GRADE 60 EXGEPT TIES, TIE5 SHALL BE GRADE 40. NOT TO SCALE �— LIGHT POLE AS SPECIFIED 6A5KETTED HANDHOLE COVER �—BUSHED CONDUIT 5TUBUP5 (4") /—SLOPED 64ROUT FIN15H FOR I RAIN RUNOFF 30" MIN ANCHOR BOLT PER MANUFACTURER '�Uj"' PVC, CONDUIT, MIN 24" BELOW 24" MIN FINISHED GRADE VIA. 4 #5 VERTICAL REBAR #3 TIES 12" ON CENTER 3" GONGRETE COVER (TYPIGAL) Q. ci % 'c N N p 7 �4 Q'oc !4 �ii ay4 a J d 0 d lu z 0 d z O z 0 0 z 0 w w z 0 z w w z i O tX w z O F- d N_ O z d z w I- O z F- Ll �- w v 0 0 CL w w w m - cr L Q z d 1- U z O z w w w z_ O z w T- (s) 1- J d 1_ w z tL O CL O - CL w H tf1 z d Q z