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SW6061101_APPROVED PLANS_20071218
STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW -&2t'ld DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT APPROVED PLANS ❑ HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION. INSPECTION DOC DATE lz0*1 YYYYMMDD 5 1 US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS MB B SAVANNAH DISTRICT BB.LI ROBE SPECIAL FORCED TRAINING FACILITY CAMP MACNALL - MET BRAGG N.C. PLANIMITRIC. TOPOGRAPHIC AND UTILITET MAP i SCALE V-100' b 0 b V10 Mtl Caraw Interval: 1 It SLRVEYEO BY: NOVA DIGITAL SYSTEMS. INC. OCTCBER 5 -2001 LEGEND vw«.nl nrorzcnrt rRa mw-♦ swa .— [PROJECT L CATION BID OPTION 02 CONSTRUCTION LIMITS ne K Vie. ,' ve. Vnee P,.,-. U.e 4...e � / / ws osnnn Ian ` N 473250 TBM M3.5 PK NAIL N-4 3190.386 ; E-18 3901.613 EL- 28.81 ; / ^I • nary' ,a '\\\ // �r _-- _ /\ ``\ N 473.000 - - ♦ W.ry 4. E[,Vit �t r�G � 1 1 *Z ee N 472,750 sa. A. an, ` B.. ♦ '$, Aea Ab / 3.4 u ao CONSTRUCTION LIMITS N'- 580 7l9 J E-185EL-3 g16 CLEIIASON AZMK BENCH MARK N 471951.795 + E-1 53376.668 EL-344.97 \1 0 \ AD. �+ TBN \ PK N-4 E-1f EL 0 TBM M .7 PK NAI N-4723T-771.902 7.130 E-1854 EL-3309 BID OPTIONS: 1. ROAD CONSTRU TION FROM MARK 4+00 0 -7+68. 2. INSTALL 6' WID CONCRETE SIDEWALKS. BISCOE FORT BRAGG VICINITY MAP DRAWING INDEX MT. OLIVE N i )'E DRAWING NUMBER SHEET TITLE G001 LOCATION MAP C101 DEMOLITION PLAN C 102 LAYOUT AND SITE PLAN C103 GRADING AND STORM DRAINAGE PLAN C104 STORM DRAINAGE PLAN AND PROFILES C105 EROSION CONTROL PLAN C106 EROSION CONTROL PLAN AND DETAILS C501 DETAILS L101 I LANDSCAPING PLAN 1. The following divisions and sections of North Carolina Department of V Transportation's Standard Specifications for Roads and Structures, 2006, shall apply: DIVISION 2 - EARTHWORK Section 200: Clearing and Grubbing Section 205: Sealing Abandoned Wells 1 Section 225: Roadway Excavation Section 226: Comprehensive Grading y Section 240: Ditch Excavation Section 250: Removing of Existing Pavement Section 260: Proof Rolling DIVISION 3 - PIPE CULVERTS Section 300: Pipe Installation Section 310: Pipe Culverts Section 320: Corrugated Steel and Aluminum Alloy Structural Plate Pipe DIVISION 5 - SUBGRADE, BASE, AND SHOULDERS Section 500: Fine grading Subgrade, Shoulders and Ditches Section 510: Aggregate Stabilization Section 520: Aggregate Base Course Section 535: Conditioning Existing Base Section 560: Shoulder Construction DIVISION 6 -ASPHALT PAVEMENTS Section 600: Prime Coat Section 605: Asphalt Tack Coat Section 609: Quality Management System for Asphalt Pavement Section 610: Asphalt Concrete Plant Mix Pavement Section 620: Asphalt Binder for Plant Mix Section 654: Asphalt Plant Mix, Pavement Repair DIVISION 8 - INCIDENTALS Section 801: Construction Stakes, Lines, and Grades Section 825: Incidental Concrete Construction - General Section 840: Minor Drainage Structures Section 848: Concrete Sidewalks, Driveways and Wheelchair Ramps Section 876: Rip Rap DIVISION 10 -MATERIALS All material sections and articles referred to in the above sections shall apply. DIVISION 12 - PAVEMENT MARKINGS, MARKERS AND DELINEATION Section 1205: Pavement Marking General Requirements 2. Any and all references and publications stated in the above sections shall apply. A 3. Any and all references in the NCDOT Specifications in regard to "roadway," shall all also apply to the parking lot. to 4. Any references in the NCDOT Specifications that pertains to an "Engineer," shall refer to DPW's Project Manager, Project Engineer, and/or Construction Inspector. 5. All articles in the NCDOT Specifications pertaining to Method of Measurement, Basis of Payment, or Compensation shall be omitted. 6. A copy of the above NCDOT Specification sections and drawings can be obtained from NCDOT's website: http://www.ncdot.org/doh/preconstruct/ps/default.htmi 3 e a O L 31 EL a c. 0 0 O N e } +- U O � O O O a - 0 m ._ m 0 cr 0 0 In O_ Z (D C:) m Q' a i uO to 0 O V) a t OI rM m m r4 ) v +e v o O ton OL m CCY Er Y T\ Z a -0Z c m 'aX m 3 a C m O m ILL c m 0 0 U d' V) Q Y Z CC O J H 3 QU= _ Q SJU QJZ ~ = LL_ F Li(LCC Z C7UCC U � Z w - = �F— �Q� HQCr Q HUO Cr om L z U O W C) O o w H O r J � Z J Q '4a- IX W o Li Q Q Y W .� � >Z< `n�t� � Z - a 0: > J O �I--U W Z O � Il O U Sheet Reference Number: G001 Sheet 01 of 09 ME 15 3 12 1 - I 101 OUTLET PIPE 3 Q' MIN .DOT RAP SECTION RIPRAP OUTLET PROTENTION NOT TO SCALE OUTLET STABILIZATION STRUCTURE SPECIFICATIONS 1. Ensure that the subgrade for the filter and riprap follows the required lines and grades shown in the plans. Compact any fill required in the subgrade to the density of the surrounding undisturbed material. Low areas in the subgrade on undisturbed soil may also be filled by increasing the riprap thickness. 2. The riprap and filter must conform to the specified grading limits shown on the plans. 3. Filter cloth must meet design requirements and properly protected from punching or tearing during installation. Repair any damage by removing the riprap and placing another piece of cloth over the damaged area. All connecting joints should overlap so the top layer is above the downstream layer a minimum of 1 foot. If the damage is extensive, replace the entire filter cloth. 4. Riprap may be placed by equipment, but take care to avoid damaging the filter. 5. The minimum thickness of the riprap should be 1.5 times the maximum stone diameter. 6. Riprap may be field stone or rough quarry stone. It should be hard, angular, highly wether- resistant and well graded. 7. Construct the apron on zero grade with no overfill at the end. Make the top of the riprap at the downstream end level with the receiving area or slightly below it. 8. Ensure that the apron is properly aligned with the receiving stream and preferably straight throughout its length. If a curve is needed to fit site conditions, place it in the upper section of the apron. 9. Immediately after construction, stabilize all disturbed areas with vegetation. MAINTENANCE Inspect riprap outlet structures weekly and after significant (1/2 inch or greater) rainfall event to see if any erosion around or below the riprap has taken place, or if stones have been dislodged. Immediately make all needed repairs to prevent further damage. 8" VARIES 8" BRICK PIER 2'-8" MIN. 3'-8" MAX. io BRICK PIER A A v, CO ' wT EE a Z i �o T N ' BRICK PIER BRICK J PIER PLAN •4 BARS 0 5" O.C. BOTTOM FACE. NUMBER OF BARS REQUIRED DEPENDS ON WIDTH OF INLET. 8" VARIES 2'-8" MIN. 3'-8" OPENING ON ALL 4 SIDES 2'-3" •4 BARS+� \ FRAME COVER ,.OWWT II..iio�2 cgaw! _�- EXIST. BRICK A -A Z 340 TOP MAY BE PRECAST GROUTED IN PLACE HOOK ALL REINFORCING BARS 1/2" CHAMFER N " CEMENT PLASTER BRICK FINISHED GRADE WEIR INLET DETAILS® NOT TO SCALE 0 Z ES 2 2-4" MULCH Z a DROP 3H-1V MAX. 3-5'GRASS SOD 8" GRAVEL INLET SIDE SLOPE 1 BIORETENTION CELL _I ` IN SITU SOIL BIORETENTION CONCEPTUAL DETAIL° NOT TO SCALE 335 330 325 JTV EXISTING (OPTION 02) 3" AS 1 IC RECESS: 3't ASPHALTIC COPTION •2> j BIOF�ETENTION AREA-'B' i4" 7HICfQ CONCIRETE r --'--- y ! CONCR 7 Aft KIN L( T CENTER'; S_ LAN C- Rr LPAVEMENT; C©NCRET_E;_ _ _ PARKING LOT __ _____4"_1!HICk____ _____ SON RETE __________ _____ ____ _____ I r EXIST. $IDEWALIQ ;P EDGE 0 SIDEALK GRjADE --- - ----- ----- ----•---- ------ ---- ---- ; AXJ SIDE--SCOPEI ---- ---- - — — 335 `9P i , r ;1% SLQPE t% SL _!__ r r , r _____. __�_____1 _F__ i__ ___ ____ __ _r____ _ •J _ — 1 r , , _ _ _—______�____�_____�____ ____ ____ ____ � 1. J 1 — — f _ __ ____ ____ __ - — ____ `T — — _____ ____ _ — ___ ___ ____ _____ ____ _____ ____ ____ _____ ` ____ _____ txlST. 8" PVC r ' HIV-40--LWE-- - - r 6" OFi NC130T !ABC, Er R T' TI �10 C - r s r OF NCD07 AE3C -4 NE' ELL E! � ,-- r ; ;GRADE ♦ _. -+ -r -+ -� -+ -� -v -r -v r -y _♦ r- _ + -• -v -F 1 -♦ ♦ r -+ ----- -r -v -• -v - i -+ -. -v� r -'+ -.1 _v -♦ „ 330 r_____r____J_ _____r____r_____r____r_____r____�_____r_____r_____r____ r - _____r_____r____r_____r____i_____r - _____,_____i_____r____ _r_____r____i, _r - J--------- --- r_____ '' — ' r� _r_________i_____- ;i --- - - -- '--- -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - -- - - -- - - - -- - - -- BIORETENTION -- -- - -- — r , CELL ,'F' . I 0 0 I:II7�I��Y3>E�b7 0 0 0 M N PARKING LOT CROSS SECTION 4 8 SCALE: V : 1 " = 3' H : 1 " = 30' TOP EL.- 321.55 (SEE WEIR INLET DETAILS) Z M 13.5' MIN. RIM EL. - 321.05 4 1 M. 6" 3' MIN. 3' MIN. F16MWO- 60 l V I 3' WIDE (MIN.) J 30" RCP I STRIP OF OUTFALL FILTER FABRIC 18" MIN. OF NCDOT FILTER FABRIC REINFORCED CHANNEL - CLASS 'B' RIPRAP 6" MIN. BELOW LIP OF LEVEL SPREADER PROFILE OF STILLING BASIN AT OUTFALL® NOT TO SCALE VARIES 3' MIN. 6" 27' MIN. 6" 3' MIN. RIM EL. - 321.05 18" MIN. OF NCDOT 30" RCP RIM EL. - 321.05 CLASS 'B' RIPRAP OUTFALL N O 4 1 Z 4 1� 0' o Co 18" o FILTER FABRIC VARIES 3' MIN. CROSS SECTION OF STILLING BASIN AT OUTFALLA NOT TO SCALE 3" LAYE OF •57 STONE 18" 01 3' MIN. 0 0 0 CONCRETE LEVEL SPREADER LIP EL. - 320.05 (ENTIRE LENGTH) 3" LAYER OF •57 STONE (TYP.) 47 MAX. SLOPE i0 I N 3' WIDE (MIN.) STRIP OF FILTER FABRIC (TYP.) �3" LAYER OF •57 STONE (TYP.) 4Y MAX. SLOPE (TYP.) 3' WIDE (MIN.) STRIP OF FILTER FABRIC (TYP.) CONCRETE RIM WALL AROUND STILLING BASIN. TOP OF WALL SHALL BE LEVEL ALL AROUND. wmmwwo sssFss n a cccoca 0S$ao"b e t +- +- t t 0 0 0 O 00 100000 0 U 0 m 0 t a °o L o N Q rQ O OWN V m m o Oct + 30 o b 0 oc mX • � o L 40 } V X L C — X X O — o c o t a 4-8I00 v v a a a o aC C� acac�U¢ 0 N w o° o CD a O M Z 31C = Ln m — N m p to a c a L O_ m Q Z o +- 0 m M 0 L Id In Y F Y Q T\ T Q m \ v O: T 0: m Z Z w C m C y w m O L m > w � n O U Ir (N Q or m�J F— C3 U Q Q =a3 QJ�-+ F—mS U-<J LiCLM CDUM 3 = Z X U W - MUJ ~CM �Q� F-IRQ F-UO Cc0m Z LU U 3 ME O [O U- I— O r J � U J _z CC In CC Q J Qu-a O - !N Y F- a-,ZQ_ rn o a� 0Ira w �HU O Ir W U 1--w N 3 O z O of U Sheet Reference Number: C501 Sheet 08 of 09 15 Iii 13 L 0 u i i SOIL SPECIFICATIONS® ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- k^ 1. The soil mix should be uniform and free of stones, stumps, roots or other similar material greater than I 2 inches. It should be a homogenous sod mix of 85-88 percent by weight sand (USDA Soil Textural x EX E E E Classification), 8 to 12 percent fines (silt and clay), and 3 to 5 percent organic matter (such as peat x x x S x S S I moss) shall be used. The P-Index for bioretention soil media should always range between 10 and 30. AC �' X 2. The planting soil shall be free of plants or plant parts of Bermuda grass, Quack grass, Johnson grass, BN N Mugwort, Nutsedge, Poison Ivy, Canadian Thistle or others as specified. S SA TD® I PP PP pp 3. The planting soil shall not contain toxic substances harmful to plant growth. FA SSX - 4. Soil media should be sent to NC Department of Agriculture [NCDA] labs to be analyzed. The media II ;1 should be tested to determine an actual drainage rate after placement. The permeability should fall = e e ;I X II .' '. I between 0.52 and 6 inches per hour, and 1-2 inches per hour is preferred. The planting soil shall be tested and meet the following criteria: C D S S D CB D D ' ' pH range 5.5 - 6.5 Organic matter 3 - 5% I V I P I S L, Magnesium - Mg 35 Ibs/acre Phosphorus - P205 100 Ibs/acre II 1I pp Potassium - K20 85 Ibs/acre X i i Soluble salts not to exceed 500 ppm 11 %` [ ' PP PP _ _ _� 5. The following testing frequencies shall apply to the above soil constituents: L= _ S SX 1 1 0 r------------- -------- - - - - -' I FA [ [ AROUND THE BIORETENTION AREA, ' pH, Organic Matter: 1 test per 90 cubic yards, but not less than 1 test per bioretention area PLACE A 3-5'GRASS SOD BUFFER WITH AROUND THE BIORETENTION AREA, N I , Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Soluble Salts: 1 test per 500 cubic yards, but not less than S PLACE A 3-5'GRASS SOD BUFFER WITH [ � A 8" GRAVEL STRIP ON THE OUTER EDGE. o W I 1 test per borrow source AC A 8" GRAVEL STRIP ON THE OUTER EDGE. I ' 1 ' (SEE GENERAL NOTE NO.3 AND BIORETENTION DETAIL ON SHEET C501) One grain size analysis shall be performed per 90 cubic yards of planting soil, but not less than 1 (SEE GENERAL NOTE N0. 3 AND ' • 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ test per Bioretention Area. Qp BIORETENTION DETAIL ON SHEET C501) i ' 6. Soil shall be placed in layers less than 18 inches and lightly compacted (minimal compactive effort) ' I t r + t' \ i by tamping with a bucket from a dozer or a backhoe. rQ F'-I 7. The washed sand shall be free of deleterious material and rocks greater than 1 inch in diameter. _ MULCH SPECIFICATIONS x QB �:� [l t ' [1. /11 Mulch shall be commercially available double or triple -shredded hardwood. W , Q 2. Of the approved mulch products, all must be well aged, uniform in color, and free of weed seeds, soil, 0-1 Q AROUNDTHE BIORETENTION AREA, n i t II roots, and other material that is not bole or branch wood or bark. Well -aged mulch is defined as , i PLACE A 3-5' GRASS SOD BUFFER WITH I ' ' mulch that has been stockpiled or stored for at least 6 months (12 months is ideal). U z Z O „ ' I [ 1 A 8" GRAVEL STRIP ON THE OUTER EDGE. I + II 3. Mulch shall be uniformly placed about 24" in depth (after settling) over the planting soil. [n I , p0 (SEE GENERAL NOTE NO. 3 AND �I x w � ,. I I BIORETENTION DETAIL ON SHEET C501) � �[ II I PLANT SPECIFICATIONS W F- ; I r II I --I General Planting Specifications x I , , .0 v m ' - - .� 1. Root stock of the plant material shall be kept moist during transport from the source to the job site AROUND THE BIORETENTION AREA, t , / and until planted. PLACE A 3' GRASS SOD BUFFER WITH I ; J ®TD nw I-+ I 2. Walls of planting g y p g pit shall be du so that the are vertical. A 8" GRAVEL STRIP ON THE OUTER EDGE. (SEE GENERAL NOTE NO. 3 AND 1 1 3. The diameter of the planting pit must be a minimum of six inches (6") larger than the diameter of the I ball of the tree. • BIORETENTION DETAIL ON SHEET C501) ' ' [ ( I U) O I 4. The planting pit shall be deep enough to allow'% of the ball to be above the existing grade. Loose soil at the bottom of the pit shall be tamped by hand. x 5. The appropriate amount of fertilizer is to be placed at the bottom of the pit (see below for fertilization �, FP 6. The plant shall be removed from the container and placed in the planting pit by lifting and carrying the PO plant by the ball never lift by branches or truck). ' 0 7. Set the plant upright and in the center of the pit so that the top of the ball is approximately''% above final AROUND THE BIORETENTION AREA, �I I I I the grade. PLACE A 3-5' GRASS SOD BUFFER WITH ' I planting 8. Backfill P 9 pit with existing soil. A 8" GRAVEL STRIP ON THE OUTER EDGE. 11 :1 } �[ (SEE GENERAL NOTE N0. 3 AND II 'i t 11 9. Make sure plant remains straight during backfilling procedure. w I BIORETENTION DETAIL ON SHEET C501) Q :�� 10. Never cover the top of the ball with soil. Mound soil around the exposed ball. Q [ ' II ,i t I 1 11. Trees shall be braced by using 2" by 2" white oak stakes. Stakes shall be placed parallel to walkways C7 z PO I and buildings. Stakes are to be equally spaced on the outside of the tree ball. Utilizing hose and O_ t 'I + {I wire, brace the tree to the stakes. ' ~ ~ z ' I 1 I 't Fertilization X W W bi FP 1. Tree and shrub fertilizer shall be a 21-gm, tightly compressed, long lasting, slow release 2 year ii i fertilizer tablet with a minimum guaranteed analysis of 20-10-5: O [ , t� ' _ _ _ m PP I , 1 Total Nitrogen: (N) - 20% [ I PP PP Water Soluble Organic Nitrogen - 7% Water Insoluble Organic Nitrogen - 13% 'S AC Available Phosphoric Acid (P205) - 10% a I Soluble Potash (KZO) - 5% '' a I 2. For containerized trees and shrubs, place the specified fertilizer table(s) in the bottom of the planting t pit according to the following rates: -----------------' I[ ' • 1 gal. Container 1 ea. 21 gm. Tablets II ' ^ - ^ t 3 gal. Container 2 ea. 21 gm. Tablets 5 gal. Container 3 ea. 21 gm. Tablets 7 gal. Container 5 ea. 21 gm. Tablets x AC Planting Non -Grass Ground Cover PP PP PP 1. The ground cover planting holes shall be dug through the mulch with one of the following: hand I trowel, shovel, bulb planter, or hoe (this does not apply to grasses or legumes). 2. Before planting, biodegradable pots shall be split, and non- biodegradable pots shall be removed. Root systems of all potted plants shall be split or crumbled. W x 3. The ground cover shall be planted so that the roots are surrounded by the soil below the mulch. Potted plants shall be set so that the top of the pot is even with the existing grade. The roots of bare I plants shall be covered to the crown. C W Wx Wx Wx Wx Wx Wx Wx Wx i 4. Before planting, apply a pre -emergent herbicide to the mulched and planted ground cover bed. 5. The entire ground cover bed shall be thoroughly watered. Planting Grass Ground Cover PLANT LIST TREES SHRUBS SYMBOL QTY. SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME SYMBOL QTY. SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME AR 1 Acer rubrum Red Maple 24 Clethra alnifolia Summersweet Clethra AC 4 m Aalanchier canadensis Shadbrush/Serviceberr BN 1 Betula ni ra River Birch W 19 Hammamelis spp. Witchhazel FA 2 Fraxinus americana White Ash FP 2 Fraxinus pennsylvanica Green Ash rAft 21 Ilex verticillata Winterberry PP 12 Pinus alustris Longleaf Pine PO 3 Platanus occidentalis American Sycamore 23 Viburnum dentatum Arrowwood Viburnum QB 1 Quercus bicolor Swam White Oak QP 1 1 Quercus phellos Willow Oak TD 2 1 Taxoduim distichum Bald Cypress GENERAL NOTESD 1. Grasses and legume seed shall be tilled into the soil to a depth of at least 2 inches by either harrowing or discing. Fertilizer shall be applied at the same rate and utilizing the same process for 1. All plant material shall conform to the standards of the current edition of American Standard for non -grass groundcover. Grass and legume plugs shall be planted following the non -grass ground Nursery Stock as approved by the American Standard Institute, Inc. All plant grades shall be those cover planting techniques. established by the current edition of the American Standard for Nursery Stock [http://www.anla.org/applications/Documents/Docs/ANLAStandard2004.pdf]. All plant materials shall 2. All ground covers shall be fertilized with a 10-6-4 analysis fertilizer as a wet application at the rate of 3 be tagged for identification when delivered. 14 lbs. per 100 square feet of the bioretention area prior to planting non -grass ground cover or as part of 2. Plant size shall be no less than 2.5" dbh for trees; 3-gallon for shrubs; and 1-quart for herbaceous the grass seed ground cover. plants. All plant materials shall have normal, well -developed branches and vigorous root systems, and be free from physical defects, plant diseases, and insect pests. 3. Sod shall conform to the specifications, installation, and maintenance guidelines stated in Practice 6.12: SODDING of the NCDENR's Erosion and Sediment Control Field Manual. Sod shall be of the 0 10' 20' 40' Hybrid Bermudagrasstypa. 4. All disturbed and bare soil areas shall be seeded. Seeding limits extend from the edge of pavement SCALE*1"-20' to the construction limits. All seeding shall be in accordance with the seeding specification on sheet C106. mmmmm f 3C 3 s o a a s s a� to to w W s U a- 3 3 ID n a a M a a n a 0 0 o 0 0 o N N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000 e N N N N N+ U U O D U 0 0 0 0 0 to W e L Q U L 0 0 a o C L a - o + L + rn a n t co_ ad x 3 'Q W a to m o m ¢ e + o v L U a } °o E c C P 0 4-t a e oc z w 0 e 0 - c s - a f0 O U L e O 0 + a + m m v o v U e e 0 O U C C C n v 'a O L V t ic tY U Q 0 U 0 0 0 0 0 W " W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X X 0 _ � w m 0 C7 a O Ih Z = N e O N m O 2:� a L e o } O m M a L a m Y ie TQ m Q m Z CO 10 4) a U tD L. U 0 O cr IN Q ]e Z �3J Q L) Cr J LLI= J U Z Hm2 Q J ILQJ lLCLCr CD CDUC� O Z X U Z w ' _ MQ(M ¢Qcr_ I- Cr F- C.) O cc� m � Z U n92O Cr o w F- Or J F- Z J Z a <LLa ]C �COU U Z Z a_ IL Z - Q U UcrQ O =)HU Z a � Ld J O Z� O U Sheet Reference Number: L101 Sheet 09 of 09 L J 0 4 F1 3 2 1