HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW5161102_HISTORICAL FILE_20161207STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW51� DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE YYYYM M D D R Corporations Division Page 1 of 2 North Card1ha Flalns F Marshal! DEPARTMENT orTmE Secretary SECRETARY OF STATE PC 8n 29=2 Raleo. INC 27626.Wn Mg)eDY-2= Click Here To: View Document Filings File an Annual Report Amend a Previous Annual Report Print a Pre -Populated Annual Report form Corporate Names Legal: Luihn Four, Inc. Business Corporation Information Sosld: 0310043 Status: Current -Active Annual Report Status: Current Citizenship: Domestic Date Formed: 7/24/1992 Fiscal Month: December State of Incorporation: NC n Registered Agent: Luihn, S Allan O Corporate Addresses x Mailing: Principal Office: Reg Office: Reg Mailing: Officers 2950 Gateway Centre Blvd Morrisville, NC 27560-9615 2950 Gateway Centre Blvd Morrisville, INC 27560-9615 2950 Gateway Centre Blvd Morrisville, INC 27560-9615 2950 Gateway Centre Blvd Morrisville, NC 27560-9615 .p 49, Account Login Register President: Allan J Luihn 2950 Gateway Centre Blvd Morrisville NC 27560 Vice President: James S Luihn 2950 Gateway Centre Blvd Morrisville NC 27560 Corporate Secretary: Sandra Luihn-Argay 2950 Gateway Centre Blvd. Morrisville NC 27560 Treasurer: Cynthia Luihn-Toma 2950 Gateway Centre Blvd Morrisville NC 27560 Stock Class: COMMON Shares: 20000 Par Value: 0 Class: PREFERRED https://www.sosnc.gov/Search/profcorp/4926511 11/8/2016 corporations Division Page 2 of 2 Shares: 80000 Par Value: 0 https://www.sosnc.gov/Search/profcorp/4926511 11/8/2016 COMMERCIAL SITE DESIGN TRANSMITTAL COVER SHEET 8312CreedmoorRoad Raleigh, NC27613 919.848.6121 Phone 919.848.3741 Fax w w w, c s i t e d e s i g n. c o in Mike c: Randall DEC _ 7 7o16 NCD17Q — StomTwater Permitting 512 North Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27604 919-807-6374 SENDER: PROJECT NAME: Cluis Clayton Taco Bell Restaurant— Youngsville, NC DATE: 11 /08/16 PROJECT NUMBER: I,UFI-1508 BOVERNIGHT ❑REGUTAR MAIL 0 HAND DELIVER ❑ HOLD FOR PICKUP COPIES DATE I DESCRIPTION 1 $505 Check for Application fees 1 Stornwater Narrative latter (sec Calculation Booklet) 2 S\x i\I Pemilt Applicarion (I�omi SV: U-101) (Odgual and one mpj) 1 Stotmceptor O&M Agreement I USGS Alap (see stonnwater calculation booklet) I Current Deed Stormwater Calculation Booklet I 2 sets Civil Plan sets (fo&led) 1 Secretary of State Listing for Luihn Four, Inc. Nov 11 nn NOTESICOMMENTS: Nhke, L4hYBWUA,T,Z,.t�E�0U pS Enclosed are the necessary plans and documents to initiate stonnwater review for the proposed "I'aco Dell restaurant site in Youngsville, NC to be located in the Youngsville Crossing Shopping Center which is located on the southeast corner of US Highway 1 and Highway 96 (Lot 7 of Youngsville Crossing). The site is immediately south of the existing First Citizens Bank. Per our call last week, you indicated that we could utilize a Stormceptor Water Quality Unit for our required water quality. Call or email me if you have any questions. Thanks, Chris Clavto❑ 919-848-6121 Clayton Qa csitedesign.com a COMMERCIAL SITE DESIGN aga-11-14vig DEC - 7 7016 8312Creed moor Road Raleigh, NC27613 919.848.6121 Phone 919.848.3741 Fax www.csitedesign.com Stormwater Management Report Submitted: City of Youngsville Prepared for: Taco Bell U.S. Highway 1 Youngsville, NC CSD Project No: LUH-1508 9 D �i �i7�"Qsy B�GH GAVE �Y a i? g�iY JENNIFER HARRIS RD. PJ � Q HOIDEN RD. VICINITY MAP PITS Prepared by: COMMERCIAL SITE DESIGN, PLLC 8312 Creedmoor Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27613 November 1, 2016 wvU'7 `J LU10 I \\ 0\ CAIRp�i FESS'O'' a SEAL 042132 p V,GI NN EL��NG �\ Table of Contents ProjectDescription.......................................................................................................................... 2 ExistingConditions......................................................................................................................... 2 AdjacentAreas.............................................................:.................................................................. 2 ProposedConditions....................................................................................................................... 2 Stormwater Requirements............................................................................................................... 2 CalculationMethodology................................................:............................................................... 2 Listof Appendices: ....................................................................................................................... 3 AppendixA — Site Maps............................................................................................................... 3 ➢ Soils Survey Map..................................................................................................................... 3 ➢ FIRM Panel.............................................................................................................................. 3 ➢ USGS Topo Map..................................................................................................................... 3 ➢ Pre -development Drainage Area Map..................................................................................... 3 ➢ Post -development Drainage Area Map.................................................................................... 3 AppendixB — Stormceptor Report........................................................ :..................................... 3 1 Taco Bell -� viNC LUH-1 LUH-1508 � Project Description This project will consist of the development of a vacant lot containing 1.37 acres. The proposed site is located on U.S. Highway I and is known as Lot 7 in the Gemini Youngsville Crossing development. The proposed development will result in a single story Taco Bell restaurant with drive-thru and associated parking. Existing Conditions The site is currently vacant and runoff from the site sheet flows across the site from the northwest to the southeast. There are no existing stormwater structures on -site. The NRCS Soils Survey mapping included in Appendix A shows that the soils on the site are: CaB — Cecil sandy loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes, belonging to hydrologic soil group "A" and CaC — Cecil sandy loam, 6 to 10 percent slopes, belonging to hydrologic soil group "A". Adjacent Areas The site is bounded on the northwest by U.S. Highway 1, on the northeast by First Citizens Bank, on the southeast by an access drive, and on the southwest by vacant property. Limits of disturbance for the development will remain onsite with the exception of driveway and utility connections. Proposed Conditions The proposed improvements will consist of the construction of a single story Taco Bell restaurant with asphalt parking. Proposed runoff will maintain existing drainage patterns. Prior to leaving the site, water quality treatment will be provided by a Stormceptor treatment unit. Stormwater Requirements Stormwater treatment must be provided for added built upon area. The site must be designed to treat runoff from the first 1" of rain from all built upon areas. See appendices of this report for detailed information regarding water quality treatment provided by a Stormceptor unit. Calculation Methodology • Soils data for the site was taken from the NRCS web soil survey website (http://websoitsurvey.nrcs.usda.gov . • The on- and off -site topography used in the analysis is from a field survey by Commercial Site Design. Taco Bell Youngsville, NC / LUH-1508 _� List of Appendices: Appendix A — Site Maps ➢ Soils Survey Map ➢ FIRM Panel ➢ USGS Topo Map ➢ Pre -development Drainage Area Map ➢ Post -development Drainage Area Map Appendix B — Stormceptor Report Taco Bell .� Youngsville, NC LUH-1508 2 Taco Bell Youngsville, NC LUH-I508 P41 �, :. , ..�-.....y.,. � ....., e ..,... -.,,,_ ._ -., _ , -r.�.. .... ,. ,.......... Hydrologic Soil Group —Franklin County, North Carolina LUH-1508 Youngsville, NC Hydrologic Soil Group Hydrologic Soil Group— Summaryaby Map Unit- Franklin County, North Carolina; (NC069) '. Map unit symbol ' r" Map unit name '. :-�, Rating., ,_ , Acres in AOI Percent of AOI CaB Cecil sandy loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes A 0.7 48.3% CaC Cecil sandy loam, 6 to 10 percent slopes A 0.7 51.7% Totals for Area of Interest 1.4 100.0% Description Hydrologic soil groups are based on estimates of runoff potential. Soils are assigned to one of four groups according to the rate of water infiltration when the soils are not protected by vegetation, are thoroughly wet, and receive precipitation from long -duration storms. The soils in the United States are assigned to four groups (A, B, C, and D) and three dual classes (A/D, B/D, and C/D). The groups are defined as follows: Group A. Soils having a high infiltration rate (low runoff potential) when thoroughly wet. These consist mainly of deep, well drained to excessively drained sands or gravelly sands. These soils have a high rate of water transmission. Group B. Soils having a moderate infiltration rate when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of moderately deep or deep, moderately well drained or well drained soils that have moderately fine texture to moderately coarse texture. These soils have a moderate rate of water transmission. Group C. Soils having a slow infiltration rate when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of soils having a layer that impedes the downward movement of water or soils of moderately fine texture or fine texture. These soils have a slow rate of water transmission. Group D. Soils having a very slow infiltration rate (high runoff potential) when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of clays that have a high shrink -swell potential, soils that have a high water table, soils that have a claypan or clay layer at or near the surface, and soils that are shallow over nearly impervious material. These soils have a very slow rate of water transmission. If a soil is assigned to a dual hydrologic group (A/D, B/D, or C/D), the first letter is for drained areas and the second is for undrained areas. Only the soils that in their natural condition are in group D are assigned to dual classes. Rating Options Aggregation Method: Dominant Condition USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 2/15/2016 'ii—M Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 3 of 4 2(15/2016 MyTopo Map Print r / Jlln�� •/�/ ���i. 1� :��� '.j` (J.�( y `��r \�\�}� � '1 `..y iJ J1 � i\ `�k! .i, ` 1'`` `��'..." In - �/ ( � 1 /1 � c� � li.�.if / /i-M::.^✓i `S S� ''482 t\ I -'+'-_..- -.'i� t ,n��,,.�, l ���� } \ ; / 1 � \�� �' - I � \. diO-IOwe 01 rc �' i `�.-J/J�l + T . I i � / � r ,) r ,.•, yJ� r� '� 11 I! 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TACO BELL COMMERCIAL n�aan'a US.'HIGH"Y7ev € roun SWFR.INIaINCWNrya Mc.wouaa .%.c�rsm BL° SITE DESIGN a C � 9 ` nra.aamm EXISTING CONDITIONS /DEMOLITIONP N •ac nra..+•. n M��� ag 99 d + i+! dig 1i6i+ 1 P"li%Id ''ddd lilt! ill !I'I Il11! i' � + !!�i I d� �����i e 991! a ii,l + lli! I' 1 �d (•�+d! a % ! I % d! Idd,l f°i l6,: Pd idF :• ,daa 111 Id! I �d�ili i•E g Illti gg % Ill 'I�s l'� ` i d li'td di: ,d1 d t I i 1• t a= E'' ! I ill I la I 1, as Milli ta. I la ! `�. ea Ippi 1 + ad'a a x°I% hdale I�i S'd IIIIIle �� add �II id'i t%ild` €!I 11 i ;i dPP I�qa!! � If td' �¢il ! !l I ggI °••. dd iiiS d'd izil ill; I + aj+�d4 !d'I aii ! di� yd! la! is [d�� IP� '0�.� vA •, , Mill It id�l� 9���1 lil !;E 7F�d�l `dlyi d+P ii ! j E y:Ii i:' idda did Idq na ii lih j9i. 1� :•:. �:. a Ilid i €ll Edp da i I , .!� tai I i ! � a a P i � � , .•. �_: � '�'� � it id :!'° j €a;ld; I �� •II�� it HIM IV _ -\, \\ t93\ \`� E �•m lull r- /', _--�.��! b• 9 �:;:w.�";'� is ., �� 4V t I ��Tr• a �o� gp: i C U �� � a 19r i tiµ A ��• � � `��a,t. _0 1-4 E M. �• D -o F p 4 9a �.,;! fav .�p�{a It {yr ti i 'i��r+t /'%+ E 1 is i .' ��pi; ` \_ a \` !dP sE �[;�i �$ id sdl l�tj m B3 vag i a a al @d ` v;:/ a� ., `� �t t�g / 6s ii, it ¢ ad d ds€ F i� d! a a a` aaE ° •, :1, 6 '� !id ! ° v cm jE v gg y g p li±• ` (19� i dl :;�i la is'°§;ae l€al I I! 8 i� d 6 4 ill if � i � iii d I 1.' y sd g ' li s j! a ail it Ea# a d i' �s II d �'t ,� 1 7dipyii i %el ai! �il F p °9i 9P�d° l' ` ll i �' eli m '�e�� ;E� I �3!€9 y+d �6E7� 9 S i i d % d a [, p€pp + I° #i 3g dl ! 6 a a Ai ps a s a 1 a i Ma as i t=a ij r� •---.. N �ae 'i�li¢li@ 3 !i � � I� °� Id1�: l�i if ai Cll sib 3° d�° V1€ ila �71�6� rail !i dd;Id,6idl!1°g s t d e TACO BELL xr: soxs £ U.S. HIGHWAY ` aafpy1fi.rrexrnexw COMMERCIAL � � a Q q i vouxernaae. rrsaxxux rovxar..rouna cwouxa � flSo�� SITE DESIGN GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN R Taco Bell Youngs%611e, NC LUH-1508 prm —Ri er MATERIALS". Concrete Pipe Division STC 900 Precast Concrete Stormceptor (900 U.S. Gallon Capacity) Stormceptor Frame and Cover Grade Adjusters to Suit Finished Grade 8" A 72"0 Varies n1n1et tormceptorert® InsWeir i 55' Min. A Orifice Plate Drop Tee Inlet Pipe 32" 0 Drop Outlet Pipe Section Thru Chamber Oil Port 6" T Outlet Access opening (See note #2) Outlet Pipe Plan View Oil Port Notes: 1. The Use Of Flexible Connection is Recommended at The Inlet and Outlet Where Applicable. 2. The Cover Should be Positioned Over The Outlet Drop Pipe and The Oil Port. 3. The Stormceptor System is protected by one or more of the following U.S. Patents: #5753115,#5849181,#6068765,#6371690,#7582216,#7666303. 4. Contact a Concrete Pipe Division representative for further details not listed on this drawing. Rinker 028 MM Stormceptor` Stormceptor Sizing Detailed Report PCSWMM for Stormceptor Project Information Date 11/1/2016 Project Name Taco Bell Project Number LUH-1508 Location Youngsville, NC Stormwater Quality Objective This report outlines how Stormceptor System can achieve a defined water quality objective through the removal of.total suspended solids (TSS). Attached to this report is the Stormceptor Sizing Summary. Stormceptor System Recommendation The Stormceptor System model STC 900 achieves the water quality objective removing 87% TSS for a F-95 (sand) particle size distribution. The Stormceptor System The Stormceptor oil and sediment separator is sized to treat stormwater runoff by removing pollutants through gravity separation and flotation. Stormceptor's patented design generates positive TSS removal for all rainfall events, including large storms. Significant levels of pollutants such as heavy metals, free oils and nutrients are prevented from entering natural water resources and the re -suspension of previously captured sediment (scour) does not occur. Stormceptor provides a high level of TSS removal for small frequent storm events that represent the majority of annual rainfall volume and pollutant load. Positive treatment continues for large infrequent events, however, such events have little impact on the average annual TSS removal as they represent a small percentage of the total runoff volume and pollutant load. Stormceptor is the only oil and sediment separator on the market sized to remove TSS for a wide range of particle sizes, including fine sediments (clays and silts), that are often overlooked in the design of other stormwater treatment devices. RWlwx MATERIALSTM W_ Stormceptor' Small storms dominate hydrologic activity, US EPA reports "Early efforts in stormwater management focused on flood events ranging from the 2-yr to the 100-yr storm. Increasingly stormwater professionals have come to realize that small storms (i.e. < 1 in. rainfall) dominate watershed hydrologic parameters typically associated with water quality management issues and BMP design. These small storms are responsible for most annual urban runoff and groundwater recharge. Likewise, with the exception of eroded sediment, they are responsible for most pollutant washoff from urban surfaces. Therefore, the small storms are of most concern for the stormwater management objectives of ground water recharge, water quality resource protection and thermal impacts control." "Most rainfall events are much smaller than design storms used for urban drainage models. In any given area, most frequently recurrent rainfall events are small (less than 1 in. of daily rainfall)." "Continuous simulation offers possibilities for designing and managing BMPs on an individual site -by -site basis that are not provided by other widely used simpler analysis methods. Therefore its application and use should be encouraged." — US EPA Stormwater Best Management Practice Design Guide, Volume 1 — General Considerations, 2004 Design Methodology Each Stormceptor system is sized using PCSWMM for Stormceptor, a continuous simulation model based on US EPA SWMM. The program calculates hydrology from up-to-date local historical rainfall data and specified site parameters. With US EPA SWMM's precision, every Stormceptor unit is designed to achieve a defined water quality objective. The TSS removal data presented follows US EPA guidelines to reduce the average annual TSS load. Stormceptor's unit process for TSS removal is settling. The settling model calculates TSS removal by analyzing (summary of analysis presented in Appendix 2): • Site parameters • Continuous historical rainfall, including duration, distribution, peaks (Figure 1) • Interevent periods • Particle size distribution • Particle settling velocities (Stokes Law, corrected for drag) • TSS load (Figure 2) • Detention time of the system The Stormceptor System maintains continuous positive TSS removal for all influent flow rates. Figure 3 illustrates the continuous treatment by Stormceptor throughout the full range of storm events analyzed. It is clear that large events do not significantly impact the average annual TSS removal. There is no decline in cumulative TSS removal, indicating scour does not occur as the flow rate increases. RWff MATERIALS"" ME Ron Stormceptor` It N E n 0 0 c Flow (cfs) Figure 1. Runoff Volume by Flow Rate for RALEIGH DURHAM WSFO AP — NC 7069, 1948 to 2005 for 0.79 ac, 90% impervious. Small frequent storm events represent the majority of annual rainfall volume. Large infrequent events have little impact on the average annual TSS removal, as they represent a small percentage of the total annual volume of runoff. Flow (cfs) Figure 2. Long Term Pollutant Load by Flow Rate for RALEIGH DURHAM WSFO AP — 7069, 1948 to 2005 for 0.79 ac, 90% impervious. The majority of the annual pollutant load is transported by small Rkdw MATERIALS^ R�� Stormceptor' frequent storm events. Conversely, large infrequent events carry an insignificant percentage of the total annual pollutant load. F- N m E E m ti m a m E E U Flow (cfs) Stormceptor Model STC 900 Drainage Area (ac) 0.79 TSS Removal (%) 87 Impervious (%) 90 Figure 3. Cumulative TSS Removal by Flow Rate for RALEIGH DURHAM WSFO AP — 7069, 1948 to 2005. Stormceptor continuously removes TSS throughout the full range of storm events analyzed. Note that large events do not significantly impact the average annual TSS removal. Therefore no decline in cumulative TSS removal indicates scour does not occur as the flow rate increases. Rkdw MATERIALS" Stormceptor Appendix 1 Stormceptor Design Summary Project Information Date 11/1/2016 Project Name Taco Bell Project Number LUH-1508 Location Youngsville, NC Designer Information Company Commercial Site Design Contact Brian Ellington Notes N/A Drainage Area Total Area (ac) 0.79 Imperviousness (%) 90 The Stormceptor System model STC 900 achieves the water quality objective removing 87% TSS for a F-95 (sand) particle size distribution. Stormceptor Sizing Summary Rainfall Name RALEIGH DURHAM WSFO AP State NC ID 7069 Years of Records 1948 to 2005 Latitude 35°52'14"N Longitude 78*47'11"W Water Quality Objective TSS Removal (%) 85 Upstream Storage Storage Discharge (ac-ft) (cfs) 0 0 Stormceptor Model TSS Removal % STC 4501 79 00 87 STC 1200 87 STC 1800 87 STC 2400 90 STC 3600 91 STC 4800 93 STC 6000 94 STC 7200 95 STC 11000 96 STC 13000 97 STC 16000 97 ti U*U MATERIALS"^ i W- Stormceptor° Particle Size Distribution Removing silt particles from runoff ensures that the majority of the pollutants, such as hydrocarbons and heavy metals that adhere to fine particles, are not discharged into our natural water courses. The table below lists the particle size distribution used to define the annual TSS removal. F-95 sand Particle Size Distribution Specific Settling Particle Size Distribution Specific Settling Gravity Velocity Gravity Velocity m % f/s Pm % ft/s 53 3 2.65 0.0083 75 15 2.65 0.0133 106 42 2.65 0.0254 150 30 2.65 0.0475 212 9 2.65 0.0849 300 1 2.65 0.1439 Stormceptor Design Notes • Stormceptor performance estimates are based on simulations using PCSWMM for Stormceptor. • Design estimates listed are only representative of specific project requirements based on total suspended solids (TSS) removal. • Only the STC 450i is adaptable to function with a catch basin inlet and/or inline pipes. • Only the Stormceptor models STC 450i to STC 7200 may accommodate multiple inlet pipes. • Inlet and outlet invert elevation differences are as follows: Inlet and Outlet Pioe Invert Elevations Differences Inlet Pipe Configuration STC 450i STC 900 to STC STC 11000 to 7200 STC 16000 Single inlet pipe 3 in. 1 in. 3 in. Multiple inlet pipes 3 in. 3 in. Only one inlet pipe. Design estimates are based on stable site conditions only, after construction is completed. Design estimates assume that the storm drain is not submerged during zero flows. For submerged applications, please contact your local Stormceptor representative. Design estimates may be modified for specific spills controls. Please contact your local Stormceptor representative for further assistance. For pricing inquiries or assistance, please contact Rinker Materials 1 (800) 909-7763 www.dnkerstormceptor.com 6 RWw MATERIALS'" ��L Stormceptor® Appendix 2 Summary of Design Assumptions SITE DETAILS Site Drainage Area Total Area (pc) Surface Characteristics 0.79 Width (ft) 371 Slope (%) 2 Impervious Depression Storage (in.) 0.02 Pervious Depression Storage (in.) 0.2 Impervious Manning's n 0.015 Pervious Manning's h 0.25 Maintenance Frequency Sediment build-up reduces the storage volume for sedimentation. Frequency of maintenance is assumed for TSS removal calculations. Maintenance Frequency (months) 1 12 Upstream Attenuation N 90 Infiltration Parameters Horton's equation is used to estimate infiltration Max. Infiltration Rate (in/hr) 2.44 Min. Infiltration Rate (in/hr) 0.4, Decay Rate (s-1) 0.00055 Regeneration Rate (s-1) 0.01 Evaporation Daily Evaporation Rate (inches/day) 0.1 Dry Weather Flow Dry Weather Flow (cis) No Stage -storage and stage -discharge relationship used to model attenuation upstream of the Stormceptor System is identified in the tattle below. Storage aoft Discharge cfs 0 0 7 ■ ex MATERIAL$"" , Stormceptor® Particle Size Distribution Removing fine particles from runoff ensures the majority of pollutants, such as heavy metals, hydrocarbons, free oils and nutrients are not discharged into natural water resources. The table below identifies the particle size distribution elected to define TSS removal for the design of the Stormceptor System. F-95 sand Particle Size Distribution Specific Settling Particle Size Distribution Specific Settling Gravity Velocity Gravity Velocity m % ft/s Pm % ft/s 53 3 2.65 0.0083 75 15 2.65 0.0133 106 42 2.65 0.0254 150 30 2.65 0.0475 212 9 2.65 0.0849 300 1 2.65 0.1439 100 90 80 70 m m 60 50 5 E 40 30 20 10 0 PCSWMM for Stormceptor Grain Size Distributions 1 10 100 1000 10000 Grain Size (um) -*--N.IDEPFine Distribution +DK-110-t-F-95Sand i-Coarsenistribnlion Figure 1. PCSWMM for Stormceptor standard design grain size distributions. 8 ■ ku MATERIALS"" lit, Stormceptor° TSS LOADING TSS Loading Parameters Parameters Target Event Mean Concentration 125 (EMC) (mg/L) Exponential Buildup Power 0.4 Exponential Washoff Exponential 0.2 ]ROLOGY ANA PCSWMM for Stormceptor calculates annual hydrology with the US EPA SWMM and local continuous historical rainfall data. Performance calculations of the Stormceptor System are based on the average annual removal of TSS for the selected site parameters. The Stormceptor System is engineered to capture fine particles (silts and sands) by focusing on average annual runoff volume ensuring positive removal efficiency is maintained during all rainfall events, while preventing the opportunity for negative removal efficiency (scour). Smaller recurring storms account for the majority of rainfall events and average annual runoff volume, as observed in the historical rainfall data analyses presented in this section. Rainfall Station Rainfall Station RALEIGH DURHAM WSFO AP Rainfall File Name NC7069.NDC Total Number of Events 8534 Latitude 35052'14"N Total Rainfall (in.) 2416.2 Longitude 78047'11"W Average Annual Rainfall (in.) 41.7 Elevation (ft) 416 Total Evaporation (in.) 182.3 Rainfall Period of Record (y) 58 Total Infiltration (in.) 231.5 Total Rainfall Period (y) 58 Percentage of Rainfall that is 86.0 Runoff (%) ri MATERIALS^" t, Stormceptor Rainfall Event Analysis Rainfall Depth in. No. of Events Percentage of Total Events % Total Volume in. Percentage of Annual Volume % 0.25 5906 69.2 420 17.4 0,50 1118 13.1 411 17.0 0.75 5% 7.0 372 15.4 1.00 354 4.1 309 12a 1.25 216 2.5 243 10.1 1.50 M 1.3 158 6.5 1.75 79 0.9 128 5.3 2.00 55 0.6 103 4.3 2.25 23 0.3 49 2.0 2.50 19 0.2 46 1.9 2.75 15 0.2 40 1.6 3.00 13 02 37 1.5 3.25 5 0.1 15 0.6 3.50 5 0'1 17 0.7 3,75 3 0.0 11 0.5 4.00 3 0.0 12 0.5 4.25 4 0.0 17 0.7 4.50 1 - 0.0 4 0.2 4.75 0 0.0 0 0.0 5.00 1 0.0 5 0.2 5.25 0 0.0 0 0.0 5.50 1 0.0 5 0.2 5.75 0 0.0 0 0.0 6.00 0 0.0 0 0.0 6.25 0 0.0 0 0.0 6.50 1 0.0 6 0.3 6.75 0 0.0 0 0.0 zoo 0 0.0 0 0.0 725 0 0.0 0 0.0 7.50 1 0.0 7 0.3 7.75 0 0.0 0 0.0 8.00 0 0.0 0 0.0 8.25 0 0.0 0 0.0 >8.25 0 0.0 0 0.0 LL Frequency of Occurence by Rainfall Depths Rainfall Depth (in.) 10 MATERIALS" Stormceptor° Pollutograph C m m i m V LA Flow Rate cfs Cumulative Mass % 0.035 68.0 a, 141 837 0.318 91.5 0.565 95.7 0.883 97.9 1.271 99.0 1.73 99.6 2.26 % a 2,86 99.9 3.531 100.0 4.273 100A 5.085 100.0 5.968 100.0 6.an 100.0 7.946 100.0 9.041 100.0 10.206 100.0 11A42 100.0 12.749 100.0-- 14.126 100.0 15,574 100.0 17.092 100.0 18.681 100.0 20,341 100.0 22.072 100.0 23.873 100o 25]44 100D 27.687 100.0 29.7 100.0 31,783 100.0 Cumulative Mass Transported by Flow Rate For area:.79 (so), imperviousness: 90%, rainfall station: RALEIGH DURHAM WSFO AP Flow (cfs) 11 ■ *u /00� MATERIALS- ,. . �. , i ,'. .. ; _ '..; .;�' ..C- , • f Stormceptor° Inspection 11.'l: and of Iy , a Easy, Convenient. ,,,i Ste. oi.i. When it rains, oils, sediment and other contaminants are captured and contained by over 40,000 Stormceptor units operating worldwide. While Stormceptor's patented scour prevention technology ensures captured pollutants remain in the unit during all rainfall events, the accumulated pollutants must eventually be removed as part of a regular maintenance program. If neglected, oil and sediment gradually build up and diminish any BMP's efficiency, harming the environment and leaving owners and operators vulnerable to fines, surcharges and bad publicity. Maintenance is a must Ease, frequency and cost of maintenance are often overlooked by specifiers when considering the merits of a stormwater treatment system. In reality, maintenance is fundamental to the long-term performance of any stormwater quality treatment device. While regular maintenance is crucial, it shouldn't be complicated. An ongoing maintenance program with Stormceptor is convenient and practically effortless. With virtually no disruptions, you can concentrate on your core business. Quick inspections Inspections are easily carried out above ground from any standard surface access cover through a visual inspection of the orifice and drop tee components. A sludge judge and oil dip -stick are all that are needed for sediment and oil depth measurements. Easy unit access Maintenance is typically conducted from the same surface access cover, eliminating the need for confined space entry into the unit. Your site remains undisturbed, saving you time and money. Imbrium No muss, no fuss and fast Maintenance is performed quickly and inexpensively with a standard vacuum truck. Servicing usually takes less than two hours, with no disruption to your site. A complete stormwater management plan for Stormceptor extends beyond installation and performance to regular maintenance. It's the smart, cost-effective way to ensure your unit continues to remove more pollutants than any other separator for decades to come. Stormceptor maintenance recommendations Units should be inspected post -construction, prior to being put into service. Inspect every six months for the first year of operation to determine the oil and sediment accumulation rate. In subsequent years, inspections can be based on first -year observations or local requirements. Cleaning is recommended once the sediment depth reaches 15% of storage capacity, (generally taking one year or longer). Local regulations for maintenance frequency may vary. Inspect the unit immediately after an oil, fuel or chemical spill. A licensed waste management company should remove captured petroleum waste products from any oil, chemical or fuel spills and dispose responsibly. With over 40,000 units operating worldwide, Stormceptor performs and protects every day, in every storm. Imbrium 1 www.lmbrlumeyatems,com i USA fSSS27988264 UANADA:DA: (56 B00) 801 Page t of 6 This certifies that there are no ddingllerd ad valoran real astate taxes, Mdch the FreWdkl Cou q lbx CDfiecbr ( dtagedMn #W we d No am ParcelID s): 3� This is not a cergMatlorl Clot tlde FIonkin Cc" Parcel ID _ a) nla�Ol� Ort Deed Deb By Illlill��fl�i II��IPIII�19111!Ilfl�lllll911�lllnlll�ilmlllllll Doc 10: 005287960006 Type: CRP Recorded: 05/19,2016 at 12:04;11 PM fee AMt: E1,106.00 Papa 1 of 6 FlankllnTCouRex -nty NorthCarollnd Brandt S. Dayls Repl Ster of Deeds Bx2040 P0289-294 Excise Tax: 1,080.00 Tax ID Number: 039982 This Instrument Prepared By: Angela Houlemard-Smith, Gemini Youngsville 16740 Birkdale Commons Parkway, Suite 306, Huntersville, NC 28078 Return to: GRANTEE SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED 16 THIS SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED (this "Deed") is made on this L day of May, 2016, by GEMINI YOUNGSVILLE CROSSING, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("Grantor"), with an address of 16740 Birkdale Commons Parkway, Suite 306, Fluntersville, North Carolina 28078; in favor of LUIHN POUR. INC., a North Carolina corporation ("Grantee"). with an address of 2950 Gateway Centre Boulevard, Morrisville, North Carolina 27560. WITNESSETH: THATGrantor, for and in consideration of the sum of ten dollars ($10.00), and other good and valuable consideration paid by Grantee to Grantor, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, and sold unto Grantee and Grantee's heirs and assigns forever, the real property situate, lying, and being in Franklin County, North Carolina, as more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof (the "Property"). TOGETHER WITH all tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereto belonging or in any way appertaining thereto. SUBJECT TO those certain matters listed in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof (collectively, the "Permitted Exceptions"). TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same in fee simple forever. AND the Grantor covenants with the Grantee, that Grantor has done nothing to impair such title as Grantor received, and Grantor will warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons claiming by, under or through Grantor, other than those certain Permitted Exceptions DEC - 7 7016 ov DE:NR Raleigh Regional OIfiC@ o,. 1- nnnn r)-- . non n- -- 1 —4 a Page I of 6 listed in Exhibit `B", provided, however, Grantor shall have no liability under the warranties contained in this Deed or otherwise as to any of the Permitted Exceptions. (Signature to follow on the Next Page) D ..,. �. nnAn n, --. non n--- n -4 G Page 3 or 6 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has executed this Deed as of the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed, and delivered in the presence of: Print Name: a ta Pr Int Name: joa. �,Rr� STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF MECKLENBURG "Grantor" GEMINI VOUNGSVILLE CROSSING, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company By: Gemini Youngsville Crossing Manager, LLC By: Gemini Real Estate Advisors, LLC By: 0" 4 M,"4,1r1,A Dante A. Massaro, as President a Notary Public of 7 l 1 1 County, North Carolina, do hereby certify that Dante A. Massaro, known to me or proved on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person described, personally appeared before me and acknowledged that he is the duty authorized President of Gemini Real Estate Advisors, LLC, the manager of Gemini Youngsville Crossing Manager, LLC, the manager of GEMINI YOUNGSVILLE CROSSING, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, and further acknowledged the due and voluntary execution of the foregoing instrument for and on behalf of the said limited liability company. Witness my hand and seal this __($'' day of May, 2016. BARBARA GUItt Oir Notery Pulaim. North Carolina Iredell County My Commission Ex Pyres Notary P bIIC Au ua11J, 2020 I Print Name:���-6�,; 1fel�- (Notarial Seal) My commission expires:.a.�o 0-1— nnAn n, --. non n--- o —4 G Pago 4 of 6 Exhibit "A" (Legal Description of the Property) Lot 7 (1.37 acres), shown on that certain plat entitled "Minor Subdivision for Youngsville Crossing" prepared by Cawthorne, Moss & Panciera, P.C. dated June 20, 2007 and recorded in Book 2007, Page 200, in Franklin County Registry. D--I,. nnAn n---. nOn n— A —4 c Page 5 of 6 Exhibit B (Permitted Exceptions) 1 . Taxes and assessments for the year 2016 and subsequent years, which are not yet due and payable. 2. Declaration of covenants, conditions, restrictions, easements, charges, assessments and liens recorded in Book 1603, Page 903; as affected by instrument recorded in Book 1614, Page 237; as amended by instrument recorded in Book 1703, Page 674; as amended by instrument recorded in Book 1754, Page 440; as amended by instrument recorded in Book 1788, Page 954; as amended by instrument recorded in Book 1790, Page 387; as affected by instrument recorded in Book 2015, Page 809; and any amendments and/or supplements thereto. Declaration of covenants, conditions, restrictions, easements, charges, assessments and liens recorded in Book 1754, Page 475 and any amendments and/or supplements thereto. (All of the Franklin County Registry.) 3. Building restriction lines, easements, and any other matters shown on map or plat recorded in Book of Maps 2007, Page 200, Franklin County Registry. 4. Title to that portion of the Land within the bounds of U.S. Ilighway 1. 5. Easement(s) or right(s)-of-way in favor of Carolina Power &- Light Company recorded in Book 842, Page 277; Book 1010, Page 157; and, Book 1627, Page 847, all of the Franklin County Registry. 6. Easement(s) or right(s)-of-way in favor of the Department of Transportation, an agency of the State of North Carolina, recorded in Book 944, Page 792, Franklin County Registry. 7. Easement(s) or rights) -of -way in favor of Public Service Company of North Carolina recorded in Book 963, Page 634; and, Book 1638. Page 435, both of the Franklin County Registry. S. Easement(s) or right(s)-of=way in favor of Carolina Telephone and Telegraph Company (EMBARQ) recorded in Book 1645, Page 634, Franklin County Registry. 9. Easement(s) or right(s)-of-way in favor of McDonald's Real Estate Company recorded in Book 1754. Page 451 Franklin County Registry. 10. Release and Quitclaim of Easement and Use Rights recorded in Book 1603, Page 932 Franklin Comity Registry. 11. Agreement Regarding Easements and Covenants recorded in Book 1603, Page 937 Franklin County Registry. o.-.-i-. nnnn n.- Ton n--- C —4 a Page 6 of 6 12. Rights or claims of Food Lion, LLC in possession as tenant under an unrecorded lease, a Memorandum or Short Fornt evidencing same being recorded in Book 1603, Page 946, Franklin County Registry. 0--I,. Onnn n_. 00n n....._ a s c