PERMIT NO. SW 31 YbpV�6-
DOC DATE���(��
Johnson, Alan
To: Erin Bradshaw Settevendemio
Cc: william.elliot@usace.army.mil; Kichefski, Steven L SAW
<Steven.L.Kichefski@usace.army.miI> (Steven.L.Kichefski@usace.army.mi1)
Subject: RE: Saddlebrook Site NCDWR Comments
The previous application indicated a road connection to hwy 601, but I don't remember it being a "for sure", more of a
potential or future. If the connector road is NOT required by the county and IS not going to be constructed this may limit
the separate and complete project aspect. If the culvert is to be constructed, the soil survey shows that "ditch" in the
adjoining field as an intermittent stream. I guess either William or myself can go take a look or just include it on the
impact sheet.
Send in a corrected impact sheet for the application with the corrections.
And acceptance letter from EEP y�
Does this get you below the COE IP for wetlands? e
So: `'• r2 It 1FF
c �� 9�
1) Corrected impact table for stream and wetland S
2) Culver design
3) Culvert design (single barrel/double barrel, low flow culvert/storm flow culvert)
4) SW information
I think once we get that we can issue.
From: Erin Bradshaw Settevendemio [mailto:erin@)cws-inc.netl
Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2014 9:41 AM
To: Johnson, Alan
Cc: Gregg Antemann
Subject: Re: Saddlebrook Site NCDWR Comments
Included in the package are three maps corresponding to the questions and comments (Figure 1. Jurisdictional
Boundaries Map, Figure 2. Original Proposed Site Plan Impacts, and Figure 3. Revised Proposed Site Plan
Impacts). These also display the updated/correct acreage of wetlands within the project area (totaling 0.555
acre), per our discussion at the field site visit on October 7, 2014. 1 have reattached°the package for your
On Wed, Nov 5, 2014 at 4:20 PM, Johnson, Alan <alan.johnson t,ncdenr.gov> wrote:
Can you send me a new map with the correct stream length/acreage (related to the questions and comments)
From: Erin Bradshaw Settevendemio [mailto:erin(alcws-inc.net]
Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2014 8:17 AM
To: Johnson, Alan
Cc: Gregg Antemann; William.A.Elliott(alusace.armv.mil; stwiddy.cds(@cimail.com; Higgins, Karen
Subject: Saddlebrook Site NCDWR Comments
Dear Mr. Johnson,
Attached is a response.to the Request for Additional Information regarding the Saddlebrook Site. If you have
additional questions; please feel free to contact Gregg Antemann or I regarding this project. Thank you.
Erin Bradshaw Settevendemio
Erin Bradshaw Settevendemio
Project Wetland Scientist
Carolina Wetland Services
550 E. Westinghouse Blvd
Charlotte, NC 28273
Erin Bradshaw Settevendemio
Project Wetland Scientist
Carolina Wetland Services
550 E. Westinghouse Blvd
Charlotte, NC 28273
704-527-1177 (v)
704SZ7-1133 (fax)
November 5, 2014
Mr. Alan Johnson
Regional Supervisor
Water Quality Regional Operations Section
Mooresville Regional Office
Subject: Response to Request for Additional Information by NCDWR
Saddlebrook Site
Midland, North Carolina,
CWS Project No. 2013-3232
Dear Mr. Johnson:
Thank you for your letter, dated October 9, 2014, requesting a response to comments made by
your office, the North Carolina Division of Water Resources (NCDWR). A copy of your
letter is attached for your reference. This letter is in response to your comments on the project.
Comments are addressed in the same order that they were provided.
• There is a question as to potential cumulative impacts for the proposed site.
Existing development has occurred under the name of Saddlebrook, which was
observed entering the site. This needs to be resolved to determine total impacts
and potential mitigation requirements for this project and possible future
development at the site.
In communication with our client regarding previous phases of the project, it was
determined that the existing Saddlebrook residential neighborhood was built by a
previous developer, which ultimately filed for bankruptcy. Furthermore, there is a
separate and complete entrance to the subdivision off of Highway 601 which satisfies
the "separate and complete' utility test.The current Saddlebrook project is related to
the previous project in name only, and thus previous impacts are not considered
cumulative with the current project.
• A post construction stormwater plan may be required for the site per condition
412 of General Certification 3890. Prior to issuance of the Certification, an
approved plan is required.
The post -construction stomtwater plan is currently under design and will meet the
requirements of condition # 12 of General Certification 3890.
Proposed Impacts need to be clarified
• Figure #5 (jurisdictional map): shows Wetland AA as 0.48 acre, Wetland 1113
as 0.41 acre, with total stream on site of 354 IL
Saddlebmok Site November 5, 2014
Resoonw to Request for Additional Information CWS Proimt No. 2013-3232
Based on field observations on October 7, 2014, with Mr. Steve Kichefski (US
Army Corps of Engineers, USACE), Mr. William Elliot (USACE), and Mr. Alan
Johnson (NCDWR), it was determined that Intermittent Stream A is a linear
wetland (Figure 1, attached). New calculations based on this assessment
amounts Wetland AA to be 0.555 acre in extent.
Figure 47 (original proposed impacts): shows Wetland AA as 0.51 acre and
Wetland BB as 0.039 acre, with 263 If of stream impact (there is no
indication of stream impact in the bottom southeast corner near the power
Based on verification of Wetland AA by USACE and NCDWR on October 7,
2014, new calculations of originally -proposed impacts to Wetland AA amount to
0.544 ac (0.011 ac avoided; Figure 2, attached).
• Figure 48 (revised impacts): shows Wetland AA as 0.421 acre and Wetland
BB 0.039 acre, with 2631f of stream impact and again no stream impact for
the stream section in the bottom corner.
Based on verification of Wetland AA by USACE and NCDWR on October 7,
2014, new calculations of revised impacts to Welland AA amount to 0.487 acre
(0.068 ac avoided; Figure 3, attached).
• None of the maps appear to account for the minor tributary located in the
lower corner of the map(s) to the main feature running through the site.
The power tower located in the southeastern area of the project limits is an
existing structure. Therefore, this portion of Wetland AA will be avoided with
no impacts.
• Please clarify where the wetland(s) begin and end as it related to the stream
channel(s) and provide clarity as to the total wetland and stream(s) on site
and the proposed impacts to the wetland/stream(s) at the site.
Based on verification of Wetland AA by USACE and NCDWR on October 7,
2014, the total area of Wetland AA amounts to 0.555 ac. No jurisdictional
streams are located on -site.
Proposed on -site mitigation. There is strong concern whether long term
functional uplift can be achieved through enhancement of the feature under
consideration. The hydrology of the site is controlled by an offsite pond to which
currently the developer has no control. Should the downstream pond be
removed or altered it would have an adverse effect on the water level. Also, it
wasn't clear if the purpose of the enhancement was to modify the wetland type.
Finally, given the location of the site there appears to be some difficulties; Bethel
Church Road is immediately adjacent to the south (which may be subject to
widening due to development growth), a sewer easement along the eastern
boundary and a storm water outfall is discharging into the "pond."
Saddlebnmk Sitc November 5, 2014
Response to Reauea for Additional Information CWS Proieet No. 2013d232
The client has decided to submit a request for mitigation credits through the North
Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP). The current North Carolina
Ecosystem Enhancement Program fee schedule (http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/eep/fee-
schedules) states that the cost of compensatory mitigation for Yadkin River Basin (HU
#03040105) is $69,736 per acre. For the Saddlebrook project, impacts to 0.487 acres
of riparian wetland will result in a mitigation cost of $34,868, based on rounding to the
nearest 0.25 acre.
• Avoidance and minimization. With the exception of the wetland at the top
(north) of the subdivision, please provide comments to clarify why the other
wetland/stream feature could not be avoided or impacts minimized.
A "No Build" altemative was considered. This option was not considered as it is not
economically feasible. Furthermore, since the current property owner purchased the
property for the purpose of completing the development, this option would not meet any
of the project goals. Therefore, the No -Build Alternative was eliminated from further
In order to complete to project, impacts to Wetland AA are unavoidable. The location for
these impacts is constrained by the existing road layout (Hill Pine Road, Saddlebrook
Road, and Route 601), as well as the natural site topography and existing natural
resources. Impacts were reduced through avoidance of wetlands originally planned to be
impacted. Lot lines were shifted to avoid the highest value on -site wetland area and
resulted in a reduction in buildable lots.
Please do not hesitate to contact us at 704-408-1683, or through email at gregg@cws-inc.net
should you have any additional questions or comments regarding this permit submittal.
Gregg Antemann, PWS Erin Bradshaw Settevendemio
Principle Scientist Project Wetland Scientist
Attachments: Request for Additional Information Letter
Figure 1. Jurisdictional Boundary Map
Figure 2. Original Site Impacts Map
Figure 3. Revised Site impacts Map
Cc: Scott Twiddy, Carolina Development Services, LLC
Karen Higgins, Wetlands Unit
William Elliot, Asheville COE
North Carolina Department:of,;Environment and Natural Resources
Pat McCrory John E. Skvarla, III
Governor.. Secretary
October 9, 2014
Mr. Scott Twiddy
2649 Breckonridge Center Dr`
Monroe, NC 28110
Subject: Hold — Saddlebrook Development
DWR: #14-0949
Union County, NC
Dear Mc Twiddy: . , .
On September 5, 2014, the Division of Water Resources (the Division) received your
application dated August 21, 2014, for the subject project. The application was reviewed and on
October 7, 2014, a site visit was conducted by this office along with your representative, Mr.
Greg Antemann and Steve Kichefski with the Army Corps of Engineers. During the visit, several
items were discussed that are related to both the application and observations made during the
site visit. These items are listed below and are needed in order to complete our review of the
• There is a question as to potential cumulative impacts for the proposed site.
Existing development has occurred under the name of Saddlebrook, which was
observed entering the site. This needs to be resolved to determine total impacts
and potential mitigation requirements for this project and possible future
development at the site.
• A post construction storm water plan may be required for the site per condition #12
of General Certification 3890. Prior to issuance of the Certification an approved
plan is required.
• Proposed impacts need to be clarified.
---Figure #5 Qurisdictional map): shows Wetland AA as 0.48 acre, Wetland BB
as 0.41 acre, with total stream on site of 354 If.
---Figure #7 (original proposed impacts): shows Wetland AA as 0.519 acre and
Wetland BB as 0.039 acre, with 263 If of stream impact, (there is no indication of
stream impact in the bottom southeast corner at near the power tower)
---Figure #8 (revised impacts): shows Wetland AA as 0.421 acre and Wetland BB
0.039 acre, with 263 If of stream impact and again no stream impact for the stream
section in the bottom corner.
Mooresville Regional Office
Location: 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301, Mooresville, NC 28115
Phone: (704) 663-1699\Fax: (704) 663-6040\ Customer Service: 1-877-623-6748
Internet: http://portal.nedenr.org/webtwq
None of the maps appear to account for the minor tributary located in the lower corner
of the map(s) to the main feature running through the site.
Please clarify where the wetland(s) begin and end as it related to the stream
channel(s) and provide clarity as to the total wetland and stream(s) on site and the
proposed impacts to the wetland/stream(s) at the site.
• Proposed on -site mitigation. There is strong concern whether long term functional
uplift can be achieved through enhancement of the feature under consideration.
The hydrology of the site is controlled by an offsite pond to which currently the
developer has no control. Should the downstream pond be removed or altered it
would have an adverse effect on the water level. Also, it wasn't clear if the purpose
of the enhancement was to modified the wetland type. Finally, given the location of
the site there appears to be some difficulties, Bethel Church Road is immediately
adjacent to the south (which may be subject to widening due to development
growth), a sewer easement along the eastern boundary and a storm water outfall is
discharging to the "pond".
• Avoidance and Minimization. With the exception of the wetland area at the top
(north) of the subdivision, please provide comments to clarify why the other
wetland/stream feature could not be avoided or impacts minimized.
Please be advised that until this Office receives above requested information, this
project will be placed on hold pursuant to 15A NCAC 2H .0507(h). In addition, this Office is
requesting that the Army Corps of Engineers place a hold on their processing of the application.
If you have any question, please contact Mr. Alan Johnson at (704) 663-1699.
Michael L. Parker
1P Regional Supervisor
Water Quality Regional Operations Section
Mooresville Regional Office
CC: Karen Higgins, Wetlands Unit
Greg Antemann, CWS
William Elliot, Asheville COE
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Diuguid, Bill
Sent: s
Johnson, Alan
Monday, March 09, 2015 11:16 AM
Cc: s�G�
Subject: � '• 9
fs 2
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I have the project in ho �nd have
bmps before issuing. Si
Jennifer a
Subdivision Phase II Midland Cabarrus County Stormwater Permit
for the 401 certification. I am waiting for information for the stormwater
From: Diuguid, Bill
Sent: Wednesday, March 04, 2015 2:14 PM
To: Johnson, Alan
Cc: Burdette, Jennifer a
Subject: FW: Saddlebrook Subdivision Phase II Midland Cabarrus County Stormwater Permit Application
Subsequently found the Oct Sun and Nov Sth and Nov 6th email communications on this project.
So, all I need is an update status on whether you have received everything from the Saddlebrook developer in order to
From: Diuguid, Bill
Sent: Wednesday, March 04, 2015 1:47 PM
To: Johnson, Alan
Cc: Burdette, Jennifer a
Subject: Saddlebrook Subdivision Phase II Midland Cabarrus County Stormwater Permit Application
I have received the above application for a post -construction Phase II Stormwater permit.
The development proposes to remove three wetland areas from the development site.
I don't have a jurisdictional or isolated wetland determination documentation in the package.
I'm curious whether you have reviewed this application from Summit Land Services from a 401/404 perspective?
Bill Diuguid, AICP, Planner
Stormwater Permitting
Land Quality Section
Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources I NCDENR
1612 Mail Service Center (Mail)
512 N. Salisbury St, Raleigh, NC 27604 1 9th Floor (Location & Parcels)
Raleigh North Carolina 27699-1612
Phone: 919-807-6369 1 Fax: 919-807-6494
Website: http://portal.ncdenr.orc/web/wq/ws/su
E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.
r,.,.t:l �
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Diuguid, Bill
From: Johnson, Alan
Sent: Monday, March 09, 2015 11:16 AM
To: Diuguid, Bill
Cc: Burdette, Jennifer a
Subject: RE: Saddlebrook Subdivision Phase H Midland Cabarrus County Stormwater Permit
I have the project in house and have reviewed for the 401 certification. I am g for information for the stormwater
bmps before issuing.
9 1�1rj
alan f �0 9
From: Diuguid, Bill
Sent: Wednesday, March 04, 2015 2:14 PM J'
To: Johnson, Alan
Cc: Burdette, Jennifer a
Subject: FW: Saddlebrook Subdivision Phase II Midland Cabarrus County Storm ater Permit Application
Subsequently found the Oct 9t" and Nov 5" and Nov 6" email communications on this project.
So, all I need is an update status on whether you have received everything from the Saddlebrook developer in order to
From: Diuguid, Bill
Sent: Wednesday, March 04, 2015 1:47 PM
To: Johnson, Alan
Cc: Burdette, Jennifer a
Subject: Saddlebrook Subdivision Phase II Midland Cabarrus County Stormwater Permit Application
I have received the above application for a post -construction Phase II Stormwater permit.
The development proposes to remove three wetland areas from the development site.
I don't have a jurisdictional or isolated wetland determination documentation in the package.
I'm curious whether you have reviewed this application from Summit Land Services from a 401/404 perspective?
Bill Diuguid, AICP, Planner
Stormwater Permitting
Land Quality Section
Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources I NCDENR
1612 Mail Service Center (Mail)
512 N. Salisbury St, Raleigh, NC 27604 1 9th Floor (Location & Parcels)
Raleigh North Carolina 27699-1612
Phone: 919-807-6369 1 Fax: 919-807-6494
Website: htto://i)ortal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/ws/su
E-mail correspondence to and from this address maybe subject to the North Carolina Public Records taw and maybe disclosed to third parties.