HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW5171002_HISTORICAL FILE_20170608STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SWV DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS DHISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATEC��(�O� YYYYMMDD BK 1927 PG 0799 Stamps: $ " Prepared by Eddie S. Winstead, III — mail to Grantee NO TITLE OPINION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ) COUNTY OF CHATHAM ) FILED ELECTRONICALLY CHATHAM COUNTY NC LUNDAY A. RIGGSBEE REGISTER OF DEEDS FILED Jun 09, 2017 AT 03:37:30 PM BOOK 01927 START PAGE 0799 END PAGE 0801 INSTRUMENT # 06287 EXCISE TAX $0.00 GENERAL WARRANTY DEED THIS DEED, made this ��ay otgef, 2017, by and between DONALD R. SIMPSON, and wife, BARBARA H. SIMPSON, 503 Carthage Street, Sanford, NC, 27330 hereinafter called "GRANTOR" to TRIPP COTTAGES PHASE II, LLC, 503 Carthage Street, Sanford, NC, 27330 hereinafter called "GRANTEE"; W I T N E S S E T H, that the Grantor, in consideration of valuable considerations provided by the Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has bargained and sold and by these presents does bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee, all of Grantor's fee simple interest in that certain lot or parcel of land situated in Matthews Township, Chatham County, North Carolina, more particularly described as follows: SEE EXHIBIT A ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN GRANTOR acquired the property by deed recorded in Book 1517, Page 0078, Chatham County Registry. This is not the primary residence of the GRANTOR. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid tract or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging to the Grantee in fee simple. Grantor covenants with the Grantee, that Grantor is seized of said premises in fee simple, has the right to convey the same in submitted electronically by Harrineton Gilleland Winstead Feindel and Lucas in compliance with North Carolina statutes eoverniur recordable documents and the terms of the submltter agreement with the Chatham County Register of Deeds. BK 1927 PG 0800 fee simple; that title is marketable and free and clear of all encumbrances, and that Grantor will warrant and defend the title against the claims of all persons whomsoever except for the exceptions hereinafter stated. Title to the property hereinabove described is subject to the following exceptions: 1) Restrictions, easements and rights of way of record. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the Grantor has hereunto set his hand and seal, the day and year first above written. 04it?'U- !-1O ~D R. r �� !A l... �. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF ee- I, L Mo is b e tj a Notary Public, do hereby certify that, DONALD R. SIMPSON and BARBARA H. SIMPSON, personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument. m4h. Witness my hand and notarial My commission expires: 3-90-0?-0Q0 :Tail e- BK 1927 PG 0801 Exhibit A BEING all of Tract 2, containing 13.298 acres, more or less, according to that certain survey entitled "Division Survey for DV Holdings, Inc.", by Absolute Land Surveying and Mapping, PC, dated, April 28, 2005, and recorded as Map 2005, Slide 160, Chatham County Registry, to which references made for more complete description. ' SOSID: 1590330 Date Filed: 4/25/2017 1:24:00 PM Elaine F. Marshall North Carolina Secretary of State C2017 103 02404 ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION TRIPP COTTAGES PHASE 11, LLC Pursuant to §57D-2-20 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, the undersigned does hereby submit these Articles of Organization for the purpose of forming a limited liability company. l . The name of the limited liability company is: Tripp Cottages Phase 11, LLC. 2. The name and address of each person executing these articles of organization is as follows: Eddie S. Winatead M. 1410 Elm Street Sanford, NC 27330 Organizer 3. The name of the initial registered agent is: Perry Simpson 4. The street address and county of the initial registered agentoffice of the limited liability company is: 503 Carthage Street, Sanford NC 27330 Lee County 5. Th®mited liability company has a principal office. The principal office telephone number: 919-774-6511 The street address and county of the principal office of the limited liability company is: 503 Carthage Street, Sanford NC 27330 Lee.County 10. These articles will be effective upon filing. This is the _ day of April_, 2017. fi EDDIE S. WINSTEAD III, ORGANIZER CIS ENGINEERING & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE COMPANY 3008 ANDERSON DRIVE, SUITE 102 RALEIGH, NO 27609 (919) 781-7798 October 5, 2017 Mr. Perry Simpson Simpson & Simpson, Inc. 503 Carthage St. Sanford, NC 27330 RE: Seasonally High Water Table Evaluation Tripp Cottages Phase 2 W. Third Street Silcr City, NC Dear Mr. Simpson: The following discusses the seasonally high water table evaluation at the two (2) bio- retention systems for the above referenced site. Per the plans proved by J. Thomas Engineering, Inc. dated August 2017, Bio-retention System BMP No. 1 will have a surface elevation of 596.0 ft. and a base elevation of 590.8 ft. Bio-retention System BMP No. 2 will have a surface elevation of 592.5 ft. and a base elevation of 587.3 fl. For evaluation purposes two (2) borings were conducted using a drill rig, one at each BMP system. Figure 1 in Attachment A shows the boring locations and Attachment B provides the boring logs. As the soils were augered, the soil color was compared to the Munsell Soil Color Chart to estimate seasonally high water tables and the soils were visually classified in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System. Any mottling or soil color with a Chroma of 3 and less is considered indicative of seasonally high water levels. Also, borings remained open for about 1 day to measure actual groundwater depth at time of this evaluation. At B-1 below 6 inches of topsoil, a red (2.511-5/8) and reddish yellow (7.5YR- 6/8) silty CLAY (CL) was present to 3.5 ft. below groundsurface. After 3.5 ft. below groundsurface at B-1 moderately weathered mud/silt stone consisting of a brownish yellow (10YR-6/6) and minor pale yellow (2.5 YR-7/4 clayey SILT' (ML) was encountered. After 17 ft. below groundsurface, color altered to light olive brown (2.5 YR-3.4 with minor pale yellow (2.5YR-8/3). Page 2 Seasonallq High %Vater'rnble Evaluation Tripp Cottages -Phase 2 At Boring B-2, below 6 inches of topsoil, was fill extending to 6 ft below groundsurface. The fill consisted of yellowish -red (5 YR-5/8) and brownish yellow (7.5 YR-6/8) silty CLAY (CL), with trace of wood and asphalt fragments. After this depth, red (2.5 Y-6/6) and yellowish brown (10 YR-5/8) silty CLAY (CL) was present to 10 ft. below groundsurface. After 10 ft. below groundsurface moderately weathered mud/silt stone consisting of in olive yellow (2.5 Y-6/6) clayey SILT (ML). After 13 ft., the soil color changed to olive brown (2.5Y-4/4). The borings remained dry after drilling and 24 to 26 hours after drilling. According to the U.S. Department of ARrieulture Soil Survey of Chatham County, Nortlr Carolina), the subject property is made up of Callison-Lignum complex which have a seasonal high groundwater table ranging from 1.6 to 3.5 ft below groundsurface. At time of drilling, the ground had been altered by past grading activities. The shallow seasonally high groundwater levels indicated by the USDA Soil Survey arc perched water conditions. (Water perched above the slow draining moderately weathered mud/silt stone layer.) Based on the soil color and measurement of the actual groundwater level, the seasonally high water table is near 17 ft. below groundsurface or 4.8 ft. below the base of BMP 1. For BMP 2, the seasonally high groundwater table is more than 3.3 ft. below the base of this BMP. We appreciate serving Simpson & Simpson on this project. Please contact us if you have any questions. Sincerely, J,f/wc z T. atrick Shillington, President Attachment A: Figures , Attachment B: Boring Logs SEAL 715472 62s fill I: it NOTES w A ••w �poar"cm.�rae.m uan u� s \\\•�\\ \\•_•�-'•:�J _ _ UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM MAJOR GROUP 'TYPICAL NAMES LABORATORY CLASSIFICATION CRITERIA DIVISIONS SYMBOL \VELL GRADED GRAVELS. 1��j N.7 2 6 µ� G1V GRAVEL -SAND MIXTURES. O Cu=D 60 > 4 ; I <C (I�y 01 <q > LITTLE, Olt NO L.IN GS. Q N 0 10 1�0 x D60 C W} Z POORLY GRADED GRAVELS, V 0 v�{W<l NOT A4EE'i'ING ALL CRADA9'ION E o < J G]I GRAVEL -SAND MIXTURES, LITTLE Olt NO LINKS. 7, k 3$ 0 ,-,w vi l0 REQUIREMf_NI'S FOk GW. >4 U 0, G 3Uq O Cn1 SIL'I'YGRAVF.LS,`�� MIXTURES. V W O ; .K ATTEROERG LIMITS BELOW "A" LINE OR ABOVE "A" LINE WITH g j a 5 GRAVEL -SAND -SILT O W ; 'Od i i?W p P.I.LESS TFIAN •1- R AND 7 P.I. BORDERLINE RE F30RIJ8RLINE 4` ed5 vl J O O R M' A'ITERBERG LIMITS m FS W q Q �yy1 CASES REQUIRING USE OF DUAL SYMBOLS. O u" Z i'� G�. CLAYEY GRAV ELS, 0 O ,^���' a�U ° ABOVE"A"LINE\VTI'I1 V1 � � GRAVIiL-SAND-CLA\'MIXTURES. 0 O pz W P-1. GREATER THAN 7. N a W qqy WELL GRADED SANDS, GRAVELLY SANDS, IJ60 2 cu >G I<Cvm (ll3d W F� WaW yOO O $W 0Z> µIOF O ^I S'^ 10 L)0 ID � 6 a LITFLI3 OIt NO I,IN I:S. y W x 6U E W a z V�o� POORLYGRADED SANDS, GRAVELLY SANDS, <Q 3 I-2 O NOT MEETING ALL GRADATION -) sh LCT"1'LE OR NO I_iNES. J REQUIREMENTS FORSW. N U U G Z xxz <00y5 �nwz0 Q y I v'yrt SM SILTY SANDS,WI,Q d ATTERBERG LIMITS BELOW"A"LINE OR ii SAND-SIIJFMIXTURES. j I] a W P-I. LESS THAN A. LIMITS PLOT"PING IN HATCHED ZONE WITS p C6 7 W 1i P.I. 13ETWECN 4 AND 7 BORDERLINE rA A'ITERBERG LIMITS AI2E CASES REQUIRING USE G d SC CLAYEYLANDS.W'� W N s a \V ABOVE "A" LINE ITA OF DUAL SYMBOLS. SAND -CLAY AY MIXTURES. A vI vI V GREATER THAN 7. INORGANIC SKIS, ROCK FLOUR, 1. PLOT FNTP,RSEC"I'ION OF P.I. AND LI, AS DETERMINED FROM vl MI' VERY FINE SANDS, SILTY OR ATTERBERG LIMITS TESTS. < CLAYI-Y FINE SANDS, CLAYEY 2. POINTS PLOTTED ABOVE a LINE INDICA1 P CLAY SOILS. ¢J SILTS WITI-I SLICII'IT PLAS'1'ICFFY. THOSE BELOW TI IE A LINE INDICATE SILT. G U 7j INORGANIC CLAYS OF LOW'1.0 70 '^ CI MEDIUM PLASTICITY, GRAVELLY E Q CLAYS, SANDY CLAYS, f0 _ SILTY CLAYS, LHAN CLAYS. T` 7 B CH 3 1{` L'I `A OL INORGANIC ANDORGANIC 50 \� N SILTY SILTY CLAYS OFF LOW PLASTICICT V. ^ CL .10 INORGANIC SILTS, MICACEOUS OR W 30 Qy W Ml'I DIATEMACEOUS FINE SANDY OR P 4G } 6 SILTY SOILS, ELASTIC SILTS. u F 20 — O a O F INORGANIC CLAYS OF HIOPI V ly 5 P K Cl-I PLASTICITY, FAT CLAYS. �, 10 MH c r Oli ¢ 7 _ — I' C 0 ML rOL 0 10 20 30 4U 5f1 CID 70 RO 90 I00 R d OH ORGANIC CLAYS OF MEDIUM TO III IGB PLASTICITY• ORGANIC SIIA S. 0 LIQUID LIMIT (LL) y PEAT AND OrruiR PBGHLy PLASTICITY CHAK'1' Rpy PI ORGANICSIOLS. UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM ASTM DESIGNATION D-2487 ENGINEERING & ENVIRONM SCIENCE COMPANY 2 3008 ANDERSON DR„ SUITI J RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA (919) 781-7798 CLII.N'I':.S.imp.$-son-S�mp-san.,—tn. an.,- BORING NO.:B-1DATE:9/20/17 JOB NO.: PROJECT' NAME:Trip��VTI�.1,_t�tage�.S-LI_LCILS+P�•,,9 �+ PROJECT LOCATION:: V�(SLC�JJ_ ird- t1 et�UILCI City�� STATION: BORTNG METHOD: �CEA FOR&MAN: Russ -Patterson ROCK CORF DIA.: INSPECTOR: Pat-ShiBington SI-117LBY TUBE O.D.: SPT rc WELL. DIAGRAM a DESCRIPTION & REMARKSa am ko� < Q N p'�5 w a < 3 O 0 D > Q gz gV Da SURFACE ELEVATION:6Q�ft Root Mat and Topsoil 0.5 Red(2.5YR-5/8) minor reddish yellow 7.5YR-6/8) silty CLAY(CL), moist Brownish-yellow-6/6), minor pale yellow(2.5YR-7/4) clayey SILT(ML), damp to moist 10 12.2 EL 590.8 ft. Bottorn of BMP 1) Light olive brown(2.5YR-3/4) minor pale yellow(2.5Y-8/3) after 17ft 0 20 - Boring Terminated at 20ft. 30 BORING METHOD GROUND WATBR NSA- HOLLOW STEM AUGER NOT ON RODS FT.1W AF'I'ER_HRS. Pl'. CFA- CONTINUOUS FLIGHTAUGER 'ORGANIC VAPOR METER. 0 n'7- DC - DRIVENCASING PARTS PER MILLION �� ATCOMPLETION -Dry-FT ® AFTER-HRS.-FT. G ­STANDARDPF.NF IV AFTER-26-1IRS. D FT. EC' E CR CORING E1 TION TEST \FI'ER_HRS. FT. CLIENT:_ imp.SDn_&_Simps n,_1n.c. BORING NO.:iZ9DATE- 9/20/17 PROJECTNAML':Tripp-_attag.espbas-e2 JOB NO.: PROJECT LOCATION:_VAL.Third-Sinaet,_Siler_City,-NC— STATION: BORING METHOD: 4 GEA FOREMAN: RUs$-PaftersOr1 ROCK CORE DIA.: INSPECTOR:Rat_ShlllingtOrl SI-IEL.13Y "TUBE O.D.: **SPT i WELL DIAGRAM DESCRIPTION & REMARKS � a e �G� oa f o � 0 m NO �b Ga 599 ft. SURFACE ELEVATION: Root Mat and To soil 0.5 ellowish-red(5YR-5/8) brownish _ -yellow (7.5YR-6/8) silty CLAY(CL), moist, trace of asphalt and wood FILL _____ 6.0 Red(2.5Y-4/8) and yellowish brown (10YR-5/8) silty CLAY(CL), moist Q to — — — — — — — — — — — — - Olive yellow(2.5Y-6/6) clayey 1. (EL 58".38 ft. Bottom of BMP 2) SILT(ML), damp to moist — — — — — — — High auger resistance, olive brown (2.5Y-4/4) after 13ft. 15.0 Boring Terminated at 15ft. zo 30 BORING METHOD GROUND WATER HSA - HOLLOW STEM AUGER C I7A- CON T INUOUS FLIGHT AUGER 'ORGANIC VAPORMETER, � NOIT:D ON RODS _1�I_r� _FT. ® AFTER_HRS. FT. DRIVEN PARTS PER MILLION DC- CASING �7 ATCOMPLF_TION _1_JLFT. ® AFTER-HRS. Ft, MD - MUD ORILLING �J Dry RC - ROCK CORING •'STANDARD PENETRATION'1'EST ® AFTER_L!}-HRS. IT, ® AFI'ER_HRS._FT. CIO L abed RaNnS IIoS anile/ad000 leuolleN aolnlaS uoilmosuoo MW L LOZ/bL/6 AaNnS IIoS qaM saoTnoseN leinle\N�N VW KsEim NLT auoZ Nll1 :sin a6Lg vs 7M :� euipiom;a uoo jcQaew qam :ucgAoA dew t as o0C OOL OOL 0 OLZ on OL se 0 N 59yy� '�-sa�css•,aUadasw�vuo�nnA�oor'zT:aas�ew � E o o�Ts o�m os s o oasts 09M ao¢ss 09M y� 6 N Z9 E9 of eul we o uno we le a to s I o LIPON '�1 0 4 4�d W I S N.SE £9 SE NZ0f9 SE MAP LEGEND Area of Interest (AOl) O Area of Interest (AOI) Soils Q Soil Map Una Polygons Soil Map Unit Unes Soil Map Unit Points Special Point Features V Blowout ® Borrow Pit iK Clay Spot 0 Closed Depression Gravel Pit - Gravelly Spot 0 Landfill A. Lava Flow Marsh or swamp Mine or Quarry O Miscellaneous Water ® Perennial Water y Rock Outcrop + Saline Spot Sandy Spot ® Severely Eroded Spot 0 Sinkhole Slide or Slip Sodic Spot Soil Map —Chatham County, North Carolina Spoil Area Q Stony Spot W Very Stony Spot tl Wet Spot Other �. Special Line Features Water Features ,. Streams and Canals Transportation �..ry Rails �y Interstate Highways ,N US Routes Major Roads Local Roads Background . Aerial Photography MAP INFORMATION The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at 1:24,000. Warning: Soil Map may not be valid at this scale. Enlargement of maps beyond the scale of mapping can cause misunderstanding of the detail of mapping and accuracy of soil line placement. The maps do not show the small areas of contrasting soils that could have been shown at a more detailed scale. Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for map measurements. Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey URL: Coordinate System: Web Mercator (EPSG:3857) Maps from the Web Soil Survey are based on the Web Mercator projection, which preserves direction and shape but distorts distance and area. A projection that preserves area, such as the Albers equal-area conic projection, should be used if more accurate calculations of distance or area are required. This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as of the version date(s) listed below. Soil Survey Area: Chatham County, North Carolina Survey Area Data: Version 19, Sep 19, 2016 Soil map units are labeled (as space allows) for map scales 1:50,000 or larger. Date(s) aerial images were photographed: Mar 27, 2015-v1ar 15, 2017 The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were compiled and digitized probably differs from the background imagery displayed on these maps. As a result, some minor shifting of map unit boundaries may be evident. USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 9/14/2017 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 2 of 3 Soil Map —Chatham County, North Carolina Map Unit Legend Chatham County, North Carolina (NC037) Map Unit Symbol Map Unit Name Acres in AOI Percent of AOI CaB Callison-Lignum complex, 2 to 6 percent slopes 13.2 100.0 Totals for Area of Interest 13.2 100.0 USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 9/14/2017 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 3 of 3 PROJECT TRIPP COTTAGES PHASE 2 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT —44 CONDO UNITS W.THIRD STREET (SR 1107) SILER CITY ETJ CHATHAM COUNTY OWNER/DEVELOPER TRIPP COTTAGES PHASE 2, LLC C/O MR. DONALD SIMPSON 503 Carthage Street Sanford, NC 27330 CIVIL ENGINEER Jeremy R. Thomas, P.E. 1 Thomas Engineering, Inc. 143 Charlotte Avenue, Suite 104 Sanford. NC 27330 PROJECT NARRATIVE This project entails construction of 44 new condo units (22 buildings) on 12.3 acres within the Town of Siler City's ETJ in Chatham County (Parcel ID # 82612). This development will be similar to the adjacent Phase 1 development that exists to the east of this site. This proposed project includes the condo buildings, private drives, playground area, water and sewer utilities, storm drainage, and stormwater management BMPs. The existing site is rolling terrain with proposed earthwork being closed to balanced. There are no jurisdictional waters present within the project area. Nor is there any built -upon area proposed within 30 feet of a perennial stream or wetland. Also, this site is not located within a designated FEMA floodplain. The amount of proposed built -upon area on the property is calculated to be 4.7 AC representing 38% of the property area. The % Built -Upon Area classifies this project as 'high density'. The site has been designed with two (2) Bioretention BMPs to capture and treat the stormwater runoff from the new built -upon area. These Bioretention BMPS will also help attenuate peak runoff rates of larger storm events as required by the Town of Siler City. Stormwater discharged from the Bioretention BMPs will enter the existing storm drainage system of the Phase 1 project. The stormwater is eventually discharged to Blood Run Creek. Page 1 of 1 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT COMPUTATIONS TRIPP COTTAGES PHASE 2 W. THIRD STREET SILER CITY, NORTH CAROLINA SEPTEMBER 29, 2017 Prepared by: J Thomas Fngineerin& Inc. civil engineering planning 143 Charlotte Avenue, SUILe 104 Sanford, North Carolina 27330 ' �' �✓�d°/P y,r�(io'pE: phone } JypI\ 9G°Y F• www.jt(9191777-6010 homasengineering.com y;; ,, �� •aTM' License no. C-3389 STORM DRAINAGE COMPUTATIONS TRIPP COTTAGES PH 2 27-Sep-17 Inlet Drainaae Area Calculated Darcy- iE Theoretical Velocity Upstream DownstIn Weisbach 1 Top of i Check -HGL Sum Inlet Pipe Design': 10-year 10-year Pipe i Upstm !Downstm� Pipe Pipe Roughness Pipe 1 Specified Pipe Normal 'at Normal Check -Pipe Water Water friction Structure below top of t CA I CA Time Time i Time :Intensity (Discharge: Lenqth 1 Invert i Invert Slope ': Material Coefficient ' Diameter Diameter Depth Depth surchargetl?Surface� Surface factor Elev structure i 'Composite Runoff Coefficient -10 year Storm BIORETENTION CELL Trion Cottages Phase 2 m THE DRAINAGEAREA I Drainage area number 1 Ignore down of BUA in the fining¢ area both new and existing): Total coastal wetlands area(W n) sl Parking Ido— way(so it) 16970 at Total surface water area(sq X) 51 Sdewalk dy, n) 6071 sl Total drainage area(aid fl) 2176M Of Real(sq i) 38720 sl BUA aSSOCN1ed with ed4irg development da, n) cl - RoedwayhtN M304 9 Proposed new SUA(W a) IMat 51 Other, please saecdy in the comment Doa throw I. n) at Percent BUA of drainage area 46% Total BUA(aq X) 100665 of COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPLICABLE STORMWATER PROGRAM additional sthat apply leases ): Dodge mMell depm(n) - i.e. Nminum alum¢ repuied(w n) 63agd Desgn wham¢ o15CM (w fl) 0523 of GENERAL MOC FROM 02H:1050 #I is the SCM saetl to trend In. 5W from all sutlaceseI builtlmul? Yes 197If applicable, w11, the SCM be leaned out alter concluded? Yee_ #2 Is the SCM located on or contaminated soils? No 1#8 DOea Ills mainetenanw access wm wAll General MDC fii Yes #3 Met are the side slopes of the SCM(H W? 31 nth Wes the tlrana eea5¢menl cum with General MDc 90 Yes 93 Dees the SCM haw retaining walls a[im walls or other engineered We slo si Yes .10 IIIha BCMeon.s lelami IOL does the pat complywith General NOC 10? W Are the inlet; outlets, am mcrl stream protected It erosion HO-War storm)? Yes Oil Is there an 08M Agreement that wm Iles with General MDC Q t ? Yes .5 Is there a a bypass for How, in excess of the desgn now? No 1.12 is the,.ado&m Publish cOmpliea wAM1 General MOC 12? Yes he What s Ilea mehhM for deeper the SCM for maintenance? Other 1#13 Was the 50Mdes nedafan NC llcensetl rolessi0nal? Yes BIORETENTION CELL MDC FROM 02H.1052 #1 SHAT elesalpn (ImaB M Percentage of modem to worse washed sand by entail 88% tll Bonom of Me boretentpn all ford) 591 X " Percentage of fines (sit rid di by Winner 8% 91 Dotal IrooW n bet m to SHT (feet) " Percentage of organic matter by alum¢ a% #2 Surface area of yoretenlior ceusquare feet hale at " Type ororganic material melee #2Des pa volume of the baretenteon cellwDic feel 9230of #? Phosphorus Index(P-IndeiO of medla(unnles5) 25 #2 PorMug dead of the fill slorm(Nes) 8'm "Wid cum clan be¢waled aide, conatrvGan? Yes #3 k the bnrelenfnn cell usetl for Peak anenuaton? Yes "WIll Cell W mahWned lO a one inchl Offered? Yes tl3 Depth ltI peak enchanted oar plant., surface find 24 in erg DO,.. the Dfeel., plan'. #3 Height of Oak enemata. outlet ine-the burning surface fien sin A wmbinatan of Vary shrubs end herbaceous species to be used " Infiltration rate of the in Situ soil (inelfil 2.0'Ialhr W Diameter of undeNrain iy»s(n applicable 6in W Does the desgn'nGWe Internal Water Storage fief Yes us11 Depth of mulch, it aaptxadc happen) - 3n M d do, elewlan 01 he top of he M'B(Msh SgCn pit TWO of mulct¢, it applicable sDrMdod hardyi " Elewlon of In. planting s.it.. fresh 595n #12 how many dean out pipes are being installed? maniple #s WJl the call contain trees and shrubs? Yes. #48ri¢Oyd¢sGiDed¢arelrealmenllhal will bouseb'. #5 M¢dla tle Ih inCM1es -301n rock lined forebays ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Please use but spaces ho prowee any additional nlonrelon about this drelenlen cell that you think Is poll to de retie,. THE DRAINAGE AREA 2 Drainage area number 2, Break down of BUA in the draicoe area(both new and existing: Total conduct wetlands area (sq III 51 - Parking 1 drrteway On fl) 1(3233 at Total surface wale, Orea(sq by 51 -Sae'walk(w fl) q)35I Totaldmnaga nee (q R) 2008e551 -RM"be 0) 30i20 s1 BUA Mendel with this" dewlopme0l(Sq fl) 51 -Roliallaq fl) 3255as1 Prerecord new BUA be, X) 92280 sl Olheq glees¢ specify In Ilse comment Me below de, to st Percent BUA of UrnnaOe are a 40% ITotal RUA(sq In 822811 s1. COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPLICABLE STORM WATER PROGRAM groundwaterprograms) that apply leases u Desgn rainfall depd end to'n Mnmum alum¢ rtyuned (w n) Desgn alum¢ of SCM (cu fl) )681 d GENERAL MDC FROM 02H.1050 ' #1 15 the SCM shetl to treat the 6W from all surfaces el held if? Yes p]Il eppllceDle, wAM1Ihe 6CMbe 0leanetl ouloner consimdion? Yes. n2 is the 60M located on or near couldrokede0 soils? No #8 Does the maincluddence access council with General MDC dfi? Yes #3 Mat are the Side 5dpes of the SCM U V)? 3:1 -p9 Do¢sletldMana eeasomenlcnm wLh General M➢C 9? Yes #3 Dces the SCM has retain walls, ati?n walls Or Otherengineered we Mechanics Yes pw IIde SCM¢onesn le farday lot. does the spal cam coil General MDC 10i da Ads Me islets. outlets and faceiAp Weam Pwleded from emsi0n(10 War slum)? Yes 1411 Isthem an OBM Agreement that complies wib General MDC H1? yes #5IsMere a a bypass for Tows in excess Of design nal Yes 1#12 Is there an OW Plan that complies with General MC 12i Yea "what is the medotl far dewaletln the SCM for mantluddef? her 1#13 Was the SCM designed ban NC licensed rolessanal? Yes BIORETENTION CELL MDC FROM 02H .1052 01 SHOW erosion (Vmsp at Percentage of medium to coarse washed sand by volume 88% tl1 Wnom of the anrelention cell fried) M?If " Percentage of fines hat eM day) by wWma a% #1 D'sl . Iron Mnom to 6MAT (feet) " Percentage of ere ople matter by volume 4% 42 Source area of the bareX:aMn colt pounds fee 11793 sf " Type of Drgane materiel multln #2 Design volume of the Derelenlad cell cubie feet #) Phosphorus Index ( -II4l of metle (unAless) 25 #2 Pending depth of the design slorm(Inches) )in pO Wll compadan be awge00urin consln¢Iron? Yes #3 is the barerenlon¢Il used for peak ottenuation? Yes #9 W it cell be maintained 10 a one lncMlour standa,J? Yes #3 Do In of peak attenuation Owf planting surface In 24 in #10 Describe the planing plan: "Height of Peak attenuation outlet show the Painting surface n )a Acomputalen of trees, Shrubs, and N:Nawous apama to Mused. " usual rate 01 me in sou s0i nGMou 30 Why "Dif of the urdprd n - site fable 8m "Doesthe desgnlndude Indiana Water Stan.,. HAM? Yes #11 Depth of mulch, Il applebble('mches) 3in W if so alewtlon of the lop of the lWE(ImsO 691H #11 TyDa of muln', Il aDOlSable shretltletl hoNwuOtl " Elewlen of the planting surface(ImSI) 593fl #12 How many dean out pipes are doing Installed? mulliDle 05 Will the cell writer trees and shrubs? Y¢s 1#12 Briefly describe the prelreaMenl that.11 be asap. #5 MHa depth nclies 38n joack fmad lorefiay ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Please use this space to prDWe any affiliated iofofmafwn about this Darerenlian all that gnu think is reactor to the retiew 113 teoretencnn 9 09 AM 10/11/20 V u, _ (n.0 .�'o y. R " z. 5- 11y , :, t. :, I'j. rvp a l�e✓ ' c.� � ( y.r ZL: L%'I it -LI a �. LVD �iI/I I! '� l'Yr aaol.,�%�insYt Cr GI(((.=3 U.� l^•ILn C- n. � MI. 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