HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW1160502_APPROVED PLANS_20160613STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT APPROVED PLANS ❑ HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE YYYYMMDD LEGEND: MAJOR CONTOUR MINOR CONTOUR PROPERTY LINE STREAM CENTERLINE STREAM BUFFER DRAINAGE AREA PROPOSED GRAVEL NOTES & GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL: 1. Do not create any soil disturbance outside of the specified areas on the erosion control plan (by others). 2. Soil disturbance is defined as areas where any of the following features are evident: depressions or wheel tracks, soil displacement, active soil erosion, soil compaction, or removal of vegetated canopy 3. Protect all existing vegetation where feasible 4. All earth moving activities shall be made in a manner that maintains slope stability and remains in compliance with osha standards. 5. Locate all utilities prior to digging. 6. Install all stormwater control measures only after all sediment and erosion on -site is controlled and site is stabilized and seeded. 7. During installation, the contractor shall notify Equinox or owner of any conditions which may be harmful to plant life, such as hazardous materials, etc. 8. Where conflicts occur between notes, drawings, or specifications, the contractor shalt not proceed with the affected work until the landscape architect issues a clarification. CONSTRUCTION: 9. Burning is not permitted. 10. Contractor shall be responsible for providing all applicable building permits, labor, materials, and equipment required to perform the specified work. 11. All aspects of work shall be performed in accordance with all applicable local, state, and federal regulations pertaining to worker safety. 12. All paving materials and workmanship shall be in accordance with the latest edition of the State's DOT "Standard Specifications for Roads and Structures." 13. Ground surface shall be shaped to provide positive drainage. 14. Contractorshall coordinate all site activities with North Carolina Department of Agriculture State Construction Office's Project Manager or designated representative. Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating delivery, storage and handling of all materials required for the project. CONSTRUCTED WETLAND 15. All disturbed areas shall be stabilized within 30 working days following completion of land disturbing activities. If there is more stringent soil stabilization guidelines put in place by local, county, state or federal agencies or called for based on permit requirements then the more stringent guidelines shall control and govern on the Project. 16. Contractor shall remove and dispose of all spoil material off of the Owner's property in compliance with all Federal, State, and Local environmental laws and regulations at the pre -determined landfill site. Landfill fees shall be included in the contractor's project fee. This includes all surplus soil material, unsuitable topsoil, rock, obstructions, demolished materials and waste materials (including trash and debris). GRADING: 17. All spot grades and contours show finish grade. 18. All cut slopes and fill slopes to be 2:1 and 3:1 respectively unless otherwise indicated. 19. Any slopes associated with BMPs shall not exceed 3:1. PLANTING: 20. Call 811 utility locations prior to digging. 21. All planting is to meet requirements set forth in the North Carolina BMP Manual 2007 related to stormwater wetlands. STORMWATER CONTROL MEASURES: 22. Stormwater BMP to be installed only after all sediment and erosion on -site is controlled and site is stabilized and seeded. 23. Construction of wetland may only begin after the entire contributing drainage area has been stabilized. it may be necessary to block certain curb or other inlets while the wetland area is being constructed. 24. To convert the area from sediment basin to wetland, the facility must be completely dewatered, dreged, and regraded to the design dimensions. 25. Check for existing utilities prior to construction. 26. Schedule a preconstruction meeting with the engineer. check the boundaries of the contributing drainage area and inlet elevations to ensure they conform to design. 27. Divert stormwater away from the wetland area until it is completed. 28. Clear and strip project area to desired subgrade. pre-treatment cells (forebays) shall be excavated first and then sealed to trap sediments. 29. Clear and excavate wetland area and place impermeable subgrade. 30. Excavate the core trench for the embankment and install the spillway pipe, outflow structure, and anti -seepage collars as specified. 31. Construct embankment, emergency spillway, and any other specified grading within wetland. 32. Build wetland to finished grade with topsoil. install micro -topographic features and soil amendments. 33. Contact the engineer forconstruction inspection. 34. Install vegetation in accordance with landscape plan (by others) and in accordance with section 9.3.6 of the ncdeq bmp manual and shall explicitly exclude cattails. water vegetation as -required, and install any temporary irrigation. all areas surrounding the wetland are to be planted with grass sod or other approved methods of soil stabilization. all wetland features above the permanent pool elevation should be temporarily stabilized. 35. Wetland shall be stabilized within 14 days of construction and install permanent wetland vegetation. 36. Contact the engineer and landscape architect for final construction inspection. ores N � \ / 1 X 1 1 1 i 1_ \ \ 1 Bypass x 2.64 off -site acres - 1 1 \ � 1 / 1 ♦4*4 �\ / 1 \ \ J \ 4� VICINITY MAP RECEIVED t, z ri o. NO OUALP SITE NC5R 3539 LOCATION 2� ����cye('O ➢m q ^COD �V Q 0- P ( O SCALE) FINAL PLANS FOR REGULATORY REVIEW. THESE PLANS ARE NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION. 0 30' 60. Scale: 1"=60' A, srorod lore x ctwr t'n, r^'s! �Uu" constructio the aWofm -, ,cw"--,'rr�'� !Su d�Gu i is required by ef ruin req", that its, sicr;•r.'v�:f'?r 1,11 Yctori`or;nitY nwdh the InsVoct during Mist u y�,,f` , ,mi,aance with the IG Permit# t� D ate by Revtsi I n Deis Shoot Soil handling: Amend soil as directed by the engineer/ landscape architect. Excavated soil and compacted impermeable layers often lack the nutrients and organic matter needed to support vigorous growth of wetland plants. The topsoil shall be amended with sand, compost, and / orwetland mulch to all depth zones in the wetland. The topsoil shall be a high organic content loam or sandy loam, placed by mechanical methods, and spread by hand. Planting soil depth of at least 4 inches for shallow wetlands. No machinery shall traverse over the topsoil during or after construction. Topsoil shall be tamped as directed in the specifications, not overly compacted. After placement, the topsoil shall be saturated and allowed to settle for at least 6 days prior to installation of plant materials. a m 0 C O G1 o LL y m lO v >. T Co fn y 3 m A m V N \ _ u7 L 03 U/ 0 O t U v M 0 w F-' 0 0 0 I.n 00 Ln N 00 (.0 N N 00 U a�N� N �zC6N r ; N 00 W aj 00 ' 06 wp = 00 0 > dj �� 0 X T ^LL VL ,n a, u .2 a, E Z Y c 0 v Q 0 � c � v UJ uJ I.JJ z u LU c V 0 C > V o 0 z z U � m Vertical Scale: 50' Horizontal Scale: Sheet No.: 1 PERMANENT CHECK DAM DRIVE j I �\ ACCESS 1 1 SMALL SETTLING BASIN Approved dt@rn'n a-r Porrr.:t Documents Construction in a.;;;ard ;rr-e w o t.' -.se documerAs is required by the slavmmrtar ps,mA With Carolina rules require that tim system designer inspoat during construction; cerfiry conYo" with the plans and specs; and ce ly compliance with the stormwster rules. ( t5A t1CAC 2H .1008(j ) Permit # St.r.7 t 16O SO L Date . 2-1- 2016 by AA 'RANAPcLL. Sheet # L t Revision Data S, ZA,26L(, ASSUMED PAVING SECTION. FINAL SECTION AND MATERIAL CONTINGENT ON GEOTECHNICAL DESIGN FINAL PLANS FOR REGULATORY REVIEW. THESE PLANS ARE NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION. 0 15' 30' aScale a N C O .y N LL LL � � .-1 ci � m O co T m N m o N X x v 3 a u 5 m N 0 o U o W I� O f � O V 00 00 (n0N N 00 O U N L N 21)ZOpN r I, N W N o0 N w p = 00 O N N ^^ T U s LL Q rW V a n VL F� O 1 LD z a a V F- < a� ` Z � J V 0 CO o Q rJ a' W i o ) z U V o 0 V a, Q o p V o z V) in Vertical Scale: N/A Horizontal Scale: 30' Sheet No.: L1 OUTLET w/DITCH OUTLET W/0 DITCHtADS D CLASS 'B' BIP RAP CLASS I RIP RAP CLASS 'B' BIP RAP CLASSI1�RIP RAP TONS T LE S.Y. TONS LE TONS T LE S.Y. TONS T LE 12" 2 5 5 2 5 1 4 2 1 4 15" 2 7 7 3 7 1 5 3 2 8 18" 3 10 9 4 10 2 7 4 2 8 24" 5 14 15 7 15 3 11 7 4 12 30" 8 21 21 ti 22 5 18 11 7 17 38" 11 28 29 15 30 7 22 18 10 23 42" 15 37 39 20 39 10 28 22 13 30 72" - - 102 57 104 - - 64 38 78 • - �'�*fie,/'�1 � - o ' fr, .1 1f NOTE:�'- 1 /. CALCULATION PURPOSES _ /1 f;�; frCLASS I RIP RAP = ' 00 -xPLAN D SLOPE 11lt:1 OR FLATTER Zi �. i - PLAN • '/';�� �S:f`�'+fir-- OUTLETGEOTEXTILE SECTION A -A PIPE DITCHWITH I f �fr,r I ��,�'' H= RIP RAP 1 /' 1 1 / N PLANS 1 / 1 SEC ION B-8 T= 12" CLASS V RIP RAP, UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN ON PLANS PIPE • 1 1 1 1 ENERGY DISSIPATORS NTS TOP OF FILL TOP OF FILL TOP OF FILL O Q M Z >woo s as C9 C-; 0 In zo Tn GROUND LINE GROUND LINE GROUND LINE 1--1 ¢ rD- H H Fri O O = = m — - — — — — — _ — — — — — — — —/��— — — — rarrprrr_ CC Z •• 0 Z> _ _gr5lrgu MCnri.rsu T _ rGr r_ _ w ems ugu ¢ar err r_ T r. CC O y CO O �m_ ' " ' 'w_ .rrr_ " ' w Q '•"' = O COMPACT AFTER / \ COMPACT AFTER 1--' O PIPE IS PLACED - - — {\�—//) r PIPE IS PLACED Cn F O J LL .(7 M n Z , 6 PRIOR TO s PLACEMENT OF ti F , & PRIOR TO TYPE IV LG PLACEMENT OF ¢ O ~' Q O 0 '� DT . FILL qua " rrr ENGINEERING .... -• ' FILL .. .. .- ..• .... FABRIC c ;:.t•:.• ... •. .. .. • w Z > 14 O ' Z .:+_ $rnair n —f} 1. 0. /6 YIN. LD./8 MIN. r" NOT LESS THAN 6" 0.0. + 3' NOT LESS THAN 6" NOT LE§$IN. r_, rears qr _ur _urn rw �n-ru THAN 8 n "r-u,s s n EMTH _ _ 12 PER FOOT OF 'H' - rw _r .�rr� rw�r n BUT NOT LESS THM 12' r CL W 0 0 ROCK O.D. + 3' NOR MORE THAN 24 0. 0. + 3' NORMAL EARTH FOUNDATION ROCK FOUNDATION AS DIRECTED BY ENGR. UNSUITABLE MATERIAL FOUNDATION PIPE IN TRENCH TOP OF FILL TOP OF FILL TOP OF FILL 3 Z N .mS rn ----- __ ¢ O = GROUND LINE — GROUND LINE YIN. 0.0 MIN. O.D YIN. 0.0. YIN. O.D. MIN. O.D. MIN. O.D. TYPE IV GROUND LINE ENGINEERING H 3 Q O ♦ - — - !.�'-'��-- •,^ — - - !•� FABRIC -( _ W Z Y D iii i••� Z _q, -lll�l rr Jrr-_rr yra_ 40 -,rr_r rr Jpy-_rrr IIIp = COYP7CT AFTER •. Q a ~ M -n cu _r ;.• :.+ar_ns m�raGl-n, f _ t .• :):..; .: .• •..;:.�:1::^ t CEO :. 1':. .:. .: :••: :'-, _ .. ••'•' �'—&IPRfOR Q 0- m _ �—I.D./8 YIN. TO PLACEMENT OF �urtru=n W l7 Y'1 iH NOT LESS THAN 8"J COMPACT AFTER O.D. + 2' I.D. lB MIN. ursrus nesm _wr_. rw du-n FILL Jrr J,r_ rw du-_rrr I.O./8 YIN. AS DIRECTED NOT LESS THAN 8" MIN. O.D. MIN. O.D. BY ENGINEER Q Z d. M ('� Z 0 PIPEISPLACED NOT LESS THAN 6" 0.0.+ 2' M y D A PRIOR R FOOT 'H' �•- Q PLACEMENT FILL NORMAL EARTH FOUNDATION 7OF BUT NOT LESS THAN ROCK FOUNDATION NOR MORE THAN 24" UNSUITABLE MATERIAL FOUNDATION N � a Z PIPE ABOVE GROUND O C0 r GENERAL NOTES: J 0 TI ..' O I.D. =THE MAXIMUM HORIZONTAL INSIDE DIAMETER DIMENSION. DO NOT OPERATE HEAVY EGUIPYENT OVER ANY PIPE CULVERT UNTIL THE PIPE CULVERT HAS BEEN PROPERLY BACKFILLED AND COVERED WITH AT LEAST 3 FEET OF APPROVED MATERIAL. CS Z O QO.D. = THE MAXIMUM HORIZONTAL OUTSIDE DIAMETER DIMENSION. — - — - - SPRINGLINE OF PIPE W W Z H = THE FILL HEIGHT MEASURED VERTICALLY AT ANY POINT ® SELECT BACKFILL MATERIAL CLASS III OR CLASS II, ALONG THE PIPE FROM THE TOP OF THE PIPE TO THE TOP BELOW SPRINGLINE. OF THE EMBANKMENT AT THAT POINT. APPROVED SUITABLE LOCAL MATERIAL ABOVE SPRINGLINE. - TAKE CARE TO FULLY COMPACT HAUNCH ZONE OF PIPE BACKFILL. pRrrg rrl�� UNDISTURBED EARTH MATERIAL LOOSELY PLACED SELECT MATERIAL CLASS III OR CLASS II, TYPE i FOR PIPE BEDDING. LEAVE SECTION DIRECTLY BENEATH PIPE UNCOYPACTED AS PIPE SEATING AND BACKFILL WILL ACCOMPLISH COMPACTION. SELECT MATERIAL CLASS V OR VI FOR FOUNDATION CONDITIONING. ENCAPSULATE WITH ENGINEERING FABRIC AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. EET 2 OF 3 SHEET 2 OF 3 300.01 300.01 L.OriG t)udi1L'/ �eCii O(1 Asheville FLEXIBLE PIPE o� o0 -� ~Q _ Z Round Corrugated Steel Pipe Round Corruaated Aluminum Pipe Q < 3 > ►r O = r-0'Tl�cn 2 213 x Lz corrugation •• 2 2/3 x L2 corrugation •* IZ-1 ¢ X U Z = IL JpN . CL Z 1m-1 1 > Diameter Minimum cover Maximum Height of Cover (feet) Diameter Minimum cover Maximum Height of Cover (feet) O O = 2 O = D --4 inches inches (Ga) 16 14 12 10 8 inches inches (Ga) 16 14 12 10 8 W CC Z LL = .. Z = 12 12 204 256 12 12 123 155 218 281 344 F- C> cc O �1 Z (n O 0 15 12 162 204 15 12 98 123 174 224 275 = t- Z 1•-1 O O r•- 18 12 135 169 239 18 12 81 102 144 187 228 CA F- IL O J 1"'' n 9 Z 21 12 115 145 204 21 12 69 87 123 160 195 = O Q ' D D 24 12 100 126 178 24 12 60 76 108 139 171 Z 1O•r Cr 4 30 12 79 100 142 27 /2 67 95 123 151 H > ~ ~ r Cn Z 36 12 65 83 117 152 30 12 60 85 111 136 a O 42 48 12 12 55 48 70 100 61 87 130 113 160 139 36 42 12 12 50 71 60 92 78 113 96 ' 0 54 12 54 77 100 123 48 12 52 68 84 80 12 69 90 111 54 12 46 50 74 66 12 81 100 60 12 50 62 72 12 74 91 66 12 51 78 12 81 72 12 4/ 3 84 12 69 Z .4 Z '* FOR DIFFERENT CORRUGATIONS AND ARCH PIPES REFER TO cc M 1'- O O ROADWAY DESIGN MANUAL OR MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATION. 0 N J N 2 REFER TO THE FOLLOWING FOR PIPE SPECIFICATIONS J Cn O IOZ-1 Q r- O CSP - AASHTO M36 t I. J O -1 HOPE ' (Minimum fill) 2' for pipe diameters >_ 12" and < 60" CARP - HOPE - AASHTO M196 AASHTO M294 cc N mQ ITi 1-1 Z • (Maximum fill) 20' for pipe diameters 5 24" PVC - ASTM F949 or AASHTO M304 N ~ -O D 17' for pipe diameters >_ 30" and S So" lrn C PVC - ' (Minimum fill) 2' for pipe diameters >_ 12" and S 36" NOTES: FILL HEIGHTS SHOWN WERE CALCULATED USING Cr Uj Q CD M„� • (Maximum fill) 30' for pipe diameters >_ 12" and < 36" AASHTO LRFD BRIDGE DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS Z N W_ W N D ' FILL HEIGHT IS MEASURED FROM THE TOP OF THE PIPE V MINIMUM COVER FOR ALL SIDE DRAIN PIPE 1- -4 = TO THE BOTTOM OF THE PAVEMENT STRUCTURE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS J ) 11 r. c RIGID PIPE `� LL rM J � >O RCP - • (Minimum fill) 1' for Class IV & CLASS V Z = N = 2' for Class III & Class II REFER TO THE FOLLOWING FOR PIPE SPECIFICATIONS LU �- Z • (Maximum fill) 10' - Class II pipe RCP - AASHTO Ml 70 W ME 20' - Class III pipe 30' - Class IV pipe 40' - Class V pipe (For fills > 40' & < 80' use LRFD Direct Ubsign Method) NOTES: FILL HEIGHTS SHOWN WERE CALCULATED USING ` FILL HEIGHT IS MEASURED FROM THE TOP OF TO THE BOTTOM OF THE PAVEMENT STRUCTURE THE PIPE AASHTO LRFD BRIDGE DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS 1' MINIMUM COVER FOR ALL SIDE DRAIN PIPE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS 1300.011 HEET 3 OF 3 SHEET 3 OF 3 1300.011 RCP INSTALLATION NTS FINAL PLANS FOR REGULATORY REVIEW. THESE DRAWINGS ARE NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION. Approved StorMwOtas Permit Do=m&nts Corstm6on in a„cord ^n+"z wil:h these documents is required by the s,mTnvatar pa:mk. tiurth Cartllina rules require that the sicrmw,::''r system designer pactdwingcO plans s and specs; rand r rtq', C m, Napo with the sto(mwater rules. (15A NCAC 2H .1008 C7) ) Permit# 204- bySU-)W4o�Date5IA.L t7A,/J11FtLL, hd�eivfsioerel•'NM�trW� YOIE, sit 4 (_Revision Date C O .N LL � .-1 Lp t}'D CD DO >. m -0 T -O N - X 0 r-4 H N C C � Y v L w Lrf @ 0 N 0 U tYC 0 NW E-i o Uo T- w (n��N ao PC3 __N q o J C� Y � _u Q v v v m M � 9y" p r OO�in " --I > =-nZDm =00O Z"Iur--n �)G)OM � M Z SECTION Y-Y RISER HT. VARIES z� .e WHERE 30" TO 36" PIPE IS USED L MERE 42" TO 54" PIPE IS USED AIL MOOTING TM HOD SEE rtENERAL NOTES: USE CLASS "S" CONCRETE THNOIAtgUT. PROVIDE ALL CATCH BASINS OVER 3'-8" IN DEPTH WITH STEPS 12" ON CENTER. USE STEPS WHICH COMPLY WITH STO. DRAWING 840.66. OPTIONAL CONSTRUCTION - MONOLITHIC POUR, 2" KEYWAY. OR #4 BAR DOWELS AT 12" CENTERS A8 DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. USE FORMS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE BOTTOM SLAB. IF REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE 13 SET IN BOTTOM SLAB OF BOX, ADD TO BLAB AS SHORN ON STD. NO. 840.00. USE TYPE ^E", "F" AND "0" GRATES UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. FOR 8'-O" IN HEIGHT OR LESS USE 8" WALLS AND BOTTOM SLAB. OVER B'-O" To 16'-0" IN HEIGHT USE 8" WALLS AND BOTTOM SLAB. ADJUST QUANTITIES ACCORDINGLY. CONSTRUCT WITH PIPE CROWNS MATCHING. CHAMFER ALL EXPOSED CORNERS 1". DRAWING NOT TO SCALE. 6^ SECTION J-J WHERE 30" TO 30" PIPE IS USED PLM 0 WHERE 42" TO 54" PIPE IS USED 'nN n• rim Z o0 M 4a Q N-k¢oV 000=z Q0jcocD !-1.4 co I-- F Zcc Oco¢ IL M r C O oZ LL H ca NN m a 4ac=a owe Z¢ W = ►-F-� rnlW- _ 3C N Co 0TZ M _J C) "w Z W I m Z 00 1 •S-901 EXPANSION JOINTS Q 3Q Z ~ i TrT1 T = y-t " « I 8" 6" STD. 840.03 FRAME.LLJ CL W'" Z t« t" GRATE 6 HOOD O O Zy = =-nDym 3" UJVQ02 S ZN ar-M r lima _ \� , �/ f-=~ZW 00„4 i O�LLO_W G7 = Z �N H O Q DD R cWt R ?Q �.-8' D« z r04¢ N r y y m PLAN - a Wyk Cl) Z LL g� LL LL CURB AND GUTTER WITH CATCH BASIN ON STEEP GRADES r W O 3 88 TOP O W - W ELEV. Y, m USE ON FLAT EXPANSION JOINT GRADES 2k AM tNIDER 11 rT -_._... �, « I I DEPRESSED GUTTER LINE EXPANSION JOINT m PLAN OF TOP SLAB SECTION S-S Z ELEVATION c Z Q r NORMAL CURB AND GUTTER ON LIGHT GRADES LL. M ZCOO ►~ C7 N= EXPANSION JOINT NORMAL GUTTER LINE e N Q W CL m to 8" r E #8 "W" BARS #4 BAR TOP $I Q m ~ ELEV. 1 ¢ a' 9 m Z �" "_ I i� USE N GRADES DVEH 2r4 1 w C D o - EPRESSED GUTTER LINE a tI± v EXPANSION JOINT) 10" 8'-p" G w = _n v "" 1 6" Z W i M = D DOWEL ELEVATION W 1' W f SECTION R-R NORMAL CURB AND GUTTER ON STEEP GRADES OL N m� Z T=w NQ JZ Z O Z w = W SW EET 2 OF 2 EET 2 OF 2 i840.02 • RISER HAS .228 CUBIC YARDS OF CONCRETE PER FOOT HEIGHT 840.02 CONCRETE CATCH BASIN Construction '.Place stone to the lines and dimensions shown in the plan on a filter fabric Specifications foundation' 2. Keep the center stone section at least 9 inches below natural ground level where the dam abuts the channel banks. 3. Extend stone at least 1.5 feet beyond the ditch bank (Figure 6.83b) to keep water from cutting around the ends of the check dam. 4. Set spacing between dams to assure that the elevation at the top of the lower dam is the same as the toe elevation of the upper dam. 5. Protect the channel after the lowest check dam from heavy flow that could cause erosion. 6. Make sure that the channel reach above the most upstream dam is stable. 7. Ensure that other areas of the channel, such as culvert entrances below the check dams, are not subject to damage or blockage from displaced stones. 1101 Approved I IIIY MINIMUM D>ETI6ION8 AND pNWTITIFJI f011 COMCWETE CATCH MAIM 8A8ED QU VIM. IIEIOMT N WITH NO RISER DIMENSIONS OF BOX AND PIPE COVER DIMENSION QU.YDS. )KING. IN BOX DEDUCTIONS ONE PIPE C.Y. R.C. PIPE SPAN WIDTH WIDTH SPAR YIN. HEIGHT BAR9-U N0. LENGTH BAR8-V N0. LENGTH BARS-W N0. LENGTH TOTAL L86. TOP SLAB BOTTOM SLAB Wt.�• Ws D A B C 0 M E F t2^ 3•-0^ 2'•2'• -- -- z'•s^ •- .- .. .. -. .. .. .. .- .. o.29s o.n2 o.ot5 o.o2s 15" 3'-0" 2'-2" 3'-0 0.235 0. 0.023 0.036 18" 3'-0" 2'-2" 9'-9" 0.236 O.BB7 0.033 0.048 24" 3•-0" 2'-2" 3'•9" 0.296 1 1 O.Oti9 0.086 30 9'-0" 2'•2" 9'•/" 1 -3 1'-2" 4'•0" 4 t'•5" 2 9'-9" 3 9'-9" 39 0.123 0.32t 1. 3 0.092 0.127 36" 9'-0" 2'-2" 3'-10" 1'-8" 4'-0" 4 1'-1 t" 9 9'-9" 3 3'-9" 49 0. 181 0.368 1 7t4 0.132 0.178 42" 3'-0" 2'-2" 4'-6" 5 -3 1'-6" 9'-2" 4 t'-8" 2 2'-11" 3 2'-11" 92 0.112 0.318 0./80 0.243 48" 3'•0" 2'-2" 5'-0" 5-9 2'-0" 3'-2" 4 2'-3" 9 2'•tt" 3 2'•tt" 95 0.145 0.352 2. 52 0.235 0.317 64" 9'-O" 2'-2" $'-7" 8-3 2'-7" 9'-2" 4 2'-10" 2'-11" 41 0.1e0 0.368 2. 7 0.297 0.401 NTS 1.5' min. 9" min - ----- -- ---- ------ --- -- - ---- Filter Cloth Plan View 12' of NCDOT #5 or #57 washed stone 1.5' Class B Riprap T?I 2' max. at center Filter \Cloth LA MED 4' to 6' Cross -Section View Figure 6.83b Stone check dam stone should be placed over the channel banks to keep water from cutting around the dam. Maintenance Inspect check darns and channels at least weekly and after each significant (1/2 inch or greater) rainfall event and repair immediately. Clean out sediment, straw, limbs, or other debris that could clog the channel when needed. Anticipate submergence and deposition above the check dam and erosion from high flows around the edges of the dam. Correct all damage immediately. if significant erosion occurs between dams, additional measures can be taken such as, installing a protective riprap liner in that portion of the channel (Practice 6.31, Riprap-line and Paved Channels). Remove sediment accumulated behind the dams as needed to prevent damage to channel vegetation, allow the channel to drain through the stone check dam, and prevent large flows from carrying sediment over the dam. Add stones to dams as needed to maintain design height and cross section. References Runoff Conveyance Measures 6.30, Grass -lined Channels 6.31, Riprap-lined and Paved Channels North Carolina Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Roads and Structures PERMANENT CHECK DAM Reference: NC Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual FINAL PLANS FOR REGULATORY REVIEW. THESE DRAWINGS ARE NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION. Stornl'nac�T Pertnat �,ta:urnenb Constmcil�n in 13,cumOrlb is required by the st�-�rm:aztar t::arrt. North Carolina rules require that G ro stcrmw�tar system designer Inaiuct during conetrucN7n; cc"iti contomtXy vNrSt Ore plans and specs; and rtnify comptiarrca with the stormwatar rules. (15A NCA� 2H .2008 (j) ) Permtt # S W ��0 0 SO Z Dale 5 27 2 ��o by W'�t l N9PktL Sheet # L 3 Revision Date 5 • �7p (•L O ov o: LL LL � N '-1 N m O m T m y CD � N X X '^ tc1 NW O t~�t (np�p(DN _ N 1'7 00 tJ.11 n1 In N �z��l �/1 W � J Z Q � V u � a to >= m C V) m O Q � � v � N Z d-J T u bb (� � _ U o a � o VQ aQ, F¢-- V o � LLl Z Vertical Scale: N/A Horizontal Scale: N/A Sheet No.: L3 1 r 1 r 1 r 1 , 1 r 1 ' r ' r 1 r ; -- ------- 64------------ 0 0 - 2p6 2p5 0--ZZZ:*0� I i J /C M® fit... ,. WETLAND OUTLET DEVICE L2 18" RCP 16 LF INVERT OUT= 2059.5 •�'mummr =NERGY DISSIPATOR �..wimmi.■ Mamma. ■ems. ■..ummaim as ism ems. ■�.■-. ■_■■ L ........�...�...-..n.,....�..-- .■.. I 206 �......� ....... <".,.EMEME 2062 mma"es° sir William a ME 06 \ \ME • WETLAND PLAN VIEW _ WETLAND ZONE LEGEND ZONE SURFACE AREA SHALLOW LAND 39% (8,949SF) SHALLOW WATER 38% (8,664SF) DEEP POOLS GRAVEL PARKING AREA SCALE:1"=20' WETLAND ZONE SURFACE AREAS SECTION VIEW SCALE: V=30' NTS COMPACTED STRUCTURAL FILL 100 S',4?s• REMOVABLE ALUMINUM GRATE SUPPORTED BY STEEL ANGLE 1.5' DIAMETER ORIFICE (X2) REMOVABLE ALUMINUM GRATE SUPPORTED BY STEEL ANGLE 3'X'3 CATCH BASIN 1.5" DIAMETER ORIFICE (X2) 3' DIAMETER DRAWDOWN VALVE 18" RCP RIM ELEVATION 2061.5 ORIFICE INVERT 2060.5 RCP INVERT 2060.0 NOTES: 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS OF PROPOSED STRUCTURE. SHOP DRAWINGS SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER/LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO FABRICATING THE TOP, 2. A FABRICATED CONCRETE STRUCTURE MAY BE SUBSTITUTED IN PLACE OF NCDOT CATCH BASINS PROVIDED ALL OTHER SPECIFICATIONS AND DIMENSIONAL REQUIREMENTS ARE MET.;ti' ts«� WETLAND OUTLET DEVICE a t cticn NTS T P nvcd Ifc, E . atrNMi Construculn r ,_ _-�um■rltsl� required by the Carotlna rules require thel !:& sk>r� ,� r ,y �.sFr designer lnsirmt during aonetraaienrti cuntonnaty wi8r Plans and srfi11t r_cc: an- (e*!" eo:n liana. with the atormwater rules (? 5A hC: ;: °H .1 008 0) ) Permit # 5—W 116 OSO Z- Date 15, 2-, w I.. by--t,4 veAt0,DNL& Revision Dated •ifs. I(. FINAL PLANS FOR REGULATORY REVIEW. THESE PLANS ARE NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION. m 0 0 .y � LL G CO }o O mCu m y T m N x x v ; 00 3 0114 W U 5 0 O t1 V O �W D 0 CO 00 (n000N _NM00 OUNLn N N � z I-y Op fj U) N W N o0 N wao 0 = N aj 0 X �T � Q U' O S A V! r-- O J kD Q CL a U u � E m („) CO o v LU Q R v co a, Cn i O` ate-+ z 75 p V U u o z o Q U o J z c z DO Vertical Scale: N/A Horizontal Scale: N/A Sheet No.: L2