HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070124 Ver 1_Shoreline Stabilization_20070123FR(]M RANDY DUNCAN CA130T STAINS Pt~IE N(). 704 3994355 DUKE POtittER LAKE MANAGEMENT, ECi2-Q P. a. Box twos CHARLQTTE, NC x8201-1806 ?04-382-t 567 OR TOLL FREE 1-800.443-5t 93 Jan. 06 2~7 06:45AM P2 20070 1 24 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO STABILIZE THE SHORELINE iN NORTH CAR Please type or print and A11 in al! blanks. If information is not applicable, so indicate by placing NJA in blank. PLEASE SUBMIT APPLiCAT10N AND APPti4PRWTE DUKE FK?1MFR Fu IAM: mac, an,vAOLc ~ u uustt rc~w~lt, To ABOVE ADDRESS. P ~ I I) i. Appiiaaltt IMormation A. Name Larry G. Powell 111 B. Mailing Address 7707 Watthaii Court -Charlotte, NC 28210 C. Telephone 704~fi.3~B04 li. tcfCation afi Proposed Project A. take Norman B. Street Address Conner Cove Laps C. County Lincoln D. City, Tam, Community Qr Lamdmark Denver E. Section Lot # 3 SutxBvision L.~hthouse Pointe F. Directions to property by toad Hwy 16 N to Oemer - Right on Unity Church Rd LsR on Conner Cove Lane - tot on right G. Latitude and kmgkude for the project site 0 'SO . t,J H. Pkrase submit a map showing the coordinates or a de4~d map (USGS quad map, city wrap. etc.j showing the exact location of the project site. (NOTE: Latitude/iangitudeeoordinates can be found on intemet site. www.mapsonus.com. 1)ir+ections: Don't r+egistwr, elicit °Maps', enter address, draw map, select `Map Clicking Wiil...", select "LatJlong•, dick rrlapj iq. Descript~rr of Project D ,-~ ~ ~ a V (~ D A. Lengttr of wort 100• ~ ~'/ t5 B. Material Boulder Rip Rap JAN ~ ~ X007 C. Distance from preperty linelshoretine YYill follow existing shorolit~s A7~FZ l:1Wt~Lt t 1' VYBTlANgB MID SiY1R~'WAY~ BP~+NC~ IV. Intended Use of Project Area A Private X ~ - B. Commenaai f / V. Applicant Sin ~~ `'c~~L ~ r i Date ~ 1 ~ ~! ~ o~ ~'~ A C.OAY Of= THE t.'OMPLEiE MPUCATION WITH /1 i2QAtl MAP SHOWING LOC/1TK)P- OF THE PROPERTY MUST ~ SV~rTTID TO: US ARMY CQRPS ~(6:IMGIi>f~R3„ 13t PAi?gN AV~WJ~ ROAM ~ ~ IiIC tfa0~!-1i00i ~ A GOPY OF T1iE'OWCE POKIER 11PPLICAT'IOIM FOR PERMIT TO STA~Li~ TttE SHORELINE IN NORTH C,AROWNA" AND SEVEN (7) COPIES OF THf= CaMPLETED "NC C1IVISION OF WATER QUAL.rTY PRE NOTIFICJITION APPLrCAT10N' lAl1ST 8E s~rr>=n wlTrl T~ ow+stoN ul~ wATQt twntnY AP~t.tcAtloN ~E To: rwc avr~aw of warar auArm, arrr~l~lnpv: cyr,~s Xaeary, PARKVISWBLOG., 7321 CR~187REtEBLVA. RALEIGH, NC Z76rM, PfIO>i~ 9'/>}Tl~17~6 2 0 0 7 0 1 2 4 401 WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION APPLICATION The following is an abbreviated application form for those applying fora 401 Water Quality Certification to impact FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission} regulated lake shore or bottom under the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Permit GP30. This Application cannot be used for wetland or stream impacts. Please provide seven (7) copies of this application and supporting information as well as a non- refundable application fee to the Division of Water Quality of $200.00 for impacts to lake bottom of less than 1 acre and $475.00 for impacts to lake bottom of greater or equal to 1 acre. APPLICATIONS TO BE SENT TO: DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY WETLANDS UNIT 1650 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NC 27699-1650 1. Applicant Information 1. Owner/Applicant Information Name Larry G. Powell III Mailing Address 7707 Walthall Court Charlotte, NC 28210 Telephone Number 704-953-5604 Fax Number E-mail Address bpoweil~dynacast.com 2. Agent Information (A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter must be attached if the Agent has signatory authority for the owner/applicant.) Name Chip Bridges Company Affiliation CBC Custom Shorelines, Inc. Mailing Address 628 Oakridge Fans Hwy Mooresville, NC 28115 Telephone Number 704-660-5111 Fax Number 704-660-5969 E-mail Address cbcseawalls~aol.com Project Information Attach a vicinity map clearly showing the location of the property with respect to local landmarks such as towns, rivers, and roads Also provide a detailed site plan showing property boundaries and development plans in relation to surrounding properties. You may use the diagram below to make a hand sketch of your project. Also, see the example below for guidance. Both the vicinity map and site plan must include a scale and north an'ow. The footprints of all buildings, impervious surfaces, or other facilities must be included. Location County Lincoln Nearest Town Denver Subdivision name or site address (include phase/lot number): Lighthouse Pointe FROM RANDY DUNCAN CABOT STAINS PFCNE NO. 704 3994355 Jan. 06 2007 06:46AM P3 Directions to si#e -- please include road numbers, landmarks, etc. (This is not necessary rf an adequate vicinity map i5 included): Hwy 16 N to Osnver -Right on Unity Church Rd -Left on Conner Cove lane -lot on right 2. Describe the existing land use or condition of the site at the time of this application: Woodsd Lot 3. Property size (acres): d - 4. Nearest body of water (stream/river/sound/vicean/iaKe): Nom~an 5. Describe the purpose of the proposed work: Stabilise siwneune with Boulder RIP Rap - ro control erosion - ti. List the type of equipment to be used to construct the project Wo-k was done BY land 7. Amount of impact (including aN e~avatiOn, backf~ll, rip rap, retaining waNs, etc.) below 3' x 100' 8. a. Amount of impact (including all clearing, back fill, excavation, rip rap, retaining watts, etc.) above the normal pool lake level and 50 feet land-ward in square feet or acres; 1' x 100' b. Please describe vegetation above the normal pool fake level and 50 feet land-ward bo be impacted (number of trees for instance): Wooded -Will only renwve trees that Are endangered of falling, ~~ ~ ~ , ~ K ~"'~ ApPlicant/Agent's Slgnalure ~, (Age'tYs slgnaptre is valid ony ifart auMorisabat teller lhDr+- tAe ap~plipntls prpvJdtpq Lake (Fula Pond} ~ r Furl Pond ~ ~~ ~ r'P Shoreline ~,~' Please approximately sketch the following information on this plan (ptease provide dimensions for each item, such as 10 ft. x 100 ft.): 1) All proposed vegetation clearing (provide dimensions) 2) Location of rip rap or fill to be placed above the Full Pond elevation 3) Location of rip rap or fill to be placed below the Full Pond elevation 4) The location of any proposed structures such as buildings, retaining walls, docks, etc. 5) The location of any excavation or dredging below the Full Pond elevation. 6) Location of construction access corridors. Name: _Lazry G. Powell III Mailing Address: 7707 Walthall Court Town & State: Chazlotte, NC 28210 Lake Address:_Lot 3_Conner Cove Lane -Denver, NC 28037 Feet of shoreline and material: 100' - Boulder Rip Rap AMOUNT OF FILL L ~ g CUBIC YARDS Elevation 760 ft. Full Pool Norman Summer Pool 758 ft. (` ~-~ v ~- ` `~,,: ~L 15'1 ' 3 ` ~~ ~.v ~ CROSS SECTION ~. - '. ,. • . .~ '. o ! +~` , _ :: o \` ~~~ ~l a' `\\ `, . \ i M1 ~ I .D ~ L .} ..L c1T •r'' 7 ~! so. ~f~ ~. ~ ' `7, .. ~ es ~., s .. ,,,~ .S ,, ; . ~, . ,W s~..k 4 ' v- ro .T I ~' ' f/ .. ^. Z. BUSS =~ "~ & oT~]IJKS , ~' -~' O , . ~ Off' `-' '~~ r0 O~ ~`Y '.t G Q 'N O ~ L $ _ O ~.v ~ t~ ~ 1 F,~i.`~ 1 tit{. ft. -~ N . ~ 1. L - C i ~~ `'•" ~: r' S " . h C ° 'r o - ;n, m: -_ . -, , - ' . , , . 56 I ?6 . . ~ . ~ w r .. ti.. .. '~ W in ti _~ ~; ~, - ~, - LAKE NORM m _ ti J - ~ ` ~ STR EET DISCL OSURE ST, rn err:, r.r..: tr,F ;G ~E ~.t ~~; :.F':... ~ rF ; he Nrl L -'29 ' '' '• r•i 3tJ, ~TF~E~ , ... ~ :,M1Tt M1GHW O .r.•~ ~ ., ate:. ;.. • : I ;, . , ~~ g'' ~ "~ J ~ LET ~ ' - ~ c-~• ' c. J a 6J- . J~ 4 i y ~~~ S( _ f ~ n :~ :lt i l l ! ~ , ~ i. l. r _. y I J r W Ul. , ~~ ! ti •~ ~o LOT 2 ;; N :.5f' _---`-.t,. A ~ 1;4A$ 1 .~t i'(!NN , ~ 1•~ 5~Q 3y. !l. , s5o _J ` '--~- -- l r 3 6 00 , .~ lN, la _ ~.. ~p '6. O. ~~ ,. ._. .. ~ ~ LOT #1 o v~ ... •32. F ~~ ;~. ^ ;,' .., .,w,.. »'».n .. r . ~ i (' . . s . ~ ;. `~- A~rllr, Mf .!. M, •. ' • ~. ~' •- . ~7 ~ 411. M,.. M 4Fk ~ .. .. f _~t, , a~ • n ~ 3a3 . - ~f. r. ,y.~. .. :.. F•r'r! L(V'f »EC A4 . a ..Vf . f: , . .. A4 :. '• ~ S vas r ,~ .. ' 7 . .Jl .. I,I a 1. 'h ! A Y. T. "• .h I!It h, .. . t . ... ' .. .. . ..yi~ ~ .t - ML ~r.i~414~t ' ` U T ri (• C-. r .. I, • A N' r .. F A: _ ; f .. • , r. .. .. '.i 153 -' I U ~' ~' G - s3 , -'--__ , -• .. ._ ~i: of SE 6'... t _ a _..< .- f, :, : . ( .i .. i ~1 . `.~ ~I l - +~. h .' A'. ~ 1 :. c. ~ - .. h n2o 'z ~~- t .. `3 CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY 8 ACCURACY: STATE OF NOS: TH ~AE~20t_ INA _---.-_-_- C.UUNT r i, PHfLL;P A. HARRIS, CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP WA5 (DRAWN BY ME) iDRAWN UNDER MY SUPEkVISiON) FROM (AN ACTUAL SURVEY MADE BY ME) (AN ACTUAL SURVEY MADE UNDFk MY SUPERVISION) (DEED DESCRIPTION RECORDED IN SOUK ____ PAGE _, DOOK _ PAGE _ DOOK PAGE ___ ) THAT THE RATIO OF PRECiS1ON AS CALCULATED DY f-niITUDES AND DEPARTURES IS I: __ _ (THAI 1HE DOUNDARIES NUT SURVEYED ARE SHOWN AS BROKEN LINE5 PLliT1ED FROM INFORMATION FOUND IN BOOK PAGF _ _): THAI THIS MAP WAS PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH G.S. ~37-3U. A5 AMENDED. WITNESS MY ORIGINAL SIGNATURE AND SE Ai THIS THE ___-- DAY OF --___---• A. D. 2003. .'S~ CAgO( -- ---- ~~~pQ- ~~,', PROFESS IONAt '- ANC `.:URVE YOR i. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ LICENSE N+)ME3E R S ~ ~ ~ - i~ P~ is A N I FURTHER CfRTIFY THAT THIS SURVEY CREATES A SUSGIVISION .N i»N AR'cA ?HAT HAti A 6UBD;v1510N ORDINANCE- .\ " J:-R~ _ I . ti' 5 G2 /~ ~ti G~ ~ti ~~ ~~ 60 0 60 120 180 ~ r-~_ T- r ___ .~___.. _.. _ _-_ r- - _. - __ - -- ~~~ GRAPHIC SCALE -FEET 2 m flr .;~•c ~.. O ~~ X7~ l~ ~~. _._ DIRECTIONS BY ROAD FORM Lake Use Permit Applicants and Contractors: Ease of locating the proposed project site can have a big impact on permit processing time. Please complete this form and return it along with your completed permit application to: DUKE POWER C/O LAKE MANAGEMENT - EC 12 Q P. O. BOX 1006 CHARLOTTE, NC 28201-1006 1-800-443-5193 Applicant's Name: Larry G. Powell III Lake Name: Norman Subdivision Name: Lighthouse Pointe Property Section: Lot (s): 3 City: Denver County: Lincoln State: NC Zip: 28037 Telephone: _704-953-5604 Type of Permit Requested "Circle": Private Facility Commercial Facility Excavation Stabilization Conveyance Miscellaneous Uses Directions (from major road or highway): Hwy 16 N to Denver -.Right on Unity Church Rd -Left on Conner Cove Lane - 1St lot on water Descriptive Structure U on Propert~(i.e. brick garage, white fence, mobile home, etc. Wooded lot on right - 1St lot that has waterfront. *Note: Please use the back of this form, if desired, to draw us a map to the site. Printable map of Morris Ln, Denver, NC Maps Otr Us n se rvlci: aT ~ :: r_c.:C 1~rc.con~: Location Map Morris Ln Denver, NC 28037 Page 1 of 1 Westport ~',~t,~n~, i_r_ ti3~ R~ C~`~y ~ Morris Ln . fin!' church Rd ~a`+dg9 ~d ®2006 Microsoft Cop ®2005 pAViEQ, ana JorGDT, Inc. i._ ... i mi 0,2 0. Use this map or these directions at your own risk. No representation or warranty is made as to their accuracy, completeness or drivability. Infospace and Switchboard will not be responsible for any damages, losses or delays which result from using these directions. Obey all traffic regulations. htip://www.mapsonus.com/bin/cgimap.dll?FLJNC=MAP&SID=iu5f5x453gmkva45r0ekug... 1 /15/2007 Maptech MapServer MAP'iE~H !IAPSERVER 35.492199° N ~ 80.973530° W ., ~~ ~~~ ,, '~~'. ~~~ ~ ~- ep~ %` f~. ~• 1`~~ ,. i; ~,, -' L A ~ .~' 35.492199° N 80.952614° W~ y { ~~ ~,? -~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ *~, _ ,~ ~~ ~' '~ s. ,r '"'-„ 5 ~ ' ~~ ~ r .~.....~ ~ , } '; ;' f~at'n(> ,,f •+ ~~ ~ - ~ ~.. ~, r ~ ~~ T, ~~ ~ ` 1 ~ _ ~: ,, :>~ ,:}.~~ - ~[~n ~ .; AllRigfi:.-f -~r P'~-•:`f, tda~~~aafinn '~ ~ 35.475199° id ~ ~'~ . 35.475199° N~ 80.973530° W 80.952614° W wwta.r»apiech.com MAP'F[c';-; To order call 888-839-5551 or 97$-933-3000 O 1989 - 2007 Maptech, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Maptech C~ is a registered trademark of Maptech, Inc Page 1 of 1 http://mapserver.maptech.com/api/api_includes/navigator.print.cfm?height=500&width=4... 1 / 15/2007 ~~ ~ -,~ ~i ~Y E,l ~~ ~ ~ ~ a_ . F r ~> -~ . w„ - ~° kA fi v ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ fo'k ~k ~ y t ~~ ~ ~+K S p y ~ ~ x: ~ ~ ~ 'a ~ ,.. `.S 4 ^.. ~ >. ~'~' 4 ~V'RN ~ ~~ - ~7 S 'R A .i ~! "`~ n ; ~ 3 r d,r ~,~~. ~s ~.~,~ ~ ~~= ~s ~~,. ~~ i~ 3.k ~ ~ N '~ ,-~ - ~ -~ S \_ .T~- ~ .. Y ' ~_ a: ~~ _, ~~ *~` d 5 r ~~~ . ~~ Q i ~ J ~: .- _ ~ ~r ~, - _ DY ivy b ~ ^6 F ,a'Ny Vin. n" u' 14 t`~A M a s r '~ ~ - I w' 4`~ nV ~. ~ ~ ~ ~~'y s