HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG030085_2021 DMR_20210913DAIMLER Sean Quarry Sr. Environmental Engineer Daimler Trucks 1800 North Main Street Mount Holly, NC 28 120 704.822.7034 Phone September 10, 2021 NCDEO. - Division of Water Resources 610 East Center Avenue Suite 301 Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 To whom it may concern: Please find the enclosed August Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) #001 and #002 forms for the Daimler Trucks NA, LLC - Mount Holly Truck Manufacturing Plant JMP). The August stormwater samples were not collected during this month. According to rainfall data collected for the month, there was no qualifying rain event (as defined by General Permit No. NCG030000). Shield was successful in September at collecting an adequate sample. Daimler remains in Tier 3 at SDO #001 and SDO #002 for Zinc and Copper. Shield will continue to perform monthly sampling per Tier 2 requirements until instructed to decrease sampling frequency by Daimler. Should you have any questions, please contact me at 704-822-7034 or sean.a uarrv@da imler.com. Sincerely, Daimler Trucks NA, LLC 'd .z� Sean Quarry Sr. Environmental Engineer Enclosures — Shield Engineering, Inc. Cover Lefler and DTNA signed DMR forms 0iSHIELD ENGENEERINCC September 3, 2021 Mr. Scan Quarry Daimler Trucks North America, U.0 1800 North Main Street Mount Holly, NC 28120 Subject: Monthly Sampling — August 2021 NPDES General Permit No. NCG030000 Daimler Trucks of North America LLC - Mount Holly, North Carolina Shield Project No. 1140109-08 Dear Mr. Quarry: There were no qualifying rainfall events for the month of August 2021 as defined by General Permit No. NCG030000. As a result, no monthly stormwater samples were collected for Stormwater Discharge Outfalls (SDO) #001 and SDO #002 at the Daimler Trucks — Mount Holly Facility in August. According to rainfall data' collected for the month, five rain events or group events occurred on August 3', August b�', August 10', August 25', and August 3111, producing 0.28 inches, 0.04 inches, 2.35 inches, 0.32 inches and 0.60 inches of rain, respectively. However, each of these events took place after normal business hours, within 72 hours of the rain event, or did not produce enough rainfall to collect a sample. Shield will continue to monitor daily weather conditions and attempt coordination of appropriate staff and resources to facilitate adequate sample collection. A partially completed Discharge Monitoring Report form is attached to this cover letter for signature of the appropriate authorized permittee and submittal to the State. Daimler remains in Tier 3 at SDO 4001 and SDO #002 for Zinc, Copper and TSS. Shield will continue to perform monthly sampling per Tier 2 requirements until instructed to decrease sampling frequency by Daimler. Shield greatly appreciates the opportunity to provide environmental services to Daimler Trucks, North America. If you have any questions in reference to this document or require further information, please tccl free to contact either of the undersigned at (704) 394-6913. Respectfully, SHIELD ENGINEERING, INC. Magdaline Tzannis Senior Project Manager V nweI Senior Robert L. Griffin, PE President/CEO Attachment: Discharge Monitoring Report — August 2021 1 Rainfall data collected from www.wundemround.cnm 4301 Taggart Creek Road www.shieldengineering.com Charlotte, NC 28208 Telephone 704.394,6913 License No. F-0856 NCDEQ Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Stormwater Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) Form for NCG030000 Metal Fabrication Click here for instructions Complete, sign, scan and submit the DMR via the Stormwater NPOES Permit Data Monitoring Re ort UMIt Upload fnrni within 30 days of receiving sampling results. Mail the original, signed hard copy of the DMR to the appr❑priatc DFfvltR Re', lonal Office. Certificate of Coverage No. NCG03 0085 Facility Name: Daimler Trucks - Mount Holly Person Collecting 5amples: NA Laboratory Name. NA Facility County: Gaston Laboratory Cert. No.: NA Discharge during this period Yes [j No (if no, skip to signature and dare) Has your facility implemented mandatory Tier response actions this sample period for any benchmark exceedances? Yes + No If so, which Tier (I, 11, or I11)? A copy of this DMR has been uploaded electronically via tittps:lledocs.deg.oic.gov/Fnrili�S_WjDM I Yes N❑ Date Uploaded: 2 Analytical Monitoring Requirements for Outfalls with industrial Activities — Benchmarks in (Red) Parameter Code Parameter Outfall001 Outfall002 outfall Qutfall Outfall N/A Receiving Stream Class WS-IV; CA WS-IV: CA N/A Date Sample Collected MM/DD/YYYY NOE NOE 46529 24-Hour Rainfall in inches C0530 T55 in mg/L (100 or 50*) 00400 PH in standard units (6.0— 9.0 FW, sW) 01119 Capper, total recoverable in mg/L (0.010 FW, 0.0058 5W) 01051 Lead, total recoverable in mg/ L 0.075 FW, D.22 5Wj 01094 Zinc, total recoverable in mg/ L (0.126 FW, 0.095 SW) 00340 Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) in mg/L (120) 00552 Non -Polar Oil & Grease in mg/L j15) * 0utfalls to Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW), High Qua Iity Waters (HQW), Trout Waters jTrl and Primary Nursery Areas (PNAy have a benchmark TSS limit of 50 mg/L. All other water classifications have a benchmark of 100 mg/L FW (Freshwater) SW (5aItwater) Notes (optional): "f certify by my signature below, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision In accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to best of my knowledggand belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false inforrn;OX, including the puss' y of fines and Imprisonment for knowing violations." Signature of Krmittee or Yelegated Authorized Individual cvQ i , gtA4rt,- & C4."11 /a r. r� -t Email Address Date 7, y/_?zl -71 V,? Phone Number �� f