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NC0023884_Industrial User_20211006
Saffsburpawan October 1, 2021 Mr. Michael Montebello NC Division of Water Resources Water Quality Permitting Municipal Unit-Permitting RECEIVED 1617 Mail Service Center OCT 0 6 2021 Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Re: Transmittal of Permit: NCDEQ/DWR/NPDES 0034- Thorneburg Hosiery Mills, Inc. Dear Mr. Montebello: Please find enclosed the following permit and the reason for reissuing. IUP Reason for Reissuing 0034-Thorneburg Hosiery Mills Permit Renewal If you need any additional information, or have any questions, you may contact me at(704) 638- 5375. Sincerely, Je ery A Greer Pretreatment Program Coordinator ENCLOSURES CC:PT files 1915 Grubb Ferry Road Salisbury-Rowan Utilities Telephone(704)638-5375 Salisbury,NC 28144 Environmental Services Division Fax (704)638-8476 Salichuryliwan UTILITIES September 30, 2021 Mr. Tim Hiatt Thorneburg Hosiery Mills, Inc. 319 Link Street Rockwell,NC 28138 Subject: Renewal of Pretreatment Discharge Permit#0034 Thorneburg Hosiery Mills, Inc. Dear Mr. Hiatt: You will find enclosed Thorneburg Hosiery Mills',Inc.Pretreatment discharge permit#0034 located in Rockwell NC,Rowan County. The permit renewal includes the following changes: • Decreased permitted DailyMaximum Flow limit from .175 mgd to .100 mgd. • Decreased BOD pounds/day limit from 438 to 250. • Decreased COD pounds/day limit from 876 to 500. • Decreased TSS pounds/day limit from 438 to 250. • Decreased TKN pounds/day limit from 58 to 33. • Decreased Total Copper pounds/day limit from 0.089 to 0.051. • Decreased Total Zinc pounds/day limit from 0.256 to 0.146. • Removed Mercury and Silver from Effluent Limits Table. • Removed all language in Part III Specific Conditions pertaining to Total Mercury. Please read this permit carefully so that you will be fully aware of these changes. It is the permittee's responsibility to do so, and to fully comply with all of the permit's requirements. If any requirements contained in this permit are unacceptable,you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty (30) days following the receipt of this letter. Unless such demand is made, the provisions of the enclosed permit shall be final and binding. If you have questions regarding this permit or related matters, please do not hesitate to contact me or Sonja Basinger at(704) 638-5375. Sincerely, / i { Jeffery A Greer Pretreatment Coordinator Enclosures 1915 Grubb Ferry Road Salisbury-Rowan Utilities Telephone(704)638-5375 Salisbury,NC 28144 Environmental Services Division Fax (704)638-8541 Sa/isbu -RRwan UTILITIES RECEIVED PERMIT O.6 2021 INDUSTRIAL USER PRETREATMENT PERMIT(RIP)TO DISCHARGE WASTEWATER UNDER THE CITY OF SALISBURY INDUSTRIAL PRETREATMENT PROGRAl1CDEQ/DWR/NPDES 0034 N/A IUP Number 40 CFR Category In compliance with the provisions of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, any applicable Federal categorical pretreatment regulations, all other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the City of Salisbury Sewer Use Ordinance. The following industry, hereafter referred to by name or as the permittee: Industry Name,Permittee: THORNEBURG HOISERY MILLS., INC. SIC Code: 2252 Facility Location: 319 Link Street Mailing Address: P.O.BOX 579 Rockwell North Carolina 28138-0579 Contact&Phone: Mr.Tim Hiatt(800)438-0286(Rockwell) Alternate Contact&Phone: Brad Warren (704)872-6522 Ext.6417 is hereby authorized to discharge wastewater from the facility located at the above listed address into the sanitary sewer collection system and the Town Creek Wastewater Treatment Train of the City of Salisbury listed below: Name of City Facility: City of Salisbury WWTP Name of Treatment Train Town Creek Treatment Train NPDES Number: NC0023884 Treatment Facility Physical Location 850 Heiligtown Road East Spencer, NC 28039 in accordance with effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and all other conditions set forth in Parts I,II, and III of this Industrial User Pretreatment Permit(RIP). This permit and the authorization to discharge shall become effective at midnight on: November 1, 2021 This permit and the authorization to discharge shall expire at midnight on: October 31, 2026 3 O Si.--P'r'EMB ZoZ Date Signed Sonja inger,Envir,T ental Services Manager SIU CODE: THR IUP No.0034 Page 1 of 18 Part I Specific Conditions A. IUP Basic Information: Receiving Control Authority&WWTP Name: POTW NPDES#: City of Salisbury/Town Creek WWTT NC0023884 IUP Name: IUP Number: Thorneburg Hosiery Mills,Inc. 0034 IUP Effective Date: Pipe Number: November 1,2021 01 • IUP Expiration Date: RIP 40 CFR#: October 31, 2026 N/A B. IUP Modification History: Effective Date Renewal or Modification Description of changes over previous IUP 11/13/95 Renewal 5/14/97 Renewal 11/6/98 Modified Increased daily flow limit and added monthly average flow limit 5/8/02 Renewal Issued a new permit 5/13/02 Modified Added more pretreatment description and waste stream information. 1/16/04 Modified New permit format and new mercury requirement. 6/11/05 Modified Added new monitoring requirement for silver. 5/15/07 Renewal Issued a new permit 3/21/08 Modified New permit format 6/26/09 Modified New permit format and added Ammonia nitrogen monitoring requirement. 12/21/11 Renewal New permit format. Added state language for Part II General Cond.(2)Reporting;decreased due date for permit renewal applications and notification of process changes from 180 to 90 days;added Slug/ Spill chart to Part III Special Cond.(1);decreased POTW monitoring frequency from 1/6 to 1/12; updated Part III Special Cond.(4);added Part III Special Cond.(5)Certified Laboratory Analysis; changed Part I Specific Cond. (10)(A)(3)from 0.5 hours to 1.0 hour;changed Part I Specific Cond. (8)(e&f)Definitions and(9)(a)Monitoring by the Permittee(Self-Monitoring);increased pH range from 6-9 s.u.to 6-10 s.u.;added monitoring requirements for Chloroform,Antimony and Chromium. 2/21/13 Modified Removed self-monitoring requirements for chloroform,pH,and Temperature. Updated permit language in Part II,Section 5 and Section 16. SIU CODE: THR IUP No.0034 Page 2 of 18 Part Specific Conditions B. IUP Modification History(Continued): Effective Date Renewal or Modification Description of Changes Over Previous IUP 11/15/16 Renewal Issued new permit; updated format to reflect state model;changed all references of NCDENR to NCDEQ and DWQ to DWR; pH and Temperature IU monitoring frequency changed to daily;changed flow reports due date to postmarked no later than the 7'h of each month; revised Special Conditions Section 5 Flow Measurement Requirements to include sampling equipment maintenance and pH meter calibration requirements;decreased Daily Max Flow limit from 0.250 MGD to 0.175 MGD; removed Monthly Flow Limit of 0.200 MGD; changed the Daily Max Limits(lbs/day)of the following parameters to reflect 0.175 MGD flow& SUO limits: BOD from 500 to 438 lbs/day,COD from 1200 to 876 lbs/day,TSS from 135 to 438 lbs/day,TKN from 35 to 58 lbs/day,Copper from 0.120 to 0.089 lbs/day,and Zinc from 0.250 to 0.256 lbs/day; decreased IU monitoring from 2/6 to 1/6 for the Silver,Antimony,Chloride and Chromium parameters; removed the monitoring for the Oil& Grease and Ammonia Nitrogen parameters. 8/28/2020 Modified Changed business name from Thorneburg Hosiery Co.,Inc.(Thor-Lo)to Thorneburg Hosiery Mills, Inc. Changed alternate contact from Rick Mathena to Brad Warren. 11/13/2020 Modified Changed language in Part III Specific Conditions Section 2.Total Mercury to reflect test Method EPA 1631 E will be used for mercury monitoring and changed the minimum quantitation detection level to 1 ng/L.Added laboratory detection levels to Effluent Limits Table. 11/1/2021 Renewal Deceased Daily Flow Maximum from .175 mgd to .100 mgd; Decreased Bod#'s/day limits from 438 to 250;Decreased COD#'s/day limits from 876 to 500; Decreased TSS#'s/day limits from 438 to 250; Decreased TKN#'s/day limits from 58 to 33; Decreased Total Copper#'s/day limits from 0.089 to 0.051;Decreased Total Zinc#'s/day limits from 0.256 to 0.146.Removed Mercury and Silver from Effluent Limits Table.Remove all language in Part HI Specific Conditions pertaining to Total Mercury. SIU CODE: THR IUP No.0034 Page 3 of 18 Part I Specific Conditions C. Authorization Statement: 1)The permittee is hereby authorized to discharge wastewater in accordance with the effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and all other conditions set forth in this Industrial User Pretreatment Permit (IUP) into the sewer collection system and the Town Creek Wastewater Treatment Train of the City of Salisbury. 2)The permittee is hereby authorized to continue operation of and discharge wastewater from the following treatment or pretreatment facilities. These facilities must correspond to the units listed on both the application and inspection forms. IU Treatment Units 1. pH adjustment 5. Effluent monitoring station with 3-inch throat 2. Filters Parshall flume,removable 2 inch nested insert, 3. Screens Bubbler flowmeter with totalizer and chart 4. Aerated flow equalization pit with Recorder. Emergency flow shutoff device. 3) The permittee is hereby authorized to, if required by the City of Salisbury, and after receiving Authorization to Construct(A to C) from the City, construct and operate additional pretreatment units as needed to meet the effluent limitations. D. Description of IUP Dischar2e(s): Pipe 01 Discharge Point Parshall flume upstream of manhole#6 shown on location diagram.The wastestream consists of backflush from water softener,dryers from air compressors,boiler blowdown and process waste. SIU CODE: THR IUP No.0034 Page 4 of 18 Part I Specific Conditions E. Schematic and Monitoring Locations: The facility schematic and description of monitoring location(s) given below must show enough detail such that someone unfamiliar with the facility could readily find and identify the monitoring location(s) and connection to the sewer.Include and identify all regulated pipes. Flowmeter and Monitoring Equipment ilui' i ig, Fi' x l' Manhole 46 Wastewater Flow Pine #01 Sample Point Effluent Monitoring Station With Para all Flume Flow Equalization Pit r II Thor-Lk) Manutdceu:irq Plant Parking lot Water meter 02 Water Mutar Link - ?oc::twe1;., ;i1. SIU CODE: THR IUP No.0034 Page 5 of 18 Part I Specific Conditions F: Effluent Limits and Monitoring Requirements: EFFLUENT LINIITS TABLE I - Pipe #01 WWTP Treatment Train: Town Creek Treatment Train SIU Name: Thorneburg Hosiery Mills,Inc. POTW: City of Salisbury POTW NPDES#: NC0023884 Permit#: 0034 Effective Date: November 1,2021 Pipe#: #01 Expiration Date: October 31, 2026 40 CFR#:N/A THE LIMITS IN THIS TABLE ARE: DISCHARGE FLOW LIMITS 1)Limits for the Entire Permit Period. X Daily Maximum Monthly Avg. 2)Interim Limits for Period#1: 3)Interim Limits for Period#2: 0.100 MGD --------- 4)Final Limits 1. pH Limit-The pH of this discharge, identified by the pipe number indicated above, shall be within the range of 6.00 to 10.00 standard units at all times. 2. Temperature Limit-The temperature of the discharge, identified by the pipe number stated above, shall be less than 65.5 degrees Celsius at all times. Limited Parameter Daily Monthly Industry POTW Sample Laboratory and Maximum Average Monitoring Monitoring Collection Detection Units Limit Limit Frequency Frequency Method Level Flow,MGD 0.100 --- *Daily 1/12 Discharge flow meter pH,s.u.(1) *Daily 1/12 Grab Temperature,Celsius(2) *Daily 1/12 Grab BOD,lb/day 250 --- 2/6 1/12 Composite 2 mg/L COD,lb/day 500 --- 2/6 1/12 Composite 10 mg/L TSS,lb/day 250 --- 2/6 1/12 Composite 2.5 mg/L TKN,lb/day 33 --- 2/6 1/12 Composite 1 mg/L Total Copper,lb/day 0.051 --- 2/6 1/12 Composite 2 ug/L Total Zinc,lb/day 0.146 --- 2/6 1/12 Composite 10 ug/L Chloride,lb/day Monitor --- 1/6 1/12 Composite 10 mg/L Total Antimony,ug/L Monitor ---- 1/6 1/12 Composite 5 ug/L Total Chromium,ug/L Monitor ---- 1/6 1/12 Composite 10 ug/1 *Record flow reading daily **There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. SIU CODE: THR IUP No.0034 Page 6 of 18 Part I Specific Conditions G. Definitions and Limit Pa2e(s)notes: In addition to the defmitions in the City of Salisbury Sewer Use Ordinance,the following definitions and requirements apply: a. The "City" when referred to in the text of this permit shall mean the Environmental Services Division of Salisbury- Rowan Utilities. b. "Daily" shall mean any day or any part of a day during which the permittee's process operates or on which a wastewater discharge occurs. c. A "grab sample," for monitoring requirements, shall mean a single "dip and take" sample, not exceeding fifteen minutes total collection time,taken at a representative point in the discharge stream. d.A "composite sample," for monitoring requirements of this IUP,is defined as the automatic or manual collection of one grab sample of constant volume,not less than 100 ml,collected every hour during the entire discharge period of 24 hours. Sampling day shall be a typical production,and discharge day. e. A "daily average" shall mean the sum of all values obtained for a parameter in any twenty-four hour period divided by the number of results for that parameter from analysis of samples collected during that twenty-four hour period. f.A"daily maximum"shall mean the largest numerical result obtained for a parameter in any twenty-four hour period, from analysis of samples collected during that twenty-four hour period. g.A"four-day average"for a parameter shall mean the average value obtained for a parameter from a minimum of four individual composite samples collected within the same calendar month. h.A "monthly average" shall mean the sum of all values obtained for a parameter in a calendar month,divided by the number of results for that parameter in that calendar month. i. A "sampling event" shall mean the collection of a grab or composite sample at the discharge point(s) described in Part I.A.of this permit and the proper preservation of those samples during and after collection. j. A "monitoring event" shall mean a sampling event, followed by proper analysis of the samples collected within the regulated holding time, completion of required chain-of-custody, IDMR forms, and other documentation, and filing with the Environmental Services Division the required analytical reports by the applicable deadline(reference General Conditions Part 2). k. "TTO"or"Total Toxic Organics"shall mean the sum of the concentrations of the toxic organic compounds listed in 40 CFR 433.11 (e)that apply to the permittee's process discharge. 1. "Toxicity" shall mean the qualitative characteristic of a discharge which is measured by the bioassay procedure currently approved by the State of North Carolina which uses live Ceriodaphnia to indicate the presence or absence of toxic substances in wastewater discharges. m. "Priority Pollutants" shall mean those organic chemicals, metals, and other substances defined in the Federal Register 40 CFR Part 122,Appendix D. n.The "Semi-Annual Report Periods"shall mean the intervals of Jan throughJune,and throughDecember of p° - -- �' July ec each year. o. The term "Sewer Use Ordinance" shall mean the most recent revision of those parts of the City of Salisbury's Utilities Ordinance which regulate discharges to the City of Salisbury collection system, particularly Chapter 25, Article VIII,Sewer Use Regulations. SIU CODE: THR IUP No.0034 Page 7 of 18 Part I Specific Conditions p. A "slug" or "slug discharge" is any discharge of a non-routine, episodic nature, including but not limited to an accidental spill or a non-customary batch discharge. q. A "three-day average" for a parameter shall mean the average value obtained for a parameter from a minimum of three individual composite samples collected within the same calendar month. -Definitions of Monitoring Frequency- A monitoring frequency of 1/12 when applied to monitoring of SIU's by the City shall mean a minimum of one monitoring event during a calendar year. Monitoring frequency for industrial dischargers is designated as a fraction of each semi-annual report period. The fractional designations used in this permit shall have the following meanings when applied to self-monitoring by SIU's. 1. 1/6 Shall mean one monitoring event during January or February and one monitoring event during July or August. 2.2/6 Shall mean one monitoring event during each calendar month of January,February,July,and August. 3.3/6 Shall mean one monitoring event during each calendar month of January,February,March,July,August, and September. 4.4/6 Shall mean one monitoring event during each calendar month of January,February,March,April,July, August,September,and October. 5.5/6 Shall mean one monitoring event during every calendar month except the months of June and December. 6.6/6 Shall mean one monitoring event during every calendar month. 7. 1/12 Shall mean one monitoring event during each calendar year,with that monitoring event being completed during one of the following months:January,February,March,July,August,or September. SIU CODE: THR IUP No.0034 Page 8 of 18 PART II General Conditions Part II General Conditions Outline: 1. Representative Sampling 16. Federal and/or State Laws 2. Reporting 17. Penalties 3. Test Procedures 18. Need to Halt or reduce 4. Additional Monitoring by Permittee 19. Transferability 5. Duty to Comply 20. Property Rights 6. Duty to Mitigate 21. Severability 7. Facilities Operation,Bypass 22. Modification,Revocation,Termination 8. Removed Substances 23. Reapplication 9. Upset Conditions 24. Dilution Prohibition 10. Right of Entry 25. Reports of Changed Conditions 11. Availability of Records 26. Construction of Pretreatment Facilities 12. Duty to provide Information 27. Reopener 13. Signatory Requirements 28. Categorical Reopener 14. Toxic Pollutants 29. General Prohibitive Standards 15. Civil and Criminal Liability 30. Reports of Potential Problems 1. Representative Sampling Samples and measurements taken as required herein shall be representative of the volume and nature of the monitored discharge. All samples shall be taken at the monitoring points specified in this permit and, unless otherwise specified, before the effluent joins or is diluted by any other wastestream,body of water,or substance.Monitoring points shall not be changed without notification to and approval by,the permit issuing authority. 2. A. Reporting 1)Monitoring results obtained by the permittee shall be summarized and reported on Indirect Discharge Monitoring Report Forms(IDMR),postmarked no later than the last calendar day following the month in which the samples were taken. If no discharge occurs during a calendar month in which a sampling event was to have occurred,an IDMR form with the phrase "no discharge"shall be submitted for that month.Copies of these and all other reports required herein shall be submitted to the following address: Salisbury-Rowan Utilities Environmental Services Division Pretreatment Program Coordinator 1915 Grubb Ferry Road Salisbury,N.C.28144-1248 2)If the sampling performed by the permittee indicates a violation,the permittee shall notify the City within 24 hours of becoming aware of the violation.The permittee shall also repeat the sampling and analysis and submit the results of the repeat analysis to the City within 30 days after becoming aware of the violation. B. Flow Measurement Reporting Requirements: 1.Measurement Frequency and Reporting a) The flow measurement frequency for each discharge point regulated by this permit is continuous. b) The total discharge volume from the beginning to the end of each composite sampling event shall be recorded in gallons per day or million gallons per day and shall be reported to the City in those units along with the analytical data from the sampling event. A State-approved Indirect Discharge Monitoring Report (IDMR) form shall also be submitted for each sampling event. The flow recorded during the sampling event shall be converted to thousands of gallons per day,and shall be indicated in those units on the IDMR form. SIU CODE: THR IUP No.0034 Page 9 of 18 PART II General Conditions c) During every calendar month, the permittee shall maintain a log of readings from the totalizer of each discharge flow meter. The permittee shall record a totalizer entry for each day of the month that a discharge occurred. For any day during which a totalizer reading did not increase, a notation shall be made on the log indicating the reason there was no change. Daily totalizer readings shall be recorded at 24 hour intervals, within+/- 1.0 hours of a regular time established by the permittee. d) The permittee shall submit to Environmental Services postmarked no later than the 7th of each month, copies of all totalizer logs compiled during the previous month. Each monthly log submitted must clearly show the meter manufacturer's name, the serial number of the device, the original date of installation, the units of flow(gallons,cubic feet,etc.),and the factor by which the difference in consecutive totalizer readings must be multiplied to obtain the actual volume discharged. Logs may be faxed or emailed to the Pretreatment Program Coordinator. e) Permittee shall also show on each monthly log, a calculation of: (a) The total flow from the first day of each month through the first day of the following month,and(b)The total flow for each 24 hour period. The calculated flow must be converted by the permittee to units of gallons or million gallons as appropriate. C. Calibration of Flow Measurement Devices Each permittee required to measure discharge flow must consistently maintain such equipment in operating condition and within design accuracy specifications. Calibration shall be performed at least once during each semi-annual report period. D. Semi-Annual Reports-Requirements for Industrial Dischargers: The permittee, whether subject to Federal categorical standards or not[40 CFR 403.12(e)&40 CFR 403.12(h)], shall submit Semi-Annual Reports covering the months of January through June, and the months of July through December. The report for the period of January through June shall be postmarked no later than July 10th. The report for July through December shall be postmarked no later than January 10th,and must contain the following information listed below. 1.Non-Categorical Dischargers shall submit: (a)A description of the nature, concentration, and flow rate for any new or previously unreported discharge containing any substance limited by this permit or prohibited by the Salisbury Sewer Use Ordinance. (b)The results of any monitoring in excess of that required by this permit, if the results were determined by a North Carolina certified laboratory. Monitoring results obtained from a laboratory not certified by the state of North Carolina must also be reported, but the wording "Non-certified results" must be clearly indicated on each page of data submitted. (c)A written description of any change or modification to the permittee's pretreatment process equipment that has not previously been submitted in writing. (d)A report of any increase or decrease in average water consumption of more than ten percent of the amount consumed during the previous semi-annual report period. (e)A report of any change in production rate that amounted to more than ten percent of the rate during the previous semi-annual report period. (f) A report containing a description of any unreported modification of manufacturing facilities that has occurred since the last semi-annual report, if that modification had the potential of affecting any wastewater discharged by the permittee. SIU CODE: THR IUP No.0034 Page 10 of 18 PART II General Conditions (g) Copies of Material Safety Data Sheets not previously submitted for any substance present on the permittee's premises during the period covered by the report, if that substance contains pollutants limited by this permit or prohibited by the Salisbury Sewer Use Ordinance. (h) At least once during the six-month period covered by each semi-annual report, a letter, calibration certificate, or similar documentation signed by a qualified professional who has the ability to calibrate the permittee's discharge flow monitoring equipment to design accuracy specifications. The documentation submitted shall also indicate whether any adjustment was required to bring the flow measurement system within specifications. 2.Categorical Dischargers shall submit In addition to the above reporting requirements for non-categorical dischargers, the permittee whose process is subject to Federal categorical production-based limits shall keep records of average daily production rates for that categorical process.The permittee shall include a summary of average production rates in each semi-annual report. The average production rate that is reported shall be based on the past two six-month compliance periods. The months on which the permittee bases the average production rates must be clearly noted on the production report. 3. Test Procedures Test procedures for the analysis of pollutants shall be performed in accordance with the techniques prescribed in 40 CFR Part 136 and amendments thereto unless specified otherwise in the monitoring conditions of this permit.In addition,the test procedure shall be conducted utilizing recognized techniques that will produce the lowest practical detection limit for each analyte and sample matrix. 4. Additional Monitoring by Permittee If the permittee monitors any pollutant at the location(s)designated herein(Pipe 01)more frequently than required by this permit,using approved analytical methods as specified above,the results of such monitoring shall be submitted to the City.The City may require more frequent monitoring,or the monitoring of other pollutants not required in this permit by written notification. 5. Duty to Comply The permittee must comply with all conditions of this permit.Any permit noncompliance constitutes a violation of the City of Salisbury Sewer Use Ordinance and is grounds for possible enforcement action. 6. Duty to Mitigate-Prevention of Adverse Impact The permittee shall take all reasonable steps to minimize or prevent any discharge in violation of this permit,which has a reasonable likelihood of adversely affecting human health,the POTW,the waters receiving the POTW's discharge,or the environment. 7. Facilities Operation,Bypass The permittee shall at all times maintain in good working order and operate as efficiently as possible,all control facilities or systems installed or used by the permittee to achieve compliance with the terms and conditions of this permit.Bypass of treatment facilities is prohibited except when approved in advance by the City.Bypass approval shall be given only when such bypass is in compliance with 40 CFR 403.17. 8. Removed Substances Solids,sludges,filter backwash,or other pollutants removed in the course of treatment or control of wastewaters shall be disposed of in a manner such as to prevent any pollutants from such materials from entering the sewer system. The permittee is responsible for assuring its compliance with any requirements regarding the generation, treatment,storage,and/or disposal of"Hazardous waste"as defined under the Federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. SIU CODE: THR IUP No.0034 Page 11 of 18 PART II General Conditions 9. Upset Conditions An "upset"means an exceptional incident in which there is an unintentional and temporary noncompliance with the effluent limitations of this permit because of factors beyond the reasonable control of the permittee.An upset does not include noncompliance to the extent caused by operational error,improperly designed or inadequate treatment facilities,lack of preventative maintenance,or careless or improper operations. An upset may constitute an affirmative defense for action brought for the noncompliance.The permittee has the burden of proof to provide evidence and demonstrate that none of the factors specifically listed above were responsible for the noncompliance. 10. Right of Entry The permittee shall allow the staff of the State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality,Division of Water Resources,the Regional Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency,the City and/or their authorized representatives,upon the presentation of credentials: 1)To enter upon the permittee's premises where a real or potential discharge is located or in which records are required to be kept under the terms and conditions of this permit;and 2)At reasonable times to have access to and copy records required to be kept under the terms and conditions of this permit;to inspect any monitoring equipment or monitoring method required in this permit;and to sample any discharge of pollutants. 11. Availability of Records and Reports The permittee shall retain records of all monitoring information,including all calibration and maintenance records as well as copies of reports and information used to complete the application for this permit for at least three years. All records that pertain to matters that are subject to any type of enforcement action shall be retained and preserved by the permittee until all enforcement activities have concluded and all periods of limitation with respect to any and all appeals have expired. These,and any other records and data maintained by the permittee which provide information related to the operation of the permittee's pretreatment system or which may influence the quality of the permittee's discharge, shall be made available by the permittee during inspections by the City;the Department of Environmental Quality; and by the Environmental Protection Agency. Except for data determined to be confidential under the Sewer Use Ordinance,all reports prepared in accordance with the terms of this permit shall be available for public inspection at the Environmental Services Division Office. As required by the Sewer Use Ordinance,effluent data shall not be considered confidential. 12. Duty to Provide Information The permittee shall furnish to the Utilities Director or his/her designees,within a reasonable time,any information which the Director,his/her designee,or the Division of Water Resources may request to determine whether cause exists for modifying,revoking and reissuing,or terminating this permit or to determine compliance with this permit. The permittee shall also furnish,upon request,copies of records that are required to be kept by this permit. 13. Signatory Requirements All reports or information submitted pursuant to the requirements of this permit must be signed and certified by the Authorized Representative as defined under the Sewer Use Ordinance. If the designation of an Authorized Representative is no longer accurate because a different individual or position has responsibility for the overall operation of the facility,or overall responsibility for environmental matters for the company,a new authorization satisfying the requirements of this section must be submitted to the Utilities Director prior to or together with any reports to be signed by an authorized representative. SIU CODE: THR IUP No.0034 Page 12 of 18 PART II General Conditions 14. Toxic Pollutants If a toxic effluent standard or prohibition(including any schedule of compliance specified in such effluent standard or prohibition)is established under Section 307(a)of the Federal Clean Water Act for a toxic pollutant which is present in the discharge and such standard or prohibition is more stringent than any limitation for such pollutant in this permit,this permit may be revised or modified in accordance with the toxic effluent standard or prohibition and the permittee so notified. 15. Civil and Criminal Liability Nothing in this permit shall be construed to relieve the permittee from civil or criminal penalties for noncompliance. 16. Federal and/or State Laws Nothing in this permit shall be construed to preclude the institution of any legal action or relieve the permittee from any responsibilities, liabilities,or penalties established pursuant to any applicable Federal and/or State law or regulation,which includes the City of Salisbury Code of Ordinances. 17. Penalties The Sewer Use Ordinance of the City of Salisbury provides that any person who violates a permit condition is subject to a civil penalty not to exceed$25,000 dollars per day of such violation. Under state law,(NCGS 143-215.6B),under certain circumstances it is a crime to violate terms,conditions,or requirements of pretreatment permits. It is a crime to knowingly make any false statement,representation,or certification in any record or other document submitted or required to be maintained under this permit,including monitoring reports or reports of compliance or noncompliance.These crimes are enforced at the prosecutorial discretion of the local District Attorney. 18. Need to Halt or Reduce not a Defense It shall not be a defense for a permittee in an enforcement action that it would have been necessary to halt or reduce the permitted activity to maintain compliance with the conditions of the permit. 19. Transferability This permit shall not be reassigned or transferred or sold to a new owner,new user,different premises,or a new or changed operation without approval of the City. 20. Property Rights This permit does not convey any property rights in either real or personal property,or any exclusive privileges,nor does it authorize any injury to private property or any invasion of personal rights,nor any infringement of Federal, State or local laws or regulations. 21. Severability The provisions of this permit are severable and,if any provision of this permit or the application of any provision of this permit to any circumstance is held invalid,the application of such provision to other circumstances and the remainder of this permit shall not be affected thereby. 22. Permit Modification,Revocation,Termination This permit may be modified,revoked and reissued or terminated with cause in accordance to the requirements of the City of Salisbury Sewer Use Ordinance and North Carolina General Statute or implementing regulations. SIU CODE: THR IUP No.0034 Page 13 of 18 PART II General Conditions 23. Re-Application for Permit Renewal The permittee is responsible for filing an application for re-issuance of this permit at least 90 days prior to its expiration date. 24. Dilution Prohibition not increase the use ofpotable orprocess water or in anyother wayattempt to dilute the The permittee shall p discharge as a partial or complete substitute for adequate treatment to achieve compliance with the limitations contained in this permit. 25. Reports of Chanted Conditions The permittee shall give notice to the City of any planned significant changes to the permittee's operations or system,which might alter the nature,quality,or volume of its wastewater at least 90 days before the change.The permittee shall not begin the changes until receiving written approval from the City.Also see Part II,Section 30 of this permit for additional reporting requirements for spill/slug issues. Significant changes may include but are not limited to: (a) increases or decrease to production; (b) increases in discharge of previously reported pollutants; (c) discharge of pollutants not previously reported to the City; (d) new or changed product lines; (e) new or changed manufacturing processes and/or chemicals;or (f) new or changed customers. 26. Construction No construction of pretreatment facilities or additions thereto shall be begun until Final Plans and Specifications have been submitted to the City and written approval and an Authorization to Construct(A to C)have been issued. 27. Reopener This permit shall be modified or,alternatively,revoked and reissued to comply with any applicable effluent standard or limitation for the control of any pollutant shown to contribute to toxicity of the WWTP effluent or any pollutant that is otherwise limited by the POTW discharge permit.The permit as modified or reissued under this paragraph may also contain any other requirements of State or Federal pretreatment regulations then applicable. 28. Catetorical Reopener This permit shall be modified,or alternatively,revoked and reissued,to comply with any applicable effluent standard or limitation issued or approved under Sections 302(b)(2)(C)and(D),304(b)(2),and 307(aX2)of the Clean Water Act,if the effluent standard or limitation so issued or approved: 1)contains different conditions or is otherwise more stringent than any effluent limitation in this permit;or 2)controls any pollutant not limited in this permit. The permit as modified or reissued under this paragraph shall also contain any other requirements of the Act then applicable. 29. General Prohibitive Standards The permittee shall comply with the general prohibitive discharge standards in 40 CFR 403.5 (a)and(b)of the Federal pretreatment regulations. SIU CODE: THR IUP No.0034 Page 14 of 18 PART II General Conditions 30. Reports of Potential Problems The permittee shall notify the Environmental Services Division immediately by telephone of all discharges that could cause problems to the POTW, including any slug loadings as defmed by 40 CFR 403.5(b). The permittee shall provide protection from accidental and slug discharges of prohibited materials and other substances regulated by this permit.The permittee shall also notify the POTW which it's facility discharges to and Environmental Services Division immediately of any changes at its facility affecting the potential for spills and other accidental discharge,discharge of a non-routine,episodic nature,a non-customary batch discharge,or a slug load as defmed in the Sewer Use Ordinance.If the permittee experiences such a discharge,the permittee shall inform the Environmental Services Division immediately upon the first awareness of the commencement of the discharge. Notification shall include location of the discharge,type of waste,concentration,and volume-if known-and corrective actions taken by the permittee.A written follow-up report thereof shall be filed by the permittee within five(5)days,unless waived by the Environmental Services Division. Additionally,the permittee in the event of the release of a slug discharge which may present a hazard to the public, to municipal employees,or which may do harm to the collection system,treatment facilities or the treatment process,the discharger must notify by telephone immediately the following persons or agencies until the accidental spill has been reported: o City of Salisbury Fire Department 704-638-5351 o Environmental Services Division,Pretreatment Department,704-638-5375,(8:OOam-4:30pm) o Water/Sewer Maintenance&Construction Division (Emergencies affecting water or sewer service.)704-638-5339 o Grant Creek Treatment Train(24 hr.-7 days/wk)704-638-5374* o Town Creek Treatment Train (24 hr.-7 days/wk)704-638-5377* *Notify the municipal treatment train plant operator on duty at the facility into which you are permitted to discharge.That information is available on the cover page of this permit. Such notification will not relieve the permittee from any liability,which may be incurred as a result of the discharge, but failure to notify shall be a violation of this permit and subject to enforcement action,including revocation or termination of this permit. SIU CODE: THR IUP No.0034 Page 15 of 18 PART II General Conditions 31. Signatory Requirements All reports or information submitted to fulfill the requirements of this permit must be signed and certified by a ranking and duly-authorized agent of the permittee. The following certification statement must be included as an integral part of each report listed above under "Signatory Requirements"and must be signed by the permittee's authorized agent: "I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons directly responsible for gathering the information,the information submitted is,to the best of my knowledge and belief,true,accurate,and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information,including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. (Signature) (Date) (Title) SIU CODE: THR IUP No.0034 Page 16 of 18 PART III Special Conditions 1. Required Slug Control Plan: The permittee shall provide protection from accidental discharges of prohibited materials or other substances regulated by this permit. The permittee is hereby notified that he shall develop,submit,obtain City approval of,and implement a written Slug Control Plan within 90 days of the effective date of this permit. Description of Measure,Activity,Plan,etc. Required Completion/Implementation Date 1. Implementation of current and updated Slug/Spill Continuous Control Plan upon POTW approval 2. Review and update Slug/Spill Control Plan to assure Annual update(based on calendar year) continuous effectiveness Submit to POTW for approval within 30 days of update The plan submitted shall include the following measures as necessary to assure protection of the POTW from slug loads: the construction of containment dikes around pretreatment units,around process units containing liquids,and chemical storage areas;the rerouting of floor drains in manufacturing areas to a holding area located upstream of the discharge to the pretreatment unit; and the plugging of floor drains in chemical storage areas, and in other areas as needed to protect the POTW. The permittee shall provide updates to the City as required by Part II, Section 30 of this permit. Modifications to the measures shall be approved by the City prior to installation/ implementation. If a measure fails, Environmental Services shall be notified within 24 hours. 2. Conditions Affecting WWTP Performance: Should pollutants discharged by the permittee contribute to a degradation of the performance of the POTW,the City may require the permittee to conduct a treatability study for the suspect pollutant(s).In addition,the City may reopen and modify this permit as necessary to further regulate any pollutants causing such degradation of performance. 3. Certified Laboratory Analysis Pollutant analysis shall be performed by a North Carolina Division of Water Resources Certified Laboratory that is certified in the analysis of the pollutant in wastewater. SIU CODE: THR IUP No.0034 Page 17 of 18 PART III Special Conditions 5. Flow Measurement and Sampling Point Requirements: a) Dischargers subject to Federal categorical mass-based effluent limits, production-based effluent limits, or Combined Wastestream Formula effluent limits must install and maintain appropriate discharge flow measurement devices utilizing methods consistent with approved scientific practices to insure the accuracy and reliability of measurements of the volume of all discharges which are required to be monitored by this permit. Dischargers not otherwise required to install such discharge flow measurement devices, may be required by the City to install the devices if,in their judgment,such devices are necessary. b) The permittee shall maintain appropriate discharge flow measurement devices and methods consistent with approved scientific practices to ensure the accuracy and reliability of measurements of the volume of monitored discharges.Devices installed shall be continuous recording flow meter capable of measuring flows with a maximum deviation of less than 10% from true discharge rates throughout the range of expected discharge volumes. The devices(and associated flow channels) shall be installed, calibrated and maintained to ensure accuracy. The meter shall be calibrated at a minimum of once every six months. Modifications to the flow metering equipment shall be approved by the City prior to installation. If a required flow measurement device fails,Environmental Services shall be notified within 24 hours.The permittee has 72 hours to return to compliance(and report total water consumption in the interim). c) The sampling point and associated sampling equipment (including sampling tubing) shall be properly maintained at all times. d) Calibration and documentation of the pH meter is required for all wastewater needing pH adjustment. pH must be compliant with effluent limits prior to discharge into City sewer. Record of the intial pH and the adjusted pH shall be documented. SIU CODE: THR IUP No.0034 Page 18 of 18 Sa/ishury-Riwan RECEIVED IUP SYNOPSIS I I C T 0 6 2021 CITY OF SALISBURY-INDUSTRIAL PRETREATMENT PROGEQ/DWR/NPDES September 30,2021 A. IUP Basic Information Name of City Facility: City of Salisbury WWTP POTW NPDES#: NC0023884 Name of Treatment: Town Creek Treatment Train IUP Name: Thorneburg Hosiery Mills, Inc. IUP Number: 0034 IUP Effective Date: November 1,2021 Pipe Numbers of 01 all regulated pipes: IUP Expiration Date: October 31,2026 IUP 40 CFR N/A Category, If Applicable: B. IU Survey/Application Form Copy attached. C. IUP-Inspection Form: Latest copy attached. D. Rationale for Limitations RATIONALE#1 -Review of IU Monitoring Data with no Over-Allocation: The following pollutants were assigned numerical limits in this IUP based on a review of monitoring data for the permittee to determine what range of concentrations are currently being discharged. Based on the City's 2017 headworks analysis currently on file with PERCS, the following limits do not result in over-allocation for any pollutant(the revised allocation table for Town Creek WWTP is attached): SIU CODE: THR PERMIT #0034 Page 1 EFFLUENT LIMITS TABLE I - Pipe #01 WWTP Treatment Train: Town Creek Treatment SIU Name: Thorneburg Hosiery Mills, Inc. POTW: Train City of Salisbury POTW NPDES #: NC0023884 Permit #: 0034 Effective Date: November 1,2021 Pipe #: #01 Expiration Date: October 31,2026 40 CFR #: N/A THE LIMITS IN THIS TABLE ARE: DISCHARGE FLOW LIMITS 1)Limits for the Entire Permit Period. X Daily Maximum Monthly Avg. 2) Interim Limits for Period #1: 3) Interim Limits for Period #2: 0.100 MGD 4)Final Limits 1. pH Limit-The pH of this discharge, identified by the pipe number indicated above, shall be within the range of 6.00 to 10.00 standard units at all times. 2. Temperature Limit -The temperature of the discharge, identified by the pipe number stated above, shall be less than 65.5 degrees Celsius at all times. Limited Parameter Daily Monthly Industry POTW Sample Laborator and Maximum Average Monitoring Monitoring Collection y Units Limit Limit Frequency Frequency Method Detection Level Flow, MGD 0.100 --- *Daily 1/12 Discharge flow meter pH, s.u. (1) *Daily 1/12 Grab Temperature, Celsius (2) *Daily 1/12 Grab BOD, lb/day 250 --- 2/6 1/12 Composite 2 mg/L COD, lb/day 500 --- 2/6 1/12 Composite 10 mg/L TSS, lb/day 250 --- 2/6 1/12 Composite 2.5 mg/L TKN, lb/day 33 --- 2/6 1/12 Composite 1 mg/L Total Copper, lb/day 0.051 --- 2/6 1/12 Composite 2 ug/L Total Zinc, lb/day 0.146 --- 2/6 1/12 Composite 10 ug/L Chloride, lb/day Monitor --- 1/6 1/12 Composite 10 mg/L Total Antimony, ug/L Monitor ---- 1/6 1/12 Composite 5 ug/L Total Chromium, ug/L Monitor ---- 1/6 1/12 Composite 10 ug/1 *Record flow reading daily **There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. SIU CODE: THR PERMIT #0034 Page 2 RATIONALE#2-Categorical Industrial Limits,with no Over-Allocation: N/A RATIONALE#3a-Over Allocation Prevention,with IU Pollutant Reduction: N/A RATIONALE#3b-Interim Limits for IU Pollutant Reduction: N/A RATIONALE#4-Other Rationale for IUP Limits: N/A RATIONALE#5-No IUP Limit Needed or Assigned: Chloride, Total Antimony, and Total Chromium are monitored parameters,not assigned an IUP limit and continued as such due to detections of these parameters during last 5 year permit cycle. Removed Silver as a self-monitored parameters due to no analysis detections during a 2 '/2 year period from January 2019- June 2021. Low Level Mercury self-monitoring sampling was conducted by IU during 1st Quarter of 2021 as required by City of Salisbury.Low Level Mercury parameter was removed as a self-monitoring parameter due to analysis results averaging<50 ng/1 during that period of January-March 2021. NOTE: Low Level Mercury (Method 1631 E) will continue to be City- monitored by POTW at a laboratory detection level of 1 ng/L. E.General Comments by POTW: Increased allocation for Town Creek WWTP was accomplished by reducing the IU's Daily Maximum Flow Limit from.175 mgd to .100 mgd. (Refer to attached Town Creek WWTP Allocation Table). IU has installed a new drying system utilizing steam in their manufacturing process. This new steam drying process will reduce facilities effluent wastewater discharge. Data supports the reduced permitted flow limit judging from a 2 '/2 year period from January 2019-June 2021—In this time frame facility had an average of 23,939 gallons/day with a Maximum flow in the same time period of 78,256 gallons/day. SIU CODE: THR PERMIT #0034 Page 3 RE( EWED IMIENEM TH Mills Master Sock Engineers Est. 1953 City of Salisbury Date / -ce.� ? / Technical Services Division ATTN: Industrial Pretreatment Coordinator 1915 Grubb Ferry Rd Salisbury, NC 28144 RECEIVED In re: February 2021 Wastewater Analysis Results Monthly Flow Data T 0 6 2021 Semi-Annual Report January- June P Semi-Annual Report July- December NCDEQ/DWR/NPDES Revised Amended Report NOV Notice of Violation Response Industrial User Survey Industrial Permit Application 2021 Spill Containment Control/Slug Control Plan Material and Chemical Inventory List updates Temperature Verification Report Authorization to Construct Following is our certification of the attached documents as required under our Industrial User Pretreatment Permit#0034. I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Submitted, Th neburg Hosiery Inc. Timothy R Hiatt Maintena e Resource Thorneburg Hosiery Mills, Inc. 2210 Newton Drive, Statesville, NC 28677 I P. 0. Box 5399, Statesville, NC 28687-5399 phone 704.872.6522 I fax 704.838.6323 I www.THMills.com Mills TH Master Sock Engineers Est. 1953 June 22, 2021 Salisbury-Rowan Utilities Environmental Services Division 1915 Grubb Ferry Road Salisbury, NC 28144-124 In re: 2021 Industrial User Wastewater Survey and Discharge Permit Application Request for Confidentiality To Whom It May Concern: Under 40 CFR 403 as referenced on Page 9 of this application and in compliance with section 25-207 of the Code of the City of Salisbury, THORNEBURG HOSIERY MILLS, INC. hereby requests that any and all information in this Survey and Application that can be held as confidential and proprietary be held as such. We are a privately held company and as such do not publish any more than required information. For further information or clarification, please contact our corporate attorney, Lynn Throneburg at 704-872-6522 extension 7201. We appreciate your attention to this request. Sincerely, Brad Warren Plant Manager Thorneburg Hosiery Mills, Inc. 2210 Newton Drive, Statesville, NC 28677 I P. O. Box 5399,Statesville, NC 28687-5399 phone 704.872.6522 I fax 704.838.6323 I www.THMills.com Sa/isburpRiwan ) SALISBURY-ROWAN UTILITIES ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION INDUSTRIAL USER WASTEWATER SURVEY AND DISCHARGE PERMIT APPLICATION The information provided on this questionnaire serves two functions: 1. To determine if your facility is in need of a Significant Industrial User(SIU) Industrial User Pretreatment Permit(IUP)for the discharge of wastewater to the City of Salisbury's Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW)sanitary sewer system. 2. If a SIU IUP is required,this survey shall serve as the application for that IUP and the information will be used to issue the IUP. PLEASE REFER TO THE GUIDANCE FOR COMPLETING THE INDUSTRIAL USER SURVEY/APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS, INCLUDED WITH THIS APPLICATION. Submit this application along with a non-refundable application fee of$250.00 to: Salisbury-Rowan Utilities Environmental Services Division 1915 Grubb Ferry Road Salisbury, N.C.28144-1248 Attn.: Pretreatment Program Coordinator Your permit application cannot be processed until all analytical results from a North Carolina certified laboratory are submitted. A respresentative list of N.C. certified laboratories may be obtained from the Pretreatment Program Coordinator if not supplied with this application. The applicant is responsible for verifying that the laboratory's North Carolina certification is current before contracting for analytical work. Unless instructed otherwise, each applicant must submit the results of the following effluent analyses: BOD Nitrate+Nitrite Total Zinc pH* Total Arsenic Temperature* Total Cadmium Total Phosphorus Total Chromium Total Suspended Solids Total Copper Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Total Lead Chemical Oxygen Demand Total Mercury Cyanide Total Nickel Ammonia Total Silver Analyses indicated by"*"must be performed on grab samples. The remaining analyses listed above must be performed on a 1 hr. x 24 hr. composite sample preserved according to EPA protocols. Analytical reports must be accompanied by sample preservation and chain-of-custody documentation. Additional sampling and analysis may be required, depending on the characteristics of the discharge,the nature of the process, and whether your facility's discharge is subject to Federal Categorical Standards. INDUSTRIAL USER WASTEWATER SURVEY AND DISCHARGE PERMIT APPLICATION STATUS of APPLICANT/APPLICATION - PLEASE CHECK ONE Anticipated Date of initial process wastewater discharge [ 1 Existing Unpermitted Discharge [xx j Permit Renewal for Existing SIU Permit,existing non-SIU permit,or other written permission from POTW. Note If this application requests a greater amount of wastewater discharge[flow],a greater amount of pollutant discharge or a discharge of different pollutants than specified in the last wastewater permit application for this facility, or any other significant changes, please indicate this as needed in the applicable Questions,especially Questions A8 and E7. Note to Signing Official: In accordance with Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 403.14, information and data provided in this questionnaire which identifies the content,volume, and frequency of discharge shall be available to the public without restriction. Requests for confidential treatment of other Information shall be governed by procedures specified in 40 CFR Part 2. This is to be signed by the Authorized Representative of your firm,as defined in 40 CFR Part 403.12(1)and Section 25-1 of the Code of the City of Salisbury,after adequate completion of this form and review of the information by the signing representative. I, Jay Harris (print name), Chief Operating Officer(COO) (print title), certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information submitted is,to the best of my knowledge and belief, accurate and complete. I am an authorized representative of the user and am authorized to execute this certification on behalf of the user. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information in violation of this certification, including the possibility of fines and/or imprisonment. I also certify that I have completed the necessary notification as required by the POTW to document my qualification as an Authorized Representative as set forth in 40 CFR Part 403.12 (1) and Section 25-1 of the Code of the City of Salisbury. June 22,2021 ,- *+ Date Signature of Representative (Seal,if applicable) IUP Application/Industrial Waste Survey 2012 Page 2 of 23 INDUSTRIAL USER WASTEWATER SURVEY AND DISCHARGE PERMIT APPLICATION SECTION A—GENERAL INFORMATION 1. For the production or manufacturing facility for which this application is being completed: Facility name THORNEBURG HOSIERY MILLS, Inc. Physical address 319 Link Street, Rockwell, NC 28138 Mailing address(if different) , General Telephone Number 704-872-6522 General Fax Number _ 704-209-3056 Website www.thmills.com 2. If applicable,general information about the corporate office,parent company,etc. [ )N/A Company name THORNEBURG HOSIERY MILLS, Inc. Physical address 2210 Newton Drive,Statesville, NC 28677 Mailing address(if different) POB 5399, Statesville, NC 28677 General Telephone Number 704-872-6522 General Fax Number 704-838-6323 Website www.thmills.com 3. Primary Authorized Representative authorized to represent this firm in official dealings with the Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW). Name Tim Hiatt Title Maintenance Leader Telephone/Cell/Fax 704-798-6524 Email thiatt@thmills.com Primary work _XX_Facility _Corporate Office Other—List address here: location: 4. Alternate Authorized Contact for when the Primary Authorized Representative is not available. Name Brad Warren Title Plant Leader Telephone/Cell/Fax 704-902-3467 Email bwarren@thmills.com Primary work _XX_Facility _Corporate Office Other—List address here: location: 5. On-Site Contact. If neither person identified in items 3 and 4 above are located at the production or manufacturing facility for which this application is being completed provide an on-site contact person available to answer questions regarding statements made on this survey as well as conduct a walkthrough of the facility: Name Norma Walker(Daytimes) Wanda Jackson(Nights) - Title Shift Leader _ Shift Leader Telephone/Cell/Fax 704-213-8237 704-245-9311 Email nwalker@thmills.com wjackson@thmills.com IUP Application/Industrial Waste Survey 2012 Page 3 of 23 INDUSTRIAL USER WASTEWATER SURVEY AND DISCHARGE PERMIT APPLICATION SECTION A—GENERAL INFORMATION -continued 6. Identify the general type of manufacturing, production and/or service(s)conducted at the site(i.e. electroplating, printing,painting,food processing,warehousing, meat packing, machine shop, etc.). Greater detail to be provided in question A. 7. THORNEBURG HOSIERY MILLS, Inc Finishing Facility and Distribution for Sports Specific Hosiery 7. Provide a detailed narrative description of the manufacturing/production process(es)and/or service activities identified in question A. 6. and conducted at the facility identified in question A. 1. Receive knitted socks from Statesville Knitting Facility and(store in inventory) Dye or wash product Extract water, dry product Finish product by boarding, pairing and boxing(store in inventory) Pick orders, pack into preprinted folders Distribute by truck 8. Are any process changes or expansions planned during the next five years? [xx] Yes [ ] No If yes,describe the nature of the planned changes or expansions. As needed,clarify if answers to other application questions are for before or after the change/expansion. If the facility has an existing permit, indicate if these changes could or will result in the facility requesting changes to their existing permit. During the next 5 years,we will implement new Steam Dryers in dye house that will result in a reduction in water usage compared to previous years. Steam Dryers will streamline the finishing process of our goods. Our business has increased over the past 18 months and will continue to grow with new business strategies in place.We anticipate growth in business each year in the next 5 years.. 9. List the Standard Industrial Classification Number(s) (SIC#)or North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)codes for your facility. If listing more than one code, indicate the percentage of production. SIC/NAICS code: _ 2252 Percentage of production 100% 10. In what month and year were the facility's operation(s)at this location(as specified in A. 7.above) established and under what name? Facility Name Month Year Thorneburg Hosiery, Inc. (Unknown) 1978 11. Has your facility undergone any changes in licensed ownership since the date noted in question A. 10? [xx]Yes [ ] No If yes,complete table. Facility Name Month Year Thorneburg Hosiery, Inc. (Unknown) 1978 THORLO, Inc. September 1992 THORNEBURG HOSIERY MILLS, Inc September 2020 IUP Application/Industrial Waste Survey 2012 Page 4 of 23 INDUSTRIAL USER WASTEWATER SURVEY AND DISCHARGE PERMIT APPLICATION Section B—Flow Diagram/Schematics, Site Layout,and Pretreatment System Flow Diagram [See the Guidance Document for Completing the Industrial User Wastewater Survey and Discharge Permit Application included with this application. PRODUCTION/PROCESS SCHEMATIC FLOW DIAGRAM (REQUIRED) IUP Application/Industrial Waste Survey 2012 Page 5 of 23 THORNEBURG HOSIERY MILLS, INC. PROCESS FLOW CHART AND WASTEWATER DISCHARGE Screens in Filtering bag wastewater Warehouse on each tub pit plus aeriation y Steam Wash Dye * Wastewater Pretreatment Dryer Out Colors Wet Processing Closed Loop On Pumping Extract Water Into Sewer Line Tumble Dryer Passes Through Wastewater Sample Station Boarding • Finishing Pair and Box Pick Order Packing Print Pack Folders Order • Distribution Case Order for THMills Order Shipping "-•"------- Boarding Complete All Information contained in this document(and any attachments)is considered proprietary property of Thorneburg Hosiery Mills,Inc. INDUSTRIAL USER WASTEWATER SURVEY AND DISCHARGE PERMIT APPLICATION Section B—Flow Diagram/Schematics, Site Layout,and Pretreatment System Flow Diagram [See the Guidance Document for Completing the Industrial User Wastewater Survey and Discharge Permit Application included with this application. PLANT SITE LAYOUT(REQUIRED) IUP Application/Industrial Waste Survey 2012 Page 6 of 23 IiiIsktee tf If; `A .: a �� • • \\ i\ ft [' :t- 117"-L--- - A,.,. \ ,\...'^::. \ ..),L., 'x co '-1:.3...,\ \ .,.. \\\:. b 1 S c wi la!, • • ——: IP p r-----,---1141 4" .-.1-L4.-- •7t.I.2';1;c,al 1.e 1 .^.mow, ,,k .Y ` \\\ LJJJ , Yi \\\ ...1..--,---•r • \z‘,-I..- \N., i :.Y -�Y.7-_ 7 ~ i �. R-- ..... ... 4.313 ACRES 1 ".^ ',`` :,; .4. i —/....—.....———ww.-... ., ;\i . ! \ III t,„. - i tessolw 1 1 �\ 1 or .--- ---~ .�;••�•.,_��„M THORNEBj R6 HOSIERY CO„INC III 'ter xrat:;M All in�rnmtion contained in this document anyattachmeno s considered �w (and 1 proprietary Z> INDUSTRIAL USER WASTEWATER SURVEY AND DISCHARGE PERMIT APPLICATION Section B—Flow Diagram/Schematics,Site Layout,and Pretreatment System Flow Diagram [See the Guidance Document for Completing the Industrial User Wastewater Survey and Discharge Permit Application included with this application. WASTEWATER PRETREATMENT SYSTEM FLOW DIAGRAM (IF APPLICABLE) IUP Application/Industrial Waste Survey 2012 Page 7 of 23 THMILLS Pretreatment Process Waste Water Sample — - - Station i i j / / • Dye Tubs t 9 total ter i • Y:aste Water'Pit + i All Information contained in this document(and any attachments)is considered proprietary property of Thorneburg Hosiery Mills,Inc • INDUSTRIAL USER WASTEWATER SURVEY AND DISCHARGE PERMIT APPLICATION SECTION C— FACILITY OPERATION CHARACTERISTICS Office/Administrative Staff Monday _ Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday #Employees 4 4 4 4 0 0 0 Start/End Time 7AM-5PM 7AM-5PM 7AM-5PM 7AM-5PM Closed Closed Closed Production Staff Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 1st Shift # Employees 30 30 30 _ 30 0 0 0 Start Time 6 AM 6 AM 6 AM 6 AM Closed Closed Closed End Time 5 PM 5 PM 5 PM 5 PM 2nd Shift # Employees - - Start Time End Time 3rd Shift # Employees 12 12 12 Start Time 7 PM 7 PM 7 PM EndTime 7 AM 7 AM 7 AM Shift Activities SHIFT DESCRIPTION OF SHIFT ACTIVITIES Monday 1st Receiving, wet processing, finishing, warehousing, packing, distribution 2nd 3rd packing, distribution Tuesday 1st Receiving, wet processing, finishing, warehousing, packing, distribution 2nd 3rd packing, distribution Wednesday 1st Receiving, wet processing, finishing, warehousing, packing, distribution - 2nd 3rd packing, distribution Thursday 1st Receiving, wet processing, finishing, warehousing, packing, distribution 2nd 3rd Friday 1 St 2nd 3rd Saturday 1st 2nd 3rd Sunday 1st 2nd 3rd Please note: We use overtime to respond to customer demand. Conversely,we allow employees to use vacation when we do not have enough work to support them for their regular schedule or we consolidate the work week to match production requirements. IUP Application/Industrial Waste Survey 2012 Page 8 of 23 INDUSTRIAL USER WASTEWATER SURVEY AND DISCHARGE PERMIT APPLICATION SECTION D— PROCESS INFORMATION NOTE: The following information must be completed for each product line. Please make copies of this page if necessary. Information revealed in this section may be held confidential and proprietary under 40 CFR 403.14 at the request of the Industrial User and the approval of the POTW. The request for confidentiality must be made at the time of the initial submission of the application. Should such a request be made and accepted in compliance with Section 25-207 of the Code of the City of Salisbury these page(s)will be removed before review by any non- regulatory personnel. 1. Principal product(s) produced: Sports specific socks(hosiery) 2. Raw materials and process additives used: Yarn made from manmade fibers(acrylic, polyester, nylon, spandex are the major fibers),yarn lubricants, dyes,soaps,softeners, dye fastening chemicals, heat, steam, packaging,corrugated, other distribution chemicals. 3. Maximum and average production rate of this particular product line(please specify units being reported): Average Production Rate Maximum Production Rate Units 700 dozen pairs per shift 980 dozen pairs per shift Dozen pairs(24 eaches) 4. The production process is[xx] Batch [ ]Continuous If batch, please enter the average number of batches per 24 hours. [ ] If both, please enter%or production [ 100%] Batch [ %]Continuous 5. Days and hours of operation for this product line: From: Monday 6am to Thursday 5pm 6. Days and Hours of discharge for this product line: From: Monday 6am to Monday 4pm Days and Hours of discharge for this product line: From: Tuesday 6am to Tuesday 4pm Days and Hours of discharge for this product line: From: Wednesday 6am to Wednesday 4pm Days and Hours of discharge for this product line: From: Thursday 6am to Thursday 4pm 7. Is production subject to seasonal variation? [xx] Yes [ ] No If yes, briefly describe the seasonal production cycles: Fall/Winter—Longer,thicker, heavier socks producing less dozens and more volume uses more water in same number of batches Spring/Summer—Shorter,thinner, lighter socks producing more dozens and using less water for the same number of batches. IUP Application/Industrial Waste Survey 2012 Page 9 of 23 INDUSTRIAL USER WASTEWATER SURVEY AND DISCHARGE PERMIT APPLICATION SECTION E-WATER USE AND WASTEWATER DISCHARGE INFORMATION 1. Please indicate source(s) of water used at your facility: Source Type Check One If yes,... Well [ ] Yes [X]No How many are there? How many are in use at this time? City [ X] Yes [ ] No List all Account numbers: 23179890055702 23179480055602 23179470055601 Surface Water [ ] Yes [X] No Identify the source: Other [ ] Yes [X] No Explain: 2. Does this facility provide any treatment to the incoming water to improve the water quality prior to its use in the facility, (i.e. deionization, reverse osmosis, ultra filtration, pH adjustment, etc.)? [ ]Yes [XX] No If yes,complete table. Treatment Process Chemicals Used Wastewater Generated and Volume(gpd) 3. This facility uses water for the following: (Please record"n/a"if the application/use does not apply to the operations at your facility.) Detailed Description of Maximum Average [E]stimated Type of Application/Use Applicable Operation(s) Volume Volume or and/or Equipment Used Used [M]easured (gallons/day) (gallons/day) Process Wash outs/dyeing 150,000 65,000 [ ] E [X]M Water Into Product N/A [ ] E [ ] M Process Related Facility/Equipment N/A [ ] E [ ] M Washdown* Process Contact Cooling or Warming N/A [ ] E [ ] M Water Process Related Air-Pollution Control N/A [ ] E [ ] M Unit Process Related Employee Showers N/A [ ] E [ ] M Lab N/A [ ] E [ ] M Maintenance Shop N/A [ ] E [ ] M Boilers (Please specify if live and/or dry Yes Included in Included in [ ] E [X]M steam is used.) Domestic Domestic Backwash Water N/A [ ] E [ ] M Pump Sealant Water N/A [ ] E [ ] M General Facility/Equipment Washdown* N/A [ ] E [ ] M Other non-contact water uses: boilers; N/A [ ] E [ ] M non-contact cooling/warming water, general air conditioning, cooling towers, chillers, HVAC, etc. Domestic (e.g. restroom(s), non-process Yes 10,500 7,000 [ ] E [X] M related employee showers, cafeteria, kitchen, breakroom etc.) Other, please describe N/A [ ] E [ ] M Total 160,500 72,000 *Please document clean up schedules in Shift activities in Section C. IUP Application/Industrial Waste Survey 2012 Page 10 of 23 INDUSTRIAL USER WASTEWATER SURVEY AND DISCHARGE PERMIT APPLICATION SECTION E—WATER USE AND WASTEWATER DISCHARGE INFORMATION (continued) 4. The facility generates wastewater from the following areas and that water is discharged where If the source of wastewater discharged does not exist at your facility record"n/a". If there is no discharge from the applicable source, record"no discharge". Wastewater is Source of Wastewater Discharged Pretreated? Volume Estimated(E)or To Where Discharged Measured(M) (gallons/day) a. Process City of Salisbury [X] yes [ ] no 65,000(Avg) [ ] E [X] M b.Water Into Product N/A [ ] yes [ ] no [ ] E [ ] M c . Process Related N/A [ ] yes [ ] no [ ] E [ ] M Facility/Equipment Washdown* d.Process Contact Cooling N/A [ ] yes [ ] no [ ] E [ ] M or Warming Water e.Process Related Air- N/A [ ] yes [ ] no [ ] E [ ] M Pollution Control Unit f. Process Related N/A [ ] yes [ ] no [ ] E [ ] M Employee Showers g.Lab N/A [ ] yes [ ] no [ ] E [ ] M h.Maintenance Shop N/A [ ] yes [ ] no [ ] E I ] M i. Backwash Water N/A [ ] yes [ ] no [ ] E [ ] M j. Pump Sealant Water N/A [ ] yes [ ] no [ ] E [ ] M k.General N/A [ ] yes [ ] no [ ] E [ ] M Facility/Equipment Washdown* I. Other non-contact water City of Salisbury [X] yes [ ] no Included [ ] E [ ] M uses: boilers; non-contact below cooling/warming water, general air conditioning, cooling towers,chillers, HVAC, etc. m. Domestic(e.g. N/A [ ] yes [ ] no 7,000 [ ] E [X] M restroom(s), non-process (Based on incoming related employee water) showers,cafeteria, kitchen, breakroom etc.) n.Groundwater/Remediated N/A [ ] yes [ ] no [ ] E [ ] M Groundwater _ o.Storm Water Runoff N/A [ ] yes [ ] no [ ] E [ ] M p.Tank Bottoms ; N/A [ ] yes [ ] no [ ] E [ ] M q.Other, please specify - N/A [ ] yes [ ] no [ ] E [ ] M r. Total Discharged to 72,000 POTW *Please document clean up schedules in Shift activities in Section C. 5. Identify the daily maximum flow limit requested. Please explain any differences between the requested flow limit and actual flows listed in E.4. Requested Daily Maximum Flow Limit,gpd: 150,000 GPD—PROCESS ONLY Requested Monthly Average Flow Limit,gpd: 65,000 GPD—PROCESS ONLY Explanation: We anticipate our business continuing to grow slightly over the next 5 years. IUP Application/Industrial Waste Survey 2012 Page 11 of 23 INDUSTRIAL USER WASTEWATER SURVEY AND DISCHARGE PERMIT APPLICATION SECTION F-CHEMICALS, POLLUTANTS, WASTES 1. Complete Checklist for Priority, Conventional, Non-Conventional, and Other Pollutants. All chemicals require that TWO columns are checked Chemical Abstract Present in Absent in Concentration Number Present Absent Discharge to Discharge to in Discharge, Chemical Name [CAS#] at Facility at Facility POTW POTW (mg/I) Acid Extractable Organic Compounds(EPA Method 625) 2-Chiorophenol _ _ 95-57-8 _ X _ X 2,4-Dichlorophenol 120-83-2 X X 2,4-Dimethylphenol 105-67-9 X X _ 2,4-Dinitrophenol 51-28-5 X X 2-Methyl-4,6-dinitrophenol 534-52-1 X X 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 59-50-7 X X 2-Nitrophenol 88-75-5 - X X 4-Nitrophenol 100-02-7 X X Pentachlorophenol 87-86-5 X X Phenol 108-95-2 X _ X Not Known 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 88-06-2 X X Not Known Base Neutral Organic Compounds(EPA Method 625) 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 X X 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 X X 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 122-66-7 X X 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 X X 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 X X 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 121-14-2 X X 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 606-20-2 X X 2-Chloronaphthalene 91-58-7 X X 3,3-Dichlorobenzidine 91-94-1 X X 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 101-55-3 X X 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 7005-72-3 X X Acenaphthene 83-32-9 X X Acenaphthylene 208-96-8 X X Anthracene 120-12-7 X X Benzidine 92-87-5 X X Benzo (a) anthracene 56-55-3 X X Benzo (a) pyrene 50-32-8 X X Benzo (b)fluoranthene 205-99-2 X X Benzo(ghi)perylene 191-24-2 X X Benzo (k)fluoranthene 207-08-9 X X Bis (2-chloroethoxy) methane 111-91-1 X X Bis (2-chloroethyl) ether 111-44-4 X X Bis (2-chloroisopropyl) ether 102-60-1 X X Bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate 117-81-7 X X [DEHP] Butyl benzyl phthalate [BBP] 85-68-7 X X Chrysene 218-01-9 X X Di-n-butyl phthalate[DBP] 84-74-2 X X Di-n-octyl phthalate [DOP] 117-84-0 X X IUP Application/Industrial Waste Survey 2012 Page 12 of 23 INDUSTRIAL USER WASTEWATER SURVEY AND DISCHARGE PERMIT APPLICATION SECTION F—CHEMICALS, POLLUTANTS, WASTES (continued) All chemicals require that TWO columns are checked Chemical Abstract Present in Absent in Concentration Number Present Absent Discharge to Discharge to in Discharge, Chemical Name [CAS#] at Facility , at Facility POTW POTW (mg/I) Base Neutral Organic Compounds (continued) Dibenzo (a,h) anthracene 53-70-3 X X Diethyl phthalate[DEP] 84-66-2 X X Dimethyl phthalate [DMP] 131-11-3 X X Fluoranthene 206-44-0 X X Fluorene 86-73-7 X X Hexachlorobenzene 118-74-1 X X Hexachlorobutadiene 87-68-3 X X Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 77-47-4 X X Hexachloroethane 67-72-1 X X Indeno (1,2,3-cd) pyrene 193-39-5 X X Isophorone 78-59-1 X X N-nitroso-di-n-propylamine 621-64-7 X X N-nitrosodimethylamine 62-75-9 X X N-nitrosodiphenylamine 86-30-6 X X Naphthalene 91-20-3 X X Nitrobenzene 98-95-3 X X Phenanthrene 85-01-8 X X Pyrene 129-00-0 X X Metals Aluminum X X Antimony 7440-36-0 X X 5 ug/I Avg '20 Arsenic 7440-38-2 X X Beryllium 7440-41-7 X X Cadmium 7440-43-9 X X Chromium 7440-47-3 X X 30.9 ug/I Avg'20 11 Copper 7440-50-8 X X .0110 mg/I Avg'20 Lead 7439-92-1 X X Mercury 7439-97-6 X X Molybdenum 7439-98-7 X X Nickel 7440-02-0 X X Selenium 7782-49-2 X X Silver 7440-22-4 X X Thallium 7440-28-0 X X Zinc 7440-66-6 X X .046 mg/I Avg'20 Other Inorganic Pollutants Barium 7440-39-3 X X Chloride X X 30 mg/I Avg'20 Cyanide 57-12-5 X X Fluoride X x IUP Application/Industrial Waste Survey 2012 Page 13 of 23 INDUSTRIAL USER WASTEWATER SURVEY AND DISCHARGE PERMIT APPLICATION SECTION E -SECTION F-CHEMICALS, POLLUTANTS, WASTES (continued) All chemicals require that TWO columns are checked Chemical Abstract Present in Absent in Concentration in Number Present Absent Discharge to Discharge to Discharge, Chemical Name [CAS#] at Facility at Facility POTW POTW (mg/I) Purgeable Volatile Organic Compounds [VOCs] (EPA Method 624) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 X X 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 X X 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 X X 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 X X 1,1-Dichloroethylene 75-35-4 X X 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 X X 1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 X X 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether 110-75-8 X X Acrolein 107-02-8 X X Acrylonitrile 107-13-1 X X Benzene 71-43-2 X X Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 X X Bromoform 75-25-2 X X Bromomethane 74-83-9 X X Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 X X Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 X X Chloroethane 75-00-3 X X Chloroform 67-66-3 X x Not available Chloromethane 74-87-3 X X Cis 1,3-Dichloropropene X X Dibromochloromethane 594-18-3 X X Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 X X Methylene chloride 75-09-2 X X Tetrachloroethylene 127-18-4 X X Toluene 108-88-3 X X Trans 1,3-Dichloropropene X X Trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene 156-60-5 X X Trichloroethylene 79-01-6 X X Trichlorofluoromethane X X Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 X X Other Pollutants of Concern Xylene x X BOD X X 109 mg/I Avg'20 TSS X X 818.4 mg/I Avg '20 Ammonia X X .152 mg/I Avg '20 Total Phosphorus X X Not Known Total Nitrogen X X 4.55 mg/I Avg '20 Oil & Grease X X 0 mg/I Avg '20 range of Ph X X 6.7- 8.6 for'20 IUP Application/Industrial Waste Survey 2012 Page 14 of 23 INDUSTRIAL USER WASTEWATER SURVEY AND DISCHARGE PERMIT APPLICATION SECTION F—CHEMICALS, POLLUTANTS, WASTES (continued) 2. If any wastewater analyses have been performed on the wastewater discharge(s)from your facilities, please attach to this survey a copy of the lab report,chain of custodies and location of where the samples were taken for the most recent sampling date. Do not attach analyses performed by the POTW or analytical data already delivered to the POTW. 3. Does your facility complete a Toxic Release Inventory? [ ]Yes [xx] No If yes, most recent copy attached OR POTW already has 4. Please list boiler and cooling tower treatment additives or MSD sheets and dosaje rates for each. Type of Boiler or Treatment Additive Name Purpose of Additive Dosage,with units Cooling Unit Johnston Boiler Caustic(sodium hydroxide) Corrosion/scale control 1 gal/tank mix Johnston Boiler Dissolvine E-39(chelate) Scale dispersant 1 1/2 gal/tank mix Johnston Boiler WE-1117(phosphate, Scale prevention 1 '/a gal/tank mix dispersant) Johnston Boiler WE-2043(Liquid sulfite) Oxygen scavenger 2 gal/tank mix Johnston Boiler WE-3014(blended amine) Steam/condensate 31/2 gal/tank mix corrosion 5. Do you have any storage tank(s)at your facility? [ ]Yes [xx]No If yes,complete the chart below. Associated with o` CD 0 3 a [P]rocess; -o 4 > c [W]astewater '7) ?, �o m E Volume treatment; Spill a - (in [G]roundwater Containment Tank ID gallons) Contents remediation; Devices 6. Are any liquid wastes or sludges(i.e. acids, alkalies, heavy metal sludges, inks,dyes, oil,grease, organic compounds, paints, pesticides, plating wastes,pretreatment sludges, solvents,thinners, waste product,etc.) from this firm disposed of by means other than discharge to the sewer system? [ ]Yes [xx] No If yes ,please complete the following: Nature of Waste hauler's Treatment Facility's Disposal facility's Est. Gallons or hauled name, Name, EPA ID#and Name, EPA ID#and Pounds per Waste and date EPA ID#and address Address Year hauled off Last hauled address 7. Is this facility a small quantity, large quantity, or conditionally exempt Hazardous Waste Generator? [ ] Small Quantity [ ] Large Quantity [ ] Conditionally Exempt [xx] Not Applicable Facility's EPA Hazardous Waste Generator ID#: Waste Codes: IUP Application/Industrial Waste Survey 2012 Page 15 of 23 INDUSTRIAL USER WASTEWATER SURVEY AND DISCHARGE PERMIT APPLICATION SECTION G—WASTEWATER TREATMENT, FLOW,AND SAMPLING EQUIPMENT 1. Is the wastewater generated by this facility treated prior to discharge to the POTW? [XX]Yes [ ]No If yes, please complete the chart below. If a particular pretreatment unit only treats part of the wastewater, indicate this below and in the diagram required by Section B. Pretreatment Unit [Y]es[N]o Additional Information Chemicals Used Activated Carbon N Air Stripping N Biological Treatment N Activated Sludge Rotating Biological Contactor(RBC) Trickling Filter Sequencing Batch Reactor(SBR) Other Chemical Precipitation N Chlorination,for disinfection N Cyanide Destruction N Defoaming Agents N Dissolved Air Floatation N list all individual units of DAF here (DAF) equalization pH adjustment chemical precipitation Other Flow equalization, aerated Y Size(gallons) 6 small pumps move 45 GMP and Before XX After XX Pretreatment cycle on/off as needed;We inject a continuous stream of air at a considerable rate to keep the wastewater pit agitated and moving 24/7 a week. Flow equalization, N Size(gallons) not aerated Before After Pretreatment Grease and Oil Removal for N Grease Trap, Size employee cafeteria, kitchen, Oil Water Separator breakroom, etc. Other Grease and Oil Removal for N Grease Trap, Size food manufacturing process Oil Water Separator wastewater Other Grease and Oil Removal for N Grease Trap, Size non-food manufacturing Oil Water Separator process wastewater Other Heat Reclamation/Exchange N Ion Exchange(for N wastewater treatment) Neutralization, pH Y An independent system monitors pH at the flow Acidic acid CLT 56%and caustic adjustment meter and adjusts at the wastewater pit between pH soda 50% of 7.5—8.5 Ozonation N Reverse Osmosis(for N wastewater treatment) Septic Tank N Silver Recovery N Solids Separation, Y Belt Press Centrifugation Clarification, Dewatering, Clarification Cyclone Removal, etc. Filter Press XX Filtration Flocculation Grit Removal Microfiltration Nanofiltration XX Screening Sedimentation Septic Tank Ultrafiltration Other Solvent Separation N Spill protection N IUP Application/Industrial Waste Survey 2012 Page 16 of 23 INDUSTRIAL USER WASTEWATER SURVEY AND DISCHARGE PERMIT APPLICATION SECTION G—WASTEWATER TREATMENT, FLOW,AND SAMPLING EQUIPMENT (continued) 2. Describe wastewater flow measuring methods and/or equipment. If applicable, list the meter's current interval,flow volume, pulse frequency and reporting units: ISCO 43230 flow meter 2" Parschall Flume Volume units=gallons Pulse and totalizer multiplier=100 3. List procedures employed to ensure the accuracy of flow measurement method/equipment. Frequency of Cleaning: 4 times a year or as needed Calibration method: Direct level measurement/adjustment calibration performed by: Mike Outlaw Clearwater, Inc POB 580 Indian Trail, NC 28079 Training/credentials of calibration ISCO Factory Certified staff: NCPC developed flow training Date of most recent calibration: 05-02-16 Copy of Calibration Certificate POTW already has OR Copy attached_XX Please see attachment C 4. Describe the sampling method and associated equipment utilized at the facility. Identify staff or contract lab responsible for sampling. Describe sampling technician training. Sampling Equipment/Method: ISCO 5800 refrigerated auto sampler Sampling staff: THMILLS Maintenance personnel Training/credentials of sampling staff: 20+years with this sampling station Training by Sampling Service provider(s) IUP Application/Industrial Waste Survey 2012 Page 17 of 23 INDUSTRIAL USER WASTEWATER SURVEY AND DISCHARGE PERMIT APPLICATION SECTION H-CATEGORICAL STATUS 1. Check any products listed below that are manufactured or activities that are performed at this facility: [ ]40 CFR 467 Aluminum Forming [ 140 CFR 432 Meat Products [ 140 CFR 427 Asbestos Manufacturing [ ]40 CFR 433 Metal Finishing [ ]40 CFR 461 Battery Manufacturing [ 140 CFR 464 Metal Molding& Casting [ ]40 CFR 431 Builders Paper& Board Mills [ ]40 CFR 436 Mineral Mining& Processing [ ]40 CFR 407 Canned& Preserved Fruits&Veg. [ ]40 CFR 471 Nonferrous Metal, Form& Powders [ 140 CFR 408 Canned& Preserved Seafood [ ]40 CFR 421 Nonferrous Metals Manufacturing [ ]40 CFR 458 Carbon Black Manufacturing [ ]40 CFR 414 OCPSF [ ]40 CFR 411 Cement Manufacturing [ ]40 CFR 435 Oil&Gas Extraction [ 140 CFR 437 Centralized Waste Treatment [ ]40 CFR 440 Ore Mining& Dressing [ ]40 CFR 434 Coal Mining [ ]40 CFR 446 Paint Formulating [ 140 CFR 465 Coil Coating [ ]40 CFR 443 Paving& Roofing Materials Mfg. [ J40 CFR 468 Copper Forming [ ]40 CFR 455 Pesticide Manufacturing [ ]40 CFR 405 Dairy Products Processing [ ]40 CFR 419 Petroleum Refining [ ]40 CFR 469 Electrical, Electronics Components [ 140 CFR 439 Pharmaceutical Manufacturing [ ]40 CFR 413 Electroplating [ ]40 CFR 422 Phosphate Manufacturing [ 140 CFR 457 Explosives Manufacturing [ ]40 CFR 459 Photographic Supplies [ ]40 CFR 412 Feedlots [ ]40 CFR 463 Plastics Molding& Forming [ 140 CFR 424 Ferroalloy Manufacturing [ J40 CFR 466 Porcelain Enameling [ ]40 CFR 418 Fertilizer Manufacturing [ ]40 CFR 430 Pulp, Paper, & Paperboard [ 140 CFR 464 Foundries, Metal Mold&Casting [ 140 CFR 428 Rubber Manufacturing [ ]40 CFR 426 Glass Manufacturing [ ]40 CFR 417 Soap& Detergent Manufacturing [ ]40 CFR 406 Grain Mills [ ]40 CFR 423 Steam Electric Power Generation [ 140 CFR 454 Gum &Wood Chemical Manufacturing [ 140 CFR 460 Hospitals [ J40 CFR 409 Sugar Processing [ 140 CFR 447 Ink Formulating [XX]40 CFR 410 Textile Mills [ ]40 CFR 415 Inorganic Chemical Manufacturing [ ]40 CFR 429 Timber Products Processing [ ]40 CFR 420 Iron & Steel Manufacturing [ ]40 CFR 442 Transportation Equipment Cleaning [ 140 CFR 425 Leather Tanning& Finishing [ ] OTHER If any are checked, continue with Questions 2 and 3 of this Section Otherwise, check here and skip to next Section. IUP Application/Industrial Waste Survey 2012 Page 18 of 23 INDUSTRIAL USER WASTEWATER SURVEY AND DISCHARGE PERMIT APPLICATION SECTION H—CATEGORICAL STATUS-continued 2. Is there a discharge from any of the above checked categorical operations to the POTW? [ ]Yes [XX] No If Yes,complete table. Process operation name 40 CFR, subpart, 40 CFR New Date initial Date(s)major operations,etc Source Date process start-up change *Date(s)of commencement of construction of any major upgrades, updates, refits, or reinstallations of the operation since the start-up date. From the above, is this facility a[ ] New Source [XX] Existing Source [ ] Unknown 3. Are there any"dilution"wastestreams that flow through the current/proposed monitoring point? Yes [ ] No [XX ] If Yes, ensure these wastestreams are clearly identified as such in question E,4. IUP Application/Industrial Waste Survey 2012 Page 19 of 23 INDUSTRIAL USER WASTEWATER SURVEY AND DISCHARGE PERMIT APPLICATION SECTION I— SLUG/SPILL PREVENTION and WASTE MINIMIZATION 1. Enter employees responsible for notifying the POTW in the event of a spill, bypass, pretreatment facility upset, or other unusual discharge or problem and employees authorized to close down production if needed, along with information about training and procedures. If information is formalized in a Plan of some kind, list Plan Number and page#. Notification of POTW Plan Name, Authority to close Plan Name, page# down production page# Designated Tim Hiatt THMills, Inc Tim Hiatt THMills, Inc Employee(s) Connie Fink Wastewater Connie Fink Wastewater Spill and (Any dye house Spill and Containment employee can Containment Control Plan temporarily stop the Control Plan Pgs 3&7 wastewater pumps) Pgs 3&7 Training of those Tim Hiatt THMills, Inc Tim Hiatt THMills, Inc employees Wastewater Connie Fink Wastewater Spill and (Any dye house Spill and Containment employee can Containment Control Plan temporarily stop the Control Plan Pgs 4, 10, 13 wastewater pumps) Pgs 3&7 Procedures Tim Hiatt THMills, Inc Tim Hiatt THMills, Inc Connie Fink Wastewater Connie Fink Wastewater Spill and (Any dye house Spill and Containment employee can Containment Control Plan temporarily stop the Control Plan Pgs 3&7 wastewater pumps) Pgs 3&7 How other staff know Tim Hiatt THMills, Inc Tim Hiatt THMills, Inc when and how to Connie Fink Wastewater Connie Fink Wastewater contact designated Spill and (Any dye house Spill and individuals? Containment employee can Containment Control Plan temporarily stop the Control Plan Pgs 4 wastewater pumps) Pgs 4 2. Does the facility have measures, equipment, and/or plans to protect the POTW and/or sanitary sewer in the event of accidental spills, slugs, or other inappropriate discharges)? [xx] Yes [ ] No If yes, complete table. For measures that are formalized in a Plan of some kind (eg., Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plan, Spill/Slug Control Plan,Toxic Organic Management Plan), list Plan Number and page#. Note: the POTW may request copies of the identified plans. Measures to protect POTW and/or sanitary sewer Plan Name and page#5, if applicable THMills, Inc Wastewater Spill and Containment Control Plan Previously referenced, Pgs 1-13 THMills, Inc Wastewater Slug Control Plan Previously referenced, Pgs 1-2 3. Does your company have a pollution prevention/waste minimization/recycling/reuse program established, or have had a pollution prevention or other waste minimization audit conducted? [ ] Yes [xx] No If yes,complete Table. Name of Plan/Audit Most recent copy POTW already has copy attached NOTE: WE DO RECYCLE MANUFACTURING RAW MATERIALS AND WASTE (CARDBOARD, CORRUGATED, PAPER AND PLASTICS) IUP Application/Industrial Waste Survey 2012 Page 20 of 23 INDUSTRIAL USER WASTEWATER SURVEY AND DISCHARGE PERMIT APPLICATION 4. Please check"current", "projected"or"N/A"for all codes below relating to your facility's wastewater discharge. N/A Current Projected Code Description [ ] [X ] [ ] W13 Improved maintenance scheduling, record keeping, or procedures [ ] [X ] [ ] W14 Changed production schedule to minimize equipment and feedstock changeovers [X ] [ ] [ ] W19 Other changes in operating practices(please explain) [ ] [X ] [ ] W21 Instituted procedures to insure that materials do not stay in inventory beyond shelf life [X ] [ ] [ ] W22 Began to test outdated material—continue to use if still effective [X ] [ ] [ ] W23 Eliminated shelf-life requirements for stable materials [X ] [ ] [ ] W24 Instituted better labeling procedures [X ] [ ] [ ] W25 Instituted clearinghouse to exchange materials that would otherwise be discarded [X ] [ ] [ ] W29 Other changes in inventory control (please explain) [ ] [X ] [ I W31 Improved storage or stacking procedures [X ] [ ] [ ] W32 Improved procedures for loading, unloading and transfer operations [X ] [ ] [ ] W33 Installed overflow alarms, and/or automatic shutoff valves [ ] [X ] [ ] W34 Installed secondary containment [X ] [ ] [ ] W35 Installed vapor recovery systems [ ] [X ] [ ] W36 Implemented inspections or monitoring program of potential spill or leak sources [ ] [X ] [ ] W39 Other spill and leak prevention(please explain) Annual Employee Spill and Slug Prevention Training [X ] [ ] [ ] W41 Increased purity of raw materials [X ] [ ] [ ] W42 Substituted raw materials [X ] [ ] [ I W49 Other raw materials modifications(please explain) [X ] [ [ [ ] W51 Instituted recirculation within a process [X ] [ I [ ] W52 Modified equipment, layout, and/or piping [X ] [ ] [ ] W53 Use of different process catalyst [X ] [ I [ ] W54 Instituted better controls on operating bulk containers to minimize discarding of empty containers [X ] [ ] [ ] W55 Change from small volume containers to bulk containers to minimize discarding of empty containers IUP Application/Industrial Waste Survey 2012 Page 21 of 23 INDUSTRIAL USER WASTEWATER SURVEY AND DISCHARGE PERMIT APPLICATION N/A Current Projected Code Description [X ] [ ] [ ] W58 Other process modifications(please explain) [X ] [ ] [ ] W59 Modified stripping/cleaning equipment [X ] [ ] [ ] W60 Changed to mechanical stripping/cleaning devices(from solvents or other materials) [X ] [ ] [ ] W61 Changed to aqueous cleaners(from solvents or other materials) [X ] [ ] [ ] W62 Reduced the number of solvents used to make waste more amendable to recycling [X ] [ ] [ ] W63 Modified containment procedures for cleaning units [X ] [ ] [ ] W64 Improved draining procedures [X ] [ ] [ ] W66 Modified or installed rinse systems [X ] [ ] [ ] W67 Improved rinse equipment design [X ] [ ] [ ] W68 Improved rinse equipment operation [X ] [ ] [ ] W71 Other cleaning and degreasing operation (please explain) [X ] [ ] [ ] W72 Modified spray systems or equipment [X ] [ ] [ ] W73 Substituted coating materials used [X ] [ ] [ ] W74 Improved application techniques [X I [ ] [ ] W75 Changed from spray to other system [X ] [ ] [ ] W78 Other surface preparation and finishing(please explain) [X J [ ] [ ] W81 Changed product specifications [X ] [ ] [ ] W82 Modified design or composition of product [X ] [ I [ ] W83 Modified packaging [X ] [ ] [ ] W89 Other product modifications(please explain) [X ] [ ] [ ] W99 Other(please explain) IUP Application/Industrial Waste Survey 2012 Page 22 of 23 INDUSTRIAL USER WASTEWATER SURVEY AND DISCHARGE PERMIT APPLICATION SECTION J—OTHER PERMITS 1. List all environmental control permits currently managed for or by this facility. Examples: air, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System(NPDES), Industrial User Permits (IUP), Resources Conservation and Recovery Act(RCRA), groundwater,storm water, general, non-discharge, and septic tank. Be prepared to provide the POTW with copies of identified permits and related records. Permit Type Permit Number Issuing Agency Air Permitting Requirements Blanket Exemption for NC DEHNR Hosiery Industry Please see attachment D Certificate of Inspection NC301 050 NCDOL (Thorlo Boiler) Please see attachment E 2. With regard to the parent company and all subsidiaries, list all wastewater discharge permits issued to cover similar operations to those at this facility. Examples: National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), Industrial User Permits(IUP),groundwater,general, non-discharge, and septic tank. Be prepared to provide the POTW with copies of identified permits and related records. Facility and Permit Type Permit Number Issuing Agency Location «None Known» 3. With regard to the parent company and all subsidiaries, list all environmental permits applied for in the United States where issuance was denied OR the permit was terminated prior to the expiration date. Examples: air, NPDES, IUP, RCRA, groundwater storm water, general, non-discharge, and septic tank. Be prepared to provide the POTW with copies of identified permits and related records. Reason for Permit Type Issuing Agency Date Facility Name Denial/Termination and Location «None Known» IUP Application/Industrial Waste Survey 2012 Page 23 of 23 ATTACHMENT B . Wa o . f'- 153 Eastover Drive SE,Concord, NC 28025-3648 • Office: 704-786-8314 Fax: 704-795-2073 Enter' rises June 23, 2021 Subject: Boiler Water Treatment Dosages for Thorneburg Hosiery Mills, Inc. using requested format Type of Boiler: Firetube Treatment Additive Name Purpose of Additive Dosage,with units Caustic (Sodium Hydroxide) Corrosion and Scale Control 1 gallon per tank mix Dissolvine E-39 (Chelate) Scale Dispersant 1 1/2 gallons per tank mix WE-1117 (Phosphate, Dispersant) Scale Prevention 1 1/4 gallons per tank mix WE-2043 (Liquid Sulfite) Oxygen Scavenger 2 gallons per tank mix WE-3014 (blended amine) Steam and Condensate Corrosion 3 1/2 gallons per tank mix NOTE: The tank mix above lasts two weeks or more depending on boiler load and days of operation Other Boiler Data: Boiler runs 25-30 cycles of concentration Residuals in boiler water are: Caustic 300-500 ppm OH-Alkalinity Chelate 5 ppm Phosphate 30 to 50 ppm Sulfite 30 to 50 ppm Total Dissolved Solids---2000-3000 ppm Conductivity 2500-4000 microsiemens Amines in Condensate: pH 7.5-8.5 Instrumentation Service/Calibration PO Box 1469 Hickory,NC 28683 Phone($28)855-3182 www.clearwaterinc.net ti IearWater, Inc. r ..,, i,br � 4��,E..'+ t 9`#+ �,"i%�v.1� .w d'a`$i{i 6},3'', ^ f1't - *islk� '-+,K 'Y '>'.-7� =r-�'�` 1 , ;y I'Ajg• jrf� 05/04/2021 Customer Site Location rt Thorneburg Hosiery Mills inc. Rockwell :AddresS City 319 Link Street Rockwell z fates _ ip NC 28138 ContactName t I Email Address , ;'. Tim Hiatt thiatt@thmills.com Phone Number Fax Number'' 704-798-6524 ,lob Type 22 Calibration "i Customer PO or CW SO Number ° A 21050414340691 Technician Technician Phone i Technician Email Michael Outlaw 704-236 0851 michael.outlaw@clearwaterinc.n et Salesman a �,� e i y °� r'Saiesman Eric Hudson 704-953-3565 eric.hudson@clearwaterinc.net Ip0rlsarggler • :;3� kn.. Calibration Letter PO Box 1469 Hickory,NC 28683 Phone(828)855-3182 www.clearwaterinc.net learWaterJnc. *( .;. „1.1iL4.10616 Effluent i',Equipment,2 rg ;+� i 4230 Bubbler Flow Meter S.,,t ;:-t qW g :11.44a ,r .. Primary Device 11.% * �' �, �..:, vr 14 .". .'..�k<.� Parshall Flume a *x ro a'' 1r fa C,� ,.: ,.,E;i...i kg .,} ex r ss e ,.' ;:. Y,��'+t, ^�'�;7 h y+id `y 7'. ' ''7*' 2" +lipifr! ,,.,rna. ...,,, -3. t+� h eY � �r'c Z rci'«.m ,y;, � .,, 195H01264 f }T, • xi rSr'rec ,. fir 4653929 , ''>.s.�€ r } -:c c' .`r ». x100 ,tert, t'��#"�r�e'�f`Alc ' � .. ' , . ,7 "� N;rt , '{ ' .'_Ef4:"`. Gallons t r _. 157 arzt lu ti c I 157 Flow Rate 16.6 gpm Pump Duty Cycle(Bubbler): 0.6% Checked Battery Backed Power Pack—Supply Voltage: ; 13.393 Comments ' wt:; t _ r Calibration is good. listed in this letter.A the equipment ste ithat I was at facility to calibrate This is to cart certify your calibration sticker was placed on the equipment. If you have any questions, or if we can be of assistance in any manner,please give us a call at(828)855- 3182. Calibration Letter PO Box 1469 Hickory,NC 28683 Phone(828)855-3182 www.clearwaterinc.net . learWater Inc. • Effluent • .*§* , Equipment • Sampler Pig.r ..1..3..NAA 5800 A'erial Number 214F01078 . . Comments Calibration is good at 150 MI. The inside temperature is 30 degrees Celsius. The cooling part of the sampler is not working. The refrigerator sled on the unit has went bad. This is to certify that I was at your facility to calibrate the equipment listed in this letter.A calibration sticker was placed on the equipment. If you have any questions, or if we can be of assistance in any manner,please give us a call at(828)855- 3182. tJIA eKl pl-MI , .. .ate . � r 1 '� . Calibration Letter PO Box 1469 Hickory,NC 28683 Phone(828)855-3182 www.clearwaterinc.net 66arWater,1nc._- OWor,. ,F • ''yF, :c4.- z�' � .�" P•yzsy.•s Y 4 Inside the building ‘11 Equipment a s ,. t Rk pH Meter. pH Meter av ,; Hanna pH Before Calibration(@4)' 3.85 pHCalibration(@7)Before 7.06 9.93 ; • 4 Na Calibration is good. This is to certify that I was at your facility to calibrate the equipment listed in this letter.A calibration sticker was placed on the equipment. If you have any questions, or if we can be of assistance in any manner,please give us a call at(828)855- 3182, Work Sheet PO Box 1469 Hickory,NC 28683 Phone(828)855-3182 www.clearwaterinc.net Materials &Service ,*n - Amount Code Unit Price QTY Calibration 1 $650.00 1 $650.00 Grand Total ;Total"does not include applicable taxes. $650.00 Next Service Visit. **TO SCHEDULE YOUR NEXT SERVICE VISIT PLEASE CONTACT THE TECHNICIAN LISTED ON THE CALIB , TION LETTER*` 4' 3 Months If you have any questions,or if we can be of assistance in any manner,please give us a call at(828)855-3182. ***THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE.PLEASE DO NOT PAY FROM THIS SERVICE FORM*** email Service Form to Customer thiatt@thmills.com Please see the attached service worksheet.This is not an invoice. Please provide a Purchase Order number at the time of service to nikki.swink@clearwaterinc.net(828)855-3182. Thank you for your business-We appreciate it very much. Powered by www.doForms.com waMsetgrJnc,:, • Instrumentation Service/Calibration PO Box 1469 Hickory,NC 28683 Phone(828)855-3182 www.clearwaterinc.net jarWaterInc.• 02/16/2021 gq(iyp Thomeburg Hosiery Mills Inc. Rockwell • t 319 Link Street Rockwell a,! � ,� , x.. .- .rfr . NC 28138 Contact Name . Email Address Tim Hiatt thiatt@thmills.corn •`t_. - ..---r - __ -.. �,_ ._iW.'. K.yam .. t _ 704-798-6524 h, • tI {f{ >`,i: ;.4;>.�R �1"...Pry e c� ',.:;v Calibration Customer PO,or CW SO Number Service Number s, 21021608230933 1 'rr ,,, • • Technician Technician Phoney Technician Email Michael Outlaw 704 236 0851 michael.outlaw@clearwaterinc n et Salesman Salesman Phone Salesman Email • Eric Hudson 704-953-3565 eric.hudson@clearwaterinc.net 1pa.6s`'s° "mq., "S x-, r y ' ♦ r-M n--FC . :3' 7 �°"'v"°„y` 'p;,°wrs- .co,'a.7e1 %v'$ i"ia'..$77 rrca Meter/ampler � ` ,1 # , $F - t,a'f .- r sF i :q .d ,..eu•.a AtYrwee.>43--6,v.ia7..e., 4,K - ._ Calibration Letter PO Box 1469 Hickory,NC 28683 Phone(828)855-3182 www.dearwaterinc.net r IearWaterInc. . ., irt rI .. fi Equipment Locate i'`4Wa Inside the building pH Meter --- ----------------- --- - ------ �V W �i7 % �' C" ;a •i.^+ Kq Tt aRxT7nML5 - - ! ' � „ i2 H�u. 0- S k, ^ ,x v.. Hanna PH500 4.15 pH Befgre Calibration (©7) 6.89 1pH Before.Calibration(@aq). _ '„, 9.89 Serial Number : , I Na This is to certify that I was at your facility to calibrate the equipment listed in this letter.A calibration sticker was placed on the equipment. If you have any questions, or if we can be of assistance in any manner,please give us a call at(828)855- 3182. Meter/Sampler(2) Calibration Letter PO Box 1469 Hickory,NC 28683 Phone(828)855-3182 www.clearwaterinc.net (jearWater,I.nc .- iT... . . #ext•.,.:w. tilak14W.,0,�, ..aw :; �c�����•..yr L? Effluent Sampler: + ` Q1� t�.fi .~ 5800 $).Pal41199s`„ r .., t1 x fti• "'' °� >.. fAi• y�,"'? 214F01078 so1�1f119rit$?,h`x s Calibration is completed at 150 ML. Calibration is good. This is to certify that I was at your facility to calibrate the equipment listed in this letter.A calibration sticker was placed on the equipment. If you have any questions, or if we can be of assistance in any manner,please give us a call at(828)855- 3182. f • Calibration Letter PO Box 1469 Hickory,NC 28683 Phone(828)855-3182 www.dearwaterinc.net learWater,Inc. EquipmentLocation Effluent Equipment .y" 4230 Bubbler Flow Meter Primary Devi ceit.4,VV411-1,,,i,;%1; 'A' 4"f:t ' ij Parshall Flume )r•,‘ 2" Serial Number 195H0 Totalizer 4634559 Multiplier - • x100 Units Gallons Begin Level 037 'r‘ 47 - ;`•Bnd Level .3i, 037 01.6W.,Rate 1 9 gpm Pump Duty Cycle(Bubbler): 0 7% Checked Battery Backed Power Pack-Supply Voltage: 13.362 iCommpnts Calibration is good. This is to certify that I was at your facility to calibrate the equipment listed in this letter.A calibration sticker was placed on the equipment. If you have any questions, or if we can be of assistance in any manner,please give us a call at(828)855- 3182. Work Sheet T _ _ — PO Box 1469 Hickory,NC 28683 Phone(828)855-3182 www.clearwaterinc.net Materials &Service S 3iR s }i�4 M * 1, s3 11 • A (I Service Code Unit Puce= ' 0a� - + '*x`' a s , Service i._ . . 2 1. • .-_ as � .-.Q` a2�. . '. ...:. .iti Calibration 1 $650.00 1 $650.00 GrandTO Total does not include applicable taxes. $650.00 ','Next Service Visit. **TO SCHEDULE YOUR NEXT SERVICE VISIT PLEASE CONTACT THE TECHNICIAN LISTED ON EHE'CALIBwIONTR +• Aa (+•)3 Months If you have any questions, or if we can be of assistance in any manner, please give us a call at(828)855-3182. ***THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE. PLEASE DO NOT PAY FROM THIS SERVICE FORM*** f1-#axe .5,� ,,.Y,�. _�. � y ... F .. 7 ,. , ;� Pei itr en4,lce F r►ii'tEa•Cus gmej d+s �; 31 xh'.,�', 3s,.: yr .?mac ,. thiatt@thmills.com Please see the attached service worksheet.This is not an invoice. Please provide a Purchase Order number at the time of service to nikki.swink@clearwaterinc.net(828)855-3182. Thank you for your business-We appreciate it very much. Poi•vered by www.dol orm.r.to,n ATTACHMENT D cLej 41) —4))N 411111\r ` GU The Western North Carolina Chapter of the The Piedmont • : Chapter of the Nations/Association of Hosiery Manufacturers Nation&Assoc':,. +. Hosieryly man to ( }f U\ 7E, 200 NORTH SHARON AMITY flown, CHARl.oT NC 28211 • PHONE: (704) 365-0213 44 01)// 62• D66 ) Otd,p_ To: North Carolina damQS L. Throneba Hosiery Manufacturers ufq From: Chuck Brooks �'/ MAY I a1"O Re. TITLE V EXEMPTION HOSIERY KNITTING, DRYING, AND DYEING OPERATIONS Date: May 5, 1995 We are pleased to report the Air Quality Section of NC Division of Environmental Manage- ment has issued an exemption from the state's air permitting requirements under Title V of the Clean Air Act for all hosiery knitting operations, drying operations, and hosiery dyeing processes where bleach and solvent dyes are not used. The exemption arose from the efforts of NAHM Western and Piedmont NC Chapters which funded an extensive environ- mental study. In addition, NAHM conducted a broad industry survey generating additional data to support the exemption. The Air Quality Section has found that lint generated from knitting and drying operations is not an air pollutant and therefore not subject to permitting requirements. It has also deter- mined hosiery dyeing processes where bleach and solvent dyes are not used also qualify for an exemption. North Carolina hosiery manufacturers are urged to keep a copy of Donald R. van der Vaart's April 25, 1995 letter in their files in the event a DEM compliance officer visits their facility and is unaware of the exemption covering the knitting, drying, and hosiery dyeing processes. A copy of that letter is attached to this communication. State of North Carolina %,, nisi 6 Department of Environment, pREs—`�'n . c-: u Health and Natural Resource ,. . - r. i • • Division of Environmental Manage nt 2 6 194 ,......_„.... J.. ..... James B. Hunt,Jr., Governor p 1--I N Pt B. Howes, Secretary '"` A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director April 25, 1995 Mr. Chuck Brooks Vice President and Secretary National Association of Hosiery Manufacturers 200 North Sharon Amity Road Charlotte, North Carolina 282 1 1-3004 Subject: Request for Exemption from Air Permitting Requirements for Hosiery Industry Processes Dear Mr. Brooks: Reference is made to your Ietter dated March 31, 1995 addressed to Mr. Thomas Allen of the Division of Environmental Management. In your letter you requested that this Division revise Regulation 15A NCAC 2Q .0102, "Activities Exempted From Permit Requirements", to include hosiery dyeing processes, where bleach and solvent dyes are not used. The Planning Branch of the Division of Environmental Management has written a draft copy of this revised Regulation and they will submit a copy of this revision to the Environmental Management Commission (EMC) in May 1995. The revision will be listed under 15A NCAC 2Q .0102 (b)(1), "activities exempted because of category", and will exempt hosiery knitting machines/associated lint screens, hosiery dryers/associated lint screens, and hosiery dyeing processes where bleach or solvent dyes are not used. The Department of Environmental Management, Air Quality Permitting Section, will suspend the issuance of any air permits for these types of facilities pending the completion of rulemaking for the proposed Regulation. P.O. Box 29535,Raleigh.North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-3340 FAX 919-733-5317 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50%recycled/ 10%post-consumer paper • Mr, Brooks Page No. 2 If you have any more questions, please contact Booker T. Pullen, E.I.T., at (919) 733-3340 Ext. 336. 'incere y • Donald R. van der Vaart, Ph.D., P.E. Supervisor, PSD/Special Permitting � P Air Quality Section cc: Dale Wolf, Rust Environment & Infrastructure Roy Davis, ARO Tommy Stevens, FRO Keith Overcash, MRO Jim Mulligan, WRO Rick Shiver, WiRO Larry Coble, WSRO Ken Schuster, RRO ATTACHMENT E www,labor.nc.gov BOILER SAFETY BUREAU 919-707-7918 CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTIO 111 NCDOL MAIL CERTIFICATE TO: N.C.Department of Labor ATTN BRAD WARREN THORLO INC 319 LINK ST NC#: NC301050 ROCKWELL, NC 28138-7500 Nat. Bd.#: 8985 USER. inspector Commission #: NC1366 THORLO INC County: ROWAN 319 LINK ST Certificate Expires: 03/31/2022 ROCKWELL, NC 28138-7500 The pressure equipment described herein may be operated in accordance with the terms described and only at the location specified. Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (PSI): 150 Type: FIRE TUBE Safety Valve Set Pressure (PSI): 150 Used For: PROCESS Manufacturer: JOHNSTON Year Built: 1995 Location of Equipment: BLR RM L . Josh Dobson, Commissioner of Labor Don Kinney, Cliref inspectors,/ § North Carolina General Statute 95-69 Uniform Boiler and Pressure Vessel Act It shall be unlawful for any person to operate or use any boiler or pressure vessel in this State, and to which this Article applies, without a valid inspection certificate....;penalty:Any person found to be operating or using a boiler or pressure vessel without a valid inspection certificate shall be subject to a civil penalty of up to five hundred dollars (R500) for each day of illegal operation. This permit is to be posted full view under glass and displayed in the machinery space near the equipment or maintained in a safe place and be readily retrieved for inspection and review by any appropriate authority. You must arrange for inspections by either your vessel insurance carrier inspector; if insured, or by a State inspector and you must pay the fees required by statute. When making repairs, you or your contractor must involve an inspector concerning those repairs prior to starting repairs. The completed repairs are subject to the inspector's approval. If there is an accident to the vessel, you must contact the Boiler Safety Bureau immediately. You may not remove or disturb any parts except to save human life or protect property. Print Date: 04/05/21 IV14.1905 1/21 FORM Pot(BACK) IS. Openings: (a)Steam One 8.00" 300#LWN FL'G (b)Safety Valve Two 3.00" NPT 300#FC (No.,Size,and Type) (No.,Size,and Type) (c)Blowoff Two 2.00" NPT 300#FC Bottom (d)Feed Two 1.50" NPT 300#FC (1) LH Side (1)•RH`Side r (No.,Ssze,Type,and Location) o„Stze,Type,ype,and Location) , (e)Manholes:No. One Size 12X16 (3/4X3 Ring) Location Rear Head Above Tubes (f)Handhoies:No. Seven Size 3.25X5.00 Location 2 Front 1 Bottom 2 Rear 1 LH Sidel RH Side . 16. Fusible Plug(if used) None (No.Dia.Location,Wes.Stamp) 4' 17. Boiler Supports: No. Two Type Saddles Attachment Welded (Saddles,Leos,Lugs) 18. MAWP 150 psi Based On PG-46.1 f 150) Heating Surface 1500 (Code Par.and/or Formula) Crow) 19. Shop Hydrostatic Test 225 psig. 20. Maximum Designed Steaming Capacity 10,350 lbsyhr.•.: 21. Remarks CERTIFICATE OF SHOP COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this data report are correct and that all details of design, material,construction, and workmanship of this boiler conform to Section I of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. Our Certificate of Authorization no. 231 to use the(5) S symbol expires March.30, 1996 • rr Date //— �-- Signed �t��r/-.�.e•��f, Name Johnston Boiler Company (Authorized Representative) (Manufacture() CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION i Boiler constructed by Johnston Boiler Company at Ferrysburg, Michigan. I,the undersigned,holding a valid commission issued by the National Board Of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and/or the state or province of-•; Michigan and employed by H. S. B. I. & I. Co. of Hartford CT ' have inspected parts of this boiler referred to as data items 4-20 inclusive and have examined Manufacturer's Partial Data Reports for itemsNone and state that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the manufacturer has constructed this/:boiler in accordance with Section I of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. By signing this certificate neither the inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the boiler described in this Manufacturer's Data Report. Furthermore,neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage, or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this ins tion.Date y-//-9 ( Signed Commissions fig l)///, //4, :/AA 0 • (A prized Inspector) Natl.Board(incl.endorsements),State,Province,and No.t CERTIFICATE OF FiELD ASSEMBLY COMPLIANCE • We certify that the field assembly construction of all parts of this boiler conforms with the requirements of Section I of the ASME BOILER AND ' PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. Our Certificate of Authorization no. to use the(A)or(S) symbol expires • Date Signed Name (Authorized Representative) (Assembler) CERTIFICATE OF FIELD ASSEMBLY INSPECTION I,the undersigned,holding a valid commission issued by the National Board Of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and/or the state or province of and employed by i have compared the statements in this Manufacturers Data Report with the described boiler and state that the parts referred to as data items , not included in the certificate of shop inspection,have been inspected by me and that to the best of • • my knowledge and belief,the manufacturer and/or the assembler has constructed and assembled this boiler in accordance with the applicable sectlont • of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The described boiler was inspected and subjected to a hydrostatic test of is ty signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning-the boiler described in this •Manufacturers Data Report. Furthermore,neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a toss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Date Signed Commissions • (Authonzed Inspector) (Nat'l Board(incl.endorsements),State,Province,and No.i .j (tom) . FORM P-8 MANUFACTURER'S S DATA REPORT SUPPLEMENTARY SHEET As required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules 1. Manufacturer(or Engineering Contractor) Johnston Boiler Company 300 Pine Street F'errysbiuro;Nil 49409-0300 (Name and address) - . 2. Purchaser Thor-Lo Hosiery 319 Link Street Stockwell NC 28138 (Nana and address) 3. Type of Boiler Firetube Scotch MIrine 4, Boiler No. 9342-01 934210101 89,P5 MOS..$4rial No.) (CRN) (Drawing No.) (Nati Board No.) 199k (Yes(Su by Une No. 11 (a) Combustion Chamber Wrapper 0.8875" SA-285-C 52.00" I.D. 30.00"Between Heads 15 (g) Auxiliary Steam: One 2.00" NPT 300#F.C. 17 (a) 2 Lifting Lugs Welded Date 47 //'" / — Named Johns tort_$o11t<r _Compare igned .1_06 F/ • Date - l/— 5� �1 Commissions /Y/3 1 69C/�l rT .� ( turd Inspector) (Nati Roard(Inel.endorsements),State,Rrosince,and No.) t1 FORM P-2 MANUFACTURER'S DATA REPORT FOR ALL TYPES OF BOILERS EXCEPT WATERTUBE AND ELECTRIC • As required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules.Section I Manufactured by Johnston Boiler Company 300 Pine Street Ferrysburr,`Mi 49409-03Q0 (Name and address of Manufacturer) 2. Manufactured for Thor-Lo Hosiery 319 Link Street Rockwell NC 28138 (Name and address of Purchaser) 3. Location of installation Thor-Lo Hosiery 319 Link Street ,Rockwell NC 28138 (Nemo and address) 4. Type Firetube Scotch Marine Boiler No. 9342-01 934210101 8985 Year Built 1995 (HRT,etc) (Mfg's.Serial No.) (CRN) (Drawing No.) (Nail Board No.) 5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design,construction,and workmanship conform to Section I of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code 1992 (Yw) Addenda to A-93 ,and Code Cases (Date) (Numbers) Manufacturer's Partial Data Reports property identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors are attached for the following Items of this report: (Name of pert,item number,mfg'a.name and identifying romp) None 6. Shells or drums: One SA-516-70 0.500" 80.00" 172.00" (no.) (marl spec gr.) (thickness rm.)) (die(lD)) (length,meld.) (die(D)) (length,inside) 7. Joints: Welded 100% Welded Two [long(seamless,welded)] [efficiency(as compared to seamless)) [girth (seamless,welded)] - (no:of shetroovrses) 8. Heads SA-285-C 0.5625" Flat (Material Specification No.: Thickness•Flat,Dished,Ellipsoidal-Radius of Dish) 9. Tubesheet SA-285-C 0.5625" Tube Holes 2.53" (Marl Spec.,Grade Thickness) (Dia) 10. Boiler Tubes: No. 172 SA-178-A Straight (Marl.Spec.,Grade) (Straight a Bent) ) Dia 2.50" Length 135.00"- 172.00" — Gauge• #13 B.W.G. : - (1 various,give max 8 min) (or thickness) 11. Fumace No. One Size 33.00" OD Length,each section Total 144.25"' (OD or µI XH) Type Corrugated , (Plain,Adamson,Ring Reinforced,Corrugated,Combined,or Stayed) SA-285-C 0.375" Seams: Type Welded '" (Mart.Spec.,Grade,Thickness) (Seamless,Welded) 12. Staybolts: No. 37 Size 1.125" SA-36 0.994 Sq. irt•' cola.Marl.Spec.Grade,Size Telltale,NM Ares) Pitch 8.00" x 8.00" MAWP 181 pal. (Hoe.and Vert) 13. Stays or Braces u— Material No.& Max Total . Fig.PFT-32 Dist.Tubes Area to be MAWP. Location Spec.No. Type Size Pitch Net area U1 to Shell Stayed psi ,i (a) F.H.above tubes SA-36 Diag. 13, 1.125" 8.00" 12.9 ' 17.75" 699 194 . .: ` (b) R.H.above tubes SA-36 Diag. 10, 1.125" 8.00" 9.9 17.75" ,,599 174 . (c) F.H.below tubes I �' (d) R.H.below tubes r (e) Through stays • i (I) Dome braces • )4. Other Parts 1. W.G. Piping 2. 3. (Brief Description-i.e.,Dome,Boller Piping,etc.) 1. SA-53-B 1.00" Threaded Pipe Sch.#80 2. 3. (Marl.Spec„Grade,Size,Material Thickness,MAWP) I Sa/isbury-Riwan INDUSTRIAL PRETRE ATMENT INSPECTION FORM Name of Industry: Thorneburg Hosiery Mills,Inc. IUP# 0034 Address of Industry: 319 Link Street IUP Expiration Date: P.O. BOX 579 October 31, 2021 Rockwell,N.C.28138-0579 Industry Representatives: Title Tim Hiatt Maintenance Resource Brad Warren Mechanical Engineer/Plant Manager POTW Representatives: Title Jeff Greer Pretreatment Program Coordinator Mark Monroe Regulatory Compliance Technician Date of Inspection: March 9, 2021 Time Of Inspection 10:00 am Purpose of Inspection: Annual X Other(Describe) POTW to which IU discharges Town Creek Treatment Train WWTP NPDES#NC0023884 Is SIU currently in SNC? NO If yes,for what? PART I-INITIAL INTERVIEW Has anything changed since the last inspection or IUP application in the following: COMMENTS Product NO Raw Materials Used NO Manufacturing processes NO Categorical,if applicable N/A Production Rate YES Slight increase of approximately 30%since last inspection 6/19/20. #Of Employees:50-Plant operates five(5)days per week. Twenty four(24)hour production Monday, Tuesday and Wed. Twelve(12)hour production, Thursday, Friday. (Also on Saturday as necessary). The dye house operation works four--10 hour days from 6 am-5 pm and sometimes on Fridays, as necessary. PART II-PLANT TOUR-Visit all areas where wastewater is generated or where there are drains to the POTW. Plant Tour Section A-PRODUCTION AND STORAGE AREAS 1. Are there floors drains in the production ares? YES Where do they go? Washroom floor drain goes to the pit. Boiler room floor drain goes to the storm drain.All other floor drains are plugged. 2.Are production areas diked,contained,or otherwise construct:d in such a way as to prevent harm to the WWTP, especially from spills or slugs? YES Comments: Containment pallets are used under chemical containers located in production areas. 3.Are there floor drains in the storage area? YES Where do they go? All drains in the production area are plugged. Process dye and bulk dye storage areas drain to the pit. Containment pallets are also used under all storage containers in this area.All chemicals on production floor have secondary containment provided. Page 1 4.Are storage tanks and areas diked,contained,or otherwise constructd in such a way as to prevent harm to the WWTP, especially from spills or slugs? YES Comments: Opened chemicals are stored in the process dye storage area. Unopened chemicals are stored in the bulk dye storage area. Drains in both areas go to the pit. Most chemicals are stored at point of use in production area,where drains are plugged. Containment pallets are being used where all chemicals are stored. 5.Are process and storage tanks and pipes labeled? YES 6.How are off-spec raw materials,and products disposed of? All off-spec raw materials are either recycled or sent to the landfill.Benfield Sanitation in Statesville,NC hauls recycling. 7.When is the production area cleaned? Production areas are cleaned every shift. The pump filters in the pit are cleaned every 3-4 hours. 8.Is the wastewater from cleaning the production area discharged to the POTW? YES Consisting mainly of rinse-off water from floor cleaning. 9.What non-process wastewaters are discharged to POTW? Domestic PART II-Plant Tour Section B-PRETREATMENT SYSTEM Ask the operator to describe pretreatment system. 1.Does operator seem knowledgeable about the system? YES Comments: 2.Are all units operational? YES 3.How often does operator/maintenance person check system? Daily, usually in the mornings. 4.Is there an operator for each shift? YES Note:Not operating a night shift at the dye house at this time 5.How and when is sludge disposed of? Safety Kleen of Charlotte,NC removes sludge from the pit when needed.Pit will be pumped and sludge removed in March 2021. The pit is drained and checked annually in January during production shutdown. 6.Is there a schedule for preventative maintenance? YES All equipment is checked daily with repairs performed as needed. Section Comments: The only pretreatment is pH adjustment and filtering of lint in the pit. There is a screen at the influent to the pit and 6 swimming pool filter pumps in the pit. Pumping is dependent on the water level.pH adjustment is set at a range of 6.5& 9.5.Pumps will automatically shut off if pH is out of range.SIU monitors pH closely in the pit. Washing removes oils and wax from thread.Acetic acid is used to dissolve the dyes and Sodium Hydroxide is used to adjust the pH in the pit. PART II-Plant Tour Section C-SAMPLING POINT(S)AND FLOW MEASUREMENT (Collect a sample if desired.) 1.Does an outside lab complete sampling? No(Analysis only) If yes,name of lab. Pace Labs performs all analysis. IU usually collects and completes sampling NOTE:IU has found it more practical to have contracted laboratory to collect all the samples for analysis during the 2021 year due to the requirement of having to collect Low Level Mercury samples by special sampling procedure for the months of January, February,and March 2021. 2.If industry completes sampling,ask the industry representative to describe sampling procedures. Comments:The SIU maintains a refrigerated sampler which was replaced in 2014. The SIU collects all samples and packs them in ice. The samples are transported to Pace Labs via FED EX(Next day delivery). Personnel are very knowledgeable about sampling procedures. Page 2 d 3.Is flow measurement equipment operational? YES Comments: Flow reading:245048216 4.Is there a calibration log for the flow meter? YES Comments: Submitted every six months with semi-annual report. A notebook including SDS sheets,copy of permit,self-monitoring reports, etc. is exchanged every six months.Flow meter is calibrated quarterly by Clearwater,Inc. Section Comments: The sampling station is well maintained and very clean. The flume is swabbed and wiped down. PART III-EXIT INTERVIEW Review monitoring records and other SIU records required by IUP. 1.Are files well organized? YES Comments: The files are well maintained and very well organized. 2.Are sample collection/chain-of-custody forms filled out properly? YES Comments:. 3.Do results in files agree with reports sent to POTW? YES Comments: 4.Who has authority to shut down production should a spill or slug discharge occur? Resource(supervisory)personnel, dye house operators,and maintenance personnel on each shift. 5.How does SIU inform employees of whom to call at POTW in case of spill/slug? Training sessions are held twice per year with semi-annual report submission. 6.Slug/Spill Control Plan Required? YES Last update submitted: November 12,2020 7.Is SIU implementing slug/spill plan? YES Review procedures.There are kill switches in production area that will shut the flow down. Small spill kits are available for spill response. Material handlers take chemicals directly to spill containment areas as soon as they are received. Section Comments: SIU incorporates two processes that generate process wastewater:sock dyeing and washing. The dye is an acid base which has a low pH and the wash water has a neutral pH. The pH meter calibration must bracket the effluent pH range.Example:If effluent pH is 7.5,then the pH meter calibration will be pH buffer 4.0 and pH buffer 10 and check the meter with 7.0 buffer. INSPECTION RESULTS Comments/Required or Recommended Actions: • Entity business name change has occurred since last inspection.Facility is now Thorneburg Hosiery Mills,Inc. • Slug/Spill update due November 2021. 0 • IU stated theymay,in the future,start usingro-d edyarns as an alternative to sock dyeing(Possibly a 50%ratio YP Y Y g of sock dyeing to pre-dyed yarns.) • Noted during the inspection was some equipment upgrades have been implemented to improve IU's production efficiency. • Low Level Mercury self-monitoring sampling was discussed during inspection.IU was made aware that in the future the Pretreatment discharge permit,based on analysis results,will be re-opened to either add a mercury limit or remove self-monitoring Mercury sampling requirements. • Very Rood facility housekeeping was observed during inspection. Signature of Inspector(s) Date: Date: Page 3 Workbook Name : Draft--Town Creek_HWA AT 2018 Approved., Worksheet Name: AcTnted: 10/1/2021, 8:04 AM Page 1 of 4 Allocation Table Spreadsheet Instructions: Headworks last approved: 02/22/18 1)Applicable Values should be entered in the Heavy Bordered cells. Rest of worksheet is protected,password is"2". 2)Formulas are discussed in the Comprehensive Guidance,Chapter 6,Section C. Allocation Table updated: 09/30/21 3)HWA and AT worksheets in this workbook are linked. Pollutant Names,MAHLs,Basis,and Uncontrollable load in Permits last modified: 04/15/21 this AT worksheet are automatically entered from the HWA spreadsheet. This includes pollutant names in columns AT through BK. POTW=>Town Creek WWTT NPDESrk>NC0023884 FLOW BOD TSS Industry Type Renewal Modification Date Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits IUP INDUSTRY NAMES Permit Pipe of Effective Effective Permit Conc. Load Conc. Load Count (please list alphabeticly) number number Industry Date Date Expires MGD gal/day m I lbs/da mg/1 lbs/day 1 Hexagon Agility 0039 01 3714-433 01/04/17 04/15/21 12/31/21 0.0350 35,000 2 HBD,Inc. 0011 01 3069 07/15/16 11/13/20 06/30/21 0.0300 30,000 _ 3 Thorneburg Hosiery Mills,Inc. 0034 01 2252 11/01/21 10/31/26 0.1000 100,000 250.00 250.00 11 4 _ 5 6 7 1, 1 8 10 Column Totals=> 0.1650 165,000 250 250 Basis=> NPDES Design Design MAHL from HWA(lbs/day)=> NPDES Permitted Flow=> 5.0000 14595 16680 Uncontrollable Loading(lbs/day)=> 2.1603 4504 5009 Total Allowable for Industry(MAIL)(lbs/day)=> 2.8397 10090.8 11671 Total Permitted to Industry(lbs/day)=> 0.1650 250 250 MAIL left(lbs/day)=> 2.6747 9841 11421 Percent Allow.Ind.(MAIL)still available(%)=> 94.2% 97.5% 97.9% Percent MAHL still available(%)=> 53.5% 67.4% 68.5% 5 Percent MARL(lbs/day)=> 0.2500 730 834 HWA.AT Revised:November 2005 Workbook Name : Draft--Town Creek_HWA AT 2018_Approved., Worksheet Name: Tnted: 10/1/2021, 8:04AM Page 2 of 4 Allocation Table Headworks last approved: 02/22/18 Allocation Table updated: 09/30/21 Permits last modified: 04/15/21 POTW=>Town Creek WWTT NPDEs1 >NC0023884 Ammonia Arsenic Cadmium Chromium Copper Cyanide Industry Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits IUP INDUSTRY NAMES Permit Pipe Conc. Load Conc. Load Conc. Load Conc. Load Conc. Load Conc. Load Count (please list alphabeucly) number number mg/1 lbs/day mg/1 lbs/day mg/1 lbs/day mg/1 lbs/day mg/1 lbs/day mg/1 lbs/day 1 Hexagon Agility 0039 01---.. __ 0.0700 0.0204 0.4991 0.6042 0.6500 0.1897 2 HBD,Inc. 0011 01 0.0300 3 Thomeburg Hosiery Mills,Inc. 0034 01 �� 1 , I..-- 0.0510 4 r., 1 , 5 6 7 8 9 r ' / 10 1 1 Column Totals=> 0 0.0000 0.0204 0.4991 0.6852 0.1897 AS/Nit/TF AS/Nit/TF Stream AS/Nit/TF AS/Nit/TF AS/Nit/TF Basis=> inhibition inhibition Std inhibition inhibition inhibition MARL from HWA(lbs/day)_> 8859.08 1.8456 1.3971 7.2718 8.8591 1.8456 Uncontrollable Loading(lbs/day)_> 450.42 0.0775 0.0541 0.9008 1.0990 0.7387 Total Allowable for Industry(MAIL)(lbs/day)_> 8408.66 1.7682 1.3430 6.3710 7.7601 1.1069 Total Permitted to Industry(lbs/day)_> 0.00 0.0000 0.0204 0.4991 0.6852 0.1897 MAIL left(lbs/day)_> 8408.66 1.7682 1.3226 5.8719 7.0749 0.9172 Percent Allow.Ind.(MAIL)still available(%)_> 100.0% 100.0% 98.5% 92.2% 91.2% 82.9% Percent MAHL still available(%)_> 94.9% 95.8% 94.7% 80.7% 79.9% 49.7% 5 Percent MAHL(lbs/day)=> 442.95 0.0923 0.0699 0.3636 0.4430 0.0923 HWA.AT Revised:November 2005 Workbook Name : Draft--Town Creek_HWA AT 2018_Approved., Worksheet Name: tented: 10/1/2021, 8:04AM Page 3 of 4 Allocation Table Headworks last approved: 02/22/18 Allocation Table updated: 09/30/21 Permits last modified: 04/15/21 Porw->Town Creek WWTT NPDES >NC0023884 Lead Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Selenium Silver Industry Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits IUP INDUSTRY NAMES Permit Pipe Conc. Load Conc. Load Conc. Load Conc. Load Conc. Load Conc. Load Count (p)case list alphabeuo)y) number number mg/1 lbs/day mg/1 lbs/day mg/1 lbs/day mg/I lbs/day mg/1 lbs/day mg/1 lbs/day 1 Hexagon Agility 0039 01 0.4300 0.1255 2.3800 0.6947 0.2400 0.0701 2 HBD,Inc. 0011 01 3 Thomeburg Hosiery Mills,Inc. 0034 01 _ 4 5 - 6 7 8 9 10 Column Totals=> 0.1255 0.000000 0.0000 0.6947 0.00001 ) 0.0701 Stream Sludge AS/Nit/TF Sludge Stream Basis=> Std Stream Std Ceiling inhibition Ceiling Std MAHL from HWA(Ibs/day)_> 6.1077 0.023052 4.3853 4.6141 3.8591 0.1844 Uncontrollable Loading(lbs/day)_> 0.8828 _ 0.005405 0.0901 0.3784 0.0775 0.0901 Total Allowable for Industry(MAIL)(lbs/day)=> 5.2249 0.017647 4.2952 4.2358 3.7816 0.0943 Total Permitted to Industry(lbs/day)_> 0.1255 0.000000 0.0000 0.6947 0.0000 0.0701 MAIL left(lbs/day)_> 5.0994 0.017647 4.2952 3.5411 3.7816 0.0242 Percent Allow.Ind.(MAIL)still available(%)=> 97.6% 100.0% 100.0% 83.6% 100.0% 25.7% Percent MAHL still available(%)_> 83.5% 76.6% 97.9% 76.7% 98.0% 13.1 % 5 Percent MARL(lbs/day)=> 0.3054 0.001153 0.2193 0.2307 0.1930 0.0092 HWA.AT Revised:November 2005 Workbook Name : Draft--Town Creek HWA AT 2018 Approved., Worksheet Name: �inted: 10/1/2021, 8:04AM Page 4 of 4 Allocation Table Headworks last approved: 02/22/18 Allocation Table updated: 09/30/21 Permits last modified: 04/15/21 POTw=>Town Creek WWTT NPDESa=>NC0023884 Zinc Total Nitrogen Total Phos. Industry Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits IUP INDUSTRY NAMES Permit Pipe Conc. Load Conc. Load Conc. Load Count (please kat alphabeticly) number number mg/1 lbs/day mg/I lbs/day mg/1 lbs/day 1 Hexagon Agility 0039 01 1.4800 0.4320 2 HBD,Inc. 0011 01 0.0750 3 Thorneburg Hosiery Mills,Inc. 0034 01 0.1460 ^- 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Column Totals=> 0.6530 0.00 0.00 AS/Nit/TF Basis=> inhibition MAHL from HWA(lbs/day)=> 18.4564 Uncontrollable Loading(lbs/day)_> 3.1530 653.6352 96.93 Total Allowable for Industry(MAIL)(lbs/day)_> 15.3035 Total Permitted to Industry(lbs/day)_> 0.6530 0.00 0.00 MAIL left(lbs/day)_> 14.6505 Percent Allow.Ind.(MAIL)still available(%)_> 95.7% ####### ####### Percent MAHL still available(%)=> 79.4% ####### ####### 5 Percent MAHL(lbs/day)=> 0.9228 HWA.AT Revised:November 2005