HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-04178_Well Construction - GW1_20210827 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For Immal Use ONLY: •itchformconbeuxdfixsin*o+rnoiltiple»ells i.Weil Contractor information: Rich Leaaire pe+ MI T P t OY v11401CorrtmotoTName 2593A 1S.OUM tl ornnitfi�wM1*0 4RLim, a1 licab r. NC Well ConmatorCenifimionNarrber O� G� ✓ FROM To DiA51ETFAt T!"MMM MATERIAL SAEDACCO Inc ��ryL` Q� 0 fL 3 fL 2° in. SCH-40 PVC CaaV.".Nami .•1 , N OR a3281N ►i eetilel6t eda iROtn TO DtAAIrm Tfnt7.TRSS MAIMAL 2.Wdl Construction Pcrmft 8: ft. ft. Iin. fiNaft dwfirnwe wr"Pem fh fL!r•County,$tar,Lhrfoerr.llfta rt stria n. n, lln.. 3.We IVUse(chcdtwdl use): zry S N Water Supply Well: m1n. TO =01AMRThR st T f2Z Tt1lf�MS MATT:itAT. OAgficultmal Oh tT1cipal/PubliC 13 (r. 2° In j .010 SCH-40 PVC OGeothennai(Heatirotooling Supply) ORmid ential Water Suppb-(single) IL in DindDstrialtConintetrial OResidentiai Water SiIpply(stntmd) iA GROtY> TteOM TD tITATA3RtAI. CEMI�'rMR1r/ODAtAMOIA�T [3 lion Non-WaterSupply'Well: (L M mmonitod E31tecoirg 7njectloll Well: 0A4vifer lIccl mSe 00mundhnter Rcmedistion s,S t) XC1..: Tilt TAT1 7tT- tB TAt, P- . / Mfn OA�eTifCr.�!( A6CatidRex¢1Try G]$a9linity.l3MCI 3 M 13 A. SAND #2 0AtltriferTcs1 OStogionn ert)minagc ft. ft. 0kxpctimentalTcchnotM ❑obsideoccCon"I 70.1)RIt:G1I t�' t'r eat �tldiiiat►tff s1f,""" n' _ „ l3Geothennal(Closed Loop) OTraoer TRO;rt TO DMCRTMO%cokes,wren foa'tca Ot.dr: 0t.teotitemial(Hea. Coo' Return) ❑0dw lain under1121 Reroaft 0 fe. 13, ft. RED CLAY SILT fL ft. 4.Date WeU(s)Completed., 6-29-2021 WdIID#TMTt-3 fT, tt 52.Well LACAtinn: (L ry, YADKINVILLE REFUSE DISPOSAL SITS ft. ft, Facility/owwwame Fmuityivoarapptiarltlo) fL ft. 707 Tennessee St., YADKINVILLE, NC, 27055 h, PJ0,s l.Addm m Cfty.and Zip 31a1tl(t YADKIN BENTONITE FROM 0'TO 31. Crmceiy, PArtel No,(M) ft.lattfrhtde and Longitude indegrem0ninutskMeondsor decimal dt . 2LCeztification: (Nxc1t tictA,air Tatnorg ts.sOfe:ken) `-- y e�i _ +'4 td_1 (^. 7/4/2021 5igmtam of Cat c ell Cantmctor Date 6.b(ere)the well(6): OPcimaneut or ZTemporary BV sdgnmg Ait form,.I kr re,by emir 7fiDI rkr uafljirl met f wrn'1 CantYnretrrf in ararrdvrtrr with IM NCAC 02C.01M or MA MCAC 07C,020D IWO Co#0rmV m Stam*wda and hat a 7.is this a repair to on m dsting well: oW s or M-No tops o}Fiat rrrn.ar t n�t ,T,�r,�'&le�fi In d+r M,�t(M ref. tf drts Ito repdn JAl out o ud1 roFmnmt m lnfomTarinn and e.Wfah the normfe of mt repair rm,frr 421 trmarb srdim or m tar bark of this farm. 23.Site diagram or edditional well details: You play use the bus-,of dos pageto,pm*.ide add9domi Well site details or weil S.Numberof si'ells constructed: 1 cbnstmetion details. You may also cinch additional pages if necessary. Formaldpfr Injection or NMI-4meeAwplyWell ONLY nithdmremrrerrshnctlott,}r+u J ij rmW t mW faun St]BMAi,lticq $ 9.Totali eltdepth below land surrace: 13 {R.) 24s. For All Wells: Sibinit thiS;Ioun within 30 dins of oonipladlon of well Fortmnfd;lk imfls tlsrall,depda edifferem knmptr-1d?+20fi`asuf 61w) CKmSttitcti4n to the(Arcing; Ili.Stotle water ie►'el below top of easing s (it.) Division of Water Resa frees,Information Protessing Unit, tf iur davet dsa#iirvr rdrttt$,are"4" 1617 Mail Senice Center,Raido,NO2U"4617 11,80rdmie diameter.8.25^ (in,) 24b.Eter.tnicgtion.3M ONLY. fin addition to sending the form,to the address in 24aabove,also submit a copy of this fotrvI witbin 30 days of completion of well IL R'edl construction-method:AUGERS Construction to the follming: (it.taigas.maq.cable.dhm pmth ex:) Dh4.slon of Water R,esonmvs„Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY MLI S ONLY 1636 Aloft Sexvloe Clnter,Rale o,NC 276994636 132.Meld(gpm) method often 23t.For Water SngMX(1'c injesaTon Wells. Also subttut on.,copy of this form uithtn'30 days of mlipleufon of 13b.Disinfection hoc, Ammut: well construction to the cotmlh*61th depsomm,t of the cotmty trheat cotraroctod, Farm G1V•t Nayth Catalina Dq=uaettt of F. ronmM mad Natund Resotr ms-Dicislon of Rtatet RCsotnrG Re%-lwd AtVd i0t3