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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130962 Ver 1_Application_20130905f STATE OF NORTH CAROLdNA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PAT McCRORY GOVERNOR August 28, 2012 N.C. Division of Water Quality Winston -Salem Regional Office 585 Waughtown St. Winston - Salem, NC 27107 Attention: Ms. Amy Euliss D SAP - 5 EALU D n►�t - vvA R TY A NTHONY 1.TATA SECRETARY 201 30962 Subject: Notification for the replaced of Bridge 4102 over Sugar Tree Creek on SR 1717 (Wrenn Rd) in Caswell County. WBS !# 17BP.7.R.60. Dear Ms. Euliss, The North Carolina Deparhnent of Transportation is scheduled to replace Bridge #102 with a new bridge at the same location. I have included the Attachment L with a project description and a set of the project plans. An attachment G and stormwater management plan is also attached. Please review this project for compliance by your Division. This letter is to serve as a courtesy notification to both the Division of Water Resources and the USACE. No written authorization is anticipated. We plan to begin construction as soon as possible. If further information is required, please contact Jerry Parker at (336) 256 -2063. Your early review and consideration will be appreciated. Sincerely, J. Mills, P.E. Division Engineer, Division 7 cc: Jerry A. Parker, Division Environmental Supervisor Andy Williams, US Army Corps of Engineers Tim Powers, NCDOT NCDENR DWQ Wedands /401 Unit, Raleigh, NC Barry Harrington, Roadside Environmental Field Operations Engineer Jeremy Warren, NCDOT P. O. Box 14996, GREENSBORO, NC 274154996 PxoNE (336) 3343192 FAx (336) 3343637 Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Coleen H. Sullins Dee Freeman Director Secretary Attachment L: Low Impact Bridge Replacement Process Low Impact Bridge Project No. 17BP.7.R.60 County - Caswell Bridge No. 160102 over Sugar Tree Creek WBS Element Number: 17BP.7.R.60 This project is subject to the Low Impact Bridge Process as agreed to on October 6, 2009. This project meets the documentation requirements and approval procedures under NEPA, as defined by FHWA, for Low Impact Bridge Replacements. This project meets the standards of NCDOT's Minimum Criteria Rules. Date: Aunust. 28.2012 Applicant Name: NCD0T Applicant Address: 1584 Yancewille Street Greensboro INC 27415 Primary Contact for Project: Jerry A. Parker Phone No.: 336 256 -2063 Is this an after- the -fact application: Yes X No River Basin: Roanoke Stream Classification: WS-11, HQW Regulatory Authorization Options for this Activity Feral: USACE Nationwide General Permit 3 — Maintenance State: General Water Quality Certification #3687 Local: None Transportation Permitting Unit One 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699 -1650 NofthCarolina Location 2321 Crabtree Blvd , Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 // Phone 919 - 733 -1786 \ FAX 919 - 733 -6893 UA y+ 9"Y Internet http //h2o enr state /ncwetlands/ Project Description — The project consists of replacing Bridge #160102 over Sugar Tree Creek on SR 1717 (Wrenn Rd) and improving roadway approaches. The existing 51' L X 20'W bridge is structurally deficient and will be replaced with a new 72'L X 27'W bridge at the same location. An off -site detour will be utilized during construction. The project will involve approximately 0.02 ac and 60 linear feet of temporary impacts to surface waters that is necessary in order to construct the bridge to NCDOT standards. A stormwater management plan is also attached. No other environmental impacts are anticipated. A survey was conducted for the presence of James spinymussel, the only federally listed protected species for Caswell County. A conclusion of no effect was reached for the James spinymussel. Signature: <1 Print Name: J. M. Mills. P.E. Title: Division Ensaineer. Division 7 Low/Minimal Impact Bridge Project Data Sheet 8122/2013 TIP NO N/A WBS 178P.7.R.20 County Caswell Bridge Number 160102 Description Bridge 160102 Over Sugar Tree Creek on SR 1717 nn Road Stream Basin Roanoke Classification WS-11, How SIN 22- 58-4 -1 Type Perenmal Size 22 feet at bridge Existing Structure Type Timber Deck on Timber Joists Size 51'x 29 Suff. Rating 21 Proposed Structure Type 24" Cored Slab Size (widthout to out) 72' X 27' Stream USACE Im acts (LF) Yes, 34 LF Non 404 Impacts LF No Wetlands USACE Impacts AC No Non 404 Impacts AC No CAMA Impacts (AC) No NC DWQ Buffers limpacts (SF) No Buffer Application Required ( >40 ft /N No NC DWQ StormWater Permit F Permit Required (Y/N) No T &E Habitat (yin) E laengata- No, H. leucocephalus -No, P borealis- No, R Michauxn- No Species Present None Blo Conclusion E. laengata- No Effect, H leucocephalus- No Effect, P borealis- No Effect, R Mtchauxir- No Effect Moratorium Type No Dates Trout Waters Native/Hatchery No Trout Species Present No Trout Conditions (YIN) No WRC Reviewer No CAMA AECs No Essential Fish Habitat /n No Nay. Opening No USCG Permit No Historic Properties No Archaeological Resources No Tribal Lands No 4( Resources No 6( LWC F] Resources No Wild and Scenic River No Forest Service Lands No TVA Area No FEMA Buyout No FEMA Flood Study Yes USTs Haz Mats No Relocatees No Location LAT 36.26000000 LONG -79.33000000 Project Comments Completed by: Davin Morrison, PE Lead Engineer G Environmental Officer — 93 T 8122/2013 (Project Trackmg No. (internal Use) I 11- 08-0030 NO PREHISTORIC OR HISTORIC PROPERTIES PRESENT /AFFECTED FORM PROJECT INFORMATION Project No: Str. #160102 WBS No: 17BP.7.R.20 F.A. No. na Federal (USACE) Permit Required? County: Caswell Document: PCE or MCC Funding. State ❑ Federal ® Yes ❑ No Permit Type: NWP 3 or NWP 14 Pnyid Description: NCDOT intends to replace Bridge No. 102 on SR 1717 (Wrenn Road) over Sugartree Creek. No preliminary plans were available at the time of review, but a proposed study area roughly 650 feet (more than 198 meters) long and 1,50 feet (nearly 46 meters) wide, encompassing an area of roughly 2.2 acres (.9 hectares) was proposed. For the purposes of this review, the study area will be considered the APE. Currently, no new ROW is anticipated and an off -site detour will likely be used during construction. Temporary construction easements are possible and a US Army Corps of Engineers permit is expected to be required. SUMMARY OF FINDINGS The North Carolina Department of Transportation ( NCDOT) reviewed the suhjed project and determined Historic Architecture /Landscapes ❑ There are no National Register - listed or Study Listed properties within the project's area of potential effects. ❑ There are no properties less than fifty years old which are considered to meet Criteria Consideration G within the project's area of potential effects. ❑ There are no properties within the project's area of potential effects. ❑ There are properties over fifty years old within the area of potential effects, but they do not meet the critena for listing on the National Register. ❑ All properties greater than 50 years of age located in the APE have been considered and all compliance for historic architecture with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and GS 121 -12(a) has been completed for this project. ❑ There are no historic properties present or affected by this project: (Attach any notes or documents as needed) Archaeology ® There are no National Register -listed or Study Listed properties within the project's area of potential effects. ® No subsurface archaeological investigations are required for this project. ❑ Subsurface investigations did not reveal the presence of any archaeological resources. ❑ Subsurface investigations did not reveal the presence of any archaeological resources considered eligible for the National Register. ❑ All identified Archaeological sites located within the APE have been considered and all compliance for archaeological resources with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and GS 121 -12(a) has been completed for this project. ® There are no historic properties present or affected by this project. (Attach any notes or documents as needea) "No Historic Properties Present " form jar Minor Transportation Projects as Quol fled in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement NCDOT Archaeology & Historic Architecture Groups x; SUMMARY OF CULTURAL RESOURCES REVIEW Brief description of review activities, results of review, and conclurionr. As noted in the "Survey Required Form" for archaeology (dated September 20, 2011), no previously identified archaeological sites were recorded within the proposed APE, but a large survey along South Hyco Creek was conducted for the Roxboro Reservoir in 1977. This survey, conducted by archaeologists from East Carolina University, identified a wide variety of archaeological components in physiological settings very much like those covered by the current project APE. Thus, it was considered prudent to pursue further investigation of the archaeological APE. On October 20, 2011, NCDOT staff archaeologists Brian Overton and Shane Petersen conducted an archaeological reconnaissance of the project area. A visual examination of the portions of the APE separated by SR 1717 and Sugartree Creek, allowed for the investigation to be organized into four quadrants. Both quadrants on the north side of Sugartree Creek appear to exhibit fairly steep slopes down to the drainage from the toe ridge to the northwest. The inside of the curve of SR 1717 in the northwest quadrant exhibits a fair degree of fill to level out the highway facility; the outside of the curve in the northeast quadrant appears to have corresponding cuts into the slope. The southwest quadrant also exhibits a cut for the roadbed into the slope of the toe ridge on the south side of Sugartree Creek. The slopes in all three of these quadrants was considered too great to possess a significant chance of intact NRHP- eligible resources. While the level area towards the south end of the APE in the southeast quadrant appeared to have greater potential a first blush; further examination revealed that this area had been artificially leveled with cuts into the natural slope of the ridge slope. No subsurface testing was considered necessary in any of these quadrants of investigation and the APE as defined was determined to lack significant potential for NRHP- eligible archaeological resources. Based on the visual inspection of the entire.. project area, a finding of "no effect" is considered appropriate for the bridge replacement project as currently proposed. The project should be considered compliant with Section 106 and NCGS 121 -12(a) and no further archaeological investigations are recommended. Should the project proposal change, however, further consultation will be required. SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION See attached: Photographs of the project area. Signed: 0 7z-, Cultural Resources Specialist, NCDOT /D-ZS // "No Htatanc Prgvntea Present "form for Minor Trowportatton Prorecta as {holtfied in the 1007 Programmatic Agreement, NMOT Archaeology h Historic Architecture Groups Date Wrenn Road, SR 1717, and Bridge No. 102 (facing north). Sloped areas to the west of SR 1717, Wrenn Road, and Bridge No. 102 (facing northwest). No Ha7orw Properles Present "form jar dfmar Tramporeatmn Projects ar Qualifred is the 2007 Pmgmmmauc Agreement NCDOT Arclmeologv & Mstork Arrkite arr Groups Wrenn Road, SR 1717, and Bridge No. 1 02 (facing south). "No Htrtoric Properties Present" form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 1(X17 Programmatic Agreement. NCDOT Archaeologv & Historic Architecture Groups 7/152013 CONTRACT: 0202923 PROJECT: 17BP.7.R.60 A N O N O wN X AO Z y X z N O T 'rya T p m p p r rn = V a � O Z A lO oz O O rr__ n Z �D W z r � K o D N � � C Z m �i t OZ n < - Q < O L 0 II II II II II II D T -i r b n, w w p C w Z Z N a o Ln Viz=. z n v O -1 n 0 z D n D O O 7 < � A G1 9 Z oo D o 0 6 m m c a � � n � b y � b � y b v h=7 n n V II 'A c a o ° II A o a o y 7bo x e M z� z c ab ®� v +sa.Pr O •�, r o A� ri g.ra�+ O� h N T O Y CD cl, ma 0 nb OT C7 y xy � �#�y � � �~ o � { � �j JI co P — IA C I c I � V IZ I O I to � I I I i1y ►� I O ti z r� n z L_ (] n z 1; ;� Ci mpg , c) b0 " m OUX / N J Imo, �� DZp �b �G)t n D ZT o DN tCrl z ' o r� y z D m b 0 1 ' y� m ..I + m Z o r_ b vJ � C \ \ CA C � N I V V o y o b o V V V a W 70 A F 7v R <m o0 o $ 5 - a x ► Sw Cn C Crn_ S� x W �^ N v 00s o S NNF moN� Jr O cn v. 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