HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120365 Ver 1_Loflin Dairy Proposal for Concurrence_20111002WILDLANDS ENGINEERING 1430 S. Mint Street, Suite 104 - Charlotte, NC 28203 - Phone: 704.332.7754 - Fax: 704.332.3306 MEMORANDUM To: Sue Homewood, NCDWQ From: Andrea Eckardt Cc: Kristie Corson Date: 10/31/2011 Tim Baumgartner Re: Loftin Dairy Butler Mitigation Site — Proposed Planting Areas Representatives of Wildlands Engineering, Inc (WEI), NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP), and NC Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) attended a site visit to the Loflin Dairy Buffer Mitigation Site on August 18, 2011. Meeting notes and a draft planting area figure were submitted by WEI for agency review following the site visits. WEI received comments from NCDWQ on the notes and initial planting area map via email September 9, 2o11. The proposed planting area for the project has since been revised based on agency comments, updated survey data, and site constraints. Attached is the updated map showing the proposed planting area for the Loflin Dairy Buffer Mitigation Site. The conservation easement boundary is 50 feet from the surveyed top of bank. The project planting area, which is the area that will generate restoration credit, is 8.7 acres out of a 9.5 acre conservation easement area. The jurisdictional streams and ephemeral ditches on the site have been excluded from the planting acreage. NCDWQ requested additional information on the existing vegetation in three areas: Reaches Al, A2, and B1. Reach Al had only a single line of four mature trees ( >5" DBH) along the right top -of -bank; therefore, no official tree count plot was established. A tree count plot was created on A2 as shown on the attached figure. The result of the plot is included below in Table 1. On Reach B1, there were no trees greater than or equal to 5 inches DBH found along the reach; therefore, so no official plot was created. Table 1. Loflin Dairy Existing Buffer Vegetation Plots Plot Reach Dimensions No. Trees Tree Density (ft.) > 5" DBH Per Acre #1 Reach A2 75'x 30' 4 77 Below is a summary of the conditions, issues, and mitigation potential at each project Reach. Reach Al — As there was only a single line of four trees found along the top -of- bank of this reach with DBH greater than or equal to five inches, the conservation easement area along this entire reach will be riparian buffer restoration. Reach A2 — As the tree density per acre for this reach was 77, the conservation easement area along this entire reach will be riparian buffer restoration. The upstream ephemeral breaks that had been identified in the field by NCDWQ were surveyed. The project extent stops prior to the breaks due to property owner constraints. Reach B1— As there were no trees found with DBH greater than or equal to five inches, the conservation easement area along this entire reach will be riparian buffer restoration. Reach B2 — The conservation easement area along this entire reach will be riparian buffer restoration. Reach B3 — The conservation easement area along this entire reach will be riparian buffer restoration. The headcut at the upstream portion of the reach that was identified in the field by NCDWQ was surveyed and used to determine the project extent on this reach. The upstream end of the easement area has been "bubbled" 50 feet per NCDWQ guidance. U l: a