HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC204560_Annual Fee Payment Record_20211004Action History (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
by Workflow 9/30/2021 1:36:47 PM (Workflow Start Event)
Submit by Evans, Shaundra M 10/4/2021 9:56:29 AM (2021 Annual Fee Payment Verification for NCC204560-
* Loyd Builders LLC
• Evans, Shaundra M assigned the task to Evans, Shaundra M 10/4/2021 9:55 AM
The task was assigned to DEMLR NCG01 Annual Fee Team. The due date is: November 11, 2021 5:00
PM 9/30/2021 1:36 PM
Environmental Quvllty
Certificate of
Coverage (COC)
This is passed fromthe workflow when the invoice is filed.
NC Reference COC
Permit Status:
Year COC Issued
This field will be hidden.
2020 Fee Status
Check last year's fee status
Project Name*
Lots 62-65 Avalaire Subdivision
Project Address*
Avalaire Pines Drive and Bailey Hill Drive, Barton's Creek, NC
Permittee *
Loyd Builders, LLC
Invoice No.*
This is passed fromthe workflow when the invoice is filed.
Annual Fee *
$ 100.00
Invoice Date*
This is passed fromthe workflow when the invoice is filed.
Invoice Due Date*
This is passed fromthe workflow when the invoice is filed.
An automated email reminder is sent to the permittee when the invoice is due. Wait until invoice is 15 days overdue
before proceeding to a Notice of Deficiency.
Important: If you change the choice below to Payment NOT RECEIVED, the fee status becomes PAST DUE, and the
permittee will receive a Notice of Deficiency.
Annual Fee Payment r Fee Payment Received or Not Applicable.
Received* r Fee Payment NOT RECEIVED.
Date Payment 10/4/2021
Received * Or, if WANBD or NOT FECBV®, this is the date that status is recorded.
Method of Payment* r electronic
f check
f other
ePayment 595592069
Fee Status* PAID
Legally Responsible Frank Loyd, III
Person (Orig.)
Original Permittee E- tripp@loydbuilders.com
mail *
CONFIRM Permittee tripp@loydbuilders.com
E-mail * Opportunity to rrodify problem e-mail address or perrrittee contact info
Original Site Contact mckenzie@loydbuilders.com
E-mail *
CONFIRM Site mckenzie@loydbuilders.com
Contact E-mail * Opportunity to correct problem e-mail address or site contact info
Original Billing E- (It available)
CONFIRM Billing E- Opportunity to correct probleme-nail address or billing contact info
Billing Telephone
Permittee Email for tripp@loydbuilders.com
30-day Reminder This is the email for the 30-day reminder if needed (passed fromworldlow).
Site Contact Email mckenzie@loydbuilders.com
for 30-day Reminder This is the email for the 30-day reminderif needed (passed fromworldlow)
Billing Contact Email This is theenailforthe3t}dayrerrinderifneeded (passed fromworldlow).
for 30-day Reminder
Additional Billing Contact E-mails
Additional E-mail for
Review Date * 10/4/2021