HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-04170_Well Construction - GW1_20210827 WELL CONSMUCTION RECORD tt:corn.Y_ M&Maicanbeusedsrsia&Grusumplelvem I.Wen Contraelor Inrormation: Flom TO We91 CoalraetorNamc ft y' s uJ/1C ,Qtit9 NC WcH CommUor Cadfio4m Number �JQ M OU[FR CASINO for medweWORIMER sf FROM 1 TO DUMErMIL: I T m ERIAL (/Ikaa. _W:4`u- ��1 t v-'�« - ,�;�0�� 0 '.,�- / R /// R i- SCV-4 O 1 VIC CompanyNamc Idi D!IIYBECASINGORTIIBING "" l FROM I TO DUMETM I InENCICNESS I MXERL&L 2.wenConstructionFamitffi: 33Sr i s t i /ziR /43 R �`! ffi 3�t4<<, 1 LW aUappllooble-ffperauls(r e:Caarny,Sara:V-miaG hq-n a eW R I !L m- 3.Wen use(check wen use): IZ SCREEN 1Ya[ersapply Wei soar T» DwtalsrYa stuvrstla Tsttza�ss tuATFletAL 13Ag,ieirlio<al OMnnicipaUPliblic / /Z/ ft- ;4 a3 Z CLc.t10 OGmt>iamal(H Supply) OResidcuW Water Supply(=We) R R �81rwidential Wert.Supply(slimed) IL GROUT FROM TO MATER"A F11lIA('PAMtrarEDHOO&AdaotNr Carilpfion Non-Watw Supply Wdh ft R - OManitoring ORewvay bjeetion WeM s tL OAgmSarRedmtV OGmundvrater— 19.SAND)GPAVELPACK �� S geaiidReWvay � BazlieS Flom TO UATEML !' 17AISkt>Ia"ZHOD R �Z R lX�/ `. OAgaiferTest OStormwaterDraiww R O&glahtmw TddIIDlogy QSnbsidmx Control 2tL DBnAJNG I AG adFAload-N s if OGeod a nal(Closed Imp) OTracer In= To D�nma ea7/mdc as. OGeadwimal Rettmt) OOd w( i ®derF21 Rrmatla) A R- -ft a.DateWdgs)c — —WCH 09,joZy64P313 d R R l , 52.Wen Location: g �i tifisJLeS .tL y'3 R J l%IC V4,,1.0— 'tL $ FaciT6p/0ivnerW=c Facft 1Da(ifapplceA) Phj*dAddiw.Ciry-adzip _' / 2LRE1sARKS Calmly Pus od Identifies Na(PIN) 5b:Lath de=d Longitude in deg udn imrtedsmm&err dedmd degrees: - 2z (It'avell&ld,®elatRaagiswt&e:eau) 3S"IL 2:7 N -1CI° ZZs U�► w Sigiamne afCcrttre d wen Qaatactor Date 6.)GS(are)the welKax �erm nt or OTempmtiry By sf&mWg drisfonm t havby carify rlm.dre urg(s)w=(6=4 o nstrau red In aoroidarm irldr ISANGIC O2CA100 ar lSA ACAC 02C_0200(Yew Comaaesdon Stmedmds aerd dhm a 7.IsAisawepahtoonausSngwdk Dyes or capyajdIIsnoom,dleahawporidadmdeuv90 u Ifrbdsitanpmr,jWam&w m*aaavrrarmnfrfm tonemdaplabrovrmaaeofthe repairrmderR3t,vumissawdonarondx6mdrofddsfmm. 23 Sift dmgramor additional weIIdetarts: You may use the lack of this page to pmvide addificual well site delmis or well 8.Number ofwdh card acted: ) congruCtion deals You army also attach addLLi®I pages ifneoemmy_ For muki c fteeolonorM"-vmerslppryernsOAMYwi&Aesome you am, snbm,ffMwj rm. SUBhUffAL1149MMONS 9.TatdwdldepthLdowlaodsofa= Z� (R) 24a.For An Went Submit this form within 30 days of completion of wen r-nmfi(vlew&laraffdepihsdf (moo' jj��*-d�01 Got on to thefoQowiug 10.Static water level below top of a (O (K) Divison of Water Resaaicc%In =afion Praeesd:ogUDit, ,lfwaterkwJ dsalurveembr&><w"+^ 1617 Man Service Ceutw,Rah*k NC 2709-1617 11.Bodiameler: 1 d [ur.) 241L Roc Inieetion Wdh ONLY: In additioDto send-mg the form to the address in 24aabove,also submit a copy of dds;farm within 30 days of complctkm of well 17.Wen coushmerno mAhod: i'Vliay�Z� cmmwtiontolhcMiowiax (Lc.-no-,-huy.—eluee-P-k eta) Division of Water Resown-,Uadergraaad hacc l"I Coubd Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY �WffiySONLY: 1636 MadServim Cmtec,Raleigp,NC270!9-1636 13a.Yield(gpm) %` Method artest &*ID 24c.Far water SuD !v&mice,;=WeSt 4 Also submit one copy of this form m thiD 30 dtlysofcampielion of 13h type G/ { Amow¢ti YLl/� well county h rot of the comity where couskuCtCd. FormGW-1 NmOiCauffiaDgssm =afEuviuumeutandNanaalResuumw-DivisionofWaterReaamces Revised A 2013 E