HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-06370_Well Construction - GW1_20210915 i WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Far teacsr®11.rse OMY: � T1ri3 knb can be gscd Fat sittglc at muiltipk nulls 1.Wett.6titractorinformati0n: I T�I�i*�A1�Ri Y37fi _;. Rich Lentire FnUyt ntt1f'tttt•tVAN U101.tCprnr�et9arNir fa, ft 0 2593A ft fG NC,WellConwit dr€eniiucationNwdics 15.4)UTERC"r G or-irhtFil-tsisl'recfis tf7t.Fal F.Itiffn fismCik FROlki TO MMET6R MctctNES MAMR-TAL SAEDACCO Inc ft._ 4LI Cnffjalya:nw icINNE-R, GDR`TUB 11�rrtatar)latcdliiti' PftQ67 '1Yt titAAtEMR. Al'EA.L1I. 3,Wrl]tonsitmstien Permit 70002060 0 IL 21 fa 121, SCH-40 PVC fig 011,gN)'Vm61¢wr.tlpehmhs tr;e:Grtarn v,Swur,,arariartar,Iiliettlrrd yr 7 ff.. 25 fi 2" itt SCH-40 PVC 23 3.Wet'I.laSe t;cttcsl..��cil 059)» re Water Supply Well.-- - - FROM TO I -oL4fWtFTnR._ I ROT 517r j Tu1C1CXT*,5 I -X2A1VoAt- DAVIculiaral OMuii6p3itf'ttltiic 21 ft. 23 f1, 1 21, I t% .010 I SCH-40 PVC 06cotbvmral tHeating�Co0littg Supply) Oldesidcntial Water Sups)#•(single) fL JM 01adustria,VC01nniercial ORmidential Water Stt ltt„CROfff"- pAl}'(sl t d) rl WN Ttt MATERL%L E5tPEACE+a1NTatVMGD& IOUNT olrii thin 0 ft 17' ft PORTLAND POURED Novx17lPater Supply WaR: ft rc ❑N omlot n pRac0tc Injettloa Welt: rt ft G7r1gt1►fcr ltccli irge IGrotllid ter Itemcditrdi011 14:;SAND, pEI=fiA 1;, llc�ttti) ?4 tcNrrxa it �1+t!�411I((cr$to,gc anti k=ovcv 0 VgIinity 13am-,r` 19 ft. 25 ft. SAND #2 0 Aquifcr I`cst p #omm-atei bla to e ft. ft. ❑EXpr1imcntal Te:chnolog OSId idew Control 2tt.�lYiilLl.��ii�1X}Giattaeb��fitiihi�llrli€nis�faeecec�nr�; ❑ (Closed Loop) oTraceT A01%1 T [►$SGRIP7tO\co i:t�ardn it er it'Hk1t' i tM ❑Ceofi 'l(Rea it a till ,Recuto) ®0diert . aiq under 92 Retuarl�) 0 (L 14 h. RED SILT/FILLDIRT 14 ft. 25 fL SAPERLITE 4.Dual W0lt(9)Completed: 8-9-2021 NVdj jD#ASW-72rL ft pr 53.Well I ncathm: (L (L 4� United Parcel Service tt, ft. 5 Fasitil}et3atr rTlutne Fsbititw IDk tJ(a tplrribls) �t ft. 1600 Cottonwood St., CHARLOTTE, NC, 28206 fa ft M=`kil,Alr-ss Git}•_aredi Zija g.ItEht,�Tffi;, �. MECKLENBURG 07714104 BENTONITE FROM 17' T0119' . Cantny loll al tetcoltil`er ryryitpi§Ftp,�t1 Sl! I-otitis and Lein)itttdc in tl�lirrvtWsccnnds or•decimal u 32 Cciti#iaation: (itas�9tSetd,or�Ltttadgt$$trtflei�lji) r .: W tom: 8/15/2021 5igmtorr brc iti ' vvcli Caatractns 3r Date 6.Is t 1 thewell(s): whermarient or 133'enetpr rare � V' � �y . er' un�thdr 114,�r�}ier ifarxr tke vTll`s,e treat f�t+red tieirurtvirraerf in mxvMcrticw rr0r t5hA NC.AC 02C.0100 op f FA N€`At:a :#, )We11 Cwtstrriur#wr Varadores anrr)',danr I i.is dtis A repair to an ea;isfipg s°elii ❑Ves' or NNo r rt;3rhis retirmnl7an tairra Fn�r tdsud rri-�ar pe,aP+_uirrr. 1lxlets'€s n r ie; i7, r b, cn er 7a av:v�nv ar G farr aduu muf r Pwat:rthe outwore Pf r1w re,va'i'k d�ml`cr J rciwrir&s.vEcd'am2�4raa4 t7ic brut r)/'tfirs fnruL 23.Site diagrarm'ar additional wdl d tlq: You may use tk baek*df this pa&to protide additittiial civil site:details or AvIt 8.Number of w6ils constt•ttcted: 1 misituctiori adelmils. Irntt zwyaW siltrch addition a! i*if Ime rr`. f ar m�fr►pte lmjc�rdnn cuF anti-rrtar�r 'l+�"ea�rt(a:QrVLY n�rh'r7ir anarlr caxtstgrr,ctfaat,:s�*i+.caira a"I,miY pear Pr". SURHMUL INSAICTIONS`; 9.Total well deptli Maw land surra€c- 25' {fl,) -24iL Fbr It i'4r016: Submit tlris forfa iiithin 10 days of obtu awoo of iivlt ,For ita0pie ieelklisr irihfe ki ird'i�errarr 2@ twi Cemstnlciion to the fntl€%ing; 10.Static water 1mv]below top of casing: 15, ( ,) Dir'ucietn of Water#te�06ri6,Informrstibn Ftocessang[)nit, 7f rvrrse,kffl&nhdve rr d ag om"+" iCal 7)Hail Sdvice Cntcr,ltrleigiti 1VC 27G9a)-1ti17 k 11.Sore'bole diameter:8.25" 0 ) 24b,For Inlertfon Wells ONLY: In addition to selading list form-t0 the address in 24a abode, also sat mit_a.copy of this town c+itbin 30 dams of c6inpletion of emll 12,Mrell vorstrac0oae motbod,AUGERS ConstnlC601k t0 tilt fo110*i1rg, 6 (i.c.�e raaacy:cable_dingy pnstr cec:) t DMsion of Water Res0urcei,Undet,graund Injetilott Control 'grank, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY'' 1636 hinil Seivitc t emir,Raleigh,XC 376"-16 36 t3a,1Tdd(gpm) l4te4104 of test; tic.Far Water Supply&fWrxYi+►,aj Wctl.a' Also subtAt one Cop}'of this�f rill w itbin,30 dads of completion of 13b.Disinf;x m t pe. Amount: -iced canstnictidn to floe core health departrinmt of the cminty w constromd. f F Fann G)&r-1 e�nttb Carolina Depadaaapt or Emievanwit;and NanrsaJ €a�recs-Dig hian of VVaiar Ett t7ttte5 t3ci iced rot 1 I#