HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-06363_Well Construction - GW1_20210915 r1a X-0 d WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD(GW-1) For Internal Use Only: 1.Well!Contractor Information: Robert Teague 14.WATER ZONES 4 FRO%I TO DESCRrP ION Well Contractor Name ft. t ft. 6&K Well Drilling Inc ft, ft. N( 15.OUTER CASING(for ti-E-ed 'tfs) 2857-A I FROM TS. M­1_T.R 1A111A1 ft- Ln It- I5 v8 i i Company Name -I-Aft I&INNER CASING OR 7UHING(IreetheT of cldiw400p) L Well Construction Permit Cl FROM 3 FROM I TO I DIAMETER _I THICKNESS MATERIAL Lmr,dl applicable�-ell-wm...ction pet-,na Ii.c.17(*.(.'otmn%Sraie.*)-tunce.cre.) ft. rt. in. 3.Weil Use(check well use): fu ft. I.. 47�.SCREEV Water.Supply Supply Well: FROM TO DIAMETER. NLOTSIZE—-THICKNESSM.ATFRI AL DAgritultural IDMunicipal-Public ft. DGcottlicimal(HcalingiCouling Supply) Residential Water Supply ft. ft. lindustriaKornmercial 0RSidenLial Water Supplv(shared} 18.GROUT _11rriggation FROM I To MATFRI&L EMPLACEMENT NIFTHOID&AMOUNT Non-Water Supply Well: ft, ft. 73moniturim ORecovery ft. ft. Injection Well: ft. ft. :)Aquiller Recharge 13(houndwater Remediation 19,SANDIGRAV9L PACK(if applicable) QAqu i fer Slot a nd R ecox ery [)Safiiiiry Barrier FRMI TO -MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD :t,Aqui1`cr Test [)Stormwater Drainage ft. ft. :]Cxperiniental Technology OSubsidence Control ft. ft. 36cothermal(Closed Loop) 131 racer 20.DRILLING LOG fattach addiltilline1sheetsif necessary) l FRONI I to I)F-'CRIPTION(mlD�.harditaNssoiL* ktvl!c,gmhi size,etc))Geothermal(Heal ingtCooling Rcturn) [30ther(explain under.421 Remarks) 16 ft. 6 ey fit. 4.Date Well(s)Completed.;��_ Well ID# CA 9-4 12 5a.Well Location.- -LAC 10C 5�x& IL Facility ID= I'applicable) ft. Facility,'Owner Nan ft. ft. N Physical Address.City.and Zip it. ft. MARKS ij r_-7; 21.RE. Parcel Identification No.(PIN) County 5b.Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well ficid,one latilon�4sufficicno 22.Certific2tio W 6.14(a.re)the well(s)opermanent or [3Ternporarq il Daw 4, $, thi,.fiwm.I herrltY rent 6�that the xr/lftl ivat(uvre)rnminicred in acoi-dancr 7.Is r this a repair to an existing welt: Yes �-o/n.n0his rerniV bar been prnvidelo Iith].;_4 AC N)C.0100,fir1.5A A CAC 02C 100 wcll Cumtruction Standards and that d, the�cll oititer. it rhtt i,a fill nur known K-el/con5intennn ipti6rinat"" the notlov repair imh,i-#21 ivww-k,sr<Yicrr urol,the bai k ell this fonl. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to pro\ide additional well site details or ,ell con$tniction,only I Ci� is needed. indicate TOTAL NUMBER8.For Geoprobe!DPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells hat in the same consmiction details. }'au ma)al I so attach additional pages if necessary. con$tniction,only I CiW-I is needed- indicate TOTAL INUMBER of wells drilled:_ SUBMITTAI.INSTRUCTIONS 9.'Total well depth bclov%land surface: lk--) S (ft-) 24a. For All WC115: Submit this foral within 30 day., of completion of well Fir nwhiple wells list alidell(hSit'diffi,rent texample-3,'J'00'ond c -iniction to the followin^ on., 10.Static water level below top of casing:40 (ft.) Division of Water Resources.Information Processing Unit. if,vurer level is above casing.use- 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 I L'.8oreholediamete- 6 1/8 24b. For fniection Wells- in addition to sending the form to the address in 24a Air Rotary above. al.,,u submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well 12.,Well construction method: construction to the following: J ix,.:augel.rotary.cable.dircet push.ctc.) Division of Water Resource,s,Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATF RSUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 16-16 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,INC 27699-1636 Wel s: hi addition to sending the fonn to 13a.Yield(gp-) Method of test: Air Flow 24c.For Water Supply&Injection the addTeSS(eS) above, also so brnit one,copy of this tbrm within 30 days of 13b.Disinfection type: Chlor Tabs Amount: '112 Lbs completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Fenn C,,A*-I Nonli Carolina Deparnnew of Environmental QuaNy-Division of Water Reso6rccs Revised 2-22-2016