HomeMy WebLinkAbout20111108 Ver 1_Mitigation Information_20130903Strickland, Bev From: Kulz, Eric Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2013 8:58 AM To: Strickland, Bev Subject: FW: Sliver Moon Credit Release (UNCLASSIFIED) Attachments: 2013 NCEEP Credit Release Approval 20130903.pdf; NCEEP Closeout Process 20130807.pdf For laserfiche #11 -1108 Eric W. Kulz Environmental Senior Specialist N.C. Division of Water Resources Compliance & Permitting Unit 1650 MSC Raleigh, NC 27699 -1650 Phone: (919) 807 -6476 - Water Quality Programs Wetlands, Buffers, Stormwater - E -mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties - - - -- Original Message---- - From: Tugwell, Todd SAW [ mailto :Todd.Tugwell(@usace.army.mil] Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2013 8:50 AM To: Baumgartner, Tim Cc: Fritz Rohde (Fritz.Rohde(@noaa.gov); Beter, Dale E SAW; Biddlecome, William 7 SAW; bowers.todd(@epa.gov; Crumbley, Tyler SAW; Karoly, Cyndi; Cox, David R.; Emily ]ernigan(@fws.gov; Kulz, Eric; Gibby, lean B SAW; ]ones, Scott SAW; Kathryn Matthews(@fws.gov; Montgomery, Lori; Marella Buncick ( Marella Buncick(@fws.gov); McLendon, Scott C SAW; Sollod, Steve; Wilson, Travis W.; Wicker, Henry M ]R SAW Subject: Sliver Moon Credit Release (UNCLASSIFIED) Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE Tim, Per our conversation on Friday, attached is the credit release for the Sliver Moon site. Please note that we included the procedures for future releases in the memo we sent with the most recent closeout letter (also attached). Of course this year, there is only one project, but now that we have the methodology set up, I anticipate that we will be able to get these releases out shortly after the annual monitoring report review. The attached letter includes a release for the project which lists the anticipated future releases. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Todd Tugwell Special Projects Manager Wilmington District, US Army Corps of Engineers 11405 Falls of the Neuse Road Wake Forest, NC 27587 Office: 919 - 846 -2564 Mobile: 919 - 710 -0240 1 Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE REPLY TO ATTENTION OF CESAW -RG /Tugwell DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS 69 DARLINGTON AVENUE WILMINGTON. NORTH CAROLINA 28403 -1343 August 7, 2013 SUBJECT: NCIRT Monitoring Report Review, Credit Release and Project Closeout Process for NCEEP Mitigation Projects From: Todd Tugwell, USACE Wilmington District NCIRT Chair To: North Carolina Interagency Review Team and North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program The purpose of this document is to establish the standard operating procedures by which the Wilmington District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (District) will process annual monitoring reports, credit releases, and project closure for projects developed by the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program ( NCEEP). The requirement for the submittal of annual monitoring reports is subject to the provisions of 33 CFR 332 — Compensatory mitigation for Losses of Aquatic Resources (Mitigation Rule) and NCEEP's in -lieu fee instrument (Instrument), as approved on July 28, 2010. The District will coordinate this process with the North Carolina Interagency Review Team ( NCIRT), including notification and distribution of electronic documents and consideration of NCIRT comments. Annual Monitoring and Credit Release The procedures below cover the submittal of monitoring reports and release of credits, and are applicable to all projects that were instituted after the approval of the Instrument (July 28, 2010). For projects that were instituted prior to this date, the procedures that were in place at the time the projects were instituted continue to apply. Initial Credit Release and As -Built Survey As stated in Section IV(I)(3) of the instrument, the initial release of credits for NCEEP projects occurs upon satisfactory completion of the following components: 1. Approval of the final mitigation plan; 2. Recordation of the preservation mechanism, as well as a title opinion acceptable to the District covering the property; 3. Completion of the initial physical and biological improvements to the mitigation site pursuant to the mitigation plan; 4. Receipt of necessary DA permit authorization or written DA approval of projects where DA permit issuance is not required. Under no circumstances shall any mitigation project be debited until the necessary DA authorization has been received for its construction or the DE has otherwise provided written approval for the project in the case where no DA authorization is required for construction of the mitigation project. The initial release of credits occurs without written approval from the District, and can be added to the ledgers immediately once the components above have been completed. The number of credits to be released at this point is based on the credit release schedule included in the approved mitigation plan, but is typically 30% of the total credits for each credit type. The standard credit release schedule for NCEEP projects is attached to this document for reference. The exception to this is for preservation - only portions of mitigation sites, where 100% of preservation credits will typically be released upon completion of the requirements above. Final as -built reports (baseline monitoring reports) will be posted to the NCEEP Portal within 30 days of their receipt by NCEEP, which typically occurs within 60 days of completion of construction and planting of a site. When the final as -built is posted, NCEEP will notify the District Mitigation Office that the as -built is available on the Portal and that the initial credit release has occurred. This notification should include a copy of the current credit ledger for the site that shows the credit release. The ledger may include linear feet and acres, but must also state the release in terms of mitigation credits. This initial ledger is critical as it records the first credit release and establishes the baseline for future releases based on as -built credit totals (these may differ slightly from the credit amounts proposed in the approved mitigation plan as a result of differences between the proposed design and actual construction). This notification should be provided to the District via email with a PDF attachment for the ledger. The credit ledger template (attached) should be used for all monitoring reports and credit release requests. The District will distribute this notification and ledger to all IRT members. At this point, the NCIRT members may choose to review the as -built reports and provide the District with comments (e.g., concerns regarding location of vegetation plots or gauge stations); however this review is not required — the first official NCIRT review of the as -built report will normally occur during the review of the first annual monitoring report. The District will pass on all comments to NCEEP for consideration and action. Annual Monitoring Reports District and NCIRT review of annual monitoring reports for all NCEEP projects instituted after the date of the Instrument will be conducted during yearly monitoring report review meetings. These meetings 2 will typically be scheduled by the NCIRT at beginning of the year, with the intent of conducting a batch review of all monitoring reports. (Please note that this process does not apply to projects that are proposed for closeout in any given year since these projects are reviewed on site. See the closeout process below for a description of project closure and final credit release.) In preparation for these review meetings, annual monitoring reports will be prepared and /or reviewed by NCEEP and posted to the NCEEP Portal at least 30 days in advance of the meeting times and no later than April 1st of each year. Monitoring reports must be available to all members of the NCIRT, and should be posted in the same location as other digital files for that project. Two hard copies of each report should be provided for District records (one copy to the appropriate District Field Office and one copy to the District Mitigation Office) and one hard copy for NC Division of Water Resources ( NCDWR) records. NCIRT members may request additional hard copies from NCEEP as needed. The contents of the annual monitoring reports should meet the minimum standards established by RGL 08 -03, Minimum Monitoring Requirements for Compensatory Mitigation Projects Involving the Restoration, Establishment, and /or Enhancement of Aquatic Resources dated) dated October 10, 2008, and any current Wilmington District monitoring guidance in place at the time that the project is instituted. In general, annual monitoring reports should include the following: 1. Brief project history, including originator ( NCEEP, NCDOT, NCWRC, etc.), project timeline listing major project milestones (date instituted *, date constructed *, monitoring events, storm damage, repairs, etc.) *As defined in the NCEEP Instrument, dated July 28, 2010 2. Summary information on project setting (land owner, location, watershed, etc.) 3. Performance standards, clearly stating which standards have or have not been met 4. Site maps — Information below may be overlaid on the same map to minimize the number of maps submitted, but the maps should clearly depict the following: a. Plan view with the most recent aerial image showing locations of different mitigation areas /types, and all monitoring locations (plots, cross - sections, photo points, etc.) b. Soil boundaries c. Topographic contours 5. Site photographs (prior conditions, post- construction, monitoring photo points, etc.) 6. Data summaries (vegetation, hydrology, etc.), including summary tables for all years 7. Wetland sites should include hydrology data depicted graphically with pertinent drought and rainfall data, preferably with data from subsequent years shown on the same graph 8. Credit ledger that lists all credit assets (based on as -built numbers), all debits and associated District and NCDWR permit numbers, all remaining credit assets identified by credit classification a. Current stream credit classifications: Warm, Cool, Cold b. Current wetland credit classifications: Coastal, Non - Riparian, Riparian Riverine, Riparian Non - Riverine) 3 Review of Annual Monitoring Reports and Credit Releases The purpose of conducting annual meetings to review all monitoring reports is to allow WEEP and /or the mitigation providers to respond to questions posed by the NCIRT during the meeting. NCIRT members will have at least 30 days to review posted monitoring reports in advance of the meetings and should come prepared with questions and comments. Following the review of the monitoring reports during the meeting, the NCIRT will be given an opportunity to provide comments and recommendations to the District for each project. If necessary, members may provide comments to the District up to 15 days after the review meeting, but the preference is for the NCIRT to reach a consensus immediately following the meeting. Once the NCIRT members have provided recommendations, the District will provide WEEP and the NCIRT members with written documentation of the review and credit release, to include any additional monitoring or repair /maintenance to be performed on the site. This documentation will be provided to WEEP within 30 days of the annual monitoring meeting and not later than June 30th (excluding projects proposed for closeout). Possible outcomes may include approval of the full scheduled release of credits, a partial release of credits, or no credit release, depending on the results of the annual monitoring report. Additional monitoring or corrective measures (e.g., maintenance or repair activities, eliminating part of a site, credit reductions, etc.) may also be required as indicated by the monitoring results. In general, if the monitoring report indicates a problem with the site, WEEP should recommend a course of action (maintenance, further monitoring, etc.) for NCIRT consideration. In the event that the scheduled release of credits is reduced due to concerns with the site, the proposed approach should specify how and when withheld credits will be released, to include updated performance standards and additional monitoring, if warranted, and an updated credit release schedule for the site. In some instances, WEEP may request early closure of a site based on the results of the monitoring reports. These requests should always comply with early closure standards as established in the monitoring guidelines in place at the time that the project is instituted. Projects submitted for early closure should follow the closeout process described below. Closeout Process This section deals with the procedures to be used for the final review and closeout of all WEEP projects. These procedures apply to all WEEP projects, including those that were instituted prior to the date of the Instrument. Mitigation site closeout is the process by which a particular stream or wetland mitigation site is considered to have met its stated performance standards and is released 4 from further monitoring requirements. Typically, project closeout will be proposed at the end of the monitoring phase, as indicated in the approved mitigation plan, and when NCEEP believes that a particular site has successfully met all the necessary monitoring requirements and performance standards (success criteria). In some cases, closeout may be proposed ahead of the schedule, as indicated in the monitoring guidelines in place at the time of project institution. Alternatively, if NCEEP determines that conditions on site warrant additional monitoring or repair that will prevent submittal of the site for closeout during the year that it would otherwise be due, they may hold the site over until a later year; however, special provisions apply to these cases as noted in the section below entitled Mitigation Sites Not Submitted but Due for closeout. Sites may also be proposed for closeout once NCEEP has determined that no further repairs or monitoring are practicable on a site. Each year, NCEEP will develop a list of projects to be proposed for closeout that year and provide the list to the District by April 15t. Requests for project closeout will typically be submitted along with the last required monitoring report for that project. The District will provide the members of the NCIRT with the list and will work with NCEEP and the NCIRT to schedule field review dates for all of the sites early enough to provide NCEEP and the NCIRT members with sufficient notice to attend the meetings. Generally, field review dates will be conducted during the growing season to ensure adequate assessment of vegetation and hydrology during the site visit. The goal of field reviews will be to gain an overall understanding of a site's condition, with a focus on potential site deficiencies. Field reviews may not include inspections of the entire site under consideration, but will be based on the findings of the in- office briefings and any concerns raised by the NCIRT and District. Depending on the number of sites to be reviewed each year, reviews will typically be grouped by region (e.g., coastal, piedmont, and mountain). NCIRT members will have the opportunity to individually review site information in advance of the site visit. During this period, questions /concerns from the NCIRT members should be directed to both the District and NCEEP staff. Prior to the scheduled field review of each site, an in- office briefing to the NCIRT will be conducted in order to provide an overview of each site proposed for closeout. In addition to NCEEP staff, mitigation site providers (for Full Delivery Projects), NCDOT staff, consulting, monitoring, or design firms may be present at the in- office meeting and during the field review to respond to NCIRT questions. For every site proposed for closeout in a given year, NCEEP will post relevant documents to their website in advance of the closeout review. Notification of posting must be provided via email to the District for distribution to the NCIRT no less than 30 days prior to the proposed office presentation date for each site. The following documents should be posted (in PDF format) and available for District and NCIRT review on the NCEEP website: 1. Approved mitigation plan (formerly restoration plan), including plan sheets 5 2. Nationwide permit authorization ( #27) for site construction (if necessary) 3. As -built report (baseline monitoring report), including plan sheets 4. Past and current annual monitoring reports 5. Maintenance /repair plans (if conducted), to include: a. Associated as- builts b. Replanting plans c. Additional monitoring reports (e.g., site photos, vegetation plot data, etc.) 6. Recorded preservation mechanisms (conservation easement, deed restriction, etc.) 7. Closeout summary addendum Closeout Summary Addendum NCEEP will prepare a closeout summary addendum to be included with the final monitoring report for every project proposed for closeout in a given year. The final monitoring report together with the closeout summary addendum is intended to provide the District and NCIRT with the information necessary to make a decision on whether the project has met the goals and objectives of the mitigation plan and satisfied the project performance standards. As with the annual monitoring reports, two hard copies of this report should be provided for District records (one copy to the appropriate District Field Office and one copy to the District Mitigation Office) and one hard copy for NCDWR records. NCIRT members may request hard copies from NCEEP. The closeout summary addendum must be available to all members of the NCIRT, and should be posted on the Portal in the same location as other digital files for the project sites. This report should contain the information listed below: 1. List of identified contingencies (e.g., encroachments, required fence repair, invasive species, beaver control, areas with poor vegetation growth, etc.) and recommended corrective actions and timeframes for completion, if any 2. Current status of the site ownership, preservation mechanism, and name of the long -term maintenance provider 3. Long -term stewardship acceptance letters 4. Final credit ledger (this may have to be modified based on the results of the review) Closeout Approval Following the field review of mitigation sites, the District will consider comments from the NCIRT. The District will then inform NCEEP whether a site is approved for closeout or identify specific contingencies that must be addressed (e.g., continued monitoring, credit adjustments, etc.) before closeout can be approved. In order for the District to consider comments from the NCIRT, the comments must be received no later than 15 days following the date of the field site review meeting. Once the NCEEP is informed of the decision to closeout a site that decision is considered final, and the District will issue written verification to NCEEP to confirm that no further action is required on the site. Every effort will be made to provide final written approval of project closeout to NCEEP in a timely manner following regionally scheduled field visits. Written approval will include a final debit ledger for all sites newly approved for closeout. The final debit ledgers will list the approved balance of stream and wetland credits (may be expressed in linear feet and acres, but must also state credit total) generated by the sites, along with the individual debits associated with NCDWR (401) and District (404) permit actions, and the remaining balance available at each closed site. Please note that once a closeout site has been approved, the individual debits listed for each site must remain with that site. Additionally, as any remaining balance for each site is debited and associated with a particular District or NCDWR permit action, that permit action must also remain associated with that site. Any deviation from this requirement must be brought to the immediate attention of the District and NCIRT for approval on a case -by -case basis. Once a mitigation site has received closeout approval, all future credit transactions will be reported in the ledgers submitted with the NCEEP Annual Report. Written approval of closeouts by the District will also include a complete listing of all NCEEP projects that have come due for closeout to date. The list will identify the status of each project in the following categories: Closed, Closed (Contingency), Not Closed (Contingency), or Past Due Date (In Extended Monitoring). These categories are described in more detail below: Closed — Final closeout is approved and no further action is required. The site shall be transferred to the long -term steward within 60 days (see NCEEP Responsibility for Closed Sites below). Closed (Contingency) — Final closeout is approved but one or more contingencies were identified during the review that must be completed prior to transferring the site to the long -term steward. Approval is provided with the understanding that those actions will be carried out, but that no further monitoring or verification of those actions is required. An example of this situation would be if the contingency involved the need for minor treatment for invasive species, and the NCEEP had already obtained a contract and scheduled a treatment. In this instance, the District may closeout the site with the condition that an additional treatment is required. Under these situations, the NCEEP is under no obligation to provide any additional monitoring data, but may be asked to provide documentation that such contingency treatments have been completed. These sites shall be transferred to the long -term steward within 60 days (see NCEEP Responsibility for Closed Sites below); however, these sites may not be transferred until all contingencies as described in the closeout approval letter have been completed. Not Closed (Contingency) — The District, in consultation with the NCIRT, has determined one or more conditions on site constitute a concern that requires further monitoring and /or verification that 7 corrective actions have been carried out. In this case, the final closeout approval is held in abeyance until all contingencies have been resolved. In these cases, the District will inform NCEEP of the necessary actions and /or monitoring requirements. Once these actions have been completed, the District and NCIRT will evaluate the information provided and inform NCEEP whether closeout has been approved for the site or if additional actions are necessary. In the event that multiple efforts have unsuccessfully been made to address a contingency, the District in consultation with the NCIRT, may disallow further repair efforts and instead determine a final appropriate release of credits. Past Due Date (In Extended Monitoring) — This category includes mitigation sites that would have normally been proposed for closeout based on their construction and monitoring schedule, but have not been submitted for closeout due to various concerns. In most cases, these sites are in extended monitoring following repair or replanting, or to gather sufficient hydrology data to demonstrate success or failure. The decision to keep sites in extended monitoring past their normally scheduled closeout date shall be made by NCEEP staff; however, NCEEP must provide a list of these projects to the District at the beginning of the closeout year (by April 1s) along with a brief explanation of why the site is not being proposed, a summary of the corrective action plan, and the anticipated timeframe for completion. If sites remain on this list for an extended time (i.e., past the anticipated timeframe for the first proposed corrective action plan), an evaluation of the site will be conducted with the District and members of the NCIRT to determine if the site warrants continued maintenance and repair. If a site was instituted after the date of the Instrument, the final credit release (as specified in the Credit Release Schedule included in the Mitigation Plan for the site) will not be approved until the site has received closeout approval from the District. In the event that the decision is made to discontinue repair or further monitoring of a site, the District in consultation with the NCIRT will determine the appropriate final release of credits (if any). Credit Adjustments at Site Closeout In some instances, certain issues are identified during the site closeout meetings that may affect the total credit generated by a mitigation site. Some examples of this include utility crossings that affect a site's ecological function, extensive easement encroachments, areas within wetland mitigation sites that do not appear to have appropriate hydrology or vegetation, or reaches of stream channel that have not met performance standards (bank instability, poor vegetation growth, insufficient buffers, inappropriate dimension, pattern, or profile, etc.). In these instances, the NCIRT will evaluate the conditions present on site, with consideration given to the functional lift (hydrology, water quality, and habitat) provided by the mitigation activity. Adjustments to the total number of credits provided by a mitigation site may be made to account for these circumstances. In general, these adjustments will be based on the extent to which the degraded condition affects the site (e.g., acres of wetland or linear feet of stream) and the severity of the degraded condition. NCEEP Responsibility for Closed Sites All NCEEP mitigation sites, including those that are listed in this memo as having been approved for closeout, must be protected by a conservation easement, deed restriction, or similar District - approved Preservation Mechanism (PM). Immediately following site closeout, the PM for a site shall be transferred to the final long -term maintenance provider (long -term steward) who will be responsible for the future monitoring of the site and ensuring that the provisions of the PM are enforced. Typically, transferring a property involves obtaining acceptance from the long -term steward and instructing the State Property Office to transfer responsibility for the PM from NCEEP to the long -term steward. In most cases, the long -term steward will be the Stewardship Program, which is a part of the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Office of Conservation and Community Affairs, however, in some cases, the PM may be transferred to other entities, as previously approved by the District in consultation with the NCIRT on a case -by -case basis. NCEEP shall transfer all PMs to the long -term steward within 60 days from the date that written verification of site closeout has been provided to NCEEP. Furthermore, any requirements of the long- term financing mechanism necessary to fund the long -term steward (e.g., non - wasting endowments, contractual funding requirements, etc.) must also be provided by this date. If there are sites where it is not possible to transfer the PM within this 60 -day timeframe, the NCEEP must notify the District prior to that deadline to request an extension. As specified by the Instrument, a copy of all recorded PMs, showing the book and page numbers of the recorded location, shall be made available to the District and NCIRT by posting the information on the NCEEP Portal in advance of the closeout report submittal deadline. Once the PMs for mitigation sites have been transferred to the long -term steward along with appropriate funding, all future District actions regarding the preservation and maintenance of these sites will be directed toward the long -term steward, but until this occurs, NCEEP will remain the responsible party for enforcing the provisions of the PM. For mitigation sites where the North Carolina Department of Transportation ( NCDOT) is the fee - simple owner or the holder of the PM, the NCDOT will remain the responsible party for enforcing the provisions of the PM until such time that the sites have been transferred to a different long -term steward, as approved on a case -by -case basis by the District, and any necessary requirements of long -term funding mechanisms have been satisfied. For questions regarding this process, please contact the District Mitigation Office at 919 - 846 -2564 or by email at todd.tugwell @usace.army.mil. 9 Start l� Site is at end of final year of Monitoring 'Co Recommend Monitoring Specialist es data continued reviews monitoring support No monitoring and / or reports closeout? site? delays maintenance Ye addresses Work with Property Has site projection Protection to strument been put in place and is proper No resolve issues with free of easement Landowner/ Full encroachments? Delivery Provider Ye Project Closeout CID No. IMP.PMP.02.02.08 Page 1 of 1 Owner: 12/01/2010 Mac Haupt Rev.O ' Complete — ' Process will be )quired to resta at later date Does Closeout Supervisor (in consultation with Fu alivery Sup'v — if Full Delivery Proje Closeout Supervisor (in consultation with Full Delivery Sup'v — if Full Delivery Project)lists site in letter to USACE or (DWQ if Buffer /Nutrient Offset) no later than January of each year announcing projects being closed out Monitoring Specialist (or Monitoring Firm) prepares �omplete — Process summary report for site, posts on EEP's Web site will be required to (target April) & Copies of summary report sent to restart at later date agencies if applicable. decideto proceed with closeout? Monitoring Supervisor schedules site visit with Technical Committee of No IRT /DWQ / IRT /DWQ visits Does site IRT /DWQ accept the project? Does Complete. 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NORTH CAROLINA 28403 -1343 August 7, 2013 SUBJECT: NCIRT Monitoring Report Review, Credit Release and Project Closeout Process for NCEEP Mitigation Projects From: Todd Tugwell, USACE Wilmington District NCIRT Chair To: North Carolina Interagency Review Team and North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program The purpose of this document is to establish the standard operating procedures by which the Wilmington District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (District) will process annual monitoring reports, credit releases, and project closure for projects developed by the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program ( NCEEP). The requirement for the submittal of annual monitoring reports is subject to the provisions of 33 CFR 332 — Compensatory mitigation for Losses of Aquatic Resources (Mitigation Rule) and NCEEP's in -lieu fee instrument (Instrument), as approved on July 28, 2010. The District will coordinate this process with the North Carolina Interagency Review Team ( NCIRT), including notification and distribution of electronic documents and consideration of NCIRT comments. Annual Monitoring and Credit Release The procedures below cover the submittal of monitoring reports and release of credits, and are applicable to all projects that were instituted after the approval of the Instrument (July 28, 2010). For projects that were instituted prior to this date, the procedures that were in place at the time the projects were instituted continue to apply. Initial Credit Release and As -Built Survey As stated in Section IV(I)(3) of the instrument, the initial release of credits for NCEEP projects occurs upon satisfactory completion of the following components: 1. Approval of the final mitigation plan; 2. Recordation of the preservation mechanism, as well as a title opinion acceptable to the District covering the property; 3. Completion of the initial physical and biological improvements to the mitigation site pursuant to the mitigation plan; 4. Receipt of necessary DA permit authorization or written DA approval of projects where DA permit issuance is not required. Under no circumstances shall any mitigation project be debited until the necessary DA authorization has been received for its construction or the DE has otherwise provided written approval for the project in the case where no DA authorization is required for construction of the mitigation project. The initial release of credits occurs without written approval from the District, and can be added to the ledgers immediately once the components above have been completed. The number of credits to be released at this point is based on the credit release schedule included in the approved mitigation plan, but is typically 30% of the total credits for each credit type. The standard credit release schedule for NCEEP projects is attached to this document for reference. The exception to this is for preservation - only portions of mitigation sites, where 100% of preservation credits will typically be released upon completion of the requirements above. Final as -built reports (baseline monitoring reports) will be posted to the NCEEP Portal within 30 days of their receipt by NCEEP, which typically occurs within 60 days of completion of construction and planting of a site. When the final as -built is posted, NCEEP will notify the District Mitigation Office that the as -built is available on the Portal and that the initial credit release has occurred. This notification should include a copy of the current credit ledger for the site that shows the credit release. The ledger may include linear feet and acres, but must also state the release in terms of mitigation credits. This initial ledger is critical as it records the first credit release and establishes the baseline for future releases based on as -built credit totals (these may differ slightly from the credit amounts proposed in the approved mitigation plan as a result of differences between the proposed design and actual construction). This notification should be provided to the District via email with a PDF attachment for the ledger. The credit ledger template (attached) should be used for all monitoring reports and credit release requests. The District will distribute this notification and ledger to all IRT members. At this point, the NCIRT members may choose to review the as -built reports and provide the District with comments (e.g., concerns regarding location of vegetation plots or gauge stations); however this review is not required — the first official NCIRT review of the as -built report will normally occur during the review of the first annual monitoring report. The District will pass on all comments to NCEEP for consideration and action. Annual Monitoring Reports District and NCIRT review of annual monitoring reports for all NCEEP projects instituted after the date of the Instrument will be conducted during yearly monitoring report review meetings. These meetings 2 will typically be scheduled by the NCIRT at beginning of the year, with the intent of conducting a batch review of all monitoring reports. (Please note that this process does not apply to projects that are proposed for closeout in any given year since these projects are reviewed on site. See the closeout process below for a description of project closure and final credit release.) In preparation for these review meetings, annual monitoring reports will be prepared and /or reviewed by NCEEP and posted to the NCEEP Portal at least 30 days in advance of the meeting times and no later than April 1st of each year. Monitoring reports must be available to all members of the NCIRT, and should be posted in the same location as other digital files for that project. Two hard copies of each report should be provided for District records (one copy to the appropriate District Field Office and one copy to the District Mitigation Office) and one hard copy for NC Division of Water Resources ( NCDWR) records. NCIRT members may request additional hard copies from NCEEP as needed. The contents of the annual monitoring reports should meet the minimum standards established by RGL 08 -03, Minimum Monitoring Requirements for Compensatory Mitigation Projects Involving the Restoration, Establishment, and /or Enhancement of Aquatic Resources dated) dated October 10, 2008, and any current Wilmington District monitoring guidance in place at the time that the project is instituted. In general, annual monitoring reports should include the following: 1. Brief project history, including originator ( NCEEP, NCDOT, NCWRC, etc.), project timeline listing major project milestones (date instituted *, date constructed *, monitoring events, storm damage, repairs, etc.) *As defined in the NCEEP Instrument, dated July 28, 2010 2. Summary information on project setting (land owner, location, watershed, etc.) 3. Performance standards, clearly stating which standards have or have not been met 4. Site maps — Information below may be overlaid on the same map to minimize the number of maps submitted, but the maps should clearly depict the following: a. Plan view with the most recent aerial image showing locations of different mitigation areas /types, and all monitoring locations (plots, cross - sections, photo points, etc.) b. Soil boundaries c. Topographic contours 5. Site photographs (prior conditions, post- construction, monitoring photo points, etc.) 6. Data summaries (vegetation, hydrology, etc.), including summary tables for all years 7. Wetland sites should include hydrology data depicted graphically with pertinent drought and rainfall data, preferably with data from subsequent years shown on the same graph 8. Credit ledger that lists all credit assets (based on as -built numbers), all debits and associated District and NCDWR permit numbers, all remaining credit assets identified by credit classification a. Current stream credit classifications: Warm, Cool, Cold b. Current wetland credit classifications: Coastal, Non - Riparian, Riparian Riverine, Riparian Non - Riverine) 3 Review of Annual Monitoring Reports and Credit Releases The purpose of conducting annual meetings to review all monitoring reports is to allow WEEP and /or the mitigation providers to respond to questions posed by the NCIRT during the meeting. NCIRT members will have at least 30 days to review posted monitoring reports in advance of the meetings and should come prepared with questions and comments. Following the review of the monitoring reports during the meeting, the NCIRT will be given an opportunity to provide comments and recommendations to the District for each project. If necessary, members may provide comments to the District up to 15 days after the review meeting, but the preference is for the NCIRT to reach a consensus immediately following the meeting. Once the NCIRT members have provided recommendations, the District will provide WEEP and the NCIRT members with written documentation of the review and credit release, to include any additional monitoring or repair /maintenance to be performed on the site. This documentation will be provided to WEEP within 30 days of the annual monitoring meeting and not later than June 30th (excluding projects proposed for closeout). Possible outcomes may include approval of the full scheduled release of credits, a partial release of credits, or no credit release, depending on the results of the annual monitoring report. Additional monitoring or corrective measures (e.g., maintenance or repair activities, eliminating part of a site, credit reductions, etc.) may also be required as indicated by the monitoring results. In general, if the monitoring report indicates a problem with the site, WEEP should recommend a course of action (maintenance, further monitoring, etc.) for NCIRT consideration. In the event that the scheduled release of credits is reduced due to concerns with the site, the proposed approach should specify how and when withheld credits will be released, to include updated performance standards and additional monitoring, if warranted, and an updated credit release schedule for the site. In some instances, WEEP may request early closure of a site based on the results of the monitoring reports. These requests should always comply with early closure standards as established in the monitoring guidelines in place at the time that the project is instituted. Projects submitted for early closure should follow the closeout process described below. Closeout Process This section deals with the procedures to be used for the final review and closeout of all WEEP projects. These procedures apply to all WEEP projects, including those that were instituted prior to the date of the Instrument. Mitigation site closeout is the process by which a particular stream or wetland mitigation site is considered to have met its stated performance standards and is released 4 from further monitoring requirements. Typically, project closeout will be proposed at the end of the monitoring phase, as indicated in the approved mitigation plan, and when NCEEP believes that a particular site has successfully met all the necessary monitoring requirements and performance standards (success criteria). In some cases, closeout may be proposed ahead of the schedule, as indicated in the monitoring guidelines in place at the time of project institution. Alternatively, if NCEEP determines that conditions on site warrant additional monitoring or repair that will prevent submittal of the site for closeout during the year that it would otherwise be due, they may hold the site over until a later year; however, special provisions apply to these cases as noted in the section below entitled Mitigation Sites Not Submitted but Due for closeout. Sites may also be proposed for closeout once NCEEP has determined that no further repairs or monitoring are practicable on a site. Each year, NCEEP will develop a list of projects to be proposed for closeout that year and provide the list to the District by April 15t. Requests for project closeout will typically be submitted along with the last required monitoring report for that project. The District will provide the members of the NCIRT with the list and will work with NCEEP and the NCIRT to schedule field review dates for all of the sites early enough to provide NCEEP and the NCIRT members with sufficient notice to attend the meetings. Generally, field review dates will be conducted during the growing season to ensure adequate assessment of vegetation and hydrology during the site visit. The goal of field reviews will be to gain an overall understanding of a site's condition, with a focus on potential site deficiencies. Field reviews may not include inspections of the entire site under consideration, but will be based on the findings of the in- office briefings and any concerns raised by the NCIRT and District. Depending on the number of sites to be reviewed each year, reviews will typically be grouped by region (e.g., coastal, piedmont, and mountain). NCIRT members will have the opportunity to individually review site information in advance of the site visit. During this period, questions /concerns from the NCIRT members should be directed to both the District and NCEEP staff. Prior to the scheduled field review of each site, an in- office briefing to the NCIRT will be conducted in order to provide an overview of each site proposed for closeout. In addition to NCEEP staff, mitigation site providers (for Full Delivery Projects), NCDOT staff, consulting, monitoring, or design firms may be present at the in- office meeting and during the field review to respond to NCIRT questions. For every site proposed for closeout in a given year, NCEEP will post relevant documents to their website in advance of the closeout review. Notification of posting must be provided via email to the District for distribution to the NCIRT no less than 30 days prior to the proposed office presentation date for each site. The following documents should be posted (in PDF format) and available for District and NCIRT review on the NCEEP website: 1. Approved mitigation plan (formerly restoration plan), including plan sheets 5 2. Nationwide permit authorization ( #27) for site construction (if necessary) 3. As -built report (baseline monitoring report), including plan sheets 4. Past and current annual monitoring reports 5. Maintenance /repair plans (if conducted), to include: a. Associated as- builts b. Replanting plans c. Additional monitoring reports (e.g., site photos, vegetation plot data, etc.) 6. Recorded preservation mechanisms (conservation easement, deed restriction, etc.) 7. Closeout summary addendum Closeout Summary Addendum NCEEP will prepare a closeout summary addendum to be included with the final monitoring report for every project proposed for closeout in a given year. The final monitoring report together with the closeout summary addendum is intended to provide the District and NCIRT with the information necessary to make a decision on whether the project has met the goals and objectives of the mitigation plan and satisfied the project performance standards. As with the annual monitoring reports, two hard copies of this report should be provided for District records (one copy to the appropriate District Field Office and one copy to the District Mitigation Office) and one hard copy for NCDWR records. NCIRT members may request hard copies from NCEEP. The closeout summary addendum must be available to all members of the NCIRT, and should be posted on the Portal in the same location as other digital files for the project sites. This report should contain the information listed below: 1. List of identified contingencies (e.g., encroachments, required fence repair, invasive species, beaver control, areas with poor vegetation growth, etc.) and recommended corrective actions and timeframes for completion, if any 2. Current status of the site ownership, preservation mechanism, and name of the long -term maintenance provider 3. Long -term stewardship acceptance letters 4. Final credit ledger (this may have to be modified based on the results of the review) Closeout Approval Following the field review of mitigation sites, the District will consider comments from the NCIRT. The District will then inform NCEEP whether a site is approved for closeout or identify specific contingencies that must be addressed (e.g., continued monitoring, credit adjustments, etc.) before closeout can be approved. In order for the District to consider comments from the NCIRT, the comments must be received no later than 15 days following the date of the field site review meeting. Once the NCEEP is informed of the decision to closeout a site that decision is considered final, and the District will issue written verification to NCEEP to confirm that no further action is required on the site. Every effort will be made to provide final written approval of project closeout to NCEEP in a timely manner following regionally scheduled field visits. Written approval will include a final debit ledger for all sites newly approved for closeout. The final debit ledgers will list the approved balance of stream and wetland credits (may be expressed in linear feet and acres, but must also state credit total) generated by the sites, along with the individual debits associated with NCDWR (401) and District (404) permit actions, and the remaining balance available at each closed site. Please note that once a closeout site has been approved, the individual debits listed for each site must remain with that site. Additionally, as any remaining balance for each site is debited and associated with a particular District or NCDWR permit action, that permit action must also remain associated with that site. Any deviation from this requirement must be brought to the immediate attention of the District and NCIRT for approval on a case -by -case basis. Once a mitigation site has received closeout approval, all future credit transactions will be reported in the ledgers submitted with the NCEEP Annual Report. Written approval of closeouts by the District will also include a complete listing of all NCEEP projects that have come due for closeout to date. The list will identify the status of each project in the following categories: Closed, Closed (Contingency), Not Closed (Contingency), or Past Due Date (In Extended Monitoring). These categories are described in more detail below: Closed — Final closeout is approved and no further action is required. The site shall be transferred to the long -term steward within 60 days (see NCEEP Responsibility for Closed Sites below). Closed (Contingency) — Final closeout is approved but one or more contingencies were identified during the review that must be completed prior to transferring the site to the long -term steward. Approval is provided with the understanding that those actions will be carried out, but that no further monitoring or verification of those actions is required. An example of this situation would be if the contingency involved the need for minor treatment for invasive species, and the NCEEP had already obtained a contract and scheduled a treatment. In this instance, the District may closeout the site with the condition that an additional treatment is required. Under these situations, the NCEEP is under no obligation to provide any additional monitoring data, but may be asked to provide documentation that such contingency treatments have been completed. These sites shall be transferred to the long -term steward within 60 days (see NCEEP Responsibility for Closed Sites below); however, these sites may not be transferred until all contingencies as described in the closeout approval letter have been completed. Not Closed (Contingency) — The District, in consultation with the NCIRT, has determined one or more conditions on site constitute a concern that requires further monitoring and /or verification that 7 corrective actions have been carried out. In this case, the final closeout approval is held in abeyance until all contingencies have been resolved. In these cases, the District will inform NCEEP of the necessary actions and /or monitoring requirements. Once these actions have been completed, the District and NCIRT will evaluate the information provided and inform NCEEP whether closeout has been approved for the site or if additional actions are necessary. In the event that multiple efforts have unsuccessfully been made to address a contingency, the District in consultation with the NCIRT, may disallow further repair efforts and instead determine a final appropriate release of credits. Past Due Date (In Extended Monitoring) — This category includes mitigation sites that would have normally been proposed for closeout based on their construction and monitoring schedule, but have not been submitted for closeout due to various concerns. In most cases, these sites are in extended monitoring following repair or replanting, or to gather sufficient hydrology data to demonstrate success or failure. The decision to keep sites in extended monitoring past their normally scheduled closeout date shall be made by NCEEP staff; however, NCEEP must provide a list of these projects to the District at the beginning of the closeout year (by April 1s) along with a brief explanation of why the site is not being proposed, a summary of the corrective action plan, and the anticipated timeframe for completion. If sites remain on this list for an extended time (i.e., past the anticipated timeframe for the first proposed corrective action plan), an evaluation of the site will be conducted with the District and members of the NCIRT to determine if the site warrants continued maintenance and repair. If a site was instituted after the date of the Instrument, the final credit release (as specified in the Credit Release Schedule included in the Mitigation Plan for the site) will not be approved until the site has received closeout approval from the District. In the event that the decision is made to discontinue repair or further monitoring of a site, the District in consultation with the NCIRT will determine the appropriate final release of credits (if any). Credit Adjustments at Site Closeout In some instances, certain issues are identified during the site closeout meetings that may affect the total credit generated by a mitigation site. Some examples of this include utility crossings that affect a site's ecological function, extensive easement encroachments, areas within wetland mitigation sites that do not appear to have appropriate hydrology or vegetation, or reaches of stream channel that have not met performance standards (bank instability, poor vegetation growth, insufficient buffers, inappropriate dimension, pattern, or profile, etc.). In these instances, the NCIRT will evaluate the conditions present on site, with consideration given to the functional lift (hydrology, water quality, and habitat) provided by the mitigation activity. Adjustments to the total number of credits provided by a mitigation site may be made to account for these circumstances. In general, these adjustments will be based on the extent to which the degraded condition affects the site (e.g., acres of wetland or linear feet of stream) and the severity of the degraded condition. NCEEP Responsibility for Closed Sites All NCEEP mitigation sites, including those that are listed in this memo as having been approved for closeout, must be protected by a conservation easement, deed restriction, or similar District - approved Preservation Mechanism (PM). Immediately following site closeout, the PM for a site shall be transferred to the final long -term maintenance provider (long -term steward) who will be responsible for the future monitoring of the site and ensuring that the provisions of the PM are enforced. Typically, transferring a property involves obtaining acceptance from the long -term steward and instructing the State Property Office to transfer responsibility for the PM from NCEEP to the long -term steward. In most cases, the long -term steward will be the Stewardship Program, which is a part of the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Office of Conservation and Community Affairs, however, in some cases, the PM may be transferred to other entities, as previously approved by the District in consultation with the NCIRT on a case -by -case basis. NCEEP shall transfer all PMs to the long -term steward within 60 days from the date that written verification of site closeout has been provided to NCEEP. Furthermore, any requirements of the long- term financing mechanism necessary to fund the long -term steward (e.g., non - wasting endowments, contractual funding requirements, etc.) must also be provided by this date. If there are sites where it is not possible to transfer the PM within this 60 -day timeframe, the NCEEP must notify the District prior to that deadline to request an extension. As specified by the Instrument, a copy of all recorded PMs, showing the book and page numbers of the recorded location, shall be made available to the District and NCIRT by posting the information on the NCEEP Portal in advance of the closeout report submittal deadline. Once the PMs for mitigation sites have been transferred to the long -term steward along with appropriate funding, all future District actions regarding the preservation and maintenance of these sites will be directed toward the long -term steward, but until this occurs, NCEEP will remain the responsible party for enforcing the provisions of the PM. For mitigation sites where the North Carolina Department of Transportation ( NCDOT) is the fee - simple owner or the holder of the PM, the NCDOT will remain the responsible party for enforcing the provisions of the PM until such time that the sites have been transferred to a different long -term steward, as approved on a case -by -case basis by the District, and any necessary requirements of long -term funding mechanisms have been satisfied. For questions regarding this process, please contact the District Mitigation Office at 919 - 846 -2564 or by email at todd.tugwell @usace.army.mil. 9 Start 1� I Site is at end of final year of Monitoring 'Co Recommend Monitoring Specialist es data continued reviews monitoring support No monitoring and / or reports closeout? site? delays maintenance Ye addresses Work with Property Has site projection Protection to strument been put in place and is proper No resolve issues with free of easement Landowner/ Full encroachments? Delivery Provider Ye Project Closeout CID No. IMP.PMP.02.02.08 Page 1 of 1 Owner: 12/01/2010 Mac Haupt Rev.O ' Complete — ' Process will be )quired to resta at later date Does Closeout Supervisor (in consultation with Fu alivery Sup'v — if Full Delivery Proje Closeout Supervisor (in consultation with Full Delivery Sup'v — if Full Delivery Project)lists site in letter to USACE or (DWQ if Buffer /Nutrient Offset) no later than January of each year announcing projects being closed out Monitoring Specialist (or Monitoring Firm) prepares �omplete — Process summary report for site, posts on EEP's Web site will be required to (target April) & Copies of summary report sent to restart at later date agencies if applicable. decideto proceed with closeout? Monitoring Supervisor schedules site visit with Technical Committee of No IRT /DWQ / IRT /DWQ visits Does site IRT /DWQ accept the project? Does Complete. 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The meeting was held to provide the District and NCIRT members with the opportunity to review monitoring reports from the 2012 monitoring year for all sites that were developed pursuant to the NCEEP in -lieu fee instrument dated July 28, 2010. The purpose of this letter is to provide USACE approval of credit release for all the projects referenced herein. Attached to this letter are credit release schedules for all sites reviewed during this meeting. These ledgers indentify the credits released with this approval and the schedule for future credit releases. Please note that this process only applies to sites that were instituted after the date of the approved NCEEP instrument. Credit release for these projects is provided in accordance with the provisions of the instrument, the Federal Mitigation Rule (33 CFR Part 332), and the memo entitled NCIRT Monitoring Report Review, Credit Release and Project Closeout Process for NCEEP Mitigation Projects, which details the USACE Wilmington District monitoring, closeout and credit release process for NCEEP Mitigation Projects. For reference, below is a list of all mitigation sites that were reviewed during this year's annual monitoring report review, along with the associated USACE Action ID and the credit release action taken for that project (i.e., full credit release with no contingencies, full credit release with contingencies, partial credit release with contingencies, no credit release with contingencies, etc.). Please see the attached individual credit release schedules for specific credit release numbers, future scheduled releases, and any required contingencies. NCEEP Proiect Credit Releases for the 2012 Monitorine Year Project Site Name USAGE Action ID Credit Release Action Taken Sliver Moon SAW - 2012 -00096 Full Credit Release with No Contingencies Please note that in accordance with Section 332.8(n)(3) of the Mitigation Rule, once credits have been released for particular sites, those credits must first be used to fulfill any advance credits that have already been provided within the project service area before any remaining released credits can be sold or transferred to permittees. Once this is done, those advance credits that are no longer being used to meet mitigation obligations may be added to the pot of available advance credits within the appropriate cataloging unit, as specified by the NCEEP instrument. Additionally, as released credits are associated with a particular USACE or NCDWQ permit action, those credits must remain obligated to that particular permit action. Any deviation from this requirement must be brought to the immediate attention of the USACE and NCIRT for approval on a case -by -case basis. All transactions of released credits should be reported in the ledgers submitted with the NCEEP Annual Report. Thank you for your continued efforts in improving our procedures. If you have any questions regarding this letter, or the requirements of the Mitigation Rule, please call me at 919- 846 -2564. Enclosures Electronic Copies Furnished: NCIRT Distribution List 2 TUGWELL.TODD.JASON.1048429293 2013.09.03 08:20:29 - 04'00' v 7 v v t W v v v V CL w V Z v c'o V N O N m v N t CO E N O ti N N Q O O N M "4 In v v c -O V � 7 w Q = o i a` a c on v v � m m V o0 tD c o O O O ^ O N N V1 O j Ol N In Ln Q W Z 2 2 _ O W W O +p+ V Q a a Q �y w wLU w V w Q V V 0 V Z Z 7 Z a m m Q ON O z' m m � rn u Q Q O� W O �o :Q W '2 f Z IH 0 r 0 � 0 0 0 0 0 r1l 0 + W C14 C14 C14 C14 C14 C14 C14 ? _ a m z z z z z o z V O W N Q o 0 0 0 0 o Q Q Q W W Z 0 0 U) 0 O U) Z Z Z t O M N V C CL < Q Q Q 0 0 z W L V O m a O O O O O O O Q N: N G- Z 4 ti ti N O N 0 ti z 0 a; IZ. c'v N C z z z z A y O Q o 0 0 0 \° o \° o Q o \° W i Z O O O 0 N 0 N 0 Z O. t W M M V) Z Z Z V N Q z z Z V W V NE :. +0+: Q Q Q j Z Z Z to > 71 y O Q W Z 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t 71 M V C T O O m t m a �, m N. W a': - 0 CcO N Qyyyy 2 c0O CcO c0 ccO c0 O 14 N M � V1 1p I, O O W LO U O f6 f6 f6 :f6 f6 f6 '.f6 N LO � V V.. } } } } } Vf ,�...�.. 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