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GW1-2021-01929_Well Construction - GW1_20210404
WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD 1 L For 1mcriml Usc ONLY: nis fhon cnsa.be used ror.sigk or multipic+nails 1.Well Contractor Information: ,14.R'i['EEtt`?pIV IDS John Eisentnan FROM TO Mt'Rar'ttt0!t Weal CottttacTot hamc U. ft. 4439A i fi. f4 NCWcJSCon=,torCenifbmtionNuma5rr t Ot1T£R:G4fi.1;GG' +�YinuTii t"s UiC1.ilVER<t AcYFit�l t Tittlbi TO I ]PTAIMPITER Tni h'ESSi MATMAL SAEDACCO In_c 0 M 15' ft. 2" e. SCE-40 PVC Company Mow Iii:lAill �t ,' R 81Nfs ilttftlfit, �� FROM TO DE►t1 M9 TRiCIG1,SS MATERTAL 2.Well C'onstrwtinn Permit#: List all aWir-a&r%v(1 prrmlrs 0 r,C'aantc.Srurc,Varicir ,r.Pfetttritt,etc.) R. ft. iji. 3.Well lrc(ebaeh-well crag): water Supol}Well: MOM to , axtMFUR I VOT SIM I �ttrtM MAMM., lD.AgrLoiltutal riMitnicipaliTublic 15' ft. 29' ft. 21, iri. 010 SCSI -40 PVC OCkolkirnal tNeatingACootiitg Supply Mesidentiai Wetter Supply(single) FL in ©it>dustrial/Commercial OResidential Water S Mt'(sham) FROM TO MATMd--J L UMPLACKMENT MCMOD A AMOUNT Lion 0 ft. 10, rt. Portland Pour Tenn-V►tater Supply Well, ®Monttc3riA CJilecnt�e ' R' fr, ittjeetiott well: h it. MAgtiifcrltcclkirp ri-GroundwatcrRenwdiatiati ;ih.SAlai }�ItA,' ACl►'" ❑Auuifcr SlmSc and Recoviv• Milinity Barticr 131 t. � r�r, � � >�+tt�Y�s rsi�cip To MATE 3 fr. 2S G. SAND #2 ❑Aquifer7'est 1351ormn-atcrDmioa'= fL ft 0EVrdmcnmI TochnotoM- 0$ubsidence Cn> 1 ;3tr.�Ait1iA,sl'I31h7O` aclliaditifiltinal3katait` ar•`'. ._. r: ❑Gbathemud(Closed Loop) t7Tracei FROM I TO DFWaWrrO ❑Geotheimal(Heath ooliita_Remm) 00ther(e c lain undet#21 Remarks) 0 ft. 30' ft. SANDY CLAY ft. ft. 4.Date Weff(o Completed, 3-25-21 Weil M#10-1 n. tt. e }' 5a.Wdl Location: h, n, Carolina's Consolidators tt. f1 Fay-U%,mrName Facilth JD#taf�a bublci ft ft. � H d1ft T T � �- 245 Orbit Rd., Statesville, NC, 28677 ft fi rnrnr tfi0[Mll Plnstd:+Lsh m--City.:wd Zip ;2t CIHAItF► i'u i_ Iredell Bentonite seal from 10-13' NK•al td:ntitt iitioo No,i;t 5b.Latitude tude and Longitude In degrrestlmimttWseconds or decimal degrecs. 2L Certification tbfueff redd.owe:taboo is stdnefzad't -" 4/l/2021 Sagmhrrc of 6.U tat0 the wellls): EPermanent or oTemporar. tzn�rnrrmb bn a ordmce '. .i)2M well07,1axnsultan 5ranliinf'i cuwlala,tt rr 7.Is this a repair to an eatiifing well: a7YO- or K No iVy n{rh.t r"oni iprrs 6c.^r4 pmrirled ra;the mr1l.•,nawn If This is a repir1r.fill rAvr.kmrmw dvAdex,airaelt the er!rrvre of ril rrPair amfrr ov remrtrfs seefio a ew rm thx hrx•S a(MiN farm 23.Site diagram or Sddhioual well details: You may use the back of Utis page to ptoOde additional well site details or well S.Nun&er of wells constructed: 1 c onSlttietian details. You racy also attach adbfulional pages if nocessan-. For orri.ltrlate lgkx,roraw er routs-nvari-r ash I ivrits ONLY 0th rlm anmr e#-Ms saint.yen v((0 .W-Niritcorer.fame ,SUB11 MALINSTiltMONS 9.Total well depth below land surface: 25 (ft.) 2aa. For Aft >,`etts: Subndl flees form withirt Act days of cwntptetiott Of tteli For srarlt ple wells less 4TUArprtlrt 3@200,crurl Me IM) conamrtion to dw follo ilkq: 10.Static water Im-el below tap of casInZ_ M.) Dhision of Water Resources Information Processing Unit, Lf„Yury lrvrl"4&tmr,rtsrrtx.am"}., 1611 Mao Service Center.RAldgh.NC 27699-1617 11,Borehole diameter:S.25" lilt) 24b,far inicction Wens ONLY,`Ire addition to sending the form to the address in 24a abo%,c also svbu t a color- of this foma within 10 dal-s of Completion of well 12.Well cntwiructiom metbod.-BSA em stnrction to the follotv-ing: 4i.e.ats ;rotor+°.c9b1�diaec8�st�cic.F + fthlou of Water Ressttrces,Underground Injection Control Program. FOR WATER SLTPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Malt Smite Center,Raleigh.NC 27699-1636 21e.for Water Su &injection Wells. Yitfd lgpm) Vlctbrid of test: E Also submit one of this form U4114n 0 days of Completion of lab.Disinfection thpc. . - Amount.. ,_. well construction to the cmmt)- hcahh depauuuetri of the count♦•►situ con.ont cd, C Fonn GW-t hasrah fotmlim Ek-,m umof Emi muoero;w d Nau"Iteaoutan Dhi;lom of Matey R&souina Gc:iccd Augat?ari3