HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-06821_Well Construction - GW1_20210404 E WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD FortKctnNUsctJNLY; 111ts form con be Used[ef ftknr ad4ic nrtls i 1.Well Contmoor.Intormation: Stefan Smith YR M TO_ ORS IMON �1't11Cpiflstacto*Name V m ft. It. 3576A NCGtrollGummctorCertiffiMionNwnber APn :� 2021 ts.ot e.r ll�axrrtiaahl tMeq ox�r � FROM rU DIAI.%WTFR . TII1Ct:igFM I MATERIAL SAEDACCO Inc ��� -;f 9)�i111i 0 (L 4' fL 2° 1 1e, SCH-40 PVC CoovinyNaelr as ��y1R 0f+0i1 16.;1!" FROM iTO BLAMR I TIl(Cla'ti~S,S MATERIAL 2.Well Constractinn Pecmh>r: ft. ft. t++ list ala applimme wrNprnnW fit'.County.State,Variawe,Irta!em eir.) 3.Well.Usc(enter well aso. 17:. Water Supply Wdl: VROM Tt) PIAMRTVR 1,61.0TOF TolCKNI SS MATMIAL DAg(icultural QMunicipal/PubliC 4' 0. 19' ft. 21 In ; 010 SCH-40 PVC OGeothemlal(HeatingtCaoling Supply) l7Residettiai Water Supply(single) ft. ft to ObidustriallComnnrciai DResidential Water Supply(shared) tt<3Rt)t37 Fi10M MATERUL EAVLACSMENTAWMOD&AMOUNT' 01higation 0 ft. 2' it, Portland Pour Non-Water Supply Well: ®R+lartitorin C]};eCo� ' A= Injection Well: OAquifaRechmp MruundvmtcrRcinediattion ra M MATfiRRAt. YM�tA It�vrMRTf( n OAquifer Stmxgc old Recamy OSalinity Raniei 3' tL 19' ft. Sand 2 DAquifer Test ❑ m'St Stomter VMiMge it. ft. Mllcrimcatal Tcchn tog 13Subsidence Control O:.DRtl3.lPtti''EiU[#�i>srli�}tlHlontl�ahcrlslfliteCee�lt OGeotnemml(Close loop) DRacet• PROM To DFscRtt'Ttor co»r kerdne+l ae8'rock fl t eed ❑Gentitfmtal(Hea' ACo • Return) OOtber Wqgain under#2l Renaft 0 ft. 7' it. Sand 7' R. 11' tL Clayey sand 4.Date Well(�)Completed, 4-4-21 WellIDttMW2 11' (1. 14' (L Cemented sandy silt 52.Well Ltleatlnn: 14' (L 191 It; Sandy 'silt Former Circle R n. IL Fakir)DmwrNam Faci yiDstitaepplicsble) p, ft, 3000 Jefferson Davis Hwy, Sanford, NC, 27332 h. ft. I%v;W Addrrss.C.W.and Zip 3ls ttti,MA Lee 1 foot bentonite seal from 2 to 3 feet. Cache Pticidlttri}PieiltiauTl4.{t'IA1) Sb.Llititude and Ungttudc in mUmtes/wrinds or decimal degrew. 2L Certillwation: (if welt too("41200og19 sldficiera) 35.416651 N 79.229389 W _ 3/19/2021 Si- >1 Weli Ceiltsaelar Data 6.is(are)the retl(s): >oPenrument or 17Temporary by slgtrns dut,farmm 1 hereby rrMfy-that do well/s1 kmr t W)ew m and in a vordm tr Wtb I5A NC_AC MAIM o.15A NCAC 42C,AZ00 Well ConstrorW n SmadmAs and that a 7.Is this a repair toan existing well: Mts or MNt► tq�safth€r►rcaprltinslr�rnpsmvtkdtoAutn-!t<moicr, Jf thls Ito tepm'r.,flll oWAamm a r7J ganitrurrton lnfnrcaatlon a+rd r kidil Ow naw'-r f d it repairan*trrd?1 nmatks arrtuxr ar on du burl:of this forac 23.Site ditrgt'arn"or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to OrgAide additional meil site details or well S.Nunmberof»cilseorsttveted: 1 collsuuctiondetails. You"may also attach additiotal'pagiesifeecessen•. Fru xraMr*1 hrjerrsoal or owm-AaierslTpfr wefts ONi.1 WrA.*font constasR 4m.3R*em submft'wfam SuBMMALMSTUCTIONS 9.Total well depth below land surface: 19 00 24R. Pnr All tVellc: Stibtidt this'forin within 30 days of cotnpletion of mill For nsuJA$f wells disc all BFprAt(f deji'e► ll(eTMVe-3@ZM*oud 010T) construction to the foltorning 10.Stntie water lmt4 below tap of casitlgA 7 (k) 111t islon of Watt:r Resources.lnfortnbtion ProeessiDg Unit, df ebter dPvrl h atrot r edtlnS ux"#" t617 Mail Setviee Center,Rale*h,WC 27699-1617 11.Romhnte diameter:8.25° (in,) 24b.Fnr inhW0 WaEc 4DNLY: In,addition to sending the fomi to the address in 24aatbove.also sitbinit a copy of "his fume within 10 dais of completion of well 12.Well enstraetim inethild:BSA tO1LSttlueliCn tb the foAotiviag (ia saw.rotor).cabfa direct push ckc) Dh'ision of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Pregram, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mill Service Center,Ralelptl.NC 216"4636 13s.Vidd(gpm) Metbod of test: 24c.For WaterSaDDW&Injection'Welts: .Also submit one cop}°of this fo(di MIhin 30 days of eolupletion of 13b.Disinfactinn Type Amount: wet)construction to the county hcAlth depart'rueffAL of ft C0014y where constmmd, Form GW-t North Camllns Dgxnt nt flf Fm1rDt=M and l aMW Rcsaurms-Di hkn cM'alcr Rewirm ReOwd Atilg A 2013