HomeMy WebLinkAbout20211435 Ver 1_Bridge_203_Bunc_cover_letter signed_20210930 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ROY COOPER J. ERIC BOYETTE GOVERNOR SECRETARY Mailing Address: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION THIRTEEN 55 ORANGE STREET ASHEVILLE, NC 28801-2340 Telephone: (828) 250-3000 Fax: (828) 251-6394 Customer Service: 1-877-368-4968 Website: www.ncdot.gov Location: 55 ORANGE STREET ASHEVILLE, NC 28801-2340 September 28, 2021 Ms. Lori Beckwith US Army Corps of Engineers 151 Patton Avenue, Room 208 Asheville, NC 28801-5006 Subject: Nationwide Permit #3 Bridge 100203, SR 2416 Warren Wilson Road State Project No. 13BPR.20111 Buncombe County, NC Dear Ms. Beckwith: I have enclosed a set of plans, a PCN application for an after-the-fact NWP #3, and a vicinity map relative to the bridge repair project on SR 2416 Warren Wilson Road, Buncombe County, NC. Bridge inspections revealed end bent 2 of the bridge had been undercut and a void extended approximately eight feet behind the end bent. In addition, a 6-8 feet deep scour hole was present in front of the end bent face. NC Department of Transportation (NCDOT) personnel were concerned the end bent would fail and result in collapse of the road. An on-site meeting was held on July 26, 2021, between the NC Division of Water Quality (DWQ) and NCDOT. Attendees included Kevin Mitchell (DWQ), Roger Bryan, Yates Allen, Justin Rice, Shannon Woody, and Ethan Calloway (all of NCDOT). Everyone agreed the best course of action was to divert the stream, pump residual water from the site, construct a new face on the end bent (tie steel, construct forms, and pour concrete), and to backfill the scour hole. The next step is to bore through the road and/or shoulders and pump in grout to completely fill the void behind the end bent. Kevin agreed that DWQ would pursue the project as an After-the-Fact (ATF) permit and he would speak to the US Army Corps of Engineers about the matter. The Corps subsequently agreed to pursue it as an ATF permit, also. By August 3, 2021, a maintenance crew began installing the stream diversion and by August 10 was tying steel and forming the new face of end bent 2. The site was overwhelmed by a tropical storm system during the week of August 16. By September 14, the crew began restoring the diversion, cleaning up the site, and restoring the forms. The new end bent face was poured on September 16. As of September 27, the scour hole was filled in with natural stream material and the site was seeded and matted. Grout still must be pumped in from the roadway to completely fill the void behind the end bent. Fifty (50) linear feet (LF) of Beetree Creek were permanently impacted by construction of the new end bent face. Sixty (60) LF of the creek were impacted by filling in the scour hole. Lori Beckwith Page –2 Bridge 100203, Buncombe County September 28, 2021 Approximately 90 LF were temporarily impacted by dewatering. Beetree Creek is approximately 20’ wide and 4” deep with a predominately cobble and small boulder substrate. The creek is classified as Class C. No species on the US Fish and Wildlife Service’s list of protected species for Buncombe County, NC were affected. As a part of the 401 Certification process, the project was processed through the DOT Programmatic Agreement for Minor Project as required by Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 and GS 121-12(a). No Historic Resources were affected. Communications with Mary Pope Furr of the Environmental Analysis Unit Cultural Resources Branch and the Cultural Resources Programmatic Agreement Screening Checklist for Section 106 are attached for the Corps file. Kristi Lynn Carpenter, NC Division of Water Resources, Transportation Permitting Unit and Kevin Mitchell, NC DWR Asheville Regional Office will review the project through the electronic form (https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/Forms/Pre-Construction_Notification_Form). Please charge the application fee of $240.00 to WBS element # 13BPR.20111. Please forward comments directly to the Corps with copy to Division 13 Environmental Officer. Your earliest consideration for this request would be greatly appreciated. If you have any questions or information needs, please contact me at (828) 250-3002. Sincerely, Yates Allen Environmental Specialist Enclosures cc: Mark T. Gibbs, P.E., Division Engineer Mike Calloway, Division Bridge Program Manager