HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000520_Contact Update_20210924McCoy, Suzanne
From: Chandler Stroud <James.Stroud@nutrien.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2021 9:57 AM
To: McCoy, Suzanne
Subject: RE: [External] PCS Phosphate Company NCS000520 - eDMR
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Thank you for the quick response! Is it okay to leave Danny in the system until January and remove after? Danny will
continue to submit through end -of -year.
Thank you!
James Chandler Stroud
Environmental Supervisor
Environmental Affairs
1530 NC Hwy 306 S.
Aurora, NC 27806
T: (252) 322-4111 Ext. 8391 C: (252) 402-6044
James. strouda-nutrien.com
►k W1utrien-
From: McCoy, Suzanne <suzanne.mccoy@ncdenr.gov>
Sent: Monday, September 20, 2021 10:12 AM
To: Chandler Stroud <James.Stroud@nutrien.com>
Subject: [EXT] RE: [External] PCS Phosphate Company NCS000520 - eDMR
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You are correct. On the application, please put Danny Winstead on it to be deactivates.
Suzanne McCoy
Stormwater Program Administrative Specialist
Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Physical: 512 N. Salisbury Street, Office 640K, Raleigh, NC 27604
Mailing: 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1612
Email: Suzanne. mccoy(jr�ncdenr.clov
Phone: 919-707-3640
Website: http://deg.nc.gov/about/divisions/energy-mineral-land-resources/stormwater
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From: Chandler Stroud [mailto:James.Stroud@nutrien.com]
Sent: Monday, September 20, 2021 8:34 AM
To: McCoy, Suzanne <suzanne.mccov@ncdenr.gov>
Subject: [External] PCS Phosphate Company NCS000520 - eDMR
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I hope you are doing well! I need to add an additional Facility Administrator to the eDMR system for our NPDES
Stormwater permit No. NCS000520. One of the current administrators, Danny Winstead, is planning to retire in
December of this year.
What documentation will you need for this modification? I assume updated copies of both of the below forms?
■ Stormwater eReporting Registration Form
■ Delegation of Signature Authority Letter
Thank you for all of your time and help!
James Chandler Stroud
Environmental Supervisor
Environmental Affairs
1530 NC Hwy 306 S.
Aurora, NC 27806
T: (252) 322-4111 Ext. 8391 C: (252) 402-6044
James. strouda-nutrien.com
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