HomeMy WebLinkAbout20211241 Ver 1_AR17-06-0001 Revisednosurvey_20210919Project Tracking No. 2020 PROGRAMMATIC AGREEMENT ARCHAEOLOGY TEAM “NO ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY REQUIRED” FORM 1 of 7 17-06-0001 Revised NO ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY REQUIRED FORM This form only pertains to ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES for this project. It is not valid for Historic Architecture and Landscapes. You must consult separately with the Historic Architecture and Landscapes Team. PROJECT INFORMATION Project No: B-5898 County: Haywood WBS No: 48030.1.FS1 Document: Federal CE Federal Aid No: BRSTP-0019(49) Funding: State Federal Federal Permit Required? Yes No Permit Type: USACE & FHWA Project Description: The project (B-5898) calls for the proposed replacement of Bridge Nos. 155 and 158 on US 23/74 (Great Smoky Mountain Expressway) over Richland Creek and Bridge No. 168 on US 23/74 over the eastbound lane of US 19/23 in Haywood County. The archaeological Area of Potential Effects (APE) for the project is defined as approximate 1.7-mile (2.74 km) long corridor along US 23/74 and an approximate 0.5-mile (0.8 km) long extension along US 19/23 from its split. The APE extends along US 23/74 approximately 4,170 feet (1,271.02 m) from the center of the Bridge No. 168 to the northeast and 4,850 feet (1,478.28 m) to the southwest, while along US 19/23 it extends approximately 2,280 feet (694.95 m) to the west. The APE corridor is generally 400 feet (121.92 m) wide extending 200 feet (60.96 m) from either the center of the road or the median. The APE also widens to encompass existing ramps onto NC 209 and US 23 Business at the northeastern end. In all, the APE comprised 116 acres. The current revised project includes three previously reviewed bridge replacements. A “No Archaeological Survey Required” PA form was submitted for Bridge No. 168 (B-5898) on June 21, 2017 as PA 17-06- 0001, while “No Archaeological Survey Required” PA forms were submitted for Bridge Nos. 155 ad 158 (B-3186) on March 24, 2015 as PA 15-03-0003 and PA 15-03-0004. These previous forms are no longer valid. This project is federally funded. As a result, this archaeological review was conducted in accordance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation’s Regulations for Compliance (36 CFR Part 800). SUMMARY OF CULTURAL RESOURCES REVIEW Brief description of review activities, results of review, and conclusions: The proposed Bridge Nos. 155, 158, and 168 replacement project (TIP B-5898) is located on the north side of Waynesville and just south of Lake Junaluska in central Haywood County, North Carolina. The project area is plotted in the southwest corner of the Clyde USGS 7.5' topographic quadrangle (Figure 1). A site file search was conducted with data from the Office of State Archaeology (OSA) on February 12, 2021. No previously recorded archaeological sites have been identified within the APE, but four sites (31HW19, 31HW171, 31HW174 and 31HW423) are reported within a mile of the project. According to the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office online data base (HPOWEB 2021), a portion of the APE falls within the Lake Junaluska Assembly Historic District (HW 540) and alongside the Liner-Leatherwood House property (HW 162). These are determined eligible resources, but no contributing archaeological resources to the district or property will be affected by the proposed project. Topographic maps, USDA soil survey maps, aerial photographs (NC One Map), historic maps (North Carolina maps website), and Google Project Tracking No. 2020 PROGRAMMATIC AGREEMENT ARCHAEOLOGY TEAM “NO ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY REQUIRED” FORM 2 of 7 17-06-0001 Revised Street View application were also examined for information on environmental and cultural variables that may have contributed to prehistoric or historic settlement within the project limits and to assess the level of ground disturbance. The APE is situated along cut hillsides and modified floodplains and stream terraces (Figure 2). Richland Creek is crossed by both bridges on US 23/75 and on US 19/23. This creek is part of the French Broad drainage basin. Properties are a mix of commercial, residential, and forested lots. Forested areas appear to be mostly situated on steep hillsides. A golf course is also present between US 23/75 and US 19/23 on the westside of Richland Creek. Overall, ground disturbance is severe and includes large areas of cut and fill associated with past road construction and development activities. According to the USDA soil survey for Haywood County, half of the project area consists of Udorthents loam (Ud) (see Figure 2). This series is where the natural soils have been altered by earth moving activities or covered by fill. It is highly disturbed and unlikely to yield significant and intact archaeological resources within the construction limits. The remainder of the APE is composed of the Cullowhee-Nikwasi complex (CxA), Dillsboro loam (DsC), Dillsboro-Urban land complex (DuC), Edneyville-Chestnut complex (EdE), Evard-Cowee complex (EvD; EvE), Evard-Cowee-Urban land complex (ExD), Hayesville clay loam (HaC2; HaD2), and Saunook loam (ScB; SdC). Most of these soils are steeply sloped at 15 percent or more (EdE, EvD, EvE, ExD, and HaD2) or poorly drained (CxA), which are not suitable for early occupations. The other soils (DsC, DuC, HaC2, ScB, and SdC) show development activities from the golf course or commercial establishments on the arial image or cover only a minimal area within the APE. As a result, significant resources are not expected. The records at OSA show that several reviews and surveys have been carried out in the general vicinity of the current project. This has resulted in the identification of four nearby sites (31HW19, 31HW171, 31HW174, and 31HW423). Sites 31HW19, 31HW171, and 31HW174 were recorded by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1960s and 70s during their Cherokee Archaeological Project. Little information is known of the sites, and their eligibility for the National Register has not been assessed. Since their identification, site 31HW171 has been destroyed by the construction of the Champion Paper Plant, and 31HW174 has been impacted by work associated with SR 1184 (Howell Mill Road). The final site is the Maple Grove Cemetery recorded by the Chicora Foundation in 1997. It is a 19th century cemetery, whose eligibility has yet to the assessed. Available data suggest that the current project will not impact significant archaeological resources due to past development alongside the expressway. The earliest map in which an approximate location for the project area can be found is on the 1901 USGS Asheville topographic map (Figure 3). The map shows no former structures or roads with similar alignments within the project area. The subsequent 1925 Soil Map for Haywood County depicts same picture (Journey et al. 1925) (Figure 4). It is not until the publication of highway maps from the 1950s that US 19 is illustrated. Due to a lack of historic features on these maps, it seems very unlikely that any significant deposits associated with former structure will be encountered. Brief Explanation of why the available information provides a reliable basis for reasonably predicting that there are no unidentified historic properties in the APE: The defined archaeological APE for the proposed replacement of Bridge Nos. 155, 158, and 168 on US 23/74 (TIP B-5898) in Haywood County are unlikely to impact intact and significant archaeological deposits. This is due to previous ground disturbance from road construction, steep hillside slopes, wet soils, and urban development. In addition, the map review identified no historic structures within the APE. As long as impacts to the subsurface occur within the defined APE, no further archaeological work is recommended for the proposed bridge replacement project. If design plans change and work should affect subsurface areas beyond the defined APE, further archaeological consultation might be necessary. Project Tracking No. 2020 PROGRAMMATIC AGREEMENT ARCHAEOLOGY TEAM “NO ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY REQUIRED” FORM 3 of 7 17-06-0001 Revised This project falls within a North Carolina County in which the Catawba Nation, the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, the Cherokee Nation, the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians, and Muscogee (Creek) Nation have expressed an interest. We recommend that you ensure that this documentation is forwarded to these tribes using the process described in the current NCDOT Tribal Protocol and PA Procedures Manual. SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION See attached: Map(s) Previous Survey Info Photos Correspondence Other: FINDING BY NCDOT ARCHAEOLOGIST: NO ARCHAEOLOGY SURVEY REQUIRED February 18, 2021 C. Damon Jones Date NCDOT ARCHAEOLOGIST II Project Tracking No. 2020 PROGRAMMATIC AGREEMENT ARCHAEOLOGY TEAM “NO ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY REQUIRED” FORM 4 of 7 17-06-0001 Revised REFERENCES CITED HPOWEB 2021 North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office GIS Web Service. http://gisNCDCR.gov/hpoweb/. Accessed February 17, 2021. Jurney, Robert C., William Lee, Samuel Davidson, and William Davis 1925 Soil Map for Haywood County, North Carolina. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Government Printing Office, Washington D.C. On file at North Carolina Collections, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Services (USDA NRCS) 2021 Haywood County Soil Survey. Available online at http://webosilsurvey.nrcs.usda.gov/app/. Accessed February 17, 2021. United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1901 Asheville, North Carolina-Tennessee 30 minute quadrangle map. Reprinted in 1907. 2013 Clyde, North Carolina 7.5 minute quadrangle map. Project Tracking No. 2020 PROGRAMMATIC AGREEMENT ARCHAEOLOGY TEAM “NO ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY REQUIRED” FORM 5 of 7 17-06-0001 Revised Figure 1. Topographic Setting of the Project Area, Clyde (2013), NC USGS 7′5 Topographic Quadrangle. Project Tracking No. 2020 PROGRAMMATIC AGREEMENT ARCHAEOLOGY TEAM “NO ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY REQUIRED” FORM 6 of 7 17-06-0001 Revised Figure 2. Aerial photograph of the APE showing development and soils. Project Tracking No. 2020 PROGRAMMATIC AGREEMENT ARCHAEOLOGY TEAM “NO ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY REQUIRED” FORM 7 of 7 17-06-0001 Revised Figure 3. The 1901 USGS Asheville topographic map showing the approximate location of the project area. Figure 4. The 1925 Soil Survey Map for Haywood County showing the project area.