HomeMy WebLinkAbout20211400 Ver 1_Riparian Buffer Authorization_20210920Buffer Authorization Application Form 15ANCAC 02B .0233 (8)(b), .0243 (8)(b), .0250 (11)(b), .0259 (8)(b), .0267 (11)(c), .0607 (e)(2) Buffer Authorization Online Fo Update 10/23/2018 Water Resources ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Original Submittal 9/20/2021 A. Owner/Applicant Information General Information Primary Contact Email:* Who is submitting the application?* 1. Property Owner Information: la. Name on Recorded Deed:* 1b. Responsible Party: lc. Mailing Address:* grayson@catalpalandddesign.com Rease list the contact person's email for questions or payrrent on this project if needed. r Owner 17 Applicant other than Owner 17 Agent Carr Allen C Cobbaert Marjan A (for Corporations) Street Address 2209 Tampa Avenue Address Line 2 aty State / Rovince / Region Durham NC Fbstal / Zip Code Country 27705-3163 US 1d. Telephone:* 919-864-0910 1e. Email Address:* Marjan.cobbaert@duke.edu 2. Applicant's Information (if different from owner): 2a. Name: Grayson Baur 2b. Company Affiliation: Catalpa Land Design 2c. Mailing Address: Street Address 116 W Lynch St Address Line 2 aty State / Rovince / Region Durham NC Fbstal / Zip Code Country 27701 United States 2d. Telephone: 9194516863 2e. Email Address: grayson@catalpalandddesign.com 2f. Attach a signed and dated copy of the authorization granting the applicant owner approval. An agent authorization form is acceptable. n aick the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach docun ent AGENT_AUTHORIZATION_FORM-signed.pdf 174.27KB FEF only 3. Agent Information: 3a. Name: 3b. Company Affiliation: 3c. Mailing Address: Street Address Address Line 2 aty R stal / Zip Code 3d. Telephone: 3e. Email Address: State / Ftovince / Region Country 3f. Attach a signed and dated copy of the agentaickthe upload button or drag and drop files here to aftach docurrent authorization form. FrFcnly B. Project Information and Prior Project History ............................................................................................. 1. Project Information ............................................................................................. la. Name of Project:* Cobbaert Carr Residence (Subdivision, facility, or establishrrent narre) 1b. Is this a publicly -funded transportation project?* r Yes fr No Id. Subdivision Name: PROP -DUKE B L NORTH DRHM le. Nearest Municipality: Durham If. Property Size: 0.27 acres 1g. County (or Counties) where the project is located:* Durham 1h. PropertylD# 109421 Tax RN or Parcel id 1 i. Deed Information Date of Purchase 1/7/2020 Type of Book Book# Page# Deed 008843 000967 Map 00006B 000118 1j. Attach a copy of the recorded map that indicates when the lot was last platted. aickthe upload button or drag and drop files here to attach docunent Carr-Cobbaert-Plat.pdf 816.12KB FCF only 1k. How would you like to provide the Latitude and Longitude information?* F Address Lookup r Manually Address Lookup Latitude * 36.0107489 Street Address 1707 Shawnee Street Address Line 2 Cty State / Ftovince / Region Durham NC F bstal / Zip Code Country 27701 US Longitude *-78.887783 11. Is the project located in any of North Carolina's twenty coastal counties?* r Yes C No 2. Surface Waters 2a. Name of the nearest body of water to proposed project:* UT to Ellerbe Creek 2b. Water Quality Classification of nearest receiving water:* WS-IV 2c. List the total estimated linear feet of all existing streams (intermittent and perennial) on the property:* 51 (linear feet only) 3. Project Description: 3a. Describe the existing conditions on the site and the general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application: The project site is a vacant lot located within a single-family detached residential area known as the Duke Park Neighborhood, which was platted in 1926 and which is now almost entirely built out. Durham's zoning is RU-5, defined as Residential Urban with an 8 unit per acre density cap, 5% minimum open space requirement, and 35' maximum height. In addition, the parcel is subject to a front (street yard) setback of 20 feet, side yard setbacks of 6 feet, and a rear yard setback of 25 feet. The neighborhood exhibits a diversity of architectural styles from the 30's, 40's and postwar eras. Vegetation in the area is a mix of mature native and introduced canopy and ornamental trees, with and understory of native, introduced, and often invasive shrub and vine species. Neighboring parcels to either side of the subject site have houses on them. An existing 15" reinforced concrete pipe conveys storm drainage from the east side of Shawnee Street across the northern third of the subject parcel, and daylights near the site's northwest corner. This pipe requires a 11' setback from centerline for any structures. The site is currently wooded with a mix of mature Oak and Tulip Poplar. Slopes on site range from 3.5% to 20% on the proposed house site, whereas within the buffer near the end of the culvert, slopes up to 3:1 are evident. 3b. Attach an 8 1/2 x 11 excerpt from the most recent version of the USGS topographic map indicating the location of the site. aickthe upload button or drag and drop files here to attach docunent Shawnee-topo-2019.pdf 293.51 KB FUF only 3c. Attach an 8'/z x 11 excerpt from the most recent version of the published County NRCS Soil Survey Map depicting the project site. aickthe upload button or drag and drop files here to attach docurrent Soil Map-1707 Shawnee.pdf 1.49MB FEF only 4. Proposed Activity Provide a detailed description of the proposed activity including its purpose and include the type of equipment to be used:* After the installation of silt fence and tree protection fencing, the house site only will be cleared by hand using chainsaws and an aerial lift truck as needed. Stumps will be ground below grade as specified by the Architect. Unsuitable soils, if any, will be excavated and removed from the building site only using a trackhoe. If needed, engineered fill will be brought in by dump truck, spread by skid steer, and compacted with the same equipment. Equipment and materials access to the site will occur on the street side of the site and not on the buffer side. After site preparation, the concrete slab and foundations for the house will be formed and poured, with framing and the balance of construction to follow. The construction of the pervious driveway will occur after most building construction is completed to minimize siltation of the device. Disturbed areas around the site will be planted and mulched, or seeded with permanent vegetation. Attach a site plan as applicable to the project: aickthe upload button or drag and drop files here to attach docurrent Cobbaert-Carr-DWR-Site-Impacts.pdf 201.44KB FEF only 5. Jurisdictional Determinations 5a. Have jurisdictional wetlands or stream determinations by the Corps or State been requested or obtained for this property/project (including all prior phases) in the past?* t: Yes ✓ No 5b. Who did the determination on the jurisdictional areas? Who did the determination? List name if known Date Attach State Cheng Zhang (lam re if [mown) 11/01/2019 1707 Shawnee Ave.pdf 3.76M. Pdf on!), '** Please include the date of the determination and upload a copy of the determination. Comments: Please see attached. 6. Project History 6a. Have permits or certifications been requested or obtained for this project (including all prior phases) in the past?* ✓ Yes O No 7. Future Project Plans 7a. Is this project a phased project?* ✓ Yes t: No fi C. Proposed Impacts Inventory Buffer Impacts Project is in which protected Basin?* C Neuse River Basin (15A NCAC 02B.0233) f Catawba River Basin (15A NCAC 02B.0243) f Randleman Lake Watershed (15A NCAC 02B.0250) ✓ Tar -Pamlico River Basin (15A NCAC 02B.0259) C' Jordan Lake Watershed (15A NCAC 02B.0267) ✓ Goose Creek Watershed (15A NCAC 02B.0606 & 15A NCAC 02B.0607) Individually list all buffer impacts below. If any impacts require mitigation, then you MUST fill out Section D of this form. Site# - Reason Stream Name Buffer Impact* Impact Type * Zone 1 Zone 2 House Site fvbp label (e.g. Road Crossing 1) UT to Ellerbe Ck Permanent (P) Fermor Terrp Allowable 0.00 Square Feet 520.00 Square Feet House Site construction zone Map label (e.g. Read UT to Ellerbe Ck Temporary (T) Fbrmor TerrpFeet Allowable 0.00 Square 392.00 Square Feet Qossing 1) Total Zone 1 Impacts: 0.00 Total Zone 2 Impacts: 912.00 Total Buffer Impacts: 912.00 Comments: The temporary impact listed assumes a construction zone offset of five feet from the outside edge of foundation in Zone 2 of the buffer. This distance will allow for trenching equipment for the installation of foundations, and also for construction personnel to access the building's perimeter. This area will be revegetated at end of construction. The Project meets the criteria of Durham UDO 8.5.7D. With the Building Permit submittal, a No Practical Alternatives Application will be submitted to City of Durham, the local buffer and authorization authority. The project proposes temporary and permanent impacts only in Zone 2, and is on two lots that were both platted in 1928. D. Impact Justification and Mitigation 1. Avoidance and Minimization la. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts in designing the project.* A primary goal of the siting of the house is the optimization of solar orientation for energy generation and conservation. That orientation, as shown in the site plan (refer to Attachment 4), is north -south, with a roof that slopes in one direction due south. The proposed house site has been placed as far into the southeast corner of the site's buildable area as possible, given Durham's side and front yard setback requirements and this optimal solar orientation. The floor plan of the house steps down with grade, and utilizes retaining foundation walls, to keep site grading at a minimum; that is, surrounding grade is largely allowed to remain where it currently is. The south facing pitch of the roof allows roof drainage to occur only on the roof edge farthest away from the buffer. This in turn enables roof drainage to be controlled and dissipated well outside the Zone 2 buffer edge. Drainage from the roof occurs in two ways: 1) along a continuous, gutterless roof edge measuring 32 linear feet (Roof Area A, catchment area= 1109 SF); and 2) by means of a 6" gutter and two downspouts (Roof Areas B and C, combined catchment area= 1,557 SF). The gutterless roof edge sends runoff to an on -grade French drain comprised of 3"-5" river rock in a trench with a perforated sock pipe, which daylights at a flat dissipator pad approximately 20 feet outside the buffer. The downspouts each discharge at separate drainage boxes, which are connected by a 4" pipe to the French drain outlet. From this junction, runoff discharges through a 6" PVC pipe to a dissipator pad near the southwest corner of the house and across a flat vegetated conveyance toward the buffer. There is no proposed disturbance in the buffer associated with the control of runoff from the roof. Diffuse flow will be brought below erosive velocity at the dissipator pad. Refer to Diffuse Flow Plan for plan, details, and calculations. The combined discharge of the three roof sub -areas for a 0.75 in/hr storm is calculated below, and is less than the threshold rate of 0.5 cubic feet per second (CFS) given in the current Neuse Rule 15A NCAC 02B .0714 at (9)(b)(iii), and are thus "allowable upon authorization" as defined in the Rule. Rational Method, Q=CiA C = 1.00 (sloped roof surface) i = 0.75 in/hr (per Neuse Rule above at (9)(b)(iii)) A = 2667 sf, or 0.06123 acres Q = (1.00)(0.75)(0.06123 ac) Q = 0.04592 CFS, which is less than 0.5 CFS. The driveway, though outside the 50' buffer, is proposed to be built of pervious concrete, and will allow rainwater falling on that surface to infiltrate into site soils. If soil conditions indicate an underdrain is required for the pervious concrete system, it will daylight to a point outside the buffer and be directed to a vegetated area before flowing overland through the buffer. 1b. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts through construction techniques.* Near the buffer, the limits of construction (disturbed area) will be limited to 5' beyond the footprint of the house. At the construction limits and prior to clearing and grubbing, a double silt fence, with a silt fence outlet per Durham standard details SF-1 and SF-2, will be placed in areas near the buffer, with a single silt fence being used for all other construction limits. Construction laydown areas will be outside the buffer near Shawnee St. After completion of foundation, framing, and sheathing work, the Zone 2 areas that were subject to temporary impact will be tilled to a depth of 8" and seeded with "MMF Riparian Buffer Mix" available from Mellow Marsh Farm, NC, or similar mix suitable for use in stream buffers. Straw will be applied at a rate of 4,000 pounds per acre and anchored with non -asphaltic tackifier or crimping equipment. The stabilization timeframe for disturbed areas in and near the buffer and on site generally is 7 days. E. Diffuse Flow Plan la. What type of SCM are you providing?* ✓ Level Spreader r Vegetated Conveyance (lower SHWT) ✓ Wetland Swale (higher SHWT) 17 Proposed project will not create concentrated stormwater flow through the buffer ✓ Other SCM that removed minimum of 30% nitrogen lc. Diffuse Flow Documentation* F. Supplementary Information Environmental Documentation aick the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach docunent Cobbaert-Carr-Diffuse Flow Plan.pdf 1.15MB Ft7F only la. Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federal/state/local) funds or the use of public (federal/state) land? ✓ Yes ✓ No Violations 2a. Is the site in violation of DWR Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 02H .0500), Isolated Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 02H .1300), DWR Surface Water or Wetland Standards, or Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 02B .0200)? ✓ Yes ✓ No 2b. Is this an after -the -fact buffer authorization application? ✓ Yes r No G. Additional Information Please upload any additional information you would like the Division to consider during application review. Additional Attachments: Additional Comments: aick the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach docunent 2104-Cobbaert-Carr-SD-PricingSet.pdf 3.83MB FDF only We have attached here the architectural site plan to demonstrate how the roof is designed to pitch away from the buffer, how the building's siting and stepped floor plan takes advantage of the natural topography, and other detailed items that may be of interest to reviewers. The Project meets the criteria of Durham UDO 8.5.7D. Because the City of Durham is the local buffer and authorization authority, we will provide a No Practical Alternatives Application with the Building Permit submittal as requested by the City. H. Sign and Submit By digitally signing below, I certify that: o I have given true, accurate, and complete information on this form; o I agree that submission of this form is a "transaction" subject to Chapter 66, Article 40 of the NC General Statutes (the "Uniform Electronic Transactions Act") o I agree to conduct this transaction by electronic means pursuant to Chapter 66, Article 40 of the NC General Statutes (the "Uniform Electronic Transactions Act"); o I understand that an electronic signature has the same legal effect and can be enforced in the same way as a written signature; AND o I intend to electronically sign and submit the application form." Print Name:* Grayson Baur Signature Submission Date: 4V613014 Seal 9/20/2021 (Auto populated field) Initial Review Is this accepted into the review process?* Is this project a public transportation project? * in Yes No O Yes C' No ID#* 20211400 Version:* 1 Select Reviewer:* Colleen Cohn:eads\cmcohn Select Reviewing Office * Raleigh Regional Office - (919) 791-4200 Has payment been received?* F No Payment Needed ✓ Fee Received ✓ Need Fee - send electronic notification F14 4.0.u",s0,14,, "- 1 iw,Fmr1,- l� i,.. �' r� ' f11-1E1,liP147:A aE grI:pieZm lta: 4iaiuir ��. p �— ti rkE Wg 85 krisml � W� 1 i � r �� •ENGtEwoon AVE � �' " � ��� � r acZr z �'1•� �I ��i/ tiIr y ti.1 «erro $ %W KNOX•sT rm11 DCMERIlI5-5T NMI DA CLAN AY„ �a>•11 Jl� MONMOUTH AVE titt1SIM W TRINITY AVE . 40r,caReokAt„Ti.r ;ri rsi` 88 I1OPH tiCA I,V' QUADRANGLE LOCATION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ADJOINING QUADRANGLES 89 1 Caldwell 2 Rougernont 3 Lake Michie 4 Hillsborough 5 Northeast Durham 6 Chapel Hill 7 Southwest Durham 8 Southeast Durham 90 DOWD'ST ROAD CLASSIFICATIOII Expressway - Secondary Hwy Ramp ip Interstate Route b91°""E Local Connector Local Road 4WD tI5 Route 88 "87 -78.8750' State Route NORTHWEST DURHAM, NC 2019 Soil Map source: DEQ Determination Letter, Nov. 1, 2019 inj:1[1.1 , Y)t11;.1,S;SI;OVii'''11"c1:411"0.114 l'!"•?,14;•'Ll44`•ta • ' # 1111111111METrnc 1 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 2 3 4 5 • • 1•••••••=••••• 111-1••••••• • • • " ; . , q c . .k • ' • ' '' '1..'''' • ''` ',Lt.. 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I• EDGE OF ROOF ABOVE UNNAMED TRIBUTARY TO . ELLERBE CREEK TOP OF BANK I \ \ \ EXISTING 6j0 A 5" RCP ,r� 'fr: %er• 4 ice,1 v ;Pre >� , L_ PROPOSED HOUSE FFE 321.9 Site Plan / Impact Map Cobbaert Carr Residence 1707 Shawnee St. Durham, NC 27701 project number 21012 ROP'SED GA AGE FFE 328.04 L ti N6io —6' SIDE YARD SETBACK BUILDING FOOTPRINT 1,876 SF SETBACK FROM XISTING 15" RCP • CANTILEVER' / DECK AT 2ND FLOOR LEVEL EXISTING CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER NEW CURB CUT PER DURHAM S •'BARD DETAIL 404.01 PROPOSED PERVIOUS CONCRETE DRIVEWAY 440 SF 15' 30' SCALE: 1" =30' ISSUE DATE DWR Buffer Auth 9/20/2021 60' HOOF OVEHFiANG TOTAL ROOF AREA=2,667 SF / 0.061 22 EXISTING SWALE �- VEGETATED AC A ANALYSIS POINT "A";SEE CALC'S DAYLIGHT COMBINED FRENCH DRAIN AND DOWNSPOUT FLOWS AT DISSIPATOR PAD FOR DIFFUSE FLOW REQUIREMENT 6" SOLID PVC DRAINAGE PIPE FRENCH DRAIN ON -GRADE (NO GUTTER THIS EDGE) 4" SOLID PVC DRAINAGE PIPE EACH DOWNSPOUT EMPTIES TO 12" DRAIN BOX WITH ATRIUM GRATE 6" GUTTER WITH (2) DOWNSPOUTS (DS) Diffuse Flow Plan Diffuse Flow Plan -Sheet 1 of 5 Cobbaert Carr Residence 1707 Shawnee St. Durham, NC 27701 project number 21012 UNNAMED TRIBUTARY TO \ I ELLERBE CREEK I TOP OF BANK \ \ L. \ V V A EXISTING 6/0 IS" RCP \ \ /' • 1 AREA B PRO GA FFE BUILDING FOOTPRINT 1,876 SF 6' SIDE YARD SETBACK ISSUE SE EXI BACK FROM TING 15" RCP L NIILEVEH� / DECK AT 2ND FLOOR LEVEL EXISTING CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER NEW CURB CUT PER DURHAM S •'BARD DETAIL 404.01 PROPOSED PERVIOUS CONCRETE DRIVEWAY 440 SF d • 15' 30' SCALE: 1" =30' DATE DWR Buffer Auth 9/20/2021 • 60' Calculations Check size of 6" PVC pipe daylighting at Analysis point A: For 10-year design storm, i = 7.22 in/hr. Allowable roof area with adjustment factor per instructions: A = 3,566 SF x 6.00 / 7.22 A= 2,963 SF Actual roof area = 2,667 SF (OK) TABLE 1106.3 SIZE OF HORIZONTAL STORM DRAINAGE PIPINGa SIZE OF HORIZONTALLY PROJECTED ROOF AREA (square feet) HORIZONTAL PIPING Rainfall rate (inches per hour) finches) 1 2 3 4 5 6 1�'s unit vertical in 12 units horizcntal (1-percent slope) 3 3,228 1.644 1,096 822 657 548 4 7,520 3.760 2,506 1.800 1,504 1.253 5 13.360 5.680 4,453 3,340 1672 2,227 6 21,400 10,700 7,133 5,350 4,280 3.566 8 46,000 23,000 15,300 11,500 9,200 7,500 10 82,800 11.400 27,600 20,700 16,580 13,80 12 133,200 5,600 33,30n -= =- _ 1?,2D5 Source NCBC, Chapter 11 Pipe flow at roof drain outlet (Analysis Point A on plan) Q=CiA Use C=1.00, i=7.22 in/hr (10-year peak), A = 0.06123 ac Q= (1.00)(7.22)(0.06123) = 0.44 cfs 0.44 cf/ sec x 7.48 gal/cf x 60 sec/min = 197 gpm. Sizing apron riprap for circular culverts per Fletcher and Grace, 1972 equation: D50 = 0.2•D(Q/(\ig•D2.5))4/3(D/TW) where, • D50 = riprap size, m (ft) D50 • Q = design discharge, m3/s (ft3/s) 0.44cfs • D = culvert diameter (circular), m (ft) 0.50 ft. • TW = tailwater depth, m (ft) 0.2 ft. • g = acceleration due to gravity, 9.81 m/s2 (32.2 ft/s2) 32.2 ft/sec"2 Tailwater depth for Equation 10.4 should be limited to between 0.4D and 1.0D. If tailwater is unknown, use 0.4D. D50 = 0.2 D (0.44 / (SQRT 32.2 x 0.5"2.5 ))1 (0.5/0.2) D50 = 0.0832' or about 1". use smallest available D50: 4" or (3" -5" stone range) Minimum apron length and depth given in table next page. ISSUE Diffuse Flow Plan - 2 1707 Shawnee St. Durham, NC 27701 project number 21012 DATE DWR Buffer Auth 9/20/2021 Calculations Minimum apron length and depth given in table below. The designer should calculate D90 using Equation 10.4 and compare with available riprap classes. A project or design standard can be developed such as the example from the Federal Highway Administration Federal Lands Highway Division (FHWA, 2003) shown in Table 10.1 (first two columns). The class of riprap to be specified Is that which has a D50 greater than or equal to the required size. For projects with several riprap aprons, it is often cost effective to use fewer riprap classes to simplify acquiring and installing the riprap at multiple locations. in such a case, the designer must evaluate the tradeoffs between over sizing riprap at some locations in order to reduce the number of classes required on a project. Class 1 2 D50 (mm) 125 150 050 (in) 4 6 250 10 Apron Length' Apron Depth 4•D 3.5•D50 4•D 3.3•D50 5.D 2.4•D50 Apron length (min) = 4 (0.5') = 2.0'. Use 2.5' safety factor; Length = 5.0' Apron depth = 3.5 (4") = 14" Diffuse Flow Plan-3 1707 Shawnee St. Durham, NC 27701 project number 21012 ISSUE DATE DWR Buffer Auth 9/20/2021 Catalpa Land Design Ihl. vFilter blanket Diffuse Flow Details 6 Adapted from: NC DEQ Sedimentation and Erosion Control Manual, Rev. May 2013 Pipe Outlet to Flat Area— No Well-defined Channel Plan Section AA Pipe Outlet to Well-defined Channel Not Used Plan Filter blanket Figure 4_41 c Riprap nutlet prcloctiM fernxiikxlirom Ya $WCC I 6..4L4 Diffuse Flow Plan-4 1707 Shawnee St. Durham, NC 27701 project number 21012 for do=6" 3d = 18" La = 60" (see calculations) Assume 3: 1 flare. Width at end = 18" + 2 (3°") End width = 58" Notes 1. La is the length of the riprap apron. 2, d =1.5 times the maximum stone diameter but not less than 3. In a well -definer channel ex- tend the apron up the channel banks to an elevation of f3- above the maximum tailvidater depth or to the top of the bank, whichever is less. 4. A filter blanket or Filter fabric should be installed between the riprap and soil foundation. Rev. 6916 ISSUE DATE DWR Buffer Auth 9/20/2021 Catalpa Land Design Specifications Adapted from: NC DEQ Sedimentation and Erosion Control Manual, Rev. May 2013 (Chapter 6) Practice Standards and Spec ijicntions Construction Speciflceations Maintenance References Diffuse Flow Plan-5 1707 Shawnee St. Durham, NC 27701 project number 21012 1. Ensure that the suhgrade for the fi her and riprap follows the required lines and grades shown in the plan. Compact any fill required in the subgrade to the density of the surrounding undisturbed material. Low areas in the subgrade on undisturbed sail may also be filed by increasing the riprap thickness. 2. The riprap and Ruud filter must euiifurm to the specified grading limits. shown on the plans. 3. Filter cloth, when used, must meet design requirements and be properly protected from punching or tearing during installation. Repair any damage by removing the nprap and placing another piece of filter cloth over the damaged area. All connecting joints should overlap so the top layer is above the downstream layer a minimum of 1 foot. I f the damage is extensive, replace the entire filter cloth_ 4. Riprap may be placed by equipment, but take care to avoid damaging the filter. 5. The minimum thickness of the nprap should be 1.5 times the maximum stone diameter. 6. Riprap may be field stone or rough quary shone. It should be hard, angular, highly weather -resistant and well Rradeti 7. Construct the apron on zero grade with no overfi]] at the end. Make the top of the riprap at the downstream end level with the receiving area or slightly blow it. Ensure that the apron is properly aligned with the receiving stream and preferably straight throughout its length. If a curve is needed to fit site conditions, place it in the upper section of the apron.. 9. Immediately after construction, stabilize all disturbed areas with vegetation {Practices 6_10, lenparary Seeding, and 6.11, Permanent Seeding). Inspect nprap outlet structures weekly and allersignificant l 1 i2 inch or greater) rainfall events to see i fany erosion aronnd or below the riprap has taken place, or if stones have been dislodged. Immediately make all needed repairs to prevent further damage. 'Sur iceStarbiIizasion 6_ 10, Temporary Seeding 6.11 Permanent `weeding. 6.15, Riprap Apapendix- $_06, Design of Riprap Outlet Protection Rice, C.E_, Kadavy, iC_C "Riprap Design for pipe Spillways at -1 {'rWID { 0.7' Presented at the December 13, 1994 International Winter Meeting, American Society ofAgncultural Enineers, Paper Number 9425 k 1. Rice, C.E. and LC.. Ifadavy. 1994, Plunge Pool Design at Submerged Pipe Spillway Cutlets_ `transactions of the ASAE 37(4):1167-1173. FHWA. 1983. Hydrahc Design of Energy Dissipaters for Culverts and Channels. Hydraulic Engineering Circular Number 14. ISSUE DATE DWR Buffer Auth 9/20/2021 Catalpa Land Design ROY COOPER. Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretory LINDA CULPEPPER Director Esther A Bent 405 E. Markham Ave. Durham NC 27701 NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality November 4, 2019 Subject: Surface Water Determination Letter NBRRO#19-386 Durham County Determination Type: Buffer Call Isolated or EIP Call Neuse (15A NCAC 2B .0233) ❑ Tar -Pamlico (15A NCAC 2B .0259) ❑ Jordan (15A NCAC 2B .0267) ['Ephemeral/Intermittent/Perennial Determination ❑ Isolated Wetland Determination Project Name: Location/Directions: Subject Stream: 1707 Shawnee Ave The projected area is off 1707 Shawnee Ave, in Durham, Durham County UT to Ellerbe Creek Determination Date: 11/1/2019 Staff: Cheng Zhang Stream E/UP * Not Subject to Buffers Subject to Buffers Start@ Stop@ Soil Survey USGS Topo A I X X *E/I/P = Ephemeral/Intermittent/Perennial Explanation: The feature(s) listed above has or have been located on the Soil Survey of Durham County, North Carolina or the most recent copy of the USGS Topographic map at a 1:24,000 scale. Each feature that is checked "Not Subject" has been determined not to be a stream or is not present on the property. Features that are checked "Subject" have been located on the property and possess characteristics that qualify it to be a stream. There may be other streams located on your property that do not show up on the maps referenced above but, still may be considered jurisdictional according to the US Army Corps of Engineers and/or to the Division of Water Resources (DWR). This on -site determination shall expire five (5) years from the date of this letter. Landowners or affected parties that dispute a determination made by the DWR or Delegated Local Authority may request a determination by the Director. An appeal request must be made within sixty (60) days of date of this letter or from the date the affected party (including downstream and/or adjacent owners) is notified of this letter. A request for a determination by the Director shall be referred to the Director in writing If sending via US Mrn4 hint f EtMrfrrtmmntal Qua N.. North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources Raleigh Regional Office 13800 Barrett Drive I Raleigh. North Carolina 27609 919.791.4200 Postal Service c/o Karen Higgins DWR — 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617. If sending via delivery service (UPS, FedEx, etc.) Karen Higgins DWR — 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit, 512 N. Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27604 This determination is final and binding unless, as detailed above, you ask for a hearing or appeal within sixty (60) days. The owner/future owners should notify the Division of Water Resources (including any other Local, State, and Federal Agencies) of this decision concerning any future correspondences regarding the subject property (stated above). This project may require a Section 404/401 Permit for the proposed activity. Any inquiries should be directed to the Division of Water Resources (Central Office) at (919)-807-6300, and the US Army Corp of Engineers (Raleigh Regulatory Field Office) at (919)-554-4884. If you have questions regarding this determination, please feel free to contact Cheng Zhang at (919) 791-4259. Sincerely, S. Jay Zi erman, P.G., Chief Water Quality Regional Operations Section cc: RRO DWR File Copy 0406* MARJAN COBBAERT & ALLAN CARR COBBAERT CARR RESIDENCE \\ 1707 SHAWNEE STREET DURHAM, NC 27701 DURHAM COUNTY PIN # 0832-14-32-1894 PARCEL #:109421 DRAWING INDEX Cl .0 COVER SHEET A1.0 FOUNDATION PLAN A1.1 FIRST FLOOR PLAN A1.2 SECOND FLOOR PLAN A1.3 ROOF PLAN A2.1 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A3.1 BUILDING SECTIONS A8.1 FIRST FINISH FLOOR PLAN A8.2 SECOND FINISH FLOOR PLAN S1 FOUNDATION PLAN S2 2ND FLOOR FRAMING PLAN S3 ROOF FRAMING PLAN PME1 FIRST PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL FLOOR PLAN PME SECOND PLUMBING, MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL FLOOR PLAN PROJECT DESCRIPTION UILD NEW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE 2,420 SF CONDITIONED 1,095 SF UNCONDITIONED ZONING - RU-5 20' - FRONT SETBACK 6' - SIDE SETBACK 25' - REAR SETBACK 35' - MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT URBAN TIER SETBACK - INFILL STANDARDS PER DURHAM UDO 6.8.2 17' SMALLEST STREET YARD 27' LARGEST STREET YARD MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT PER DURHAM UDO 6.8.3 1. THE MAXIMUM HEIGHT PERMITTED BY THE ZONING DISTRICT 2. MORE THAN 14' TALLER THAN THE SHORTEST HEIGHT OF PRIMARY STRUCTURES ON ADJACENT LOTS ALONG THE BLOCK FACE WATERSHED PROTECTION - F/J-B STREAM DETERMINATION - INTERMITTENT STREAM NEUSE BUFFERS PER NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY IMPERVIOUS LIMIT = NONE PER UDO 8.7.3 DURHAM UDO ENCROACHMENT INTO REQUIRED YARDS CORNICES, EAVES, ORNAMENTAL FEATURES, & AWNINGS CAN EXTEND UP TO 5 FEET INTO ANY REQUIRED YARD, BUT SHALL REMAIN AT LEAST 2 FEET FROM THE PROPERTY LINE.... CODE REQUIREMENTS Construction to comply with NCBC RESIDENTIAL BUILDING 2018 in Zone 4 and all applicable zoning and ordinances Ventilation Fenestration New Windows shall be provided w/ clear, insulated glass w/ U-factor 0.32 max. SHGC 0.40 max. Skylight U-Factor 0.55 max GC shall provide window data with record drawings Insulation ROOF >R38 min WALLS >R15 min FLOOR >R19 min THERMAL ENVELOPE GC shall provide thermal envelope documentation per code from Insulation provider OUTLINE SPECIFICATIONS SITE WORK NEW DRIVEWAY TO NEW HOUSE TIE INTO SEWER & CITY WATER REMOVE TREES FOUNDATION CMU RETAINING WALL PAINTED CONCRETE SLAB EXTERIOR WALL 2X6 WALLS W/ INSULATION & DRYWALL W/ CLADDING PER DWGS INSULATION BIB OR DPC INSULATION INSIDE ENVELOPE ROOF SYSTEM STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF ALTERNATE MEMBRANE ROOF IN LIEU OF STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF MEMBRANE ROOF BETWEEN PORCH FLOOR & BEDROOMS 6" GUTTERS AS INDICATED ON ROOF PLAN EXTERIOR WINDOWS & DOORS MARVIN ULTIMATE SCREEN PORCH 2X6 WALLS WITH EXTERIOR CLADDING PER DWGS TILE FLOOR INTERIOR WALLS 2X4 WITH PAINTED DRYWALL IN CONDITIONED SPACE SOUND BATT INSULATION IN BATHROOM WALLS BATHROOM WALL TILE KITCHEN & MUDROOM TILE BACKSPLASH INTERIOR DOORS SOLID CORE WOOD DOORS CEILING TONGUE & GROOVE WOOD CEILING - LIVING/DINING/KITCHEN, ENTRY, SCREEN PORCH DRYWALL CEILING THROUGH OUT UNLESS NOTED ABOVE GARAGE - DRYWALL WALL & CEILING FLOORING CONCRETE FLOOR 1ST FLOOR HARDWOOD FLOORING 2ND FLOOR TILE IN BATHROOMS & MUDROOM AS INDICATED ON DWGS TILE IN SCREEN PORCH ELECTRICAL PER CODE MECHANICAL PER CODE HEAT EXCHANGER FRESH AIR INTAKE NEST THERMOSTAT PLUMBING PER CODE TANKLESS WATER HEATER LIST OF CONTACTS ARCHITECT ELLEN CASSILLY ARCHITECT, INC. ELLEN CASSILLY, FAIA 600 FOSTER ST. DURHAM, NC 27701 919.530.1 149 ELLEN@ELLENCASSILLYARCHITECT.COM STRUCTURAL ENGINEER SCALENE DESIGN ROBERT MACIA 555 FAYETTEVILLE ST, SUITE 300 RALEIGH, NC 27601 919.805.0295 pR ,,9c OpFR7). ` C,9 NF Ss 3/4"EIP N <ci co) �m*\° 3/4"EIP *GRAY SHADING = BUILDABLE AREA DWR VARIANCE IF BUILT IN ZONE 2 ROOF OVERHANG CANTILEVERED WRAP AROUND DEC, NEW HOUSE NEW PER IOUS CONCRETE AVERS W/ GRASS DRIVEWAY 450 SF NEW CURB CUT PER DURHAM CONSTRUCTION STANDARD 404.01 4' I n CO 1 / 16"=1 '-0" PROPOSED SITE PLAN 32' 16' SCHEMATIC DESIGN NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Revisions Date/Content: 600 FOSTER STREET 7 DURHAM NORTH CAROLINA 27701 \ 919.530.1 149 \SSILLY U= wU W Q DRAWN MCP 2104 06.24.21 AS MARKED JOB No DATE w J Q uJ J U V) COBBAERT CARR RESIDENCE 1707 SHAWNEE ST DURHAM, NC 27701 SITE PLAN C 1.0 FOUNDATION PLAN NOTES 1. GC TO CONFIRM FOUNDATION WALL HEIGHT W/ GRADE 2. SEE STRUCTURAL DWGS FOR MORE INFORMATION 3. 4. FOUNDATION PLAN KEY NOTES CONCRETE TURN DOWN SLAB, SEE STRUCTURAL DWGS FOUNDATION PLAN LEGEND ■ XX PIER, SEE STRUCTURAL DWGS CMU RETAINING WALL, SEE STRUCTURAL DWGS CONCRETE SLAB, SEE STRUCTURAL DWGS N N N 30'-5" 31'-1" 321.9 59'-2" 57'-10" 8" N Ln 328.04 27'-5" 28'-1" FOUNDATION PLAN 1 /4"=1 '-0" 8' 4' SCHEMATIC DESIGN NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Revisions Date/Content: 600 FOSTER STREET 7 DURHAM NORTH CAROLINA 27701 919.530.1 149 SSILLY E = wU J c/ W Q DRAWN MCP 2104 06.24.21 AS MARKED JOB No DATE W J Q uJ J U V) COBBAERT CARR RESIDENCE 1707 SHAWNEE ST DURHAM, NC 27701 FOUNDATION PLAN A1.0 FIRST FLOOR SQUARE FOOTAGE 1,274 HSF 1ST FLOOR TOTAL HEATED SQUARE FOOTAGE INTERIOR ROOM SQUARE FOOTAGE EXCLUDES HALLWAY 323 HSF BED O1 150 HSF 150 HSF 193 HSF 134 HSF 93 HSF 63 HSF 42 HSF BED 02 BED 03 BED 04 BATH 01 BATH 02 BATH 03 LAUNDRY 60 SF TOTAL UNCONDITIONED SQUARE FOOTAGE INCLUDES EXTERIOR WALL 60 SF MECHANICAL CLOSET FLOOR PLAN NOTES 1 ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE TO FACE OF STUD UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2. WHERE PARTITIONS ARE SHOWN TO ALIGN OR WHERE PARTITIONS OF DIFFERENT THICKNESS OR FINISHES APPEAR IN THE SAME PLANE, THE OUTSIDE FACE OF FINISH MATERIALS SHALL ALIGN 3. REFER TO ELECTRICAL SHEETS FOR POWER, CIRCUITING, & ASSOCIATED ITEMS 4. SOUND BATT INSULATION W/IN ALL INTERIOR BATH WALLS 5. ALL BATH & POCKET DOOR WALLS TO BE 2X6 FLOOR PLAN KEY NOTES 4 6 A 8 9 10 ZERO THRESHOLD SHOWER 5' WIDE BY 3' INTERIOR WINDOW INTERIOR HIGH WINDOW 6 FIXED SHELVES TANKLESS WATER HEATER FLOOR PLAN LEGEND 7777 8" CMU WALL EXTERIOR 2X6 WALL INTERIOR 2X4 WALL OVERHEAD WALL TYPES 1011 i wir .;s ,•:e ; ItiI meir- PAINTED HORIZONTAL FIBER CEMENT PANEL ON VERTICAL FURRING STRIPS 1/2" GYPSUM WALLBOARD NEW 2X6 STUD WALL 8"X4"Xl 6" CMU BLOCK NEW INSULATION EXTERIOR WALL - RETAINING WALL SEE EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS HORIZONTAL WOOD SIDING ON VERTICAL FURRING STRIPS NEW 2X6 STUD WALL TAPED ZIP SHEATHING DEPTH TO MATCH EXISTING NEW INSULATION NEW GYPSUM WALL BOARD DEPTH TO MATCH EXISTING Exterior Wall PAINTED HORIZONTAL FIBER CEMENT PANEL ON VERTICAL FURRING STRIPS 1/2" GYPSUM WALLBOARD NEW 2X6 STUD WALL NEW INSULATION Exterior Wall VERTICAL WOOD SIDING W/ WOOD BATTEN SEAM TO MATCH EXISTING NEW 2X6 STUD WALL TAPED ZIP SHEATHING DEPTH TO MATCH EXISTING NEW INSULATION NEW GYPSUM WALL BOARD DEPTH TO MATCH EXISTING Exterior Wall - ALTERNATE 2X4 STUD WALL OR EXISTING FRAMED WALL 1/2" FINISHED DRYWALL 1/2" FINISHED DRYWALL Interior Stud Wall 2X6 STUD WALL OR EXISTING FRAMED WALL 1/2" FINISHED DRYWALL 1/2" FINISHED DRYWALL INTERIOR STUD WALL BATHROOM & POCKET DOOR 57'-10" 1 1 '-9 3/4" 10'-4 1/2" 1 1'-2 5/8" 1 1 '-2 1/2" CV I I K BED 01 CLOSET O1 1 l '-1 5/8" LINEN? BATH 01 n BED 02 r� CLOSET 02 n 8'-2 3/4" TT 8'-2 3/4" 2'-7" 6'-0" 5'-8" BED 03 a a WH LAUNDRY MECHANICAL mech LINEN BED 04 N BATH 03 LINEN ■ STORAGE �xxxxxxxxi XX \X� X X X X X N 0 N 31'-1" 28'-1" J FIRST FLOOR PLAN SCALE 1 /4"=1' SCHEMATIC DESIGN NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Revisions Date/Content: 600 FOSTER STREET 7 DURHAM NORTH CAROLINA 27701 919.530.1 149 SSILLY U= wU J Ce W Q DRAWN MCP 2104 06.24.21 AS MARKED JOB No DATE w J Q U V) uJ J ii COBBAERT CARR RESIDENCE 1707 SHAWNEE ST DURHAM, NC 27701 FIRST FLOOR PLAN A1.1 SECOND FLOOR SQUARE FOOTAGE 1,146 HSF 1ST FLOOR TOTAL HEATED SQUARE FOOTAGE INTERIOR ROOM SQUARE FOOTAGE EXCLUDES HALLWAY & CLOSETS 68 HSF ENTRY 387 HSF 158 HSF 240 HSF 110 HSF 42 HSF 24 HSF 52 HSF LIVING DINING KITCHEN OFFICE MUDROOM 1/2 BATH STAIR 1,035 SF TOTAL UNCONDITIONED SQUARE FOOTAGE 335 SF GARAGE 388 SF FRONT PORCH W/ BALCONY 270 SF SCREEN PORCH 42 SF EXTERIOR STAIR FLOOR PLAN NOTES 1 ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE TO FACE OF STUD UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2. WHERE PARTITIONS ARE SHOWN TO ALIGN OR WHERE PARTITIONS OF DIFFERENT THICKNESS OR FINISHES APPEAR IN THE SAME PLANE, THE OUTSIDE FACE OF FINISH MATERIALS SHALL ALIGN 3. REFER TO ELECTRICAL SHEETS FOR POWER, CIRCUITING, & ASSOCIATED ITEMS 4. SOUND BATT INSULATION W/IN ALL INTERIOR BATH WALLS 5. ALL BATH & POCKET DOOR WALLS TO BE 2X6 FLOOR PLAN KEY NOTES WHITE OAK WRAPPED STAIR TREAD FIRE STOVE INSERT ALLOWANCE $1,000 W/ TILE FIREPLACE SURROUND TONUGE & GROOVE CEILING FLOOR PLAN LEGEND 7777 8" CMU WALL EXTERIOR 2X6 WALL INTERIOR 2X4 WALL OVERHEAD WALL TYPES W. e::::::•;5554; "Ill i wia .s 0 Nigel W..I PAINTED HORIZONTAL FIBER CEMENT PANEL ON VERTICAL FURRING STRIPS 1/2" GYPSUM WALLBOARD NEW 2X6 STUD WALL 8"X4"Xl 6" CMU BLOCK NEW INSULATION EXTERIOR WALL - RETAINING WALL SEE EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS HORIZONTAL WOOD SIDING ON VERTICAL FURRING STRIPS NEW 2X6 STUD WALL TAPED ZIP SHEATHING DEPTH TO MATCH EXISTING NEW INSULATION NEW GYPSUM WALL BOARD DEPTH TO MATCH EXISTING Exterior Wall PAINTED HORIZONTAL FIBER CEMENT PANEL ON VERTICAL FURRING STRIPS 1/2" GYPSUM WALLBOARD NEW 2X6 STUD WALL NEW INSULATION Exterior Wall VERTICAL WOOD SIDING W/ WOOD BATTEN SEAM TO MATCH EXISTING NEW 2X6 STUD WALL TAPED ZIP SHEATHING DEPTH TO MATCH EXISTING NEW INSULATION NEW GYPSUM WALL BOARD DEPTH TO MATCH EXISTING Exterior Wall - ALTERNATE 2X4 STUD WALL OR EXISTING FRAMED WALL 1/2" FINISHED DRYWALL 1/2" FINISHED DRYWALL Interior Stud Wall 2X6 STUD WALL OR EXISTING FRAMED WALL 1/2" FINISHED DRYWALL 1/2" FINISHED DRYWALL INTERIOR STUD WALL BATHROOM & POCKET DOOR 1 1 1 '-9 3/4" 58'-0" 34'-9 3/4" 10'-C 4'-0" SCRE PORC EN s 0 L DINING ROOM KITCHEN LIVING ZI OOM PANTRY L TALL STORAGE 1 /2 BATH TALL STORAGE 0 CLOSET OFFICE ENTRY CLOSET BUILT-IN BOOKCAS GARAGE MUDROOM 0 26'-0" M HDN39 NI- 0 N SECOND FLOOR PLAN 1 SCALE 1 /4"=1' SCHEMATIC DESIGN NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Revisions Date/Content: 600 FOSTER STREET 7DURHAM NORTH CAROLINA 27701 919.530.1 149 SSILLY U= wU w Q DRAWN MCP 2104 06.24.21 AS MARKED JOB No DATE w J Q uJ J U V) COBBAERT CARR RESIDENCE 1707 SHAWNEE ST DURHAM, NC 27701 SECOND FLOOR PLAN A1.2 ROOF PLAN NOTES 1. ALTERNATE #1 - MEMBRANE ROOF 2. DRAINAGE BASIN W/ ATRIUM GRATE IN BLACK @ ALL DOWNSPOUTS 3. TONGUE & GROOVE SOFFIT ROOF PLAN KEY NOTES 4 CHIMNEY DETAILS & FLASHING TO BE INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURER 6" GUTTER MEMBRANE ROOF UNDER PORCH FLOOR, BEYOND FRENCH DRAIN @ GRADE ROOF PLAN LEGEND STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF MEMBRANE ROOF BUILDING FOOTPRINT O DS DOWNSPOUT #:12 SLOPE DOWN 3 -a 0 4 1'-6" O N U L 1 '-6' 0 DS 0 DS ROOF PLAN 1 . 1 /4"=1'-0" r SCHEMATIC DESIGN NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Revisions Date/Content: 600 FOSTER STREET 7 DURHAM NORTH CAROLINA 27701 919.530.1 149 SSILLY U= wU J C/ W Q DRAWN MCP 2104 06.24.21 AS MARKED JOB No DATE w J Q U V) uJ J ii COBBAERT CARR RESIDENCE 1707 SHAWNEE ST DURHAM, NC 27701 ROOF PLAN A1.3 STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF PAINTED 2' WIDE FIBER CEMENT BOARD 8' WIDE BY 9' TALL GARAGE DOOR UCAP4878 UCA3628 i 2i U CA247 2 UCA3692 -41 UCA36727 .11 A3672 UCA367 7CA3672 u ADD ALTERNATE 2X2 CYPRESS BATTENS SPACED 6" APART OVER CYPRESS VERTICAL BOARDS 0EXTERIOR ELEVATION - EAST 2.1 1/4" = 1'-0'' PAINTED FASCIA BOARD CYPRESS TONGUE & GROOVE SOFFIT HORIZONTAL CYPRESS 1X6 SHIPLAP SIDING EXPOSED WOOD WRAPPED IN CYPRESS CABLE RAIL CYPRESS 4X8X16 CONCRETE BLOCK UCA3628 ADD ALTERNATE 2X2 CYPRESS BATTENS SPACED 6" APART OVER CYPRESS VERTICAL BOARDS CA247 UCA3636 UCA3692 UCA367 2\)JCA3672 UCAP7236 UWSPD 6 080 OX UCAP9636 UCA3692 UCAP6092 UCAP7236 UWSPD 6 380 OX UCA367 A3672 UCA367 A3672 UCA367 U CAP 6072 UCA367 CA3672 UCA36 2 UCAP6072 LOW BEARING HEIGHT 18'-0"rik TOP OF 2ND FLOOR 1 1'- "� TOP OF GARAGE CONCRETE SLAB 6'-1 3/8",` TOP OF SUBFLOOR 0'-0", LOW BEARING HEIGHT 18'-0"� TOP OF 2ND FLOOR 1 1'-0„� TOP OF GARAGE CONCRETE SLAB 6'-1 3/8" 2 EXTERIOR ELEVATION - NORTH 2.1 1 /4" = 1'-0' TOP OF SUBFLOOR 0'-0„� SCHEMATIC DESIGN NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Revisions Date/Content: 600 FOSTER STREET 7 DURHAM NORTH CAROLINA 27701 919.530.1 149 SSILLY CeJ U= w W Q DRAWN MCP 2104 06.24.21 AS MARKED JOB No DATE w J Q U V) uJ J ii COBBAERT CARR RESIDENCE 1707 SHAWNEE ST DURHAM, NC 27701 EXTERIOR ELEVATION A2.1 EXTERIOR ELEVATION - WEST 1 /4" = 1 '-0" UCA3656 UWSPD8080 OX UCAP7256 ADD ALTERNATE 2X2 CYPRESS BATTENS SPACED 6" APART OVER CYPRESS VERTICAL BOARDS UCAP6072 UCA3672\ z UCA3656 UCAP7256 UCA3656 UCAP7232 UCA3628 2 EXTERIOR ELEVATION - SOUTH 2. 1 /4" = 1 '-0" KITCHEN BEARING HEIGHT 20'-4", LOW BEARING HEIGHT 18'-0" - Y TOP OF 2ND FLOOR 1 11'-0",` TOP OF GARAGE CONCRETE SLAB 6'-1 3/8" TOP OF SUBFLOOR 0'-0"0 KITCHEN BEARING HEIGHT 20'-4", GARAGE BEARING HEIGHT 18'-0" - TOP OF 2ND FLOOR 1 11'-0",` TOP OF GARAGE CONCRETE SLAB 6'-1 3/8" TOP OF SUBFLOOR 0'-0", SCHEMATIC DESIGN NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Revisions Date/Content: 600 FOSTER STREET 7 DURHAM NORTH CAROLINA 27701 919.530.1 149 SSILLY X I '6 U= wU J C/ W Q DRAWN MCP 2104 06.22.21 AS MARKED JOB No DATE w J Q uJ J U V) LI COBBAERT CARR RESIDENCE 1707 SHAWNEE ST DURHAM, NC 27701 EXTERIOR ELEVATION A2.2 SOLARTUBE WITHIN BOOKSHELF TO LIGHT GUEST BATHROOM DETAILS TBD 1 BUILDING SECTION A3.1 1 /4"=1-0" 3�3�1/4„_�_�„ 1 /4��=1-0" 21 BUILDING SECTION 3.1 1 /4"=1-0" r BUILDING SECTION � BUILDING SECTION l ' 4' 8' n I 1 1/4"=1-0" LOW BEARING HEIGHT 18'-0"rik 41 TOP OF 2ND FLOOR 1 ll'-0",` TOP OF GARAGE CONCRETE SLAB 6'-1 3/ "� TOP OF SUBFLOOR 00'-0",` LOW BEARING HEIGHT 18'-0"rik Y TOP OF 2ND FLOOR 1 l'-0"rik Y TOP OF GARAGE CONCRETE SLAB 6'-1 3/8", 41 TOP OF SUBFLOOR 0'-0", Y SCHEMATIC DESIGN NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Revisions Date/Content: 600 FOSTER STREET 7 DURHAM NORTH CAROLINA 27701 919.530.1 149 SSILLY U= wU J C/ W Q DRAWN MCP 2104 06.24.21 AS MARKED JOB No DATE w J Q U V) uJ J ii COBBAERT CARR RESIDENCE 1707 SHAWNEE ST DURHAM, NC 27701 BUILDING SECTION A3.1 3.1 3.1 FINISH SCHEDULE TAG ITEM SPECIFICATIONS ALLOWANCE (F 1) WOOD FLOOR BRAND: SIZE: 7" WIDE PLANK $10 SF MODEL #: WHITE OAK FINISH: (F-2) TILE FLOOR SUPPLIER: SIZE: $20 SF MATERIAL MODEL #: FINISH: (F_3) TILE FLOOR SUPPLIER: SIZE: MODEL #: FINISH: (F-4) TILE FLOOR SUPPLIER: SIZE: $8 SF MATERIAL MODEL #: FINISH: (F_5) TILE FLOOR SUPPLIER: SIZE: MODEL #: FINISH: (F 6) W WOOD DECKING BRAND: THERMORY SIZE: 5.5 WIDE MODEL #: FINISH: (F-7) CONCRETE (W-1) WALL TILE SUPPLIER: SIZE: $10 SF MATERIAL MODEL #: FINISH: (W-2) WALL TILE SUPPLIER: SIZE: MODEL #: FINISH: (W-3) WALL TILE SUPPLIER: SIZE: MODEL #: FINISH: (W-4) WALL TILE SUPPLIER: SIZE: MODEL #: FINISH: (W-5) WALL TILE SUPPLIER: SIZE: MODEL #: FINISH: (W-6) WALL TILE SUPPLIER: SIZE: MODEL #: FINISH: EC-l) CUSTOM PAINTED CABINETS INSTALLER: CUSTOM COLOR: $350 SF MODEL #: SLAB FINISH: COUNTERTOP QUARTZ BRAND: SIZE: $90 SF MODEL #: FINISH: HARDWARE $10 EACH MODEL #: FINISH: EC - CABINET PAINTED INSTALLER: CUSTOM COLOR: $350 SF MODEL #: FINISH: HARDWARE $10 EACH EC-3� FLOATING PAINTED VANITY INSTALLER: CUSTOM FINISH: $350 SF MODEL #: SLAB SIZE: 84" COUNTERTOP QUARTZ BRAND: SIZE: $90 SF MODEL #: FINISH: HARDWARE BRAND: SIZE: $10 EACH MODEL #: FINISH: (C-,4) FLOATING VANITY BRAND: OFF THE SHELF SIZE: 72" $1,600 MODEL #: FINISH: COUNTERTOP BRAND: COLOR: $90 SF MODEL #: FINISH: HARDWARE $10 EACH MODEL #: FINISH: (C-) FLOATING VANITY BRAND: OFF THE SHELF SIZE: 36" $1,000 MODEL #: FINISH: COUNTERTOP BRAND: COLOR: $90 SF MODEL #: FINISH: HARDWARE $10 EACH MODEL #: FINISH: FINISH FLOOR PLAN NOTES 1 ARCHITECT & OWNER TO BE PRESENT FOR TILE LAYOUT MEETING WITH TILE INSTALLER 2. FINISHES BELOW SUBJECT TO CHANGE CONSULT WITH ARCHITECT & OWNER PRIOR TO ORDERING 3. WALL TILE TO EXTEND TO CEILING 4. WALL TILE TO END ON INSIDE CORNER 5. WALL HUNG TOILETS HUNG ON BUILT OUT 2X4 42" HIGH TILE WALL FINISH FLOOR KEY NOTES 1 2 3 4 6 FLOATING COUNTERTOP ABOVE FRONT LOADING W/D PAINTED 12" DEEP SHELVING (F-7) W-1 (F-7) (F-7) (F-7) (F-7) a (F-7( WH I EP I mech I I (F-7) (F-7( F-2, X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX FIRST FINISH FLOOR PLAN 8.1 1 /4"=1 '-o" 8' 4' SCHEMATIC DESIGN NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Revisions Date/Content: 600 FOSTER STREET 7 DURHAM NORTH CAROLINA 27701 SSILLY \ 919.530.1149 = f Q wU W DRAWN MCP 2104 06.24.21 AS MARKED JOB No DATE w J Q a, U IT COBBAERT CARR RESIDENCE 1707 SHAWNEE ST DURHAM, NC 27701 FIRST FINISH FLOOR PLAN A8.1 FINISH SCHEDULE TAG ITEM SPECIFICATIONS ALLOWANCE (F 1( WOOD FLOOR BRAND: SIZE: 7" WIDE PLANK $10 SF MODEL #: WHITE OAK FINISH: (F-2( TILE FLOOR SUPPLIER: SIZE: $20 SF MATERIAL MODEL #: FINISH: EF_3) TILE FLOOR SUPPLIER: SIZE: MODEL #: FINISH: (F-4( TILE FLOOR SUPPLIER: SIZE: $8 SF MATERIAL MODEL #: FINISH: EF_5) TILE FLOOR SUPPLIER: SIZE: MODEL #: FINISH: (F 6( W WOOD DECKING BRAND: THERMORY SIZE: 5.5 WIDE MODEL #: FINISH: EF-7) CONCRETE (W-1( WALL TILE SUPPLIER: SIZE: $10 SF MATERIAL MODEL #: FINISH: (W-2( WALL TILE SUPPLIER: SIZE: MODEL #: FINISH: (W-3( WALL TILE SUPPLIER: SIZE: MODEL #: FINISH: (W-4( WALL TILE SUPPLIER: SIZE: MODEL #: FINISH: (W-5( WALL TILE SUPPLIER: SIZE: MODEL #: FINISH: (W-6( WALL TILE SUPPLIER: SIZE: MODEL #: FINISH: EC-1( CUSTOM PAINTED CABINETS INSTALLER: CUSTOM COLOR: $350 SF MODEL #: SLAB FINISH: COUNTERTOP QUARTZ BRAND: SIZE: $90 SF MODEL #: FINISH: HARDWARE $10 EACH MODEL #: FINISH: EC - CABINET PAINTED INSTALLER: CUSTOM COLOR: $350 SF MODEL #: FINISH: HARDWARE $10 EACH EC-3( FLOATING PAINTED VANITY INSTALLER: CUSTOM FINISH: $350 SF MODEL #: SLAB SIZE: 84" COUNTERTOP QUARTZ BRAND: SIZE: $90 SF MODEL #: FINISH: HARDWARE BRAND: SIZE: $10 EACH MODEL #: FINISH: (C-4( FLOATING VANITY BRAND: OFF THE SHELF SIZE: 72" $1,600 MODEL #: FINISH: COUNTERTOP BRAND: COLOR: $90 SF MODEL #: FINISH: HARDWARE $10 EACH MODEL #: FINISH: (C-( FLOATING VANITY BRAND: OFF THE SHELF SIZE: 36" $1,000 MODEL #: FINISH: COUNTERTOP BRAND: COLOR: $90 SF MODEL #: FINISH: HARDWARE $10 EACH MODEL #: FINISH: FINISH FLOOR PLAN NOTES 1 ARCHITECT & OWNER TO BE PRESENT FOR TILE LAYOUT MEETING WITH TILE INSTALLER 2. FINISHES BELOW SUBJECT TO CHANGE CONSULT WITH ARCHITECT & OWNER PRIOR TO ORDERING 3. WALL TILE TO EXTEND TO CEILING 4. WALL TILE TO END ON INSIDE CORNER 5. WALL HUNG TOILETS HUNG ON BUILT OUT 2X4 42" HIGH TILE WALL FINISH FLOOR KEY NOTES 0 • 4 6 TONGUE & GROOVE WOOD CEILING WOOD PANELING W/ MAGNETIC HIDDEN CLOSET DOOR SECOND FINISH FLOOR PLAN 8. 1 /4,=1 -0" 8' 4' SCHEMATIC DESIGN NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Revisions Date/Content: 600 FOSTER STREET 7 DURHAM NORTH CAROLINA 27701 SSILLY \ 919.530.1149 = f Q wU W DRAWN MCP 2104 06.24.21 AS MARKED JOB No DATE w J Q a, U IT COBBAERT CARR RESIDENCE 1707 SHAWNEE ST DURHAM, NC 27701 SECOND FINISH FLOOR PLAN A8.2 FOUNDATION PLAN NOTES 1. GC TO CONFIRM FOUNDATION WALL HEIGHT W/ GRADE 2. SEE STRUCTURAL DWGS FOR MORE INFORMATION 3. 4. FOUNDATION PLAN KEY NOTES El u CONCRETE TURN DOWN SLAB, SEE STRUCTURAL DWGS CLOSED CRAWL SPACE 30" WIDE CRAWL SPACE ACCESS DOOR FOUNDATION PLAN LEGEND ■ XX PIER, SEE STRUCTURAL DWGS CMU RETAINING WALL, SEE STRUCTURAL DWGS CONCRETE SLAB, SEE STRUCTURAL DWGS N _ 0 N N N 0 59'-2" / 8" 57'-10" 8" I 1 I 1 1 I 1 I I I X X X X 8" 1 1 '-9 1 /2" 8" 33'-1 1 " / / / , 47-0 1 /2" I I I I I I I I I I ' I ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 I I 1 J I 1 I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I X X / X X X / X I X ' . , / TURNDOWN SLAB EDGE, TYP (1'-6" x 2'-0") 22'-0 1 /'; ' I / I 4" SLAB ON GRADE OVER 10 MIL POLYETHYLENE SHEETING AND 4" OF #57 STONE W/#3@ 18" OC I X X X I I I I I I I I I I I ' ' ' ' ' , I I 1 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I 1 I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I X , / X X X X , / X X X I 1 1 X I ._ - - - O, _ I 1 I I I I ' , ® , I I I I I I 1 1 I 1 1 I I I I X X X X X op L 8 CMU GROUTED SOLID REINFORCED y � [ ►' r X W/ #4@24"OC ON I 30"x12" CONC FOOTING W/ (3)#4 CONT & #4@ 16"OC ►' 1 X X , 4" SLAB ON GRADE AND 4" OF #57 STONE W/#3@ 18" OC X X1 ' , I , X X 8" 30'-5" : 8" 26'-9" 8" / 1 _ _ J 1 1 31'-1" / 28'-1" FOUNDATION PLAN n 1 /4"=1 '-0" FOUNDATION PLAN NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 06-9-2021 SCALENE DESIGN FUNCTION + STRUCTURE + FORM 434 FAYETTEVILLE STREET SUITE 2110 RALEIGH NC 27601 l' 8' 4' 1 SCHEMATIC DESIGN NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Revisions Date/Content: 7 600 FOSTER STREET DURHAM NORTH CAROLINA 27701 919.530.1 149 SSILLY U= wU wQ DRAWN MCP 2104 05.28.21 AS MARKED JOB No DATE W J Q u J J U V) COBBAERT/CARR RESIDENCE 1707 SHAWNEE ST DURHAM, NC 27701 FOUNDATION PLAN A1.0 FIRST FLOOR SQUARE FOOTAGE 1,146 HSF 1ST FLOOR TOTAL HEATED SQUARE FOOTAGE INTERIOR ROOM SQUARE FOOTAGE EXCLUDES HALLWAY & CLOSETS 68 HSF ENTRY 387 HSF LIVING 158 HSF DINING 240 HSF KITCHEN 110 HSF OFFICE 42 HSF MUDROOM 24 HSF 1 /2 BATH 52 HSF STAIR 1,035 SF TOTAL UNCONDITIONED SQUARE FOOTAGE 335 SF GARAGE 388 SF FRONT PORCH W/ BALCONY 270 SF SCREEN PORCH 42 SF EXTERIOR STAIR FLOOR PLAN NOTES 1 ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE TO FACE OF STUD UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2. WHERE PARTITIONS ARE SHOWN TO ALIGN OR WHERE PARTITIONS OF DIFFERENT THICKNESS OR FINISHES APPEAR IN THE SAME PLANE, THE OUTSIDE FACE OF FINISH MATERIALS SHALL ALIGN 3. REFER TO ELECTRICAL SHEETS FOR POWER, CIRCUITING, & ASSOCIATED ITEMS 4. SOUND BATT INSULATION W/IN ALL INTERIOR BATH WALLS 5. ALL BATH & POCKET DOOR WALLS TO BE 2X6 FLOOR PLAN KEY NOTES 3" WOOD THICK STAIR TREAD W/ CLOSED RISE FIRE STOVE INSERT ALLOWANCE $1,000 W/ TILE FIREPLACE SURROUND TONUGE & GROOVE CEILING FLOOR PLAN LEGEND 7777 8" CMU WALL EXTERIOR 2X6 WALL INTERIOR 2X4 WALL OVERHEAD 6x6 PT POST OR (4)2x6 PT STUDS 1 1'-9 3/4" 58'-0" 34'-9 3/4" 10'-0" 4'-0" CONT (2)2x10 N Z 0 0 X CV CV (2)2x10 7/16" PLYWOOD SHEARWALL 1.75X 1 1.25 CANT LVL @ 16"OC 12' FLOOR TRUSS @12"OC CONT (2)2x10 w V) 0 0 0 >- 0_ NO (2)2x10 I I (2)2x10 DINING FOO i (2 2x10 14" FLOOR TRUSS @16"OC KITCH EN (2)2x10 IVIN O M (2 2x10 OF ICE PANTRY ■ 7/16" PLYWOOD SHEARWALL ■ L TAL_ STORAGE 1 /2 BATH TAL_ STORAGE (2)2x10 CLCSET BU ENTRY LT -IN BOOKCASE CLOSET M GARAGE DROO A 4" SLAB ON GRADE SEE FOUNDATION 7/16" PLYWOOD SHEARWALL 26'-0" D M HDN39 NI- 0 2 v) 0 N SECOND FLOOR PLAN 1 SCALE 1 /4"=1' 23/32" T&G PLYWOOD 2x6 STUDS@16"OC AT EXTERIOR WALLS 2nd FLOOR FRAMING PLAN NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 06-09-2021 SCALENE DESIGN FUNCTION + STRUCTURE + FORM 434 FAYETTEVILLE STREET SUITE 2110 RALEIGH NC 27601 SCHEMATIC DESIGN NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Revisions Date/Content: 600 FOSTER STREET 7DURHAM NORTH CAROLINA 27701 919.530.1 149 SSILLY U= wU J w Ce Q DRAWN MCP 2104 05.28.21 AS MARKED JOB No DATE w J Q L1.J J U V) COBBAERT/CARR RESIDENCE 1707 SHAWNEE ST DURHAM, NC 27701 SECOND FLOOR PLAN A1.2 ROOF PLAN NOTES 1 DRAINAGE BASIN W/ ATRIUM GRATE IN BLACK @ ALL DOWNSPOUTS 2x12 OUTLOOKERS @16"OC ROOF PLAN KEY NOTES CHIMNEY DETAILS & FLASHING TO BE INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURER ROOF PLAN LEGEND STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF MEMBRANE ROOF BUILDING FOOTPRINT 0 DS DOWNSPOUT #:12 SLOPE DOWN CONT 2)2x10 1.75x1 1.25" LVL@ 16" OC W/ 19/32" PLYWOOD SHEATHING 7/16" PLYWOOD SHEARWALL ■ Z — O U CONT (2)2x10 IN 1■ PLYWOOD SHEARWALL ■ I (2)2x10 X CV CV (2 ■ )2x1 ■ (2)2x10 (2)2x10 7/16" PLYWOOD SHEARWALL 2x12@ 24" OC W/ 19/32" PLYWOOD SHEATHING X 1'-6" (2)2x10 X CV 2)2x10 (2)2x10 (2)2x10 7/16" PLYWOOD SHEARWALL 4 ► 1 ROOF PLAN 1 . 1 /4"=1'-0" ■ CV (2)2x10 7/16" PLYWOOD SHEA 2x12 OUTLOOKERS @16"OC 2x12 OUTLOOKERS @16"OC ROOF FRAMING PLAN NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 06-09-2021 SCALENE DESIGN FUNCTION + STRUCTURE + FORM 434 FAYETTEVILLE STREET SUITE 2110 RALEIGH NC 27601 SCHEMATIC DESIGN NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Revisions Date/Content: 7 600 FOSTER STREET DURHAM NORTH CAROLINA 27701 919.530.1 149 SSILLY U= wU J c/ W Q DRAWN MCP 2104 05.28.21 AS MARKED JOB No DATE w J Q uJ J U V) COBBAERT/CARR RESIDENCE 1707 SHAWNEE ST DURHAM, NC 27701 ROOF PLAN A1.3 ELECTRICAL SCHEDULE TAG ITEM SPECIFICATIONS ALLOWANCE SCONCE BRAND: COLOR: MODEL #: FINISH: EXTERIOR SCONCE BRAND: COLOR: MODEL #: FINISH: • PENDANT BRAND: COLOR: MODEL #: FINISH: ©SURFACE MOUNT BRAND: COLOR: MODEL #: FINISH: TRACK LIGHTING BRAND: COLOR: MODEL #: FINISH: RECESSED CAN BRAND: COLOR: MODEL #: FINISH: EXTERIOR RECESSED CAN BRAND: COLOR: MODEL #: FINISH: CEILING FAN BRAND: COLOR: MODEL #: FINISH: X CEILING FAN EXTERIOR BRAND: COLOR: MODEL #: FINISH: _ — = UNDER COUNTER BRAND: COLOR: MODEL #: FINISH: PLUMBING SCHEDULE TAG ITEM SPECIFICATIONS ALLOWANCE A FAUCET WALL MOUNT BRAND: COLOR: $500 MODEL #: FINISH: SINK UNDERMOUNT BRAND: COLOR: $100 MODEL #: FINISH: AVOLUME SHOWERHEAD BRAND: COLOR: $100 MODEL #: FINISH: HAND -SHOWER BRAND: COLOR: $300 MODEL #: FINISH: CONTROL BRAND: COLOR: $350 MODEL #: FINISH: THERM VALVE BRAND: COLOR: $350 MODEL #: FINISH: DRAIN BRAND: COLOR: $100 MODEL #: FINISH: \ WALL HUNG TOILET BRAND: TOTO COLOR: $500 MODEL #: FINISH: A FREESTANDING TUB BRAND: COLOR: $1,200 MODEL #: FINISH: TUB FILLER BRAND: COLOR: $700 MODEL #: FINISH: A FAUCET DECK MOUNT BRAND: COLOR: $300 MODEL #: FINISH: SINK UNDERMOUNT BRAND: COLOR: $100 MODEL #: FINISH: /� / \ HANDSHOWER BRAND: COLOR: $200 MODEL #: FINISH: TUB/SHOWER CONTROL THERM VALVE BRAND: COLOR: MODEL #: FINISH: TUB SPOUT MODEL #: FINISH: TUB $600 MODEL #: FINISH: g FAUCET DECK MOUNT MODEL #: FINISH: $300 SINK UNDERMOUNT BRAND: COLOR: $100 MODEL #: FINISH: AVOLUME HANDSHOWER BRAND: COLOR: $100 MODEL #: FINISH: & TEMP CONTROL BRAND: COLOR: $300 MODEL #: FINISH: DRAIN BRAND: COLOR: $100 MODEL #: FINISH: PME FLOOR PLAN LEGEND PME FLOOR PLAN NOTES m IT m I I a a WH I EP mech X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX PME FIRST FLOOR PLAN J PME1 1 /4"=1 '-0" PME FLOOR KEY NOTES 8' 4 OGFI `I I $D $ DIM 3 HB DUPLES RECEPTACLE 110 V SWITCHED RECEPTACLE 110 V GFCI DUPLEX OUTLET 110 V FLOOR DUPLEX RECEPTACLE SINGLE POLE SWITCH THREE WAY SWITCH DIMMER SWITCH THREE WAY DIMMER SWITCH HOSE BIB rI3 HOSE BIB 1. FIRST FLOOR DUCTWORK FEED THROUGH FLOOR CAVITY 2. TO BE PLANNED: OUTDOOR FLOOD LIGHTS, CAMERAS 3. TANK WATER HEATER 4. LUTRON DIMMERS THROUGH OUT 5. OUTLETS PER CODE, LOCATION FIELD VERIFIED W/ OWNER DURING ROUGH IN 6. ELECTRICAL FIXTURE PLACEMENT FIELD VERIFIED W/ OWNER DURING ROUGH IN. GC RESPONSIBLE FOR DOUBLE CHECKING SITE CONDITIONS IN RELATIONSHIP TO FIXTURE PLACEMENT 7. ALL CLOSET LIGHTS TO BE MOTION SENSOR 8. HVAC SUPPLY ROUTED THROUGH FLOOR TRUSSES 4 CONFIRM FLOOR OUTLET LOCATION W/ CLIENT DURING CONSTRUCTION LOW STEP LIGHTS SWITCHED OUTLET POTENTIAL LOCATION FOR FUTURE GENERATOR? 4' SCHEMATIC DESIGN NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Revisions Date/Content: 600 FOSTER STREET 7 DURHAM NORTH CAROLINA 27701 SSILLY \ 919.530.1149 = wU W f Q DRAWN MCP 2104 06.24.21 AS MARKED JOB No DATE w J Q a, U IT COBBAERT CARR RESIDENCE 1707 SHAWNEE ST DURHAM, NC 27701 FIRST FLOOR PME PLAN PME1 ELECTRICAL SCHEDULE TAG ITEM SPECIFICATIONS ALLOWANCE SCONCE BRAND: COLOR: MODEL #: FINISH: EXTERIOR SCONCE BRAND: COLOR: MODEL #: FINISH: • PENDANT BRAND: COLOR: MODEL #: FINISH: ©SURFACE MOUNT BRAND: COLOR: MODEL #: FINISH: O DIRECTIONAL SURFACE MOUNT BRAND: COLOR: MODEL #: FINISH: RECESSED CAN BRAND: COLOR: MODEL #: FINISH: EXTERIOR RECESSED CAN BRAND: COLOR: MODEL #: FINISH: CEILING FAN BRAND: COLOR: MODEL #: FINISH: X CEILING FAN EXTERIOR BRAND: COLOR: MODEL #: FINISH: LED STRIP LIGHT BRAND: COLOR: MODEL #: FINISH: PLUMBING SCHEDULE TAG ITEM SPECIFICATIONS ALLOWANCE I FAUCET BRAND: COLOR: $500 MODEL #: FINISH: UNDERMOUNT SINK BRAND: COLOR: $100 MODEL #: FINISH: FAUCET BRAND: MODEL: SENSATE $500 MODEL #: FINISH: CHROME SOAP DISPENSER BRAND: MODEL: $100 MODEL #: FINISH: SINK BRAND: COLOR: $500 MODEL #: FINISH: APPLIANCE SCHEDULE EQUIPMENT ITEM SPECIFICATIONS ALLOWANCE REFRIGERATOR CABINET DEPTH BRAND: SIZE: 30" W MODEL #: FINISH: DISHWASHER - BRAND: SIZE: 24" W MODEL #: FINISH: STOVE 30"INDUCTION COOKTOP BRAND: SIZE: 30" W MODEL #: FINISH: OVEN 30" ELECTRIC WALL OVEN BRAND: SIZE: 30" W MODEL #: FINISH: ISLAND VENT HOOD - BRAND: SIZE: 30" W MODEL #: FINISH: BUILT-IN MICROWAVE DRAWER UNIT BRAND: SHARP SIZE: 24" W MODEL #: SMD2470ASY FINISH: STAINLESS STEEL WOOD BURNING FIREPLACE BRAND: MODEL #: FINISH: WASHER - MODEL #: FINISH: DRYER - MODEL #: FINISH: PME FLOOR PLAN LEGEND PME FLOOR PLAN NOTES 3 0 PME FLOOR KEY NOTES 7 L- L DUPLES RECEPTACLE 110 V 0 SWITCHED RECEPTACLE 110 V OGFI GFCI DUPLEX OUTLET 110 V ►A FLOOR DUPLEX RECEPTACLE $ SINGLE POLE SWITCH $3 THREE WAY SWITCH SD DIMMER SWITCH $DIM3 THREE WAY DIMMER SWITCH r6 HOSE BIB rB HOSE BIB 1. ALL EXTERIOR GFCI TO HAVE FLUSH COVER P&S 4512: COVER ALUM WPF OR SIMILAR 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1 2 3 4 5 6 PME SECOND FLOOR PLAN 1 /4"=1 '-0" n J 8' 4' SCHEMATIC DESIGN NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Revisions Date/Content: 600 FOSTER STREET 7 DURHAM NORTH CAROLINA 27701 SSILLY \ 919.530.1149 = wU W Q DRAWN MCP 2104 06.24.21 AS MARKED JOB No DATE w J Q a, U IT COBBAERT CARR RESIDENCE 1707 SHAWNEE ST DURHAM, NC 27701 SECOND FLOOR PME PLAN PME2 AGENT AUTHORIZATION FORM PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Plat 6BB/ LOT NO. 18 & 19 PLAN NO. Pg 8 PARCEL ID: 109421 STREET ADDRESS: 1707 Shawnee St, Durham NC 27701 Please print: Property Owner: Carr Allan C Property Owner: Cobbaert Marjan A The undersigned, registered property owners of the above noted property, do hereby authorize Grayson Baur , of Catalpa Land Design (Contractor / Agent) (Name of consulting firm) to act on my behalf and take all actions necessary for the processing, issuance and acceptance of this permit or certification and any and all standard and special conditions attached. Property Owner's Address (if different than property above): 2209 Tampa Avenue, Durham, NC 27705 Telephone: 919-864-0910 We hereby certify the above information submitted in this application is true and accurate to the best of our knowledge. Authorized Signature Date: 09/20/21 Authorized Signature Date: 09/20/21