HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-05953_Well Construction - GW1_20210805 AVELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-1) for Internal Use Only: 1..Well Contractor Information: ' oy ) 14i WATER ZONES. Well Contractor Name FROM TO DESCRIPTION ft. ft. /tf C W L L/j��_ R. ft. NC Well Contractor Certification Number .14.OUTER CASING ror.mtilH cnscd'wena OR LINER ifa r�licablc nU�Cascade Drilling, LP FROM TO g.lt T1tICKNFCS MATFRIA, ft. tt. in. Company Name 16.INNER CA•INC'OR-TUD1 O' tnlhermal elosed•Ino t 2.Well Construction Permit It: FROM I To I DIAMETFR TIIICKNFSS MATERIAL l.i.T1 all applicahle wc11 consvucllon permits Q.e,U1C,('nunly,Store,Variance,arc.) f 11. O ft. 3.Well Use(check well use): ft. R. In. Water Supply Well; 17,`SCREP.N c- a ; FROM TO ntAMFrrF,R SIATSI7E TIIICKNFSS atATEIIUAL Agricultural QMunicipal/Public 0 it. ft. in. Geothermal(Ilcating/Cooling Supply) 011csidential Water Supply(single) /.If n ASS, f, in, o,!o t? Industrial/Commercial 01tosidential Water Supply(shared) '1A;•CROUT ��;':s e r;': :ri. .: .;.;r_ —Irrigation FROM I TO I MATERIAL F.MPIA'FM6N'r MFTIto D R AritO INT, Non-Water Supply Well: I sa I !t. ft. t onitoring ©Recovery f tt, ft. v+ J Injection Well: n. ft. Aquifer Recharge E30roundwaterRcmediation 19:5ANDIGRAYELPACK'itp Ikahle , IAquifcr Storage and Recovery [35alinityDarricr FItoM+ To MATERIAL EMPIACF,MF.IVrMETll n ` Aquifer Test 13Slormwater Drainage l It. Sc7 R• 'r`t O m Experimental Technology }Subsidence Control ft. ft. Geothermal(Closed Loop) E3Troccr 720 DRILLING.LOG Win Geothermal(Hestia Conlin Return) Other ex lain under 421 Remarks FROM To I DF-ScRtrnoN taint k.raaew+nivrnak si ft. fL I rein ze ere.• 4.Date Well(s)Completed: 60 '02 3"�t Well 1 Dt1, PD. SU ft 2 n. ft. 59.Well Location: /V ( a Pl1' n ft. Facility faPP�bca ft. tL Faciliy/Owner Name tY IDN(i blc) &y�o aver Red Slt/`E ad /r/C OAQ6 t(( Physical Address,City,and Zip (1rvi�r✓R�c County Parcel identification No.(PIN) Processin pWR 0 511 Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: 22.Certification: IV40C 4_UX`A (ifwcll field,one Iatflong is sufficient) Signature ofCcrtificd Wall Contractor ' Date` ermonent or oTemporary c; 6.16(are)fht cant{(s) ' I)y signing this form,I hereby certify that the woll(s)w•at(were)constructed In accorvlanee with/5A NCAC 02C.0100 ur 15A NCAC OIC..0200 Well Cnanrucuon Srandardi and that a 7.16 this a repair(pan tin we/l;well: Qfar or p copyn(Ihis record has beenpmvided to the ije/l owner. If Ins le u repairy fill out lurawn well canatnuct7on injnrmatinn and explain the nnrurc oJlhe repair under 1121 remarks secllan OF on"a hack of fbis form. 23 Site diagram or additional well dtitailc: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well A.Por Geon,oh y I O or s n ed needed, In Geothermal Welts having the same construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. construction,onlylGWlisnecdcd. lndicalcTO'fALNUMDC•Rofwclls S(IDhI1'ffAL 1NCTRIIC.TIONS drilled: t 9•Total well depth below land surface: �j (ft•) 24a,j pr All 11•ells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well !•iN muhlplr wells hit all depths I/dpentu(esnmple•3Q100'and IQn!00') cnnstmction to tho following: 10.Static writer,level below top of casing: (ft.) lllvlsiou of Wafer Resources Inforniativa Processing Umit. "+" 1617,Nlall Service Ceotcr,:Ralelgly NC 27699-1617 if watrr levrf h above eating,w+ / tt it.[Borehole diameter•,_.G._----(in') 24h.(or InkNion lYtlts: In addition to smiling the fprtn to the address in 24a above,also submit one copy of this ft=within 30 days of completion of urll S►�'t - constriction to the following: 12,Well conslruclion method: / (i.e..utrer.ray cable,diRU ptuh,ele.) pivision of Witter Resources,lindtftround Injection Control Program, 1r(31i WATlitt SUI'YI,V W1:LLS ONLYt 1636 Mall&rtice Centir,! U14911,NC 27699-1636 hlelhod of tut: 24e.For!Pater Supply&Initctioa*1111: In addition to sending the form to 13a.yield(9p,n) tho addrm(ts)uix M also submit tine copy of this form within 30 days of 13b Disinfection type:________ Amount: completion of unti construction to tint county health department of the county Witte consinrcled. I Form OW I North C-litu Ikpuintent of Cntironniental Qtulity•Divaipnof Water R"cuft.s Revised?32.1016 I Scanned With CamScanner