HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200017 Ver 1_Post Contract IRT Site Review meeting_20210730Strickland, Bev From: Tim Morris <Tim.Morris@kci.com> Sent: Thursday, October 8, 2020 3:23 PM To: Tugwell, Todd J CIV USARMY CESAW (US); Kim Browning Cc: Wiesner, Paul; Adam Spiller Subject: [Non-DoD Source] Yarbro Stream and Wetland Project Attachments: KCI Post Contract IRT Review Meeting Minutes - Yarbro 1-14-20.pdf; Yarbro_Fig08 _Mitigation.pdf; Yarbro_Fig11_Mitigation.pdf Hey Todd and Kim, I wanted to reach out to both of you prior to Mitigation Plan submittal on the Yarbro project. We are nearing completion of the mitigation plan and concurrently have our easement documents (deeds, plat and title work) being reviewed by State Property Office. The main reason that I am reaching out is there have been some adjustments to the proposed easement presented to you at the post contract review meeting. These changes were necessary based on feedback received at the 1-14-20 site review meeting (minutes attached) with the IRT. The two attached figures show the changes. Figure 8 is a draft of what will be proposed in the upcoming Mitigation Plan submittal and Figure 11 is what was in our original proposal to DMS as well as what you evaluated in the field. The changes are located around T4 and the associated wetlands located just south of T4. As we discussed in the field the IRT believed that the soils did not support a re-establishment call. KCI did go out to do more soil borings in that area and although there were some areas that contained suitable soils, the more detailed analysis concluded that the re-establishment area was significantly smaller than depicted at the proposal stage. Additionally, the IRT felt that filling the shallow ditch along the T4 existing wetland would not provide significant uplift to this wetland. The general consensus was that the wetland was functioning well (even if partially drained) and since it was already forested, rehabilitation and even enhancement would be a stretch here. The IRT did recommend however that KCI consider creation in the open field area below the confluence of Buffalo Creek and T4. We have evaluated that potential and agree that creation is a suitable approach, especially if designed to receive both overbank flow and contributions from the T4 wetland system that are currently short circuiting through the aforementioned ditch. As a result, KCI has modified our design to shorten the E1 section on T4 and exclude the original wetland area from the project/easement. The reduction in easement acreage along T4 allowed us to expand our easement in other portions of the project slightly and also allows us to fund the substantial earth moving operation that will need to occur along the creation area of Buffalo Creek. We are also exploring the potential of some additional wetland creation along Buffalo Creek between T2 and the HWY 27. We will still be doing E1 work at the confluence of T4 and Buffalo Creek, where T4 is particularly unstable, however the upstream areas of T4 that were more stable were eliminated from the project. I hope you find these modifications consistent with the recommendations given at the time of the site visit. If you have concerns, please let me know. We will not be recording the easement until we get some feedback from you on the changes, however we would like to close on the easement prior to full mitigation plan approval if possible. Thanks in advance for your feedback. I have copied Paul Wiesner on this email as well. Regards, Tim Timothy J. Morris KCI Technologies, Inc./KCI Environmental Technologies and Construction Inc. 4505 Falls of Neuse Road — Suite 400 1 Raleigh NC, 27609 919-278-2511 (Office) 919-793-6886 (Mobile) 2 KCI ASSOCIATES OF NC ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED ENGINEERS • PLANNERS • SCIENTISTS • CONSTRUCTION MANAGERS 4505 Falls of Neuse Rd., Suite 400 • Raleigh, NC 27609 • Phone 919-783-9214 • Fax 919-783-9266 Date: January 14, 2020 Attendees: Paul Wiesner, NC Division of Mitigation Services Harry Tsomides, NC Division of Mitigation Services Kirsten Ullman, NC Division of Mitigation Services Tim Baumgartner, NC Division of Mitigation Services Casey Haywood, NC Division of Mitigation Services Mac Haupt, NC Division of Water Resources Erin Davis, NC Division of Water Resources Alan Johnson, NC Division of Water Resources Olivia Munzer, NC Wildlife Resources Commission TR Russ, NC Wildlife Resources Commission Todd Tugwell, US Army Corps of Engineers Tim Morris, KCI Technologies, Inc. Adam Spiller, KCI Technologies, Inc. From: Tim Morris, Project Manager KCI Technologies, Inc. Subject: Yarbro Stream Restoration Site Post Contract IRT Site Review Meeting Broad 05 Lincoln County, North Carolina Contract No. #7874-01 An IRT field review was conducted for the above referenced project on January 14th starting at approximately 9 am. Weather was overcast with periods of heavy rain during the site visit. All project tributaries that were evaluated were flowing during the meeting. High, turbid flows in the streams during the site visit did make it difficult to evaluate bed condition during the site walk. Annotations based on the site walk have been made to the Mitigation Figure 11 that was included in the proposal. The revised Figure is attached. The comments follow the order of the site walk. There was overall agreement on the proposed levels of intervention and the proposed credit strategy unless specified below. All project reaches and approaches will need to be justified in the mitigation plan; project reaches, including adding any creditable reaches upstream, would be contingent upon an approved jurisdictional determination. THE MOST INCREDIBLE THING WE'VE ENGINEERED IS OUR TEAM www.1CC1. COM T1 - No changes or concerns were noted on T1 above the farm road. - The T1 section below the farm road that is proposed as El was discussed along with the E1 section Buffalo Creek in this area. KCI recognizes that there were bed features in this area that were providing stability and function to these reaches and initially had considered a lighter touch in this area that would involve primarily bank grading and floodplain work. Since it was a relatively short section of El KCI asked if the IRT would consider allowing KCI to modify the planform so as not to constrain the design of the areas upstream and downstream of this El area. If KCI elected to modify the planform to more of a restoration approach, a higher ratio (1.25:1 was mentioned) would be more appropriate. There would also need to be justification of the approach in the Mitigation Plan. The IRT also indicated that they would be more receptive to this approach if the downstream crossing could be eliminated. This was discussed with the landowner after the meeting and the downstream crossing will be eliminated from the project. Buffalo Creek (Top of Project to T2) T2 - No changes to the approach were noted above the road crossing. - See note in T1 section for the proposed E1 section of BC. - All debris along the channel would be removed, including the house trailer. - Proposed easement crossing below El section will be removed from the project - No changes to the conceptual approach were noted on T2 - IRT recommended BMP's in areas where overland flow was concentrated. These areas were evident during the site walk due to the heavy rains. KCI will GPS these locations and add BMP features to the project to pre -treat runoff prior to discharging to the stream. - For the Wetland at the top of T2 — IRT requested pre -restoration hydrology gauges to compare with post -restoration hydrology to assist in substantiating the rehabilitation call. - Upstream extent of T2 will be determined by the JD. KCI believes the stream stops near the bottom of the seep wetland that will be protected and rehabilitated as part of the project. The JD may dictate changes to the design approach if the stream extends upstream into the wetland further than currently proposed. - IRT requested more soil boring points be added as part of the mitigation plan. Buffalo Creek from T2 to T3 T3 - No changes were noted to the stream approach here - Stream hydrology would need to be monitored on this reach due to the small drainage area - Concerns were expressed by the IRT regarding the lower section of T3. Specifically, whether the channel would maintain bed and banks or become a wetland feature. Stream credits could be lost if this section of channel becomes a wetland. - IRT recommended cleaning up debris (recycled concrete, etc.) above the proposed BMP. THE MOST INCREDIBLE THING WE'VE ENGINEERED IS OUR TEAM \\\V\V.k( I.CONI Buffalo Creek (T3 to NC 27 HWY) - IRT requested that additional soil borings be conducted to determine if more wetland restoration could occur along the floodplain of Buffalo Creek in several areas. These areas are noted on the attached Figure 11. This would require the addition of easement acreage in some areas. Buffalo Creek (NC 27 HWY to T4) T4 - No changes to the stream restoration approach were noted in this area. - No changes to the stream enhancement approach were noted in this area - The wetland rehabilitation/re-establishment area just south of T4 was questioned by the IRT. The wetland re-establishment area did not appear to have the hydric soil characteristics to justify restoration. The IRT believed that the rehabilitation area was functioning well in its current condition and did not believe that removal of the existing channelized drainage ditch would justify rehabilitation, especially considering the lack of vegetation improvements proposed in this area. Enhancement was a more appropriate call for this area given the current condition and the work that was proposed. More discussion of improvements to this wetland will be provided in the next section. Buffalo Creek (T4 to end of project) - The IRT did not object to the stream restoration approach for the lower portion of the project. - The IRT requested that KCI consider wetland creation in this area since the channel would be relocated as part of the project. - Wetland creation that could make use of the hydrology of the T4 wetland area to extend the flowpath of that water through the floodplain was thought to be a viable approach for this area. Filling a toe drain along the southern boundary of the field would also likely augment hydrology in this creation area. - KCI has completed a preliminary evaluation of this concept and believes that we can design a solution to create a functional stream/wetland complex in the lower portion of the site. The exact acreage of creation will be determined and documented in the mitigation plan. Attachments: Figure 11 (with edits) THE MOST INCREDIBLE THING WE'VE ENGINEERED IS OUR TEAM \1\C\V li( I.CONI Q Easement Option A (19.35 ac) — Stream Restoration (5,153 If / 5,153 SMC) L ' Easement Option B (15.82 ac) — Stream Enhancement I (404 If / 269 SMC) Proposed Water Quality Cells - - - Additional Stream Restoration (2,188 If / 2,188 SMC) - Additional Stream Enhancement I (839 If / 559 SMC) Wetland Reestablishment (0.97 ac / 0.97 WMC) Wetland Rehabilitation (0.86 ac / 0.57 WMC) Additional Wetland Reestablishment (1.85 ac / 1.85 WMC) Additional Wetland Rehabilitation (2.27 ac / 1.51 WMC) 0 300 600 Feet FIGURE 11. PROPOSED MITIGATION TYPE AND EXTENT YARBRO STREAM RESTORATION SITE LINCOLN COUNTY, NC A Sources: NC Statewide Orthoimagery 2015 Buffalo Creek II Project Easement (33.06 ac) Proposed BMP Wetland Reestablishment (2.17 ac / 2.17 WMC) — No Credit (379 If) Wetland Rehabilitation (0.86 ac / 0.39 WMC) Stream Enhancement I @1.25:1 (466 If / 373 SMC) Wetland Creation (3.53 ac / 1.18 WMC) Stream Enhancement I @1.5:1 (315 If / 210 SMC) — Stream Restoration (7,630 If / 7,630 SMC) 0 275 550 Feet FIGURE 8. PROPOSED MITIGATION TYPE AND EXTENT YARBRO STREAM RESTORATION SITE LINCOLN COUNTY, NC A Sources: NC Statewide Orthoimagery 2015 XX Q Easement Option A (19.35 ac) — Stream Restoration (5,153 If / 5,153 SMC) L ' Easement Option B (15.82 ac) — Stream Enhancement I (404 If / 269 SMC) Proposed Water Quality Cells - - - Additional Stream Restoration (2,188 If / 2,188 SMC) - Additional Stream Enhancement I (839 If / 559 SMC) Wetland Reestablishment (0.97 ac / 0.97 WMC) Wetland Rehabilitation (0.86 ac / 0.57 WMC) Additional Wetland Reestablishment (1.85 ac / 1.85 WMC) Additional Wetland Rehabilitation (2.27 ac / 1.51 WMC) 0 300 600 Feet FIGURE 11. PROPOSED MITIGATION TYPE AND EXTENT YARBRO STREAM RESTORATION SITE LINCOLN COUNTY, NC A Sources: NC Statewide Orthoimagery 2015