HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-01792_Well Construction - GW1_20210404 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For Irw ilUseONLY. Tim farm can be used for sng:k or multwk wens 1.Well Contractor Information: 14.N A MR ZONn Stefan Smith VIWM I to 1 tint-al►IO-4 Writ CoKraeetx Naerc 3576A .^ NC'lYrllConrat itorCcnifKatm Num ber �r� . L L VROM ;4' �� R TMICK�t[gg LM MATIR " SASDACCO Incture r�=.'".•'J 'i� 0 n IL 2• h. SCIB-40 PVC Caffouq Na MAM[Tn TRITKNM MATMAL 2.Well Construction Permit N ia' l�n all.t1rph+uNr ttrl!lNrwrits li r.Cnuan..SrWr.1'ariarrr.I/�90t rr.'.) � � ^� � --'- 3.Will I'w(ebeck well Rue): Water Supply Well: FROM TO I D InTxR I sI.OTIMIr I TWCU14MS MAT11111AL ❑Agncuhnral UMunicipR6'Public 4' n. 19' IL2a ia. .070 SCH-40 PVC ❑Geothermal tNeatingCooling Supph) ❑Residential Water Supph (single) ft. n C)badustrial Cornntercial fJResidetKwl Water Supply(shared MOM TO MAT KtAkt, MTMVMOD it Asia.-tT 01trigallon 0 n. 2' n. Portland !Pour Non-Water Supply Well: MkIoniton ❑Rocoten Injection n, FL DAquifer Recharge ❑Groundwater Reniediaticm It.AAN VQ,PACK I'MOM 10 MATttR 1. N NT D Aquifer Stomp andRecoten DSaIlmh Banter 3' n. 19, n. Sand 2 OAquifcr Teat ❑Stormwatcr Drainage n. it. ❑E%pcnmcntal Technokylt 05ubsidnrc Control M DGoothennal(Closed Loop) ❑Tracer MOM TO DMAMTION rtsYr,lowlitom.wa'.wcs r &voi.a OGeo iemtal(HeatingCooling Return) OOth"(explarn wrier 021 Rcrnalka) 0 n. 7' n. Sand 7' n. 11' tL Clayey sand 4.Date Well(s)Completed: 4-4-2 1 Well IDSMR2 11' ft. 14' n, Cemented sandy silt 5a.We"Illeatbin: 14' n. 19' n. Sandy silt Former Circle K n. n. Fac ilm O%Twr Nan i Fac ilih ins rif appihu bkt 3000 Jefferson Davis Hwy, Sanford, NC, 27332 n, FL Fthtswal Address Cm..ud Zip Lee 1 foot bentonite seal from 2 to 3 feet. (.iwnh P.+ricl Idctacfccaliow No IPIN 1 tb.Latitude and Longitude in degreesrminatesfseconds nr decimal degrees: 22.Certification: if wt ll fwtrl ntr Lit lom.rs stdlairaf) 35.416651 N 79.229389 W' � t 3/19/2021 Sigwu of Cc, hod Pik Contractor f roc 6.h(are)the well(s): SPermanent ur 11"emporap' th,iRa,ax An Ions.I herrbr errnfr thew tAr welNi!war Iwrfrl r-twivi weed w m-conAmir with 154 NCAC O:f.0100 or I.tA NCAC a X.021M Wrd Costnwn 'ran SMwdrnds and dear a 7.Is tbif a repair to an existing well: Dl'es ur S No .,In of due reward hoc berm p m•idrd to Ow+.rll owwr. I(aA+t+,„rrj�r+r.till+++r Ert,rxa rr!!r,.n+rrw tun In/urxwraau�wul rt(+i..aw the aarwr n/dM rrryry wndrr t?/rraaarAi srt7iaw a rn doe bur!aJMris/orar. 23.Site diagram or addltimud well detaNs You rna%use the back of this purge to provide a"Doml wtil site details or well S.Number of welb constructed: 1 constnu iot details. You may also:attach adililiaod pages of ncucssan. fi.r maltajilr aaln ram w wivi-wwWr iwjth wv4s ONLY wrth der wwr eoaviii 'NM.wrrr t wr ..%*bwut a.w huw- - SUBMITTAL INSTUMONS 9.Total well dgnb below land MrfaM 19 (ft.l 24a. For AN Wells Subrnt this 1'arni w itlnn 10 days of completion of well Ftrr wraltr 4e wrllt ltsr all drjuAt tfdaJ}yrrnt arrrna«t,Ar-.re+e31X1'awd de?r IiNY! corturuction to the follottir* 10.Static water level below top et esshW 7 (ft.) Dn ifion of Water Remo reef.Information Precenitsg Usk. f/whirr,lrtel a tatk.cr tairax.um"a' 1617 Mail Sc'rs'ice Center,Raleigh,N('276"-1617 11.Ber'elole diameter:8.2So Un.) 24b.For In leaks Welh ONLY: in adduan to sending the font to the adlism in 24aabo%e. also sabn»1 a coin of this fain within 10 days of completion of well 12.Wynn coustrwetMta Ra dm4.HSA construction to the folluw trig a t c auger.roan.cable.diet pork ck i DRfsbR of Water ResoRrres,Underground Injection Control Prograar, FOR WATER St PPLY WELLS ONLY: 16A Mail Smice Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 13a.Vidd(IW=)_,__--.-------._-__ Method of tmt: --- 1k.For Water 5RDD13&injection Wills: -"- Also submit one copy of INs form within to "s of completion of M.Disinfection type ._ Amount: well cormauctwn to the county beahb depanrthem of the county where constructed Fann C;W-I Nonli C analnu LNMvinntcnt tat Fm itunnrtu atd Natural Resoinecs"Dn avo of%%atcr Reson6 14%owd Atgoet 7_01+ CATLIN WELL LOG Engineers and ScienUsfs zzozss SHEET 1 OF 1 PROJECT NO.: 220239 STATE: NC COUNTY: HARNETT LOCATION: LILLINGTON PROJECT NAME: WOMACK GROCERY LOGGED BY: COREY FUTRAL WELL ID: DRILLER: D.T. CHALMERS JR. MW_01 NORTHING: 580318 1 EASTING: 2018361 CREW: TREVOR MIZELLE SYSTEM: NCSP NAD 83 USft BORING LOCATION: -•20'on East side of Buil ing Near Diesel AST T.O.C.ELEV.: DRILL MACHINE: CME 45B TRACK METHOD: HSA 0 HOUR DTW: 2.7 TOTAL DEPTH: 12.0 START DATE: 1/21/21 END DATE: 1/21/21 124 HOUR DTW: N/A WELL DEPTH: 12.0 DEPTH BLOW COUNT OVA LAB o o SOIL AND ROCK WELL 0.5ft 0.5ft 0.5ft 0.5ft (PPM) s G DEPTH DESCRIPTION DETAIL 0.0 LAND_ SURFACE _ 0.0 ASPHALT _ 0'0a = 0.5 a'f (GWW)-ABC STONE with F.SAND (SW)-Tan with orange.F.SAND 1.5 2.0 2.0 N (CL)-Tan to gray with orange,Sandy moderatley plastic CLAY 3.0 z 2 z z 1.4 MW-01 M (51) o� oa o0 �'c (V� 8.0 8 t3 16 14 0.3 VV s 0 (SM)-Red to orange,Silty F.SAND 10.0 (SW)-Tan and orange,F.SAND 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 BORING TERMINATED AT DEPTH 12.0 ft in F.SAND EjPortland Cement Bentonite Pellets #2 Medium Sand Post Office Box 10279 Wilmington, North Carolina 28404-0279 CATLIN Telephone: (910)452-5861 Engineers and Scientists Fax: (910)452-7563 ,www.catlinusa.com April 13, 2021 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Quality Information Processing 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Re: North Carolina Well Construction Record and BoringLog g Womack Grocery 8268 NC 27 W, Lillington, NC 27546 Incident Number: 15452 CATLIN Project No.: 220239 To Whom it May Concern, CATLIN Engineers and Scientists (CATLIN) recently constructed one (1) monitoring well at the above referenced site. The completed North Carolina Well Construction Record and Boring Log are attached. If you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact us at (910) 452-5861. Sincerely, Sean O'Neil, PE Project Manager Enclosures Boring Log and Well Construction Record