HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-02345_Well Construction - GW1_20210527 I- n WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD F'If` rnmlU-ONLY: This form con be a5ed f�nr 5inglr;or multiplc wells 1.Wei I6ntratctor.litformatlon: � U.WATER 20NFS Brian Ewing FROAf TO orcSr..Nrv(tetl' ''01 CurttrncttyrNaine ft, fl. ft. ft. 4240-B NC Well CommetorCcitif ellotiNionbea (5.OUTER CASUNG ror" uHi=c9geA%Yctls ORUKER(if.a ficable5 FROAf TO nr,AMETER THICKNEss A[ATLRJAL SAEDACCO Inc 0 tL 5 ti. 2" in. SCH-40 PVC �,nt�! - 16.1'NNER NG(iR TllFflNt`: 616 irm' Y1 tkised-liii dam 'hanic FROM I TO U&NIETER TItiCKNFSS MATERIAL 2,Wt4l Constructinn Permit#, R. I tt. I 6L fra fill ag,a hraKrmr.ill rivin(i4r. Cnunrv.Sudr,Wirialive,1je:do elf.-j rt. is 3.w4i-Use(Chock well use): Water Supphv WC4t: - FRO,rt TO 1:niAAt1KTl tt st tn'grsr; Trirt?VCNTYSS MATKNIAt, D Agaicu titrai ONU]".icipallfflublic 5 ft. 30 (t.- 2" in .010 SCH-40 PVC ❑Geotlt rural llemuriooli Supply) ❑Residential Water it. ft in ( � n3 St� pPh'{single) ❑tndustriallConwerrial ❑Residr ntial Water sn Ia.M.0ff- fib.(stmreda FROM TO MATEN1Afi EAfl?1A VMENT Mf;MGD B AmouN-r ❑lini ation 0 fL 3 tL PORTLAND POURED Non-Water iSu pl)ly Well: �1Ngnitctrin ❑ltcccrtr.• ft. tt, Injection Well: tt DAqu*rRccharrc Wrixindst'atcrReiucdiation (4.$AN5]GRA-%VEL1'Af-'1±O ni icslble - m _. nfn�r►Ltttal. .._ _ ��rn,aS};tlrvTntt.tuttn--- ❑AiintfCr StGTR;t'anA Recoti�ry' QSalinily Borricr ee I"4 fL. 30 ft. FILTER SAND # 2 ❑r>�tnfCr Test- ❑c5ti1r11tR71teC f}rtrn;t8c ❑Experimcntal Technology ❑SnWdctwc Contral. 34::DRILt ING'LOG'(attachmddifdrrotshediifre ram- n- ❑Geodiettual(Closed Loop) oTrcer cR2af TO PUCIUMOs rlcl ❑Gbotherfnal(Rea it Cooliue Retinn) ®other(implain ander 1121 Retnatks) 0 ft. 15 tL fill Silt sand clay 15 fL 30 ft SAME 4.Date Well(s)Completed: 5/5/21 Well11 #GP-lA _ e� 5a.W t.11 Location: (L it. McDowell County Landfill fL tt Ftrc10y)0ra'rrer Narw- Fad1hy 1D k Cif a pplWblc) (L f1. ►;,3 onn PC Iessif1. 3849 NC-226, Marion, NC, 28752 VkysicolAddrem City.arid Zip 1t:ltFhtAltk$ _ McDowell LANDIFLL GAS PROBE; BENTONITE SEAL 3 TO 4' C��AtNt}' . ,: YAf��11A.=ditifiGlHRr�NO,(lrit�l ,. , , 5h:l srk Wde'and i,nuptude in dcgrceshnimatcsliecrinds or decimal idt&=-. 22.Certiir'rraiion: field.,*fit 1.1001V is sadtickill) W _Bria.n._Ew n, ,, 5/12/2021 sigmwrz ofC�ertirmd Well Conttaciar Date 6.Is(are)the well(sy $Perm ment or ❑Temporaty ph:sdga ing All fiamr,t herel i.a'erf f¢'roar Me imI4-o was fl4rm.j wris r iciLd in jivronkmer u'uh 15,1 NCAC 012C.Ofrk)or t Sat ArCAC NC,0209 Weil Consima roar Stnrnfards and Mvi a7 7.Lc this a repair in an a dstin well: ❑Yts or K No raSm ilfrNr rorconf has bem plrori*41 rlt Ar cart owner, If INS,it 0 repTir,flit 4mrkaafom well cmrasr€icda r htforrranfion tvAd eapdotn the rieruFe of the reWir retider Oil rem arks seafim or ran the bark r f this fornc 23.Site dWram or additional well details: Yotf may use ilk back of(leis pay to pfo'id'e addii(ional SIelI site details or well 8.Number of yells constructed: 1 construction details. You ma+'also 11112rh additional pago s if irecessaty. For ma Nple Ififee iaui f*nwp-urarer Akppl r wells ONLY rrtrh the mme a r4rrstrari4tlon,xw ram AwNi dr acne fora. SUBMITTAL INSTUCTIONS 9.Total well depth below land surface: 30 (n.) 24a. For All Welk- Submit thi's form within 30 dkvs of afmpletion of well For construction to the follming: 10.Slide Water level below top of casing: ((y,) Division of Water Reim rtes,Information ihnce4sim8 Unit. tf itvrrrr level is above tdidagt eaxr +" 1617 Mail Service Ctoter,Raleigh,NC 276"-1617 11.Bare6tiic disrnctcr 8.25 (in) 24>t,Eqr�Welk ONLY in addition to sending The form to tyre address in 24a abin'e. also submit'a copy of this form within 30 dai-s of COnfpletialt of well 12,Well constmetion nw—Abod: BORED Construction to the fralloiving: (i.c.auger.tutor}'.cable:direct pusle etc.) Division of Water Resources,Underground lnjectlon Control Pnoglfn, FOR WATER SUPPLY'WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service C"enter.Raleieh,YC 27699-1636 134L Yidd(gpml MC4104 of test• 24c-For Water Supply&inlc0f4n Wctas: Also submit one copy of this faun tnilbin 30.d#s,of.coulpletionof 131f.Ditinfectirfn hp� .. _ «ell crrnslnrction to the county tucaitit departmefrt of the ccmnty whm _ __ Amount _ ___ constructed, Form GAT-t Noah Carolina Depaitojeni of Emvitaivaeciu and Non"lkm,mrcxs-Dh1sio0 of Wrnlo r RMLrcm Re Mit August V13