HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181154 Ver 1_Notice of Initial Credit Release_20210913Strickland, Bev From: Browning, Kimberly D CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Kimberly.D.Browning@usace.army.mil> Sent: Monday, September 13, 2021 2:32 PM To: Dow, Jeremiah J Cc: Crocker, Lindsay; Cara Conder; Emily Dunnigan; Harmon, Beth; Crumbley, Tyler A CIV USARMY CESAW (USA); Jones, M Scott (Scott) CIV USARMY CESAW (USA); Haywood, Casey M CIV (USA); Tugwell, Todd J CIV USARMY CESAW (US); Davis, Erin B; Wilson, Travis W.; Leslie, Andrea J; Bowers, Todd; Youngman, Holland J Subject: [External] Notice of Initial Credit Release/ NCDMS Banner Branch / SAW-2018-01760 / Stokes County Attachments: Banner Branch_100080_RO 03_STR_RW_Initial Release KB.pdf Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam.<mailto:report.spam@nc.gov> Good afternoon Jeremiah, The 15-Day Record Drawing review for the Banner Branch Mitigation Site (SAW-2017-01760) ended September 2, 2021. Per Section 332.8(o)(9) of the 2008 Mitigation Rule, this review followed the streamlined review process. There were no objections to issuing the initial credit release. Please find attached the current signed ledger and IRT comments below. The IRT is not requesting a site visit at this time. In addition to DWR's comments below, I have the following concerns: 1. Table 1: Wetlands W2, W6A, W4, W1A list planting as part of the functional uplift, yet none of these areas are captured in vegetation plot data. Please ensure these areas are captured in future monitoring by either permanent veg plots or random transects. 2. In future monitoring reports, please show the location of the benthic macroinvertebrate sampling on the CCPV. 3. American basswood and umbrella tree are both FACU species and were noted as being planted in numerous veg plots located in wetlands. I question the appropriateness of these species in wetland areas, especially once hydrology increases. 4. Please label UT3 on the CCPV. 5. UT4-RS, XS 19 appears to have a debris jam or beaver dam. Please confirm that this was removed. 6. It was noted that flow gauge 3 on UT2 was shifted down stream. In the video footage it appears that the upper portion of this channel is dry. Please supplement the flow data with additional photos documenting flow in future monitoring reports. DWR Comments, Erin Davis: i 1. Photo UT4-R1 XS13 Left Bank appears to show a riprap swale from the stream to the easement boundary where a Water Quality Improvement Feature was proposed. Was this feature constructed as per the Sheet 5 Detail in the approved design plan (e.g. with planted pool area)? DWR would like a photo of at least one of the three Water Quality Improvement Features constructed. 2. Photo UT4-R2 XS19 Upstream shows an in -stream drop. Do you know if it's a debris jam or beaver dam? 3. DWR appreciated the all of the crossing photos and gauge diagrams included. 4. I couldn't tell by the photos, was woody debris habitat placed in the wetland and floodplain areas as discussed in the mitigation plan comments? 5. Were soil borings collected near the installed wetland gauges (as per the 2016 IRT Guidance)? Please submit this data with the MY1 report. 6. Sheet 6 UT4-R1 Sta. 32+10 - 33+60 shows a 2+ foot deviation in as -built vs. design thalweg and bankfull. Was there a field condition reason for this design change? Is this area stable? 7. Gate locations were not indicated on the redline drawings. Please confirm that the site has adequate safe access points for regulatory and stewardship staff. 8. In future monitoring reports please add a callout for UT3 on Figure le. 9. For future MY0 reports, please note any monitoring station location changes more than just a minor field shift (e.g. WG-7 moved to opposite side of stream). DWR understands that minor field shifts are expected, but we review and comment on the number and location of wetland gauges, flow gauges and veg plots based on what's presented on the mitigation plan monitoring figure. 10. DWR appreciated the inclusion of drone footage. It was great to see all the wood added to the system! Just a few follow-ups: Have the areas of sparse veg cover greened up or is re-seeding/planting planned? Have the areas of excess sediment within the stream reaches started to flush through the system? Has the corrugated plastic pipe on the UT4-R2 right bank (video 5:19) been removed? Please reach out with any questions. Regards, Kim Kim Browning Mitigation Project Manager, Regulatory Division I U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 2 Mitigation Project Name Banner Branch Mitigation Project USACE Action ID 2018-01760 DMS ID 100080 DWR Permit 2018-1154 River Basin Roanoke Date Project Instituted 6/15/2018 Cataloging Unit 03010103 Date Prepared 8/3/2021 County Stokes Stream/Wet. Service Area Roanoke 03010103 Kimberly Danielle Browning i n Digitally signed by Kimberly Danielle Browning g Date: 2021.09.13 13:30:15 -04'00' Signature of Official Approving Credit Release 1 - For NCDMS, no credits are released during the first milestone (Site Establishment). 2 - For NCDMS projects, the initial credit release milestone occurs when the as -built report (baseline monitoring report) has been approved by the NCIRT and posted to the NCDMS Portal, provided the following criteria are met: 1) Approval of Final Mitigation Plan; 2) Recordation of the preservation mechanism, as well as a title opinion acceptable to the USACE covering the property; 3) Completion of all physical and biological improvements to the mitigation site pursuant to the mitigation plan; 4) Receipt of necessary DA permit authorization or written DA approval for projects where DA permit issuance is not required. 3 - A 10% reserve of credits is to be held back until the bankful event performance standard has been met. Credit Release Milestone Warm Stream Credits Project Credits Scheduled Releases % Estimated Scheduled Release # Proposed Released # Not Approved # Releases Approved Credits Anticipated Release Year Actual Release Date 1 - Site Establishment N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 2 - Year 0 / As -Built 30.00% 3,707.610 3,707.610 0.000 3,707.610 2021 8/3/2021 3 - Year 1 Monitoring 10.00% 1,235.870 2022 4 - Year 2 Monitoring 10.00% 1,235.870 2023 5 - Year 3 Monitoring 10.00% 1,235.870 2024 6 - Year 4 Monitoring 5.00% 617.935 2025 7 - Year 5 Monitoring 10.00% 1,235.870 2026 8 - Year 6 Monitoring 5.00% 617.935 2027 9 - Year 7 Monitoring 10.00% 1,235.870 2028 Stream Bankfull Standard 10.00% 1,235.870 2025 Totals 3,707.610 Total Gross Credits 12,358.701 Total Unrealized Credits to Date 0.000 Total Released Credits to Date 3,707.610 Total Percentage Released 30.00% Remaining Unreleased Credits 8,651.091 Credit Release Milestone Riparian Credits Project Credits Scheduled Releases 0/0 Estimated Scheduled Release # Proposed Released # Not Approved # Releases Approved Credits Anticipated Release Year Actual Release Date 1 - Site Establishment N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 2 - Year 0 / As -Built 30.00% 1.432 1.432 0.000 1.432 2021 8/3/2021 3 - Year 1 Monitoring 10.00% 0.477 2022 4 - Year 2 Monitoring 10.00% 0.477 2023 5 - Year 3 Monitoring 15.00% 0.716 2024 6 - Year 4 Monitoring 5.00% 0.239 2025 7 - Year 5 Monitoring 15.00% 0.716 2026 8 - Year 6 Monitoring 5.00% 0.239 2027 9 - Year 7 Monitoring 10.00% 0.477 2028 Stream Bankfull Standard N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Totals 1.432 Total Gross Credits 4.773 Total Unrealized Credits to Date 0.000 Total Released Credits to Date 1.432 Total Percentage Released 30.00% Remaining Unreleased Credits 3.341 Page 1 of 2 Notes Contingencies (if any) Project Quantities Mitigation Type Restoration Type Physical Quantity Warm Stream Restoration 9,615.000 Warm Stream Enhancement I 2,481.000 Warm Stream Enhancement II 2,584.000 Warm Stream Preservation 1,027.000 Riparian Restoration 4.117 Riparian Enhancement 2.066 Debits Warm Stream Restoration Credits l Warm Stream Restoration Equivalent Credits Riparian Restoration Credits Riparian Restoration Equivalent Credits Beginning Balance (mitigation credits) 12,256.001 102.700 3.737 1.036 Released Credits 3,676.800 30.810 1.121 0.311 Unrealized Credits 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Converted Credits 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Owning Program Req. Id TIP # Project Name USACE Permit # DWR Permit # DCM Permit # Remaining Balance (Released credits) 3,676.800 30.810 1.121 0.311 Remaining Balance (Unreleased credits) 8,579.201 71.890 2.616 0.725 Total Remaining Balance (Released and Unreleased credits) 12,256.001 102.700 3.737 1.036 Page 2 of 2