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GW1-2021-02701_Well Construction - GW1_20210512
WELL CONSTRUCTION }2ECOL2U FarrtttamnlUscLINLY: This roan con be rtccd for single or multirke wells \ 1.Well Contractor Information: 1i.A'A'1'GR 7diN ES Zach Thompson FROM T(► Dr$t,Rtwtrtx ))'e11 CUttmelor Marne ft. ft. 4478A ft. fC NC Well CornmctorCertifemt ion Number YS:OOTERCASINNNG rut'iriuRracined ►•cli. OR`A,RtrF.R(fi:s'tkahk)= FROM TO DIALMETF.R I THiCi;,IE,CS ttATLRIAI, SAEDACCO Inc 0 rL 11. % 2^ in. SCE-40 PVC teng3:inp Nana: .361Nh1ER Ci1 G`OR'T1)BIIY'C 'citbetttlal i".btedati�ii' -- FROM TO DiAt1tFTER fltrCit\B.SS MAt9:RIAL 2,Well Cnnstru Lion Permit k: M fL h►. List t11 o*1irablr.twit pwnvf s(ir Gotmrv,,Steer .lrnrintxt,Il1jl4 dOi en;j ft., fl. is 3.Well(use(ehrticwell d5c): 17$itiRLCtY�ir. _ utra��r;. �_ WaterSupitkyMM1: FROM TU 1 uiA+rM—st :1AMS11r TMWKNV—%S MATFR1AL ©Agftilt 7ral OMunicipat ilublic: 11- ft. 211 rt, 2^ im 0.010 SCH-40 PVC Meothenwi(Heatingtooliitg Supply) OResidenWl Water Supply(single) R' & is O indusfrial/ComDtercial OResidencial Water Suppl}'(shated) t VROUT FROM TO MATER" I MPLACEMM r1EMOD A`AMOMW ❑Irri adon 0 ft. 7' R. Portland Ce Mntection Non-Water Supply Well: 00Ivlortitoh9 ❑Rtxo)c injection Well: ft tL ClArinifet Recharge QGronndnntcr Rcntcdiation 9: it (tAYE1 ACE.(lt. '►kieiihtc": �VROM 'f0 MATFRIAr. _ '_. ftNMAf.'i]HIr.Vf391Tt1O1r. DAgoEfCr.Stor►gc And RrCcotiery ❑5ilir►iiy Barrier 9, R, 211 ft. Filtered Sand #2 ❑Aquifer Test 11540mamer Dmimlgc rt. (t, ❑ExperimcnMi Technology ❑Sidlsidcrtcc Coro rat 2R,URILUNG`1:4DGYa0sch:aitdiflon'til a6eelstrpccc::fnn ❑Geothetnral(,ClosedLoop) ❑Tracer FRo.t ,ro Dr�CRLPTtU\(4ybr:pn+Ancrr,vtt5i+ukh n!�&[tcl ❑Geviltermal(HeadnLvfootineReturn) ❑O,heri : ain under 921 Renmtits) 0 fL 21; fL Brown{Silty Clay rt. tt. 4.Date.Wells)Completed: 4/22/2021 Well 11D#MW-18R n, fL 52,Well Location: R. k. t!� Brownsfield Site ft. A. V rid1h'10uvttcr Nuic Facilihy iM(if ttpp)icnble) ft. 4800 North Graham Street Charlotte, NC, Charlotte, NC, R p 28269 Plnsacnl-Addre.ss.City.and Dit 2i-ttEM1tA,7ttC$ tion c i illy Mecklenburg Bentonite Seal from 7 1-9 DtiPtfR geCT•Of1 County 1?arr¢l Identiro'c iionNo•(PIN) ;h,latOlude and I.crosiraric in dcgreerlminutcs/sccnnds nrdecimal depecs: 22.Certification: (if tell field,(as I:tLlot ie std(;cicm) 35.872706 N -80.804618 �� �""' 4/22/2021 igrcnocc ofCeitificd Well Conmear � Dmic 6.IS(are)the well(s): $IPermtntent or ❑Temporary •sigithX Air Juan,1 herein-cerNf)'dui Mr Mill(.)"s(kN/Y.)et m imcfed irr accordemee a•irh IM NCAC WAVY)all 15A NCAG lrzC,02(h)ll ell Constrnrrtat Struuktrds wiel dial o 7.Lc this a repair to an existing.it•cll: ®YLs or ❑No rkfy nfrijif reexo rt has ltrrv,prt,r14Y ra air atrllrntvter• lfibts If a ezfxdr,fall ant tPoitn tvdf&monrcAm firfern?nidwi and t-selfa a rbe mmyre of tins repairrotrlrr921 or rut Mir b"I offhfs ferot. 23.Site diagram or additional well detaik: You may use tite back'of this page to pfovide additional well site details or well 8.Number of wells constructed: 1 construction details. You m;kv also hu ch additional pages if ii:cessary. Far"U114#e M.Wrhm or prat-nvtrer SWrh,rills ONLY itvrft fin:Mane Cmrshruetiorr,uat VIM xae wtir our fi mr, SUBMITTAL.INSTUCTIONS 9.Total wdI depth below land surfaces 21 (Iq,) 24a. For All Wells. Grbtt»t ddt forur vdibi t 3i1 days of completion of tt+cil Fnrnuffopirwelts;braffJepihstfdfjjr•riot1,exmijpte-3@209',ind20-1Ami consiiictianio the Cottoning; 10.Static water level below top of casing; ((y,) Diriiiun of Witter Roo:urcet,Information Processing Unit. 1/tilfnptw levd is m?otle eeitiuy;we"+" 1617 Mall Service Certter,Raleigh,NC_27699-1617 11.gorchote diameter.8.25° fire•) 24h.Fgr flt lloa Wclis ONLY:, in addition to sending the fans to.tie address in 24aabose. also subritil a cape of;this foci within 30 days of completion of will 12.Wdl construction method: Bored constnrt iDU to the follouVim: (i.c.sub r.ralaq.cable direct posh eec.) Division of Water Resources;Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLE'WELLS ONLY: 1636 Alull Service Griller.Raleigh,Nk C 27699-1636 24e.For Water Supply&injoditm**VelLq: 13a,l'ir1A(irpni) Method of test: Also submit one copy of this forni1within 30 days of completion of 13h.DiAtifcxtion type. Amount: well construction to the county ht el>t alth drtmcut of the county where constmcted- Fonn GtV-I North Carolina M-part.tent of Em irunmew and Mirtirsl Resources-Dity Ion of Water Rya. Revised August 201.1