HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130799 Ver 1_Approval Letter_201308084 0' F, ENR, North ,Ca CCD11 � JR and - Natural , Resources rolina, D'e0artmentof Envi ron men 8 Di'vis.ion of Water, Resources Water Quality Programs. 'Pat. McCrory Thomas A. Reeder --Jbhn,E. Skvarla, III Governor' Director. Secretary August '&,,-20i3 OW 114 13=0799 Wake, County 5r-_anston, LLC .AM(5lennFutrell, 150 Towerview"Cd-urt Ca-ry,'N'C'27513. S1Ubj6c.t" AUTHORIZATION CERTIFICATE �PER,THE RIVER BASINAIPARIAN BUFFER PROTECTION `RULES (1�5AACAC 026..0233); ,W!,TH;,4DDIT,10,NAL CONDITIONS The, Park5 at Bass Lake, Dear,MrJutrell: You have,ourapprova'I for fhq,[Mpactslisted below for the, purpose,described in your application dated fuly 31, 2013,received by the bivisiori of Water Resources (Division) on Ally 31, 2013. Please note thatyou should get any 6therfederali,state,br local,perrriiis',bdfore.proceedirfg withyour projpctjn'cludi_ngAhose required eq4i-red by (but not limited t�,j,Sediment'an&Eros('6n Control, Nbri-Discharge,and'M - ater'SOpply Watershed rOgQlati6ns. 'This ALithoeliaition teftiftate shall �ex pire five (5)', Vears from the'date,ofthisfefte.ri This; approval'requires you to comply wiffithe following conditions' 1. The following impocts,are hereby ppliproved d I general I I cond t - ions of provided 'i-hat all'of th ot er specific an the Buffet Rulbs,arbmet: Kio other iib,pacts,areapproVed,,incl"uding,inc-id'e-'ntafl iMpp6ts. Type�of Impact Ardunt Approved Amount Ap ptdO d (units)' (units) Permanent, " , Buffer's -.Zone 1 64o (squarefeet) 0, (squarefeefi Buffer& ­Zone 2, _411 ,(square feet) 1 0, (square feet) 'One- N6MQrofinii Z*6411,# North Carohnabivislon of Witer;R - esaurdas, 1628,Mad,ServimCeniter Raleigh,;NC,27699-11628 Phone!(919) 761-4200 .Internet www nmaterquality-org Location_ 3800 Barrett DnVe: Ra - 16ighi N& 27609 Fax -(919),788-7j59 M, E�qydlqpportqnity/� I ffirmative Action;Eff�p'16yer,- 50%,FZecycled-/10% Post, ConiumerPqper r The Parks at Bass Lake 'D1NR,#13 -0799 ,BUFFER,APP,ROyAL Page2of3, 2. 'Local: Government Stormwater R'evi'e"w The 'i'mpac'tsto the ;riparian,buffei areauthorizedW,, the, dIik harge,ofstormwater from Stormwater Wetland #2 as, approved by the °Tow -h of Holly' Springs. 3. No Waste;, Spoil,'Solid's; or Fill,of Any ,Kind, `No waste, - spoii, solids, or fillof,any'kind,shall occurain wetlands, waters,, or riparian areas beyond, the, 'footprint,of the impacts depicted inithe Pre- Construction Noti'fi'cation. All construction,aetivities, including ,the, design, installation „ operation, and maintenance of sediment and erosion,controlBest Management !P'ra'ctices,, shfall'be performed's&that rio vio'lations of state water quality standards, statutes, or< rules occur. 4.. :Protective Fencing, The, outside buffer, wetland or =water 'boundary and along the construction, °corridor within, these, boundaries approved, Under this authori'z`ation ;shall !be :clearly marked, with orange, warning, fencing; (or. ;similar high visibility,material) for the ,areas that ,have,been approved to infringe, within the buffer, wetland orVater "prior to any,land di'sturbin4activities to ensure corripliance,wiith 15'NCAC 02H, .0500. S. This, approyal 'is for the purpose and - design described in your application. -The plarivand specifications for th'is:prbject areincorporated "by reference as,,part of,tho'Buffer,Authorization. If- yqu,�change your project, you, must,nbtif.y'the,'Divi'sion.and you`may be requi ed to submit -a new ap,plica "tion package with the appropriate fee,.- If.the:property ",is-sold, fhe new owner must be given, zi, opy of-this,approvaFletter,and is .responsible�forv,,compiying With all conditions. _ °6. This approval, and its,conditions�are�final,and, binding,unless contested-. This, Buffer AUthorization can be contested as orouided lh,•Articles 3 and'.4- of'Geheeal Statute 150B,by, 1ilin`g a,,wr',itten,pet'ition for -an adm'inistrativ4e hearing,mthe Office ofAd'ministrative Hearings.(hereby known asiOAH): A.petition fo►mtrmay be obtained fror-hIhe,'OAH.at http: / /www.ncoah -.com/ or by�callingthe OAH' Clerk's Qffice at ('919)43= 1= 3000;f6r information: Within (60) ealendar• =days- of�receipt of,this notice; a petition must be filed with the'OAH. A, ,petition is considered filed,when the;originaf and;one (j) copy along with any,applicable OAH.filing fee 'is, received In the OAH during normal office hours (;Monday' through Friday between,8:00am, and 5:00 pm, exciudih official state holidays). The petition may be faxed, to the,OAH at (919) .4.11-3100, provided the original•abd on'e "c6pyof`the,petitio4 al'ong�with�any applicable OAH,filing;fee,is received bythe�OAH,within five (5)•business days- following the - faxed transmission. Mailing_address for the. OAH.-, If sending'by FirstClass Mail If sending via delivery service .via the, l'J ,. astal,5ervice (e =g: UPS, FedEx) : The`Parkslat. Bass Lake DWA #13 -0799° BUFFER,APPROVAL Page.3 of 3' Office of Administrative Hearing's Office of Admin'istrative,Hearings' 67141 V lail`ServiceCenter, 1711 New Hope Church Road Raleigh,'NC27699 -6714 ;Raleigh, NC,27609 -6285 One (1) copy ofthe,petition must also be served to DENR., -Lacy'Presnell, General Coun's'el - Department,of En, n,viron`rner t ., and Natural Resources 1601 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 -1601, Please send one ,(1) coo .yof °the petition to DWQ: if.,"sending byaFirs`t,Class;Mail' 4fsehding wa,de'livery service, 0 via the US Postal 'Service: (e ;g. UP-S -, Fed&) Karen° Higgins. Karen Higgins NC.DENR-DW,R­-Web"scape Unit !NC 0ENR -DWk, Webscape Unit 1650' Mail'ServiceCenter 512!N.,5al'isb'ury"Street 'Raleigh, !NC 27699 -1650, ;Raleigh,, N'C 27604 This letter aompletes.the review ofithe Division under-the? Neuse ,Riparian,,Buff6e'Rule§,•as described in 15A 'NCAC,02B, .0233., Please contact Cherri Srr ith',at 919 -791 -4251 or cherri .srriith @n'cdenr:gov�,if`y_ ou �haue, any questions or,-con'cerns. Since I,y; Danny,Smit , Supervisor Surface W ter Reotectibn`- 'Raleigh, Regional Office �cc:' DWQ,RRQ 401 files, Nicole Thbrbson; Soil &'Environmental'Consultants; 11010•Raven, RidgeBoad; Ra "letgh NC 27614 5