HomeMy WebLinkAboutStart of Study Letter BR-0073-Signed STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ROY COOPER J. ERIC BOYETTE GOVERNOR SECRETARY State of North Carolina | Department of Transportation | Division 6 558 Gillespie Street Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301 | Post Office Box 1150 | Fayetteville, North Carolina 28302 (910)364-0600 MEMO TO: Whom it May Concern FROM: David S. Stutts, PE Structures Project Engineer DATE: September 13, 2021 SUBJECT: Project: WBS # 67073.1.1 (TIP # BR-0073) Columbus County F.A. Number: N/A Project Description: Replacement of Bridge 230005 on US 76 over Gapway Swamp in Columbus County, North Carolina The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) is beginning the project development, environmental, and engineering studies for replacement of bridge No. 230005 on US 76 over Gapway Swamp in Columbus County. The project is included in the NCDOT Bridge Replacement Program and is scheduled for right of way in fiscal year 2022 and construction in 2023. The attached figures show the vicinity and study area maps for the proposed project. NCDOT staff or their consultants may be contacting you to request project-specific information. While we do not expect a response to this notification, we welcome your input if you have time-sensitive concerns. Your input will be used in the development of the Categorical Exclusions prepared pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act. We would appreciate any information that may be helpful in evaluating the potential environmental effects of the proposed projects, as well as recommended alternatives to be considered. If you have any questions concerning the project, please contact David Stutts at (919)707- 6442, or by email at dstutts@ncdot.gov, or Wood Environment and Infrastructure Solutions, Inc Project Manager, Christopher Lee at (919)381-9915 or by email at Christopher.lee@woodplc.com. Please include the STIP Project Number BR-0073 in all correspondence, subject lines, and comments. Sincerely, David S. Stutts, PE NCDOT - Structures Management Project Engineer Attachment DocuSign Envelope ID: 29B83926-9C00-4B0D-851B-C9CB85E7B72E BR-0073 Gapway Swamp Bridge Replacement Start of Study Information Packet Page 2 PROJECT DATA SHEET Date: 8/31/21 Rev.: TIP No.: BR-0073 County: Columbus County Federal-aid No.: NA WBS No.: 67073.1.1 NCDOT Division: 6 Scoping Meeting Date: NA Project Description: • Length: approximately 0.202 miles • MPO / RPO: N/A • NEPA / 404 Merger Candidate? Yes No Unknown • General Description of Project: Design Data (Existing Conditions): • Functional Classification: Principal Arterial • Strategic Highway Corridor: No • CTP Designation (Facility Type): Principal Arterial • Type of Access Control: No Control • Typical Section: Two-lane • Right of Way: 60 feet • Posted Speed: 55 mph • Structure Inventory (bridges, RCBC, Walls, etc): • Other TIP Projects in the Area • Railroad Involvement: Long Range Plan History: There are no projects within the vicinity area The project will not cross any railroad tracks. Replacement of bridge number 230005 on US 76 (Andrew Jackson Hwy) over Gapway Swamp south of the town of Fair Bluff in Columbus County, North Carolina. Bridge No. 230005 The project is not included in a Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP). DocuSign Envelope ID: 29B83926-9C00-4B0D-851B-C9CB85E7B72E BR-0073 Gapway Swamp Bridge Replacement Start of Study Information Packet Page 3 Traffic Data (AADT): Current Year 2017 Build 1,000 vpd 4% dual 5% TTST Design Year 2045 Build 1,400 vpd 4% dual 5% TTST Source of Traffic Data: Bridge Traffic Review Sheet Cost Estimates: Construction Right-of-Way Total TIP Estimate $3,200,000 N/A 62,858,000 Project Schedule: Environmental Document 2021 Right-of-Way 2022 Let 2023 Initial Scoping Comments: DocuSign Envelope ID: 29B83926-9C00-4B0D-851B-C9CB85E7B72E BR-0073 Gapway Swamp Bridge Replacement Start of Study Information Packet Page 4 Figure 1: Project Vicinity Map Project Location DocuSign Envelope ID: 29B83926-9C00-4B0D-851B-C9CB85E7B72E Start of Study Information Packet Page 5 BR-0073 Gapway Swamp Bridge Replacement Purpose and Need Data: The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) is proposing to replace bridge number 230005 on US 76 (Andrew Jackson Hwy) over Gapway Swamp south of the town of Fair Bluff in Columbus County, North Carolina. The project is approximately 0.202 miles in length. The proposed action is listed in the NCDOT Bridge Replacement Program as Project Number BR-0073. Draft Project Purpose & Need: Design Data (Proposed Conditions): • CTP Designation (Facility Type): Arterial • Type of Access Control: None • Typical Section: Two lane arterial with 12 foot travel lanes and 6’ shoulders (2’ to be full-depth paved) • Right of Way: 60’ existing right of way. Additional right of way and/or easements may be required to contain construction and, possibly, utilities. • Posted Speed: 55 mph The primary purpose and need for the proposed action is: • To provide a safe crossing of Gapway Swamp on US-76 in Columbus County, NC. • To replace a structurally deficient bridge on US-76 in Columbus County, NC. DocuSign Envelope ID: 29B83926-9C00-4B0D-851B-C9CB85E7B72E Start of Study Information Packet Page 6 BR-0073 Gapway Swamp Bridge Replacement Figure 2: Environmental Features Map DocuSign Envelope ID: 29B83926-9C00-4B0D-851B-C9CB85E7B72E Start of Study Information Packet Page 7 BR-0073 Gapway Swamp Bridge Replacement Preliminary Corridor Resources Inventory Table Resource/Measure Alternative 1 Length of project (to tenth of miles) 0.2 Potential for Interchanges or RR crossings (#) None Other Infrastructure (# of Wastewater treatment plants, transmission pipelines, etc.) Underground telephone line on west side. Overhead power also on west side. Suspected/known Hazardous Material sites (#) 0 National Register or eligible sites, districts, or other historic properties (#) 0 Community facilities such and hospitals, nursing homes, churches, schools, cemeteries, etc.) (#) 0 Potentially Affected Residential Properties 4 Potentially Affected Business Properties 0 Wetlands (est. acres rounded to whole acre) TBD Major Streams (# of streams/total linear feet)* TBD Critical Water Supply Watersheds (rounded to nearest acre) 0 Riparian Buffer rules apply (yes/no/part)** No Area in active agriculture (nearest acre)*** 0 Parks, Greenways, Game Lands, Land and Water Conservation Fund Properties, etc.) (#) 0 Identified Critical habitat/species under ESA (yes/no/part) Yes FEMA Buyout Properties 0 Other known/suspected resources or issues: (identify; e.g. Low-income or minority community) Low Income and Minority * Unnamed tributaries may be impacted and will be assessed for impacts. ** Buffer impacts assumed to be proportional to the stream impacts. *** Agricultural impacts based on parcels with active agricultural operations. DocuSign Envelope ID: 29B83926-9C00-4B0D-851B-C9CB85E7B72E Agency Mailing List First Last Organization Address 1 Address 2 City State Zip Email Renee Gledhill-Earley State Historic Preservation Office Environmental Review Coordinator 109 E Jones Street MSC 4617 Raleigh NC 27699 renee.gledhill-earley@ncdcr.gov George Hoops, PE FHWA Statewide Non-merger & Div. 3, 6, 13, & 14. 310 New Bern Avenue Suite 410 Raleigh NC 27601 George.Hoops@dot.gov Hannah Sprinkle NC Division of Water Resources Div 3 & 6 - Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington NC 28405 Hannah.sprinkle@ncdenr.gov Gary Jordan US Fish and Wildlife Service P.O Box 33726 Raleigh NC 27636- 3726 gary_jordan@fws.gov Hal Pitts US Coast Guard Commander Fifth Coast Guard District (dpb) Federal Building 431 Crawford Street Portsmouth VA 23704- 5004 Hal.R.Pitts@uscg.mil Patrick Flanagan Cape Fear RPO 1480 Harbour Drive Wilmington NC 28401 pflanagan@capefearcog.org Liz Hair US Army Corps of Engineers Div 6 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington NC 28403 Sarah.E.Hair@usace.army.mil Travis Wilson NC Wildlife Resource Commission Div 1-8 1718 Hwy 56 West Creedmor NC 27522 Travis.Wilson@ncwildlife.org Amanetta Somerville US Environmental Protection Agency 61 Forsyth Street SW Atlanta GA 30303 Somerville.Amanetta@epa.gov Jessie Howard US Forest Service - Temporary 160 Zillicoa Street Suite A Asheville NC 28801 Jessie.howard@usda.gov Allyson Conner US Forest Service 160 Zillicoa Street Suite A Asheville NC 28801 Allyson.conner@usda.gov Kimberlee Harding Marine Fisheries Habitat and Enhancement Section Conservation Biologist II (Southern Coastal) 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington NC 28405 Kimberlee.harding@ncdenr.gov Fritz Rohde NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service Habitat Conservation Division (Sturgeon) 101 Pivers Island Road Beaufort NC 28516 fritz.rohde@noaa.gov Pace Wilber NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service 219 Fort Johnson Road Charleston SC 29412 Pace.Wilber@noaa.gov Karla Reece NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service 263 13th Ave. S Street Petersburg FL 33701 Karla.Reece@noaa.gov DocuSign Envelope ID: 29B83926-9C00-4B0D-851B-C9CB85E7B72E NCDOT Board Member Mailing List First Last Organization Address 1 Address 2 City State Zip Email Hunt Grady NCDOT Board Member Division 6 glhunt@ncdot.gov DocuSign Envelope ID: 29B83926-9C00-4B0D-851B-C9CB85E7B72E NCDOT Start of Study Mailing List Name Position Email Tatia L. White, PE, PLS, CPM State Roadway Design Engineer tlwhite@ncdot.gov David J. Clodgo, PE, PMP Plan Review and Design Support Group Lead – Engineer Manager I djclodgo1@ncdot.gov Brian Hanks, PE State Structures Engineer bhanks@ncdot.gov Gichuru Muchane, PE Assistant State Structures Engineer - Inspections, Policy Development & Working Drawing Review & Permits gmuchane@ncdot.gov Kevin Fischer, PE Assistant State Structures Engineer - PEF Coordination, Program Management & Field Ops. wkfischer@ncdot.gov John L. Pilipchuk, LG, PE State Geotechnical Engineer jpilipchuk@ncdot.gov Ethan J. Caldwell, LG, PE GeoEnvironmental Engineering Supervisor ejcaldwell@ncdot.gov Aaron V. Earwood, PE Regional Bridge Construction Engineer - Eastern Region (Divisions 1-6, 8) aearwood@ncdot.gov Byron Sanders, Jr., PE State Utilities Manager bsanders@ncdot.gov Bo Hemphill, PE Eastern Utilities Manager bohemphill@ncdot.gov Nabil Hamdan Regional Utilities Engineer nhamdan@ncdot.gov Kumar Trivedi, PE Engineering Coordination Manager - NCDOT Rail Division katrivedi@ncdot.gov Missy Pair, PE Traffic Noise and Air Quality mpair@ncdot.gov Jamille Robbins Public Involvement, Community Studies, & Visualization (PICSViz) Group Leader jarobbins@ncdot.gov Harrison Marshall Community Studies Team Lead (Consultant) hmarshall@ncdot.gov Philip S. Harris, III, PE Unit Head - Environmental Analysis Unit psharris@ncdot.gov Marissa Cox Biological Surveys Group Leader mrcox@ncdot.gov Jamie Lancaster, PE Cultural Resources Group Leader jjlancaster@ncdot.gov Chris Rivenbark ECAP Eastern Regional Team Lead - Environmental Coordination & Permitting (ECAP) crivenbark@ncdot.gov Derrick Weaver, PE Unit Head - Environmental Policy Unit dweaver@ncdot.gov Colin Mellor Eastern Regional Team Lead - Divisions 1-6, 8 cmellor@ncdot.gov Ron E. Davenport, PE State Contract Officer rondavenport@ncdot.gov Joseph E. Hummer, PHD, PE State Traffic Management Engineer jehummer@ncdot.gov James H. Dunlop, PE Congestion Management Regional Engineer jdunlop@ncdot.gov H. L. "Drew" Cox, PE Division Engineer – Highway Division 6 hlcox@ncdot.gov William R. Marsh, PE Division Construction Engineer – Highway Division 6 rmarsh@ncdot.gov Darius D. Sturdivant Division Planning Engineer – Highway Division 6 ddsturdivant@ncdot.gov Rick Handlin Division Utility Engineer – Highway Division 6 rhandlin@ncdot.gov Charles S. "Chuck" Miller, Jr. PE Division Maintenance Engineer – Highway Division 6 csmiller@ncdot.gov Karol J. Koval Safety Consultant – Highway Division 6 kjkoval@ncdot.gov Frank D. West, Jr. Division Traffic Engineer – Highway Division 6 fdwest@ncdot.gov Barry W. Gelezinsky County Maintenance Engineer – Highway Division 6 bwgelezinsky@ncdot.gov Darren K. Pittman Division Bridge Maintenance Engineer – Highway Division 6 dpittman@ncdot.gov Kaye D. Baggett Division Agent – Highway Division 6 kdbaggett@ncdot.gov Patrick Flanagan Cape Fear RPO Contact (Columbus County) pflanagan@capefearcog.org Jamal Alavi, PE, CPM Director - Transportation Planning Division jalavi@ncdot.gov Scott Walston, PE, CPM Eastern Piedmont Group Supervisor - Transportation Planning Unit swalston@ncdot.gov Leigh Wing, PE Manager - STIP Eastern Region lmwing@ncdot.gov Heather L. Fulghum Manager - Right of Way Unit hfulghum@ncdot.gov DocuSign Envelope ID: 29B83926-9C00-4B0D-851B-C9CB85E7B72E