HomeMy WebLinkAbout20211369 Ver 1_NEPA Documentation_20210915 ,I.IT op- .4.-'11.;\\`" �I f !�\;a UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS " II f' -ems MARINE CORPS INSTALLATIONS EAST-MARINE CORPS BASE \•. 1,_ -- PSC BOX 20005 ill CAMP LEJEUNE NC 28542-0005 pr s¢ E ri!'FS�14 � 5090 09 Jul 19 From: Director, Environmental Management Division To: Director, Installation Development Division Subj : DECISION MEMORANDUM, CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION; CAMP DAVIS SOUTH MODERNIZATION, P1473, (NEPA LE19061) Ref: (a) IDD REIR of 2 May 19 (b) MCO 5090.2 Encl: (1) REIR (2) Site Maps (3) Applicable Conditions 1. In response to reference (a) , this document satisfies the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) review requirement under reference (b) and qualifies as a categorical exclusion in compliance with 32 C.F.R. 775.6 (f) (35) , which states: (35) Demolition, disposal, or improvements involving buildings or structures when done in accordance with applicable regulations including those regulations applying to removal of asbestos, PCBs, and other hazardous materials. RATIONALE This project will not result in an extraordinary circumstance. 2. The project proposes the following scope as provided by the Action Sponsor: Project includes demolition of existing asphalt and replacement with a mix of new asphalt and concrete ends. The fixed wing runway will be constructed of paved asphalt; two overrun/turnaround/vertical landing pad areas will be constructed of Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) at each runway end to accommodate vertical take-off and landing operations of the MV-22. An asphalt taxiway will also be repaved in the same location to connect the new runway to the existing apron. The current runway dimensions are 4,479'x251'; the new runway dimensions will be 4600'x125', thus reducing the overall paved runway area. The project also includes chain link security fencing, storm drainage improvements to existing infrastructure, and clear-zone tree clearing of -140 AC (see attached map) . 3. This decision memorandum (DM) documents the proper level of environmental review (CATEX) for this project but may not constitute Subj : DECISION MEMORANDUM, CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION; CAMP DAVIS SOUTH MODERNIZATION, P1473, (NEPA LE19061) authority to proceed with implementation of the project. Please carefully review and follow the conditions of this DM listed in Enclosure 3. 4. If the project changes, coordinate with the NEPA Program Manager (451-4542) to determine if this DM continues to cover your proposed action. Accepted r/s J. Baker Receipt Acknowledged Bulfer, Orathai 09 Jul 19 A Enclosure 1: REIR REQUEST FOR ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REVIEW SECTION I - PROPONENT INFORMATION Project Title: CAMP DAVIS SOUTH MODERNIZATION Short Plain English Description of Action: Project modernizes fixed wing Runway 5/23 at Camp Davis, South. Project ID: P1473 Start By Date: 1-Oct-21 End By Date: 1-Oct-23 Activity Sponsor (Unit/Command) : IDD Activity Sponsor POC: O. Bulfer Phone/Fax: 910.451.6449 Activity Sponsor POC (Alternate) : N/A Phone/Fax: N/A Base Location: GSRA Project Required To: Accomplish Military Training Action Will Be Performed By: Contract Project will result in permanent site improvement?: Yes New or Modified Real Estate License Will Be Issued By Base?: N/A Descriptive Information Purpose and Need of Action: The existing asphalt runway has exceeded its useful life and can no longer accommodate either fixed or rotary wing landings due to Foreign Object Debris (FOD) danger. Without proper repairs/modernization, aircraft operations/training will continue to be compromised. Scope of Project: Project includes demolition of existing asphalt and replacement with a mix of new asphalt and concrete ends. The fixed wing runway will be constructed of paved asphalt; two overrun/turnaround/vertical landing pad areas will be constructed of Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) at each runway end to accommodate vertical take-off and landing operations of the MV-22. An asphalt taxiway will also be repaved in the same location to connect the new runway to the existing apron. The current runway dimensions are 4,479'x251 '; the new runway dimensions will be 4600'x125', thus reducing the overall paved runway area. The project also includes chain link security fencing, storm drainage improvements to existing infrastructure, and clear-zone tree clearing of -140 AC (see attached map) . Identify Other Alternatives Considered: N/A Information concerning avoidance, specific best management practices,or mitigation necessary to complete the project: N/A Preferred and Alternative Sites Preferred Site Description: CD-23, Camp Davis South, GSRA. RDD or IDD Comments, Site Approval: Not Applicable Clarify Pending status: : N/A Towers working group coordination (if applicable) : Not Applicable Action Sponsor: N/A Rank: N/A Title: N/A SECTION II - PRELIMINARY ENVIRONMENTAL SURVEY a. AIR QUALITY 1. Will your project involve any of the following?: No (Indicate all that apply, indicate "new" or "modified" as appropriate) : Abrasive Blasting: Landfill: Lime Storage: Open Burning: Painting: Paint Booth: Paint Gun Cleaners: Paint Strippers: Refrigerant Storage Recovery, and/or Recycling: Tanks (ASTs, USTs) : Surface Coating: Welding: Woodworking: Boilers: Generators: Engine Test Stands: Fiberglass Repair: Bulk Chemical Storage (liquid or solid) : Remediation: Rock Climbing: Grinding: Jet Engine Testing: Fuel Dispensing: Parts Oven: Parts Cleaner: Fire Training Pit: Provide proposed construction dates, equipment size, specification, and estimated types. : N/A 2. Will pollution control equipment be involved (e.g.fliter or incinerators)?: No 3. Will the project involve the use of disposal of asbestos?: No 4. Will project cause dust problems either temporarily during construction or over the long term?: No b. LAND QUALITY 1. Number of acres involved? Indicate total project area and total disturbed area. : Existing runway plus 140 AC of tree clearing 2. Will the action require use of earthen fill material? Where will it come from (onsite borrow pit or purchased)?: Yes 3. Will vegetation be cleared? If yes, indicate whether roots will be removed also, or whether vegetation will be cut only to the soil surface without root disturbance. : Yes 4. Will the project increase impervious area by 10,000ft squared or more?: Yes 5. Will wetlands be involved? How many acres? What work will be done in wetlands?' : Yes c. GROUNDWATER QUALITY 1. Does the project involve use of herbicides, insecticides, or pesticides?: Yes 2. Does the project involve installation/use of septic tanks, leach beds, or other on-site disposal of sanitary waste?: No 3. Will there be any wells dug or any excavation deeper than 20 feet?: No 4. Will the project generate or use any toxic or hazardous/waste materials?: No 5. Are there any known Installation Restoration Program (Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act - CERCLA or Resource Conservation Recovery Act - RCRA) sites or hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal (RCRA) facilities within the proposed project area?: No 6. Will there be an increase of solid waste (temporarily or permanently) caused by implementing the project/action?: No 7. Will the project or action be carried out within 100 to 500 feet of a drinking water supply well? If yes, provide distance to nearest drinking water well. : No 8. Does the project require the installation or removal of any petroleum or non-petroleum underground storage tank (UST)?: No d. SURFACE WATER QUALITY 1. Is the project located on or in a water body or adjacent to or in the 100-year flood plain?: No 2. Will the project involve construction of drainage ditches/underground drains for purposes of lowering water table?: No 3. After construction is complete, will petroleum products including fuel, oil and lubricants be routinely stored or used (temporarily or permanently) at the site? : No 4. Does the project require the installation of any petroleum or non- petroleum above ground storage tank (AST)?: No e. NATURAL RESOURCES 1. Will trees be removed?: Yes Amount to be removed: : -140 AC 2. Will shrubs, or other low-growing vegetation be cut?: Yes 3. Will completion of the project result in a change in land use from what is presently shown in the Base Master Plan? : No 4. Will public access for hunting, boating, fishing, ect., be restricted?: No 5. Are there potential effects on any threatened or endangered species?: No 6. Does the project involve the transfer (purchase, sale, lease, easement or otherwise) of any real estate interest?: No f. CULTURAL RESOURCES 1. Are there any known archaeological sites in the area of your project/action?: No 2. Are there any known historic buildings or districts affected by the project/action?: No 3. If known, please contact the Base Archaeologist/Cultural Resources Program Manager for assistance at (910) 451-7230. : g. UTILITIES AND SERVICES 1. Will utilities be required? : No If yes, please list below. : N/A 2. Will modifications to existing utilities be required? : No If yes, please list below. : N/A h. SOCIAL ECONOMIC CONSIDERATIONS 1. Will the project cause an increase/decrease in on-base or off-base military population? : No 2. Will there be any increased demand on a local or state government to provide services? : No 3. Will there be any changes to traffic flow and patterns on or off base?: No 4. Will the project cause noise or safety issues that could potentially impact off-base persons or property either during construction or from the project itself?: No i. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS 1. Are alternative procedures, practices, or technologies available to minimize environmental impact or utility use? : No 2. Are there likely effects on the human environment that: : Explain YES answers here: : b.2. Fi1ll dirt will come from off base. * Impervious > 10, 000 SF * Site clearing * Potential PCC package plant required on-site * Trees and shrubbery removed to maintain clear-zone (no grubbing of trees, RTAM will maintain herbicidal vegetation management after project is BOD'd) . * Wetlands delineation required for 140 AC site * Wetlands may or may not be impacted on actual runway site End of Form Enclosure 2: Site Map Image 1: Project Location .):)04.- c,./ .. f lrr l a Image 2: Wetlands r ,r . }i o t - ,� \\,, , •. ,:F. - "� }' Enclosure 3: Appplicable Conditions AST/UST/IR (Soil) : 1. If contaminants are suspected through odors or visual observation during construction activities, immediately stop work, call 911, and contact EQB at 451-9641 for further instructions. 2. There are no known monitoring wells in the project areas but if an unmarked well is discovered and inadvertently damaged, immediately contact EQB at 451-9641 for further instructions. 3. The former Camp Davis landfill is located in the wooded area proposed for tree clearance (south of the road) . Any solid waste removed from the landfill will need to be properly disposed in accordance with current state and federal regulations. Please note that the base does not have any environmental sampling data associated with the landfill, as it was closed before regulations were established, so it's possible unknown contamination is present within this landfill. Interviews and historic documentation indicated the likely presence of PFAS chemicals associated with former use of AFFF foam in/around the Camp Davis South runway. There is current Navy guidance requiring treatment of and/or off-base disposal of any groundwater contaminated with PFOS/PFOA at concentrations greater than 70parts per trillion (ppt) . Any dewatering activities for this project should consider the cost implications of managing PFAS-contaminated water. Sampling should be conducted before any dewatering activities occur to verify presence/absence and concentrations of PFAS chemicals. In addition, there is a chance that soil near the runway has also been contaminated with PFAS. There are currently no regulations regarding management of PFAS-contaminated soil. However, it's possible new guidance and regulations may be established prior to start of construction. As such, it is recommended that a plan be in place to maintain all soil cuttings on site in close proximity to their original source area (ie, don't move excess cut off site to another part of the base) . For additional information, contact the IR Program Manager at 910-451-9385 (Lejeune IR Program@usmc.mil) . Water Quality Program/ECB: 1. Ensure sediment does not leave a construction site of any size as a result of land-disturbing activities. Coordinate with Water Quality Manager, EQB at 451-9518 and the Storm Water Manager, ECB at 451-9522. 2. This project involves the disturbance of over 5,000 square feet. Therefore, Requirements under Section 438 of the Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA) will be enforced. The policy, directs all DoD construction projects and redevelopment projects with footprints greater than 5, 000 square feet to implement Low Impact Development (LID) techniques to maintain predevelopment hydrology to the maximum extent technically feasible. Coordinate with Water Quality Manager, EQB at 451-9518 or Public Works Division, Operations Branch at 451-0869. 3. This project involves the disturbance of 1 or more acres of land and will require a State approved sedimentation/erosion control plan and stormwater permit. For questions regarding stormwater requirements coordinate with Water Quality Manager, EQB at 451-9518. To coordinate the permit application contact Public Works Division, Design Branch at 451-2213. 4. This project involves addition/construction of 10,000 sqft of impervious surface area. It requires State permitting through the NCDEMLR and the design/construction of approved BMPs (Coastal County Rules) . Coordinate with Water Quality Manager, EQB at 451-9518 and the Storm Water Manager, ECB at 451-9657. 5. This project falls under an existing state issued stormwater permit which may need to be modified. Coordinate with Public Works Design Branch at 451-2213. 6. If additional new built-upon area (BUA) above and beyond the existing amount is proposed, then at a minimum, a high density BMP is required to treat that runoff from the new BUA. If the existing BUA within that drainage area and its runoff cannot be regraded or rerouted, then the proposed BMP must be designed to accommodate all the runoff within its drainage area. A full stormwater permit application will be required. Coordinate with Water Quality Manager, EQB at 451-9518 or Public Works Division, Operations Branch at 451-0896. Coordinate with Public Works Design Branch at 451-2213. 7. All construction must be at least 200 feet from any existing or proposed drinking water supply wells. Air Quality: 1. Ensure that any fugitive dust emissions generated by construction/renovation/demolition are appropriately controlled. AQ program contacts: Robert Lowder, 451-9607 Wetlands: 1. There are delineated, jurisdictional wetland features within the construction area. Project should be designed to avoid impact to wetlands in most recent delineation (expires 11 Dec 2019) . No new delineation required for runway area. All ground disturbance, material staging, and operating vehicles must be avoided in wetlands. 2. No wetlands delineation is required if forest clearing adheres to the attached "Best Management Practices Vegetation Cutting in Wetlands". This includes the use of matting or rubber-tired vehicles, no significant soil disturbance (ie. bulldozing of debris or plowing) , and no placement of materials that effects drainage patterns or fills wetlands. 3. Please contact the wetland SME with any questions at 451-4542. Note 1: In accordance with BO 11013.4E, projects that include construction will require site approval from G-F. Please contact Installation Development Division (IDD) . Note 2: The following EMD Sections reviewed the REIR, replied to it and have no concerns: RTAM, ESO, Cultural Resources, UST