HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW1210901_Stormwater Narrative_20210914Section 1 PROJECT OVERVIEW 1.1 Narrative The Asheville Regional Airport - Parking Lot D project includes the construction of a new parking lot, Lot D, and associated grading, drainage, landscaping and erosion control. This report includes the computations that show compliance with the NCDEQ High Density Project. A Primary SCM (Bioretention Cell) will be used to treat the stormwater runoff from the proposed site. 1.2 Introduction and Site Description The site is located at Asheville Regional Airport in Fletcher, NC, south of Asheville, North Carolina near Airport Road (35° 26' 13.99" N. 82° 32' 8.39"W). The area that includes airport related operations encompasses approximately 580 acres. For a larger vicinity map, see Appendix A. The Asheville Regional Airport Parking Lot D project site is located on an existing pad graded area in the eastern portion of the airport, located along Airport Road. It is just north of the Lot A project under permitting in early 2020. For hydrologic planning purposes, the site is comprised of Hydrologic Soil Group (HSG) B soils. Appendix A contains the NRCS Soil Survey Maps for 0 Asheville Regional a,....a.m Airport 0 m the parking lot. The existing land use of the project is grass, gravel, forest, and impervious. The proposed land use will impervious (parking lot) with a small amount of grass for landscaping. As shown in the FEMA FIRM 3700964300K (January 6, 2010) in Appendix A, the disturbance is not located within 200ft of a FEMA floodplain. 1.3 Construction Sequence and Cost As explained later in the report, a bioretention cell is proposed as a primary stormwater conveyance measure (SCM). The rough outline of the permanent bioretention cell will occur during the grading phase of the project and a portion of it will be used as a temporary sediment trap to protect downstream receiving stormwater systems from construction activity. After the site is stabilized, the sediment trap will be cleaned out and re -graded to final bioretention design grades and the cleanouts and media will be installed. No mechanical stabilization will occur. The cost of the bioretention cell is unknown at this time and will be finalized during bidding. The Asheville Regional Airport will be the end -user and responsible for annual inspection, maintenance and repairs of the system. Section 2.3 discusses the operation and maintenance of the cell. 9 ASHEVILLE REGIONALAIRPORT—PARKING LOT D INITIAL SUBMITTAL: JULY 2021 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT REPORT Section 2 HYDROLOGY 2.1 Project Methodology In order to qualify for a primary Stormwater Conveyance Measure (SCM) for a bioretention area, several minimum design criteria (MDC) must be met. The recommendations will also be met to maximum extent practical. MDC 1 Separation from the SHWT Boring logs for the neighboring parking Lot A did not observe water levels at 10-15ft depths so the season high water table for Lot D is assumed to be similar geology. Therefore, the lowest point of the bioretention cell shall be a minimum of two feet above the SHWT. MDC 2 Maximum Ponding Depth for Design Volume The maximum ponding depth for the bioretention cell is 12 inches. See plans with spillways between each cell at the 12 inch depth. MDC 3 Peak Attenuation Volume The maximum depth of the entire cell is 24 inches for peak attenuation. See plans with spillways at the 12 inch depth and the overall dam height of 24 inches. MDC 4 Underdrain An underdrain with internal water storage is designed. See plan view on SW-01 and details on SW-03 showing the underdrain location and details MDC 5 Media Depth The media depth is 36 inches, see detail on SW-03 showing media depth. MDC 6 Media Mix The media shall be a homogeneous soil mix engineered media blend with approximate volumes of: (a) 75 to 85 percent medium to coarse washed sand (ASTM C33, AASHTO M 6/M 80, ASTM C330, AASHTO M195, or the equivalent) (b) 8 to 15 percent fines (silt and clay); and (c) 5 to 10 percent organic matter (such as pine bark fines). See detail on SW-03 showing media mix. MDC 7 Media P-Index The phosphorus index (P-index) for the media shall not exceed 30 in NSW waters as defined in 15A NCAC 02B .0202 and shall not exceed 50 elsewhere. MDC 8 No Mechanical Compaction The media shall not be mechanically compacted. It is recommended to either water it or walk on it as it is placed. This note is on the detail, sheet SW-03. MDC 9 Maintenance of Media The bioretention cell shall be maintained in a manner that results in a drawdown of at least one 4 ASHEVILLE REGIONAL AIRPORT- PARKING LOT D INITIAL SUBMITTAL: JULY 2021 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT REPORT inch per hour at the planting surface. This is accomplished by not installing until the end of the project phase, installing the correct soil type as outlined above, and not mechanically compacting. MDC 10 Planting Plan A planting plan can be found in Appendix C3 by Landart. MDC 11 Mulch Because the bioretention cell is covered in vegetation, triple shredded hardwood mulch shall be used in the bottom 12 inches. Mulch shall be placed two to four inches deep. MDC 12 Clean -Out Pipes A minimum of one clean -out pipe shall be provided on each underdrain line. Clean out pipes shall be capped. As seen on plan and details, sheets SW-01 through SW-03, there are 5 cleanouts in the bioretention cell. Recommendation 1 Dispersed Flow or Energy Dissipation The parking lot runoff will enter the bioretention via sheet flow from the parking lot surface. Recommendation 2 Pretreatment Runoff from the parking lot flows over 8 inches of gravel followed by 3ft of sod, as seen on Detail on SW-03. The Rational Method was used for the parking lot design on the development. The Intensity Duration Frequency (IDF) curve for Fletcher, NC below was used for the calculations: a& Comm) 21m 21m 111 % 1�00 Is W -1 •; 15_DO 15= 2k-yf 1Z00 WE WyF sm am S_YF 6_00 G-W 2-VIr 3Lw 3-00 •;I i" 0m - 0.00 0 5 10 1s 20 M 30 35 40 16 W % W T� (EM) The following runoff coefficients were also used for hydraulic (storm inlet, pipe) analysis of Lot A: c = 0.30 (Grass, HSG B) c = 0.50 (Gravel, HSG B) c = 0.95 (Impervious area) 5 ASHEVILLE REGIONAL AIRPORT- PARKING LOT D INITIAL SUBMITTAL: JULY 2021 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT REPORT 2.2 Drainage & Erosion Control Design Because the parking lot sheet flows, there is no drainage (pipes, inlets, channels) designed on this project. Erosion Control design and calcs can be found in Appendix C. 2.3 Operation and Maintenance Manual The bioretention area requires maintenance in order to work properly. An O&M plan has been developed and can be found in Appendix D. 2.4 Design Software and Manuals The following design software programs were used in analysis and development of the stormwater and documents: • Hydraflow Hydrographs for AutoCAD Civil 3D 2019 • Hydraflow Storm Sewers for Auto CAD Civil 3D 2017 • AutoCAD Civil 3D 2018 • Microsoft Office 2017 The following design manuals and literature were used in analysis and development of the stormwater documents: • NCDEQ Stormwater Design Manual— 2017 Edition 6 ASHEVILLE REGIONALAIRPORT-PARKING LOT D INITIAL SUBMITTAL: JULY 2021 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT REPORT