HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG551384_NOV-2021-PC-0438_20210827b O' COOPLR ELILAI3E 1'H S RISER S DANIEL SMMI fH CERTIFIED MAiL # 7017 2680 0000 2236 8129 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Thomasine P. Williams 3515 Delmar Drive Durham, NC 27703 NOR tH C.A.ROLItf-, Environmental Quality August 27, 2021 Subject: NOTICE OF VIOLATION Tracking Number: NOV-202 I -PC-0438 Compliance Evaluation Inspection Single Family Wastewater Treatment System NPDES General Permit NCG550000 Certificate of Coverage NCG551384 Facility Name: 3515 Delmar Drive Durham County Dear Thomasine Williams: On April 28, 2021, Jane Bernard from the Raleigh Regional Office visited your single-family residence (SFR) wastewater treatment system to evaluate compliance with the subject General NPDES Permit. I would like to thank Mr. Joseph Jones for his assistance during this inspection. Our records indicate the treatment system consists of a septic tank. sub -surface sand filter, tablet chlorinator, discharge pipe. General NPDES Permit NCG550000 and Certificate of Coverage (COC) NCG551384 authorize the discharge of domestic wastewater from your treatment system to receiving waters designated as an unnamed tributary (UT) to Little Lick Creek (classified WS-IV; NSW) in the Neuse River Basin. The authorized discharge is in accordance with the effluent limits and monitoring requirements established within the General Permit. The items below show what conditions were noted at your facility: The following violations were present and on -going on the site: 1. Operation, Maintenance & Records: The wastewater treatment system shall be maintained at all times to prevent seepage of sewage to the surface of the ground. At the time ofthis compliance inspection the following items needed repairs/attention. a. The chlorinator did not have chlorine tablets in the tubes. b. The chlorinator had several inches ofsolids/sludge accumulation. See photo 1. c. The solidslsludge traveled into the receiving ditch. See photo 2. d. There was no existing record to determine the last time the septic tank tivas pumped. 2. Pumping the septic tank: You are required to inspect the septic tank at least yearly to determine if solids must be removed or if other maintenance is necessary. Septic tanks should be pumped out every five years or when the solids level is found to be more than 113 of the liquid depth in the septic tank compartment, whichever is greater. '.ra tit Carolina Dch.r t• • nt of UPr;ronmcni d lZtialn} ri , .. on •1 WJter Rc,r,u•; , R:.leiyh Rc'y,onal l>(h e t800 ES.,rrett fit r'e FZ_ leic)h. North Carolina (o(19 it19 1' I -t 00 a. A pumping company can check the status periodically and determine when pumping is required. This issue was addressed in the August 18, 2017 inspection report. Within 30-days of receiving this letter, please send a copy of the most recent receipt/invoice to this office showing the date the septic tank was last checked and/or pumped out. The General NPDES Permit requires the pennittee to retain records associated with sewage disposal activities for a period of at least 5 years. 3. Chlorine tablets in the chlorinator: Part 1, Section D (1) of General NPDES Permit NCG550000 requires the permittee to inspect the tablet chlorinator weekly to ensure there is an adequate supply of tablets for continuous and proper operation. Section D (4) requires the permittee to maintain all system components, including...disinfection units...at all times and in good operating order. a. The inspector did not observe any chlorine tablets in the chlorinator. There were no tablets on site. This issue was addressed in the August 18, 2017 inspection report. Please ensure the correct type of tablets are used and maintained in the chlorinator as required by the General NPDES Permit. Submit the receipt to the Raleigh Regional Office (RRO) within 30 days of this letter. 4. Analyzing the effluent: Part 1. C., Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Requirements, within General Permit NCG550000 requires a permittee to sample and analyze the effluent leaving his/her treatment system prior to discharge annually. Please collect a representative sample of the effluent, have it analyzed by a certified commercial laboratory and submit the results to this office no later than December 31, 2021. In the last inspection letter dated August 18, 2017, you were requested to sample your effluent and to submit the analytical results to this office. The Raleigh Regional Office has not received the requested results. Failure to monitor the effluent discharge as required is a violation of NPDES General Permit NCGSS0000. 5. Discharge outlet location. The permittee is required to conduct a visual review of the outfall location at least twice each year (one at the time of sampling) to ensure that no visible solids or other obvious evidence of system malfunctioning is observed. Any visible signs of a malfunctioning system shall be documented and steps taken to correct the problem. The discharge pipe was visible and accessible the day of the inspection. The visual review of the outfall location shows visible solids in several feet of the receiving ditch. See photo 2. Requested Response The Division requests that the Pennittee secure an engineer to inspect your existing system and determine what repairs are needed and/or components need replacing; discontinuing the discharge of raw waste and to ensure that the system functions as intended and meets the conditions of your permit, including meeting the effluent monitoring limits contained in the permit. Please do this within 30 days and submit a written response to this office detailing how you will ensure in a timely manner that the system is in full compliance of the permit conditions and functions as intended. If the engineer determines that any part of the system needs to be repaired or replaced, the Pennittee should inform this office. The components that are required when replacing a system are included in Section A of Part I of the general permit. Before construction begins, an Authorization to Constrict (ATC) must be secured from the DWR. To apply for an ATC, you are required to submit the following: a. A letter of request for an ATC to Charles Weaver, NPDES Permitting Unit, Division of Water Quality, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617. b. Plans and specifications of the proposed sandfilter system in triplicate. Plans and specifications must be drawn and submitted by a licensed North Carolina professional engineer. If you believe that the system is functioning properly, please provide recent effluent monitoring results that demonstrate that the system is in compliance. This may be accomplished by contacting a certified lab (attached) to perform this analysis and submit the results to this office on or before December 31, 2121. The parameter monitoring limits can be found in Section A of Part I of the general permit and in Attachment B of this letter. This inspection report is being issued as a Notice of Violation because the system appears to be failing. The amount of sludge/solid accumulation in the chlorinator, at the discharge pipe and in the ditch indicates a failure. �DEQ North 11.111 r Lm ronmcnt rlQual+t} Unr.wnof lAtaterRc, • r,c, h.,h u'+ Rey:c. ,d On L +0.9 /91.1200 5800 [So, r e:! t Drive Raleigh Nor th C,.,r ohna 2 ion') Within 30-days receipt of this letter, please submit a written response to this office indicating the actions you will take or have taken to comply with or resolve the issues noted in items 1 through 5 above. If you have questions or comments about this inspection or the requirements to take corrective action (if applicable), then please contact Jane Bernard at (919) 791-4233. Sincerely, —DocuSigned by Vai a SSX f. htolvu't,t `— B2916E A 144r Vanessa t . Manuel, Assistant Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Raleigh Regional Office Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ Attachment(s): EPA Water Compliance Inspection Report Photos 1 and 2 Installers and Engineers Cc: RRO/SWP Files Laserfiche (without attachments) North Carolina Department of Einv€rt F cnt:lQua!it} Division of 4' a;er-Rc,otrrccs Ro!eiyir Regional (lltic:e 500l4arrctt Drive : Raleigh. North C.iro!ino L7ti(9 c!19.7•)1..42.00 Thomasine Williams NCG551384 - April 12, 2021 r Photo 1- Chlorinators, no tablets, appeared to be covered in solids/sludge. Photo 2 solids/sludge at discharge pipe. United States Environmental Protection Agency E PA Washington, D.C. 20460 Water Compliance Inspection Report Form Approved. OMB No. 2040-0057 Approval expires 8-31-98 A Section A: National Data System Coding (i.e., PCS) Transaction 1 'r,1 ' Code 2 Li NPDES yr/molday Inspection Type Inspector Fac 3 I NCG551384 111 121 21/04/28 117 18 I t 19 I c I 201 Type I 211I11I1 mIIIIi1F1IIII111I I1IiI11111I1i1111 P6 Inspection 67 Work Days ( Facility Self -Monitoring 1 701 I Evaluation Rating 71' B1 ty ( 72 QA 1 ti_ l ----------•---Reserved------------------ I 1 731 1 174 7 1 11 ( I I I 180 Section B: Facility Data Name and Location of Facility Inspected (For Industrial Users discharging to POTW, also include POTW name and NPDES permit Number) 3515 Delmar Drive 3515 Delmar Dr Durham NC 27703 Entry Time/Date 09:50AM 21/04/28 Permit Effective Date 13/08/01 Exit Time/Date 11:15AM 21/04/28 Permit Expiration Date 18/07/31 Name(s) of Onsite Representative(s)/Titles(s)/Phone and Fax Number(s) /// Other Facility Data Name, Address of Responsible OfficiaUlitle/Phone and Fax Number Contacted Thomasine P Williams,3515 Delmar Or Durham NC 27703//919-596-6952/ No Section C: Areas Evaluated During Inspection (Check only those areas evaluated) III Other Section D: Summary of Finding/Comments (Attach additional sheets of narrative and checklists as necessary) (See attachment summary) Name(s) and Signature(s) of Inspector(s) Agency/Office/Phone and Fax Numbers Date Jane Bernard DWR/Non Discharge Compliance Unit/919-791-4200/ qc,4_,Nr-......g.... \ Bp 3I ..J Signature of Management Q A Reviewer Agency/Office/Phone and Fax Numbers Date DocuSigned by: 1 DWR/WQROS-RRO/919-791-4232 8/26/2021 \/a(A.LSSa f. A1.abui t,L EPAe-ormsje a.F(Rev 9-94) Previous editions are obsolete. Page# NPDES yr/mo/day 31 NCG551384 111 121 21/04 28 117 Inspection Type 18u (Cont.) 1 Section D: Summary of Finding/Comments (Attach additional sheets of narrative and checklists as necessary) The following violations were present and on -going on the site: 1. Operation, Maintenance & Records: The wastewater treatment system shall be maintained at all times to prevent seepage of sewage to the surface of the ground. At the time of this compliance inspection the following items needed repairs/attention. a. The chlorinator did not have chlorine tablets in the tubes. b. The chlorinator had several inches of solids/sludge accumulation. See photo 1. c. The solids/sludge traveled into the receiving ditch. See photo 2. d. There was no existing record to determine the last time the septic tank was pumped. 2. Pumping the septic tank: You are required to inspect the septic tank at least yearly to determine if solids must be removed or if other maintenance is necessary. Septic tanks should be pumped out every five years or when the solids level is found to be more than 1/3 of the liquid depth in the septic tank compartment, whichever is greater. a. A pumping company can check the status periodically and determine when pumping is required. This issue was addressed in the August 18, 2017 inspection report. Within 30-days of receiving this letter, please send a copy of the most recent receipt/invoice to this office showing the date the septic tank was last checked and/or pumped out. The General NPDES Permit requires the permittee to retain records associated with sewage disposal activities for a period of at least 5 years. 3. Chlorine tablets in the chlorinator: Part 1, Section D (1) of General NPDES Permit NCG550000 requires the permittee to inspect the tablet chlorinator weekly to ensure there is an adequate supply of tablets for continuous and proper operation. Section D (4) requires the permittee to maintain all system components, including...disinfection units...at all times and in good operating order. a. The inspector did not observe any chlorine tablets in the chlorinator. There were no tablets on site. This issue was addressed in the August 18, 2017 inspection report. Please ensure the correct type of tablets are used and maintained in the chlorinator as required by the General NPDES Permit. Submit the receipt to the Raleigh Regional Office (RRO) within 30 days of this letter. 4. Analyzing the effluent: Part 1. C., Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Requirements, within General Permit NCG550000 requires a permittee to sample and analyze the effluent leaving his/her treatment system prior to discharge annually. Please collect a representative sample of the effluent, have it analyzed by a certified commercial laboratory and submit the results to this office no later than December 31, 2021. In the last inspection letter dated August 18, 2017, you were requested to sample your effluent and to submit the analytical results to this office. The Raleigh Regional Office has not received the requested results. Failure to monitor the effluent discharge as required is a violation of NPDES General Permit NCG550000. 5. Discharge outlet location. The permittee is required to conduct a visual review of the outfall location at least twice each year (one at the time of sampling) to ensure that no visible solids or other obvious evidence of system malfunctioning is observed. Any visible signs of a malfunctioning system shall be documented and steps taken to correct the problem. The discharge pipe was visible and accessible the day of the inspection. The visual review of the outfall location shows visible solids in several feet of the receiving ditch. See photo 2. Page# 2