HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-02768_Well Construction - GW1_20210512 WELL CONSTRUMON R'QRD P�.ir[sat�ltIsct}NLl`:
'this form wn beuxd rw S71mb av mwlivk weva;
1.'V4W Garin etorlurarmatlon:
tx ttc
Dylan Fierst room 1 10 n 1F"9y
ft. ft.
NG Won CaaorCartiftiouNnnties AM tici
SASDACCO Inc 0 h. 241 } 2° ! ie. SCE-40 PVC
+tnpnt Nam6' t>Y tt: lid ";''Mivrts`d!"�thedaaa
2.V01100nhtmetka Permit t WM0301057 ft. it.
Liu llaaptirum,ugtlpffne,Y(ir.County.Starr,Variam llyTeC60%W)
3.Wdl Usc-(ehcstc well m") f?sS. '
Water Supply%Vdl: FROM, T1D A1AAfP.XRR -STATS17F 7114 AfA1r£R1At;
DAgriculturAl Ciivintlit[paii/iLtbliC 24' ft. 34' ft 2" ia' 010 S01-40 PVC
DGeo hermal(H ati poling S' Wp ') DReMdent%1 Rf=Sty Jp fsingie) ftL f]
Oindustrial/Comttmrial C1Residential Water S11
ppfi'(shared) i Fttort T!t MATHWAL UffitAc0immmlon�4 A4Iotncr
13hTigation 0 ft. 20, ii Portland Injected
Non-tiitater:Supply Well:
mmonitorin ❑1tt�oir tt. A.
CaA.gaHctlteeharge OGmvtd +tcriieditttiot+ tl.; `
FROM tA7ttRfAt; htacas+trvr ri
(Moler$tonc arid R,CfLt1vl OSalinftygarrict 22' ft. 34 ft. Gravel/sand #2
OAgoiferText OS omm`atrrDMintlgC
DEVer mcnial TMbno ogy OSttbsidmcc Oavitml tt. ft.
'3ti,.t►Rff `tr"LtJ6(tittticNttl `itY` StT;°"
13C"dlletnt d Posed loop) OT Rcer R.0 M, 1 01 CIUMON c1!Miarrdn e Mft1t IT Ft ff 0*
OGeotherml(HotingX02ag Retum ❑other ain under#21 Retn#W k n.
fr. fL
4.DatCWell(a)CDmple"- 4-21-21 Weil<1D#MK-ll
U.Well l oeatirmt 1�
Merchant's Metals tt, tL EE
F®Cft,o"=rraw ThCitih 1DR(ita3lplibic) ft, tt. MAY 12
165 Fanjoy Rd., Statesville, NC, 28625
Ph}�sira!trddrtss Cin:and Zip T t l! __....-: : . 77: i113
Iredell Beatosita seal from 201-'22' , �^1?�r}
Cx��iett_r° i',alsdtderitlla~iltonl�er,(f'i�f)
Sh.U t do and Unghode in dc9MC%%1M tW,-t c6ndsor decimal ei€gr r 22.Certifxl�ttinn:
6twell fietd,Ole t Mwv is sditekfd)
35.763715 T -80.824601 �y 4/27/2021
Si4mttiiafCcttitfQd Wrdf Coanlmetnr :Date
6.is iar0 thewelf(s): :OPertmaneot or OTenrporary lj�Amara 1ha f— 1 hrntV t1enifi thm thr*V1ks7 MW fwrrr)bman wod in r,
v1A IJA WCAC 02C.CVM or IM NCAC 02C MOP RIM Ce m0wr6on StaWdrds and Owe
7.L+t#Eti skmpdirto*nod.-iOn;wdl: Mts or IMNo e"Mcftkir*W01dh"bV-Mpm-111*41os16caV114ft9Wf.
ljtika'i tt a repttr.,}lll out h WIM u,,rlle'otar I"to"t4ortlumw dRd ew(ahl 0V owwre of drr
rrpnrlrrerrdrrt l rerneroEs secliaa,/ir.rm tl�r brirL of"ahir form 23.Site diagnm 1r additionalwdl detASi
You snap use ttte bock;"af ft ppge 40.ptttlift addl6onal 4VU site tteWIS or well
&Numberof nvils awns cted: 1 constructiondetaits. You MAY alSO tittaeh additional page ifftwasaly.
For aratrllrte kJertknl ar Ran-uwet,r goy wits ONLY ntth the aermeWtrstrurtlelr,,,WV4" ��1R1►t1"CfA 1NgTttCTtEtNS
S.Totai rrdt4epth bciew land suriaoe: 34 Ct1P,1 2itfiv r Ali Wcils: Subtttit this tams tiviftttn 3U days of aougtietlon of nrti
For sowfi*Atli 4 1,1114VVAS rfdorew tvrM{i tw t 0,3M,error20-jaw) Ctmstrttcti4ri to the fhttowing;
lb.Static water Inn below tots of easIV {l4,) DIV Eaton ref rater awurtes.Information Prods"Unit,
effJymJ1r kM s rnr edthq 1617MaHSCenter,Rateigh,XC.2760461f
It.13nt cltnlc dismettu:e.2 5^ (lti) 24b.Pttr tnircttor We1tc ONLY, Jn adtilition to st=ndittg the form to t1v address in
24a abase.also submit a Dopy of this fours u-bb n 30 days of Completion of well
32,y1'e#i sirtfl5tt7tCtl0t1 tncthod: 4.25° ESA 0onstructi n to the foilo,%ing:
tic:aawg�ta.raiat .c�bisgdueet�sstced►
Dhiston of Watcrltttyes,�YTrtdtvgrouod,tnjccdoa Conttit7➢nugr>am;
FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS.ONLY 1636 Mail Sew ice Geller,Reldo,INC.376"4636
t3tt,Yidd(rpm) Method oft Z4c fi r WatczSatnalr 14cln�oet#ad Wells:
Allso:Submit one coif of t6ts i06 M'tthtn 3{l dapaof cantpieti0n of
13b Dlsinfo ton try Aatotmt, M.eit con,�trction to the count}health dqm tment of the CMMI�.whm
constructed. i
FMMG%V-t NDrihL rrob= tmrnioffmimuTmmaWt'tarwWRmu=s-Diti-"norwotarttmLroG iic�iscayAt tLCt2613